John Jay College of Criminal Justice Node Java Project Programming Assignment Help. John Jay College of Criminal Justice Node Java Project Programming Assignment Help.
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Create an “interpret” method that takes a StatementNode as a parameter. We will pass it the first statement from the StatementsNode.
Loop over the statements in the StatementsNode. Create a series of if statements using “is” to determine which type of statement the current statement is.
Consider some of the statement types:
ReadNode – for each variable, get the variable from the map, get the next value from the collection of data values. if the types don’t match, throw an exception. Set the variable to the type. Set the currentNode to the next node in the statements list. Set done if there are no more statements.
AssignNode – process the expression (more on this later). Lookup/create the variable and set its value in the map.
InputNode – use Java to print the string. Use Java appropriate input processing for input and assign the variable the values from Java.
PrintNode – for each child of Print, use Java to print the values.
Function Call – evaluate each of the parameters, then run whatever Java code to implement the function
The other type of Nodes that we have to consider are the MathOp nodes. Evaluate left and right, and then do the operation. Remember that the left and/or right sides could need evaluation. Much like the parsing, we will need to recursively consider each side. We don’t have to do multiple levels of reconsideration, like we did with parsing (Factor, Expression, Term), though.
Wrote an “EvaluateIntMathOp” that takes a Node returns an int. If the Node is an Integer, just return the value. If the Node is an integer variable, return the value of the variable. If the Node is a MathOp, call EvaluateIntMathOp on the Left and Right, then do the op (add, subtract, multiply or divide) on the results of each side. Return the result. Make a matching version for float. Create a Java stack of type Node as a local variable. This will be for gosub and return.
IfNode – Process the Boolean expression (more on this later). If true, set the currentNode to the FILL IN
GotoNode – set the currentNode to the label lookup.
GosubNode – Push the next node in the statements list onto our stack. Set the currentNode to the label lookup (from the map) for the gosub’s label.
ReturnNode – Pop a value from the stack. Set the currentInstruction to be that Node.
ForNode – Create/get the variable from the int variable map. If you created it, set it to the initialization. If not, add the step to the variable (default is 1). If the variable is past the limit, set currentNode = the node after NEXT (we pre-computed this in the last assignment) and delete the variable from the map.
NextNode – Set the currentNode to the ForNode.
We need to process Boolean nodes for If. Remember that either (or both) sides could be an expression, so you will need to evaluate them using the Evaluate*MathOp from last assignment.,wherethearchiveisstore.
John Jay College of Criminal Justice Node Java Project Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Dominican Does Score on Scale Accurately Reflect Amount of Perceived Stress Ques Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology multi-part question and need support to help me study.
Please download and print the Perceived Stress Scale. Carefully read the instructions and complete the scale for yourself. Next, click here download to download instructions to help you score your responses to create an overall amount of perceived stress over the past month. Finally, reflect upon your results on the scale and respond to the following prompts with at least 3 full sentences under each.
1) Report your perceived stress score. Does your score on the scale accurately reflect the amount of perceived stress you have experienced over the past month? If not, why? If so, what types of events contribute to this? Keep in mind that scores on the scale can range from 0-40 with higher scores reflecting higher levels of perceived stress.
2) Refer to the norm table on the scoring document and compare your perceived stress score with those of the demographic categories to which you identify under gender, age, and race. The data were gathered from a representative sample of participants who completed the scale to determine a mean level of perceived stress within each category. How do you compare? If you do not see yourself represented in the reported categories, how does it make you feel when scientific research lacks representation of individuals with similar identity to yourself? What can researchers do to ensure a more representative sample in the future?
3) There appears to be observable differences in the perceived stress reported across different race categories with White individuals reporting the least amount of perceived stress in the sample. Do you think the results across the race categories reflect perceived stress throughout American society? Why or why not?
4) How do you cope with your perceived stress? Are your approaches to coping healthy or unhealthy? Why or why not? Do you feel like they help you mitigate the short-term effects of stress? How do they help with alleviating the long-term effects of stress?
5) How has Module 6 contributed to your understanding of stress, its effects on health, and ways to reduce stress in your life?
Afrofuturism Reimagining Art Curricula for Black Existence Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing discussion question and need guidance to help me understand better.
