Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Business Analytics and Regression Analysis Report Programming Assignment Help

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Business Analytics and Regression Analysis Report Programming Assignment Help. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Business Analytics and Regression Analysis Report Programming Assignment Help.

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Q1. Carefully Read the “CommBank Retail Business Insights Report FY18” provided with this as an attachment and answer the below questions. (Refer to the attachment)

i. Comment on the insights report based on the overall features; including the quality of visualisations, presentability, and the information provided.

ii. List the key information you derive from this insights report and explain how they will be useful in decision making.

iii. Write an abstract (one paragraph) summarising the insights report.

iv. Suggest improvements to this insights report.

Q2. Regression analysis is a commonly used technique to find relationships among variables. Answer the below questions based on regression analysis.

i. Provide an example where regression analysis can be effectively used.

ii. Collect height and weight data from 10 friends/relatives of yours and complete the below table. Every student in class should have a unique set of values.

Height Weight

iii. Draw a scatterplot based on above data. Based on your plot comment on the relationship between height and weight.

iv. Compute the equation of the regression line.

v. Calculate the R2 value and comment on the goodness of the fit.

vi. Use an analytics tool of your choice to calculate the values for iv, and v. Compare them with your answer.

Q3 Classification and regression are commonly used processes in business analytics.

i. Briefly explain the difference between classification and prediction.

ii. Give examples for classification methods you know.

iii. The following diagram shows a neural network with one hidden layer.

Write down the algebraic equation for y1 in terms of input values i1,i2 and weights w.

Briefly explain how neural networks are used for classification. (Refer to the attachment)

iv. Give at least three examples how clustering can be used in business analytics. In your answer explain how each business case could be addressed using clustering.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Business Analytics and Regression Analysis Report Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Capella University Certified Peer Specialist Admission Essay Writing Assignment Help

(150 words maximum for each question)

Peers can relate to others in a non-clinical, more personal way as they have a similar lived experience. Peers are positive role models and offer hope to others, demonstrating by their own life that recovery is possible. Tasks performed by Peer Support Specialists may include helping you to: • Express and achieve your goals for recovery • Monitor your own progress • Learn effective coping and self-help strategies • Find effective services and supports • Get the most from your Person Centered Planning process • Develop Wellness Plans • Develop Advance Directives • Get support during a crisis • Participate in the community • Become more independent and productive

Peers promote hope through positive self-disclosure, demonstrating that recovery is possible. They provide role models of self-care and the effective use of recovery skills. They lead support groups. Their experience and knowledge helps others in managing day-to-day life, not only with the illness but also with the social and human service systems. They also help people overcome discrimination, stigma and/or trauma. Peers listen attentively with respect, acceptance, and encouragement to the wants and needs of the people with whom they work. They assist people in obtaining resources, overcoming barriers, building protective factors, and pursuing their goals and dreams. Working on recovery and a life of health and wellness is a journey that takes time and daily work. Setbacks or relapses are possible. With the coping skills, supports and tools you learn, life can and will return to one of maintenance much sooner. Peers have walked this road and understand in a way others who have not lived with a mental illness cannot.

1. Why do you want to become a Certified Peer Specialist (CPS)? My passion for helping in thr healing process of others and assisting in finsing appropriate resources.

2. What makes you a good candidate to work with other consumers in the behavioral health field? My life experience of living thru addiction REHAP; recovery.

3. What types of experiences have you had in advocating for consumers of behavioral health services? Please describe in detail, listing efforts in letter-writing, personal advocacy, public testimony, programs you began, the work you are doing now, etc… Be specific. I am a person who has dealt with situations issues in my process of change that the client themselves may have. With the right guidence and determination I made it. i want to also help others to see their way through this process of recovery. I’ve been we’re most of their clients that come thru they re door s have been and made it through the other side successfully

4. Describe your current employment or volunteer situation. If neither applies, how do you spend your time? I’VE VOLUNTEERED AT THE SENIOR CENTER WHERE MY MOTHERS GO TO. I VOULNTEER AT MY CHURCH HELP MEMEBERS WHO ARE IN NEED AND NEED ASSISTAINCE.

5. How do you define recovery? What do people who know you are in recovery say about you

6. How do you give back to your family and friends since you have been in recovery? I SHARE MY STORY AND PROVID HOPE WHEN THEY ARE DOWN.

7. Why do you think it is important for Certified Peer Specialist to share their story?

8. What will be your most difficult challenge in attending this training? How will you deal with this challenge? TRANSPORTION, WORKING WITH MY CASE WORKER TO ASSITNACE ME.


