Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Hacking Rootkit and Firewalls Discussions Computer Science Assignment Help

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Hacking Rootkit and Firewalls Discussions Computer Science Assignment Help. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Hacking Rootkit and Firewalls Discussions Computer Science Assignment Help.

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Answer below 3 questions in a separate WORD document .

Course: Ethical Hacking


A. In 200 words, Tech companies prepare for cyberattacks using common cybersecurity resources. Select one of the resources listed and explain how you could implement that particular policy to prevent an attack: 1. monitoring and assessment, 2. policies and controls, 3. hiring, 4. software, 5. firewalls, 6. authentication and access, 7. encryption.use APA format and add 2 clickable reference at end


B .Search the Internet and locate an article that relates to the topic of HACKING and summarize the reading in your own words. Your summary should be 2-3 paragraphs in length and uploaded as a TEXT DOCUMENT. See Sample Article Summary Assignment #1 There is an EXAMPLE attached to show you the format requirements.

What is most important is that you use YOUR OWN WORDS to summarize the news article. It is essential that you do not copy text directly from the Internet. Plagiarism is unacceptable. You can easily avoid this by rephrasing the contents and summarizing it using your own words.A reference citation is also required for this assignment. You may just include a link to your article.

Use at least three sources.Use the(https://libguides.nec.edu/az.php)not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs. Stand alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes.

Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.


Course : Information Assurance

Describe in your own words what a rootkit is.

An initial post must be between 250-300 words and use APA format and add 2 clickable reference at end

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Hacking Rootkit and Firewalls Discussions Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Cj 332 SJSU Organizational Culture Performance & Risk Management Paper Law Assignment Help

Please read The Below First


I’m looking for someone who does not use Chegg or Course Hero or any online cites to provide your answers. The professor checks these other sites as well. If you do this to provide your answers and don’t use your own, let me know immediately so I can choose someone else to assist me. I have been notified that an assignment was linked to Chegg or Course Hero etc.


Someone that uses their own words, so nothing can be found on the internet.


Someone who does not Plagiarize others work from online websites.


I have word documents attached with the instructions.


Then let me know. 


Thank you.


Subjects are:


Criminal Justice


This is the book that is used:


COSO Enterprise Risk Management: Establishing Effective Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) Processes


ISBN-13: 9780470912881




Moeller, R. R. (2011). COSO enterprise risk management: Establishing effective governance, risk, and compliance processes. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.



Your answers will be original?


The professor or anyone will not be able find these answers on any online website?


Please answer:


1. Read all the instructions and let me know if you have any questions about what must be done.


2. Your answers will be all original?


3. Do you guarantee that all your work is original and none of what you write can or will be found on any online site?


Therefore, I try to provide a longer time for the work to be completed.


Types of Consulting Firms Report Business Finance Assignment Help

Consulting Industry Report

You will individually develop a three-page double spaced management report discussing a consulting related topic. The objective of this assignment is for you to explore consulting and project management topics and develop/demonstrate your management report writing capabilities.

The report should include a cover page, an introduction summarizing the content, the body including at least three sub headings/ sub topics, and a conclusion summarizing (again) the content. You should have at least three citations in APA format (the course texts are good sources but exploring other resources is encouraged). The report should use 11 point font and be submitted as a pdf file.

Potential topics include: an overview of (a) consulting firm(s), a review of consulting and/or project management methodologies and/or processes, careers in consulting, or any other consulting/ project management related topic if approved by your instructor. There is no need to seek approval for your topic if it falls in the three specific categories (firms, methods, careers).

The Report introduction is very clear, describes report topic purpose and format

The Report body includes 3 sub headings and the topic is very clearly discussedThe Report conclusion is very consistent with the introduction and very clearly summarizes the topic

The Report includes very relevant references clearly in APA formatThe Report is fully free of spelling and grammar errors, includes all of a cover page, footers with page numbers, a reference page, and is submitted as a pdf file


New England College Ethical Hacking Essay Computer Science Assignment Help


Answer below 3 questions in a separate WORD document .