Afrofuturism is a movement impacted by African and African diasporic writers, artists, musicians, as well as social theorists. Although the movement has been popularized over the past few decades, especially since 1990, its roots can be traced to late 19th-century African American writings by authors and scholars such as W.E.B. Dubois and Martin Delany, and Edward Johnson who imagined alternative realities and communities for Black people. The cultural production and scholarly thought that Afrofuturism engenders through various media, positions Black experience in future time periods, alternate spaces/places or realities. Afrofuturism also imagines dystopic worlds to come and apocalyptic conditions, with present-day social justice issues projected into the future in a heightened sense. Afrofuturist pieces do not always peer into the future, but instead, disrupt the understanding of linear time, giving society multiple chances to “get it right.” While much is imagined, some African and African diasporic writers draw upon lived experiences and beliefs or historical observations. What is often viewed as supernatural might actually be regarded as reality from a cultural perspective. Afrofuturism may also examine the consequences of technological advancements that challenge humanity’s place in the world.
Find a work of literature, film, or a television show that we have NOT studied that embodies one or more aspects of Afrofuturism. Write an analytical essay that explores categories such as dystopia, utopia, apocalyptic existence, time travel and alternate realities that focus on Black characters. Who are the major characters of the piece? What are some of the conflicts that they encounter in their quest? How are topics such as economic equity, Black feminisms, and Black masculinities are depicted? What other social issues do you observe in the piece?
This essay must be 1500 words minimum. Use Times New Roman 12-point font. In addition to the primary piece, a minimum of five sources are required. Your sources may be scholarly, as those found in the Galileo databases; or popular, from newspapers, magazines, and credible online sources. Please, no shortcuts like Cliff Notes, Spark Notes, Wikipedia, etc.
Capella University Exploring SPSS and Descriptive Statistics Histogram Health Medical Assignment Help
Part 1
Create two histograms for visual interpretation using the following variables:
SPSS Variable
female =1; male =2
final exam: number of correct answers
Create two histograms and paste them into your Word document:
- A histogram for male students.
- A histogram for female students.
Briefly describe what a visual inspection of this output tells you about the nature of the curves.
Part 2
Create a descriptive table to assess measures of central tendency and dispersion using the following variables:
SPSS Variable
Previous grade point average
Quiz 3: number of correct answers
Create a descriptive table and paste it into your Word document.
Under the table:
- Report the mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis for GPA and quiz3.
- Briefly describe what skewness and kurtosis tell you about these data with regard to normality.
College of Mount Saint Vincent Charles Mason Crimenes Presentation Law Assignment Help
At the end of this appendix is a list of infamous criminals that can be used for this presentation. On the designated day in class, you are to pick one you would like to research and learn more about. You are going to create a Powerpoint presentation, that should last no more than 5 to 6 minutes, in order to share the portrait of this criminal with your classmates. The areas to include in your presentation are as follows:
- Introduction: Introduce your criminal. What is his/her name? What crimes did he/she commit? What was he/she convicted for? (5points)
• Risk Factors: Based on your review of the research, identify at least three risk factors the individual showed early in life that may have predisposed him/her to criminal behavior. Remember these can be developmental, biological or learning and situation factors that may have contributed to the individual becoming a criminal. You should identify risk factors from at least two of these areas. (30 points)
- Classification of Criminal: Identify what type of criminal he/she would be considered based on the various categories we have studied throughout the semester. Provide evidence of at least two reasons why the person would be classified in the category you have placed them. (30 points)
- Theory: Choose a theory that can possibly explain why this individual became a criminal. This can include a discussion of what their motivation may have been for the crimes and/or how a theory of aggression might apply to the individual. (30 points)
- Conclusion: Conclude your presentation with a brief discussion of where he/she is now. Is the person still incarcerated? If so, where? Is he/she filing appeals to overturn court decisions? Is he/she up for parole soon? If the person is deceased how and when did that happen? (5 points)
Tampa University Import Java Project Programming Assignment Help
—-(( main class))—-
import java.util.Random;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
Random prng = new Random();
int min, max;
// random bounds by default
min = prng.nextInt(50);
max = prng.nextInt(50) + 50;
// override with command line args
if (args.length >= 2)
min = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
max = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
catch (Exception e)
System.err.println("Command line arguments threw an exception!");
// create object
Sequence seq = new Sequence(min, max);
// use class
System.out.println("Sequence bounds:");
System.out.println(min + ", " + max);
System.out.println("Sequence listed:");
System.out.println("Sequence backwards:");
System.out.println("Sequence evens:");
System.out.println("Sequence squares:");
System.out.println("Sequence summation:");
public static void printArray(int[] stuff)
for (int x : stuff)
System.out.print(x + ", ");
—-((sequence class))—-
public class Sequence
private int mMin = 0;
private int mMax = 0;
public Sequence(int min, int max)
// assign the arguments to the class member variables
public int[] list()
// return array of the consecutive integers between the bounds (inclusive)
// i.e. first number is min bound and last number is max bound
return new int[0];
public int[] backwards()
// return array of the consecutive integers between bounds in descending order
// i.e. first number is max bound and last number is min bound
return new int[0];
public int[] evens()
// return array of only even integers in the sequence
// the array should be the correct size containing only the evens
return new int[0];
public int[] squares()
// return array of sequence integers squared
// i.e. square each integer in the sequence
return new int[0];
public int summation()
// return the summation of the sequence
// i.e. add all the sequence integers together
return 0;
Tampa University Import Java Project Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Strayer Univeristy Audit Procedures Test of Internal Controls Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help
Inherent Risk, Tests of Controls, and Substantive Procedures
In this assignment, you will prepare a 2–3 page professional document that addresses the requirements specified in the case. Fully address each requirement and include at least two current references to scholarly and/or authoritative sources.