Delaware College of Art and Design Emergency Operation Plan for Hospital Capstone Project Health Medical Assignment Help

The capstone project focuses on providing procedures and training required for the healthcare staff, patients, visitors and other employees during chemical hazards and disasters.

the hospital is located inside an industrial city in Saudi Arabia

Complete the Capstone project within the eight-weeks. Anticipate 50 -100 pages (including appendices) of work – it is a substantive project and analysis.

Prepare a written report of the capstone project using acceptable APA7 format and writing skills with ? simple academic language (second language speaker).?

The total price will be paid on parts after we finish each draft.


After each draft the facility managers could write recommendations to add or suggestions that help to make the project, so I will send the document again to you for editing and improving

Submit the first draft A minimum of 15 pages then we will continue working on the rest of capstone project. It is expected to cover these areas:

  • Title of the project
  • A significant statement of the purpose of the project.
  • Need for the study, including literature support. This includes the value of the project answering why such an effort is needed for/by what constituents. In addition these pages comprise the first pages of the final product. This is a critical element in the entire process, for the project must have demonstrable need to some constituency, the study of disaster medicine or management, and must be considered worthy of academic pursuit. Document your needs pages carefully by citing appropriate sources that will substantiate your rationale or otherwise illustrate why such a project should be undertaken. Do not necessarily look for literature that says “this topic needs more research”; rather, find sources that substantiate your perceptions of the topic’s relevance to the field.
  • Initial literature review – This section provides the academic foundation for your work. Understand that this section will continue to grow over the time of project development.
  • Methods to be used –Describe the methods that you will use in completing the project. Make certain that your methods statement is both clear and sequential. This narrative will be duplicated within the project itself.
  • Arrange telephone consulting as needed in this process. This is the time to identify any issues in project development and direction.

ELEMENTS OF THE FINAL PROJECT DOCUMENT (This is the written document that will comprise the substance of the Capstone experience; it will be detailed, carefully documented and will clearly define the purpose of the project, its potential use in the practice and/or the literature of the field of disaster medicine or management.)

  • Title Page
  • Signature page (see COURSE DOCUMENTS)
  • Abstract
  • A significant statement of the topic and need for the project; statement of delimitations if any
  • Academic foundation – a well developed literature review covering pertinent topics
  • Methods – detailed
  • Discussion, conclusions, recommendations, implications for further study or similar projects
  • References
  • Appendices as needed – your actual project deliverable materials will be here

VIII.Separate – suggested publication page (not numbered or part of the project document)


Troy University Jim Knight Human Resource Talks Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

DriveThruHR was designed to be a captivating and easy-to-digest lunch discourse that covers topics relevant to HR professionals. Each 30-minute episode features a guest speaker who shares her or his knowledge and experience in human resources. Our hosts and special guest cover a wealth of topics, including HR Technology, Recruiting, Talent Management, Leadership, Organizational Culture and Strategic HR, every day at 12:00 pm Central Time. The radio program is hosted by @bryanwempen (Emeritus), @williamtincup and @thehrbuddy The #1 HR show, with amazing HR conversations and follow us on the twitters at @drivethruhr and #dthr.

< Click here to listen: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/drivethruhr/2015/01/22/jim-knight-at-lunch-with-drivethruhr


UP Parental Decision on Vaccination of Children Under 12 Research Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Study Purpose and Research Question

For this assignment, you will compose a draft of the Study Purpose and Research Question sections of your Research Prospectus.

  • Study Purpose section: Begin with “The purpose of the [method choice] [research approach/design] study is to….” Following this, provide a brief rationale for your method choice. Next, specify your research site, target population, sampling method, proposed sample size, data collection method, and the data analysis software you plan to use. Finally, briefly articulate what you expect to be the contribution of study findings to both professional practice and scholarship in your field/concentration.
  • Research Question section: State the single overarching research question that will guide your study. (Note: For a quantitative or mixed methods study, you will also complete the Hypothesis(es) section; delete this section if you are planning a qualitative study.)
  • Ensure that you are able to demonstrate a clear alignment of your “trio”—the problem statement, study purpose, and research question.
  • Look ahead to the Research Method Rationale section, and provide an early draft of this section in your submission that matches the research method and research design choice included in your purpose sentence.

1-2 pages (not to include title and reference page)

My research topic is: Parental Decision of vaccinating or non-vaccinating children under 12 years old in the U.S.



