It is a Final Project for COSC 109 Computer Science Assignment Help

It is a Final Project for COSC 109 Computer Science Assignment Help. It is a Final Project for COSC 109 Computer Science Assignment Help.

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You need flash animation tools for this assignment and adobe animate cc.

So I decided to submit the flash animation, do not do the website. I want all these in it:

Seasons or changing of seasons: add like summer time and also include some background sounds or any light music that you think could be suitable for a beach day

Anything that moves, e.g. car chases, air plane flights: i want the clouds moving and an airplane flying by

Natures scenes, e.g. a day at the beach, thunderstorms: I want a day at the beach

Sports scenes: children playing volleyball or any type of sport on a beach, could be frisbee too.

Information movie about your major: Just add this somewhere on the side ” Nabil Siddiqui, Majjoring in Information Technology”.

It is a Final Project for COSC 109 Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Research Paper Task: Design and manage a research project to produce an argument-based research-supported paper that focuses on Wildfires in California Humanities Assignment Help



Research Paper Task: Design and manage a research project to produce an argument-based research-supported paper that focuses on Wildfires in California


Seven to eight pages, not including Works Cited page, which is an additional page.

Required Sources:

The final version of your essay must include at least six sources:

Ensure that your paper has the following:

A strong thesis statement that presents the problem or the focus of your analysis and that

forecasts the direction of the analysis. (Thesis statements for this kind of paper can be up

to three sentences long.)

A well-developed argument that includes a framing of your analysis within the broader

context of the course themes, the use of textual evidence to support your argument, and,

as relevant, a discussion of possible solutions.

Discussion of a counter argument, which means that you acknowledge and discuss the

argument opposed to your own, then point out the weakness of this argument along with

the validity of your own argument.

Correct MLA formatting (which includes in-text references and Works Cited page).

A relevant and engaging title.

No more than one or two block quotations (which are used for quotes longer than 5

lines). In other words, use shorter quotes of only 1-3 lines.

write about these two links as well as the files uploaded down below:





I need help on this homework Humanities Assignment Help

read the following resources on Dr. Loïc Wacquant’s research:

An important part of analyzing research approaches includes understanding the positive and negative aspects of varied forms of social research. Ethnography as an approach allows a researcher to immerse in a unique social world in order to experience the lives of those who live there. The most intriguing aspects of this type of qualitative research is how the researcher maintains an ethical and neutral stance, how the experience can impact them, and how they use the experience for positive social change.

In your paper, you will present the benefits of ethnographical research in terms of understanding a unique social world, as well as understanding the qualitative researcher’s role in performing and reporting on ethnographic research. You will do this through the resources provided, your own research of immersive ethnographical approaches, and also through critiquing Dr. Loïc Wacquant’s work.

In your paper, include the following sections/components:

Role of Researcher (One to two pages)

  • Explain the researcher’s role in qualitative research in general and specifically in an ethnographic approach.
  • Discuss the unique issues that researchers should be concerned about in qualitative research.
  • Explain the challenges researchers face in ethnographical research.
  • Discuss specific actions researchers can take to ensure they retain their ethical and neutral stance in performing qualitative research and reporting their qualitative research results.

Loïc Wacquant’s Research (One to two pages)

  • Summarize what Loïc Wacquant’s research was about.
  • Determine whether or not Wacquant maintained an ethical and neutral stance.
  • Justify the research approach Wacquant chose to take.
  • Explain whether or not this could have been possible with a quantitative research study.

Impact of Research (One page)

  • Discuss how qualitative research and, in particular, ethnographic research, can inform our understanding of unique social worlds.
  • Describe the potential impact of research in supporting positive social change through public policy.

The Value of Qualitative Research paper

  • Must be five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted

For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013.

  • Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice resource for additional guidance.
  • Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
  • Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
    • The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
  • Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


Shakespeare comparative essay using two plays Writing Assignment Help

Character Comparison: Select two characters from two different plays ( The Merchant of Venice,Hamlet or Othello, Richard III, The Tempest), for a compare-and-contrast essay. Here are some questions to consider: Are the characters protagonists (the main characters) or antagonists (characters who challenge the main character)? Are they heroic or villainous, consistently noble or corrupt? Or, are they complex characterizations, possibly personas with admirable intentions, but questionable moral flaws? What motivates them? What makes them charismatic, shocking, and/or admirable? How do they fare by the end of their play, and why? What happens to bring about a specific character’s fate, tragic fall, or success? What lessons do these characters teach us about human nature, gender roles, power, duty, integrity, courage, virtue, prejudice, ambition, good and evil, etc. (focus on one or two of these concepts). How does comparing your selected characters help illuminate one or two key concepts in Shakespeare’s texts? Craft a thesis that proposes an interpretation about what these two characters reveal. Be sure to include close readings of passages in each play AND a quote from one of the introductions in The Norton Shakespeare.


