IT 650 SNHU DBMS Research and Recommendation Final Project Milestone Three Writing Assignment Help. IT 650 SNHU DBMS Research and Recommendation Final Project Milestone Three Writing Assignment Help.
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Research the various database management system (DBMS) products available for your scenario and compare the top contenders to highlight similarities and differences. Analyze these database products for their appropriate uses, strengths, and weaknesses in comparison with the needs of your organization. Recommend and defend the best DBMS product(s) for fully addressing the broad, high-level technological and operational needs of the organization. Recommend and justify needed software and hardware to fully meet operational applications in various departments. These will supplement the DBMS product you recommend to fully meet specific needs or requirements left open by the DBMS product.
IT 650 SNHU DBMS Research and Recommendation Final Project Milestone Three Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
New York University Etiology General Discussion Post Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a public health discussion question and need support to help me learn.
How is etiology defined in regards to mental health issues? In community planning, why is it important to assess the community with evidence-based reasoning rather than by “gut” or emotional feelings? What are the consequences of emotional etiology or lack of knowledge of risk factors when assessing a community for risk factors?
Read “Long-Term Sustainability of Evidence-Based Prevention Interventions and Community Coalitions Survival: A five and one-half year follow-up study,” by Johnson et al., from Prevention Science (2017).
South University Management Leadership Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
Your manager has asked you to develop training materials to help employees understand the role of leadership within your organization. You will need to deliver this training via webinar for remote staff. Your manager expects you to be polished and ready to deliver a professional webinar and has asked you to submit a recording for her review before the live event. Use the Internet to research the topics for this webinar.
You will create a PowerPoint slide show with narration and speaker’s notes for your webinar, using your speaker’s notes to guide you and Kaltura to record your screen. Make time to practice!
- Prepare by reviewing these resources about using PowerPoint, creating effective presentations, and recording with Kaltura:
- PowerPoint Help & Training/Intro to PowerPoint/Create a Presentation.
- PowerPoint Training/Present Slideshows/Use Presenter View.
- Top 10 Slide Tips.
- Top 10 Best Practices When Using PowerPoint for Presentations.
- Creating and Submitting Video Assignments Using the Kaltura Desktop App.
Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation of four to eight slides (one or two slides per topic) in which you discuss each of the following leadership training topics:
- Leadership Style and Impact: Assess the three key elements of a leadership style and the impact that those elements can make on business success. Provide background for your answer and support for your rationale in your speaker’s notes.
- Motivation: Determine two key ways in which a leader can motivate employees to achieve their goals for the organization. Provide background for your answer and support for your rationale in your speaker notes.
- Managerial Communication: Give three recommendations for a leader to articulate their vision for the company to employees and other stakeholders. Provide background for your answer and support for your rationale in your speaker’s notes.
- Hiring Leaders: Prepare your webinar participants for the hiring process by asking them to assume they have received a résu​mé from a candidate to join your organization as a leader. Describe at least two criteria you would use to evaluate whether an applicant’s leadership style is a good fit for your organization. Provide background for your answer and support for your rationale in your speaker’s notes.
Columbia Southern University Female Cancer and Other Illnesses in the Fire Service Paper Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Research Proposal Paper Part II
In this assignment, you will finish the process of formally documenting your research proposal. Update and expand the weaker areas of your existing paper based on your professor’s feedback from your Unit V submission, and assemble the following elements:
- Title page
- Table of contents
- Introduction to the issue
- Problem statement
- Purpose statement
- Research questions/hypotheses
- Background and significance
- Provide background of the problem.
- How is it relevant to your fire department or the fire service?
- Why is this study needed?
- Literature review
- This is more than just an annotated bibliography!
- Write a critical examination of the major issues of your topic.
- Procedures/Research Methods
- Document the detailed and logical steps you will take to complete your study.
- Who is your study population?
- Will a sample or the total population be used?
- How will you collect data?
- How will you maintain participant confidentiality (if appropriate)?
- Result/Summary/Conclusion
ACC Development Attachment and Introduction to Psychology Chapters Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
In order to successfully complete this module you will need to do the following:
1. Read chapters 7 (Development), 5 (Sensation/Perception), 8 (Learning), and 9 (Memory) in the textbook.
2. Submit at least two postings on the Module 2 Discussion Board that directly addresses the questions posed by the instructor. Each posting must be at least 150 words long. Your posting cannot be a question and it must reflect your own thoughts (no quotes and no re-writing someone else’s post)
3. Watch all videos posted in Module 2. Select two of the videos to complete the following assignment: Write two summaries of the two videos that include specific facts and information you learned in the videos. You must state these facts in your own words in an essay format (complete, grammatically correct sentences, correct capitalization, punctuation, and spelling). Re-writing sections of the word of the video byword is NOT acceptable and will result in a score of 0 for the assignment. The summary must be based only on the videos and must be factually correct (as is stated in the videos). Each one of the two summaries must be at least 300 words long.
