Knowledge Management Research Paper Writing Assignment Help. Knowledge Management Research Paper Writing Assignment Help.
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This assessment covers the following LOs. LO1: Understand, create and use knowledge management solutions that contribute towards cost savings and improved productivity of an organization. LO2: Appraise how and why knowledge management solutions might have different performance impacts, depending on the circumstances by evaluating the key factors and their nature of impact on performance. LO4: Apply and integrate appropriate KM components to develop effective knowledge management solutions. INSTRUCTIONS These instructions apply to Case Study only. Answer the questions based on a case study given below: Case Study 1 (Total 5 Marks) One of the IT Support experts have been interviewed to get knowledge about troubleshooting the printer installed in the workplace. By codifying and transferring this knowledge to the other staff members in the company will make it easy for them to troubleshoot the printer without the need of the IT Support person, at least in the early stages. After capturing the knowledge from the IT Support expert, the following report has been created: • If the printer does NOT print, the red light is flashing, and the printer is recognised by the computer then check for paper jam or ink. • If the printer does NOT print, the red light is NOT flashing, and the printer is NOT recognised by the computer then check the computer-printer cable connection. • If the printer does NOT print, the red light is not flashing then the technical support person should be called. To make this knowledge easy to use by the staff members it should be codified. a) Codify this knowledge by utilising decision table technique. (2.5 Marks) b) Convert the produced table into a decision tree. (2.5 Marks) MITS5505 Case Study Copyright © 2020 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 3 Case Study 2 (Total 10 Marks) a) A company is about to lose two of its key people due to retirements. One individual is highly outgoing, very social and has been actively involved in a variety of training activities. The other individual prefers to be given a list of questions that he will have to answer before each interview and seems fairly reluctant to embark upon the project. Outline a knowledge capture strategy for each of these individuals. How approach will be differing? What do you anticipate to be the major obstacles with each of the persons involved? How would you select the best techniques considering these obstacles? (5 Marks) b) The same organization has also requested a long-term knowledge continuity strategy to ensure that knowledge is not only captured from key departing individuals but that this knowledge is coded and retained in organizational memory systems. Outline how you would develop and implement such a strategy. Describe the key techniques you would use and justify your selections.
Knowledge Management Research Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Sherman Alexie Narrative Essay Writing Assignment Help
Chapter 9 Stories
This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Sherman Alexie
Greasy Lake, T. Coraghessan Boyle
A Sound of Thunder, Ray Bradbury
The Story of An Hour, Kate Chopin
How to Talk to Girls at Parties, Neil Gaiman
Young Goodman Brown, Nathanial Hawthonre
Sweat, Zora Neale Hurston
Araby, James Joyce
Before the Law, Franz Kafka
Miss Brill, Katherine Mansfiled
Everyday Use, Alice Walker
A Haunted House, Virginia Woolf
Assignment: Write a short essay (750 words) that defends a thesis you developed through a close critical reading/analysis of one (or two) literary works listed in Chapter 9 Stories For Further Reading beginning on page 318 of your Backpack Literature textbook. The “critical response” essay relies on textual support from the primary text (secondary sources are not required) – not plot summary to develop the student’s argument. Do not confuse “critical analysis” with “plot summary”; the goal is to develop, sustain, and advance a thesis based on a critique of the primary text.
What you’ll be graded upon:
15% Introduction: You establish a context for the significance of your thesis in regard to the literary work as a whole. How does your argument contribute to understanding the author’s major literary/thematic concerns? What can other readers learn from your analysis?
15% Thesis: You state your main point (or argument) in 1-2 sentences; the thesis is the culmination of your introduction.
30% Organization: Your essay should follow that of a typical literary critique:
Since your focus must be on analyzing some literary motif, theme, or a combination of literary elements (such as symbolism, character, setting, etc.), your essay must contain well-structured supporting paragraphs that contain a topic sentence, quotes from the primary text (secondary sources are not required), an explanation/discussion of the significance of the quotes you use in relation to your thesis, and a concluding sentence or two that situates the entire paragraph in relation to the thesis. Your thesis will focus on some kind of critical analysis of the primary text, so your supporting paragraphs should be organized around each of the quotes you use, explaining the significance of the quotes and why (or how) they illustrate your main point, but you also need to make sure that your paragraphs contain strong transitions and at least six (or more) sentences.
10% Conclusion: Regardless of the argument you make, you want a conclusion
University of Sussex Falmer Data on Weekly Incomes Statistics Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help
a. A manufacturer of chocolate bars claims that each bar of chocolate weighs at least 200 grams. You test a sample of 625 chocolate bars and find that the mean weight is 202 grams with a standard deviation of 5 grams. Use a significance level of 5% to test if the manufacturer’s claim is true.
b. Show how your method and answer to part a would change if your sample was only 20 chocolate bars.
c. Based on data from the 2011 UK Population Census, the government reports that there are 2.98 million people with university degrees out of a total adult population of 59.6 million. In 2020, you run a survey of 1000 adults which finds that 70 of them have a degree. Use a significance level of 5% to test if the proportion of adults with degrees has increased over time.
d. Calculate the 99% confidence interval for the proportion of adults with a degree in 2020, using the sample data from part c. Remember to interpret your answer.
e. The sample in part c contains 500 adults from England, 45 of whom have university degrees, and 100 adults from Wales, 5 of whom have university degrees. Use a 95% significance level to test if the proportion of adults with a university degree is higher in England than it is in Wales.
