JRN 4403 Troy University Police Brutality Wrap Report Writing Assignment Help

JRN 4403 Troy University Police Brutality Wrap Report Writing Assignment Help. JRN 4403 Troy University Police Brutality Wrap Report Writing Assignment Help.

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Write a wrap report.

What is a “wrap story”/ It’s a news sandwich!

A “wrap” is called a “soundbite” in TV; in radio we call the inserted interview excerpt or quote an “actuality”.You are to make a news sandwich. You introduce the topic in the first sentence, cue the pre-recorded quote/actuality, and follow it with a concluding statement. This can also be called a “donut”.

Here’s an example:

“This is Doc Kirby for Wiregrass Radio News. One of the most contentious aspects of university life is parking. Many students complain about the number of places at their residency hall, or lack of proximity parking at lecture halls. Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Herb Reeves comments,

(Actuality–“It’s not really a question of parking, it’s a question of convenience.”)

The contention could be the definition of “convenience”. We’ll talk with the Troy University Chief of Police during the 7 AM news tomorrow about the issue of reasonable convenience in parking on main campus, here on Wiregrass Radio. I’m Doc Kirby reporting.”

JRN 4403 Troy University Police Brutality Wrap Report Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Corning Community College Hagar in the Wilderness & With Child Poems Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Journal entries serve several purposes:

1) It counts as your rough draft assignment

2) It asks you to consider whether the poem you wrote at the end of chapter one is one you will submit at the end of the semester (after workshopping, of course).

3) It facilitates a private conversation with me about your work. This is not an expository or prose English class; my aim is to help you publish or successfully enter contests, not just pass the class.

For this journal entry, post two poems, one drawn from the exercises at the end of chapter 2 and one drawn from the exercises in chapter 3.

This is where we get to have one on one conversation, so you can also throw in general commentary about the class or life in general.

These entries are not public. .


ME 180 Arizona Christian University Stress Strain Relationships and Behavior Matlab Engineering Assignment Help

Stress-Strain Relationships and Behavior

For Homework Assignment 3, use any method to solve the problems listed in the following document:

Homework Assignment 03 Chapter 5.pdf


Use MATLAB to solve problems 1, 4, & 6. To complete your assignment, publish your code from problems 1, 4, & 6 to a PDF file, then upload to the link in this assignment.

A solution to a problem similar to Problem1 is shown in the MATLAB code (m-file) and published code (PDF file) found here:




Solutions to problems similar to Problems 3 through 7 are found here:






Montgomery College Programming Question Programming Assignment Help

Lecture 2, Rocket Science

Some physical problems are easy to solve numerically using just
the basic equations of physics. Other problems may be very difficult.

Consider a specific model rocket with a specific engine.
Given all the data we can find, compute the maximum altitude
the rocket can obtain. Yes, this is rocket science.

Most physics computation is performed with metric units.
units and equations

Estes Alpha III
Length 12.25 inches = 0.311 meters
Diameter 0.95 inches = 0.0241 meters
Body area 0.785 square inches = 0.506E-3 square meters cross section
Cd of body 0.45 dimensionless
Fins area 7.69 square inches = 0.00496 square meters total for 3 fins
Cd of fins 0.01 dimensionless
Weight/mass 1.2 ounce = 0.0340 kilogram without engine
Engine 0.85 ounce = 0.0242 kilogram initial engine mass
Engine 0.33 ounce = 0.0094 kilogram final engine mass

Thrust curve
Total impulse 8.82 newton seconds (area under curve)
Peak thrust 14.09 newton
Average thrust 4.74 newton
Burn time 1.86 second

Initial conditions:
t = 0 time
s = 0 height
v = 0 velocity
a = 0 acceleration
F = 0 total force not including gravity
m = 0.0340 + 0.0242 mass
i = 1 start with some thrust

Basic physics:

Fd = Cd*Rho*A*v^2 /2 two equations, body and fins
Fd is force of drag in newtons in opposite direction of velocity
Cd is coefficient of drag, dimensionless (depends on shape)
Rho is density of air, use 1.293 kilograms per meter cubed
A is total surface area in square meters
v is velocity in meters per second (v^2 is velocity squared)

Fg = m*g Fg is force of gravity toward center of Earth
m is mass in kilograms
g is acceleration due to gravity, 9.80665 meters per second squared

Ft = value from thrust curve array at this time, you enter this data.
index i, test i>18 and set Ft = 0.0
Do not copy! This is part of modeling and simulation.
start with first non zero thrust.

