Keenly follow instructions and ensure quality work. No plagiarism no grammar typos please Business Finance Assignment Help. Keenly follow instructions and ensure quality work. No plagiarism no grammar typos please Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Kindly work on topic number 3 please. Keenly follow instructions and ensure quality work. No plagiarism no grammar typos please
1) Is digital divide a myth or reality? Examine the impacts of ICTs on the status and role of women in the developing world (Africa or Latin America or Asia) through the feminist perspectives,
2) ‘Technology as a dark evil?’ The competing perspectives and controversy on the politics of surveillance/securitization of citizens
3) Post-Fordism and the structure of production: The challenges and prospects of knowledge economy in a technological society (you can take the examples of a country or corporations to support your thesis)
4) Global village or Pillage: Is outsourcing a blessing or a curse for developing countries? And how much does it matter just how developed that country is? Answer this question by focusing on two of the following countries: India, China and the Philippines, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil, Jamaica
Please note that the length of the paper is 8-9 pp, double spaced, typed on 12 pts (or around 2000 words). Whatever format you may use, you have to provide a list of references in the bibliography arranged by the alphabetical order of the names of authors. The bibliography should contain 8-9 academic sources(books and journal articles). You can obviously use more sources including relevant web sites which should be appropriately acknowledged
Keenly follow instructions and ensure quality work. No plagiarism no grammar typos please Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Ethical Standards Summaries Writing Assignment Help
Access the National Human Services website
Search for the ethical standards for human service professionals on their website and read them. Be sure to give special consideration to potential concerns with “dual relationships” as identified in Standard 5 of the Ethical Standards.
Write 350- to 700-word summaries for each of the following situations:
Situation 1: You are a human service worker who lives in a small town and you work at the WIC
center. You have a neighbor who you see come to the center for services. Describe some of the risks and approaches you could take to reduce those risks.
Situation 2: You are a human service worker in a large city jail. You meet an inmate who seems intelligent, follows all program requirements and seems to be an excellent candidate for a successful release and reentry. Upon release, this inmate sends you a friend request on Facebook. Describe the possible actions, outcomes, and risks and approaches you could take to reduce those risks.
Situation 3: The person you have been dating for about a year is now being investigated by Child and Family Services for child neglect and abuse. As a human service worker, what responsibilities and risks do you have? How do you reduce those risks or manage the situation?
Use at least two academic sources including one from the library.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Keenly follow instructions and ensure quality work. No plagiarism no grammar typos please Business Finance Assignment Help
Kindly work on topic number 3 please. Keenly follow instructions and ensure quality work. No plagiarism no grammar typos please
1) Is digital divide a myth or reality? Examine the impacts of ICTs on the status and role of women in the developing world (Africa or Latin America or Asia) through the feminist perspectives,
2) ‘Technology as a dark evil?’ The competing perspectives and controversy on the politics of surveillance/securitization of citizens
3) Post-Fordism and the structure of production: The challenges and prospects of knowledge economy in a technological society (you can take the examples of a country or corporations to support your thesis)
4) Global village or Pillage: Is outsourcing a blessing or a curse for developing countries? And how much does it matter just how developed that country is? Answer this question by focusing on two of the following countries: India, China and the Philippines, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil, Jamaica
Please note that the length of the paper is 8-9 pp, double spaced, typed on 12 pts (or around 2000 words). Whatever format you may use, you have to provide a list of references in the bibliography arranged by the alphabetical order of the names of authors. The bibliography should contain 8-9 academic sources(books and journal articles). You can obviously use more sources including relevant web sites which should be appropriately acknowledged
Journal Entry Humanities Assignment Help
Students will keep well written diaries (minimum 7500 words, no maximum, minimum of 10 dated entries but you may have more) that will contain original observations about class discussions (notice that I am not asking for mere summaries here), readings from at least seven different class days, and comments on at least seven relevant news items from this term’s newspapers.
Please do not rigidly separate your journals into newspapers vs. course readings, but instead create an integrated whole. At the same time, you are welcomed (but not required) to number on your final hard copy, in pen above the relevant items, topics that meet the requirements of the aforementioned two categories. You may use any system that makes sense, e.g. N1, N2, N3 for newspaper articles, and R1, R2, R3 for readings from the course.
Be sure also to note on at least a couple of occasions how particular passages in the readings might particularly well illustrate course themes. Also, at least twice, your journal will make connections between AAAD 286 and another experience, including but not limited to a) another academic course, b) a presentation by a guest speaker, c) a visit to a special exhibition, d) a trip to a historic site or e) an event in your daily life.
This assignment far exceeds the minimum of ten pages required by the university. Still, to allow me to easily check to see that you have met that requirement, please avoid unnecessary white space. There is no need to begin a new journal entry on a new page.
ANI101 Inspired Project in Adobe Animate Humanities Assignment Help
For your project, you will be creating a short animation that is specifically inspired by one of the works, animators, or time periods that we discussed in class. You will choose a specific animator, film, or time and specify exactly what it is that inspires you, and how you intend to show that in your animation.
Assignment Guidelines:
- Your final animation should be a minimum of 6-10 seconds in length.
- You must use Adobe Animate
- You will specify (in written form) what inspires you by your selected animator or work, and describe how you will attempt to convey that inspiration in your final project. For example, it may be the visual style, the theme, or the technique that inspires you—and this should be clearly demonstrated in your project.
- In your animation, you must implement at least 3 principles of animation, show through your work that you clearly understand your chosen principles, and be prepared to discuss what they are during the final class.
