Java- Data Structures question Programming Assignment Help

Java- Data Structures question Programming Assignment Help. Java- Data Structures question Programming Assignment Help.

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The popular social network Facebook TM was founded by Mark Zuckerberg and his classmates at Harvard University in 2004. At the time, he was a sophomore studying computer science.

Design and implement an application that maintains the data for a simple social network. Each person in the network should have a profile that contains the person’s name, optional image, current status, and a list of friends. Your application should allow a user to join the network, leave the network, create a profile, modify the profile, search for other profiles, and add friends.

Repeat Project above to create a simple social network. Use a graph to track the friend relationships among members of the network. Add a feature to enable people to see a list of their friends’ friends.

Java- Data Structures question Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Written Memo: Progress Toward Your Degree Writing Assignment Help

You made an agreement with your parents (or spouse, partner, relative, or friend) that you would submit a report at this time describing the progress you have made toward your educational goal (employment, certificate, or degree).

Your Task. In memo format (several templates can be found in Word) write a progress report that fulfills your promise to describe your progress toward your educational goal. Address your progress report to your parents, spouse, partner, relative, or friend. In your memo (a) describe your goal; (b) summarize the work you have completed thus far; (c) discuss thoroughly the work currently in progress, including your successes and anticipated obstacles; and (d) forecast your future activities in relation to your scheduled completion date.

The memo should be in narrative form. You will be assessed on your ability to organize your information, your ability to get your message across, and your grasp of the English language. Keep in mind that business writing is purposeful, concise, audience oriented, and usually informative.

This memo should be formatted as follows:

  • Left and right margins should be 1.25”
  • Font should be Arial 12 pt.
  • Standard spacing (double space between paragraphs and single space body of memo)
  • Length should be no more than 2 pages
  • Headings/subheadings should be used as appropriate to the memo content


Final Project Statistic as a word file, a pdf file and SAS file worksheets Mathematics Assignment Help

Note: I posted the group project early to give you time to organize your group.Each student should run the software to get the same result.

Final Goup Project Due 6/25

Form a group of 3-4 students. Indicate clearly the name of the student next to the part he or she worked on. The final copy should be typed with the list of all names and submitted as a word file, a pdf file and SAS file worksheets

Each student in the group should submit the same final group written project through his or her link. Submit a word file, a pdf file and a Sas extension file. Failing to do so will results on a zero for your grade.


General Description

For the data analysis project, you address some questions that interest you with the statistical methodology we learn in Statistics MATH 331. You choose the question; you decide how to collect data; you do the analyses. The questions can address almost any topic including topics in engineering, economics, sports, psychology, sociology, natural science, medicine, public policy, sports, law.

The project requires you to synthesize all the material from the course. Hence, it’s one of the best ways to solidify your understanding of statistical methods. Plus, you get answers to issues that pique your intellectual curiosity. By the end of this session, you will have learned many statistical techniques, such as hypothesis testing, confidence intervals. These techniques will help you address your question of interest. You should work in groups of three or four people on the project. Each group should spread the work among members so that everyone shares in the project to be submitted in a very short time.

You are permitted to collect data from any source including off the web; however, you must be the ones who decides on the analyses and puts the analysis and the data set together.

Good projects begin with very clear and well-defined hypotheses. You should think of questions that interest you first and then provide an adequate description of the methods and design of the study. You should make use of the concepts and methods learned in this course, and not just general knowledge, in planning and completing this type of project.

Project Submission

Each member of the same group should submit an exact copy of the final PROJECT with all group members’ names listed on the top by the due date. Your project should include the following:

  • What are the main issues or problems you planned to address?
  • What were your plans for obtaining background information (if needed) about your project?
  • Describe the data that you planned on using or collecting, including the variables measured.
  • What questions and/or concerns did you have about your project?

You will be graded for the following characteristics:

  1. Consistency: Did you answer your question of interest?
  2. Clarity: Is it easy for your reader to understand what you did and the arguments you made?
  3. Relevancy: Did you use statistical techniques wisely to address your question?
  4. Interest: Did you tackle a challenging, interesting question (good), or did you just collect descriptive statistics (bad)?

