Kaplan University Impact of Technology in a Chaning World Discussion Engineering Assignment Help. Kaplan University Impact of Technology in a Chaning World Discussion Engineering Assignment Help.
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In this Assignment, you will prepare talking points and design a flyer.
Please review the scenario outlined in the memo below:
To: Technology Advisor
From: Human Resources Department
Re: Metro High School STEM Fair
Good afternoon!
I was told that you are the new Technology Advisor for Big Tech Corp. and I should contact you regarding this assignment.
Big Tech Corp. has been invited to participate in this year’s Metro High School STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Fair. You may want to look up STEM on Google® and familiarize yourself with this initiative. You will be responsible for:
- Preparing talking points for our representative.
- Designing a flyer that we can hand out to the students that visit our table.
Please provide talking points to the following questions. (You should write a short paragraph — 5 to 6 full sentences — for each response and have at least 2 references for each question.)
- What is computer literacy and why is it important to be computer literate?
- What are some ways technology has affected society? (Include at least 3 examples.)
- What are some ways you might use technology in your career? (Include at least 3 examples.)
You should answer the questions using Microsoft Word, and your document should include the following:
- A header with the title STEM TALKING POINTS aligned left and a plain page number aligned on the right
- 1” margins and
- 12-point Times New Roman font
- Questions and references in bold
Next, using the program of your choice, create a 1-page (front only) flyer to distribute to students that shows them the benefits of pursuing a career in technology.
- You may include any information you deem appropriate.
- You must include a section titled “Additional Resources.”
- List at least five websites that provide information for further reading and research. Make sure to include the full URL for each.
- These sites must provide pertinent information that will encourage the students to choose a career in technology.
- Your flyer must be submitted as a .pdf (portable document format) file.
add refrence
Kaplan University Impact of Technology in a Chaning World Discussion Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CSUN Michael Jordan and New Global Capitalism Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
*** NO READING ***
- Powerpoint header- Identify your social issue in sport IN THE BOOK and explain why and how researchers should study this issue.
- Powerpoint header- Explain how this issue affects society (globally and in the USA) and specifically the people most influenced within that society.
- Discuss IN DETAIL the book (Summary of book and social issue in the book) and the articles you have researched on this issue.
- PPT header- How would this issue affect sport managers and how should they deal with it (solutions to the problems).
- Addressing the class-eye contact (movement, facing class)5 pts
- Enthusiastic-projecting voice (body language, interest)5 pts
- Thoroughly answering 1 above10 pts
- Thoroughly answering 2 above10 pts
- Thoroughly answering 3 above 15 pts
- Thoroughly answering 4 above5 pts
- Powerpoint (creative, not too wordy)5 pts
- 10 minute min, 15 minute max5 pts
60 points=15%
Point Values
5 – Outstanding – work was beyond expected criteria and skills executed were at an exceptional level
4 – Above average – performance of skills and criteria met were above adequate
3 – Average-competent execution of skills and met required criteria
2 – Below average – needs improvement – did not meet some of the expected criteria and/or some elements missing
1 – Unsatisfactory – did not meet most of the established criteria and standards met were substantially weak
0 – Did not cover
I will read synopsis of book so i can understand what I am presenting.
Oxford University Evaluation Report Science Assignment Help
When you find a suitable episode, download a copy of the report — not just a URL, make a PDF — and also record the URL (or other bibliographic information) to cite in your assignment. Then, read the report of the episode and try to understand and evaluate it according to our program. You may find it valuable to dig deeper, looking up the original science that the report describes. You are not required to go to the scientific literature if there is enough detail to do an evaluation from your popular media source. I do not recommend going first to the scientific literature to find a study to evaluate. Then, write a 2 page report with your evaluation. (2 pages is a guideline, not a rule or limit, indicating roughly the scale of writing you should attempt. You can format your essay in any readable format — changing font size or margin size to comply with the 2 page guideline is silly and won’t fool anybody. )
Your assignment should include the following elements:
- A brief (1-2 paragraph) summary in your own words of the episode as described in the report you found.
- 5-6 paragraphs giving your evaluation of the episode. If your episode leads to the judgment that the data do not agree with predictions from a model, you will have 5 paragraphs. If the data agree with predictions, you will have 6 paragraphs.
- A diagram following the pattern of Figure 2.12 on page 36 of our textbook, but instead of using the labels for boxes such as “MODEL” and “DATA” and labels for arrows such as “observation/experiment” and “reasoning/calculation”, use brief descriptive labels about your episode, like the textbook does in Figures 2.10 and 2.11 on pages 32 and 33. Do not fill in the boxes with text that substitutes for the 6 paragraphs evaluating the episode.
- A bibliography citing the author(s), date of publication, title, and publishing source (with URL if you found your report on the internet). Your citation can follow any bibliography format you like, so long as these elements are included. The standard is that a reader should be able to know what your source is from reading the bibliography and be able to find the source themselves from your bibliography. A bibliography that only has titles, or authors is therefore not acceptable. A bibliography that only has URLs is also not acceptable.
