Justification of the use of MMR, mixed method research help Writing Assignment Help. Justification of the use of MMR, mixed method research help Writing Assignment Help.
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Write four to five- page paper that includes the following components:
- Revised versions of the problem, purpose and research questions. Be sure to identify revisions.
- A completed version of Figure 1.6 for the proposed study.
- Justification of the use of MMR.
- A conceptual framework appropriate for the study, and an explanation for your choice. Describe how the framework you chose informs your questions, that is the research question and your planned MMR approach.
- Citations and References in APA.
See attachments of the original problem, purpose and research question to be revised and fig 1.6.
Justification of the use of MMR, mixed method research help Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Identify at least three areas where this student might experience difficulty in her classroom, homework help Humanities Assignment Help
Mrs. Watkins, a sixth-grade science teacher, typically lectures using PowerPoint while students take notes. Her students’ assignments are to read and answer questions from the textbook, and she requires them to conduct lab experiments by following written procedures. She assesses her students using written tests. A student in her classroom has a learning disability and reads at a third-grade level.
Based on what you know about Mrs. Watkins class:
- Identify at least three areas where this student might experience difficulty in her classroom.
- Suggest at least four types of information that Mrs. Watkins can share in an upcoming IEP meeting to help identify appropriate accommodations.
- Identify two presentation accommodations and two response accommodations the IEP team might identify for the student. Explain how these accommodations are intended to assist the student.
Cite at least two resources from your research to support your findings.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Source: This scenario and associated questions were adapted from The IRIS Center for Training Enhancements. (2010). Accommodations: Instructional and Testing Supports for Students with Disabilities.
American Revolution, history homework help Humanities Assignment Help
Please discuss your thoughts on the actions taken by the colonists between 1760-1775 in the Pre Revolutionary Era. Be sure to keep in mind that not all colonists were rebelling against the mother country. Would you have been a loyalist or a patriot? What would your actions had been if you were living during this time and why?
Your original post should be approximately 1-2 pages long. (Minimum 150 words) Please read my post and use it as a guide for your initial post.
three interviews with professionals in the schools, Benchmark Comprehensive Assessment help Humanities Assignment Help
Use the information you gathered from your three interviews with professionals in the schools, about various assessment practices, to inform your benchmark assignment.
Using the “Class Profile,” select a grade level (1-8) for the class. Next, select English language arts or mathematics as the content area you will be working with for this assignment. Based on the grade and content area you selected, choose a Common Core strand, cluster, and set of standards. Using this information, you will create a comprehensive assessment plan.
In creating the assessment plan, include an introduction that provides a short summary of a unit of study to contextualize your assessments. Include:
Part I: Introduction and Summary
- Learning targets/objectives that are aligned with your standards and consistent with the unit of study you have summarized.
- Academic language for the unit of study, including key vocabulary, form, and function.
- An informal, formative pre-assessment.
Part II: Table of Specifications
Provide a table of specifications using either the DOK model or Bloom’s Taxonomy model.
Part III: Summative Assessment
Consistent and aligned with the items below, create a summative assessment that consists of:
- Directions for the student.
- Three short answer response items that require the use of varied cognitive skills.
- Fifteen multiple choice questions that require the use of varied cognitive skills.
- One restricted response essay that requires extended or critical thinking.
- Modified short answer response items and multiple choice items for a student on an IEP related to a learning disability.
- Rationale as to how your summative assessment meets the continuous intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of each elementary student.
Part IV: Scoring Guide and Answer Key
Create the following to accompany your summative assessment:
- An analytic scoring guide for the restricted response essay that describes the criteria and features to be scored.
- An answer key that includes answers for the short answer responses, answers for the multiple choice questions with explanations for each option, and a sample answer for the extended response essay.
- A separate answer key for the assessment items that were modified for the student on the IEP.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
Ethics, Professionalism and Governance, homework help Computer Science Assignment Help
Case Study 3 – Copyright and Intellectual Property Considerations
Courtney is a young ambitious programmer working for a small company developing software for web-based services in the health area, with a focus on supporting remote aboriginal communities. To further her career Courtney undertakes additional tertiary study, with support from her manager Michael.
This study includes topics covering computer ethics, and issues related to the impact of ICT on different communities. On her current project, Courtney develops a new user interface, which has a strong focus on accessibility for remote communities, especially considering the type of technology likely to be used. She also pays special attention to the use of cultural images in the interface to avoid those which may be distressing or offensive to aboriginal users.
The new system is a great success and Courtney’s contribution is recognised by her company, through an Employee of the Month Award. The company also receives a national business award for its contribution to the positive use of ICT in aboriginal communities.
Michael takes all of the credit for this, and Courtney receives no acknowledgement for her efforts.
