JWI 555 Strayer Univeristy Organizational Change and Culture Discussion Question Business Finance Assignment Help

JWI 555 Strayer Univeristy Organizational Change and Culture Discussion Question Business Finance Assignment Help. JWI 555 Strayer Univeristy Organizational Change and Culture Discussion Question Business Finance Assignment Help.

I’m working on a business question and need support to help me study.
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Good evening team,


I’ve been in a situation where my group was very complacent about a change that involved the centralization of business
processes. My team primarily dealt with customers day to day. As such,
many processes were handled at the field level ultimately giving some
autonomy to the employees as long as they followed general protocol and
provided a high level of customer service. When the centralization of
processes took place, many
team members felt anxious and disinterested. They went from doing all
the transactions to doing 20% of their old job. Needless to say, they
felt threatened. Thus, they did not put any effort in their role
anymore. This originated from taking part in widespread change
with no buy in from front line employees. Senior leadership realized
there needed to be changes to enhance the customer experience, minimize
audit issues and most importantly prevent risk. Many controls were put
in place to ensure we were compliant. However, 60% of the organization
did not understand the needs for change though they were warranted.


The groups located in our central operations received the change very well. They were given more responsibilities and ultimately viewed it as job
security. Conversely, the groups in the field offices located across
the US did not receive the change very well. The roll out came with
definite challenges and opportunities. There were many questions and
feedback after the initial announcement, however, it was challenging for
people to comprehend. In fact, a negative atmosphere ensued. I do
believe if there was a change management team to facilitate and oversee
the changes, there would be less resistance and complacency. One of the
most effective ways to is to listen to the people on the front line.
These employees have the most valuable feedback. Communication needs to
be constant and candid from front line employees to upper management.
The second most effective way is to show the data! Employees appreciate
transparency and any data to support why change is needed should be
shared. “Usually top management shields people from disquieting news.
Then when they try to initiate significant changes, a low sense of
urgency within middle management makes execution painfully difficult.
The change effort eventually fails or falls far short of top
management’s aspirations” (Kotter, para.7).


After managers provided the feedback to senior leadership, additional steps were taken to address the valid concerns. Senior leadership
provided additional training and faciliated town halls to address
questions and concerns across the organization on a continuous basis.
Middle managers provided 1-1 sessions with employees and provided
resources to erase the negative inertia the change exuded. After much
effort, employees began to feel at ease about their job once again. More
importantly, complacency waned and a positive energy took over.


Thank you,






Kotter, J. (2009). Four Ways to Increase the Urgency Needed for Change. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2009/04/four-ways-to-increase-the-urge.html


Gleeson, B. (2017). Why Complacency Kills Organizational Efforts. Retrieved from https://www.inc.com/brent-gleeson/why-complacency-kills-organizational-change-efforts.html

JWI 555 Strayer Univeristy Organizational Change and Culture Discussion Question Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SJSU Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Article Scientific Validity Humanities Assignment Help

only need one paragraph to do !must be close to half of one page ! YOU have to see another file below which is study guide example in page 21 , 7 Scientific Validity of the Article ( Empiricism,Uniformitarianism,Parsimony,Uncertainty,roof is elusive,Repeatability,Testable questions) you have to use one of 7 Scientific Validityto write one paragraph !!

Step one read article See below file attached

step 2 The purpose today is to analyze/locate traits of science or junk science in the article.Perhaps the fastest way to determine if this is junk science is to label the parts of the rhetorical situation, including a consideration of author(s), audience, purpose and perhaps even ethos, logos and pathos—doing so should help you identify scientific and/or unscientific traits. Remember: TEA requires evidence (E). Since you are making a claim about the article in your T, then your E will need to support that claim with specific evidence from the article. Consider copying and pasting the textual evidence you collect into a Word document. Professional writers often start drafting from an evidence-base, so listing the specific evidence (usually quotes) is good habit to get into.

Step 3 sing the evidence you have collected, write ONE TEA paragraph,In your Topic sentence make a claim as to whether or not you think the article is scientifically valid (Decide: real or junk science?). Include your Evidence for this claim in the E, and explain why this evidence proves your T in the A.

TEA mean Topic sentence ,Evidence ,Analyze


European Soccer Discrimination Racism in Sports Presentation Writing Assignment Help


Purpose and Directions

The final major project asks you to rework and revise your position paper. This reworking of your position paper will involve you selecting a new genre (type of text) and a new target audience.     

