ITS 532 University of The Cumberlands ?Google+ Social Networking Essay Computer Science Assignment Help. ITS 532 University of The Cumberlands ?Google+ Social Networking Essay Computer Science Assignment Help.
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Google+ is a social networking site that lets users define and manage various groups of people and how they interact with them. With Google+, users can define various circles, which might include people from work, good friends, and family, as well as casual acquaintances. Using such circle definitions, users can better control the posts they allow others to view.
For this project, research Google+ features. Compare and contrast the Google+ features with those of at least two other social networks (such as Facebook). This paper should be written in third-person. The third-person point of view belongs to the person (or people) being talked about. The third-person pronouns include he, him, his, himself, she, her, hers, herself, it, its, itself, they, them, their, theirs, and themselves (Not I, we, us, our).
This paper should be 2 – 3 pages in length (deductions will apply if page count is not observed)
The paper should include a title page and reference page (Page count does not include title and reference pages)
An abstract is not required for this assignment
Follow APA 7th edition guidelines
Save as a Word document (not Pdf)
A minimum of three sources
APA 7th Example Paper.pdf
ITS 532 University of The Cumberlands ?Google+ Social Networking Essay Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Kaplan University Self Esteem Seminar Brochure Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Assignment Requirements:
Each student will develop an 8-week psycho-educational group for working with a particular issue that children or adolescents face. Some suggested topics include:
- Grief and loss
- Self-Esteem
- Social Skills
- Divorce
- Online/Social Media Safety
- Safe dating for teens
- Stress
- Anxiety
You will create a 2-sided brochure or flyer advertising the group. The brochure should address the “who, what, when where, and why” of the group. Be sure to include the following: an introduction which describes the theme and purpose of the group; the significance of group attendance (i.e., what would attendees have to gain from the group?); the screening criteria (e.g., age range, gender, etc.); when and where the group will meet; and your qualifications to lead the group (this can include your future aspirations for qualifications). Make sure that the theme for the group and the corresponding weekly topics and activities are developmentally appropriate for the age range you have selected.
The brochure must include eight weekly topics to be covered and corresponding activities to address each of the weekly topics. Be sure to include plenty of detail about the weekly activities so your reader will know exactly how you plan to carry out the activities. This will be more detail than would typically be included if you were to advertise a group in the “real world;” however, the detail is necessary for the purposes of this assignment.
Feel free to include graphics and pictures to make your brochure or flyer attractive to potential participants. Make sure that the information and layout is organized.
The idea for this assignment is that you are gathering resources and ideas for the group and making them your own; however, do not intentionally plagarize. A reference page is not necessary for this assignment unless you rely heavily on one person’s work (e.g., activities from a specific DBT workbook).
Colorado College Expectations About Learning how To Be a Caregiver Discussion Writing Assignment Help
JE Part 1
2. Why are you taking Introduction to Psychology? What is the first thing that pops into your brain when you hear the word Psychology?
3. What are you hoping to experience and/or achieve by taking this course? What are some of your expectations of this course?
4. Tell us three facts about yourself and one lie: See if we can guess the lies of others…..(Here are mine)
1. I am a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in the state of LA.
2. I once had a close-up encounter with a black bear while fishing in Canada.
3. I cannot resist thumbing through the People Magazine while checking out at stores (a shallow confession).
4. I’m a die hard Green Bay Packer’s fan.
CE Part 2
•On a piece of paper, put a line down the middle
•On the left side, My Favorite Teacher
•On the right side, put Me
•List the characteristics of your favorite teacher on the left side
•Then list your own characteristics
•How do the two lists compare?
•Are you similar to your favorite teacher?
•If not, what should you do to get there?
Part 3
•Anyone can teach young children
•True or false?
•Do you believe that a high-quality education in the early years will benefit children later in life and why
•Perry Preschool Project
–1962–1967, 123 African American children born into poverty and at-risk of failing school. at ages 3 and 4
–divided some received a high-quality preschool program and
–other group received no preschool program.
–97% of the study participants still living were interviewed at age 40.
Part 4 just reply
National Association for the Education of Young People (NAEYC)
Developmentally Appropriate Practice
–DAP involves teachers meeting young children where they are (by stage of development), both as individuals and as part of a group; and helping each child meet challenging and achievable learning goals.
Part 5 just reply
–Knowing about child development and learning.
•Knowing what is typical development at each age and stage of early development is vital.
–Knowing what is individually appropriate
•Observing children’s play and interaction with the physical environment and other children, helps teachers understand each child’s interests, abilities, and developmental progress.
–Knowing what is culturally important.
•Getting to know the children’s families and learning about their values, and expectations. This information helps teachers provide meaningful, relevant, and respectful learning experiences for each child and family.
Part 6
Course is observation and assessments
What do I want to learn in this course?
What will I find most interesting in this course?