Course: Ethical Hacking

A. In 200 words, Tech companies prepare for cyberattacks using common cybersecurity resources. Select one of the resources listed and explain how you could implement that particular policy to prevent an attack: 1. monitoring and assessment, 2. policies and controls, 3. hiring, 4. software, 5. firewalls, 6. authentication and access, 7. encryption.use APA format and add 2 clickable reference at end


B .Search the Internet and locate an article that relates to the topic of HACKING and summarize the reading in your own words. Your summary should be 2-3 paragraphs in length and uploaded as a TEXT DOCUMENT. See Sample Article Summary Assignment #1 There is an EXAMPLE attached to show you the format requirements.

What is most important is that you use YOUR OWN WORDS to summarize the news article. It is essential that you do not copy text directly from the Internet. Plagiarism is unacceptable. You can easily avoid this by rephrasing the contents and summarizing it using your own words.A reference citation is also required for this assignment. You may just include a link to your article.

Use at least three sources.Use the(https://libguides.nec.edu/az.php)not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs. Stand alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes.

Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.


Course : Information Assurance

Describe in your own words what a rootkit is.

An initial post must be between 250-300 words and use APA format and add 2 clickable reference at end


American Military University Week 7 The Prime National Properties Group Project Business Finance Assignment Help

The scenario:

The Prime National Properties Group is considering selling some of its educational facilities. The facilities have been tracked in an Access database. Shelly Williams, the President of the company, has asked you to prepare a report. Import the Access data in the file Facilities_Data as a table into Excel. Using the PMT function, calculate the monthly payments the company could expect. The company would charge an 8% rate over 10 years. The result should be a positive number. Mr. Williams also asked you to calculate an extra processing fee for monthly loan payments using the IF function. If a monthly loan payment is less than $6000, the company would charge a processing fee of $150; otherwise, there would be no processing fee. Filter the rows to display only those facilities where there is a $0 processing fee. Hide all of the address fields and the processing fee column. Save the Excel file as Law-White_Frederique_Educational_Facilities

For this assignment, you will need the following files:

New blank Excel workbook



You will save your files as:



  1. Open the Word document Educational_Report, and then save the file as Law-White_Frederique_Educational_Report
  2. Add a cover page of your choice, and then complete the content controls on the cover page.
  3. In the report, format headings as Level 1 or Level 2, and then insert a table of contents on a new page.
  4. In the worksheet, hide all of the address fields and the processing fee column
  5. paste the Excel data into the Word document.
  6. Add an appropriate heading formatted as Level 1, and then update the table of contents.
  7. In each file, insert the your name as a field in the footer



Northwestern Polytechnic Business Environment and Security Measures Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Many business environments have both visible and invisible physical security controls. You see them at the post office, at the corner store, and in certain areas of your own computing environment. They are so pervasive that some people choose where they live based on their presence, as in gated access communities or secure apartment complexes. Alison is a security analyst for a major technology corporation that specializes in data management. This company includes an in house security staff (guards, administrators, and so on) that is capable of handling physical security breaches. Brad experienced an intrusion—into his personal vehicle in the company parking lot. He asks Alison whether she observed or recorded anyone breaking into and entering his vehicle, but this is a personal item and not a company possession, and she has no control or regulation over damage to employee assets. This is understandably unnerving for Brad, but he understands that she’s protecting the business and not his belongings.

When or where would you think it would be necessary to implement security measures for both?

A substantive post will do at least TWO or THREE of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA 7)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

Northwestern Polytechnic Business Environment and Security Measures Paper Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CSU Key Trends in Workforce Management & New Challenges for HR by Moschetto Critique Business Finance Assignment Help

Read the article “Key Trends in Workforce Management and New Challenges for HR.” located in the Business Source Complete database of the CSU Online Library by clicking the link below:

Moschetto, M. (2013). Key trends in workforce management and new challenges for HR. Employment Relations Today, 40(4), 7–13. Retrieved from https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/logi…

After reviewing the article, write a critique that addresses and offers your opinion in the following areas:

  • What are the key findings regarding compliance with laws and regulations as a component of workforce management?
  • How does the employer-employee relationship factor into legal compliance with workforce management laws?
  • Reflecting on the unit reading and lesson, does this article consider the various employer-employee relationships as it discusses workforce management? Can the author’s opinions be universally applied to the workforce? Support your position by identifying various types of employers, employees, and employer-employee relationships.

Begin with an introduction that defines the subject of your critique and your point of view. You will first need to identify and explain the author’s ideas. Include specific references that support your description of the author’s point of view.