For example, if you wanted to speak to city hall at a town meeting in regards to your equity event topic, a presentation might be a good genre choice for your remixed position. Another option is a brochure that outlines the equity event topic and your position on it and could be handed out on campus or at an event to help raise awareness about the equity event.

The genre you choose is up to you. Genre choices include but are not limited to: a website, a memo, a formal business letter, a formal report or white paper, an infographic, a PSA video, a presentation, a newspaper article, a magazine article, etc.

You will outline your genre choice, target audience, and other aspects of your project 5 in the Project 5 Remix Plan Discussion in week 14.

In week’s 14 and 15, you will work to create whatever text you decide to make. For example, if you decide to make a newsletter, you’d work on creating that newsletter in weeks 14 and 15.

The final draft of your project 5 will be submitted to the eLearning dropbox.

In all four of these areas—situation, audience, mode, and medium—you will make important decisions about the direction that your writing will take and you will make carful changes—including the cutting of text and the addition of qualifiers—to your earlier position. Your main goal with this project is to actually craft your position paper into a new genre (type of text) with a new audience.

Formatting Requirements

Ultimately, your reworked position will exceed the written word in its mode or media, which means whatever type of text you decide to create, it should be multimodal (include images and text).


This assignment supports the course goals by allowing you to:

  • Adapt positions so that you can attempt to make change in the world
  • Craft a multimodal text for a specific audience


This project will be graded on how well the reworked composition:

  • Shows that information about the position and about the medium have been evaluated to inform the composition
  • Reworks information from your position paper in a way that rhetorically addresses a need
  • Demonstrates careful attention to situation and audience, modes and media
  • Compellingly moves content beyond the written word
  • Uses recognizable conventions that are characteristic of the chosen situation, audience, mode, and medium throughout the composition
  • Possesses few errors that do not interfere with meaning-making



This piece will be public-facing and you will identify the stakeholders/audience for whom you will craft your project. 


WMST 101 University of Nevada Role of Internet in creating Change Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a philosophy writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Engagement Agreements:

  • Use “I” statements
  • Focus on information garnered from the readings more than on your personal experiences
  • Agree by finding a commonality, disagree by contrasting/sharing a different experience and inviting a response, or share an alternative explanation
  • All discussions should be posted directly to the Discussion Board. Unlike essay assignments, please do not upload discussions as attachments. Post your comments directly so that all students can easily access discussion posts and responses.
  • Ethnic slurs, anti-immigrant, classist, sexist and homophobic remarks, religious diatribes, and hate speech are unacceptable commentary for this course. If used, posts will not be accepted or graded. This policy will also be enforced for all discriminatory language (see syllabus for further). If there are any questions or concerns about this policy, students can feel free to discuss with the instructor, the director of the program, and/or the dean of the college.
  • Ask clarifying questions if needed

At least 100 words. Choose one. ***MAKE SURE TO REFERENCE A READING.

1. Why do we as a society still think of science and math as objective, unbiased fields and as masculine pursuits? And, yet, what do we do with politicians who reject scientific truths about climate change and other world-threatening issues?

2. What is the role of the Internet in creating change today? Some critics argue that the prevalence of social media use has diluted and erased “real” activism, such as marches, protests, etc., and use terms such as “slacktivism” to describe today’s Internet-based activism. What do you think? Can social media be used to create change?

3. What is the role of art in creating change? Here we see it being used to tackle gender-based violence and the invisibility of women in science. What art forms are most effective for creating change? Why?

You must also respond to 1 classmate (at least 40 words).


ENG 102 The Importance of the Holocaust Peer Review Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a english report and need support to help me study.

Paragraph 1

ONE SENTENCES ABOUT A SPECIFIC ASPECT of the project that the writer did well. Specific encouragement is not “This is really good.” OR “I liked your photos.” OR “I agree with everything you said.” Specific encouragement is “Your conclusion about hatred and genocide really got me thinking about this topic in a new light.”

ONE COMMENT ABOUT ONE MAJOR PROBLEM this is very specific and should be what the writer focuses on to improve their writing.