- A copy of the report you used to write your evaluation.
Your assignment will be graded for content and correctness. Since we obviously cannot read all the reports you find and include with your reports, we will rely on your summary in the first part of the assignment, though we may skim your report articles if we can’t make sense of your summary and perhaps to see that your evaluation is appropriate to the report.
PHI210 Florida Central College Emmanuel Kant Moral Theory Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Resspond the following question with a minimum 350 words. (MLA)
According to Kant, why is breaking a promise or lying immoral? Do you agree with his reasoning? Why or why not? Can you imagine a case where one ought to lie or break a promise? Explain.
To answer these topics completely, it takes a minimum of 350 words.
You are discouraged from using additional sources. If you do choose to use an outside source, be sure to cite your source, If you use a quotation or an example from a website, cite the website’s url and the date accessed.
American School of Business Foreign Exchange Rate & Link to Financial Markets Report Economics Assignment Help
here is the problems that need to be solved and i attached a solution which i want you to correct it
then re write it like paraphrasing
- If the rate of inflation in the UK is 6% and the rate of inflation in the US is 4%, given a spot rate of USD 1.46=1 GBP, what is the expected forward rate one year hence? What is the expected rate of appreciation/depreciation for the USD?
- Suppose a manufacturer of tractors secures a sale to a Chinese company of 480 million USD for delivery in 45 days.If market interest in China is 6.5% and market interest in the US is 3.0 %, spot rate is RMB 6.831=1USD, calculate the expected forward rate and rate of appreciation/depreciation at the time of delivery. Show how the manufacturer can use a forward market hedge to lock in his/her profit.
- Explain the factors that determine foreign exchange rates and their link to financial markets.In terms of balancing mechanisms, how does covered interest arbitrage ensure market equilibrium?
University of The Cumberlands Information Governance and Healthcare Case Study Paper Engineering Assignment Help
At the heart of Information Governance is planning to avoid future problems. One of the key ways this is accomplished is through risk assessment leading to strategic planning and policy creation. Each of these steps is crucial to the success of the next step. For example, it would be difficult or impossible to create policies without first assessing organizational risk and strategic planning.
Through the use of established risk assessment techniques, an organization can define its assets and move forward to provide protections using best practices and strategic planning. Once key sponsorship roles and responsibilities have been assigned, policies can be defined and implemented so the organization can safeguard itself, its employees, and its important assets.
Based on the above case study, write a 2 – 3 page paper to include the below information:
- Assign roles and responsibilities for employees at varying levels in the corporate hierarchy
- Analyze risk assessment and risk mitigation strategies and policy needs based on best practices
- Summarize your findings
Include proper APA citations for any references you use in your research. Ensure you have proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics throughout your writing.
University of The Cumberlands Information Governance and Healthcare Case Study Paper Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Keiser Career College Week 3 Leadership Theory in Sport Paper Writing Assignment Help
“Leadership Theory and Models of Leadership in Sport”
(Due Sunday by midnight at the end of week 3)
- This month you are to write a 1200 word research paper on leadership theory and models in sport.
- This paper is worth 15% of your grade.
- Please use the APA format and cite at least four (4) sources. I have guidelines on using the APA format and citing sources attached here for you.
Follow the directions below for a step-by-step process.
Assignment Requirements (Use as a checklist):
Business Tort and Criminal Liability Discussion Law Assignment Help
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
- In what ways has the internet and modern technology increased the potential for business tort and criminal liability?
- In what ways has the internet decreased these risks to businesses?
Angela Masters
Respond to the following in a minimum of 100 words:
- There is the issue of data breach liabilities
- Providing access to indecent material by electronic service providers
- Cases of copyright infringement by different people on social media and websites
First there is the issue of copyright infringement. This is a criminal case where if a person takes the work of another person and publishes it on a website as theirs then they will have infringed on the copyrights of the original publisher. This happened to an MIT student before and it shows that with the creation of the internet people are now taking intellectual property that belong to other people and posting it up as their own properties. This is confirmed by the following statement;
“Criminal charges also were dismissed against a graduate student at MIT who made space available on an anonymous ftp Internet server for other persons to exchange pirated computer programs infringing copyrights.”(Perritt, 2019)
There is also the issue of data breaching which is rampant in the current economy. Most companies for example Facebook have access to a lot of details of people and sometimes these companies either easily issue these details to other people or they might have their systems breached by hackers and the details of the clients they have leaked out to the general public as was the case for Facebook in the recent past. This can lead to a whole class of civil lawsuits against the company for breaching the confidentiality agreement that they made with the their clients and that can cause the company a lot of money.
Kathryn Harris
Respond to the following in a minimum of 100 words:
Michael Carneal was a 14-year-old freshman student in high school in Paducah, Kentucky. Carneal regularly played violent interactive video and computer games that involved the player shooting virtual opponents with computer guns and other weapons. Carneal also watched video-recorded movies and Internet sites. Carneal took a .22-caliber pistol and five shotguns into the lobby of Heath High School and shot several of his fellow students, killing three and wounding many others. The three students killed were Jessica James, Kayce Steger, and Nicole Hadley.
