JWI 540 Strayer Walmart Has Revolutionized Itself to Become Innovative Brand Response Business Finance Assignment Help

JWI 540 Strayer Walmart Has Revolutionized Itself to Become Innovative Brand Response Business Finance Assignment Help. JWI 540 Strayer Walmart Has Revolutionized Itself to Become Innovative Brand Response Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Walmart has
been very interesting to watch in recent months. They seem to be
rolling out a variety of innovative platforms and delivery systems to
continue to add more market share. As you noted, the
Walmart Neighborhood Stores is the latest iteration of creating a new
shopping experience for customers. By focusing exclusively on the
groceries segment, Walmart is setting itself up with an option to
compete directly with the Kroger’s, ALDI’s, Food Lions, etc. of the
world. It is also interesting watching how Walmart is simultaneously
innovating their curbside pick-up services.

I wonder if
blue ocean really is the right category for what Walmart is doing? It
seems like the movement to smaller, neighborhood-friendly grocery store
hybrids has been in the works for a while. Sweet Bay was a hybrid
spin-off from Kash n’ Karry–focused on the same positioning idea.
Similarly, Kroger is dipping its toes into the water with their Kroger
Express formats, conveniently located inside a Walgreens location. Their
first test is located in northern Kentucky and offers more than 2,000
items. Whole Foods Market Daily Shop is a grab-and-go version of a
small-format grocery store that the health-conscious retailer is testing
in New York. Sendik’s, the Milwaukee-based grocer has been
experimenting with pairing their small-format store with a gas station
to offer more convenience to the customer. So far, the test has been
highly successful. Giant Foods is, ironically, getting into the small
neighborhood format game. They’ve opened a 9,500 square foot Giant
Heirloom Market in Philadelphia.Finally, Hy-Vee is scaling down with
10,000 square foot Hy-Vee Fast & Fresh locations. So the ocean is
definitely churning red in this space. What other positioning
categories might better fit? Let me know what you think.

JWI 540 Strayer Walmart Has Revolutionized Itself to Become Innovative Brand Response Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

GU Your Investment & Their Competition Honeywell International Inc Stocks Essay Economics Assignment Help

Your Investment and their Competition

Write a 1250-1500 word paper. In your paper include the following:

Choose a key competitor (Honeywell International Inc.) of General Electric (the company you have been studying this term). Highlight key differences in performance between General Electric and their key competitor Honeywell International Inc., in the following areas:

1.Stock structure

2.Capital structure

3.Dividend payout history

4.Key financial ratios



Include a title page and 3-5 references. Only one reference may be from the internet (not Wikipedia). The other references must be from the Grantham University online library. Please adhere to the Concise Guide to APA Style when writing and submitting assignments and papers.


BUS 475 Strayer University Walmart Evaluation of Company Performance Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. Evaluating a Corporate-Societal Relationship


    According to the textbook, the current world economy is increasingly becoming integrated and interdependent; as a result, the relationship between business and society is becoming more complex. In this assignment, you will be researching a Fortune 500 company from an approved company list provided by your professor.


    Write a 4–5 page evaluation of your chosen company’s performance with respect to its stated values. Do the following:

    • Summarize the company’s primary products and or services.
    • Suggest three ways in which the primary stakeholders can influence the organization’s financial performance. Provide support for your response.
    • Describe two critical factors in the organization’s external environment that can affect its success. Support your assertions.
    • Assess the company’s biggest success or missed opportunity to respond to a recent or current social issue. How did it impact company performance?

    Integrate at least two supporting resources from the Strayer University Library or other reputable sources. This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
    • Evaluate the relationship between a business and society based on external environmental factors, stakeholders, and corporate social responsibility issues.

  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.


ART 101 UOFM The Guggenheim Storylines New Narratives for Famed Visual Art Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Each entry write 200-300 words, total two entries, so word count total at least 400 words.


Your task is two-part: first read each entry, and then writing a 200-300 word response based on your personal interpretations of its content (Note: the word count should not include in-text citations if you use them – the body of your writing should be counted and noted on the assignment template for each entry).

Please make sure you discuss at least two specific references to content from the readings in your responses. We need to see evidence that you have read/viewed all materials and engaged with the core messages/themes of each reading. For example, if one entry asks you to both read an interview with an artist and look at their project website, please make sure you discuss things present in both those sources.

Please focus your attention on the core messages or themes in the reading, as they relate to some aspect of artistic process and materiality, creativity, the dynamics of the art world, ideas about art, themes in art, etc. Essentially, I’m asking you to avoid writing about mental tangents that take you away from a focus on art, which is of course the topic of this class, and central to each of the assigned readings. Many of the artists/artworks you read about will deal with broader topics not directly related to art – please make sure you are responding not just to the topics addressed by the artists/artworks, but how their art or the themes about art present in the reading relate to the broader topics.

