ITS 442 CSU Cloud Computing on Amazon Web Service Presentation Computer Science Assignment Help

ITS 442 CSU Cloud Computing on Amazon Web Service Presentation Computer Science Assignment Help. ITS 442 CSU Cloud Computing on Amazon Web Service Presentation Computer Science Assignment Help.

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Amazon Cloud Provider

Assume your company, or a company you are familiar with, is
interested in using Amazon as a cloud provider. Your CIO asked you to
investigate Amazon’s Cloud Offerings. The CIO needs answers to the
following questions.

Prepare a brief presentation of your findings.

  • Which Cloud Deployment Model should your company consider and why?
  • Which Cloud Service Model(s) should your company consider and why?
  • What is the approximate cost for provisioning and utilizing a
    representative configuration on Amazon? The configuration is 2 CPUs, 8
    MB of memory, and 40 GB of storage.

Presentation requirements:

  • The presentation should be six to eight slides in length.
  • The slides should contain summary points; detailed content should be in the speaker notes with no less than 100 words per slide.
  • The slide count should not include the title slide and references slide.
  • APA 7

ITS 442 CSU Cloud Computing on Amazon Web Service Presentation Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Central Oklahoma Importance of Diversity and Inclusion Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

For your initial post:

  1. Identify the name of the TV show and news broadcast as well as the platform on which each was viewed.
  2. Document the main characters portrayed on the show, individuals within the commercials, and anchors on the news broadcast, specifically related to age and weight/appearance.
  3. Analyze and compare how individuals were portrayed in each of the outlets related to age and weight/appearance. What did you notice about the TV and commercial actors compared to the news anchors?
  4. Conclude whether there was anything specific about age or weight/appearance during your viewing that might be considered discriminatory within the work environment.


CJ 543 San Diego State University El Cajon Police Department Essay Law Assignment Help

I’m working on a law question and need guidance to help me learn.

The topic I want you to write about is: Police Department in El Cajon, CA. Please find a topic that is more specific in the el cajon police department such as how the el cajon police department is handling the “Defund the police” stuff and write about that as well. Also relate this topic to restorative justice.

Students will choose a topic in the field of community justice that they are interested in exploring further.

According to the course learning objectives, students in this course will:

  • Investigate learning opportunities beyond the classroom, community participation/placement;
  • Identify what is a criminal justice ‘community resource’ and articulate its role functions and limitations;
  • Conceptualize reasons why criminal justice community resources are important and how their clients benefit;
  • Learn to identify how government and community resources reduce crime, address the needs of all stakeholders, (victims, offenders, and communities, etc.) and enacts justice;
  • Have the ability to research and explain the funding sources of criminal justice community resources;
  • Present a final report and presentation on community resources experience;
  • Work with diverse others on issues of common concern; and
  • Uncover and interrogate one’s own biases and predispositions.

Selecting a Topic for your Paper

Your research topic should emerge from your own individual curiosities. Questions that spontaneously come to us during our experiences are precisely the type of questions that make for excellent research topics.As a first step in determining your research topic, I suggest you make a list of researchable questions as they arise for you. A critical part of development as a scholar is knowledge development through investigation and research. This research practicum paper targets the development of students’ research skills with these specific goals: (1) to provide research/investigation experience through participation in efforts personal to them; (2) to involve students in doing research early in their academic career (3) to increase students’ /investigation/research skills; and (4) to develop skills in writing for possible publication.

Additionally…at this point in your academic careers, you all should have done a research paper. This one will be a little different, a little more unique. I want you to include yourself in your writings. As stated, the topic should be of interest to you, Hopefully, a passion you are investigating. With that in mind, I want you to: 1) share your thoughts, questions, perceptions and rationale for your topic, 2) do your research and document as described, and then 3) share your results. Not just what you investigated/learned about your topic, but also how your learnings affected you.

This paper should be 5 – 7 pages (not including references & cover page) and incorporate at least 2-3 assigned readings which must be referenced, plus 3 additional references to scholarly journal articles, scholarly books, and/or other academic sources. In addition, you must have talked with two individuals connected with your topic, and those conversations must be referenced in your paper. If you cant find someone to interview in the el cajon police department then I can take care of that just let me know please.