Your project should address the following points:

  1. Statement of the problem: Describe the questions you address and any key issues surrounding the questions.
  2. Data collection: Explain how you collect data. Include any questions you asked. Also, include response rates.
  3. Analyses: Describe the analyses you did. Be ready to explain why you believe these methods are justified.
  4. Results: Present relevant descriptive statistics. Include tables or graphs that support your analyses.
  5. Conclusions: Answer your question of interest.
  6. Discussion: What implications do your results have for the population you sampled from? What could be done to improve the study if it was done again? What types of biases might exist?


you must do this all in ms visio and create the different documents Business Finance Assignment Help

Create data flow diagrams as detailed below using MS Visio based on the above description for the system. If you absolutely cannot obtain MS Visio, you may submit diagrams either created using Power Point or in Word – but you MUST get my permission to use any of these alternative tools.

You are responsible for ensuring the diagrams contain all the required information, regardless of the tool you use.

You MUST use the shapes that we covered in the class for all necessary icons.

Q1: Draw the Context Diagram of the system and name that page “Context_Diagram_by_” plus your last name (e.g., Context_Diagram_by_last name) (1 pts)

Q2: Draw the Level-0 DFD of the system and name it “Level0_Diagram_by_” plus your last name (e.g., Level0_Diagram_by_last name).

Q3: Choose only one process in the Level-0 DFD and further decompose it into a Level-1 DFD. Name it “Level1_Diagram_by_” plus your last name (e.g., Level1_Diagram_by_last name).

NOTE: To decompose one process you are allowed to make assumptions about what goes on inside that process beyond what is described in the description of but you cannot change or contradict the system description.

Hints • As for external entities, you are the external entity • In the level-0 diagram for

Q2, you should have approximately 4 major processes (however, you can have more or less than 4 depending on whether they make sense and capture how the system works).

• In the level-0 diagram for Q2, though things happen in sequence, remember that DFDs do not show when or how often things happen.

• Make sure you have included all the needed data flows that are indicated in the narrative. Missing data flows will lose points.

• Make sure that all the processes, entities, and data flows are named properly (do not forget about the naming rules).

• Keep in mind the principle of balancing when you decompose from Q1: context diagram to Q2: level-0 diagram and from Q2: level-0 diagram to Q3: level-1 diagram.

If the diagrams are not balanced, you will lose points. • To the best of your ability, if you have data flows crossing with each other or other symbols, try moving them around or changing their shapes to eliminate the overlap. Otherwise, it will be hard for me to read and grade your solution. • Have fun. Thanks.


Film New Media Literacy assignment Writing Assignment Help

Description: This assignment uses module themes and course readings as a way to critically analyze and discuss the internet awareness campaign #MeToo, and its socio-cultural implications.

Length: Minimum: 1500 words Maximum: 1800 words

Purpose: The purpose of the assignment is to bridge course concepts, module themes, research literature, and an important current event taking place on the internet at this time.

You will use the #MeToo campaign to show your ability to asses current events that bridge physical and digital worlds, and critically analyze them in an academic manner (versus forming opinions without facts). This assignment reveals the complexities of the digital world, and our roles within it – it is not about whether you agree or disagree with this awareness campaign, we are simply analyzing the viral spreading of a hashtag, and trying to understand and articulate the socio-cultural implications of this online event in different ways.

Submission: Upload your assignment via Sakai. Go to “Assignments”, click on Assignment 2, and click on ‘Add Attachments’. You will upload your assignment as a single file.


  • Your assignment must be uploaded as a single .doc file, or as a single .pdf file.
  • Mac users: you can convert a Pages document into a word .doc by going to the menu bar and choosing: ‘File’ – ‘Export’– ‘Word’.
  • Files that cannot open and/or incorrect files will receive a grade of 0.
  • We will not be tracking down assignments: you must submit properly, on-time.
  • Check and double check to ensure that the file is attached and is the correct file. After submitting, definitely review your submission so you can see/confirm the file.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that you have uploaded your file into Sakai. You have a maximum of five re-submission attempts BEFORE the deadline passes.
  • Late assignments are not accepted and will receive a grade of 0.
  • Assignments sent via e-mail will receive a grade of 0.
  • Do not wait until the last ten minutes to submit your module response.
  • Technological issues (ie my laptop froze at 11:44pm) are not grounds for extensions. You MUST have the appropriate (and reliable) technology to take this course, and you must plan your time effectively.

