Keiser Career College Miami Lakes Instructional Best Practices Question Humanities Assignment Help

Keiser Career College Miami Lakes Instructional Best Practices Question Humanities Assignment Help. Keiser Career College Miami Lakes Instructional Best Practices Question Humanities Assignment Help.

I’m working on a education & teaching writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
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identify assessment for instructional best practices widely acknowledged to produce learning gains. First, choose one of these instructional best practices:

1. Portfolio assessment

2. Project-based learning

3. Cooperative learning

Next write a paper that summarizes some of the scholarly research available about the method and explains what kind of assessment is necessary to ensure that the method indeed promotes mastery of intended student learning outcomes. Scholarly publishing about the chosen instructional method may or may not include insights about assessment. If it does not, you should offer your opinion, based on readings throughout the course so far, on what kind of assessment is best suited to this instructional practice

Keiser Career College Miami Lakes Instructional Best Practices Question Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

FIN 405 University of Miami Bond RCY Problem Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business exercise and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Do some financial problems by excel, I need you to finish all excel problems, not just a sample draft. Do some financial problems by excel, I need you to finish all excel problems, not just a sample draft.Do some financial problems by excel, I need you to finish all excel problems, not just a sample draft.Do some financial problems by excel, I need you to finish all excel problems, not just a sample draft.Do some financial problems by excel, I need you to finish all excel problems, not just a sample draft.Do some financial problems by excel, I need you to finish all excel problems, not just a sample draft.


University of New Haven Alamal Hospital Emergency Operations Plan Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management project and need support to help me study.

I’m working on a management project and need support to help me understand better.

I have a draft for the Emergency Operation plan EOP for a hospital, and I need to fix the professor’s comments. The important part, still looking for expansion in lit review – hospital case studies and the discussion section on page 14

-use Grammarly to check the grammar.

– please, read through the document to understand the project very well before writing part of the discussion and literature review.


George Mason University Week 3 Target Market Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Target Market

This Week’s Discussion Post

For this week’s discussion, please respond to the following:

  • Describe the target market for your chosen company, whether it’s based the snack food company scenario or a start-up company of your choosing. Be sure to include the following:
    • Demographic Description: Age, income range, gender, family size, education, occupation, et cetera.
      • Example: A likely user for X product is a male aged 25–34 who earns between $35,000 and $55,000 per year and has a four-year college degree.
    • Geographic Description: Area you would like to serve, density (urban, rural), nature of location (mall, business center, et cetera), climate condition.
      • Example: Atlanta.
    • Lifestyle Description: Where do your customers shop, what do they do for leisure, what kind of clothes do they wear, what type of cars do they drive, et cetera?
    • Psychographic Description: How would you describe your target market, for example, socially responsible, trendsetters, or fun-seeking?
    • Purchasing Pattern Description: How will your target market use the product, how many times will they buy it, where do they buy the product, how do they pay for it, et cetera?
    • Buying Sensitivities Description: What factors are important to the customer before they buy (price, quality, customer service. packaging, et cetera)?

Post at least one substantive comment to another student’s post.


  • Textbook Chapter 7, “Target Market,” pages 105–122, provides additional detail about this topic.
  • You will revise this week’s discussion post as part of your work on the Week 5 assignment, Marketing Plan and Budget.

Note: Start your response with a brief description of your business (no more than 3 sentences). Specify your company name, what business you are in, and the specific product(s) or service (s) you plan to sell.


IPSY 8579 WU Dispositional v Situational Factors & Job Attitudes Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Individuals have a variety of personality
traits, values, and attitudes that they bring with them into the
workplace. These characteristics, whether stable or transient, are
termed dispositional factors. Because dispositional factors can
be useful in predicting individual behavior and performance across
diverse situations, organizations value this information when hiring,
developing, and promoting employees.

The concepts of personal dispositions often are referred to interchangeably in the literature as traits, personality, and individual characteristics.
Job attitudes research commonly uses situational variables (e.g., pay,
work environment, task characteristics) as well as dispositional
variables (e.g., conscientiousness, neuroticism) as determinants of job

In this Discussion, you will take a position on
whether job attitudes are influenced more by situational or dispositions
variables. You will also explore how certain aspects such as gender,
age, industry, or employee educational level might also play a mediating

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Think about whether job attitudes are affected most by dispositional
    or situational factors. Consider aspects of gender, age, industry, or
    educational level that might influence perceptions of situational and/or
    dispositional factors.
  • Read the article “The Relationship Between Personality and Job
    Satisfaction Across Occupations.” Consider how individual personality
    influences career choice and the impact on P-E fit and commitment.
  • Read the article “Person-Environment Fit: A Review of its Basic
    Tenets.” Think about the individual and organizational attributes that
    employees consider most important to them. Consider the impact of this
    and personality profiles on fit and job satisfaction.

Part 1

Post a response to the following:

Provide your position on whether job
attitudes are affected most by situational factors or by a person’s
disposition and justify your position. Explain any aspects of gender,
age, industry or employee educational level (or other factors in the
literature) that can play a significant role in how situational and
dispositional factors affect job attitudes.



ITESM Week 3 Target Market Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business question and need guidance to help me study.

