its my homework question 1 Humanities Assignment Help. its my homework question 1 Humanities Assignment Help.
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The concept of tian occurs in both Confucianism and Taoism, but means slightly different things to each. In two solid, well written paragraphs, explain the mean of tian within each tradition. If you use our textbook as souce, no need for a bibliography or works cited page. If you use any additional resources, please cite accordingly.
Grading will be according to the general rubric. Submissions will be analyzed using SafeAssign.
This assignment contributes to the following learning outcomes, among others.
1. read, write and speak critically and effectively about religious issues.
2. work maturely with diverse and conflicting religious views.
1. identify the basic ideas, practices and institutions of five or more different religions
8. analyze similarities and differences between religions and within the varieties within each religion studied.
its my homework question 1 Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Write a research paper about the subject that i wrote below depending on the instructions below. ( up to ten pages in length, double spaced) Humanities Assignment Help
Write a research paper about The (The Russian Revolution)This should be similar to any paper you would write for other classes – including a title page, an introduction, body of text, a conclusion, and references/bibliography. APA or MLA format is acceptable.
Proper Citation of Sources.
When writing papers which use information from researched sources, it is necessary to provide complete and correct documentation to show the source of all words and ideas which are not those of the student. Failure to cite a source implies that the information used is the original work of the paper writer – a form of stealing known as “plagiarism.” In the college class, plagiarism is grounds for failure, no matter how well written the rest of the paper may be.
Do not use first person or contractions when writing. Also, remember that a successful term paper is not one that is written at the last moment, rather it is one that has been thought out, written, edited, and edited some more.
Make sure you proofread! Nothing detracts from a paper (or grade) worse than a poorly written, mistake-filled paper.
When writing this research paper, you should attempt to address the following questions: Comprehensive introduction ( includes who, what, where , and when) with clear thesis statement that answers the question.
- Why is this person or event important in Modern World History?
- analyze the Russian Revolution from the causes, conduct, ( what happened in the different phases of the revolution) and the short term and long term consequence
- Does this individual or event represent an aspect that helped shape Modern World History?
- Would Modern World History be different if not for the actions of this person or the occurrence of the events? (ensure you have a solid conclusion)
Students should not use the encyclopedia or the course text book as the primary source of research. Also keep in mind when writing the research paper ,You should not rely solely on the internet for information either; students may use certain web page links such as, The History Channel or to reinforce the research paper.
Critique article Humanities Assignment Help
After reading chapter 1, please read the short article titled “Thinking Makes Us Pig Out” located below. After reading the article, please provide a critique of the research discussed in the article. Explain why you believe the research is based on “good neuroscience” or “bad neuroscience” (provide facts). Post your critique of this article in the discussion board. Make sure to completely and fully address the discussion question to obtain full graded points.
Thinking Makes Us Pig Out:…
**Please kindly and carefully follow instructions
***Please down load the PDF of the book online coz its highly needed
***250 to 500 words please
Here is the text book; John P.J. Pinel. Biopsychology(10th edition), Pearson Education, Inc.
QSO640 Southern New HighTower Global Solutions Project Management Plan Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Your final project will be a complete project management plan. The plan will be comprised of standard templates used by organizations across all industries. For your final project, you will be using the HighTower Global Solutions case study, as the foundation for your plan. You will
consider stakeholder perspectives and communication needs as well as typical project risks and issues. At the end, you will have a complete project
management plan that supports a typical project for an organization.
Your project management plan should be between 10 and 12 pages, double-spaced, have one-inch margins, and use 12-point Times
New Roman font and the most recent version of APA format.
Operational Excellence Programming Assignment Help
Capacity Planning & Forecasting.
Forecasting is the art and science of predicting future events . Forecasting is a statement about the future. Operations management is designed to support forecasted performances and events.
Specifically, operations managers allocate personnel, time, and resources in order to meet the demands of forecasts.