Instructions for Assignment #2


Do some research about the #MeToo campaign to understand its origin and purpose – plus the commentary and discussions surrounding it.

Please note that this campaign deals with issues of sexual assault and harassment. If the public posts (Tweets, Instagram etc) are sensitive for you, then just read the Wikipedia entry and Know Your Meme.

Looking at the course syllabus, and the material we are covering this term, consider how aspects of the #MeToo campaign can be examined through and connected to the module themes and course readings.

  • Participatory Culture (readings from M1 & M6)
  • Networks & Networking (readings from M2)
  • Digital Divides (readings from M3)
  • Identity & Community (readings from M4)
  • Privacy & Surveillance (readings from M5

You’ll need to review the required readings in these modules, and understand the key points and issues that were highlighted in the readings and lecture notes.

You will then choose three module themes from this list, which will act as the critical lens that you will use to analyze the #MeToo campaign. For example, what does this campaign show us about the role of networks and networking in going viral? What can this campaign teach us about online community, and the power of strangers bonding together? What can we say about privacy and this campaign, and the revealing (and outing) of personal and intimate details? What does the Digital Divide research remind us to pay attention to here – can everyone access and participate in this campaign? What kinds of race and class issues surface in this digital campaign? In what ways does this campaign show us that in a participatory culture, not everyone’s contributions are welcome or validated? There are many different ways that you can analyze the #MeToo campaign via the course themes and material. These are just some suggestions. Ask yourself: What stands out for me? What do I find interesting? What do I find troubling?

Once you have your three themes selected, consider if there is an overarching theme, statement, or argument you can make from your analysis and support. What threads these three analyses of the campaign together? You also want to think about why your analysis is significant or important to discuss. What’s the ‘take away’?

Structure of Assignment

Introduction: 2 paragraphs

Briefly describe the #MeToo campaign (don’t forget to cite your info); outline what will be discussed; note any overarching theme or argument; note why the analysis is significant;

Body: 6-9 paragraphs

Each theme discussion must include at least two of the module’s required readings in support of your analysis (that’s six in total).

Theme 1: 2-3 paragraphs (includes at least two required module readings)

Theme 2: 2-3 paragraphs (includes at least two required module readings)

Theme 3: 2-3 paragraphs (includes at least two required module readings)

Remember to thread your analysis together -the overarching theme should be incorporated throughout these paragraphs.

Conclusion: 1 paragraph

In a few sentences, briefly reiterate the main arguments; do something with the analysis: a call to action, food for thought, or a contextualization of the argument in a larger context. Where do we go from here?

Important Notes:

  • The ‘tone’ of assignment two is academic. Avoid using first person and casual language, and including opinions and beliefs. Do not provide descriptive opinions and speculations, make succinct arguments that are supported by research and literature.
  • You are required to stay within the minimum and maximum word count or you will be penalized one full mark. In-text citations are included in the word count.
  • Double space your submission. Please pay attention to your writing style – grammar and punctuation matter. Have someone proofread your work. Your responses should have an introduction, body/discussion, and conclusion as provided in the instructions.
  • Your assignment must include at least two of the module’s required readings in support of each theme analysis/discussion (that’s six required module readings in total). You can absolutely use additional sources or course readings if you need to, once the minimums has been met.
  • Be sure to include any media articles regarding the campaign in your reference list – cited & referenced properly in APA.
  • Properly cite any readings that you use using APA. Submissions that do not cite and reference material properly will not be accepted and will result in a zero. This means, if nothing is cited or referenced in your submission – it will not be accepted. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they are meeting university standards for academic writing, regardless of what your home department is.
  • Use APA format for citing the readings and for your reference list – you may include a title page, or running header this assignment.
  • Do not use any direct quotes in your module submissions. Instead, rephrase and cite properly, or you will be penalized one full mark.

Required Readings:

Clarke, R. (2016). Introduction to Dataveillance and Information Privacy, and Definitions of Terms. Website:

Lyon, D. (2008). “Surveillance Society”. Queen’s University, Canada Talk for Festival del Diritto, Piacenza, Italia: September 28 2008.