F = Ft - (Fd body + Fd fins + Fg) resolve forces

a = F/m a is acceleration we will compute from knowing
F, total force in newtons and
m is mass in kilograms of body plus engine mass that changes

dv = a*dt dv is velocity change in meters per second in time dt
a is acceleration in meters per second squared
dt is delta time in seconds

v = v+dv v is new velocity after the dt time step
(v is positive upward, stop when v goes negative)
v+ is previous velocity prior to the dt time step
dv is velocity change in meters per second in time dt

ds = v*dt ds is distance in meters moved in time dt
v is velocity in meters per second
dt is delta time in seconds

s = s+ds s is new position after the dt time step
s+ is previous position prior to the dt time step
ds is distance in meters moved in time dt

m = m -0.0001644*Ft apply each time step

t = t + dt time advances

i = i + 1

print t, s, v, a, m

if v < 0 quit, else loop
Ft is zero at and beyond 1.9 seconds, rocket speed decreases

Homework Problem 1:
Write a small program to compute the maximum height when
the rocket is fired straight up. Assume no wind.
In order to get reasonable consistency of answers, use dt = 0.1 second
Every student will have a different answer.
Some where near 350 meters that is printed on the box. +/- 30%
Any two answers that are the same, get a zero.

Suggestion: Check the values you get from the thrust curve by
simple summation. Using zero thrust at t=0 and t=1.9 seconds, sampling
at 0.1 second intervals, you should get a sum of about 90 . Adjust
values to make it this value in order to get reasonable consistency of

The mass changes as the engine burns fuel and expels mass
at high velocity. Assume the engine mass decreases from 0.0242 kilograms
to 0.0094 grams proportional to thrust. Thus the engine mass is
decreased each 0.1 second by the thrust value at that time times
(0.0242-0.0094)/90.0 = 0.0001644 . mass=mass-0.0001644*thrust at this time.
"thrust" = 0.0 at time t=0.0 seconds
"thrust" = 6.0 at time t=0.1 seconds.
"thrust" = 0.0 at and after 1.9 seconds. Important, rocket is still climbing.
Check that the mass is correct at the end of the flight. 0.0340+0.0094

Published data estimates a height of 1100 feet, 335 meters to
1150 feet, 350 meters.
Your height will vary.

Your homework is to write a program that prints every 0.1 seconds:
the time in seconds
height in meters
velocity in meters per second
acceleration in meters per second squared
force in newtons
mass in kilograms (just numbers, all on one line)
and stop when the maximum height is reached.

Think about what you know. It should become clear that at each
time step you compute the body mass + engine mass, the three
forces combined into Ft-Fd_body-Fd_fins-Fg, the acceleration, the velocity
and finally the height. Obviously stop without printing if
the velocity goes negative (the rocket is coming down).

The program has performed numerical double integration. You might
ask "How accurate is the computation?"
Well, the data in the problem statement is plus or minus 5%.
We will see later that the computation contributed less error.
A small breeze would deflect the rocket from vertical and
easily cause a 30% error. We should say that:
"the program computed the approximate maximum height."

Additional cases you may wish to explore.
What is the approximate maximum height without any drag,
set Rho to 0.0 for a vacuum.
What is the approximate maximum height using dt = 0.05 seconds.
What is the approximate maximum height if launched at 45 degrees
rather than vertical, resolve forces in horizontal and vertical


Trine University Diversity and Commonality Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

In this paper, please research the topic of Diversity and Commonality. Please demonstrate a command of the material under investigation and a subject matter expertise in the topic that you choose to write about. You are expected to demonstrate graduate-level writing, critical thinking, critical assessment, critical writing, and advanced research skills.

You are expected to use at least three (3) outside primary source materials in addition to evidence obtained from the course materials from textbook(attached)

Note – This assignment is designed to assess whether you read and understood the material for this module; and whether you can explain, describe, critically assess, and critically analyze the material for this module. This assignment is also designed to assess whether you can conduct advanced research on a topic and advance original analysis on a topic.