Questions posed by the instructor:
Question 1: Please describe your thoughts on how children’s temperament and attachment style (secure vs. insecure) work together in helping children develop into emotionally and socially competent adults.
Question 2: Please share your ideas about how the principles of classical and operant conditioning can be useful in parenting children. Give specific examples of parenting strategies that use the principles of operant and/or classical conditioning.
you can find the book at the link below:
Once the web page opens, in the menu on the right-hand side, click on Get This Book and choose the option Readable, and click on Download PDF. Please allow several minutes for the text to download.
HIST 310 American Military University Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a history discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.
We will be discussing the topics of the Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide, as well as the development of totalitarian regimes in Europe. Please select one of the provided questions below.
1. What similarities and differences are there in the motivation, implementation, governments, people, and outcomes of the different genocides that took place in the first half of the 20th century?
2. Considering the debate between historians following the PBS documentary, what issues surround genocide denial? Why does the word “genocide” matter? What are the politics of the word “genocide?” Who should define what is genocide? Should Genocide Denial be illegal?
HIST 310 American Military University Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
NRS 433V Grand Canyon University Evaluating Qualitative Research Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Discussion response 150-200 words and no reference required.
1 – Qualitative research creates Mountains of Words. No matter how large or small the project, the qualitative methodology depends primarily upon eliciting self-reports from subjects or observations made in the field that are transcribed into field notes. Even a small qualitative project easily generates thousands of words. Major ethnographic projects easily generate millions of words. Fortunately, recent advances in computer technology and software have made it possible to manage these mountains of words more efficiently. At every step of conducting research using qualitative methods, researchers and research teams face daunting problems of how to organize, collect, manage, store, retrieve, analyze, and give meaning to the information obtained during qualitative research. Qualitative research produces a variety of data, from a variety of sources. Data sources may be personal interviews (written or recorded), surveys, questionnaires, official documents, or observation notes. To complicate matters, more often than not, there are numerous respondents, or participants and multiple researchers. To extricate and code data from multiple data sources can be difficult but made much easier if the data is organized appropriately. There are some strategies to organize qualitative research. Review the entire data set so that themes or patterns and assign letters, numbers, or symbols to designate categories. Like responses on a particular topic can be grouped together, thereby making item analysis easier. Create a code table so that code can be consistent and readily accessible for multiple researchers. When conducting qualitative research, it is preferable to use multiple researchers so that a variety of perspectives are considered in data analysis. Separate the data into the groups, themes, patterns, or other categories. Once the data set has been coded the data can be grouped according to the code. This will also make data analysis and discussion easier. The discussion and analysis can then focus on independent themes that are noted in the data. Organize survey data by question, respondent, or sub-topic. It is important to organize survey data so that it can be easily analyzed. One method of organization is to separate the data according to the question, respondent category, or sub-topic. It may be desirable to group all responses for question one together, question twos together, and so on. On the other hand, it may be more efficient to group data by topic. Grouping data may facilitate the emergence of developing themes or patterns in the data set. Using the graphical method or chart method, this can help them to separate each task and categorize them in a chart as a barcode or as a graphical curvature representing the entire study of the data in a comprised form.
2 – A way to manage the data is to develop a data dictionary file that includes dates, locations, defining individual or group characteristics, interviewer characteristics, and other defining features. This method individualizes the data yet groups it together. The data you have collected can be easily accessed by searching using one of the categories listed. This allows for easy access and the ability to locate data quickly.
Another way to manage data is by condensing it. This is the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, and abstracting the data at the time of the original observation, then condensing the data into a data set that can be analyzed. When the decision is made to condense data, there must be clear rules established and supervision to maintain the integrity of the research. It is especially important to have qualified individuals analyzing and recording the data collected. If they are not professionally trained it can cause disorganization and missed data.
3- Qualitative data has been described as voluminous and sometimes overwhelming to the researcher. Discuss two strategies that would help a researcher manage and organize the data.
Qualitative research produces a variety of data from various sources. Data sources may be derived from interviews (written or recorded), surveys, questionnaires, official documents and observation notes. Organization is the key strategy for qualitative data. Organization is very important to research study. Qualitative research can be a long-form written questionnaire that explore the subjects experience of certain social situations or psychology response to stimuli. These long-form instructed responses can give deeper insight into any emotional response from subjects adding a deeper depth to the academic research(Trint,2020).
Two strategies that can be used for qualitative data:
1.Organization: Create a code table or choose a clear file naming system for the data. Data can be organized by separating the data into subtopics like questions, respondent category, follow a clear filing name.
2.Code transcribe data: Researchers often use data that is transcribed by recording or written recorded notes. Coding the data is important due to the source of data is labeled for readily and easily access of the data and details the source of the data (Bradley, n.d.).