Marwick, A.E. & d. boyd. (2014). Networked privacy: How teenagers negotiate context in social media. New Media & Society, Vol 16(7): 1051-1067. *Resources Tab (original URL no longer works).

van Dijck, J. (2014). “Datafication, dataism and dataveillance: Big Data between scientific paradigm and ideology.” Surveillance & Society 12(2): 197-208

Mitrou, L., Kandias, M., Stavrou, V. & D. Gritzalis. (2014 ). “Social media profiling: A Panopticon or Omniopticon tool?” Surveillance & Society Conference, Barcelona, Spain

The purpose of Assignment Two is to bridge course concepts, module themes, research literature, and an important current event taking place on the internet at this time. This assignment uses module themes and course readings as a way to critically analyze and discuss the internet awareness campaign #MeToo, and its socio-cultural implications. You will use the #MeToo campaign to show your ability to asses current events that bridge physical and digital worlds, and critically analyze them in an academic manner (versus forming opinions without facts). This assignment reveals the complexities of the digital world, and our roles within it. Additional details will be provided in the “Assignments” tab, under “A2” after A1 has closed.



Help fixing and reviwing codes in java ” linked list and double linked listADT ” Programming Assignment Help


I have my codes for the assignment and I need some help in reviewing them and fixing whatever is need to be fixed or added or deleted as the assignment request. Please make sure to add a picture of the output just like the sample output in the assignment I need them both together ( THE JAVA FILE AND THE SCREEN SHOTS OF THE OUTPUTS )

don’t forget to add comments for each step in the coding process

Finally, I really appreciate your help in advance, please do your best! Thanks

Help fixing and reviwing codes in java ” linked list and double linked listADT ” Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Assessment 3 Letter to the Editor: Population Health Policy Advocacy Health Medical Assignment Help



Throughout this course, you have focused on a specific health issue occurring within a specific population. You researched position papers regarding this health concern, and you developed a health policy proposal to positively impact the health of the affected individuals. It is now time to reach a greater audience regarding your policy proposal.


Develop a letter to the editor of a peer-reviewed academic or professional nursing journal based on the policy proposal that you created for Assessment 2. Choose from one of the journals on the Ultimate List of Nursing Journals (in the Resources) and go to that journal’s Web site to find out the requirements for submitting a letter to the editor, such as format requirements, topics, and word counts. Make sure you select a nursing journal that covers the topic about which you are going to write. If you want to use another journal that is not on this list, please make sure the journal does address health care, because this is the purpose of the assessment.

The goal of your letter is to be informative about the policy that you developed for Assessment 2, while also being persuasive about the need for and benefit of similar policies in other health care settings. The bullet points below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your submission addresses all of them. You may also want to read the Letter to the Editor: Population Health Policy Advocacy Scoring Guide and Guiding Questions: Letter to the Editor: Population Health Policy Advocacy document to better understand how each grading criterion will be assessed.

  • Evaluate the current state of the quality of care and outcomes for a specific issue in a target population.
    • Look back to the data or scenario you used in Assessment 1 to address this criterion.
  • Analyze how the current state of the quality of care and outcomes for a specific issue in a target population necessitates health policy development and advocacy.
  • Justify why a developed policy will be vital in improving the quality of care and outcomes for a specific issue in a target population.
  • Advocate for policy development in other care settings with regard to a specific issue in a target population.
  • Analyze the ways in which interprofessional aspects of a developed policy will support efficient and effective achievement of desired outcomes for the target population.
  • Communicate in a professional and persuasive manner, writing content clearly and logically with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
  • Integrate relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style (or the journal’s preferred style).


The submission requirements for your editorial will depend on the journal you choose. To find out the requirements, go to the journal’s Web site. There should be a section regarding submissions that will address how to format letters to the editor, and whether there is a word count limit (there usually is a limit).

  • If the journal does not have submission guidelines for the number of resources required, use 3–5 sources.
  • To be sure that your instructor knows the submission and formatting requirements for your letter, include the journal’s guidelines on a separate page at the end of the document you submit for this assessment.