Please do not use your writing to simply summarize or restate what the reading was about without giving any personalized response or interpretation (this will disqualify you from full points!). Please instead foreground your own original thinking, questions and reflections about the content. Take your initial or superficial reactions always one step further in complexity. For example, if something surprises you, spend the time reflecting on and explaining why it is surprising – what previous assumptions of yours did the passage shake up, WHY? Always be specific and relate your reflections back to the content of the reading!

Here are some sample prompts if you could use help focusing your interpretation:

  • What are your overall impressions of the reading, and what particular passages or details stood out to you most? WHY???
  • In what specific ways does the content of the reading challenge/expand/complicate/frustrate your understandings about art and how art functions in the world? Cite specific passages in the reading to support your thoughts.
  • How do your personal experiences or background relate to the content of the reading? Where do you see yourself or your own experiences reflected or not reflected in the material? Be specific and explain these connections or disconnections as clearly as possible.
  • How does the reading as a whole and specific parts of the reading make you FEEL? Explain why and cite specific passages in the reading to support your reactions.
  • What questions do you have about the reading? What passages or ideas challenged you? WHY???
  • What are you critical or skeptical about in the reading? WHY? Be specific!

Your Task – Week 4:


Note: this is a mulit-part entry which requires reading and exploring multiple web links, all of which center around the Guggenheim’s 2015 exhibition “Storylines.” Please ensure that you have read and looked at all the links below and discuss aspects from both the article and the exhibition website in your written response.

Part 1:

Title: “The Guggenheim’s ‘Storylines’ Creates New Narratives for Famed Visual Art” (Links to an external site.), in Vice

Author: Michael Barron (this article is a news review of the Storylines exhibition)

Part 2:

Visit the Storylines Exhibition archive (Links to an external site.) on the Guggenheim’s website. Please read the exhibition description and watch the linked introductory video about it.

Please also explore the Storylines Exhibition Website (Links to an external site.) (also linked at the bottom of the above page) to look at some of the artworks included in the show and their written descriptions. (note: you can navigate by clicking on the moving photos of artworks, or for a list-based navigation of this website, you can click the “View Artists & Writers” link in the top left for a list of artists’ names)

You can explore further by listening to some of the linked Exhibition Audio: Writers Respond further down the Storylines Exhibition archive page to hear excerpts of some of the writers’ responses to specific artworks (you can find the related artwork by searching the artist’s name in the Storylines Exhibition Website linked above)


Title: “Art as Joke,” (See attached file) Chapter 6 from Ways of Looking (pp. 108-125)

Author: Ossian Ward


ART 101 UOFM The Guggenheim Storylines New Narratives for Famed Visual Art Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Each entry write 200-300 words, total two entries, so word count total at least 400 words.


Your task is two-part: first read each entry, and then writing a 200-300 word response based on your personal interpretations of its content (Note: the word count should not include in-text citations if you use them – the body of your writing should be counted and noted on the assignment template for each entry).

Please make sure you discuss at least two specific references to content from the readings in your responses. We need to see evidence that you have read/viewed all materials and engaged with the core messages/themes of each reading. For example, if one entry asks you to both read an interview with an artist and look at their project website, please make sure you discuss things present in both those sources.

Please focus your attention on the core messages or themes in the reading, as they relate to some aspect of artistic process and materiality, creativity, the dynamics of the art world, ideas about art, themes in art, etc. Essentially, I’m asking you to avoid writing about mental tangents that take you away from a focus on art, which is of course the topic of this class, and central to each of the assigned readings. Many of the artists/artworks you read about will deal with broader topics not directly related to art – please make sure you are responding not just to the topics addressed by the artists/artworks, but how their art or the themes about art present in the reading relate to the broader topics.

Please do not use your writing to simply summarize or restate what the reading was about without giving any personalized response or interpretation (this will disqualify you from full points!). Please instead foreground your own original thinking, questions and reflections about the content. Take your initial or superficial reactions always one step further in complexity. For example, if something surprises you, spend the time reflecting on and explaining why it is surprising – what previous assumptions of yours did the passage shake up, WHY? Always be specific and relate your reflections back to the content of the reading!

Here are some sample prompts if you could use help focusing your interpretation:

  • What are your overall impressions of the reading, and what particular passages or details stood out to you most? WHY???
  • In what specific ways does the content of the reading challenge/expand/complicate/frustrate your understandings about art and how art functions in the world? Cite specific passages in the reading to support your thoughts.
  • How do your personal experiences or background relate to the content of the reading? Where do you see yourself or your own experiences reflected or not reflected in the material? Be specific and explain these connections or disconnections as clearly as possible.
  • How does the reading as a whole and specific parts of the reading make you FEEL? Explain why and cite specific passages in the reading to support your reactions.
  • What questions do you have about the reading? What passages or ideas challenged you? WHY???
  • What are you critical or skeptical about in the reading? WHY? Be specific!