Paragraph 2

MLA structure.
Please format your paragraph according to my quick checklist. Please note that since this is

conversational, don’t worry about passive verbs! (:

Here are the MLA logical structure requirements to look for:

1 inch margins around all pages
Last name & page # in upper RH corner
Block of 4 in correct order. My designation is Prof. Kohl
Great Title
Everything is neatly double spaced. No extra spaces anywhere Paragraphs never longer than 1 page
No direct quote longer than 4 typed lines (no indented block quotes) Meets full six written pages of essay.
Flawless spacing and indentation in Works Cited.

Paragraph 3

About the introduction. You will comment on all the checklist areas related to essay organization & content in the following order. In order to do this, you must now write a specific numbered sentence on each item:

1. HOOK is either a story, quote, or stat. NO questions.
2. Inspiration sentences talk about hook and introduce topic. 3. WHY question may or may not be included.
4. Philosophical thesis

Paragraph 4

Identify which body paragraphs wander off the topic. Identify which body paragraphs do not have an academic citation. Identify which body paragraphs do not have a correct in-text citation. Evaluate the strength of the direct quotes that don’t use numbers, dates, names that are unfamiliar.

Paragraph 5

Discuss the conclusion. Is the opening a ? OR a circle back to hook. Does the conclusion add thoughtful reflection to the genocide research and the Pyramid of Hate?

Paragraph 6

Discuss word choices in this specific order. You must help each other by clearing identifying where the problems are by page #.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

No passive verbs except RBDQ
No use of you and other vague pronouns
No use of it, thing, and other vague words.
No use of needless words such as author, article, quote, title of articles, etc.

Each body paragraph has a strong topic sentence-=-that is a one focus.
Each body paragraph must have research evidence either in paraphrase or direct quote.

Paragraph 7

Evaluate the visual graphic in light of the assignment.

Paragraph 8

Works Cited evaluation. List the author name in which there are problems. You do not need to identify the problem.



ENG 102 HGTC Initial Impression of Educated Discussion Writing Assignment Help

ENG-102-I03 – English Composition II

You have read Part One of Tara Westover’s memoir Educated. Part One introduces and describes Tara’s unconventional family and recounts incidents that shaped her younger years growing up in rural Idaho. This part of her memoir ends as she is leaving her family to attend college in Utah. This assignment asks you to reflect on what you’ve read and learned so far.

Write a paragraph (150-200 words) which addresses ALL of the following:

  • What facet of Tara’s unconventional upbringing made the biggest impression on you? By this I mean things like the lack of formal education, distrust of government, distrust of health care system/modern medicine, survivalist/isolationist mentality, physical aggression/abuse, father’s mental health/religious fanaticism, etc.
  • Give a specific example from her story that highlights your impression. You may quote, summarize, or paraphrase from the book here. To avoid plagiarism, cite the source using a signal phrase to introduce the borrowed material (Westover says, for example) and a parenthetical citation at the end of it (Westover 26, for example). Remember to include a Works Cited page with an entry for the book. Use the MLA Practice Template (MLA Help folder) to properly format your entry.
  • Explain why this chosen example made an impression on you. Is it because you can relate in some way or maybe exactly the opposite?

Use the Standards for Written Work to format your paragraph. Name your document Yourname.firstimpression.doc (or .pdf). Upload your document here and then click the Submit button.

ENG 102 HGTC Initial Impression of Educated Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Harvard University Coca Cola Company Process of Innovation Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Coca Cola

Assignment Description


Innovation is not just a buzzword. It should be thought of as a core competency for all organizations especially in this changing climate. Innovation is more than inventing, but in many ways it is continuing to reinvent over time. In the literature it has been referred to as a mindset. Many companies spend millions and billions of dollars each year on innovation. If organizations do not exhibit the ability to innovate then they will not be able to compete in this economy. People who set themselves apart are those who can assist organizations to gain leverage through being innovative.

In this assignment you are to choose a company that is nearing closure and recommend a plan that will help them remain viable. Please follow these steps.
1. Name the company and identify the industry. (Coca Cola)
2. Provide some background about the company.
3. What are the major issues?
4. What innovative strategy do you recommend to keep the company viable? Why should leaders believe your innovative strategy will work?
5. Discuss the relationship between the innovative process and assisting the organization to gain a competitive advantage.

Assignment Instructions

Innovation Defined

Conduct a google search for companies that have either closed or are in distress. Write a 2.5 page assessment of the company to the CEO and Board of Directors. The goal of the paper is to write an argumentative essay (Links to an external site.) convincing the leaders to keep the company open.