Please be sure to use complete sentences. Please be sure to demonstrate that you read and understood the material for this module by offering detailed explanations, critical assessments, and analyses of the material that is grounded in cited evidence from the readings, peer reviewed journals, and (whenever possible) real-world examples.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • The paper should be 4-6 pages double spaced, 12 point times new roman font with 1 inch margins. Title page, restating the instructions, table of contents, and references do not count towards the page count.
  • Provide Plagiarism free content. You should follow APA citation rules. (https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01… (Links to an external site.)).
  • Please be sure to proofread, spell check, and grammar check your paper prior to submission.
  • [supanova_question]


    Alcorn State University Understanding Our Environment & Biodiversity Discussion Science Assignment Help

    You are to create an environmental journal of current information regarding environmental issues. All submissions must contain the following:

    1. Environmental topic (see Course outline) )

    2. Date you collected the information (if the source is tv. or radio)

    3. Cite your reference using APA style. the hyperlink below will illustrate how to cite your references

    https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html (Links to an external site.)

    4. A 2 paragraphs (minimum 8-10 sentence) summary of details in the article.

    5. A personal opinion about how the subject of the article relates to your major/chosen field of profession. ( major is social work)

    There should be a total of 20 articles.

    At least : 3 from tv news

    3 must be (BBC, PBS, any scientific show)

    3 must be from a newspaper.

    The articles can not be dated before 2018.

    Alcorn State University Understanding Our Environment & Biodiversity Discussion Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    MGT 322 SEU KFC Corporation Logistics During Covid 19 Pandemic Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

    1. Executive summary (no more than one page)

    – Summarize, what is Supply chain process/logistics performance priorities, what Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools applied to achieve the company’s objective.

    2. Background information

    – Briefly introduce the company background (e.g., name, products, business size, location, internal/external interesting facts, etc).

    3. Problem Description (Covid 19)

    – Describe the objectives clearly and specifically.

    – The objective may involve either logistics decision-making or process improvement.

    4. Application of logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools applied

    – Describe, what specific logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools be applied to achieve the objective. This section should make it clear that you understand the concepts/tools you are about to use.

    5. Results

    – Analyze the expected results of the proposed solution.

    6. References


    McMurry University Gender Risk Management in Sports Important Aspects Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    Prepare a 5 or more-page Literature Review exclusive of references (still must-have reference page). The objective is to identify the general idea of risk management in your particular area and work to narrow the scope of your specific topic. First, you will discuss risk management in general in your selected field. Then, you will identify/choose at least 2-4 articles that conducted experimental investigations. These studies comprise of participants where the author(s) seek to answer one or multiple research questions. Think (IMRAD), typically articles that are organized in an Introduction, Method, Result (or Findings), and Discussion. When selecting these articles, they must resonate with each other (narrow the scope more and look specifically into a more specific incident article regarding risk management that field. For instance, if I am initially looking broadly at-risk management in physical education, then go a step and consider a specific risk management practice (i.e., contract, law, equity issues, injury prevention, etc.) for a particular population (primary or secondary). Each article you select must complement each other. Then you will conclude with what we still need to know. In sum, your literature review must answer these three questions.

    1. Discuss risk management in your chosen field in general. In other words; Define risk management in your area. What is risk management in your chosen field? What is the importance of risk management in your chosen field? Then narrow your scope and briefly summarize a specific area within risk management. (I know I said three questions lol).

    2. Summarize the findings of the research that has been conducted so far in this area. Discuss the instruments (methods) that have been undertaken so far in this area. Then address the “so what” question. The ‘so what’ question deals with the importance or relevance of the research. Every researcher must address the implications

    3. What do we still need to know? In other words, what is missing? (Support your reasoning with literature).

    The topic i chose was Gender risk managment in sprots


    HIS 100 Southern New Hampshire University South African Apartheid Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

    I need assistance with the below assignment:

    HIS-100 Perspectives in History

    Presenting Historical Research

    By now you should be able to apply primary and secondary sources.

    That means you should know what your sources say and how they inform your research.

    In other words, don’t just say I plan to research this book, that article or another website. Examine the source. Think critically about what it’s saying. Analyze the source accurately and honestly. Then write what you have learned from your source(s).

    This week we will move on to finding ways to present your historical research.