Specifically you will be required to:
- Calculate the required ratios for all given years.
- Identify and explain high inherent risk assertions.
- Analyze and draw conclusions about the nature and extent of tests of controls.
- Analyze and draw conclusions about the nature, timing, and extent of substantive procedures.
- Use at least two current, quality academic or authoritative sources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality scholarly and/or authoritative sources. Use the Strayer University Library to conduct your research.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Develop conclusions about risks, control tests, and substantive procedures for a given client using analysis and calculations.
MIS 314 George Mason University AWS S3 Website Project Computer Science Assignment Help
ou are required to:
1. Create an AWS S3 bucket.
o You pick a unique name for your bucket.
2. Upload the files and folders from HW3 folder to the bucket created in Step 1.
3. Make the necessary changes so that the website works correctly and can be accessed by the public.
o You must test to ensure that your URL allows the public to access the website; otherwise, your
solution is incorrect. If the URL requires the viewer to sign onto AWS, your solution is incorrect.
o If any of the pictures did not display correctly, your solution is incorrect.
MKTG 304 AMU Wk 7 Public Relations Deliver More Cost Effective Results Reflection Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Complete a 3 page (1000 word minimum) reflective essay on how you can utilze the information contained in the lesson in your personal and professional life. In your essay be sure to include how public relations concepts can be used during crisis and issues management.
Lesson info
The public relations professionals have stated that the industry positioned on the forefronts of matters concerning organizations, the organizations’ customers, and even in the poor times. The counseling from public relations has become more valued throughout the times of turbulence, which is due partly to the arrival of social media and the fast changing communication environment. Additionally, the public relations have a value-add proposition by delivering more profitable outcomes, especially when comparing advertising and marketing (Rudawsky, 2011). Public relations include many things the assist the organizations get involved with the organization’s public, which is the whole time the organization, is operating and doing business. As look as the organization is trying to engage diverse segments and advertising in trying to engage buyers, government, NGOs, activists, advocates, regulators and international media (Vanguard, 2016).
In reality, public relations should be the last factor of the organization’s marketing budget to be cut. For example, public relations are the liaison between the organization and the media. If the organization just stopped dealing with the media, the image of the organization could be impacted over time by journalists. These journalists will speculate and suspect that all is not well in the organization.
Public relations should be the last thing cut from a corporate budget.
Public relations deliver more cost-effective results, particularly when compared with advertising and marketing.
Public relations reflect the brand and what the brand symbolizes.
Public relations keep the word of mouth going for any brand activities.
Public relations produce awareness and promote conversations as an outcome of different platforms such as social media.
Public relations develop relationships to all the organization’s publics, particularly media and community.
Public relations put brain power to work and make a successful campaign without spending a fortune (Priyan DC, 2016).
American InterContinental University Network Management Tools Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
The CEO of your company has recently contemplated introducing a wireless element to the network, as well as a virtual private network (VPN) server for the salespeople and individuals telecommuting from remote locations. Although this seems like a good idea, the CEO is requesting more information because he is worried that this may create a security issue and network congestion and response time.
- Prepare a 4–5-page narrative to the CEO explaining what you would do to secure the new VPN to include an explanation of the VPN pre-shared key.
- Discuss selection of wireless encryption methods, and compare and contrast WEP, WPA, and WPA2 to include an explanation of the bit strength for each.
- Explain the concepts of war driving and the pros and cons of broadcasting the wireless SSID.
- Research packet capture tools, and explain how they can be used for network management and resource balancing as well as their use to analyze a virus in the process of propagating across your network in real time.
- Explain how the tool works and what information it is capable of capturing.
- Select 3 types of information that could be captured from a packet capture tool, and explain how you would use it to either identify a security violation or an opportunity for performance optimization.
[supanova_question] to conduct your research.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Develop conclusions about risks, control tests, and substantive procedures for a given client using analysis and calculations.