  1. Name the company and identify the industry. (Coca Cola)
  2. Provide some background about the company.
  3. What are the major issues?
  4. What innovative strategy do you recommend to keep the company viable? Why should leaders believe your innovative strategy will work?
  5. Discuss the relationship between the innovative process and assisting the organization to gain a competitive advantage.
  • This is a 2.5 page synopsis.
  • It should be written as a paper in APA format.
  • Your paper should flow. It should not be written with the numbered bullets points that were outlined in the recommended questions above. However, use those questions to help guide your thoughts.
  • This will be presented by the CEO to the Board of Directors
  • Make sure you do not have grammatical errors.
  • You can use references, but make sure they are APA formatted.
  • Do not copy and paste information.


Bronx The Danger of Single Story TED Talk By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

The Danger of a Single Story

TED Talk

By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

If you have trouble connecting to this link, the talk can be found on YouTube.

  • For your information, I have attached a transcript of the talk that you might want to refer to when you are composing your writing assignment.

Writing Prompt

Please write a short response (a minimum of 200 words) that address the following:

  1. Summarize (a concise description) Adichie’s main idea.
  2. Is there a single story that others have used to define you? If so, what is it?
  3. Can you cite an instance where have used a single idea to define someone else?
  4. What is the danger of stereotyping? What problems does it cause?


MIS 215 SNHU Customer Relationship MGT Concepts and Technologies Executive Summary Writing Assignment Help

Please open the guidelines file for complete instruction and rubric.

you will identify a business problem that can be addressed with data and explain how to link client systems to produce data that can
address the problem. You will also practice communicating to stakeholders using what you have learned about MIS and decision-making processes. You will
assume the role of an information systems specialist and draft an executive summary addressed to your supervisor advocating for one reporting tool over
Prompt: Read the Dirt Bikes USA case study in your eText and respond to the following prompt. You can read the Dirt Bikes USA case study found in MyMISLab.
Note: The Dirt Bike USA Case Study can be found by clicking on: MyMISLab > MyMISLab Multimedia Library > Data Files > Find Now > Dirt Bike Case Data Files
Regina, the marketing manager at Dirt Bikes USA, has requested that you, one of two information systems specialists at the organization, consult on what type
of reporting tool the sales and marketing department should use to capture sales information that will help promote stronger relationships with customers. You
are a fairly new hire, so you meet with Regina to get some more information about sales and marketing at Dirt Bikes USA; this information is provided to you in
your case study. Regina requests that you draft an executive summary that clearly justifies the best option and outlines what the benefits are to both the sales
and marketing department and the company as a whole. Regina mentions that she would like you to weigh in on data security and integrity as well. There are
two reporting tool options you could recommend to her:
 Microsoft Access: The first option is a Microsoft Access database. It would allow Dirt Bikes USA to have a relational database management system that
could store all orders that are processed and fulfilled. In addition, Microsoft Access would allow the company to generate reports and obtain information
regarding sales activity.
 CRM: The second option is a CRM. It would allow Dirt Bikes USA to tie in other systems, and employees would have a centralized system to provide them
with information.
Which option would you recommend? Draft an executive summary for Regina that advocates for the option you have chosen. Begin your executive summary by
describing the business goals of the sales and marketing department and Dirt Bikes USA. Next, describe what data would be required to position Regina and her
team to achieve these goals. Conclude by justifying the option you have chosen in terms of its viability and feasibility for the organization, and provide a
rationale for your chosen option’s benefits for both the sales and marketing team and the entire organization. Your justification and rationale should be
supported by evidence from the case study reading as well as other course materials. As you write, be sure to use professional and clear language appropriate
for an audience with a limited technology background, and provide citations for any evidence used to support your justification and rationale.

Guidelines for Submission: Your executive summary should be a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font,
one-inch margins, and sources cited in APA format.


Long Beach Create A Query for MS Access Data MGT And Information Systems Excel Task Business Finance Assignment Help

1. Use the following files I providedPatientData and ClaimsData – these have sample Patient Demographic Data and their Claims Data at a walk-in clinic/urgent care center.

2. Open MS Access. Go to External Data tab and click on Import Excel. Follow directions and import your Excel Files into 2 tables. For instruction see the slide set – Creating a Table in MS Access.pptx Provided to you just incase you need it

3. Create PatientData and ClaimsData tables following Step 2. Create a relationship between these two table using Pt_ID as the foreign key. Save your Access Database.