    You can use PowerPoint, Prezi. (Please do not upload a zip file.)

    Please use the Multimedia Presentation Planning Worksheet.

    I would also strongly suggest you review the Multimedia Presentation Rubric prior to submitting your presentation.

    While it is helpful to acknowledge biases and how historical lenses influence the study of history, it is also necessary to consider factual evidence. Factual evidence is indisputable.

    Therein lies the value of studying history.

    People all-too-often rely on false narratives and narrow constructs. That means we tell ourselves stories to make us feel better or a part of something greater than ourselves. It’s normal. Those narratives and social constructs are also factually inaccurate.

    You have likely witnessed or experienced a discriminatory claim against a certain person because of their ethnic identity, gender, sexual orientation, etc. You also know that those kinds of discriminatory thoughts, feelings and behaviors are not fair.

    That’s why it’s imperative that you understand what your sources say and present your research as accurately and honestly as you can.

    In other words, you will allow the factual evidence or expert testimony to support your argument. There’s just no getting around the facts, despite what many might infer.

    Complete the Multimedia Presentation Planning Worksheet, in which you will discuss your potential multimedia presentation for Project 3.


    Attached is the Multimedia Presentation Planning Worksheet to help you start Project 3 off on the right foot. Since this course has entailed quite a bit of writing thus far, this assignment provides you with an opportunity to get creative. You have the choice of three tools—Prezi, PowerPoint, or Microsoft Word—to present your opinions and observations on the creation and value of historical inquiry as it relates to the work you have done on your first two projects to wit; South African Apartheid

    I’m comfortable using PowerPoint, or you want to format your presentation as a newsletter in Word (feel free to get really creative here and have fun with this). No matter your preference, decide which tool would be the most effective method for you. Complete the worksheet to gather your thoughts around what text, visuals, and audio you might include in your multimedia presentation.

    To complete this assignment, review the Multimedia Presentation Planning Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric document.

    See attachments for relevant background information:

    • Multimedia Presentation Worksheet and Rubric
    • Presenting Historical Research Overview
    • MNash Project 2 Historical Context and Introduction
    • MNash Topic Exploration Worksheet (Project 1)


    Business Strategy Consultant from Ernst and Young LLP & Operation Upmarket Essay Writing Assignment Help

    Hi there,

    Hi there, I’ve this assignment i need it to done, please follow the instructions carefully and take a look at the sample, your work should look like the sample, no copy, no plagiarism

    For this writing task, you”ll need to respond to the following scenario:

    Who are you?

    are the vice president of operations at Exquisite Entertainment, an
    entertainment company that owns and operates 19 seasonal and year-round
    amusement parks (Worlds of Play) located throughout the U.S. You are
    responsible for providing overall direction and guidance with regard to
    the operational activities of the organization.

    What”s the current situation?

    company”s amusement parks have always been popular, but recently they
    haven”t been very profitable. Operating costs have been rising, and
    every dollar of extra revenue has been hard won. At the company”s
    annual management offsite meeting held that morning at Worlds of
    Play-Seattle, Alex Harrington, a business strategy consultant from Ernst
    & Young LLP, unveiled “Operation Upmarket,” a business strategy
    proposal aimed at addressing the issue of profitability for Worlds of
    Play. This plan proposed that Worlds of Play offer its customers the
    option of a “preferred guest” card. Cardholders would pay more, but they
    would get first crack at the rides and would get seated immediately at
    any of the park”s restaurants. According to Alex, the plan would help
    Worlds of Play finances because it would target the “mass
    affluents”–wealthy but time-pressed people who might visit the park
    more often and spend more time while there, were it not for long lines
    at the rides.

    You think back to that morning’s meeting. You
    respect Alex’s plan, but what about the initiatives you had implemented
    to tap into that same segment? In fact, you have already had some
    successes. Roughly 20% of Worlds of Play souvenir shops have been
    upgraded to gift boutiques with more appealing displays and
    higher-priced merchandise, and some snack concessions have been
    converted to seated dining. The most upscale of the restaurants are
    already earning almost double the profit per square foot of the other
    food-service facilities.

