ITS 83542 University of Central Missouri Enterprise Risk Management Paper Writing Assignment Help

ITS 83542 University of Central Missouri Enterprise Risk Management Paper Writing Assignment Help. ITS 83542 University of Central Missouri Enterprise Risk Management Paper Writing Assignment Help.

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Subject ;:

  1. Enterprise Risk Management

it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


  • Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
  • Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
  • Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
  • Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to you desired work environment.
  • You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

ITS 83542 University of Central Missouri Enterprise Risk Management Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UOC Business Environment Change Management Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

APA format is required.References should be listed immediately after the question that is being answered.Each question lists a minimum number of unique scholarly references; the textbook is considered one unique reference (per question) regardless of how many times it is used.All references should be from the years 2007 to present day.

Review the rubric that will be used to evaluate this paper. All work must be completed individually.

  • What must companies focus on in order to survive in today’s business environment? Use at least two unique references. Length: 4-5 paragraphs.
  • Read the case: Prime Bank of Massachusetts.Develop a list of changes for the operations function that should be considered by the bank. Use at least one unique reference.Begin by identifying operations management decisions that would be involved in operating a bank, for example, layout of facility, staff, drive-through service. Then identify ways that they can be improved at Prime Bank in order to support the strategy focused on customer service. Use at least two unique references. Length: 4-5 paragraphs.
  • In the product screening stage of new product development, what are some questions that may need to be explored by the operations function? By marketing? By finance? Use at least two unique references. Length: 4-5 paragraphs.
  • Describe how consumers can use the Internet to shop in new ways. Use at least two unique references. Length: 4-5 paragraphs.


ENGL101 UDC Statement on Planned Research Analysis Writing Assignment Help

Essay Assignment 2: Textual Analysis

Prompt: In English 101, you had to write expository essays. A textual analysis is an expository piece of writing that evaluates and explains a text communicates or makes meaning. Pick a topic related to a text selected by that faculty that you deem interesting and analyze it according to the way concepts such as authorial intent, symbols, or patterns. Use specific textual evidence to establish a general argument (i.e., thesis) about how the text “works.” You should not simply paraphrase or summarize what the writer/composer says or composes; rather, your goal is to provide a way of understanding the measure of persuasive effect by analyzing the rhetorical situation.

To do this, first identify the author, intended reader, message, and significance (or meaning) of the text. You can take your cues from the readings included in the book, class discussions, or discussions with your instructor.This information will set the foundation for the rest of your analysis. Consequently, your essay will textually analyze a piece of writing in terms of its:

  • articulates its significance or meaning;
  • employs the textual/literary techniques (symbolism, patterns, references, characterization, dialogue, if applicable)

Process: Before proceeding with your work on the assignment you must present your topic and text for your instructor’s review and explain what makes this text an interesting subject (i.e., what is not rhetorically obvious) for rhetorical analysis through a 1-page Statement on Planned Research. This statement will layout the topic and three questions about the topic you want to study. It will also layout why you are interested in studying the topic and what you expect to learn through this analysis. The topic must be approved by your instructor.

Doing research is fundamental to putting together an effective paper. To this end you must conduct research on your topic and develop an Annotated Bibliography of at least four sources (see Annotated Bibliography Assignment Sheet).The bibliography can be changed in the final paper, but the annotated bibliography text you submitted will be a graded assignment separate from your Essay Assignment.

As you are drafting, consider how you are supporting your claims about the text. Refer to specific moments in the text (using quotes and other concrete details) for your explanation of how the writer uses writing strategies. Consider the balance between description and analysis. Describe moments in the text in order to make your argument. Your job is to evaluate the text by analyzing these details and making an argument about their aesthetic effect.

After drafting, revise and edit the Final Draft. Consider carefully the organization and coherence of your piece. Develop clear paragraphs that support your thesis. It is essential you incorporate feedback (from peers, from the SVWC, or Smartthinking) at this step off the process based on two completed Feedback Sheets. You must also reflect on this process and develop a Reflection Memo laying out your steps.