You paper must be in correct APA format, use correct grammar, and will need to include at least seven (7) resources, ALL of which must:
1) Be current. Published within the last five years.
2) Be peer-reviewed.
3) Relate directly to Capacity Planning & Forecasting
Important Guidelines:
A. Remember that an annotation is not the same as an abstract. Abstracts are descriptive. Your annotations are to be evaluative and critical.
B. Provide enough information to make your paper clear and concise. Don’t go skimpy on these annotations, but DO NOT write too much here. Quality is far more important that quantity.
C. This exercise is for each of you to demonstrate that you can identify, categorize, and digest multiple research papers.
D. Every resource you choose must be peer reviewed. That means the paper must have undergone a formal peer review before being published in a journal or presented at a conference. You must ensure that your resources have undergone rigorous reviews. In most cases, you can find out the review process for a conference or journal by visiting the appropriate web site or UC Library. Do not simply assume that a resource is peer reviewed – check it out.
Write a research paper about the subject that i wrote below depending on the instructions below. (ten or up to ten pages in length, double spaced) Humanities Assignment Help
Write a research paper about The (The Russian Revolution)This should be similar to any paper you would write for other classes – including a title page, an introduction, body of text, a conclusion, and references/bibliography. APA or MLA format is acceptable.
Proper Citation of Sources.
When writing papers which use information from researched sources, it is necessary to provide complete and correct documentation to show the source of all words and ideas which are not those of the student. Failure to cite a source implies that the information used is the original work of the paper writer – a form of stealing known as “plagiarism.” In the college class, plagiarism is grounds for failure, no matter how well written the rest of the paper may be.
Do not use first person or contractions when writing. Also, remember that a successful term paper is not one that is written at the last moment, rather it is one that has been thought out, written, edited, and edited some more.
Make sure you proofread! Nothing detracts from a paper (or grade) worse than a poorly written, mistake-filled paper.
When writing this research paper, you should attempt to address the following questions: Comprehensive introduction ( includes who, what, where , and when) with clear thesis statement that answers the question.
- Why is this person or event important in Modern World History?
- analyze the Russian Revolution from the causes, conduct, ( what happened in the different phases of the revolution) and the short term and long term consequence
- Does this individual or event represent an aspect that helped shape Modern World History?
- Would Modern World History be different if not for the actions of this person or the occurrence of the events? (ensure you have a solid conclusion)
Students should not use the encyclopedia or the course text book as the primary source of research. Also keep in mind when writing the research paper ,You should not rely solely on the internet for information either; students may use certain web page links such as, The History Channel or to reinforce the research paper.
Write a research paper about the subject that i wrote below depending on the instructions below. (ten or up to ten pages in length, double spaced) Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
You are to pick one product or service idea, not covered in our case studies, that is of interest to you. It may be a fictional new product or service you imagine someone inventing Business Finance Assignment Help
You will be required to submit a complete business plan for your new product or service idea via Canvas. An outline of the information that is required in your business plan follows. Please follow the template for the format of your project. The plan must be realistic. Don’t wait until the last minute!!
As we go along in the semester, several of these elements appear in your homework. Use the text as a resource, as well as your own knowledge of the product and its market. If you were actually planning to open such a business, you might visit a similar business or competitor to find out how many customers a day can realistically be expected, so that your financial planning is not overstated. Be sure you are clear on your sales proposition & elevator pitch as well.
BTW, failure to complete this project could take your grade down at least 2 letters.
Use your creativity and let yourself shine. Add photos and graphics, charts and diagrams to liven up and clarify the content in addition to those that are required.
Note that the grading rubric is based on whether required elements are in the plan as well as the quality & realism of those elements.
Geography globalization writing -02 Writing Assignment Help
Module Two – Development Theory: Discussion Prompt
In the introduction of the The No Nonsense Guide to International Development, author Maggie Black presents a history of various theories and practices of development. Your assignment for this week’s course discussion is to find one contemporary news story that discusses or portrays some aspect of the theories or practices of development discussed in the No Nonsense Guide reading selection assigned for Module Two.