Target Market


For this week’s discussion, please respond to the following:

  • Describe the target market for your chosen company, whether it’s based the snack food company scenario or a start-up company of your choosing. Be sure to include the following:
    • Demographic Description: Age, income range, gender, family size, education, occupation, et cetera.
      • Example: A likely user for X product is a male aged 25–34 who earns between $35,000 and $55,000 per year and has a four-year college degree.
    • Geographic Description: Area you would like to serve, density (urban, rural), nature of location (mall, business center, et cetera), climate condition.
      • Example: Atlanta.
    • Lifestyle Description: Where do your customers shop, what do they do for leisure, what kind of clothes do they wear, what type of cars do they drive, et cetera?
    • Psychographic Description: How would you describe your target market, for example, socially responsible, trendsetters, or fun-seeking?
    • Purchasing Pattern Description: How will your target market use the product, how many times will they buy it, where do they buy the product, how do they pay for it, et cetera?
    • Buying Sensitivities Description: What factors are important to the customer before they buy (price, quality, customer service. packaging, et cetera)?

Post at least one substantive comment to another student’s post.


  • Textbook Chapter 7, “Target Market,” pages 105–122, provides additional detail about this topic.
  • You will revise this week’s discussion post as part of your work on the Week 5 assignment, Marketing Plan and Budget.

Note: Start your response with a brief description of your business (no more than 3 sentences). Specify your company name, what business you are in, and the specific product(s) or service (s) you plan to sell.

ITESM Week 3 Target Market Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Walden University Professional Leadership Narcissism Assessment Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical question and need guidance to help me study.

Assignment: Professional Leadership Journal–Narcissism Assessment

This week’s self-assessment, located in your course text (Chapter 4 Page 138), includes one brief individual leadership assessment entitled, “Narcissism,”

For this Personal Leadership Journal, complete the “Narcissism” assessment. As a scholar-practitioner of public health leadership, what might the assessment reveal about your perspective on topic of Narcissism? Consider how Narcissism may impact your role in the field of public health.

The Assignment (2–3 paragraphs):

  • Explain new insights gained based on your results of the “Narcissism” assessment
  • Explain how these new insights might impact your role, or future role, as a public health leader


Google Analytics and Clicky Web Analytics Reporting Platforms Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business question and need support to help me learn.

We reviewed several different web analytics platforms in this module. For this assignment, review each platform by reading through the reports or visiting their websites. Feel free to use other resources for your essay as well. You may also use reviews posted on YouTube (just be sure to cite them in your report). To refresh your memory, the sites include Google Analytics, AWStats, and Clicky. You may include additional analysis packages if you like.

  1. Analyze each tool, providing a list of pros and cons as well as a comparison of the platforms. Additionally, what one thing does each tool do very well?
  2. After reviewing each of the tools, describe at least three KPI’s that your client (the one you picked at the start of the semester) could use from the data made available by the website analysis tools. Include which of the tools you reviewed makes this data available. Remember, these KPI’s should be related to data reported by the web analytics tools you reviewed.
  3. Conclude with which tool you recommend to your client as well as the reasons why.

Your report should be between 500 and 750 words.


Florida Atlantic University Pay Rate Analysis Hollywood Employees Case Study Mathematics Assignment Help

Assignment 4 is an individual-based project which requires you to conduct a Pearson correlation analysis to assess the statistical relationship between time of service, gender, ethnicity, and pay rate. In doing so, you must do the following:


1.    Correlate an employee’s years of service, gender, ethnicity (white, black, hispanic) with his/her pay rate;

2.    Create a scatter plot of years of service, gender, ethnicity, and pay rate; and,

3.    Specify the null and alternative hypotheses. Test statistical significance of the correlation between an employee’s tenure, gender, ethnicity, and payrate.


Prior to completing items 1 – 3 above, you are required to research and synthesize peer-reviewed articles on public sector compensation. This research must include at least 1 article or web-source. Failure to submit the articles that you selected will result in a 20 point deduction.


After completing items 1 – 3, the following is required:

•    Create a summary table that contains the average time of service, gender, ethnicity, and the pay rate for all of the employees;

•    Create a summary table containing the correlation coefficients for the variables; and,

•    Attach the Excel spreadsheets that contain the statistical output.

Failure to attach the Excel spreadsheets to the assignment to verify that you performed the analysis will result in a 30 point deduction.


The required structure of this written assignment is as follows:


Cover Sheet


I.   Executive Summary

         a.  Research question; b. Data and Method; c. Main Conclusions


II.  Background (lit review)


III. Problem Statement (Research question)


IV. Analysis (Data and Method; Results)


V. Conclusions and Recommendations (findings and policy implications)   


VI. Bibliography


VII.  Appendecies


Use this  Sample Report.docm and Format of a Management Report for Case Analysis.pdf for reference (also read instructions above carefully).   


HLS 3306 Columbia Southern University Article Critique Law Assignment Help

I’m working on a criminal justice report and need a sample draft to help me study.

review the following article:

Federal Emergency Management Agency. (2011). Technological development and dependency: Long-term trends and drivers and their implications for emergency management. Retrieved from

After reading the article, you will begin your critique with an introduction that identifies and briefly explains the premise of the article and the author’s viewpoints.

You will then offer your opinion on the impact of new technologies on emergency management by answering each of the questions posed by the author in the four points at the end of the article in “Conclusions & Questions.”

APA formatting, a minimum of two pages, not counting the title and reference pages.


Keiser Career College Miami Lakes Instructional Best Practices Question Humanities Assignment Help

Keiser Career College Miami Lakes Instructional Best Practices Question Humanities Assignment Help

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