You should then defend your point of view by raising specific issues or aspects of the argument. Offer your own opinion. Explain what you think about the argument. Describe several points from the article with which you agree or disagree. What evidence from the article, your textbook, or additional sources supports your opinion?

Conclude your critique by summarizing your argument and re-emphasizing your opinion.

Your article critique must be at least two pages, not including the title and reference pages. You must use at least one source other than the above article to support your critique. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.


HRMD 650 University of Maryland Global Campus DSS Consulting Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade and addresses Course Objectives 1 through 6. It gives you an opportunity to apply organizational-level diagnostic processes and organizational development principles to a real-life situation. You will also have the opportunity to assess the appropriateness of the intervention chosen and propose alternative interventions based on the presenting problems and underlying issues uncovered in the diagnosis. You must complete this assignment individually, without contacting other students, and you may not use a paper or any part of a paper from a previous class or from another person. If you have questions about this assignment, please post them in the Ask the Professor discussion forum so that everyone can benefit from the answers.

Your task:

Please read the Chris Peterson at DSS Consulting case, which can be found under eReserves.

Solve the case study by analyzing what is presented and stating which specific actions best resolve major issues. These actions must reflect information in the case and the environment facing the firm. Paper should be about six pages in length, excluding cover and reference pages. Please follow APA guidelines for citations, quotations, and references, and use at least five scholarly resources that are dated within the last ten years. You are strongly encouraged to use the required and recommended readings in this course, as well as peer-reviewed journal articles found through the UMUC library. Research methodology and problem analysis will be emphasized in the grading of this assignment.


HRMD 610 University of Maryland Global Campus BT Green Company Memorandum Business Finance Assignment Help

Analyze the BT Green case that is separately posted in the Week 3 Assignment folder. Write a memo to the CEO, explaining:

1) what legal risk the company has regarding Mr. Banks’ complaint. In doing this,

a.Identify the specific laws that may pertain to this situation.

b.State the key legal criteria for each law.

c.Analyze whether the details of the case meet the legal criteria, then explain how they do or do not fit.

d.State your conclusion about the legal risk.

2) what your recommendation is for handling the case. In doing this,

a.State your recommendation.

b.Explain your rationale for the recommendation.

c.Identify the advantages for doing it.

d.Identify the disadvantages or risks for doing it.

Presentation criteria

The CEO values your opinion but also likes to know that it is well-grounded; so, use APA to cite appropriate sources for ideas you borrow, for support you use, and for key terms in your analysis. He also expects excellent writing from his staff. This means it should be clearly stated, carry the appropriate tone, be grammatically correct, and be sensitive to his time constraints. Write concisely, limiting your response to a maximum of 2 double-spaced pages of text.


International Public Administration Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. Most people perceive international public administration to be a set of state structures, institutions, and processes. Opponents of globalization argue that it weakens states, making it difficult for them to sustain social welfare and environmental policies, and create fiscal redistributive initiatives.According to James Bovard, a libertarian author who focuses on writing about government, proponents and businesses seeking to expand abroad claim there is little or no evidence of national governments’ decline. Congress, along with many policy strategists, seems to think that whatever the effects of globalization on governments, they are likely to be beneficial for long-term economic growth (Bovard, 1987).


    Analyze the claims laid out in this controversy, and try to argue the strongest case you can in favor of the view or views you find most convincing. In doing so, be sure to seriously consider the case that your opponents might make against your position, and why you would reject it. Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research evidence that supports your opinion. Determine your point of view on the issue, and support your position with information from at least three reliable, relevant, peer-reviewed references.Create a PowerPoint presentation that covers the following:

    • Provide a brief description of the issue.
    • Present evidence that supports both sides of the argument.
    • In the Notes section of each information slide, you must write a narrative of what you would say if you were presenting in person.
    • Provide at least three reliable, relevant, peer-reviewed references.

    Your presentation should include a minimum total of 12 slides, with 10 information slides, an introduction slide and a reference slide. Use a minimum of 4 scholarly references. Be sure to include notes at the bottom of each slide.


Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Hacking Rootkit and Firewalls Discussions Computer Science Assignment Help

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Hacking Rootkit and Firewalls Discussions Computer Science Assignment Help

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