4 – The volume of data to support qualitative research has become almost unmanageable. Green and Johnson outlined the meta analysis technique of organizing data within a qualitative study. As the name of the process implies, this is a larger grouping and collection of large amounts of data (Green, & Johnson, 2018). Taking this process further, the PRISMA technique can be used to further refine what was identified in the meta analysis. PRISMA stands for, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (Vrabal, 2015). This process has a 27 item checklist to outline what needs to take place during the process. The PRISMA process is conducted to improve the accuracy of reports produced from meta-analyses by describing steps taken to minimize bias while looking at the abstract data and the analyzing interventions effects during a study (Vrabal, 2015).
Another technique to managing the data in a qualitative study is designing a data dictionary. When this technique is used, files are generated by date, locations, group characteristics, interviewing characteristics or another method that the author feels is necessary (Wolff, Mahoney, Lohiniva, & Corkum, 2020). If recordings of any type are included, the fidelity of the analyses needs to be conducted and if data analysis software is used the versions of the software need to be maintained (Wolff, Mahoney, Lohiniva, & Corkum, 2020). There are several different methods of organizing data from qualitative studies, but it is imperative to document the technique that is used, in the event that it needs to be evaluated by other parties.
- 5.2 – Ethnography is a method aimed at examination of cultural behaviors. Researchers using ethnography seek to understand cultural behaviors and the reasons behind them on a deeper level. The researcher may deeply immerse themselves in the culture being observed. Data is often collected through participant observations and key informant interviews (Polit & Beck, 2017). Phenomenology provides an approach that allows researchers to better understand a person’s lived experiences. Through this method, researchers attempt to gain a deeper understanding of significant phenomena in life. Data is usually collected through extensive interviews and conversations with study subjects. Sample sizes are generally small when this methodology is used (Polit & Beck, 2017). Grounded theory is an approach that allows for researchers to consider phenomena of significance to nursing. The aim is to understand actions taken in an area by those who are involved in performing the actions. This methodology has led to the development of many middle-range, or narrower, practice-related nursing theories (Polit & Beck, 2017).. Phenomenology research and grounded theory research are presented together because one is an extension of the other, and they use very similar data collection methods. The difference is that phenomenology begins with a research question, and grounded theory is conducted to discover a research question for testing. Phenomenology is a philosophical perspective as well as an approach to qualitative methodology. It is concerned with human experience and perception. It wants to know how individuals understand the world. It does not intend 1) explanation, 2) generalization, and 3) theorization. As it considers every individual experiences the similar phenomena uniquely and knowledge of an experience remains with the person who goes through it. Therefore, to know contents or essences of experience, one who has gone through, the researcher has 4) to bracket with the first person by shunning his own knowledge and experience. Grounded Theory intends 1) to develop theory about phenomena of interest. Theory is not abstract it has to be grounded in qualitative data and 2) observations as third person. It involves Coding for both categorizing qualitative data and for describing the implications and details of these categories. Initially one does open coding, considering the data in minute detail while developing some initial categories. Later, one moves to more selective coding where one systematically codes with respect to a core concept. It emphasise 3) memoingis a process for recording the thoughts and ideas of the researcher as they evolve throughout the study. They might be concept maps or directed graphs or even simple cartoons that can act as summarizing devices. This integrative work is best done in group sessions where different members of the research team are able to interact and share ideas to increase insight. An example of phenomenology is studying the green flash that sometimes happens just after sunset or just before sunrise. This is the example of grounded theory. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and potentially modify or expand a previously developed theory: Intentionality: The Matrix of Healing (IMH) using a sample of men in nursing. A modified grounded theory approach described by Chen and Boore (2009) and by Amsteus (2014). Twelve men in nursing were recruited. Each was interviewed at least once and their feedback solicited to determine the accuracy of interpretation. Results were compared and contrasted to those obtained from the earlier research with six female nurses and their patients. Both groups viewed intentionality as different from, and greater than, intention. Intentionality reflects the whole person’s values, goals, and experiences. The men emphasized the importance of reflective spiritual practices, developing self-awareness, being aware of the stress experienced by males in a female profession, and the role of action in manifesting intentionality in healing. The theory is substantiated with minor changes in emphases. Further study is warranted to expand the understanding of this basic concept in nursing and healing.
6.2 Qualitative research comprises three types of research, ethnographic, phenomenological and grounded theory. An ethnography investigates the behaviors of a specific culture and the reasons for those behaviors (Green & Johnson, 2018). The data that is gathered is from interviews of cultural members and first-hand observations (Green & Johnson, 2018). To obtain this type of data the researcher needs to deeply immerse themselves into the culture (Green & Johnson, 2018). An example of an ethnography was conducted by Bayuo, where he documented his own reflections on caring for inmates and the complexity of providing care to incarcerated people and the dichotomy of those two actions. Although this is a unique example of an ethnography, he does examine why he did what he did and conducted objective analysis (Bayuo, 2018).