    Alex had done an impressive amount of
    work developing the idea, commissioning surveys and focus groups, and
    getting finance to run the numbers. Her presentation had been
    persuasive, you admit. Her tactic had been to get people arguing the
    details–should the pass cost $20 more than general admission or $30
    more?–while ignoring the question of whether it was a good idea at all.
    At first, this approach seemed to be working. But Grace Jones,
    Exquisite Entertainment’s vice president of human resources said,
    “Clearly, there’s revenue to be gained from offering these
    differentiated service levels. But it just doesn’t seem like us. The
    founder of Worlds of Play created a place where families could come
    together for a day to forget about their cares.” Alex said, “Our history
    is great, but if things don’t turn around fast, we are going to be
    history. The company has to make changes quickly to avoid
    cash-crunch-driven bankruptcy or a hostile takeover.”

    It was no
    secret to anyone in the meeting that theme parks have only three ways to
    bring in more revenue: (1) increase visits per customer, (2) increase
    average spending per visit, or (3) attract new customers. Alex argued
    that the guest card would address the last two items by attracting a
    different type of customer–time-starved, high-income professionals and
    their families–who might otherwise avoid the whole experience.

    Goodwin, the VP of marketing said, “It strikes me as a very
    shortsighted strategy. I mean, sure we could make a lot of money on
    those cards in the first couple of seasons. But just think about what it
    does to the overall customer experience. The average Joe with his wife
    and three kids is not going to shell out for five upgrades. So they are
    going to be sweating through even longer lines and just steaming when
    they see some yuppie waltz ahead of them. I don’t even think it’s a
    great experience for the preferred guests. Who wants to feel all the
    anger directed at them? The key to this business is that the customers
    feel good while they are here. A couple of ugly glances, a nasty remark,
    and the day is spoiled for everybody. Neither side’s coming back.”

    should have explained,” Alex said. “We would definitely separate the
    lines so the preferred cardholders wouldn’t be in people’s faces and
    we’d limit the percentage of special tickets issued on any given day.
    But I don’t think you are giving your customers enough credit. People
    have a lot more awareness and appreciation of the fact that time is
    money. This program lets them choose which they want to save.”

    What are you supposed to do?

    have been charged by CEO Len Becker to summarize the merits of the
    option presented at the meeting in his absence. Craft the body of a
    document for Mr. Becker.

    Develop a response that includes
    examples and evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly
    communicates the required message to your audience. Organize your
    response in a clear and logical manner as appropriate for the genre of
    writing. Use well-structured sentences, audience-appropriate language,
    and correct conventions of standard American English.


    https://anyessayhelp.com/ document.

    See attachments for relevant background information:

    • Multimedia Presentation Worksheet and Rubric
    • Presenting Historical Research Overview
    • MNash Project 2 Historical Context and Introduction
    • MNash Topic Exploration Worksheet (Project 1)


    Business Strategy Consultant from Ernst and Young LLP & Operation Upmarket Essay Writing Assignment Help

    Hi there,

    Hi there, I’ve this assignment i need it to done, please follow the instructions carefully and take a look at the sample, your work should look like the sample, no copy, no plagiarism

    For this writing task, you”ll need to respond to the following scenario:

    Who are you?

    are the vice president of operations at Exquisite Entertainment, an
    entertainment company that owns and operates 19 seasonal and year-round
    amusement parks (Worlds of Play) located throughout the U.S. You are
    responsible for providing overall direction and guidance with regard to
    the operational activities of the organization.

    What”s the current situation?

    company”s amusement parks have always been popular, but recently they
    haven”t been very profitable. Operating costs have been rising, and
    every dollar of extra revenue has been hard won. At the company”s
    annual management offsite meeting held that morning at Worlds of
    Play-Seattle, Alex Harrington, a business strategy consultant from Ernst
    & Young LLP, unveiled “Operation Upmarket,” a business strategy
    proposal aimed at addressing the issue of profitability for Worlds of
    Play. This plan proposed that Worlds of Play offer its customers the
    option of a “preferred guest” card. Cardholders would pay more, but they
    would get first crack at the rides and would get seated immediately at
    any of the park”s restaurants. According to Alex, the plan would help
    Worlds of Play finances because it would target the “mass
    affluents”–wealthy but time-pressed people who might visit the park
    more often and spend more time while there, were it not for long lines
    at the rides.

