JWI 518 Strayer University Campaign proposal for iPhone 9 Plus Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

JWI 518 Strayer University Campaign proposal for iPhone 9 Plus Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help. JWI 518 Strayer University Campaign proposal for iPhone 9 Plus Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help.

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JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations

Assignment 2: Marketing Campaign Slide Deck Part A: Create Slides 1 to 6

Due Week 5, Sunday (Weight: 15%)

Part B: Incorporate feedback for Slides 1 to 6; Create Slides 7 to 10; Add References; submit Full Slide Deck Due Week 7, Sunday (Weight: 20%)


In this assignment, you assume the role of Director of Marketing at a Fortune 500 company. The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) has reviewed your Campaign Brief and shared it with the executive team. They have asked for a presentation with details of the proposed Marketing Campaign. This presentation will be developed as a PowerPoint slide deck in Assignment 2 and presented via Zoom in Assignment 3.

For Assignment 2, you will create a PowerPoint deck of 10 to 15 slides. To support you in this assignment, there is an Assignment 2 Template available in your Blackboard course. You should use this template as a guide in developing your slides, to ensure that all required content is included.

Bear in mind that your audience will be the CMO and members of the company’s executive team. As high- level decision makers, these are very busy people, so you know that you must present your ideas concisely, to respect their time, but also persuasively, to solicit their buy-in and approval for the campaign.

Leverage what you have learned in the first seven weeks of your JWI 518 – Marketing in a Global Environment course, including the textbook readings, Lecture Notes, articles, videos, and external resources. You will also build on the work you did in your Campaign Brief in Assignment 1.

Note: you are encouraged to attend the tutorial for this assignment. Instructions can be found in the assignment module in Blackboard.

Submission of Part A and Part B

In Week 5, for Part A, you will create Slides 1 to 6, with relevant References. Your professor will grade the slides and provide feedback. Your slides should be as complete as possible. If you still need additional data, note this in your slides, indicating what will be added and where you will locate the data.

Assignment 2, Part A is due by Sunday, midnight of Week 5.

In Week 7, for Part B, you will incorporate your professor’s feedback into Slides 1 to 6, create Slides 7 to 10, and add remaining References. Then you will finish and submit the Full Slide Deck, as Assignment 2, Part B.

Assignment 2, Part B is due by Sunday, midnight of Week 7.

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JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 1 of 8



JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations


Construct your slides for Assignment 2 using the Slide Deck Outline below. The slide numbers in parentheses refer to the numbered slides in the Assignment 2 Template. You may add some additional slides for topics that need them, but your total slide deck must be no more than 15 slides.

Slide Deck Outline


  • Enter Company name, Campaign name, and Product or Service name
  • Enter Student name, Professor name, and Submission date PRODUCT / SERVICE AND FEATURES (SLIDE 2)

• Introduce the product or service for the campaign: o Description of the product or service
o What is its core purpose or function?

• What are its key features and benefits?
o Specify three or four key features
o Briefly describe the benefit of each key feature

• Where indicated, add a logo or photo representing the product or service MARKETING GOALS (SLIDE 3)

• Which marketing goals will this campaign support?
o Provide a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 goals o Write a brief SMART description for each goal

§ SMART = Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant & Recorded, and Time-Bound o You may select from the sample goals below or add your own alternative goals:

§ Build brand awareness
§ Increase in number of items sold
§ Increase in market share
§ Capture a new target market
§ Broaden the company’s mix of products/services § Increase overall company revenues
§ Increase donations to organization
§ Improve ROI on advertising expenditure
§ Change or improve the company’s image

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.


JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 2 of 8


JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations TARGET AUDIENCE AND COMPETITION (SLIDE 4)

  • What are the key characteristics of your target audience?
  • How will you differentiate your brand from the competition?

o Fill in the chart provided in the template to compare your product or service to similar offerings from two competitors in the marketplace


• Customer Need:
o What customer “need” does your product or service address?
o What is the value that the product or service delivers to the customer? o Why would a customer buy the product or service?

• Customer Wants:
o What customer “wants” does the product or service fulfill? o How does it reinforce the customer’s self-image?
o How does it connect the customer with others?


  • What are the core values and beliefs of your target audience?
  • How will this campaign connect your brand to those customer values and beliefs? MARKETING MESSAGES AND STORY (SLIDE 7)
  • What are the key features you need to highlight in your marketing messages for this campaign?
  • What is the “story” that you will use to appeal to customers in this campaign?
  • What words and images will you use to “frame” your marketing story for this campaign?SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY (SLIDE 8)

• Where will you advertise to reach your target audience for this campaign?
o Choose 3 social media channels and fill in the chart provided in the template

  • How will you use social media to engage your audience for this campaign?
  • How will you use social media to spread your marketing message widely in this campaign?MARKETING METRICS AND BUDGET ALLOCATION (SLIDE 9)
  • Select at least 4 marketing categories – examples are provided in the template
  • For each marketing category, fill in the chart to answer these questions:© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.


JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 3 of 8


JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations

o What is the budget dollar amount?
o What is the budget percentage?
o Is this marketing category using a digital or traditional type of channel? o Why is this category relevant for your campaign?
o What metric(s) can be calculated with data from this category?
o How often should data be collected to calculate the specified metric(s)?

Note: Over 50% of the budget must be for digital marketing channels versus traditional


  • Describe the short term and long term benefits of a successful campaign
  • Specify the reasons why the executive team should approve your proposal
  • Thank your audience and invite questionsREFERENCES
  • You should conduct research so that you will be knowledgeable on your target market, segmentation and other critical factors in developing a sound plan.
  • You must list all your research sources on the References slide(s), using the format presented in the JWMI Writing Standards Guide.
  • List your references in the order that they are used in your PowerPoint Slides.
  • You should have some course work references and some references from your own research.Slide Deck Formatting Requirements
    • Submit your assignment in the form of a 10 to 15 slide PowerPoint deck
      § Note: Your References slide(s) do not count towards the total of 15 slides
    • Use the Assignment 2 Template provided and include all the required content items
    • Limit the amount of text by expressing your ideas briefly and succinctly
    • Format your slides professionally and consistently
    • Review your slides to remove any spelling and grammatical errors© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.


JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 4 of 8


JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations

Rubric – Assignment 2 Part A




Low Pass


High Pass


1. (Slides 1 and 2) Includes a completed Cover slide.

Describes the product or service and its features.

Weight: 20%

Cover slide is missing or incomplete.

Description of product and features is missing or poor.

Cover slide is partially complete.

Description of product and features is partially complete.

Cover slide is included.

Description of product and features is satisfactory.

Cover slide is included.

Description of product and features is very good

Cover slide is included.

Description of product and features is excellent.

2. (Slides 3 and 4) Selects appropriate marketing goals.

Describes target audience and differentiates the brand from competitors.

Weight: 30%

Marketing goals are missing or incomplete.

Description of the target audience and differentiation from competitors is missing or incomplete.

Marketing goals are partially complete.

Description of the target audience and differentiation from competitors is partially complete

Appropriate marketing goals are selected.

Description of the target audience is satisfactory and differentiation from competitors is well explained.

Appropriate marketing goals are selected.

Description of the target audience is good and differentiation from competitors is very well explained.

Appropriate marketing goals are selected.

Description of the target audience is excellent and differentiation from competitors is excellently explained.

3. (Slides 5 and 6) Describes customer needs and wants.

Identifies customer core values and beliefs and explains their connection to the brand.

Weight: 30%

Description of customer needs and wants is missing or incomplete.

Description of customer values and beliefs and an explanation of the connection to the brand are missing or incomplete.

Description of customer needs and wants is partially complete.

Description of customer values and beliefs and an explanation of the connection to the brand are partially complete.

Customer needs and wants are well described.

Customer values and beliefs are well described and the connection to the brand is clearly explained.

Customer needs and wants are very well described.

Customer values and beliefs are well described and the connection to the brand is very well explained.

Customer needs and wants are excellently described.

Customer values and beliefs are excellently described and the connection to the brand is fully and effectively explained.

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.


JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 5 of 8


JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations




Low Pass


High Pass


4. The slides follow the template.

The format is professional and consistent.

The text is free from grammar and spelling errors.

References are provided in a manner that enables the reader to identify the sources.

Weight: 20%

The slides do not follow the template.

The format is not professional or consistent.

There are numerous grammar or spelling errors.

References are not included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources.

The slides mostly follow the template.

The format is somewhat professional and fairly consistent.

There are some grammar or spelling errors.

References may not be included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources.

The slides follow the template.

The format is mostly professional and consistent.

There are a few grammar or spelling errors.

References are mostly accurate but some may not be included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources.

The slides follow the template.

The format is very professional and consistent.

There are almost no grammar or spelling errors.

All References are included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources.

The slides follow the template.

The format is excellently professional and fairly consistent.

There are no grammar or spelling errors.

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and propri

JWI 518 Strayer University Campaign proposal for iPhone 9 Plus Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Southern New Hampshire University Diversity in the Workplace Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Having developed a definition of diversity in the last module, this week we’re turning to how diversity applies to you personally. This could be related to your personal experiences or things you’ve observed of those around you. Because Milestone One is also due this week, we’ll start to discuss the issues and events that interest you. Based on the module resources and your own research, write an initial post that addresses the following:

  • Describe an event related to diversity that either you or someone around you has experienced. What did you take away, and how did it enhance your understanding of diversity? (I have already answered this portion, but feel free to critique or add more to it if you feel that it would be beneficial – writing attached)
  • Share a current issue related to diversity that you have found interesting or that has personally impacted you. Post an article from a news source. How does diversity help you better understand this issue? (This is what I need help with – see attached)


Archeology and Ethnoarchaeology Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Look at the pictures I attached

Easy any format

Minimum 2 pages

Please read what my professor said and no plagiarism my professor has plagiarism check

if I like your work, I will invite you to my next assignments

And please cite your sources

If you have any question ask me

My professor


You have an important essay due by this Sunday evening. I have extended the time until Sunday at 11:30. It will require research and not something you can just “wing” as there are specific requirements for citing and details. It is 15 points.


You have been contacted by the Italian Government to join their team of archaeologists to investigate the sites of Mt. Vesuvius and Herculaneum. One of the most devastating events of 79 AD was the eruption of Mount Vesuvius which destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Knowing that modern day science involves an “interdisciplinary approach” based upon your viewing of all videos, and other sources, If you were an archaeologist who would you contact or call to seek additional advice and why would additional expertise be necessary and why?

Make a very methodical explanation including the following:

– What disciplines might come into play to recreate the life of people of a site and why (use your knowledge of Egypt and Mesopotamia as well)

– How should an archaeological site be documented/recorded and what accounts should be examined

– Cite your sources well and think out your argument carefully. You will need to “Create a Thread”


HRDV 5750 FSUJ How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education Exam Questions Writing Assignment Help


HRDV 5750


Taken from the “FOR DISCUSSION” section at the end of each chapter, How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education by Jack R. Fraenkel, Norman E. Wallen, and Helen H. Hyun.

Chapter 1Most quantitative researchers believe that the world is a single reality, whereas most qualitative researchers believe that the world is made up of multiple realities. Which position would you support? Why?

Chapter 3 Question #3

Which do you think are more important to emphasize in a literature review—the opinions of experts in the field or related studies? Why?