Improving Study Skills Paper Programming Assignment Help

CAMP 2 (Mandatory)


This assignment consists of compiling some of the information you’ve learned about yourself and careers in psychology through the semester.You will make references back to the start of the semester and the first CAMP completed (the CAREER TIMELINE) and add additional information gained from the exercises listed below:

  1. Improving My Study Skills.View the “How to Get the Most Out of Studying” videos created by Dr. Stephen Chew of Samford University (http://www.samford.edu/departments/academic-success-center/how-to-study).There are five videos and it will take you approximately 35-40 minutes to watch them all.The purpose of these videos is to teach you some of the basic cognitive principles to understand in order to become a more effective learner.After watching the videos, you should note at least three things you learned about yourself as a learner and plan on using to optimize your learning.
  1. Ways to reduce my stress.Go to ONE of the websites listed below.Read through the information and note at least three stressors you have along with three things you can do to decrease that stress and improve your overall health. Be sure to identify which of the sources you read using appropriate APA reference.
  1. Academic Success Planning Checklist.Complete the Planning for Academic Success Checklist (Available on Blackboard), save it as a Word document and submit it with the other items required for this CAMP.You are strongly encouraged to keep a copy for yourself and use it as you progress in the program.This is meant to be a plan you can use to help realize your goals and succeed!At the end of the checklist is a GSU Psychology Student Success Scavenger Hunt.You might want to start on this part earlier in the term!

When you consider the items listed under Developing a Professional Demeanor.Identify 1 item from the To Do list or the NOT To Do list that surprised you. Explain how doing and not doing this behavior impact your professional demeanor.

  1. Realizing my Timeline.Note at least two things you have done over the course of the semester which have either caused you to change or helped realize in some way the career timeline (CAMP 1) you completed at the start of the term.Just a short word document noting the changes will suffice here.

Improving Study Skills Paper Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of British Columbia History Abandoned Washington DC Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Once you have read all the articles, pick any one article about one of the locations and think
about the following questions as you write your two page double-spaced reflection paper.
(Same format as your short papers — no headers –but you can include a creative title.)
Your paper should begin with one paragraph explaining the history of the ruin, before moving
onto addressing the questions below. (You don’t have to explicitly answer all of the questions
below, they’re meant more to guide your thinking.)please after reading the PDF then Combine the article with the historical background as required


West Coast University Week 4 Code of Conduct Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

During week 4, you will write a paper about employee codes of conduct.

Most businesses have an employee code of ethics, but some businesses see the document as just another human resources requirement. Most employees see the document as one more thing to read, one more training to attend, or one more document to sign. In fact, these documents can set the tone for the behavior of employees, especially when the employees are properly educated on the contents of the document and how to handle ethical questions.

In Discussion Prompt 1 in the Week 4 Discussion Forum, you will be asked to analyze St. Martha’s Employee Code of Conduct. It may be helpful to complete that task before beginning this assignment.

For this assignment,

  • Write a paper about employee codes of conduct using information from your textbook and at least two other scholarly sources.
  • First, research employee codes of ethics, especially for the medical field. Next, find some examples of employee codes of ethics from medical facilities and choose the one from the facility you feel is the best. Please note the facility and the code of ethics you are choosing.

    • Next, discuss why you chose that particular code of ethics as the best example (e.g., What topics does it cover? Why are these important? How does it word information?).
    • Also, discuss the items of ethical concern in a medical setting that were not covered at all or that were not covered well in the document.
  • Finally, present a plan of action for educating your staff on a new employee code of ethics. Remember that we now live in a world of entertainment where an old-fashioned lecture and PowerPoint presentation will cause every employee to block you out after a very short amount of time. Such critical information needs to be heard and understood—and as an administrator, you have to be able to accomplish that task.

Your paper should be at least two pages, using proper APA format. For assistance with APA formatting, click on the “Student Resources” tab, and then click on “Writing Resources.”

Submit your assignment by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time).

Points possible: 75

Your textbook may be used as a reference. The APA format for your text is as follows:

Reference: Pozgar, G. D. (2016). Legal and ethical issues for health professionals (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.


University of Houston Adopting Virtual Workgroups Memo Writing Assignment Help


For tips on writing an evaluative summary, see our Week 11 folder and review the steps you followed in the homework for that week. For tips on writing workplace reports see Writing for the Workplace chapter 6. And for tips on finding research, review the steps you followed in your Week 10 homework. For citation help, see the Purdue Owl website: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/

Format: Memo, single-spaced, 500-700 words, with source citations in MLA, APA, or Chicago style.

Audience: Your imagined supervisor at a job in your field.

Purpose: To report on a possible solution to a workplace problem, as requested by your supervisor.