Required Texts

  • Zehr, Changing Lenses
  • Zehr, Amstutz, MacRae & Pranis The Big Book of Restorative Justice


PHIL 1301 Houston Community College Evidences of God Blessings Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Critical Thinking Essay 4: Pascal’s Wager

Video on Pascal’s Wager


Pascal’s wager Chart (




Write your personal view of Pascal’s wager using the guide below. (Minimum of 4 paragraphs that correspond elements below)

1. Summarize Pascal’s Argument in the wager.

2. Answer and support your answer, why? DO YOU AGREE OR DIS-AGREE WITH PASCAL’S ARGUMENTS?

3. From your personal assessment, why Pascal’s arguments are useful as PRACTICAL GUIDE for both believers and non-believers today.

4. Conclude your paper by answering: which is better for you,” TO BELIEVE OR NOT TO BELIEVE?” Why?

Note: You will be graded according to the rubrics above. Maximum of 2 pages, Minimum of 1 page.

Critical Thinking Essay Rubrics



CPMGT 305 MVSU Project Management Rep Process And Post Graduate Adventure Responses Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Part I Write a 350-word summary of the RFP process

Part II Complete a 175-word response in Microsoft® Word for each of the 3 subsequent questions.

Post-Graduation Adventure

Josh and Mike met each other as roommates during freshmen year at MacAllister College in St. Paul, Minnesota.Despite a rocky start they became best friends.They are planning on going on a two-week adventure together to celebrate their graduation in June.Josh has never been to Europe and wants to visit France of Spain.Mike spent a semester abroad in Aarhus, Denmark, and traveled extensively in Northern Europe.Even though he never went to France or Spain, Mike wants to go to some place more exotic like South Africa or Vietnam.For the past week they have been arguing back and forth over where they should go.Josh argues that it will cost too much to fly to South Africa or Vietnam, while Mike counters that it will be much cheaper to travel in Vietnam or South Africa once they are there.Each of them agreed that they can spend no more than $3500 each on the trip and could be gone for only two weeks.

One evening when they were arguing with each other over beers with friends, Sara said, “Why don’t you use what you learned in your project management class to decide what to do?” Josh and Mike looked at each other and agreed that made perfect sense.

  • Assume you are either Mike or Josh how would you go about making a decision using project management methodology?
  • Looking first at only cost, what decision would you make?
  • After cost, what other factors should be considered before making a decision?



NECBF Cost Reimbursable Contract Calculation Questionnaire Computer Science Assignment Help

Problem Set

1.Cost reimbursable contract calculation.

     a. A contract calls for a total      payment of $800,000 with a guarantee. Essentially the contractor is      guaranteed to make at        least $200,000 above his costs. If the      contractor can demonstrate his costs exceed $600,000, the project will pay      the            difference, with a $50,000 ceiling on the overage. The contractor      demonstrates he spent $623,000. How much (gross)          must the project remit to      the contractor?

    b. Another option for the same      contract has the contractor guaranteed to be paid his costs plus 20%, for      costs that                 exceed $600,000. With the same initial assumption—guarantee of      $800,000 gross payment (no requirement to itemize         costs), but if the      contractor can show that costs exceed $600,000, the project will pay      $800,000 plus the costs that                 exceed $600,000, plus 20% of those excess      costs, with a ceiling of $900,000 gross. The contractor demonstrates he             spent $623,000. How much (gross) must the project remit to the contractor?

   c. Under option 1.b, at what      dollar amount of total costs would the contractor be assuming all of the excess      costs beyond      that point?

   d. In which option did the      project assume more of the risk of a cost overrun? Explain.

2. Prepare a Pareto chart of the possible causes for a student to fail a final examination in a university course.

NECBF Cost Reimbursable Contract Calculation Questionnaire Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Columbia University Wireshark Traceroute & NMap Discussions Programming Assignment Help

Discussion (200-300 words)

Now that you’ve seen the results of traceroute, Nmap and Wireshark, has your sense of privacy and security been altered? How? Why?

Can you take any measures to insure your privacy? What might they be?