Discuss briefly the ethical issues related to this case. As a result of your discussion, you should be able to make some recommendations as to how this ethical problem may be resolved. Be sure to support any recommendations with reasons, informed by your research and thinking on the ethical issues identified in your discussion.
Assignment Task
From what you have learned during Week s 3 and 4 of your Professional Environments Course, discuss ethical, professional and legal issues which you consider arise from this scenario. Make some recommendations of actions which could be taken to resolve the situation and/or to minimise the chance the scenario may recur. Support your answers with relevant references (as well as the Codes and Laws).
Things to Consider in Your Assignment:
You should list at least 3 values from the ACS Code of Ethics and up to 5 clauses from the ACS Code of Professional Conduct, you think are specifically relevant in deciding how to resolve the situation. Make sure that you refer to the most up to date ACS Codes which are available on the ACS website – www.acs.org.au. You should also list any relevant Australian legislation that you think applies to this scenario. Your analysis, discussion and recommendations should use the framework you selected in Week 3 – Solving an Ethical Dilemma.
Your assignment should be 400 -500 words in length (excluding your code lists, legislation list and references).
You may need to undertake a small amount of research, however, most information you will need is available via the seminars and their references. Also,
• use a cover page – as per the suggested template, • use in‐text referencing, • use complete Harvard Notation, submit in “Word” format or equivalent format that can be readily opened in MS Word, keep your formatting simple: Arial 11pt, 10pt after paragraph, single line spacing, headings in bold, maximum 2 indent levels/bullet levels. Do not use page borders, word art, page backgrounds or similar extraneous decoration • Your uploaded file name should identify you as part of its name – e.g. PE_Assignment1_William_Smith
M3 Assignment 2 RA, psychology homework help Humanities Assignment Help
In M3 Assignment 2 RA, you reviewed a case study about Jessica, made primary and secondary diagnoses, and identified differential diagnoses for each principal and secondary diagnosis. The skills you developed and the feedback you received after completing this required assignment, will significantly help you in completing the following LASA. For example, both assignments (RA and LASA), require you to complete similar tasks such as identifying the principal and secondary diagnoses, providing rationale for the diagnoses, and offering differential (alternative) diagnoses.
In this assignment, you will discuss the etiology and treatment of your principal and secondary diagnoses for the following case study using a minimum of five peer-reviewed sources on etiology and a minimum of five peer-reviewed sources on treatment. Your paper should have separate sections for the etiology of each principal and secondary diagnosis, therapeutic modalities for each principal and secondary diagnosis, justification of the selected therapeutic modalities for the disorders, application of the treatment for the disorders, and a reference page for your sources. Your citations and references should be in APA style, and your paper should be 8–10 pages in length.
Click here to read the second case study (Psychological Evaluation for Homer Brine).
Once you read the case, complete the following tasks:
- Identify a principal and secondary diagnosis for the assigned case study with rationale for each diagnosis.
- Describe multiple elements of the etiology for the principal and secondary diagnoses. Explain how the etiology contributed to each (principal and secondary) diagnosis.
- Identify a specific therapeutic modality for each principal and secondary diagnosis.
- Apply therapeutic modality to treat each of the principal and secondary diagnoses in the case study.
- Identify at least one differential (alternate) diagnosis for the principal and secondary diagnoses.
- Discuss key cultural factors that may influence diagnosis and treatment.
Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Include citations in text and at the end of the document in the correct APA format.
M3 Assignment 2 RA, psychology homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Information Requirements Determination, project report help Computer Science Assignment Help
Information Requirements Determination (IRD) Project Component
Based on your consulting company’s initial work in discovering the business needs of Mid-Century Modern Décor Unlimited (MCMDU), you now have the following additional information about your client company’s processes that will need to be supported by the planned inventory information system:
Addition of new item to inventory system: the marketing/sales staff, in cooperation with the manufacturing staff, transmits the basic information on new products to be added to inventory management on a paper form brought to the inventory management office. This form must contain approval signatures of the Vice President for Operations and the Vice President for Sales. Upon receipt of a correct form (as determined by the Inventory Management staff), the inventory information for the new item is added to the appropriate Microsoft Excel 2010 workbook(s).
Recurring inventory report: the inventory is reported on a monthly basis in printed form and distributed through interoffice mail to the owner, vice presidents, and managers of the manufacturing and marketing/sales departments.
Ad-hoc inventory reports: an ad-hoc report on one or more inventory items may be requested by the owner, vice presidents, and managers of the manufacturing and marketing/sales departments. These requests must be created on a “Special Report Request” paper form brought to the inventory management office. The inventory management staff attempts to produce these reports within two business days of the time of the request.
The inventory management staff will also create an ad-hoc report in printed form upon phone request from either the owner or the company vice presidents. There is not a special form for this request: the inventory management will jot the specifications for the needed report down on paper when called by these individuals with a request. The inventory management staff attempts to produce these reports within one business day of the time of the request.