Content: Executive summary of an academic journal article in your field.

For this assignment, you need to imagine yourself in a job you would like to have, in a company where you would like to work. Make up a name for your company and your supervisor. Your report will be addressed to your supervisor. Imagine your supervisor has asked you to research and present on a possible solution to a workplace problem your company is experiencing. You can use your imagination here, but invent a problem that you will be able to research. You may simply revise and expand on your week 11 homework submission here.

In a report to your supervisor, summarize a problem at your workplace, and provide an evaluative summary of an academic article that studies a possible solution to your workplace problem. (If you don’t know which are academic or scholarly journals in your field, search for the library’s research guide specific to your field here: https://guides.lib.uh.edu/?b=s )

Example– Problem: A growing customer base at your company has slowed down your company’s efficiency in managing customer data. Customers are complaining. You look for a possible solution in a researched article in a credible journal in your field. You find an article in which a particular software was successfully implemented to increase efficiency in managing data for a company similar to yours.

Be sure to paraphrase carefully, use quotation marks for any language you use from the article, and include in-text citations for any facts or images from the article that you include (whether you are quoting or not). Also include a bibliographic citation at the end of your document in APA, MLA, or Chicago style (you may use the citation style that is typical in your field).

In your evaluative summary, explain the authors’ reasoning, and include information needed to understand the authors’ logic. Any details you include should be information that would be of interest to your supervisor such as costs, features, and data showing why this solution is promising for your company’s situation. Evaluate the content and style of the article in order to evaluate the article’s credibility and applicability to your company’s interests and needs.

Conclude by delivering a recommendation to your supervisor about how to use this information.

A successful Recommendation Report will:

● Use appropriate memo formatting and professional style.

● Display a logical organization (especially avoid long, unfocused paragraphs).

● Cite sources correctly in APA, MLA, or Chicago style and avoid plagiarism.

● Present a clear summary of the workplace problem you are addressing.

● Provide a purposeful, well-supported evaluative summary of the article’s content and style for the benefit of your supervisor’s needs.

● Provide a persuasive recommendation to your supervisor about what to do with this information.

● Display proper grammar and mechanics.

● Present material with concision, clarity, and fluency.


HUM101 Colorado State University Global Media Bias and Propaganda Paper Writing Assignment Help

Using the concepts learned through the readings and lecture pages, select a social issue or ethical dilemma in the news. Find three recent articles from three different media sources on the issue and then answer the following questions:
*What assumptions do you make about these articles before reading them? How is your mind already “at work”?
*What evidence of bias can you find in the articles selected? *What is the point of view expressed (if there is one) by the article?
*How do the stories favor privileged views?
*What is a peer-reviewed source? What peer-reviewed sources did you find that helped in thinking critically about your issue?


https://anyessayhelp.com/ )

Example– Problem: A growing customer base at your company has slowed down your company’s efficiency in managing customer data. Customers are complaining. You look for a possible solution in a researched article in a credible journal in your field. You find an article in which a particular software was successfully implemented to increase efficiency in managing data for a company similar to yours.

Be sure to paraphrase carefully, use quotation marks for any language you use from the article, and include in-text citations for any facts or images from the article that you include (whether you are quoting or not). Also include a bibliographic citation at the end of your document in APA, MLA, or Chicago style (you may use the citation style that is typical in your field).

In your evaluative summary, explain the authors’ reasoning, and include information needed to understand the authors’ logic. Any details you include should be information that would be of interest to your supervisor such as costs, features, and data showing why this solution is promising for your company’s situation. Evaluate the content and style of the article in order to evaluate the article’s credibility and applicability to your company’s interests and needs.

Conclude by delivering a recommendation to your supervisor about how to use this information.

A successful Recommendation Report will:

● Use appropriate memo formatting and professional style.

● Display a logical organization (especially avoid long, unfocused paragraphs).

● Cite sources correctly in APA, MLA, or Chicago style and avoid plagiarism.

● Present a clear summary of the workplace problem you are addressing.

● Provide a purposeful, well-supported evaluative summary of the article’s content and style for the benefit of your supervisor’s needs.

● Provide a persuasive recommendation to your supervisor about what to do with this information.

● Display proper grammar and mechanics.

● Present material with concision, clarity, and fluency.