    You think back to that morning’s meeting. You
    respect Alex’s plan, but what about the initiatives you had implemented
    to tap into that same segment? In fact, you have already had some
    successes. Roughly 20% of Worlds of Play souvenir shops have been
    upgraded to gift boutiques with more appealing displays and
    higher-priced merchandise, and some snack concessions have been
    converted to seated dining. The most upscale of the restaurants are
    already earning almost double the profit per square foot of the other
    food-service facilities.

    Alex had done an impressive amount of
    work developing the idea, commissioning surveys and focus groups, and
    getting finance to run the numbers. Her presentation had been
    persuasive, you admit. Her tactic had been to get people arguing the
    details–should the pass cost $20 more than general admission or $30
    more?–while ignoring the question of whether it was a good idea at all.
    At first, this approach seemed to be working. But Grace Jones,
    Exquisite Entertainment’s vice president of human resources said,
    “Clearly, there’s revenue to be gained from offering these
    differentiated service levels. But it just doesn’t seem like us. The
    founder of Worlds of Play created a place where families could come
    together for a day to forget about their cares.” Alex said, “Our history
    is great, but if things don’t turn around fast, we are going to be
    history. The company has to make changes quickly to avoid
    cash-crunch-driven bankruptcy or a hostile takeover.”

    It was no
    secret to anyone in the meeting that theme parks have only three ways to
    bring in more revenue: (1) increase visits per customer, (2) increase
    average spending per visit, or (3) attract new customers. Alex argued
    that the guest card would address the last two items by attracting a
    different type of customer–time-starved, high-income professionals and
    their families–who might otherwise avoid the whole experience.

    Goodwin, the VP of marketing said, “It strikes me as a very
    shortsighted strategy. I mean, sure we could make a lot of money on
    those cards in the first couple of seasons. But just think about what it
    does to the overall customer experience. The average Joe with his wife
    and three kids is not going to shell out for five upgrades. So they are
    going to be sweating through even longer lines and just steaming when
    they see some yuppie waltz ahead of them. I don’t even think it’s a
    great experience for the preferred guests. Who wants to feel all the
    anger directed at them? The key to this business is that the customers
    feel good while they are here. A couple of ugly glances, a nasty remark,
    and the day is spoiled for everybody. Neither side’s coming back.”

    should have explained,” Alex said. “We would definitely separate the
    lines so the preferred cardholders wouldn’t be in people’s faces and
    we’d limit the percentage of special tickets issued on any given day.
    But I don’t think you are giving your customers enough credit. People
    have a lot more awareness and appreciation of the fact that time is
    money. This program lets them choose which they want to save.”

    What are you supposed to do?

    have been charged by CEO Len Becker to summarize the merits of the
    option presented at the meeting in his absence. Craft the body of a
    document for Mr. Becker.

    Develop a response that includes
    examples and evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly
    communicates the required message to your audience. Organize your
    response in a clear and logical manner as appropriate for the genre of
    writing. Use well-structured sentences, audience-appropriate language,
    and correct conventions of standard American English.


    https://anyessayhelp.com/ document.

    See attachments for relevant background information:

    • Multimedia Presentation Worksheet and Rubric
    • Presenting Historical Research Overview
    • MNash Project 2 Historical Context and Introduction
    • MNash Topic Exploration Worksheet (Project 1)


    Business Strategy Consultant from Ernst and Young LLP & Operation Upmarket Essay Writing Assignment Help

    Hi there,

    Hi there, I’ve this assignment i need it to done, please follow the instructions carefully and take a look at the sample, your work should look like the sample, no copy, no plagiarism

    For this writing task, you”ll need to respond to the following scenario:

    Who are you?

    are the vice president of operations at Exquisite Entertainment, an
    entertainment company that owns and operates 19 seasonal and year-round
    amusement parks (Worlds of Play) located throughout the U.S. You are
    responsible for providing overall direction and guidance with regard to
    the operational activities of the organization.