Chapter 4 Question: What are the ethical principles most relevant to research in the HRDV field or your major field of study? What information or experiences have led you to these conclusions?

Chapter 5 Question #3

What might cause a researcher to state a directional hypothesis rather than a non-directional hypothesis? What about the reverse?

Chapter 6 Question #4

“The larger a sample, the more justified a researcher is in generalizing from it to a population.” Is this statement true? Why or why not?

Chapter 8 Question #2

What type of evidence—content-related, criterion-related, or construct-related—do you think is the easiest to obtain? The hardest? Why?


Chapter 10 Question #4

“The larger the standard deviation of a distribution, the more heterogeneous the scores in that distribution.” Is this statement true? Explain.

Chapter 11 Question #5

Could a relationship that is practically significant be ignored because it is not statistically significant? What about the reverse? Can you suggest an example of each?

Chapter 12 Question #5

“When analyzing data obtained from two groups, the first thing researchers should do is construct a frequency polygon of each group’s scores.” Why is this important—or is it?

Chapter 25 Question #2

To what common function do the problem statement, the research question, and the hypotheses all contribute? In what ways are they different?


Human Societies Continue to Thrive and Grow as Time Progresses Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

You have been contacted by the Italian Government to join their team of archaeologists to investigate the sites of Mt. Vesuvius and Herculaneum. One of the most devastating events of 79 AD was the eruption of Mount Vesuvius which destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Knowing that modern day science involves an “interdisciplinary approach” based upon your viewing of all videos, and other sources, If you were an archaeologist who would you contact or call to seek additional advice and why would additional expertise be necessary and why?

Make a very methodical explanation including the following:

– What disciplines might come into play to recreate the life of people of a site and why (use your knowledge of Egypt and Mesopotamia as well)

– How should an archaeological site be documented/recorded and what accounts should be examined

– Cite your sources well and think out your argument carefully.


-It will require research and not something you can just “wing” as there are specific requirements for citing and details.

-you must use Sources and Cite them well.

-Minimum 2 pages



AU Dimensional Model Requirements Collection Business Consumers & services Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Dimensional Model Requirements Collection [WLO: 1] [CLO: 2]

Before beginning work on this interactive assignment, review this week’s lecture and the required resources. Using the business case you created for last week’s discussion forum, develop a list of elements based on the examples described in the lecture that will be required in order to build the dimensional model users will need for visualizing their data. Include the original business case that you created in Week 1 in your initial post so your peers can see how your elements address your business case. There is no minimum word count for your initial response; however, your post must clearly identify

  • The three to five most important business questions that need to be satisfied by the new system.
  • The key decision makers for the business questions you identified.
  • The factors that define success in the business—these are generally key performance indicators (KPIs) and/or key status indicators (KSIs).
  • The way management needs to analyze the data.

——Note use the part two—-

AU Dimensional Model Requirements Collection Business Consumers & services Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECON 201 SEU How May It Affect Saudi Economy if An Income Tax Is Imposed in KSA Ques Economics Assignment Help

When taxes induce people to change their behavior—such as inducing Jane to buy less pizza—the taxes cause deadweight losses and make the allocation of resources less efficient. As we have already seen, much government revenue comes from the individual income tax in many countries. In a case study in Chapter 8, we discussed how this tax discourages people from working as hard as they otherwise might. Another inefficiency caused by this tax is that it discourages people from saving.

Consider a person 25 years’ old who is considering saving $1,000. If he puts this money in a savings account that earns 8 percent and leaves it there, he would have $21,720 when he retires at age 65. Yet if the government taxes one-fourth of his interest income each year, the effective interest rate is only 6 percent. After 40 years of earning 6 percent, the $1,000 grows to only $10,290, less than half of what it would have been without taxation. Thus, because interest income is taxed, saving is much less attractive.

Some economists advocate eliminating the current tax system’s disincentive toward saving by changing the basis of taxation. Rather than taxing the amount of income that people earn, the government could tax the amount that people spend.

Under this proposal, all income that is saved would not be taxed until the saving is later spent. This alternative system, called a consumption tax, would not distort people’s saving decisions.

Various provisions of the current tax code already make the tax system a bit like a consumption tax. Taxpayers can put a limited amount of their saving into special accounts—such as Individual Retirement Accounts and 401(k) plans—that escape taxation until the money is withdrawn at retirement. For people who do most of their saving through these retirement accounts, their tax bill is, in effect, based on their consumption rather than their income.

European countries tend to rely more on consumption taxes than does the United States. Most of them raise a significant amount of government revenue through a value-added tax, or a VAT. A VAT is like the retail sales tax that many U.S. states use, but rather than collecting all of the tax at the retail level when the consumer buys the final good, the government collects the tax in stages as the good is being produced (that is, as value is added by firms along the chain of production). Various U.S. policymakers have proposed that the tax code move further in direction of taxing consumption rather than income. In 2005, economist Alan Greenspan, then Chairman of the Federal Reserve, offered this advice to a presidential commission on tax reform: “As you know, many economists believe that a consumption tax would be best from the perspective of promoting economic growth—particularly if one were designing a tax system from scratch—because a consumption tax is likely to encourage saving and capital formation. However, getting from the current tax system to a consumption tax raises a challenging set of transition issues.”

Q1: What should be taxed – Personal Income or Personal Consumption and why? Provide your opinion based on the case given below. (200 words)

Q2: How may it affect Saudi Economy if an income tax is imposed in KSA? (200 words)


University of Houston Alignment Between Culture and Strategic Choices Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Respond to the following:

As you’ve learned from the background reading (see attached), a key strategic control is that of organizational culture. Culture must fit with an organization’s strategic choices. Poor alignment between culture and strategic choice is a sure-fire way to doom any strategic choice.

Of course, some organizational theorists would assert that an organization’s culture cannot be “managed” in the truest sense of how one “manages” the processes and activities and things that exist within an organization. David Campbell (2000, p. 28) says that an organization

…is being constructed continuously on a daily, even momentary, basis through individual interactions with others. The organization never settles into an entity or a thing that can be labeled and described, because it is constantly changing, or reinventing itself, through the interactions going on within it. At the same time, an organization does have a certain character to it, such that, like driving on the motorway, not just anything goes (p. x).

Do you agree or disagree with the above? That is, can culture really be “managed”? What might this interpretation mean in the context of our current discussion related to “strategic controls”?

A few comments on the above: Many individuals believe that, while the notion of “culture” can be defined, no single individual (irrespective of his/her legitimate power) is capable of single-handedly moving an organization’s culture in one direction or another. These individuals suggest that the sheer number of formal and informal groups, structures, tasks, functional operations, and individual interactions that exist and occur within organizations (even moderate-sized ones) render the “management” of culture impossible (consider the potential number – and combination – of individual to individual, individual to group, and group to group interactions that are likely to occur within an organization at each and every moment (and then, there are endless numbers of contacts / interactions with external stakeholders as well). The possibilities are seemingly infinite — or at least they are indefinite. In this view, an organization’s culture is abstract, fragmentary, fluid — and even relative and momentary – how can such a thing be “managed” in the same sense that we “manage” people and organizational processes?

Assignment expectations:

Do you agree or disagree with the above? That is, can culture really be “managed”? What might this interpretation mean in the context of our current discussion related to “strategic controls”?

Minimum 200 words.


BUS 071 San Jose City College Antitrust Law US vs Google IRAC Essay Law Assignment Help

Use a newspaper, news magazine, or the internet (including articles posted on CANVAS by instructor) to find a current article (if uncertain, please see the instructor to have your topic approved) related to business law to write about and present. Briefly summarize your article and include some interesting facts or highlights. Lastly, and most importantly, discuss any concerns, issues, or thoughts you have about the subject matter raised in the article. This will be done by writing an IRAC (Issue, Rule, Analysis, Conclusion) about the article.

Note on the syllabus calendar that there are four categories for the assignments. The IRAC must apply to the subjects shown below:

IRAC Basics:

Issue(s) – are written in the form of questions! These issues are questions one might ask regarding how the law applies to the article you have chosen.

Rules – are the laws/rules that the writer thinks may apply to the issues.

Analysis – is where the writer either proves or disproves the application of the rules. This is a major focus of the paper and presentation….critical thinking must be applied.

Conclusion – will take one of two approaches. First, if the court has decided the case, do you agree with the decision? Why, or why not? If the court has yet to make a decision, what do you think needs to be done, and why.

There is no minimum or limitation to the length of the paper. The writer’s approach is to be concise, organized, and complete in the presentation of the case. If you need any further clarification of this assignment, please make an appointment to see me during office hours.

Be sure to attach the news article/court case to your essay. If the article/case is not attached a score will not be given. The attachment can be in the form of a link to a web page.


Los Angeles Pierce College Kautilya Arthashatra Book Summary Humanities Assignment Help

Using the quotes SJ6-SJ10, please respond to each quote in 500 words. The response must be in the form of an argument which you make using CLOSE TO NO SUMMARIZATION.

I have attached the quotes as well as an example of a A+ journal response. Please try to write something similar to the A+ journal. Also please write 2 DIFFERENT 500 WORD RESPONSES FOR EACH. One for my brother and I. I will also attach the articles where the quotes are from to give you some context.

p.s I am going through very tough times personally and trying to keep up with the struggles of life right now. Please if you can do your best on this so I can get an A+ and not sacrifice my GPA as a result of these incidences. Thank you in advance and God Bless. There are 10 more quotes after this due by the end of the semester. If this works out I will give you the rest right away, and also give you a very generous tip. Please help.

Quotes Below:

SJ 6 (Kautilya, Arthashastra, p. 16):

“The king who is well educated and disciplined in sciences, devoted to good Government of his subjects, and bent on doing good to all people will enjoy the earth unopposed.”

SJ 7 (Stuart Gray, Re-Examining Kautilya and Machiavelli,” p. 651-652):

“…Kautilya’s political-theological realism furnishes a mirror for our own condition and helps identify our potential blind spots. Just as scholars have not fully recognized how Kautilya’s realist tactics are justified by and grounded in religious doctrines, so many citizens in secular democracies may remain mesmerized, and ultimately deluded, by the supposed non-theological aspects of their government’s realist tactics. Kautilya’s critique of Machiavelli incisively explains how destructive religious or theological beliefs in contemporary democracies such as the United States can hide behind a secular smokescreen and thus potentially damage democratic legitimacy. Kautilya’s political thought provides a cross-cultural vantage point that helps us locate potentially similar, and problematic, motivations and tactics involved in different types of political realism.”

SJ 8 (Liang Qichao, “Observations on a Trip to America,” p. 93):

“Now, freedom, constitutionalism, and republicanism mean government by the majority, but the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people are like those in San Francisco. If we were to adopt a democratic system of government now, it would be nothing less than committing national suicide.”

SJ 9 (Roxanne Euben, Journeys to the Other Shore, p. 23-24):

“In this context, then, “travel” signals both a metaphor for and a practice of journeying, in Nietzsche’s words, to “the other shore,” to worlds less familiar, and in terms of which a traveler may well come to understand his or her own more deeply and fully.”

SJ 10 (Franz Fanon, Wretched of the Earth, p. 236):

“Let us decide not to imitate Europe and let us tense our muscles and our brains in a new direction. Let us endeavor to invent a man in full, something which Europe has been incapable of achieving.”



JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations

Assignment 2: Marketing Campaign Slide Deck Part A: Create Slides 1 to 6

Due Week 5, Sunday (Weight: 15%)

Part B: Incorporate feedback for Slides 1 to 6; Create Slides 7 to 10; Add References; submit Full Slide Deck Due Week 7, Sunday (Weight: 20%)


In this assignment, you assume the role of Director of Marketing at a Fortune 500 company. The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) has reviewed your Campaign Brief and shared it with the executive team. They have asked for a presentation with details of the proposed Marketing Campaign. This presentation will be developed as a PowerPoint slide deck in Assignment 2 and presented via Zoom in Assignment 3.

For Assignment 2, you will create a PowerPoint deck of 10 to 15 slides. To support you in this assignment, there is an Assignment 2 Template available in your Blackboard course. You should use this template as a guide in developing your slides, to ensure that all required content is included.

Bear in mind that your audience will be the CMO and members of the company’s executive team. As high- level decision makers, these are very busy people, so you know that you must present your ideas concisely, to respect their time, but also persuasively, to solicit their buy-in and approval for the campaign.

Leverage what you have learned in the first seven weeks of your JWI 518 – Marketing in a Global Environment course, including the textbook readings, Lecture Notes, articles, videos, and external resources. You will also build on the work you did in your Campaign Brief in Assignment 1.

Note: you are encouraged to attend the tutorial for this assignment. Instructions can be found in the assignment module in Blackboard.

Submission of Part A and Part B

In Week 5, for Part A, you will create Slides 1 to 6, with relevant References. Your professor will grade the slides and provide feedback. Your slides should be as complete as possible. If you still need additional data, note this in your slides, indicating what will be added and where you will locate the data.

Assignment 2, Part A is due by Sunday, midnight of Week 5.

In Week 7, for Part B, you will incorporate your professor’s feedback into Slides 1 to 6, create Slides 7 to 10, and add remaining References. Then you will finish and submit the Full Slide Deck, as Assignment 2, Part B.

Assignment 2, Part B is due by Sunday, midnight of Week 7.

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.

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JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 1 of 8



JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations


Construct your slides for Assignment 2 using the Slide Deck Outline below. The slide numbers in parentheses refer to the numbered slides in the Assignment 2 Template. You may add some additional slides for topics that need them, but your total slide deck must be no more than 15 slides.

Slide Deck Outline


  • Enter Company name, Campaign name, and Product or Service name
  • Enter Student name, Professor name, and Submission date PRODUCT / SERVICE AND FEATURES (SLIDE 2)

• Introduce the product or service for the campaign: o Description of the product or service
o What is its core purpose or function?

• What are its key features and benefits?
o Specify three or four key features
o Briefly describe the benefit of each key feature

• Where indicated, add a logo or photo representing the product or service MARKETING GOALS (SLIDE 3)

• Which marketing goals will this campaign support?
o Provide a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 goals o Write a brief SMART description for each goal

§ SMART = Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant & Recorded, and Time-Bound o You may select from the sample goals below or add your own alternative goals:

§ Build brand awareness
§ Increase in number of items sold
§ Increase in market share
§ Capture a new target market
§ Broaden the company’s mix of products/services § Increase overall company revenues
§ Increase donations to organization
§ Improve ROI on advertising expenditure
§ Change or improve the company’s image

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.


JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 2 of 8


JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations TARGET AUDIENCE AND COMPETITION (SLIDE 4)

  • What are the key characteristics of your target audience?
  • How will you differentiate your brand from the competition?

o Fill in the chart provided in the template to compare your product or service to similar offerings from two competitors in the marketplace


• Customer Need:
o What customer “need” does your product or service address?
o What is the value that the product or service delivers to the customer? o Why would a customer buy the product or service?

• Customer Wants:
o What customer “wants” does the product or service fulfill? o How does it reinforce the customer’s self-image?
o How does it connect the customer with others?


  • What are the core values and beliefs of your target audience?
  • How will this campaign connect your brand to those customer values and beliefs? MARKETING MESSAGES AND STORY (SLIDE 7)
  • What are the key features you need to highlight in your marketing messages for this campaign?
  • What is the “story” that you will use to appeal to customers in this campaign?
  • What words and images will you use to “frame” your marketing story for this campaign?SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY (SLIDE 8)

• Where will you advertise to reach your target audience for this campaign?
o Choose 3 social media channels and fill in the chart provided in the template

  • How will you use social media to engage your audience for this campaign?
  • How will you use social media to spread your marketing message widely in this campaign?MARKETING METRICS AND BUDGET ALLOCATION (SLIDE 9)
  • Select at least 4 marketing categories – examples are provided in the template
  • For each marketing category, fill in the chart to answer these questions:© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.


JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 3 of 8


JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations

o What is the budget dollar amount?
o What is the budget percentage?
o Is this marketing category using a digital or traditional type of channel? o Why is this category relevant for your campaign?
o What metric(s) can be calculated with data from this category?
o How often should data be collected to calculate the specified metric(s)?

Note: Over 50% of the budget must be for digital marketing channels versus traditional


  • Describe the short term and long term benefits of a successful campaign
  • Specify the reasons why the executive team should approve your proposal
  • Thank your audience and invite questionsREFERENCES
  • You should conduct research so that you will be knowledgeable on your target market, segmentation and other critical factors in developing a sound plan.
  • You must list all your research sources on the References slide(s), using the format presented in the JWMI Writing Standards Guide.
  • List your references in the order that they are used in your PowerPoint Slides.
  • You should have some course work references and some references from your own research.Slide Deck Formatting Requirements
    • Submit your assignment in the form of a 10 to 15 slide PowerPoint deck
      § Note: Your References slide(s) do not count towards the total of 15 slides
    • Use the Assignment 2 Template provided and include all the required content items
    • Limit the amount of text by expressing your ideas briefly and succinctly
    • Format your slides professionally and consistently
    • Review your slides to remove any spelling and grammatical errors© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.


JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 4 of 8


JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations

Rubric – Assignment 2 Part A




Low Pass


High Pass


1. (Slides 1 and 2) Includes a completed Cover slide.

Describes the product or service and its features.

Weight: 20%

Cover slide is missing or incomplete.

Description of product and features is missing or poor.

Cover slide is partially complete.

Description of product and features is partially complete.

Cover slide is included.

Description of product and features is satisfactory.

Cover slide is included.

Description of product and features is very good

Cover slide is included.

Description of product and features is excellent.

2. (Slides 3 and 4) Selects appropriate marketing goals.

Describes target audience and differentiates the brand from competitors.

Weight: 30%

Marketing goals are missing or incomplete.

Description of the target audience and differentiation from competitors is missing or incomplete.

Marketing goals are partially complete.

Description of the target audience and differentiation from competitors is partially complete

Appropriate marketing goals are selected.

Description of the target audience is satisfactory and differentiation from competitors is well explained.

Appropriate marketing goals are selected.

Description of the target audience is good and differentiation from competitors is very well explained.

Appropriate marketing goals are selected.

Description of the target audience is excellent and differentiation from competitors is excellently explained.

3. (Slides 5 and 6) Describes customer needs and wants.

Identifies customer core values and beliefs and explains their connection to the brand.

Weight: 30%

Description of customer needs and wants is missing or incomplete.

Description of customer values and beliefs and an explanation of the connection to the brand are missing or incomplete.

Description of customer needs and wants is partially complete.

Description of customer values and beliefs and an explanation of the connection to the brand are partially complete.

Customer needs and wants are well described.

Customer values and beliefs are well described and the connection to the brand is clearly explained.

Customer needs and wants are very well described.

Customer values and beliefs are well described and the connection to the brand is very well explained.

Customer needs and wants are excellently described.

Customer values and beliefs are excellently described and the connection to the brand is fully and effectively explained.

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.


JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 5 of 8


JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations




Low Pass


High Pass


4. The slides follow the template.

The format is professional and consistent.

The text is free from grammar and spelling errors.

References are provided in a manner that enables the reader to identify the sources.

Weight: 20%

The slides do not follow the template.

The format is not professional or consistent.

There are numerous grammar or spelling errors.

References are not included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources.

The slides mostly follow the template.

The format is somewhat professional and fairly consistent.

There are some grammar or spelling errors.

References may not be included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources.

The slides follow the template.

The format is mostly professional and consistent.

There are a few grammar or spelling errors.

References are mostly accurate but some may not be included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources.

The slides follow the template.

The format is very professional and consistent.

There are almost no grammar or spelling errors.

All References are included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources.

The slides follow the template.

The format is excellently professional and fairly consistent.

There are no grammar or spelling errors.

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and propri

JWI 518 Strayer University Campaign proposal for iPhone 9 Plus Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Southern New Hampshire University Diversity in the Workplace Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Having developed a definition of diversity in the last module, this week we’re turning to how diversity applies to you personally. This could be related to your personal experiences or things you’ve observed of those around you. Because Milestone One is also due this week, we’ll start to discuss the issues and events that interest you. Based on the module resources and your own research, write an initial post that addresses the following:

  • Describe an event related to diversity that either you or someone around you has experienced. What did you take away, and how did it enhance your understanding of diversity? (I have already answered this portion, but feel free to critique or add more to it if you feel that it would be beneficial – writing attached)
  • Share a current issue related to diversity that you have found interesting or that has personally impacted you. Post an article from a news source. How does diversity help you better understand this issue? (This is what I need help with – see attached)


Archeology and Ethnoarchaeology Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Look at the pictures I attached

Easy any format

Minimum 2 pages

Please read what my professor said and no plagiarism my professor has plagiarism check

if I like your work, I will invite you to my next assignments

And please cite your sources

If you have any question ask me

My professor


You have an important essay due by this Sunday evening. I have extended the time until Sunday at 11:30. It will require research and not something you can just “wing” as there are specific requirements for citing and details. It is 15 points.


You have been contacted by the Italian Government to join their team of archaeologists to investigate the sites of Mt. Vesuvius and Herculaneum. One of the most devastating events of 79 AD was the eruption of Mount Vesuvius which destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Knowing that modern day science involves an “interdisciplinary approach” based upon your viewing of all videos, and other sources, If you were an archaeologist who would you contact or call to seek additional advice and why would additional expertise be necessary and why?

Make a very methodical explanation including the following:

– What disciplines might come into play to recreate the life of people of a site and why (use your knowledge of Egypt and Mesopotamia as well)

– How should an archaeological site be documented/recorded and what accounts should be examined

– Cite your sources well and think out your argument carefully. You will need to “Create a Thread”


HRDV 5750 FSUJ How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education Exam Questions Writing Assignment Help


HRDV 5750


Taken from the “FOR DISCUSSION” section at the end of each chapter, How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education by Jack R. Fraenkel, Norman E. Wallen, and Helen H. Hyun.

Chapter 1Most quantitative researchers believe that the world is a single reality, whereas most qualitative researchers believe that the world is made up of multiple realities. Which position would you support? Why?

Chapter 3 Question #3

Which do you think are more important to emphasize in a literature review—the opinions of experts in the field or related studies? Why?