Your Task – Week 4:


Note: this is a mulit-part entry which requires reading and exploring multiple web links, all of which center around the Guggenheim’s 2015 exhibition “Storylines.” Please ensure that you have read and looked at all the links below and discuss aspects from both the article and the exhibition website in your written response.

Part 1:

Title: “The Guggenheim’s ‘Storylines’ Creates New Narratives for Famed Visual Art” (Links to an external site.), in Vice

Author: Michael Barron (this article is a news review of the Storylines exhibition)

Part 2:

Visit the Storylines Exhibition archive (Links to an external site.) on the Guggenheim’s website. Please read the exhibition description and watch the linked introductory video about it.

Please also explore the Storylines Exhibition Website (Links to an external site.) (also linked at the bottom of the above page) to look at some of the artworks included in the show and their written descriptions. (note: you can navigate by clicking on the moving photos of artworks, or for a list-based navigation of this website, you can click the “View Artists & Writers” link in the top left for a list of artists’ names)

You can explore further by listening to some of the linked Exhibition Audio: Writers Respond further down the Storylines Exhibition archive page to hear excerpts of some of the writers’ responses to specific artworks (you can find the related artwork by searching the artist’s name in the Storylines Exhibition Website linked above)


Title: “Art as Joke,” (See attached file) Chapter 6 from Ways of Looking (pp. 108-125)

Author: Ossian Ward



High Prices of Aramex Shipping Services Research Internship Final Report Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management project and need guidance to help me understand better.

The topic: High prices of Aramex shipping services

You are expected to write a report for about 4000 – 5000 words which should cover all the below points in form of paragraphs:

  • Acknowledgement
  • Executive Summary
  • Table of Contents
  • Organisation overview
  • Role of Logistics in Organisation
  • SC practices in the Organisation
  • Department Analysis
  • IT support in the Organisation
  • Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Weakness (SWOT) Analysis
  • Problem Identification and Solution – Students must identify a strategic/operational problem either related to the aspect of logistics in

a. Problem identification

b. Consequences of the current problem

c. Solutions

11. Conclusion

12. References

High Prices of Aramex Shipping Services Research Internship Final Report Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

RUC Medical Options of Surgery vs Non Surgery Treatment of Colles Fracture Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

I would like to discuss the options of surgery vs non surgery treatment of a Colles Fracture.

The Case Study: A Critical Analysis of Care (2000 words +/- 10%)

In this part of the assignment you will apply the principles of
reflection to critically analyse and evaluate an episode of care you
have experienced relating to any type of undifferentiated/undiagnosed
minor illness. You should identify your own learning needs
and areas for development derived from the case and demonstrate
critical analysis and evaluation of these with reference to contemporary
literature, research, national policy/guidelines etc. to support your
discussion. You should also make some recommendations
to improve either your own practice or that of the clinical setting and
explore how your role has or will develop in light of your findings.

It is important that your case study is not a referenced description of
the case or your actions and you must maintain patient, staff and
organisational confidentiality within your work as any breach of
confidentiality will result in the awarding of a fail

You are not required to use a reflective model but your case study
should include the following sections (the principles of reflection are
shown in blue as a guide):

Introduction 10% approx. (What?)

• Briefly introduce your role and the clinical setting – maintaining confidentiality

• Provide an overview of the case including relevant details relating to
the history, presenting complaint, assessment and management of the

• Include a brief rationale for why this case has been selected and
identify your own learning needs and areas for development derived from
the case.

Main Body of assignment 80% approx. (So What?)

• You must critically analyse and evaluate the pivotal aspects of the
case that you have identified for further learning and support your
arguments with contemporary evidence/literature, research, national
guidelines/policy etc. using the Cite Them Right Harvard
referencing system.

• You must present a balanced view and not simply identify poor practice
– where the care given has been of a high standard this should be
identified and celebrated.

• Your discussion must also take into consideration how your analysis will meet the module learning outcomes.

Conclusion 10% approx. (Now What?)

This section should not introduce any new discussion/information, but
should summarise the threads of the discussion in the main body. Think

• What has been learnt during your critical analysis?

• How will your role/practice develop in light of your findings?

• Make some recommendations to improve either your own practice or that of the clinical setting based on your discussion.

The Reference List

• Compiled using the Cite Them Right Harvard referencing system (online guide available at www.citethemright.com).