Submission Guidelines:
You must submit a movie file of your project compressed with H264 , or a Flash project file (depending on what you choose to work in)
Can we feed the “hungry” of this world and still protect the environment? Science Assignment Help
1000-1100 words
The main goal of this assignment is for you to evaluate the evidence available in the current literature and reach conclusions that you can defend as you critically discuss the statement regarding food production and the environment.
You are expected to develop and defend your own independent conclusions based on all the evidence examined.
Finally, conclude by proposing any further questions on this topic, which you think should be addressed in the future.
You must provide substantial citations for the material discussed in your paper. These citations MUST be referenced at the end of the body of your paper
Can we feed the “hungry” of this world and still protect the environment? Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Competent communication final draft ex. Writing Assignment Help
Through completing all of the sections on that template, you will create an introduction with a thesis, a conclusion, and address the following learning objectives:
- Explain the principles of, and barriers to, effective interpersonal communication. You must include explanations of the two principles and their significance. You must also explain at least two barriers to communication and how to overcome them. It is highly recommended that you use an example to think through at least one principle and barrier.
- Analyze the role of communication in developing and maintaining one’s self-concept, self-image, and self-esteem. Be sure to define each term and directly connect each to communication. The best papers will address the links between psychology and communication and the importance of their relationship. You want to explain how ideas of the self-influence how we communication and how our communication exchanges shape how we think conceptualize ourselves.
- Differentiate appropriate levels of self-disclosure (and emotional intelligence – optional) in various relationships. Covering emotional intelligence is optional. Covering self-disclosure is required. To have a conversation about differentiation, you must first define “self-disclosure.” You have not read the section on emotional intelligence yet, so you are only required to define “self-disclosure.” However, if you want feedback on your coverage of emotional intelligence, go ahead and try to discuss it by reading Chapter 8, section 8.2 in Bevan and Sole. Also, to get to the heart of assessing “appropriateness,” explain the importance of disclosure in various contexts. Explain how it can be beneficial and harmful. If you’d like an additional resource to think through this theme, watch the following video on online self-disclosure and think through the idea of “connecting” with others while being alone: Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone? (Links to an external site.). You can use this as one of the three required course resources. Please Note: If you want feedback on your coverage of emotional intelligence, go ahead and try to discuss it by reading Chapter 8, section 8.2 in Bevan and Sole.
- Analyze the impact of gender and culture on interpersonal communications. Explain the relationship between gender, culture, and communication, and how acknowledging these elements is central to becoming an effective communicator. Consider the pros and cons of what are often deemed more “masculine” versus “feminine” forms of communication and how various styles can help us in particular contexts. Explain how culture (as transmitted through communication) trains us about gender norms and how these are potentially linked to how we communicate. And, please review the Week 1 and 2 guidance, as they offer many resources to help you think about culture, gender, and communication.
write about a company all introduction down Business Finance Assignment Help
the company is Timberland ,
(Provide HISTORICAL & CURRENT background information on the
(what are the causes for the change? Events driving the
change, etc.
(clearly state the needs that caused the
(clearly state why the changes are needed and
explain the rational for the changes)
(Provide specific examples
and supportive information from readings, lectures, and research)
(Provide specific
examples and supportive information from readings, lectures, and research)
1) Reputation,
2) Employee Satisfaction,
3) Customer Satisfaction,
4) Share Holders,
5) Grow Sustainability,
6) Financial Strength.
(Clearly explain
how the company, employees, customers, shareholders, business partners and
community, economies and environments will benefit from the change(s).
? (Discuss
best practices applied in the change)
**Students are to answer the following questions in CLOSING COMMENTS.
What THREE SIGNIFICANT THINGS did you learn about Managing Industry
How does your new knowledge about change influence how you will do the
What jobs you look for in certain industries?
What companies you would be interested in working?
Do you prefer a well-established company versus a cutting-edge start-up
What is your tolerance for change? Are you quick to get on the change
Or, does change threaten you? Do you look at change as an
opportunity for personal growth? Or, do you prefer to stay in your
comfort which is nice but nothing grows there.
Analysis earnings/ Business Finance Assignment Help
1.Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 7: “Financial Analysis Techniques.” Ultimately, analyzing a company’s financials can help an analyst make decisions. Gaining an understanding on future performance based on past performance in addition to other factors can help in making well-informed decisions. Describe how the financial analysis process can be used to forecast a company’s earnings.
**350 Words***
2.Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 8: “Inventories.” Since revenue and profits are generated through the sale of inventory of merchandising and manufacturing companies, the evaluation of inventories is important in understanding their performance. Chapter 8 shares three inventory ratios that evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of a company’s inventory management. Select one of the three ratios and explain how the ratio can be used to show financial strength of any publicly traded organization.
**350 Words***
PSY12101 General Psychology Humanities Assignment Help
, you must write a 10-page paper using the TEMPLATE provided by your instructor. The paper must be typed. It must use proper English, and should be free of misspellings and misused words. It should be double-spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font, and 1.0 inch margins.Your paper will NOT be considered if it does not meet these stylistic requirements. A cover page and works-cited page are not required and will not count toward the 10-page requirement.
In addition to the stylistic requirements, there is also a content requirement. Your paper must demonstrate comprehension of the assigned reading at the college level. Passing papers must contain clear and relevant summary, evaluation, and discussion of the assigned readings. Papers should not just the summarize material, but also critically evaluate it in order to demonstrate deep understanding. Critical analysis can take a variety of forms including the provision of critiques with possible solutions, the application of the material to a new area or context, or the integration of material with other concepts.
For the topic of your paper, you must read the Stanovich chapters available on Canvas (chapters 1/2, and 5/6) and use them to describe and explain how science works, how psychologists use it, and the uses and misuses of correlational and experimental research data