The news story you select can be about anywhere in the world, but it should have been written in the past three years, and it must have come from a reputable popular news source, such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, BBC News, etc. Avoid tabloid publications and blogs of individual journalists. You may use written, video or audio sources.
Your discussion post should include the following:
In 350 words-
- State the full title of the news story and include complete bibliographic information on the source (include website as well as a formal bibliographic citation).
- In three to four sentences, summarize the main claims of the story. This is harder to do than it may seem – focus on the key arguments made; do not recount all details.
- In two well-written paragraphs, explain how this story relates to ONE development theory or practice from the reading. Begin by briefly summarizing the theory or development from the reading selection by Maggie Black. Refer to the relevant passages in the text and include page numbers. Your news story may confirm the theory, refute the theory, demonstrate an example of the practice in action, etc. Discuss if you think the development practice or theory is effective, problematic, ineffective, etc. Be specific and support your opinions with evidence and reasoning.
Some Rubric (1)
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBibliographic Information |
2.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary of Article |
3.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRelation to Development Theory |
5.0 pts |
Total Points: 10.0 |
Music paper writing Writing Assignment Help
For this assignment, select a song that is around 5 minutes long that you have listened to often. This song can be any genre, as long as it is one that is familiar to you. Do not pick a song discussed in your textbook. See the textbook for an idea of what your listening guides might look like, but your guide does not need to conform to this format. Be creative in the way you organize your guide, using the format that best helps you express the important aspects of the piece. The purpose of this assignment is for you to describe to me—using terms used in this class—music that you enjoy.
Essential elements to include:
1. Basic information of the piece. Title, composer/band/singer, date, genre.
2. General musical characteristics. Include descriptions of at least three of the following: form, text, texture, melody, harmony, performing forces.
3. Important musical events. Describe what happens at major marking points in the song (e.g., when the chorus arrives, when a solo begins, etc.), and include timings (0:00, 2:24, 3:25, etc.). That way I can listen to the track you are describing and go
directly to that spot on the recording. Important: you do not need to give a play-by-play of the music, only the important musical events; part of your job is to separate the important from the non-important.
4. If there’s a text, include it in your guide.
Assessment. Your points received for the guide will be determined via the following criteria:
Astronomy assignment writing Science Assignment Help
Most of these questions will require doing research/reading outside of the course material. That’s one of the essential points of homework. Also, there is relevant material available under the resources tab on the course web site.
- The most dominant early philosophers in Ancient Greece or Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes. Some of their contributions were discussed in class. However, all three of these philosophers (and more) have the same point of origin in the Greek world, the sea colony of Miletus. Provide a set of reasons that may have promoted the kind of intellectual thinking that occurs in Miletus, but not elsewhere in the early Greek world.
- Describe some of the necessary assumptions needed for Erasthosenes method to work. Although this method produced a reasonably accurate measure of the size of the Earth, what do you think the major sources of error might be?
- Another philosopher we will not discuss in detail in class is Plato but Plato’s geometry and notions of geometrical harmony are very influential: Explain the overall logic behind Plato’s “four elements” and why does he map these elements into particular shapes? Are there any observations that Plato could have made to support the existence of these four elements?
- Explain how the concept of relative motion (first introduced by Cusa) helps to promote the idea that the Earth could be going around the Sun.
- Some quotes from Lucretius’s Poem: “On the Nature of Things” are presented (ATTACHED FILE)Here provide a good example of deep and forward thinking. But this work is full of other outstanding ideas and quotes. Find 3 additional quotes, ideas or passages in this work and explain why you think they are profound in the context of the time period in which this piece was written. You will probably want to do this question by going to this summary page :…and identify some interesting ideas and then find the supporting text within the poem itself.
[supanova_question] identify some interesting ideas and then find the supporting text within the poem itself.