HUM101 Colorado State University Global Media Bias and Propaganda Paper Writing Assignment Help

Using the concepts learned through the readings and lecture pages, select a social issue or ethical dilemma in the news. Find three recent articles from three different media sources on the issue and then answer the following questions:
*What assumptions do you make about these articles before reading them? How is your mind already “at work”?
*What evidence of bias can you find in the articles selected? *What is the point of view expressed (if there is one) by the article?
*How do the stories favor privileged views?
*What is a peer-reviewed source? What peer-reviewed sources did you find that helped in thinking critically about your issue?


https://anyessayhelp.com/ )

Example– Problem: A growing customer base at your company has slowed down your company’s efficiency in managing customer data. Customers are complaining. You look for a possible solution in a researched article in a credible journal in your field. You find an article in which a particular software was successfully implemented to increase efficiency in managing data for a company similar to yours.

Be sure to paraphrase carefully, use quotation marks for any language you use from the article, and include in-text citations for any facts or images from the article that you include (whether you are quoting or not). Also include a bibliographic citation at the end of your document in APA, MLA, or Chicago style (you may use the citation style that is typical in your field).

In your evaluative summary, explain the authors’ reasoning, and include information needed to understand the authors’ logic. Any details you include should be information that would be of interest to your supervisor such as costs, features, and data showing why this solution is promising for your company’s situation. Evaluate the content and style of the article in order to evaluate the article’s credibility and applicability to your company’s interests and needs.

Conclude by delivering a recommendation to your supervisor about how to use this information.

A successful Recommendation Report will:

● Use appropriate memo formatting and professional style.

● Display a logical organization (especially avoid long, unfocused paragraphs).

● Cite sources correctly in APA, MLA, or Chicago style and avoid plagiarism.

● Present a clear summary of the workplace problem you are addressing.

● Provide a purposeful, well-supported evaluative summary of the article’s content and style for the benefit of your supervisor’s needs.

● Provide a persuasive recommendation to your supervisor about what to do with this information.

● Display proper grammar and mechanics.

● Present material with concision, clarity, and fluency.


HUM101 Colorado State University Global Media Bias and Propaganda Paper Writing Assignment Help

Using the concepts learned through the readings and lecture pages, select a social issue or ethical dilemma in the news. Find three recent articles from three different media sources on the issue and then answer the following questions:
*What assumptions do you make about these articles before reading them? How is your mind already “at work”?
*What evidence of bias can you find in the articles selected? *What is the point of view expressed (if there is one) by the article?
*How do the stories favor privileged views?
*What is a peer-reviewed source? What peer-reviewed sources did you find that helped in thinking critically about your issue?


https://anyessayhelp.com/ )

Example– Problem: A growing customer base at your company has slowed down your company’s efficiency in managing customer data. Customers are complaining. You look for a possible solution in a researched article in a credible journal in your field. You find an article in which a particular software was successfully implemented to increase efficiency in managing data for a company similar to yours.

Be sure to paraphrase carefully, use quotation marks for any language you use from the article, and include in-text citations for any facts or images from the article that you include (whether you are quoting or not). Also include a bibliographic citation at the end of your document in APA, MLA, or Chicago style (you may use the citation style that is typical in your field).

In your evaluative summary, explain the authors’ reasoning, and include information needed to understand the authors’ logic. Any details you include should be information that would be of interest to your supervisor such as costs, features, and data showing why this solution is promising for your company’s situation. Evaluate the content and style of the article in order to evaluate the article’s credibility and applicability to your company’s interests and needs.

Conclude by delivering a recommendation to your supervisor about how to use this information.

A successful Recommendation Report will:

● Use appropriate memo formatting and professional style.

● Display a logical organization (especially avoid long, unfocused paragraphs).

● Cite sources correctly in APA, MLA, or Chicago style and avoid plagiarism.

● Present a clear summary of the workplace problem you are addressing.

● Provide a purposeful, well-supported evaluative summary of the article’s content and style for the benefit of your supervisor’s needs.

● Provide a persuasive recommendation to your supervisor about what to do with this information.

● Display proper grammar and mechanics.

● Present material with concision, clarity, and fluency.


HUM101 Colorado State University Global Media Bias and Propaganda Paper Writing Assignment Help

Using the concepts learned through the readings and lecture pages, select a social issue or ethical dilemma in the news. Find three recent articles from three different media sources on the issue and then answer the following questions:
*What assumptions do you make about these articles before reading them? How is your mind already “at work”?
*What evidence of bias can you find in the articles selected? *What is the point of view expressed (if there is one) by the article?
*How do the stories favor privileged views?
*What is a peer-reviewed source? What peer-reviewed sources did you find that helped in thinking critically about your issue?


Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Business Analytics and Regression Analysis Report Programming Assignment Help

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Business Analytics and Regression Analysis Report Programming Assignment Help

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