Chapter 4 Question: What are the ethical principles most relevant to research in the HRDV field or your major field of study? What information or experiences have led you to these conclusions?

Chapter 5 Question #3

What might cause a researcher to state a directional hypothesis rather than a non-directional hypothesis? What about the reverse?

Chapter 6 Question #4

“The larger a sample, the more justified a researcher is in generalizing from it to a population.” Is this statement true? Why or why not?

Chapter 8 Question #2

What type of evidence—content-related, criterion-related, or construct-related—do you think is the easiest to obtain? The hardest? Why?


Chapter 10 Question #4

“The larger the standard deviation of a distribution, the more heterogeneous the scores in that distribution.” Is this statement true? Explain.

Chapter 11 Question #5

Could a relationship that is practically significant be ignored because it is not statistically significant? What about the reverse? Can you suggest an example of each?

Chapter 12 Question #5

“When analyzing data obtained from two groups, the first thing researchers should do is construct a frequency polygon of each group’s scores.” Why is this important—or is it?

Chapter 25 Question #2

To what common function do the problem statement, the research question, and the hypotheses all contribute? In what ways are they different?


Human Societies Continue to Thrive and Grow as Time Progresses Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

You have been contacted by the Italian Government to join their team of archaeologists to investigate the sites of Mt. Vesuvius and Herculaneum. One of the most devastating events of 79 AD was the eruption of Mount Vesuvius which destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Knowing that modern day science involves an “interdisciplinary approach” based upon your viewing of all videos, and other sources, If you were an archaeologist who would you contact or call to seek additional advice and why would additional expertise be necessary and why?

Make a very methodical explanation including the following:

– What disciplines might come into play to recreate the life of people of a site and why (use your knowledge of Egypt and Mesopotamia as well)

– How should an archaeological site be documented/recorded and what accounts should be examined

– Cite your sources well and think out your argument carefully.


-It will require research and not something you can just “wing” as there are specific requirements for citing and details.

-you must use Sources and Cite them well.

-Minimum 2 pages



AU Dimensional Model Requirements Collection Business Consumers & services Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Dimensional Model Requirements Collection [WLO: 1] [CLO: 2]

Before beginning work on this interactive assignment, review this week’s lecture and the required resources. Using the business case you created for last week’s discussion forum, develop a list of elements based on the examples described in the lecture that will be required in order to build the dimensional model users will need for visualizing their data. Include the original business case that you created in Week 1 in your initial post so your peers can see how your elements address your business case. There is no minimum word count for your initial response; however, your post must clearly identify

  • The three to five most important business questions that need to be satisfied by the new system.
  • The key decision makers for the business questions you identified.
  • The factors that define success in the business—these are generally key performance indicators (KPIs) and/or key status indicators (KSIs).
  • The way management needs to analyze the data.

——Note use the part two—-

AU Dimensional Model Requirements Collection Business Consumers & services Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECON 201 SEU How May It Affect Saudi Economy if An Income Tax Is Imposed in KSA Ques Economics Assignment Help

When taxes induce people to change their behavior—such as inducing Jane to buy less pizza—the taxes cause deadweight losses and make the allocation of resources less efficient. As we have already seen, much government revenue comes from the individual income tax in many countries. In a case study in Chapter 8, we discussed how this tax discourages people from working as hard as they otherwise might. Another inefficiency caused by this tax is that it discourages people from saving.

Consider a person 25 years’ old who is considering saving $1,000. If he puts this money in a savings account that earns 8 percent and leaves it there, he would have $21,720 when he retires at age 65. Yet if the government taxes one-fourth of his interest income each year, the effective interest rate is only 6 percent. After 40 years of earning 6 percent, the $1,000 grows to only $10,290, less than half of what it would have been without taxation. Thus, because interest income is taxed, saving is much less attractive.

Some economists advocate eliminating the current tax system’s disincentive toward saving by changing the basis of taxation. Rather than taxing the amount of income that people earn, the government could tax the amount that people spend.

Under this proposal, all income that is saved would not be taxed until the saving is later spent. This alternative system, called a consumption tax, would not distort people’s saving decisions.

Various provisions of the current tax code already make the tax system a bit like a consumption tax. Taxpayers can put a limited amount of their saving into special accounts—such as Individual Retirement Accounts and 401(k) plans—that escape taxation until the money is withdrawn at retirement. For people who do most of their saving through these retirement accounts, their tax bill is, in effect, based on their consumption rather than their income.

European countries tend to rely more on consumption taxes than does the United States. Most of them raise a significant amount of government revenue through a value-added tax, or a VAT. A VAT is like the retail sales tax that many U.S. states use, but rather than collecting all of the tax at the retail level when the consumer buys the final good, the government collects the tax in stages as the good is being produced (that is, as value is added by firms along the chain of production). Various U.S. policymakers have proposed that the tax code move further in direction of taxing consumption rather than income. In 2005, economist Alan Greenspan, then Chairman of the Federal Reserve, offered this advice to a presidential commission on tax reform: “As you know, many economists believe that a consumption tax would be best from the perspective of promoting economic growth—particularly if one were designing a tax system from scratch—because a consumption tax is likely to encourage saving and capital formation. However, getting from the current tax system to a consumption tax raises a challenging set of transition issues.”

Q1: What should be taxed – Personal Income or Personal Consumption and why? Provide your opinion based on the case given below. (200 words)

Q2: How may it affect Saudi Economy if an income tax is imposed in KSA? (200 words)


University of Houston Alignment Between Culture and Strategic Choices Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Respond to the following:

As you’ve learned from the background reading (see attached), a key strategic control is that of organizational culture. Culture must fit with an organization’s strategic choices. Poor alignment between culture and strategic choice is a sure-fire way to doom any strategic choice.

Of course, some organizational theorists would assert that an organization’s culture cannot be “managed” in the truest sense of how one “manages” the processes and activities and things that exist within an organization. David Campbell (2000, p. 28) says that an organization

…is being constructed continuously on a daily, even momentary, basis through individual interactions with others. The organization never settles into an entity or a thing that can be labeled and described, because it is constantly changing, or reinventing itself, through the interactions going on within it. At the same time, an organization does have a certain character to it, such that, like driving on the motorway, not just anything goes (p. x).

Do you agree or disagree with the above? That is, can culture really be “managed”? What might this interpretation mean in the context of our current discussion related to “strategic controls”?

A few comments on the above: Many individuals believe that, while the notion of “culture” can be defined, no single individual (irrespective of his/her legitimate power) is capable of single-handedly moving an organization’s culture in one direction or another. These individuals suggest that the sheer number of formal and informal groups, structures, tasks, functional operations, and individual interactions that exist and occur within organizations (even moderate-sized ones) render the “management” of culture impossible (consider the potential number – and combination – of individual to individual, individual to group, and group to group interactions that are likely to occur within an organization at each and every moment (and then, there are endless numbers of contacts / interactions with external stakeholders as well). The possibilities are seemingly infinite — or at least they are indefinite. In this view, an organization’s culture is abstract, fragmentary, fluid — and even relative and momentary – how can such a thing be “managed” in the same sense that we “manage” people and organizational processes?

Assignment expectations:

Do you agree or disagree with the above? That is, can culture really be “managed”? What might this interpretation mean in the context of our current discussion related to “strategic controls”?

Minimum 200 words.


BUS 071 San Jose City College Antitrust Law US vs Google IRAC Essay Law Assignment Help

Use a newspaper, news magazine, or the internet (including articles posted on CANVAS by instructor) to find a current article (if uncertain, please see the instructor to have your topic approved) related to business law to write about and present. Briefly summarize your article and include some interesting facts or highlights. Lastly, and most importantly, discuss any concerns, issues, or thoughts you have about the subject matter raised in the article. This will be done by writing an IRAC (Issue, Rule, Analysis, Conclusion) about the article.

Note on the syllabus calendar that there are four categories for the assignments. The IRAC must apply to the subjects shown below:

IRAC Basics:

Issue(s) – are written in the form of questions! These issues are questions one might ask regarding how the law applies to the article you have chosen.

Rules – are the laws/rules that the writer thinks may apply to the issues.

Analysis – is where the writer either proves or disproves the application of the rules. This is a major focus of the paper and presentation….critical thinking must be applied.

Conclusion – will take one of two approaches. First, if the court has decided the case, do you agree with the decision? Why, or why not? If the court has yet to make a decision, what do you think needs to be done, and why.

There is no minimum or limitation to the length of the paper. The writer’s approach is to be concise, organized, and complete in the presentation of the case. If you need any further clarification of this assignment, please make an appointment to see me during office hours.

Be sure to attach the news article/court case to your essay. If the article/case is not attached a score will not be given. The attachment can be in the form of a link to a web page.


Los Angeles Pierce College Kautilya Arthashatra Book Summary Humanities Assignment Help

Using the quotes SJ6-SJ10, please respond to each quote in 500 words. The response must be in the form of an argument which you make using CLOSE TO NO SUMMARIZATION.

I have attached the quotes as well as an example of a A+ journal response. Please try to write something similar to the A+ journal. Also please write 2 DIFFERENT 500 WORD RESPONSES FOR EACH. One for my brother and I. I will also attach the articles where the quotes are from to give you some context.

p.s I am going through very tough times personally and trying to keep up with the struggles of life right now. Please if you can do your best on this so I can get an A+ and not sacrifice my GPA as a result of these incidences. Thank you in advance and God Bless. There are 10 more quotes after this due by the end of the semester. If this works out I will give you the rest right away, and also give you a very generous tip. Please help.

Quotes Below:

SJ 6 (Kautilya, Arthashastra, p. 16):

“The king who is well educated and disciplined in sciences, devoted to good Government of his subjects, and bent on doing good to all people will enjoy the earth unopposed.”

SJ 7 (Stuart Gray, Re-Examining Kautilya and Machiavelli,” p. 651-652):

“…Kautilya’s political-theological realism furnishes a mirror for our own condition and helps identify our potential blind spots. Just as scholars have not fully recognized how Kautilya’s realist tactics are justified by and grounded in religious doctrines, so many citizens in secular democracies may remain mesmerized, and ultimately deluded, by the supposed non-theological aspects of their government’s realist tactics. Kautilya’s critique of Machiavelli incisively explains how destructive religious or theological beliefs in contemporary democracies such as the United States can hide behind a secular smokescreen and thus potentially damage democratic legitimacy. Kautilya’s political thought provides a cross-cultural vantage point that helps us locate potentially similar, and problematic, motivations and tactics involved in different types of political realism.”

SJ 8 (Liang Qichao, “Observations on a Trip to America,” p. 93):

“Now, freedom, constitutionalism, and republicanism mean government by the majority, but the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people are like those in San Francisco. If we were to adopt a democratic system of government now, it would be nothing less than committing national suicide.”

SJ 9 (Roxanne Euben, Journeys to the Other Shore, p. 23-24):

“In this context, then, “travel” signals both a metaphor for and a practice of journeying, in Nietzsche’s words, to “the other shore,” to worlds less familiar, and in terms of which a traveler may well come to understand his or her own more deeply and fully.”

SJ 10 (Franz Fanon, Wretched of the Earth, p. 236):

“Let us decide not to imitate Europe and let us tense our muscles and our brains in a new direction. Let us endeavor to invent a man in full, something which Europe has been incapable of achieving.”



JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations

Assignment 2: Marketing Campaign Slide Deck Part A: Create Slides 1 to 6

Due Week 5, Sunday (Weight: 15%)

Part B: Incorporate feedback for Slides 1 to 6; Create Slides 7 to 10; Add References; submit Full Slide Deck Due Week 7, Sunday (Weight: 20%)


In this assignment, you assume the role of Director of Marketing at a Fortune 500 company. The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) has reviewed your Campaign Brief and shared it with the executive team. They have asked for a presentation with details of the proposed Marketing Campaign. This presentation will be developed as a PowerPoint slide deck in Assignment 2 and presented via Zoom in Assignment 3.

For Assignment 2, you will create a PowerPoint deck of 10 to 15 slides. To support you in this assignment, there is an Assignment 2 Template available in your Blackboard course. You should use this template as a guide in developing your slides, to ensure that all required content is included.

Bear in mind that your audience will be the CMO and members of the company’s executive team. As high- level decision makers, these are very busy people, so you know that you must present your ideas concisely, to respect their time, but also persuasively, to solicit their buy-in and approval for the campaign.

Leverage what you have learned in the first seven weeks of your JWI 518 – Marketing in a Global Environment course, including the textbook readings, Lecture Notes, articles, videos, and external resources. You will also build on the work you did in your Campaign Brief in Assignment 1.

Note: you are encouraged to attend the tutorial for this assignment. Instructions can be found in the assignment module in Blackboard.

Submission of Part A and Part B

In Week 5, for Part A, you will create Slides 1 to 6, with relevant References. Your professor will grade the slides and provide feedback. Your slides should be as complete as possible. If you still need additional data, note this in your slides, indicating what will be added and where you will locate the data.

Assignment 2, Part A is due by Sunday, midnight of Week 5.

In Week 7, for Part B, you will incorporate your professor’s feedback into Slides 1 to 6, create Slides 7 to 10, and add remaining References. Then you will finish and submit the Full Slide Deck, as Assignment 2, Part B.

Assignment 2, Part B is due by Sunday, midnight of Week 7.

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JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 1 of 8



JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations


Construct your slides for Assignment 2 using the Slide Deck Outline below. The slide numbers in parentheses refer to the numbered slides in the Assignment 2 Template. You may add some additional slides for topics that need them, but your total slide deck must be no more than 15 slides.

Slide Deck Outline


  • Enter Company name, Campaign name, and Product or Service name
  • Enter Student name, Professor name, and Submission date PRODUCT / SERVICE AND FEATURES (SLIDE 2)

• Introduce the product or service for the campaign: o Description of the product or service
o What is its core purpose or function?

• What are its key features and benefits?
o Specify three or four key features
o Briefly describe the benefit of each key feature

• Where indicated, add a logo or photo representing the product or service MARKETING GOALS (SLIDE 3)

• Which marketing goals will this campaign support?
o Provide a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 goals o Write a brief SMART description for each goal

§ SMART = Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant & Recorded, and Time-Bound o You may select from the sample goals below or add your own alternative goals:

§ Build brand awareness
§ Increase in number of items sold
§ Increase in market share
§ Capture a new target market
§ Broaden the company’s mix of products/services § Increase overall company revenues
§ Increase donations to organization
§ Improve ROI on advertising expenditure
§ Change or improve the company’s image

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.


JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 2 of 8


JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations TARGET AUDIENCE AND COMPETITION (SLIDE 4)

  • What are the key characteristics of your target audience?
  • How will you differentiate your brand from the competition?

o Fill in the chart provided in the template to compare your product or service to similar offerings from two competitors in the marketplace


• Customer Need:
o What customer “need” does your product or service address?
o What is the value that the product or service delivers to the customer? o Why would a customer buy the product or service?

• Customer Wants:
o What customer “wants” does the product or service fulfill? o How does it reinforce the customer’s self-image?
o How does it connect the customer with others?


  • What are the core values and beliefs of your target audience?
  • How will this campaign connect your brand to those customer values and beliefs? MARKETING MESSAGES AND STORY (SLIDE 7)
  • What are the key features you need to highlight in your marketing messages for this campaign?
  • What is the “story” that you will use to appeal to customers in this campaign?
  • What words and images will you use to “frame” your marketing story for this campaign?SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY (SLIDE 8)

• Where will you advertise to reach your target audience for this campaign?
o Choose 3 social media channels and fill in the chart provided in the template

  • How will you use social media to engage your audience for this campaign?
  • How will you use social media to spread your marketing message widely in this campaign?MARKETING METRICS AND BUDGET ALLOCATION (SLIDE 9)
  • Select at least 4 marketing categories – examples are provided in the template
  • For each marketing category, fill in the chart to answer these questions:© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.


JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 3 of 8


JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations

o What is the budget dollar amount?
o What is the budget percentage?
o Is this marketing category using a digital or traditional type of channel? o Why is this category relevant for your campaign?
o What metric(s) can be calculated with data from this category?
o How often should data be collected to calculate the specified metric(s)?

Note: Over 50% of the budget must be for digital marketing channels versus traditional


  • Describe the short term and long term benefits of a successful campaign
  • Specify the reasons why the executive team should approve your proposal
  • Thank your audience and invite questionsREFERENCES
  • You should conduct research so that you will be knowledgeable on your target market, segmentation and other critical factors in developing a sound plan.
  • You must list all your research sources on the References slide(s), using the format presented in the JWMI Writing Standards Guide.
  • List your references in the order that they are used in your PowerPoint Slides.
  • You should have some course work references and some references from your own research.Slide Deck Formatting Requirements
    • Submit your assignment in the form of a 10 to 15 slide PowerPoint deck
      § Note: Your References slide(s) do not count towards the total of 15 slides
    • Use the Assignment 2 Template provided and include all the required content items
    • Limit the amount of text by expressing your ideas briefly and succinctly
    • Format your slides professionally and consistently
    • Review your slides to remove any spelling and grammatical errors© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.


JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 4 of 8


JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations

Rubric – Assignment 2 Part A




Low Pass


High Pass


1. (Slides 1 and 2) Includes a completed Cover slide.

Describes the product or service and its features.

Weight: 20%

Cover slide is missing or incomplete.

Description of product and features is missing or poor.

Cover slide is partially complete.

Description of product and features is partially complete.

Cover slide is included.

Description of product and features is satisfactory.

Cover slide is included.

Description of product and features is very good

Cover slide is included.

Description of product and features is excellent.

2. (Slides 3 and 4) Selects appropriate marketing goals.

Describes target audience and differentiates the brand from competitors.

Weight: 30%

Marketing goals are missing or incomplete.

Description of the target audience and differentiation from competitors is missing or incomplete.

Marketing goals are partially complete.

Description of the target audience and differentiation from competitors is partially complete

Appropriate marketing goals are selected.

Description of the target audience is satisfactory and differentiation from competitors is well explained.

Appropriate marketing goals are selected.

Description of the target audience is good and differentiation from competitors is very well explained.

Appropriate marketing goals are selected.

Description of the target audience is excellent and differentiation from competitors is excellently explained.

3. (Slides 5 and 6) Describes customer needs and wants.

Identifies customer core values and beliefs and explains their connection to the brand.

Weight: 30%

Description of customer needs and wants is missing or incomplete.

Description of customer values and beliefs and an explanation of the connection to the brand are missing or incomplete.

Description of customer needs and wants is partially complete.

Description of customer values and beliefs and an explanation of the connection to the brand are partially complete.

Customer needs and wants are well described.

Customer values and beliefs are well described and the connection to the brand is clearly explained.

Customer needs and wants are very well described.

Customer values and beliefs are well described and the connection to the brand is very well explained.

Customer needs and wants are excellently described.

Customer values and beliefs are excellently described and the connection to the brand is fully and effectively explained.

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.


JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 5 of 8


JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations




Low Pass


High Pass


4. The slides follow the template.

The format is professional and consistent.

The text is free from grammar and spelling errors.

References are provided in a manner that enables the reader to identify the sources.

Weight: 20%

The slides do not follow the template.

The format is not professional or consistent.

There are numerous grammar or spelling errors.

References are not included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources.

The slides mostly follow the template.

The format is somewhat professional and fairly consistent.

There are some grammar or spelling errors.

References may not be included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources.

The slides follow the template.

The format is mostly professional and consistent.

There are a few grammar or spelling errors.

References are mostly accurate but some may not be included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources.

The slides follow the template.

The format is very professional and consistent.

There are almost no grammar or spelling errors.

All References are included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources.

The slides follow the template.

The format is excellently professional and fairly consistent.

There are no grammar or spelling errors.

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and propri

JWI 518 Strayer University Campaign proposal for iPhone 9 Plus Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Southern New Hampshire University Diversity in the Workplace Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Having developed a definition of diversity in the last module, this week we’re turning to how diversity applies to you personally. This could be related to your personal experiences or things you’ve observed of those around you. Because Milestone One is also due this week, we’ll start to discuss the issues and events that interest you. Based on the module resources and your own research, write an initial post that addresses the following:

  • Describe an event related to diversity that either you or someone around you has experienced. What did you take away, and how did it enhance your understanding of diversity? (I have already answered this portion, but feel free to critique or add more to it if you feel that it would be beneficial – writing attached)
  • Share a current issue related to diversity that you have found interesting or that has personally impacted you. Post an article from a news source. How does diversity help you better understand this issue? (This is what I need help with – see attached)


Archeology and Ethnoarchaeology Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Look at the pictures I attached

Easy any format

Minimum 2 pages

Please read what my professor said and no plagiarism my professor has plagiarism check

if I like your work, I will invite you to my next assignments

And please cite your sources

If you have any question ask me

My professor


You have an important essay due by this Sunday evening. I have extended the time until Sunday at 11:30. It will require research and not something you can just “wing” as there are specific requirements for citing and details. It is 15 points.


You have been contacted by the Italian Government to join their team of archaeologists to investigate the sites of Mt. Vesuvius and Herculaneum. One of the most devastating events of 79 AD was the eruption of Mount Vesuvius which destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Knowing that modern day science involves an “interdisciplinary approach” based upon your viewing of all videos, and other sources, If you were an archaeologist who would you contact or call to seek additional advice and why would additional expertise be necessary and why?

Make a very methodical explanation including the following:

– What disciplines might come into play to recreate the life of people of a site and why (use your knowledge of Egypt and Mesopotamia as well)

– How should an archaeological site be documented/recorded and what accounts should be examined

– Cite your sources well and think out your argument carefully. You will need to “Create a Thread”


HRDV 5750 FSUJ How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education Exam Questions Writing Assignment Help


HRDV 5750


Taken from the “FOR DISCUSSION” section at the end of each chapter, How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education by Jack R. Fraenkel, Norman E. Wallen, and Helen H. Hyun.

Chapter 1Most quantitative researchers believe that the world is a single reality, whereas most qualitative researchers believe that the world is made up of multiple realities. Which position would you support? Why?

Chapter 3 Question #3

Which do you think are more important to emphasize in a literature review—the opinions of experts in the field or related studies? Why?

Chapter 4 Question: What are the ethical principles most relevant to research in the HRDV field or your major field of study? What information or experiences have led you to these conclusions?