Assignment: Traceroute


After reading the traceroute document, perform several traceroutes to various locations. I’m sure you found the results of at least one to be of interest. Upload the results you found most interesting and discuss why.

Assignment: Nmap/Zenmap


Install and run Zenmap:

  • Navigate to and select the latest stable release for your operating system. (As of this writing, ver 7.12 for MacOS was unstable. If this is still true, they suggest 7.25BETA)
  • Install the application.
  • Determine the address space of your home network and run Zenmap on your home network. Running this application against another network may get you into trouble; so unless you have permission to do so, it is not recommended. Determine the address of your home’s router and perform an Intense Scan on that address.
  • Take a screenshot of the Nmap Output tab and upload it to the dropbox. This may do on for several screens, so be sure to capture all of them.
  • What information contained in that tab do you find interesting? Why?

Assignment: Wireshark


Install and run Wireshark:

NOTE: The specifics of the remainder of this assignment will be posted online. This assignment will require you to access a specified system on campus in order to monitor activity via Wireshark. As of this writing, that system has not been made publicly available.


TAMU Personal Data Breaches and Securing IoT Devices Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

Internet security, in general, is a challenge that we have been dealing with for decades. It is a regular topic of discussion and concern, but a relatively new segment of internet security is getting most attention—internet of things (IoT). So why is internet of things security so important?

The high growth rate of IoT should get the attention of cybersecurity professionals. The rate at which new technology goes to market is inversely proportional to the amount of security that gets designed into the product. According to IHS Markit, “The number of connected IoT devices worldwide will jump 12 percent on average annually, from nearly 27 billion in 2017 to 125 billion in 2030.”

IoT devices are quite a bit different from other internet-connected devices such as laptops and servers. They are designed with a single purpose in mind, usually running minimal software with minimal resources to serve that purpose. Adding the capability to run and update security software is often not taken into consideration.

Due to the lack of security integrated into IoT devices, they present significant risks that must be addressed. IoT security is the practice of understanding and mitigating these risks. Let’s consider the challenges of IoT security and how we can address them.

Some security practitioners suggest that key IoT security steps include:

  1. Make people aware that there is a threat to security;
  2. Design a technical solution to reduce security vulnerabilities;
  3. Align the legal and regulatory frameworks; and
  4. Develop a workforce with the skills to handle IoT security.

Final Assignment – Project Plan (Deliverables):

  • Address each of the FOUR IoT security steps listed above in terms of IoT devices.
  • Explain in detail, in a step-by-step guide, how to make people more aware of the problems associated with the use of IoT devices.


Table of Contents an Overlooked Element of Capstone Research Project TOC Draft Business Finance Assignment Help

  • Prompt: The Table of Contents (TOC) is an important but often overlooked element of the capstone research project. Students typically complete the TOC last, usually in a hurried manner at the deadline, resulting in incorrect indentions and poorly spaced page numbers. For this assignment, students are encouraged to watch a few videos on inserting dot leaders in the table of contents for a Word document and submit their draft table of contents at this point using APA format. The steps are quick and simple with some practice.
  • Requirements: Appropriate length using APA format.

Attached is Appendix B of the Capstone Research Project and also the RAF.


Houston Community College Promote Optimal Infant Growth and Developmental Needs Questions Writing Assignment Help

#1) Name two expected outcomes to promote optimal infant growth and developmental needs. (5 points)

#2) Pick two typical developmental milestones in the toddler and discuss them. (5 points)

#3)What are a couple of ways that the nurse can promote the health of the preschooler and family? (5 points)

#4) Make a list of nursing diagnoses and expected outcomes for the following clients:

  • A mother brings her son to a clinic for a checkup. She tells the nurse that she is concerned because her 4-year-old son is having trouble with his speech and is repeating words and syllables in his sentences. (2.5 points)
  • Parents of a 3-year-old girl bring her to their pediatrician for a visit. They tell the nurse that they are concerned because their daughter will only allow her father to take care of her and wants to be near him all the time. (2.5 points)


ITS 442 CSU Cloud Computing on Amazon Web Service Presentation Computer Science Assignment Help

ITS 442 CSU Cloud Computing on Amazon Web Service Presentation Computer Science Assignment Help

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