The inventory management staff maintains the templates for inventory information from the e-commerce retailer customers within a file folder on a hard drive on the PC computer system in the Inventory Management office. Recall from the Background Information section that e-commerce retailers will generally require that their company-specific templates be used when transmitting inventory-related information such as complete product descriptions. Once the templates are populated with the requested information, the Inventory Management staff can transmit that information to the e-commerce retailers by logging in through the retailer’s extranet portal for MDU.
The Tasks:
Based on the information provided in Chapter 6 of the course textbook and web-based research, to select an overall strategy for determining system requirements. In addition, you have made an interview process with various employees of the company to assist in determining the information requirements required required to support the development of a system that meets the scope of the planned system. Create this deliverable in a Microsoft Word document.
this component of the project is to include the following components:
1.A project scope statement: see the associated definition / description on page 199 of the course textbook and the example portrayed in Figure 5-10 on page 134 of the course textbook.
2.An analysis of systems requirements judgments (review Chapter 6) in order to select the optimal strategy for this specific information systems project for MDU. This component must contain an identification and discussion of the potential strategies followed by your well justified recommendation for proposing the optimal Strategy for information requirements determination (IRD) for the planned system. A aware that a single method of IRD is almost absolutely adequate to gather the needed information for a systems development project.
3.An interview plan as detailed in interview outlines followed by specific questions (you should use both close-ended and open-ended questions) that you plan to ask in initial interview with (1) Alexis Harrison, the company owner and (2) company employees (Specify one which). Means that you may choose to employ additional interviewing methods (see Chapter 6) for receiving this type of information.
Required Format:
The required format of this component is five impression labeling sections:
1.An introduction of the background and intended purpose of the specified tasks (see above section)
2.The Project Scope Statement
3.The systems requirements determination strategy (this may be some combination of two or more strategies identified and discussed in Chapter 6)
4.The interview designs, with the target for each interview indicated clearly informed
5.A summary / fix section
Information Requirements Determination (IRD) Project Component, homework help Computer Science Assignment Help
Information Requirements Determination (IRD) Project Component
Based on your consulting company’s initial work in discovering the business needs of Mid-Century Modern Décor Unlimited (MCMDU), you now have the following additional information about your client company’s processes that will need to be supported by the planned inventory information system:
Addition of new item to inventory system: the marketing/sales staff, in cooperation with the manufacturing staff, transmits the basic information on new products to be added to inventory management on a paper form brought to the inventory management office. This form must contain approval signatures of the Vice President for Operations and the Vice President for Sales. Upon receipt of a correct form (as determined by the Inventory Management staff), the inventory information for the new item is added to the appropriate Microsoft Excel 2010 workbook(s).
Recurring inventory report: the inventory is reported on a monthly basis in printed form and distributed through interoffice mail to the owner, vice presidents, and managers of the manufacturing and marketing/sales departments.
Ad-hoc inventory reports: an ad-hoc report on one or more inventory items may be requested by the owner, vice presidents, and managers of the manufacturing and marketing/sales departments. These requests must be created on a “Special Report Request” paper form brought to the inventory management office. The inventory management staff attempts to produce these reports within two business days of the time of the request.
The inventory management staff will also create an ad-hoc report in printed form upon phone request from either the owner or the company vice presidents. There is not a special form for this request: the inventory management will jot the specifications for the needed report down on paper when called by these individuals with a request. The inventory management staff attempts to produce these reports within one business day of the time of the request.
The inventory management staff maintains the templates for inventory information from the e-commerce retailer customers within a file folder on a hard drive on the PC computer system in the Inventory Management office. Recall from the Background Information section that e-commerce retailers will generally require that their company-specific templates be used when transmitting inventory-related information such as complete product descriptions. Once the templates are populated with the requested information, the Inventory Management staff can transmit that information to the e-commerce retailers by logging in through the retailer’s extranet portal for MDU.
The Tasks:
Based on the information provided in Chapter 6 of the course textbook and web-based research, to select an overall strategy for determining system requirements. In addition, you have made an interview process with various employees of the company to assist in determining the information requirements required required to support the development of a system that meets the scope of the planned system. Create this deliverable in a Microsoft Word document.
this component of the project is to include the following components:
1.A project scope statement: see the associated definition / description on page 199 of the course textbook and the example portrayed in Figure 5-10 on page 134 of the course textbook.
2.An analysis of systems requirements judgments (review Chapter 6) in order to select the optimal strategy for this specific information systems project for MDU. This component must contain an identification and discussion of the potential strategies followed by your well justified recommendation for proposing the optimal Strategy for information requirements determination (IRD) for the planned system. A aware that a single method of IRD is almost absolutely adequate to gather the needed information for a systems development project.