Chapter 5 Question #3

What might cause a researcher to state a directional hypothesis rather than a non-directional hypothesis? What about the reverse?

Chapter 6 Question #4

“The larger a sample, the more justified a researcher is in generalizing from it to a population.” Is this statement true? Why or why not?

Chapter 8 Question #2

What type of evidence—content-related, criterion-related, or construct-related—do you think is the easiest to obtain? The hardest? Why?


Chapter 10 Question #4

“The larger the standard deviation of a distribution, the more heterogeneous the scores in that distribution.” Is this statement true? Explain.

Chapter 11 Question #5

Could a relationship that is practically significant be ignored because it is not statistically significant? What about the reverse? Can you suggest an example of each?

Chapter 12 Question #5

“When analyzing data obtained from two groups, the first thing researchers should do is construct a frequency polygon of each group’s scores.” Why is this important—or is it?

Chapter 25 Question #2

To what common function do the problem statement, the research question, and the hypotheses all contribute? In what ways are they different?


Human Societies Continue to Thrive and Grow as Time Progresses Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

You have been contacted by the Italian Government to join their team of archaeologists to investigate the sites of Mt. Vesuvius and Herculaneum. One of the most devastating events of 79 AD was the eruption of Mount Vesuvius which destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Knowing that modern day science involves an “interdisciplinary approach” based upon your viewing of all videos, and other sources, If you were an archaeologist who would you contact or call to seek additional advice and why would additional expertise be necessary and why?

Make a very methodical explanation including the following:

– What disciplines might come into play to recreate the life of people of a site and why (use your knowledge of Egypt and Mesopotamia as well)

– How should an archaeological site be documented/recorded and what accounts should be examined

– Cite your sources well and think out your argument carefully.


-It will require research and not something you can just “wing” as there are specific requirements for citing and details.

-you must use Sources and Cite them well.

-Minimum 2 pages



AU Dimensional Model Requirements Collection Business Consumers & services Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Dimensional Model Requirements Collection [WLO: 1] [CLO: 2]

Before beginning work on this interactive assignment, review this week’s lecture and the required resources. Using the business case you created for last week’s discussion forum, develop a list of elements based on the examples described in the lecture that will be required in order to build the dimensional model users will need for visualizing their data. Include the original business case that you created in Week 1 in your initial post so your peers can see how your elements address your business case. There is no minimum word count for your initial response; however, your post must clearly identify

  • The three to five most important business questions that need to be satisfied by the new system.
  • The key decision makers for the business questions you identified.
  • The factors that define success in the business—these are generally key performance indicators (KPIs) and/or key status indicators (KSIs).
  • The way management needs to analyze the data.

——Note use the part two—-

AU Dimensional Model Requirements Collection Business Consumers & services Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECON 201 SEU How May It Affect Saudi Economy if An Income Tax Is Imposed in KSA Ques Economics Assignment Help

When taxes induce people to change their behavior—such as inducing Jane to buy less pizza—the taxes cause deadweight losses and make the allocation of resources less efficient. As we have already seen, much government revenue comes from the individual income tax in many countries. In a case study in Chapter 8, we discussed how this tax discourages people from working as hard as they otherwise might. Another inefficiency caused by this tax is that it discourages people from saving.

Consider a person 25 years’ old who is considering saving $1,000. If he puts this money in a savings account that earns 8 percent and leaves it there, he would have $21,720 when he retires at age 65. Yet if the government taxes one-fourth of his interest income each year, the effective interest rate is only 6 percent. After 40 years of earning 6 percent, the $1,000 grows to only $10,290, less than half of what it would have been without taxation. Thus, because interest income is taxed, saving is much less attractive.

Some economists advocate eliminating the current tax system’s disincentive toward saving by changing the basis of taxation. Rather than taxing the amount of income that people earn, the government could tax the amount that people spend.

Under this proposal, all income that is saved would not be taxed until the saving is later spent. This alternative system, called a consumption tax, would not distort people’s saving decisions.

Various provisions of the current tax code already make the tax system a bit like a consumption tax. Taxpayers can put a limited amount of their saving into special accounts—such as Individual Retirement Accounts and 401(k) plans—that escape taxation until the money is withdrawn at retirement. For people who do most of their saving through these retirement accounts, their tax bill is, in effect, based on their consumption rather than their income.

European countries tend to rely more on consumption taxes than does the United States. Most of them raise a significant amount of government revenue through a value-added tax, or a VAT. A VAT is like the retail sales tax that many U.S. states use, but rather than collecting all of the tax at the retail level when the consumer buys the final good, the government collects the tax in stages as the good is being produced (that is, as value is added by firms along the chain of production). Various U.S. policymakers have proposed that the tax code move further in direction of taxing consumption rather than income. In 2005, economist Alan Greenspan, then Chairman of the Federal Reserve, offered this advice to a presidential commission on tax reform: “As you know, many economists believe that a consumption tax would be best from the perspective of promoting economic growth—particularly if one were designing a tax system from scratch—because a consumption tax is likely to encourage saving and capital formation. However, getting from the current tax system to a consumption tax raises a challenging set of transition issues.”

Q1: What should be taxed – Personal Income or Personal Consumption and why? Provide your opinion based on the case given below. (200 words)

Q2: How may it affect Saudi Economy if an income tax is imposed in KSA? (200 words)


University of Houston Alignment Between Culture and Strategic Choices Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Respond to the following:

As you’ve learned from the background reading (see attached), a key strategic control is that of organizational culture. Culture must fit with an organization’s strategic choices. Poor alignment between culture and strategic choice is a sure-fire way to doom any strategic choice.

Of course, some organizational theorists would assert that an organization’s culture cannot be “managed” in the truest sense of how one “manages” the processes and activities and things that exist within an organization. David Campbell (2000, p. 28) says that an organization

…is being constructed continuously on a daily, even momentary, basis through individual interactions with others. The organization never settles into an entity or a thing that can be labeled and described, because it is constantly changing, or reinventing itself, through the interactions going on within it. At the same time, an organization does have a certain character to it, such that, like driving on the motorway, not just anything goes (p. x).

Do you agree or disagree with the above? That is, can culture really be “managed”? What might this interpretation mean in the context of our current discussion related to “strategic controls”?

A few comments on the above: Many individuals believe that, while the notion of “culture” can be defined, no single individual (irrespective of his/her legitimate power) is capable of single-handedly moving an organization’s culture in one direction or another. These individuals suggest that the sheer number of formal and informal groups, structures, tasks, functional operations, and individual interactions that exist and occur within organizations (even moderate-sized ones) render the “management” of culture impossible (consider the potential number – and combination – of individual to individual, individual to group, and group to group interactions that are likely to occur within an organization at each and every moment (and then, there are endless numbers of contacts / interactions with external stakeholders as well). The possibilities are seemingly infinite — or at least they are indefinite. In this view, an organization’s culture is abstract, fragmentary, fluid — and even relative and momentary – how can such a thing be “managed” in the same sense that we “manage” people and organizational processes?

Assignment expectations:

Do you agree or disagree with the above? That is, can culture really be “managed”? What might this interpretation mean in the context of our current discussion related to “strategic controls”?

Minimum 200 words.


BUS 071 San Jose City College Antitrust Law US vs Google IRAC Essay Law Assignment Help

Use a newspaper, news magazine, or the internet (including articles posted on CANVAS by instructor) to find a current article (if uncertain, please see the instructor to have your topic approved) related to business law to write about and present. Briefly summarize your article and include some interesting facts or highlights. Lastly, and most importantly, discuss any concerns, issues, or thoughts you have about the subject matter raised in the article. This will be done by writing an IRAC (Issue, Rule, Analysis, Conclusion) about the article.

Note on the syllabus calendar that there are four categories for the assignments. The IRAC must apply to the subjects shown below:

IRAC Basics:

Issue(s) – are written in the form of questions! These issues are questions one might ask regarding how the law applies to the article you have chosen.

Rules – are the laws/rules that the writer thinks may apply to the issues.

Analysis – is where the writer either proves or disproves the application of the rules. This is a major focus of the paper and presentation….critical thinking must be applied.

Conclusion – will take one of two approaches. First, if the court has decided the case, do you agree with the decision? Why, or why not? If the court has yet to make a decision, what do you think needs to be done, and why.

There is no minimum or limitation to the length of the paper. The writer’s approach is to be concise, organized, and complete in the presentation of the case. If you need any further clarification of this assignment, please make an appointment to see me during office hours.

Be sure to attach the news article/court case to your essay. If the article/case is not attached a score will not be given. The attachment can be in the form of a link to a web page.


Los Angeles Pierce College Kautilya Arthashatra Book Summary Humanities Assignment Help

Using the quotes SJ6-SJ10, please respond to each quote in 500 words. The response must be in the form of an argument which you make using CLOSE TO NO SUMMARIZATION.

I have attached the quotes as well as an example of a A+ journal response. Please try to write something similar to the A+ journal. Also please write 2 DIFFERENT 500 WORD RESPONSES FOR EACH. One for my brother and I. I will also attach the articles where the quotes are from to give you some context.

p.s I am going through very tough times personally and trying to keep up with the struggles of life right now. Please if you can do your best on this so I can get an A+ and not sacrifice my GPA as a result of these incidences. Thank you in advance and God Bless. There are 10 more quotes after this due by the end of the semester. If this works out I will give you the rest right away, and also give you a very generous tip. Please help.

Quotes Below:

SJ 6 (Kautilya, Arthashastra, p. 16):

“The king who is well educated and disciplined in sciences, devoted to good Government of his subjects, and bent on doing good to all people will enjoy the earth unopposed.”

SJ 7 (Stuart Gray, Re-Examining Kautilya and Machiavelli,” p. 651-652):

“…Kautilya’s political-theological realism furnishes a mirror for our own condition and helps identify our potential blind spots. Just as scholars have not fully recognized how Kautilya’s realist tactics are justified by and grounded in religious doctrines, so many citizens in secular democracies may remain mesmerized, and ultimately deluded, by the supposed non-theological aspects of their government’s realist tactics. Kautilya’s critique of Machiavelli incisively explains how destructive religious or theological beliefs in contemporary democracies such as the United States can hide behind a secular smokescreen and thus potentially damage democratic legitimacy. Kautilya’s political thought provides a cross-cultural vantage point that helps us locate potentially similar, and problematic, motivations and tactics involved in different types of political realism.”

SJ 8 (Liang Qichao, “Observations on a Trip to America,” p. 93):

“Now, freedom, constitutionalism, and republicanism mean government by the majority, but the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people are like those in San Francisco. If we were to adopt a democratic system of government now, it would be nothing less than committing national suicide.”

SJ 9 (Roxanne Euben, Journeys to the Other Shore, p. 23-24):

“In this context, then, “travel” signals both a metaphor for and a practice of journeying, in Nietzsche’s words, to “the other shore,” to worlds less familiar, and in terms of which a traveler may well come to understand his or her own more deeply and fully.”

SJ 10 (Franz Fanon, Wretched of the Earth, p. 236):

“Let us decide not to imitate Europe and let us tense our muscles and our brains in a new direction. Let us endeavor to invent a man in full, something which Europe has been incapable of achieving.”



JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations

Assignment 2: Marketing Campaign Slide Deck Part A: Create Slides 1 to 6

Due Week 5, Sunday (Weight: 15%)

Part B: Incorporate feedback for Slides 1 to 6; Create Slides 7 to 10; Add References; submit Full Slide Deck Due Week 7, Sunday (Weight: 20%)


In this assignment, you assume the role of Director of Marketing at a Fortune 500 company. The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) has reviewed your Campaign Brief and shared it with the executive team. They have asked for a presentation with details of the proposed Marketing Campaign. This presentation will be developed as a PowerPoint slide deck in Assignment 2 and presented via Zoom in Assignment 3.

For Assignment 2, you will create a PowerPoint deck of 10 to 15 slides. To support you in this assignment, there is an Assignment 2 Template available in your Blackboard course. You should use this template as a guide in developing your slides, to ensure that all required content is included.

Bear in mind that your audience will be the CMO and members of the company’s executive team. As high- level decision makers, these are very busy people, so you know that you must present your ideas concisely, to respect their time, but also persuasively, to solicit their buy-in and approval for the campaign.

Leverage what you have learned in the first seven weeks of your JWI 518 – Marketing in a Global Environment course, including the textbook readings, Lecture Notes, articles, videos, and external resources. You will also build on the work you did in your Campaign Brief in Assignment 1.

Note: you are encouraged to attend the tutorial for this assignment. Instructions can be found in the assignment module in Blackboard.

Submission of Part A and Part B

In Week 5, for Part A, you will create Slides 1 to 6, with relevant References. Your professor will grade the slides and provide feedback. Your slides should be as complete as possible. If you still need additional data, note this in your slides, indicating what will be added and where you will locate the data.

Assignment 2, Part A is due by Sunday, midnight of Week 5.

In Week 7, for Part B, you will incorporate your professor’s feedback into Slides 1 to 6, create Slides 7 to 10, and add remaining References. Then you will finish and submit the Full Slide Deck, as Assignment 2, Part B.

Assignment 2, Part B is due by Sunday, midnight of Week 7.

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JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 1 of 8



JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations


Construct your slides for Assignment 2 using the Slide Deck Outline below. The slide numbers in parentheses refer to the numbered slides in the Assignment 2 Template. You may add some additional slides for topics that need them, but your total slide deck must be no more than 15 slides.

Slide Deck Outline


  • Enter Company name, Campaign name, and Product or Service name
  • Enter Student name, Professor name, and Submission date PRODUCT / SERVICE AND FEATURES (SLIDE 2)

• Introduce the product or service for the campaign: o Description of the product or service
o What is its core purpose or function?

• What are its key features and benefits?
o Specify three or four key features
o Briefly describe the benefit of each key feature

• Where indicated, add a logo or photo representing the product or service MARKETING GOALS (SLIDE 3)

• Which marketing goals will this campaign support?
o Provide a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 goals o Write a brief SMART description for each goal

§ SMART = Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant & Recorded, and Time-Bound o You may select from the sample goals below or add your own alternative goals:

§ Build brand awareness
§ Increase in number of items sold
§ Increase in market share
§ Capture a new target market
§ Broaden the company’s mix of products/services § Increase overall company revenues
§ Increase donations to organization
§ Improve ROI on advertising expenditure
§ Change or improve the company’s image

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.


JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 2 of 8


JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations TARGET AUDIENCE AND COMPETITION (SLIDE 4)

  • What are the key characteristics of your target audience?
  • How will you differentiate your brand from the competition?

o Fill in the chart provided in the template to compare your product or service to similar offerings from two competitors in the marketplace


• Customer Need:
o What customer “need” does your product or service address?
o What is the value that the product or service delivers to the customer? o Why would a customer buy the product or service?

• Customer Wants:
o What customer “wants” does the product or service fulfill? o How does it reinforce the customer’s self-image?
o How does it connect the customer with others?


  • What are the core values and beliefs of your target audience?
  • How will this campaign connect your brand to those customer values and beliefs? MARKETING MESSAGES AND STORY (SLIDE 7)
  • What are the key features you need to highlight in your marketing messages for this campaign?
  • What is the “story” that you will use to appeal to customers in this campaign?
  • What words and images will you use to “frame” your marketing story for this campaign?SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY (SLIDE 8)

• Where will you advertise to reach your target audience for this campaign?
o Choose 3 social media channels and fill in the chart provided in the template

  • How will you use social media to engage your audience for this campaign?
  • How will you use social media to spread your marketing message widely in this campaign?MARKETING METRICS AND BUDGET ALLOCATION (SLIDE 9)
  • Select at least 4 marketing categories – examples are provided in the template
  • For each marketing category, fill in the chart to answer these questions:© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.


JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 3 of 8


JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations

o What is the budget dollar amount?
o What is the budget percentage?
o Is this marketing category using a digital or traditional type of channel? o Why is this category relevant for your campaign?
o What metric(s) can be calculated with data from this category?
o How often should data be collected to calculate the specified metric(s)?

Note: Over 50% of the budget must be for digital marketing channels versus traditional


  • Describe the short term and long term benefits of a successful campaign
  • Specify the reasons why the executive team should approve your proposal
  • Thank your audience and invite questionsREFERENCES
  • You should conduct research so that you will be knowledgeable on your target market, segmentation and other critical factors in developing a sound plan.
  • You must list all your research sources on the References slide(s), using the format presented in the JWMI Writing Standards Guide.
  • List your references in the order that they are used in your PowerPoint Slides.
  • You should have some course work references and some references from your own research.Slide Deck Formatting Requirements
    • Submit your assignment in the form of a 10 to 15 slide PowerPoint deck
      § Note: Your References slide(s) do not count towards the total of 15 slides
    • Use the Assignment 2 Template provided and include all the required content items
    • Limit the amount of text by expressing your ideas briefly and succinctly
    • Format your slides professionally and consistently
    • Review your slides to remove any spelling and grammatical errors© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.


JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 4 of 8


JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations

Rubric – Assignment 2 Part A




Low Pass


High Pass


1. (Slides 1 and 2) Includes a completed Cover slide.

Describes the product or service and its features.

Weight: 20%

Cover slide is missing or incomplete.

Description of product and features is missing or poor.

Cover slide is partially complete.

Description of product and features is partially complete.

Cover slide is included.

Description of product and features is satisfactory.

Cover slide is included.

Description of product and features is very good

Cover slide is included.

Description of product and features is excellent.

2. (Slides 3 and 4) Selects appropriate marketing goals.

Describes target audience and differentiates the brand from competitors.

Weight: 30%

Marketing goals are missing or incomplete.

Description of the target audience and differentiation from competitors is missing or incomplete.

Marketing goals are partially complete.

Description of the target audience and differentiation from competitors is partially complete

Appropriate marketing goals are selected.

Description of the target audience is satisfactory and differentiation from competitors is well explained.

Appropriate marketing goals are selected.

Description of the target audience is good and differentiation from competitors is very well explained.

Appropriate marketing goals are selected.

Description of the target audience is excellent and differentiation from competitors is excellently explained.

3. (Slides 5 and 6) Describes customer needs and wants.

Identifies customer core values and beliefs and explains their connection to the brand.

Weight: 30%

Description of customer needs and wants is missing or incomplete.

Description of customer values and beliefs and an explanation of the connection to the brand are missing or incomplete.

Description of customer needs and wants is partially complete.

Description of customer values and beliefs and an explanation of the connection to the brand are partially complete.

Customer needs and wants are well described.

Customer values and beliefs are well described and the connection to the brand is clearly explained.

Customer needs and wants are very well described.

Customer values and beliefs are well described and the connection to the brand is very well explained.

Customer needs and wants are excellently described.

Customer values and beliefs are excellently described and the connection to the brand is fully and effectively explained.

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.


JWI 518 – Assignment 2 (1202) Page 5 of 8


JWI 518: Marketing in a Global Environment

Academic Submissions and Evaluations




Low Pass


High Pass


4. The slides follow the template.

The format is professional and consistent.

The text is free from grammar and spelling errors.

References are provided in a manner that enables the reader to identify the sources.

Weight: 20%

The slides do not follow the template.

The format is not professional or consistent.

There are numerous grammar or spelling errors.

References are not included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources.

The slides mostly follow the template.

The format is somewhat professional and fairly consistent.

There are some grammar or spelling errors.

References may not be included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources.

The slides follow the template.

The format is mostly professional and consistent.

There are a few grammar or spelling errors.

References are mostly accurate but some may not be included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources.

The slides follow the template.

The format is very professional and consistent.

There are almost no grammar or spelling errors.

All References are included in a manner that enables the reader to quickly identify sources.

The slides follow the template.

The format is excellently professional and fairly consistent.

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JWI 518 Strayer University Campaign proposal for iPhone 9 Plus Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Southern New Hampshire University Diversity in the Workplace Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Having developed a definition of diversity in the last module, this week we’re turning to how diversity applies to you personally. This could be related to your personal experiences or things you’ve observed of those around you. Because Milestone One is also due this week, we’ll start to discuss the issues and events that interest you. Based on the module resources and your own research, write an initial post that addresses the following:

  • Describe an event related to diversity that either you or someone around you has experienced. What did you take away, and how did it enhance your understanding of diversity? (I have already answered this portion, but feel free to critique or add more to it if you feel that it would be beneficial – writing attached)
  • Share a current issue related to diversity that you have found interesting or that has personally impacted you. Post an article from a news source. How does diversity help you better understand this issue? (This is what I need help with – see attached)


Archeology and Ethnoarchaeology Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Look at the pictures I attached

Easy any format

Minimum 2 pages

Please read what my professor said and no plagiarism my professor has plagiarism check

if I like your work, I will invite you to my next assignments

And please cite your sources

If you have any question ask me

My professor


You have an important essay due by this Sunday evening. I have extended the time until Sunday at 11:30. It will require research and not something you can just “wing” as there are specific requirements for citing and details. It is 15 points.


You have been contacted by the Italian Government to join their team of archaeologists to investigate the sites of Mt. Vesuvius and Herculaneum. One of the most devastating events of 79 AD was the eruption of Mount Vesuvius which destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Knowing that modern day science involves an “interdisciplinary approach” based upon your viewing of all videos, and other sources, If you were an archaeologist who would you contact or call to seek additional advice and why would additional expertise be necessary and why?

Make a very methodical explanation including the following:

– What disciplines might come into play to recreate the life of people of a site and why (use your knowledge of Egypt and Mesopotamia as well)

– How should an archaeological site be documented/recorded and what accounts should be examined

– Cite your sources well and think out your argument carefully. You will need to “Create a Thread”


HRDV 5750 FSUJ How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education Exam Questions Writing Assignment Help


HRDV 5750


Taken from the “FOR DISCUSSION” section at the end of each chapter, How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education by Jack R. Fraenkel, Norman E. Wallen, and Helen H. Hyun.

Chapter 1Most quantitative researchers believe that the world is a single reality, whereas most qualitative researchers believe that the world is made up of multiple realities. Which position would you support? Why?

Chapter 3 Question #3

Which do you think are more important to emphasize in a literature review—the opinions of experts in the field or related studies? Why?

Chapter 4 Question: What are the ethical principles most relevant to research in the HRDV field or your major field of study? What information or experiences have led you to these conclusions?

Chapter 5 Question #3

What might cause a researcher to state a directional hypothesis rather than a non-directional hypothesis? What about the reverse?