    What”s the current situation?

    company”s amusement parks have always been popular, but recently they
    haven”t been very profitable. Operating costs have been rising, and
    every dollar of extra revenue has been hard won. At the company”s
    annual management offsite meeting held that morning at Worlds of
    Play-Seattle, Alex Harrington, a business strategy consultant from Ernst
    & Young LLP, unveiled “Operation Upmarket,” a business strategy
    proposal aimed at addressing the issue of profitability for Worlds of
    Play. This plan proposed that Worlds of Play offer its customers the
    option of a “preferred guest” card. Cardholders would pay more, but they
    would get first crack at the rides and would get seated immediately at
    any of the park”s restaurants. According to Alex, the plan would help
    Worlds of Play finances because it would target the “mass
    affluents”–wealthy but time-pressed people who might visit the park
    more often and spend more time while there, were it not for long lines
    at the rides.

    You think back to that morning’s meeting. You
    respect Alex’s plan, but what about the initiatives you had implemented
    to tap into that same segment? In fact, you have already had some
    successes. Roughly 20% of Worlds of Play souvenir shops have been
    upgraded to gift boutiques with more appealing displays and
    higher-priced merchandise, and some snack concessions have been
    converted to seated dining. The most upscale of the restaurants are
    already earning almost double the profit per square foot of the other
    food-service facilities.

    Alex had done an impressive amount of
    work developing the idea, commissioning surveys and focus groups, and
    getting finance to run the numbers. Her presentation had been
    persuasive, you admit. Her tactic had been to get people arguing the
    details–should the pass cost $20 more than general admission or $30
    more?–while ignoring the question of whether it was a good idea at all.
    At first, this approach seemed to be working. But Grace Jones,
    Exquisite Entertainment’s vice president of human resources said,
    “Clearly, there’s revenue to be gained from offering these
    differentiated service levels. But it just doesn’t seem like us. The
    founder of Worlds of Play created a place where families could come
    together for a day to forget about their cares.” Alex said, “Our history
    is great, but if things don’t turn around fast, we are going to be
    history. The company has to make changes quickly to avoid
    cash-crunch-driven bankruptcy or a hostile takeover.”

    It was no
    secret to anyone in the meeting that theme parks have only three ways to
    bring in more revenue: (1) increase visits per customer, (2) increase
    average spending per visit, or (3) attract new customers. Alex argued
    that the guest card would address the last two items by attracting a
    different type of customer–time-starved, high-income professionals and
    their families–who might otherwise avoid the whole experience.

    Goodwin, the VP of marketing said, “It strikes me as a very
    shortsighted strategy. I mean, sure we could make a lot of money on
    those cards in the first couple of seasons. But just think about what it
    does to the overall customer experience. The average Joe with his wife
    and three kids is not going to shell out for five upgrades. So they are
    going to be sweating through even longer lines and just steaming when
    they see some yuppie waltz ahead of them. I don’t even think it’s a
    great experience for the preferred guests. Who wants to feel all the
    anger directed at them? The key to this business is that the customers
    feel good while they are here. A couple of ugly glances, a nasty remark,
    and the day is spoiled for everybody. Neither side’s coming back.”

    should have explained,” Alex said. “We would definitely separate the
    lines so the preferred cardholders wouldn’t be in people’s faces and
    we’d limit the percentage of special tickets issued on any given day.
    But I don’t think you are giving your customers enough credit. People
    have a lot more awareness and appreciation of the fact that time is
    money. This program lets them choose which they want to save.”

    What are you supposed to do?

    have been charged by CEO Len Becker to summarize the merits of the
    option presented at the meeting in his absence. Craft the body of a
    document for Mr. Becker.

    Develop a response that includes
    examples and evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly
    communicates the required message to your audience. Organize your
    response in a clear and logical manner as appropriate for the genre of
    writing. Use well-structured sentences, audience-appropriate language,
    and correct conventions of standard American English.


    https://anyessayhelp.com/ document.

    See attachments for relevant background information:

    • Multimedia Presentation Worksheet and Rubric
    • Presenting Historical Research Overview
    • MNash Project 2 Historical Context and Introduction
    • MNash Topic Exploration Worksheet (Project 1)


    Business Strategy Consultant from Ernst and Young LLP & Operation Upmarket Essay Writing Assignment Help

    Hi there,

    Hi there, I’ve this assignment i need it to done, please follow the instructions carefully and take a look at the sample, your work should look like the sample, no copy, no plagiarism

    For this writing task, you”ll need to respond to the following scenario:

    Who are you?

    are the vice president of operations at Exquisite Entertainment, an
    entertainment company that owns and operates 19 seasonal and year-round
    amusement parks (Worlds of Play) located throughout the U.S. You are
    responsible for providing overall direction and guidance with regard to
    the operational activities of the organization.