1. SELECT QUERY: Create a query to show patient last name, first name, address, description of their claim and claim date.

  • Create a query to show all patients from NM state.
  • Create a query to select all patients (name & state) who have claims between 1/1/2015 and 6/30/2015.
  • Create a query to select all patients (name & address) who DO NOT have a PCP Visit.


  • Create a query to get average claim amount per patient
  • Create a query to get total claim per patient

3. Use a PARAMETER in a Query:

  • Create a query to select Patients by State by using state as a parameter.

4. Build an EXPRESSION:

Create a query that shows patient last name, first name and the discount per claim.[You have claim amount and the actual amount paid to the practice. Build an expression to calculate the discount (difference between claim amount and actual amount)].

5. Create a query to select all claims who have incorrect service and claims dates. Figure out why they can be incorrect and select those claims and display claim ID, patient ID, patient name and address.


https://anyessayhelp.com/ Provided to you just incase you need it

3. Create PatientData and ClaimsData tables following Step 2. Create a relationship between these two table using Pt_ID as the foreign key. Save your Access Database.


1. SELECT QUERY: Create a query to show patient last name, first name, address, description of their claim and claim date.

  • Create a query to show all patients from NM state.
  • Create a query to select all patients (name & state) who have claims between 1/1/2015 and 6/30/2015.
  • Create a query to select all patients (name & address) who DO NOT have a PCP Visit.


  • Create a query to get average claim amount per patient
  • Create a query to get total claim per patient

3. Use a PARAMETER in a Query:

  • Create a query to select Patients by State by using state as a parameter.

4. Build an EXPRESSION:

Create a query that shows patient last name, first name and the discount per claim.[You have claim amount and the actual amount paid to the practice. Build an expression to calculate the discount (difference between claim amount and actual amount)].

5. Create a query to select all claims who have incorrect service and claims dates. Figure out why they can be incorrect and select those claims and display claim ID, patient ID, patient name and address.


https://anyessayhelp.com/ Provided to you just incase you need it

3. Create PatientData and ClaimsData tables following Step 2. Create a relationship between these two table using Pt_ID as the foreign key. Save your Access Database.


1. SELECT QUERY: Create a query to show patient last name, first name, address, description of their claim and claim date.

  • Create a query to show all patients from NM state.
  • Create a query to select all patients (name & state) who have claims between 1/1/2015 and 6/30/2015.
  • Create a query to select all patients (name & address) who DO NOT have a PCP Visit.


  • Create a query to get average claim amount per patient
  • Create a query to get total claim per patient

3. Use a PARAMETER in a Query:

  • Create a query to select Patients by State by using state as a parameter.

4. Build an EXPRESSION:

Create a query that shows patient last name, first name and the discount per claim.[You have claim amount and the actual amount paid to the practice. Build an expression to calculate the discount (difference between claim amount and actual amount)].

5. Create a query to select all claims who have incorrect service and claims dates. Figure out why they can be incorrect and select those claims and display claim ID, patient ID, patient name and address.


https://anyessayhelp.com/ Provided to you just incase you need it

3. Create PatientData and ClaimsData tables following Step 2. Create a relationship between these two table using Pt_ID as the foreign key. Save your Access Database.


1. SELECT QUERY: Create a query to show patient last name, first name, address, description of their claim and claim date.

  • Create a query to show all patients from NM state.
  • Create a query to select all patients (name & state) who have claims between 1/1/2015 and 6/30/2015.
  • Create a query to select all patients (name & address) who DO NOT have a PCP Visit.


  • Create a query to get average claim amount per patient
  • Create a query to get total claim per patient

3. Use a PARAMETER in a Query:

  • Create a query to select Patients by State by using state as a parameter.

4. Build an EXPRESSION:

Create a query that shows patient last name, first name and the discount per claim.[You have claim amount and the actual amount paid to the practice. Build an expression to calculate the discount (difference between claim amount and actual amount)].

5. Create a query to select all claims who have incorrect service and claims dates. Figure out why they can be incorrect and select those claims and display claim ID, patient ID, patient name and address.


JWI 555 Strayer Univeristy Organizational Change and Culture Discussion Question Business Finance Assignment Help

JWI 555 Strayer Univeristy Organizational Change and Culture Discussion Question Business Finance Assignment Help

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