Chapter 6 Question #4

“The larger a sample, the more justified a researcher is in generalizing from it to a population.” Is this statement true? Why or why not?

Chapter 8 Question #2

What type of evidence—content-related, criterion-related, or construct-related—do you think is the easiest to obtain? The hardest? Why?


Chapter 10 Question #4

“The larger the standard deviation of a distribution, the more heterogeneous the scores in that distribution.” Is this statement true? Explain.

Chapter 11 Question #5

Could a relationship that is practically significant be ignored because it is not statistically significant? What about the reverse? Can you suggest an example of each?

Chapter 12 Question #5

“When analyzing data obtained from two groups, the first thing researchers should do is construct a frequency polygon of each group’s scores.” Why is this important—or is it?

Chapter 25 Question #2

To what common function do the problem statement, the research question, and the hypotheses all contribute? In what ways are they different?


Human Societies Continue to Thrive and Grow as Time Progresses Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

You have been contacted by the Italian Government to join their team of archaeologists to investigate the sites of Mt. Vesuvius and Herculaneum. One of the most devastating events of 79 AD was the eruption of Mount Vesuvius which destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Knowing that modern day science involves an “interdisciplinary approach” based upon your viewing of all videos, and other sources, If you were an archaeologist who would you contact or call to seek additional advice and why would additional expertise be necessary and why?

Make a very methodical explanation including the following:

– What disciplines might come into play to recreate the life of people of a site and why (use your knowledge of Egypt and Mesopotamia as well)

– How should an archaeological site be documented/recorded and what accounts should be examined

– Cite your sources well and think out your argument carefully.


-It will require research and not something you can just “wing” as there are specific requirements for citing and details.

-you must use Sources and Cite them well.

-Minimum 2 pages



AU Dimensional Model Requirements Collection Business Consumers & services Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Dimensional Model Requirements Collection [WLO: 1] [CLO: 2]

Before beginning work on this interactive assignment, review this week’s lecture and the required resources. Using the business case you created for last week’s discussion forum, develop a list of elements based on the examples described in the lecture that will be required in order to build the dimensional model users will need for visualizing their data. Include the original business case that you created in Week 1 in your initial post so your peers can see how your elements address your business case. There is no minimum word count for your initial response; however, your post must clearly identify

  • The three to five most important business questions that need to be satisfied by the new system.
  • The key decision makers for the business questions you identified.
  • The factors that define success in the business—these are generally key performance indicators (KPIs) and/or key status indicators (KSIs).
  • The way management needs to analyze the data.

——Note use the part two—-

AU Dimensional Model Requirements Collection Business Consumers & services Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECON 201 SEU How May It Affect Saudi Economy if An Income Tax Is Imposed in KSA Ques Economics Assignment Help

When taxes induce people to change their behavior—such as inducing Jane to buy less pizza—the taxes cause deadweight losses and make the allocation of resources less efficient. As we have already seen, much government revenue comes from the individual income tax in many countries. In a case study in Chapter 8, we discussed how this tax discourages people from working as hard as they otherwise might. Another inefficiency caused by this tax is that it discourages people from saving.

Consider a person 25 years’ old who is considering saving $1,000. If he puts this money in a savings account that earns 8 percent and leaves it there, he would have $21,720 when he retires at age 65. Yet if the government taxes one-fourth of his interest income each year, the effective interest rate is only 6 percent. After 40 years of earning 6 percent, the $1,000 grows to only $10,290, less than half of what it would have been without taxation. Thus, because interest income is taxed, saving is much less attractive.

Some economists advocate eliminating the current tax system’s disincentive toward saving by changing the basis of taxation. Rather than taxing the amount of income that people earn, the government could tax the amount that people spend.

Under this proposal, all income that is saved would not be taxed until the saving is later spent. This alternative system, called a consumption tax, would not distort people’s saving decisions.

Various provisions of the current tax code already make the tax system a bit like a consumption tax. Taxpayers can put a limited amount of their saving into special accounts—such as Individual Retirement Accounts and 401(k) plans—that escape taxation until the money is withdrawn at retirement. For people who do most of their saving through these retirement accounts, their tax bill is, in effect, based on their consumption rather than their income.

European countries tend to rely more on consumption taxes than does the United States. Most of them raise a significant amount of government revenue through a value-added tax, or a VAT. A VAT is like the retail sales tax that many U.S. states use, but rather than collecting all of the tax at the retail level when the consumer buys the final good, the government collects the tax in stages as the good is being produced (that is, as value is added by firms along the chain of production). Various U.S. policymakers have proposed that the tax code move further in direction of taxing consumption rather than income. In 2005, economist Alan Greenspan, then Chairman of the Federal Reserve, offered this advice to a presidential commission on tax reform: “As you know, many economists believe that a consumption tax would be best from the perspective of promoting economic growth—particularly if one were designing a tax system from scratch—because a consumption tax is likely to encourage saving and capital formation. However, getting from the current tax system to a consumption tax raises a challenging set of transition issues.”

Q1: What should be taxed – Personal Income or Personal Consumption and why? Provide your opinion based on the case given below. (200 words)

Q2: How may it affect Saudi Economy if an income tax is imposed in KSA? (200 words)


University of Houston Alignment Between Culture and Strategic Choices Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Respond to the following:

As you’ve learned from the background reading (see attached), a key strategic control is that of organizational culture. Culture must fit with an organization’s strategic choices. Poor alignment between culture and strategic choice is a sure-fire way to doom any strategic choice.

Of course, some organizational theorists would assert that an organization’s culture cannot be “managed” in the truest sense of how one “manages” the processes and activities and things that exist within an organization. David Campbell (2000, p. 28) says that an organization

…is being constructed continuously on a daily, even momentary, basis through individual interactions with others. The organization never settles into an entity or a thing that can be labeled and described, because it is constantly changing, or reinventing itself, through the interactions going on within it. At the same time, an organization does have a certain character to it, such that, like driving on the motorway, not just anything goes (p. x).

Do you agree or disagree with the above? That is, can culture really be “managed”? What might this interpretation mean in the context of our current discussion related to “strategic controls”?

A few comments on the above: Many individuals believe that, while the notion of “culture” can be defined, no single individual (irrespective of his/her legitimate power) is capable of single-handedly moving an organization’s culture in one direction or another. These individuals suggest that the sheer number of formal and informal groups, structures, tasks, functional operations, and individual interactions that exist and occur within organizations (even moderate-sized ones) render the “management” of culture impossible (consider the potential number – and combination – of individual to individual, individual to group, and group to group interactions that are likely to occur within an organization at each and every moment (and then, there are endless numbers of contacts / interactions with external stakeholders as well). The possibilities are seemingly infinite — or at least they are indefinite. In this view, an organization’s culture is abstract, fragmentary, fluid — and even relative and momentary – how can such a thing be “managed” in the same sense that we “manage” people and organizational processes?

Assignment expectations:

Do you agree or disagree with the above? That is, can culture really be “managed”? What might this interpretation mean in the context of our current discussion related to “strategic controls”?

Minimum 200 words.


BUS 071 San Jose City College Antitrust Law US vs Google IRAC Essay Law Assignment Help

Use a newspaper, news magazine, or the internet (including articles posted on CANVAS by instructor) to find a current article (if uncertain, please see the instructor to have your topic approved) related to business law to write about and present. Briefly summarize your article and include some interesting facts or highlights. Lastly, and most importantly, discuss any concerns, issues, or thoughts you have about the subject matter raised in the article. This will be done by writing an IRAC (Issue, Rule, Analysis, Conclusion) about the article.

Note on the syllabus calendar that there are four categories for the assignments. The IRAC must apply to the subjects shown below:

IRAC Basics:

Issue(s) – are written in the form of questions! These issues are questions one might ask regarding how the law applies to the article you have chosen.

Rules – are the laws/rules that the writer thinks may apply to the issues.

Analysis – is where the writer either proves or disproves the application of the rules. This is a major focus of the paper and presentation….critical thinking must be applied.

Conclusion – will take one of two approaches. First, if the court has decided the case, do you agree with the decision? Why, or why not? If the court has yet to make a decision, what do you think needs to be done, and why.

There is no minimum or limitation to the length of the paper. The writer’s approach is to be concise, organized, and complete in the presentation of the case. If you need any further clarification of this assignment, please make an appointment to see me during office hours.

Be sure to attach the news article/court case to your essay. If the article/case is not attached a score will not be given. The attachment can be in the form of a link to a web page.


Los Angeles Pierce College Kautilya Arthashatra Book Summary Humanities Assignment Help

Using the quotes SJ6-SJ10, please respond to each quote in 500 words. The response must be in the form of an argument which you make using CLOSE TO NO SUMMARIZATION.

I have attached the quotes as well as an example of a A+ journal response. Please try to write something similar to the A+ journal. Also please write 2 DIFFERENT 500 WORD RESPONSES FOR EACH. One for my brother and I. I will also attach the articles where the quotes are from to give you some context.

p.s I am going through very tough times personally and trying to keep up with the struggles of life right now. Please if you can do your best on this so I can get an A+ and not sacrifice my GPA as a result of these incidences. Thank you in advance and God Bless. There are 10 more quotes after this due by the end of the semester. If this works out I will give you the rest right away, and also give you a very generous tip. Please help.

Quotes Below:

SJ 6 (Kautilya, Arthashastra, p. 16):

“The king who is well educated and disciplined in sciences, devoted to good Government of his subjects, and bent on doing good to all people will enjoy the earth unopposed.”

SJ 7 (Stuart Gray, Re-Examining Kautilya and Machiavelli,” p. 651-652):

“…Kautilya’s political-theological realism furnishes a mirror for our own condition and helps identify our potential blind spots. Just as scholars have not fully recognized how Kautilya’s realist tactics are justified by and grounded in religious doctrines, so many citizens in secular democracies may remain mesmerized, and ultimately deluded, by the supposed non-theological aspects of their government’s realist tactics. Kautilya’s critique of Machiavelli incisively explains how destructive religious or theological beliefs in contemporary democracies such as the United States can hide behind a secular smokescreen and thus potentially damage democratic legitimacy. Kautilya’s political thought provides a cross-cultural vantage point that helps us locate potentially similar, and problematic, motivations and tactics involved in different types of political realism.”

SJ 8 (Liang Qichao, “Observations on a Trip to America,” p. 93):

“Now, freedom, constitutionalism, and republicanism mean government by the majority, but the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people are like those in San Francisco. If we were to adopt a democratic system of government now, it would be nothing less than committing national suicide.”

SJ 9 (Roxanne Euben, Journeys to the Other Shore, p. 23-24):

“In this context, then, “travel” signals both a metaphor for and a practice of journeying, in Nietzsche’s words, to “the other shore,” to worlds less familiar, and in terms of which a traveler may well come to understand his or her own more deeply and fully.”

SJ 10 (Franz Fanon, Wretched of the Earth, p. 236):

“Let us decide not to imitate Europe and let us tense our muscles and our brains in a new direction. Let us endeavor to invent a man in full, something which Europe has been incapable of achieving.”


JWI 518 Strayer University Campaign proposal for iPhone 9 Plus Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

JWI 518 Strayer University Campaign proposal for iPhone 9 Plus Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

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