The Reflection Memo is meant to make you cognizant about the writing process. Based on the feedback you received, lay out your process of incorporating feedback and what you learned about the writing process as such in a 1-page memo. Your answers will not be graded for grammar, but you should try to answer as specifically and clearly as possible. The memo should explicitly answer these four questions:

  • What did you understand about the changes asked for in your essay by your reviewers? Be specific.
  • What changes did you make during the revision process and why?
  • What changes did you not make and why not?
  • What did you learn about the research process and how will you use it in the next assignment?

Format: Your final draft should be three to four pages (double-spaced, TNR font, 1” margins). When citing your outside source(s), follow MLA format (see IC Part 6 or Bowie State Course Library Guide for English 102.).

Deliverables: Deliverables: 1) Statement on Planned Research, 2) Annotated Bibliography, 3) Rough Draft 4) 2-Completed Feedback Sheets, 4) Final Draft , and 6) Reflection Memo

Suggested Themes and Topics

  • Social Media
  • Black Lives Matter
  • Ad campaigns by athletic gear companies
  • Ad campaigns by fashion
  • Social movement campaigns
  • Essay by famous authors
  • Media campaigns by politicians
  • Presidential campaigns
  • Amazon ad campaigns
  • Marijuana policies
  • Specific topics in Hip Hop
  • Objectification of women in advertising
  • NFL protests
  • Black Lives Matter
  • Immigration controversies
  • Poverty and inequality
  • Climate change
  • Student debt
  • Internet addiction
  • Student athletes and unpaid labor
  • Sports injuries – NFL concussions
  • Texting and driving
  • Drunk driving
  • Public transportation

Additional Themes and Topics:

Textual Analysis Argument Rubric – 100 Points












It does a great job of connecting to the prompt, setting the context, and stating the audience.

It does a good job of connecting to the prompt and stating the audience.

It does not do an adequate job of connecting to the prompt and stating the audience.

It does not connect to the prompt, the subject or state the audience.

It does not fulfill either function regarding the prompt or audience. Or assignment submitted.







A very specific closed 3-point thesis that provides a clear position and outlines the structure of the paper.

A closed 3-point thesis that presents an position being talked about in the paper.

It does not present an position or the outline of the paper.

No thesis.

No thesis. Or assignment submitted.

Content of Argument






Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to illustrate profiency of the topic and analysis; explains using the appropriate terminology and with sourced evidence.

Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to illustrate competence of the topic and analysis; explains using the appropriate terminology and with sourced evidence.

Illustrates competence of the topic and analysis; use of appropriate terminology and with sourced evidence needs to be stronger.

Inadequate handling of the topic and analysis; no use of appropriate terminology.

Poor handling of the topic and analytical process. Or assignment submitted.







Presents ideas in a logical and cohesive sequence, with paragraphs using topic sentences and transition words or phrases well and reflecting the assigned argument.

Presents ideas in a cohesive sequence, with paragraphs using topic sentences and transition words or phrases that need to be strengthened; logic of sequence is not explicit but argument type is clear.

Presents ideas in a sequence of pars with vague transitions. Topic sentences are present but need to be revised for clarity.

Ideas are not presented in a sequence; transitions and topic sentences are not effectively used.

The essay does not represent the required argument in either sequence or ideas. Transitions and topic sentences are missing. Or assignment submitted.

Mechanics and Style






The essay demonstrates mastery in grammar and mechanics of SAE conventions. Essay has only 1-2 major errors and only 1-2 minor errors in its use of SAE

The essay demonstrates proficiency over grammar and mechanics of SAE conventions. Essay has 3-4 major errors and 3-4 minor errors in its use of SAE.

The essay demonstrates some competence over grammar and mechanics of SAE conventions. Essay has 5 major errors and 5 minor errors in its use of SAE.

The essay displays a lack of competence over grammar and mechanics of SAE conventions. Essay has 6 or more major errors and 6 or more minor errors in its use of SAE.

The essay displays no competence over grammar and mechanics of SAE conventions. Essay demonstrates a lack of control over SAE in both major and minor errors. Or assignment submitted.