Case 8 – Knottyville Country Club Business Finance Assignment Help


In the media piece provided, read Case 8: Knottyville Country Club (linked in the Resources), which addresses asset misappropriation risk factors, and post your answers to the questions. Your lists should include 2–3 items with an explanation. Your initial post should be about 200 words


In the media piece provided, read Case 20: Moha Computer Services Limited (linked in the Resources), which addresses corporate governance and professional ethics. Answer the questions at the end of the case. Your initial post should be about 200 words


In the media piece provided, read part two of Case 22: TechTennis USA (linked in the Resources), beginning with “Gathering Evidence Part II: Other Information.” Post your response to questions 6–10 at the end of the case. Your initial post should be about 200 words


Can you create a 10- to 15-slide presentation on the future of police technology? Business Finance Assignment Help

Select two trends or practices in policing that are of interest to you. Some examples may include:

  • Wearable computers
  • Predictive policing
  • Drone technologies
  • Forensic science
  • Biometrics and security
  • Enhanced surveillance/tracking through technologies
  • Intelligence-led policing
  • Radio technologies
  • Gunshot location systems
  • Radio frequency identification systems
  • Autonomous/driverless vehicles
  • Automatic Plate Readers
  • On-body cameras for all officers
  • Pursuit avoidance technologies
  • Portable Cannabis/Marihuana Breath Testers

Create a 10- to 15-slide presentation on the future of police technology of which you are the sales manager giving a presentation to a law enforcement agency with the purpose to sell the technology.

  • Describe the two trends or practices you selected.
  • Discuss how the trends or practices involve the use of technology.
  • Explain how the trends or practices will benefit the agency/department and/or homeland security.
  • Analyze the cons or implications of implementation of the trends or practices in the future.
  • Include a summary of your discussion with your collaborative group.

Provide examples to support your points in the presentation.

List major points in the slides using “bullet points,” keeping text to a minimum. Include detailed explanations in the speaker notes section of each slide. Speaker notes should contain approximately 100 words with research followed by a citation (exception Title Slide and Reference Slide)

Include videos, audio, photos, diagrams, or graphs as appropriate.

Include at least two references are from the Electronic Reserve Readings, UOP Library, Google Scholar, eBook Collection, or course reading assignments


Need help with assignment ! Humanities Assignment Help

Choose One:



– Bartolomé de las Casas: A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies

– Mary Wollstonecraft: A Vindication of The Rights of Woman

– Jean-Jacque Rousseau: The Social Contract

– Thomas Paine: Common Sense

After reading one of the above selections complete the following:

  • – One Page Typed Paper
  • – Single Spaced
  • – Font Size no larger than 12
  • – Turn in at beginning of class
  • – HARD COPY REQUIRED – do not email
  • – Include: Identifications, Analysis & Reaction
  • Write a 3 paragraph, one page paper. Please use the following format. This is a pass/ fail assignment. If you follow these instructions you will pass and get one point, if you do not follow these instructions you will fail and get zero points.


After reading one of the above selections complete the following:

  • – One Page Typed Paper
  • – Single Spaced
  • – Font Size no larger than 12
  • – Turn in at beginning of class
  • – HARD COPY REQUIRED – do not email
  • – Include: Identifications, Analysis & Reaction
  • Write a 3 paragraph, one page paper. Please use the following format. This is a pass/ fail assignment. If you follow these instructions you will pass and get one point, if you do not follow these instructions you will fail and get zero points.


After reading one of the above selections complete the following:

  • – One Page Typed Paper
  • – Single Spaced
  • – Font Size no larger than 12
  • – Turn in at beginning of class
  • – HARD COPY REQUIRED – do not email
  • – Include: Identifications, Analysis & Reaction
  • Write a 3 paragraph, one page paper. Please use the following format. This is a pass/ fail assignment. If you follow these instructions you will pass and get one point, if you do not follow these instructions you will fail and get zero points.


After reading one of the above selections complete the following:

  • – One Page Typed Paper
  • – Single Spaced
  • – Font Size no larger than 12
  • – Turn in at beginning of class
  • – HARD COPY REQUIRED – do not email
  • – Include: Identifications, Analysis & Reaction
  • Write a 3 paragraph, one page paper. Please use the following format. This is a pass/ fail assignment. If you follow these instructions you will pass and get one point, if you do not follow these instructions you will fail and get zero points.


Java- Data Structures question Programming Assignment Help

Java- Data Structures question Programming Assignment Help

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