Another form of qualitative research is grounded theory, where researchers investigate phenomena (Green & Johnson, 2018). The purpose of conducting this research is to gain an understanding of why a person took an action within a set of circumstances, but also extends to beyond description to include interpretation, prediction and explanation (Mellion & Tovin, 2002). An example of how grounded theory can be applied was seen in Mellion and Tovin’s research of clinician (physical therapist) organizational characteristics were used to identify effective outcomes in treatment of lower back pain (Mellion & Tovin, 2002). The researchers designed a theoretical framework that answered research questions about why a physical therapist performed specific treatments (Mellion & Tovin, 2002).
The similarities of these types of qualitative research are that there is an observation of behavior and an attempt to understand why certain things were done by a person or culture. Furthermore, interviews are conducted in both of these methods. In contrast to these similarities, there are differences also. An ethnography attempts to evaluate why certain behaviors are conducted, whereas the grounded theory dives deeper into the explaining, interpreting and even predicts what had or will take place. Another difference between these two are that ethnography focuses on culture whereas grounded theory is less interested in cultures. Similar to any tool that is used for a job, the user has to identify what outcome is desired and choose the correct tool for a job.
Lamar University Preventing and Responding to Incidents Annotated Bibliography Computer Science Assignment Help
Annotated Bibliography
Topic : Preventing and Responding to Incidents
You paper must be in correct APA format, use correct grammar, and will need to include at least 6 resources (articles) related to Preventing and Responding to Incidents with their respective short summaries for each article.
ALL of which must:
1) Be current. Published within the last 3 years.
2) Must be from Peer-Reviewed-Articles. ( University Library ).
3) All articles related to Chapter 17 of our textbook
Remember that an annotation is not the same as an abstract. Abstracts are descriptive. Your annotations are to be evaluative and critical. Give me enough information for me to decide if I’m interested enough to read the paper, and also how you perceive the paper. Don’t go skimpy on these annotations, but DO NOT write too much here. Quality is far more important that quantity. This exercise is for each of you to demonstrate that you can identify, categorize, and digest multiple research papers.
Every resource you choose must be peer reviewed. That means the paper must have undergone a formal peer review before being published in a journal or presented at a conference. You must ensure that your resources have undergone rigorous reviews. In most cases, you can find out the review process for a conference or journal by visiting the appropriate web site. Do not simply assume that a resource is peer reviewed – check it out.
Here are a few URLs with additional information: (I strongly suggest that you look at these. Closely.)
CSU Arson Case Where an Individual Was Falsely Convicted Case Study Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation to help me study.
Using the CSU Online Library or another reliable webpage, locate a case in which an individual was falsely convicted of arson. After reviewing the details and the unit content, write a case study that includes the following elements.
- Describe the case and the fire.
- Outline the misinterpretations of data to include physical evidence that were utilized in the conviction process.
- Identify any spoliation that occurred and how it could have been prevented.
- Explain how the data should have been interpreted.
- Conclude your case study by explaining how your public safety organization can learn from this case.
Campbellsville University Employee Stock Option Research Economics Assignment Help
To complete the Article Research Paper, please select a topic from the list provided below or from the chapter readings
? Why are stock prices so volatile?
? Financial options
? Employee Stock Options
? The Black-Scholes Option Price Model (OPM)
? Taxes and Stock Options
? The Weight Average Cost of Capital
? Corporate Valuation and the Cost of Capital
? Global Variation in the cost of capital
? Managerial Issues and the Cost of Capital
? Capital Budgeting ? Capital Rationing
? Risk Analysis in Capital budgeting
? Risk Analysis
? Project Valuation
? The cash flow effect of asset purchases and Depreciation
? Externalities
? Tax Depreciation
? Financial Planning
? Implementing the Target Capital Structure.
Structure your paper as follows:
a) Cover page
b. Overview describing the importance of the research topic to current business and professional practice in your own words.
c. Purpose of Research should reflect the potential benefit of the topic to the current business and professional practice and the larger body of research.
d. Review of the Literature summarized in your own words. Note that this should not be a “copy and paste” of literature content, nor should this section be substantially filled with direct quotes from the article. A literature review is a summary of the major points and findings of each of the selected articles (with appropriate citations). Direct quotations should be used sparingly. Normally, this will be the largest section of your paper (this is not a requirement; just a general observation).
e. Practical Application of the literature. Describe how your findings from the relevant research literature can shape, inform, and improve current business and professional practice related to your chosen topic.
IT 650 SNHU DBMS Research and Recommendation Final Project Milestone Three Writing Assignment Help
IT 650 SNHU DBMS Research and Recommendation Final Project Milestone Three Writing Assignment Help