3.An interview plan as detailed in interview outlines followed by specific questions (you should use both close-ended and open-ended questions) that you plan to ask in initial interview with (1) Alexis Harrison, the company owner and (2) company employees (Specify one which). Means that you may choose to employ additional interviewing methods (see Chapter 6) for receiving this type of information.
Required Format:
The required format of this component is five impression labeling sections:
1.An introduction of the background and intended purpose of the specified tasks (see above section)
2.The Project Scope Statement
3.The systems requirements determination strategy (this may be some combination of two or more strategies identified and discussed in Chapter 6)
4.The interview designs, with the target for each interview indicated clearly informed
5.A summary / fix section
Why isn’t “states’ rights” sufficient to explain the cause of the Civil War?, homework help Humanities Assignment Help
Answer those 10 questions below in short answer, no need to write into paragraph, as details as need:
- Why isn’t “states’ rights” sufficient to explain the cause of the Civil War? What about tariffs? The abolitionist movement?
- Give an example of how northerners sought to enlist the federal government in support of their sectional economic interests. What major southern economic issue became the key source of sectional tensions?
- In what way did political parties serve to mitigate the sectional crisis? What were the key events that brought about the breakdown of national parties?
- What were the main elements of the Missouri Compromise? Over what specific issues was this compromise later threatened and finally set aside?
- What were the issues behind the Compromise of 1850? What were the elements of the Compromise? How did radicals in both north and south respond to the Compromise?
- Why did Stephen Douglas push for the Kansas-Nebraska Act? What did this act do? What impact did the Kansas-Nebraska crisis have on the Whig party, the people of Kansas, and the incident at Harper’s Ferry?
- Why did the Southern states secede from the union? How did they justify this action?
- What was Lincoln’s personal view on slavery? What was the Republican Party’s position? Why did he invade the South?
- What was the impact of cotton on the South after 1800? Be able to identify its impact on southern politics, the environment, the southeastern Indians, and the southern economy.
- Be able to name and explain at least four elements of Hammond’s proslavery argument.
For example: What were the main elements of the Missouri Compromise?
- Written in 1820
- Allowed Missouri to enter the United States as a slave state
- Maine to enter as a free state
- Stated that slavery would be excluded above the 36/30 line
No need to use academic words
View attach file for more details need for answers.
Database Planning, programming homework help Programming Assignment Help
This assignment has two parts:
- Hands-on lab
- Course project
Part I—Hands-on Lab
For this assignment, you will display information from a Microsoft Access database by using SQL commands.
Using the Microsoft Access database Teresa’sTrees, write SQL statements for the given tasks. Once complete, copy the SQL statements from Microsoft Access and paste them in a Microsoft Word document that will be submitted along with part II of the assignment.
Write an SQL statement:
- To display all the information from the Customer table
- To display each shipping date for customer 1 from the Invoice table
Note: Display both the customer number and the shipping date.
- To display the names of all the trees that cost at least $200.00
- To display all the information for invoice number 2
- To list the phone and last name of all customers
- To list the phone, first name, and last name of all customers whose last name starts with “J”
- To return the number of customers
- To determine the average total invoice amount
- To show all the items ordered from invoice number 3
- To show the first and last names along with the invoice number of all customers with an invoice of at least $250.00
Part II—Course Project
This part of the assignment is a detailed project designed to help you learn the modeling of business requirements and understand the physical implementation of logical business models through the use of E-R models.
Through each week’s project, you will be adding to the course project. You will be assigned tasks each week, which you will complete and submit as directed.
Course Project Part 1—Database Planning
For this week, imagine that you have been hired by a company to build a database for it and complete the following tasks:
- Describe your idea of the database.
- This can be a business problem or a hobby you are interested in—for example, an airline reservation system.
- Outline the database you would like to create.
- Outline the SDLC. Include the following subcategories:
- Strategy and analysis for a business or an idea you plan to develop
- Analysis of the current system:
- What does the company have?
- What business projections does it have?
- Integration with other systems—plan how the current system can be integrated with other systems
- Documentation and communication—describe how this vital part will be accomplished
- Design for changes—prepare a plan for the future
- Reusable resources—do not redo work; identify what the company has in place that you can use
(This is the best part of the project—you create everything!)
Note: Whatever you create is fiction and the above-mentioned six items will need to be addressed in the final document.
Assignment Deliverable
After you complete the lab and course project, collate the information from both in a 3- to 4-page report in a Microsoft Word document.
graded on the following elements:
Submitted ten SQL statements that are free of syntax errors and return the desired results. |
Submitted the course project document that provides relevant information for each subhead and contains the following subheads:
Justification of the use of MMR, mixed method research help Writing Assignment Help
Justification of the use of MMR, mixed method research help Writing Assignment Help