    What”s the current situation?

    company”s amusement parks have always been popular, but recently they
    haven”t been very profitable. Operating costs have been rising, and
    every dollar of extra revenue has been hard won. At the company”s
    annual management offsite meeting held that morning at Worlds of
    Play-Seattle, Alex Harrington, a business strategy consultant from Ernst
    & Young LLP, unveiled “Operation Upmarket,” a business strategy
    proposal aimed at addressing the issue of profitability for Worlds of
    Play. This plan proposed that Worlds of Play offer its customers the
    option of a “preferred guest” card. Cardholders would pay more, but they
    would get first crack at the rides and would get seated immediately at
    any of the park”s restaurants. According to Alex, the plan would help
    Worlds of Play finances because it would target the “mass
    affluents”–wealthy but time-pressed people who might visit the park
    more often and spend more time while there, were it not for long lines
    at the rides.

    You think back to that morning’s meeting. You
    respect Alex’s plan, but what about the initiatives you had implemented
    to tap into that same segment? In fact, you have already had some
    successes. Roughly 20% of Worlds of Play souvenir shops have been
    upgraded to gift boutiques with more appealing displays and
    higher-priced merchandise, and some snack concessions have been
    converted to seated dining. The most upscale of the restaurants are
    already earning almost double the profit per square foot of the other
    food-service facilities.

    Alex had done an impressive amount of
    work developing the idea, commissioning surveys and focus groups, and
    getting finance to run the numbers. Her presentation had been
    persuasive, you admit. Her tactic had been to get people arguing the
    details–should the pass cost $20 more than general admission or $30
    more?–while ignoring the question of whether it was a good idea at all.
    At first, this approach seemed to be working. But Grace Jones,
    Exquisite Entertainment’s vice president of human resources said,
    “Clearly, there’s revenue to be gained from offering these
    differentiated service levels. But it just doesn’t seem like us. The
    founder of Worlds of Play created a place where families could come
    together for a day to forget about their cares.” Alex said, “Our history
    is great, but if things don’t turn around fast, we are going to be
    history. The company has to make changes quickly to avoid
    cash-crunch-driven bankruptcy or a hostile takeover.”

    It was no
    secret to anyone in the meeting that theme parks have only three ways to
    bring in more revenue: (1) increase visits per customer, (2) increase
    average spending per visit, or (3) attract new customers. Alex argued
    that the guest card would address the last two items by attracting a
    different type of customer–time-starved, high-income professionals and
    their families–who might otherwise avoid the whole experience.

    Goodwin, the VP of marketing said, “It strikes me as a very
    shortsighted strategy. I mean, sure we could make a lot of money on
    those cards in the first couple of seasons. But just think about what it
    does to the overall customer experience. The average Joe with his wife
    and three kids is not going to shell out for five upgrades. So they are
    going to be sweating through even longer lines and just steaming when
    they see some yuppie waltz ahead of them. I don’t even think it’s a
    great experience for the preferred guests. Who wants to feel all the
    anger directed at them? The key to this business is that the customers
    feel good while they are here. A couple of ugly glances, a nasty remark,
    and the day is spoiled for everybody. Neither side’s coming back.”

    should have explained,” Alex said. “We would definitely separate the
    lines so the preferred cardholders wouldn’t be in people’s faces and
    we’d limit the percentage of special tickets issued on any given day.
    But I don’t think you are giving your customers enough credit. People
    have a lot more awareness and appreciation of the fact that time is
    money. This program lets them choose which they want to save.”

    What are you supposed to do?

    have been charged by CEO Len Becker to summarize the merits of the
    option presented at the meeting in his absence. Craft the body of a
    document for Mr. Becker.

    Develop a response that includes
    examples and evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly
    communicates the required message to your audience. Organize your
    response in a clear and logical manner as appropriate for the genre of
    writing. Use well-structured sentences, audience-appropriate language,
    and correct conventions of standard American English.


    JRN 4403 Troy University Police Brutality Wrap Report Writing Assignment Help

    JRN 4403 Troy University Police Brutality Wrap Report Writing Assignment Help

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