It does a great job summing up the points of the arguments, restating the position, and articulates what it means for future work.

It does a good job summing up the points of the arguments, restates the position, and articulates what it means for future work.

It does a adequate job summing up the points of the arguments and position. But it does not talk about significance to future work.

It does not sum up the points of the arguments, restates the position, and articulates what it means for future work.

It does not fulfill any of the functions of the conclusion or is missing one completely. Or assignment submitted.

MLA citations & formatting






All sources are introduced and cited. Essay is formatted in Times New Roman, 12 pt. type. Includes a properly formatted Work Cited Page.

Most sources are introduced but all of them are cited. Essay is formatted in Times New Roman, 12 pt. type. Includes a properly formatted Work Cited Page

Only a couple of sources are introduced but all are cited. Essay is formatted in Times New Roman, 12 pt. type. Work cited page is not satisfactory.

Sources are introduced and most of them are cited. Margins are not consistent and pars are not clearly delineated. Essay may be in a type face other than Times New Roman, 12 pt. No work cited page.

Sources are neither introduced nor cited. Portions of the paper are plagiarized. No Work Cited page. Or assignment submitted.

Reflection Memo






The memo clearly lists the changes made on the basis of reviewer’s feedback. It lists why the changes were made and reflects on the process. It also articulates how future work will build-off what was learned.

The memo lists the changes made. It lists why the changes were made and reflects on the process.

The memo lists the chances made.

Does not list any changes or reflections.

Memo is too brief or no memo.

Annotated Bibliography


Genre/Medium:Annotated Bibliography

Prompt:The writer of an annotated bibliography complies a list of sources to build research. The form includes a brief summary of the source and your own critical assessment of its relevance, objectivity, appropriateness, and usefulness. This write-up will be similar to the writing activities you had to do in English 101. To do this assignment use the currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose (CRAAP) framework in evaluating your resources. It is a tool that helps you keep an organized and thoughtful record of the research process and relevant information about the topic.

To this end, you will put together an annotated bibliography of four sources in preparation for Assignment 1. The bibliography will include three types of textual information:

1) Two mainstream and accredited news/ magazine article,

2) One scholarly/academic “peer reviewed” article,

3) One legitimate web-based multimedia or blog-style article.

Format:Your annotated bibliographies must paragraphs must contain a topic sentence, clear evidence from the reading, and coherent sentences on a topic. It will use transitions affectively to cohere the overall piece together. It must answer: 1) What is the information in the article you are summarizing?, 2) What is your critical assessment of the article?, and 3) How you will use it in your assignment?


  • Cite in MLA-citation format the name of the article.
  • Draft one or two paragraphs for each of the sources you list in your annotated bibliography.
  • Review the information in the bibliographies with your classmates to improve the grammar of the text and consider points that might help you build your argument in Assignment 3.

Grading Rubric (100 Points):






Content & evidence

Excellent annotated bibliographies. It lays out the aspects of the topic well, evaluates the sources effectively, and/or lays out how it will be used in the argument.

Good annotated bibliographies. It lays out the aspects of the topic well, evaluates the sources, and/or lays out its use in the argument.

It is an adequate annotated bibliographies. It lays out the aspects of the topic, but does not evaluates the sources or lay out its use in the argument.

Does not fulfill the requirements of an annotated bibliographies.

Paragraphs are too poorly written to be useful or no paragraphs presented.

Information Literacy






Citation is correct. It also provides specific evaluations about the appropriateness of the medium and the information for academic research.

Citation is correct. It provides specific evaluations about the appropriateness of the medium.

Citation is correct. Citation is accurate. It needs to speak to the appropriateness of the medium and the information for academic research.

Citation is not correct. Does not include any information about the medium and appropriateness for academic research.

Citation and assessment are not adequate or no citations provided.