• You should demonstrate evidence of widespread reading using relevant
and contemporary evidence based literature, research studies, policy
etc. used to support the discussion (NB. Websites such as NHS Choices,
Web MD and Patient UK are not suitable academic


• You may include any further relevant information relating to the case
in the appendices section. The content of the appendices does not count
towards the overall word count. If you include case notes these must be
transcribed from the originals and must not
contain any patient identifiable information.

Other Things to Consider:

• Terminology and abbreviations: you must avoid using slang terms and
non-standard abbreviations in your academic writing e.g. abx instead of
antibiotic. All terms you wish to abbreviate should be written in full
with the abbreviation afterwards in brackets
when you first include them in the work, following this the
abbreviation can be used.

• Spelling and grammar: spelling errors and poor grammar must be
corrected before submission as this detracts from the overall value of
the work and does not reflect undergraduate level writing.

• Format: avoid using several small paragraphs when writing; only start a
new paragraph when the subject under discussion changes.

• Word count: you are permitted to stray no more than 10% above or below
the word count without penalty; however going above/below this limit
will have an impact on the mark awarded.

• Word count exclusions: headings/sub-headings, in-text references,
contents of tables, appendices or the final reference list do not count
towards the overall word count and should be deducted from the overall


Cazenovia College Caffe Cat Business idea Coffee Shop Marketing Question Business Finance Assignment Help

Idea Generation Assignment Submission Link

Combine any input you have received from other students in the forum posting, along with your 3 main IDEAS for your business start-up.

Take one of your 3 ideas and expand on it, according to the course outline instructions.

my idea

2.Business idea: Coffee Shop


Main products: Coffee, cake.

Business philosophy:

This coffee shop is different from ordinary pet coffee shops. Because the cat inside is a pet cat or stray cat that no one has adopted. Customers can buy cat snacks to feed them while drinking coffee. If customers have cats they like, they can adopt them through us.

The sales crowd of CAFFE CAT is all cat lovers. The main products sold are coffee and other beverages. The sale aims to allow more people to experience the joy of raising cats through this coffee shop and giving them a warm home.

The business would be successful. Tens of thousands of pets are now abandoned or awaiting euthanasia every year. This coffee shop can let those who want to keep cats better understand pet cats. It is also possible for customers to feel each cat’s character through interaction every time they drink coffee and then adopt them, which greatly reduces the probability of pets being abandoned.

Will cooperate with regular pet organizations like SPCA to adopt pets. Part of the customer’s cost will be used to treat the pet and buy food.


BUS 757 Grantham University Creation of Guiding Team Analysis Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Read Step 2 “Build the Guiding Team” from Kotter and Cohen’s The Heart of Change. First, review the feedback from your instructor on Part 2 along with the discussion on urgency you had with your peers last week. Use any new information you gained from the discussion and feedback from your instructor to revise and improve Part 2 of your project.

Next, compile Part 3 of your project, explaining how you would build your team to address change in your organization. Explain how you would show enthusiasm and commitment to draw in the right team players, how you would model trust and teamwork, how you would structure the team, and how you will inject energy into the group. Be sure to touch on potential pitfalls in this step that you will avoid. You may find page 60 helpful in reviewing the key points of what to do and not do when building your team. Be sure your paper touches on the key elements of each as they pertain to your organization.

Be sure to include at least three scholarly references to support your assertions written in your own words. Do not copy word for word from the course text or any other sources. Your submission this week is Part 3 of the final project.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 1,000 – 1,500 words (approximately 4 – 6 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style.

Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.

Use an appropriate number of references to support your position, and defend your arguments. The following are examples of primary and secondary sources that may be used, and non-credible and opinion based sources that may not be used.


COMM 110 University of Phoenix Week 2 Informative Presentation Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a communications exercise and need guidance to help me study.

Part A

Select one topic and one audience from the following lists of potential topics and audiences.


A recent event in the news from your local community

A significant event in history

A summary of a national law, or a state law where you reside (North Carolina)

A major development in science, medical or otherwise

A developing trend in the industry in which you are employed

Another topic as approved by your instructor, other than COVID


A group of elementary or school-aged children

A group of recent high school graduates

A group of your workplace superiors

A group of visiting scholars from a foreign country

Another group as approved by your instructor

Create an outline in preparation for your presentation, using the Informative Presentation Worksheet as a guide. Refer to Ch. 15 of Public Speaking for College & Career for more information on informative speeches. Submit your outline using the Outline Worksheet in the Assignments tab.


JWI 540 Strayer Walmart Has Revolutionized Itself to Become Innovative Brand Response Business Finance Assignment Help

JWI 540 Strayer Walmart Has Revolutionized Itself to Become Innovative Brand Response Business Finance Assignment Help

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