discuss the below in 300-400 words with references APA format Engineering Assignment Help

a. What are the trade-offs between cost, quality, and time when designing a project plan? What criteria should managers use to manage this trade-off?b. What determines the level of technical risk associated with a project? What determines the level of organizational risk? How can a general manager assist in minimizing these risk components?

c.What does it take to be a successful competitor using business analytics? What is the role of IT in helping build this competence for the enterprise?
d. How will the Internet of Things change the way managers make decisions? Give an example of a data stream from sensor data that you would like to monitor. Please explain why this would be beneficial to you.

? aa



computer management Computer Science Assignment Help

Are Microsoft products proprietary or open-source? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using proprietary versus open-source software? So you think the public sector could benefit by shifting to open-source software?

The public sector has historically made use of wide area networks, local area networks and the Internet. Which agencies do you think were the last to adopt the Internet and let its employees have access to the Internet and why?

How does the federal government deploy E-government? What are its best uses of e-government? How do you think e-government progress compares to e-commerce progress?

computer management Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

1. How important are communication skills in the project management? 2. Was herb the right person to be assigned as the project manager? 3. There were communication issues with Alice, Bob, Betty, and Frank. For each communication issue, where was the b Computer Science Assignment Help

1. How important are communication skills in the project management?

2. Was herb the right person to be assigned as the project manager?

3. There were communication issues with Alice, Bob, Betty, and Frank. For each communication issue, where was the breakdown issue in communications: encoding, decoding, feedback, and so on?

Read the case study “Communication Failures” starting on page 329 and answer the questions on page 332.

Text Book

Author: Harold R. Kerzner Title: Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, 11th Edition, ISBN: 9781118022276 Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

All discussions must be completed on-time and must include in-text citations and references in APA style formatting. If you do not use in-text citations or they are not in APA format you will lose points. If you do not have references or if they are not in APA format, you will lose points. (You do not need citations and references for secondary posts)

you are required to write an initial post (400 words) minimum.


Discussion: Urinary Humanities Assignment Help

Answer to this discussion and I’ll send you the comment of peer to reply.

Certain villages in India are very conservative and women are required to wear clothes that completely cover their entire body. Unfortunately, these women experience bone pain, fractures, muscle weakness, and depression. Explain the relationship between their attire and the signs and symptoms they are experiencing?

Be detailed in your explanation and support your answer with facts from your textbook, research, and articles from scholarly journals. In addition, remember to add references in APA format to your posts to avoid plagiarism.


Sampling, Evidence, & Confidence Intervals Business Finance Assignment Help


For your initial post, provide an example of when you might want to take a cluster random sample instead of a simple random sample, and explain what the advantages of a cluster sample might be. Also, explain how you would choose the cluster sample.


Callaway is thinking about entering the golf ball market. The company will make a profit if its market share is more than 20%. A market survey indicates that 140 of 624 golf ball purchasers will buy a Callaway golf ball.

In your initial post, answer the following questions:

  1. Is this enough evidence to persuade Callaway to enter the golf ball market?
  2. How would you make the decision if you were Callaway management? Would you use hypothesis testing?


Problem 8-33. You have been assigned to determine whether more people prefer Coke or Pepsi. Assume that roughly half the population prefers Coke and half prefers Pepsi. How large a sample do you need to take to ensure that you can estimate, with 95% confidence, the proportion of people preferring Coke within 2% of the actual value?Show work.


The Effects Bullying has on School Shootings Law Assignment Help

I need a 60 Pager paper typed in two weeks.

The paper should be sectioned off very well and very well written, if so I do not mind paying a littler more after receiving paper.

The Captone project should be about: How bullying effects school shooting. Proving that one of the leading causes to individual committing this type of crime is due to previous bullying or rejection.

You can talk about how authors try and relate it to mental illness but ultimately the in the background is some form of bullying. Cyber bullying included.

I’ve posted an example of a captsone to give you a example of formating the total page covers everything reference page, title page, table of contents, and abstract.

Remember this is a graduate leverl paper.


It is a Final Project for COSC 109 Computer Science Assignment Help

It is a Final Project for COSC 109 Computer Science Assignment Help

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