University of The Cumberlands Value of AT&T Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

This assignment is an individual-specific assessment of the industry in which you currently work or of the industry in which you intend to work after completing your MBA. You should discussion the sources of the value created within your particular industry. Your brief document should address the following issues:

  1. Brief description of your current or intended industry
  2. Evaluation of the unique value created by your firm (for its customers) relative to all of its competition. In other words, what makes your firm special for its customers. The value may be derived from the quality of the product (relative to others on the market), customer service, overall purchase experience, or a combination of these and other factors.
  3. Concluding discussion that addresses how the factors that influence value created in this industry may change over the next five years.

Note: Please take AT&T as example


Business Oportunity during COVID 19 and OKR & KPI Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) vs Key Performance Indicators (KPI):

As a business person with no shortage of financial resources, think of a small business opportunity that COVID-19 would enable you to embark on.

(e.g. local courier service, face masks and sanitizing products imports, etc)

•What are the business opportunities that can be leveraged in the current Corona Crisis, and what are the risks?

•Use this example to explain the differences between OKR and KPI.

Please create a Word doc of 2-2.5 pages (References Excluded) to discuss the subject above

APA format

At least 2 References

try to cover state california.



Kaplan College Palm Springs Solar Power Technology Questions Science Assignment Help

Assignments include both questions and essay related with the both articles covered and the ideas discussed in the course notes. Additional research might be needed for the essay. Please make sure you provide references for the essay.

You need to review both article and lecture notes to answer the following questions.

  1. What is solar PV energy and how would you promote solar power and energy applications more in Iowa? What are the basic pros and cons of solar power technology?
  2. How does a simple solar PV panel operate?
  3. Applications of solar power in or daily lives?
  4. How would U.S. be a leader in solar power? Justify your answer with examples.
  5. What is former U.S. President Carter’s energy plan on solar power? Can we make President Carter’s solar power dream real today? If so, how?
  6. As discussed in “A Solar Grand Plan,” identify at least three of the five payoffs anticipated by the solar grand plan.
  7. As set forth in “A Solar Grand Plan,” what assertion do the authors make about creating “a scenario for 2100”?
  8. As suggested in “A Solar Grand Plan,” what benefits could be incurred by imposing a tax on carbon emissions?
  9. How would you describe United States’ solar power resources as a major future energy use? Can we fully depend on solar power?
  10. What are the environmental savings in solar power generation as compared with the coal-fired power generation?
  11. Grand plan mentioned in the article offers that the cost (of required infrastructure for a new solar power based clean energy and transmission system), $420B, would be generated by a carbon tax of 0.5 cent/kWh in long term. Describe how this would be feasible by convincing American citizens with additional charges to electricity cost.

Essay: Research the current U.S. farm price support programs including subsidies. Do you think government support to U.S. farm price support programs is higher than $420 Billion that is needed for establishing a modern solar power system infrastructure in the United States? At the same time, authors and many other experts believe that “greatest obstacle to implement a renewable US energy system is neither technology nor money; it is the lack of public awareness that solar power is a practical alternative”. Do you agree or not? Explain your justification with supporting ideas and examples.

Kaplan College Palm Springs Solar Power Technology Questions Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Week 7 Hair Extension Business Plan Paper Writing Assignment Help

It is now time to put your business plan together. Your plan should include the following (See attached for guidance):

Part 1:

  • Executive summary, company description

Part 2:

  • Industry analysis & trends, target market, competition, strategic position & risk assessment, marketing plan, & sales strategy

Part 3

  • Operations, technology plan, management, & organization

Part 4:

  • Development, milestones, exit plan, the financials

Part 5 (Appendix):

  • Any supporting documents in the appendix.

NOTE: The business plan will serve as your first attempt at completing this in-depth, well-researched business plan. You will re-visit various sections during your BA program and complete a final, polished business plan in your capstone course ENTR498.

Please review attached assignment rubric

Minimum 8 pages (not including reference page)

Business Professional Format


ENTR311 American Public Week 7 Problem Solving in Retail Management Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

RTMG 150 – Week 7 Forum- Problem Solving in retail management

Instructions: After reading this weeks material, address the following:

– In today’s technological world, what should retailers do to bring customers into their stores and build customer loyalty?