The parents of the three dead children sued the producers and distributors of the violent video games and movies that Carneal had watched previous to the shooting. The parents sued to recover damages for wrongful death, alleging that the defendants were negligent in producing and distributing such games and movies to Carneal.
Are the video and movie producers liable to the plaintiffs for selling and licensing violent video games and movies to Carneal, who killed the plaintiffs’ three children?
EVR 1001 FIU Environmental Community Awareness Paper Science Assignment Help
Each student is required to participate in an off-campus activity during the semester. Each student will identify an Open Space Resource (i.e., local park) and a shopping development (i.e., mall, corner shopping center, etc.) in the community and compare the land use practices. The report shall focus on the vegetation coverage, uses of concrete asphalt, drainage, and the use of resources to maintain the properties. The goal of the project is to become familiar with the different land use practices in an urban setting.
Open space is any open piece of land that is undeveloped (has no buildings or other built structures) and is accessible to the public. Open space can include:
Green space (land that is partly or completely covered with grass, trees, shrubs, or other vegetation). Green space includes parks, community gardens, and cemeteries.
- Schoolyards
- Playgrounds
- Public seating areas
- Public plazas
- Vacant lots
Open space provides recreational areas for residents and helps to enhance the beauty and environmental quality of neighborhoods. But with this broad range of recreational sites comes an equally broad range of environmental issues. Just as in any other land uses, the way parks are managed can have good or bad environmental impacts, from pesticide runoff, siltation from overused hiking and logging trails, and destruction of habitat.
An urban area is the region surrounding a city. Most inhabitants of urban areas have nonagricultural jobs. Urban areas are very developed, meaning there is a density of human structures such as houses, commercial buildings, roads, bridges, and railways.
“Urban area” can refer to towns, cities, and suburbs. An urban area includes the city itself, as well as the surrounding areas. Many urban areas are called metropolitan areas, or “greater,” as in Greater New York or Greater London.
When two or more metropolitan areas grow until they combine, the result may be known as a megalopolis. In the United States, the urban area of Boston, Massachusetts, eventually spread as far south as Washington, D.C., creating the megalopolis of BosWash, or the Northeast Corridor.
Community Assignment Instructions
- Select a natural area (e.g., local park, nature center, etc.) near you and visit the location. Take photographs or use Google Earth Street Photographs.
- Select a shopping center near you and visit the shopping center. You can use a shopping center you visit frequently. Take photographs or Google Earth Street Photographs.
- The natural area and shopping center should be approximately the size. You can use Google Earth to determine the area of the natural area/park and shopping center (See instructions on Google Earth for obtaining measurements-ruler function).
- Identify and compare how the following are used at both locations:
- Energy (identify where energy is used)
- Solid Waste (how is solid waste disposed of)
- Water (storm drainage and water use)
- Determine the approximate area (in square feet) devoted to the following at both locations:
- Parking Lot
- Building Footprint
- Green Space (e.g., grass, shrubs, trees, landscaping, etc.)
You will also need to convert all values to percentages for each location. The approximate area should be presented as a pie graph for comparison purposes.
Answer the following questions:
- What are the differences between land cover for each site?
- How is storm water drainage handled at each location?
- How is energy used at each location (e.g., lights, buildings, etc.)?
- What are sources for storm water runoff contamination?
- Summarize the difference between the land use practices.
Discussion Questions
- What are the differences between land cover for each site?
- How is stormwater drainage handled at each location?
- How is energy used at each location (e.g., lights, buildings, etc.)?
- What are sources for stormwater runoff contamination?
- Summarize the difference between the land use practices.
What to Submit?
- Aerial photographs of both locations (Google Earth can provide jpg of locations)
- Site photographs from both locations
- Numerical values of all area calculations (Percentages)
- Answers to the discussion questions in paragraph form (1-2 pages typed report)
*Do not use the Lab Report template for this assignment.
Troy University Social Media Issues Defamation Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
For your assignment I want you suppose you work as the social media manager for the restaurant chain Best Burger. One day while scanning posts about your company, you see that someone on Twitter posted three very negative comments about Best Burger. The comments were as follows:
Tweet 1: Best Burger is the WORST restaurant EVER!!! #nevereathere
Tweet 2: Best Burger’s food tastes like cardboard. It isn’t even real food
Tweet 3: Best Burger is not worth the price. They use dog food to make their hamburgers.
Assuming that Best Burger thinks its hamburgers are great and that the do not use dog food to make them, are any of these comments subject to defamation laws? Why or why not? Write a two-page paper regarding your answer.
Kaplan University Impact of Technology in a Chaning World Discussion Engineering Assignment Help
Kaplan University Impact of Technology in a Chaning World Discussion Engineering Assignment Help