Kaplan Psychology Child Interview Question Humanities Assignment Help
Child/adolescent interview assignment:
Interview Requirements:
Each student will select a child or adolescent to interview (not your own child or a family member). The interview should last approximately 30 minutes for young children and approximately an hour for adolescents. Consider the child/adolescent’s developmental level and life experiences from a multicultural perspective to frame interactions.
Suggestions for interviewing children under 9 years old:
Begin with explaining a bit about the assignment at an appropriate developmental level to obtain assent from the child. In the beginning, focus on building rapport with the child by asking about or commenting on how the child is doing or how he/she appears (i.e. – happy, sad, nervous, wearing red shoes, etc.). Questions to consider during the interview could be related to family, school, or the child interests (e.g. – what he/she likes to play; who he/she likes to play with; where he/she likes to play, etc.). You will also want to consider offering an activity to engage with the child (e.g. – playdoh, art activity, game, etc.).
Suggestions for interviewing children over 9 years old:
You should begin by explaining the interview process, sharing a bit about yourself, and obtaining assent, and then move into questioning. Some suggested questions include:
- What is a typical day in your life (at school, at home, with family & friends)?
- What is it like to be your age?
- What do you think most adults do not know about people your age?
- What do you hope your life will be like in 10 years?
- What kind of career do you want to have?
- Where would you like to go in life?
- What are your hopes for the future?
NOTE: The purpose of the interview is to gain experience speaking to and working with a child or adolescent. Keep in mind that this is an interview, not a counseling session. Do not intentionally elicit information that you are not yet trained or properly supervised to address (i.e., asking about drug use or other risky behaviors).
Written Requirements:
Write about your interview in a reflective paper. The paper should be least 7 pages in length (not including the cover page and references) and must follow APA guidelines. At least 4 academic sources must be used to support your discussion. Academic sources include journal articles and text books, not websites or Wikipedia.
Your paper should include the following sections:
- Section I – Summary:
A thorough summary of the interview (not a verbatim transcript), which includes questions you asked and any activities you engaged in together.
- Section II – Reflection:
Your reflection and reaction to the interview in relation to the child or adolescent’s developmental level. Include the following in your reflection:
- What did you learn about interviewing a child/adolescent?
- What was more difficult than you expected?
- What was easier than you expected?
- What was it like being in that role?
- How did you build rapport? How did you know rapport was being built?
- What cultural differences or shared experiences did you observe? How did that impact your interaction, if at all?
- What was salient for the child or adolescent from a developmental perspective? Reference at least one academic source to support your observations and discussion related to development.
- Section III – Theory, interventions, and/or recommendations:
A discussion that incorporates counseling theory, interventions, and/or recommendations which would be developmentally and culturally appropriate for the age of the child/adolescent you interviewed. Consider any exceptional abilities of the child/adolescent. Reference at least two academic sources for your discussion of theory, interventions, and/or recommendations.
Smith-Adcock, S., & Tucker, C. (2017). Counseling Children and Adolescents. SAGE Publications. Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, & 14.
JWU Event & Risk Management the Process of Identifying Risks Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
there are two discussions
each discussion must have at least 1 citation.
For this discussion, consider the content you have reviewed in the course so far, and conduct research of your own to answer the following:
Campbellsville University Cloud Computing Good Regulatory Compliance Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Describe in 500 words what a dba must be aware of to maintain good regulatory compliance when moving to the cloud.
Cite your sources. Do not copy. Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.
Reply to two classmates’ posting in a paragraph of at least five sentences by asking questions, reflecting on your own experience, challenging assumptions, pointing out something new you learned, offering suggestions.
t is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources, that you comply with the instructions regarding length of your post and that you reply to two classmates in a substantive way (not ‘nice post’ or the like). Your goal is to help your colleagues write better. Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software.
Campbellsville University Cloud Computing Good Regulatory Compliance Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SOC 450 Strayer ?Week 8 Using Technology to Improve the Future Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Week 8 | Discussion
Using Technology to Improve the Future
As addressed in the readings, technology has the potential to both solve global social problems and make them worse. For example, technological devices that can interact with the environment have the potential to reduce world hunger by helping to increase food production in developing countries. However, some technological advancements—such as weapons of war and automated assembly lines—can threaten life through armed conflict, and pollution of the environment can increase poverty by eliminating jobs.
Do advancements in technology pose any direct and/or indirect threats to the global environment? Choose one advancement and provide two examples of direct or indirect threats in your explanation.
Review the posts of your classmates and respond to at least one other post, offering a substantive comment on that classmate’s position on the issue(s).
Below is a peer’s discussion post in which I’ll have to provide a response too.
Donna Runion
RE: Week 8 | Discussion
Do advancements in technology pose any direct and/or indirect threats to the global environment?
There are always some direct and some indirect threats when introducing something new to an environment but overall, advancements in technology tend to be more of a compass that points people towards better land stewardship and rural livelihood.
Choose one advancement and provide two examples of direct or indirect threats in your explanation.
Integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) technologies hold potential to protect against climate risks, reduce nutrient depletion and enhance food security. Droughts are frequent and severe with devastating impacts especially on agriculture and food security. The ISFM offers a successive approach by recognizing fertilizer as a key entry point for improving productivity of cropping systems.