– What marketing strategies, such as social media, promotions, advertising, marketing, etc should they use to reach customers? Explain your answer.

Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 250 words. Please respond to at least 2 other students (if you make 3 responses, I will get more credit check grading rubric). Responses should be a minimum of 100 substantive words.

Initial Post Due: Thursday, 11:55 p.m., ET
Responses Due: Sunday, 11:55 p.m., ET

ENTR 311 – Week 7 Forum – Break-Even Analysis

What is your break-even analysis? How can you improve your break-even point? Explain.

For ENTR 311 , 4 responses needed minimum 100 words each.

Initial post must be done in both the forum today itself. Peer responses can be done before sunday.


Alabama A & M University Hate Crime Research Proposal Law Assignment Help

Write a 1,050- to 1,400- word Methods and Conclusions section of research proposal. Include a detailed description of how you would go about collecting data and testing the hypothesis.

Although you are not required to develop a new or original method, it is recommended that you review journal articles to determine what methods are standard to test a hypothesis similar to the one(s) outline in your proposal. Be sure to include the following:


  • Describe the general methodology you chose for your study, in order to test your hypotheses.
  • Explain why this method is the best for your purposes.
  • Participants: Who would you test and why?
  • Describe the sample you would test, and explain why you chose this sample.


  • Include any demographic information relevant to the design.
  • Explain all the procedures involved in proving or refuting your hypothesis.
  • Explain what significant differences you would need to find to confirm or refute your hypothesis.


  • How will you analyze the results?
  • What kind of results would confirm your hypothesis?
  • What kind of results would refute your hypothesis?

Significance and Conclusion

  • Discuss, in general, how your proposed research would lead to a significant improvement over the original studies, and how it would benefit the field.

Include at least eight peer-reviewed references.

Include Introduction

Include Conclusion





Santa Monica Greenpeace Organization Towards American Clean Energy & Security Act Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Write 2-3 pages , single space, font 11 or 12, No plagiarism. Answer the 4 questions about the position of the Greenpeace organization towards the American Clean Energy and Security Act (2009) and say which parts this organization does oppose and what parts does it support? Also you need to feel out an excel sheet which will reflect the summary of your work and the position of Greenpeace organization towards each legislation. (you are doing the initial written assignment part , page 7 of the outline) and also the spreadsheet table on the last page ( I will upload the excel sheet)

The 4 questions are:

For an organization, focus your research and analysis on that organization’s statements online.For this purpose, you are advised to consult statements submitted to Congress about the American Clean Energy and Security Act (use the version summarized in the document by the Energy and Commerce Committee, included in the National Sustainability Challenge folder on blackboard website) or other legislation.

a.Discuss what portions or aspects of the legislation your organization supports. What does your organization oppose?What is the public policy rationale for your position?

b.As an internal strategy document, your memorandum should also discuss the strategic considerations that underlie your organization’s position.What are the interests of your organization?How will the positions you are recommending further those interests?

c. Will the shifts in the political climate since 2009, when the A.C.E.S. Act passed the House of Representatives, make a difference for your organization’s strategy?

d. In an election year, organizations can make their influence known and felt by supporting Congressional incumbents. Organizations create Political Action Committees, or PACS, with the purpose of donating money to Members of Congress. These PACS often donate to candidate whose political views are in line with that of the organization. As a representative organization, you should find out which political party does your PAC tend to support. Why might this be the case based on your research and understanding of the issues outlined above? What is the official name of the PAC? What is its designation? How much money has the PAC spent on the 2016 election so far?[1]

This information can be found at, a service of the Center for Responsive Politics, an independent and nonpartisan research group that tracks money in politics. During lecture on October 2nd, we will carry out a brief tutorial to introduce you to this resource.

[1] If your PAC does not have data for 2016, then use the data for the 2014 election cycle.


ITS 83542 University of Central Missouri Enterprise Risk Management Paper Writing Assignment Help

ITS 83542 University of Central Missouri Enterprise Risk Management Paper Writing Assignment Help

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