One indirect threats of this technology is the run-off of fertilizer into natural bodies of waters that the rural people use for cooking, cleaning and drinking.
Another indirect threat is that the financing of ISFM practices by farmer households relies largely on their individual capital, assets and availability of labour.
UMUC Improving Adaboost Based Intrusion Detection System Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Part A:
A client of yours is concerned about external intrusion on their corporate network, and those inside their environment that they seek to fire! They’ve heard about firewalls and they need your professional opinion as to whether, with the implementation of firewalls, they can feel 100% secured. Still on their quest to maintain a secure environment, especially with much concern on external attacks, they would like to understand what Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) are about.
Complete the following:
- What are IDS and IPS?
- What can they protect them against?
- Write a 2-3 page paper that fully answers the questions.
- Your paper should be written in the APA style. Be sure to cite any sources you used to write your paper.
Part B:
The news media seems to regularly report on organizations, government, and individuals who lose data storage devices such as hard drives or USB drives and other digital systems such as laptops, smart phones, etc.
In 3 – 4 paragraphs Complete the following
- What do you think is an organization’s responsibility to ensure protection and proper destruction of any sensitive or personal information regarding employees, customers, etc.?
- How do you dispose of sensitive automated information? Do you think this is sufficient to protect your information or that of your organization? Why or why not?
- Discuss your understanding of how disk encryption can help protect data in case the hardware is lost or stolen.
- Do you think this is enough to protect the data? Explain your answer.
BUS 302 SULCO Leadership Traits Communication & Motivating Employees Essay Writing Assignment Help
In this section, you will introduce what your paper is about. An introduction sets the stage for the topics your paper will discuss. Start by thinking about the question(s) you are trying to answer. Provide information about the company you are choosing to discuss for this assignment. Introduce yourself and your partner. Your introduction should conclude with your topic sentence. A topic sentence is a concise summary of the main topics of your paper, typically written as one sentence. For this paper, there are three main topics, so be sure to include them all in your topic sentence.
Leadership Traits That Help Manage Conflict
In this section, you are asked to describe a key leadership trait that can assist in managing conflict. In Week 3, we learned about human skills. Part of human skills includes being able to manage conflict. Think about those characteristics and share which one(s) you feel is needed to manage conflict. For example, if a leader listens to employees well (listening being the human skill), it could resolve communication conflict at the workplace. Once you identify the trait (or traits), then explain how they help to manage conflict in the workplace.
Strategies to Improve Communication in the Workplace
In this section, you are asked to identify and discuss a tool or strategy (or both or more than one of either) a leader can adopt for improving communication within the organization. Again, in Week 3 of our course, we learned about human skills, one of which is communication. Think about the actions leaders need to take in order to foster good communication within the company. Once you identify the tool or strategy you recommend the leader use, then explain how the tool or strategy can help improve communication in the workplace.
Methods for Motivating Employees and Improving Employee Behavior
In this section, discuss some methods for motivating employees and improving behaviors within the workplace. We learned about ethics and employee behaviors in Week 5. Think about the actions leaders should take in order to help employees behave ethically and feel positively motivated to do their work. Once you identify these actions, explain how they help to motivate employees or how they help to improve employee behavior.
In this section, you will wrap everything up that you have in your paper.A conclusion summarizes the main points in your paper. For this paper, there are three main topics, so be sure to include them all in your conclusion.
This is where you list all of the resources you have used in your paper. Be sure to cite ideas you are using from your resources. Be sure to put direct quotes in quotation marks. Each source listed should have at least one citation in the body of your paper. Follow proper SWS formatting for listing your sources and citations.
Additional Tips for a Good Paper
1. Delete all of the wording in this template before submitting your paper. The information provided is simply to help you get a good understanding of the assignment topics and get a headstart on each section.
2. When you have completed your work, it is helpful to save the file with a different name such as BUS302 Assignment 2. This will help to prevent submitting the assignment template by mistake.
3. The paper should 3-5 pages long. If you discuss each of the three assigned topics – leadership traits that help with conflict, improving communication, motivating employees – in at least one page each, you will meet the length requirement.
4. Use headers, like the ones in this template, to help you organize your thoughts and focus on what the assignment is asking.
5. Always include a title page and page numbers. All papers must be submitted in a Word file. This is not a PowerPoint assignment! Think of this as the planning for your presentation.
Campbellsville University Managerial Finance Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
How do investors measure the risk of individual common stocks? Please describe one of these methods in detail.
Cite your sources. Do not copy. Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.
Reply to two classmates’ posting in a paragraph of at least five sentences by asking questions, reflecting on your own experience, challenging assumptions, pointing out something new you learned, offering suggestions.
t is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources, that you comply with the instructions regarding length of your post and that you reply to two classmates in a substantive way (not ‘nice post’ or the like). Your goal is to help your colleagues write better. Do not use spinbot or other word replacement software.