UCLA Music Originally Composed or Podsafe Provide Topical Clarity And Structure Podcast Reflection Humanities Assignment Help
Objective: Explore how music (originally composed or “Podsafe”) can provide topical clarity and structure to a 3-5 minute podcast. Upload your podcast directly to Canvas, or to a RSS feed (see below), and post the URL to Canvas. Incorporate a 1-paragraph reflection with your submission, where you reflect on the critical, creative and technical considerations you faced in the production process (see prompts below).
Podcast requirements
- Prepare your content. Create a 3-5 minute podcast that is concise and well-organized.
- Record the audio for your podcast. When speaking, talk in a consistent pace and show passion in your subject. Ruthlessly edit silence and awkward pauses out of your vocal track so that your speaking is concise and clear.
- Integrate music. Compose your own backing tracks or incorporate Podsafe music from Creative Commons or a public-domain source. You can use copyright-protected tracks only if you incorporate them into a remix, using the techniques explored this week. Experiment with using music as interludes vs underscoring, as well as various highlighting techniques.
- Mix in sound effects (e.g., site-specific ambient noise) if your topic takes you to specific places.
- Create sync points. Show me that you can create alignment between the big moments in your music and your broadcast. Align the in/out fades of your interludes with complete phrases in the music. See if you can end your podcast with a strong musical “stinger” (e.g., a final note to a piece of music, and not just a fadeout or random cut).
- Mix. Use the automated faders to duck the music under your speaking track. If you have multiple layers of music in your arrangement, explore different textures when using the music as underscore to your voice (e.g., you could drop down to just drum and bass, then add other layers back in during the musical transitions, etc.)
- Optional: create your RSS podcast feed. Go to a free podcasting hosting service, like Podbean ( (Links to an external site.)). Create a free account and upload your file. The service acts as “container” for the MP3 file that tells feed aggregator programs where to get new episodes. If you have programming experience, it can be done manually with some XML coding (save time by copying another RSS file and use the template to make your necessary modifications.)
- Optional. Submit your podcast to iTunes or a number of other podcast directories to get it known. Submitting a podcast to iTunes is fairly simple. The podcast page in the iTunes store has a large button that asks for the RSS link and some additional information about the podcast. A podcast can also be submitted via the Web through the link in the iTunes FAQ.
Reflection requirements
Accompany your project with a 1-paragraph critical reflection:
- What does your music communicate about your podcast? Topic? Audience?
- How does your music structure your podcast? Do you only use intro/outro/interludes, or have you chosen some areas to use music as a continuous underscore?
- Describe your sync points. Are your fades or cuts timed to musical phrases, etc?
University of California Los Angeles Blended Learning Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
- First, create your own Powerpoint or Google slides that summarize and incorporate your reaction to the assigned readings videos for this week. Please follow the requirements below:
- Slide 1: Title of presentation with your name.
- Slides 2-3: Summary of assigned readings and videos. These slides can contain pictures or bullet points to summarize the main ideas in the assigned readings and videos.
- Slide 4-5: Your reaction to the readings and videos. As the description of the requirement implies, this is your reaction to the readings and videos. You can discuss how you feel about the assigned readings and videos? What do you agree or disagree with? You can explain how the readings help you think about educational technology, etc.? It’s really up to you. Use bullet points to highlight some key reactions you have to the assigned readings and videos.
- Orally summarize the slides and capture your presentation (3-5 minutes) through a screencast. Note: The maximum length of your video cannot exceed 5 minutes.
- Save your screencast to Youtube and copy the link.
I also attached the reading part.
ACC 599 Strayer University Accounting and Audit Enforcement Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Using the Internet, Strayer databases, or the SEC’s Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Releases Archive 2019, perform a search on several publicly traded U.S. health care companies and choose an organization that has been accused of committing health care fraud.
Write a 5–6 page paper in which you:
- Evaluate the level of SOX regulations that applies to for-profit and not-for-profit health care organizations, indicating whether mandating SOX requirements for nonprofits might reduce fraud and increase corporate governance. Provide support for the rationale.
- Determine whether SOX has been effective in regulating ethical behavior of for-profit health care organizations. Defend the position.
- Review the audit report issued by the external auditing firm from the company’s website for the year it was accused of fraud. Then, determine whether the external auditors were negligent in preparing the audit report for the company. Formulate an opinion regarding which internal control was deficient or which GAAP was violated. Defend the position.
- Determine which provision(s) of SOX was/were violated in the health care fraud case in question. Indicate whether SOX adequately provides sanctions to deter the behavior or whether changes are needed to the regulations to remedy the issue(s) and thus ensure compliance.
- Based on the fraudulent activity that occurred, recommend two improvements to the internal control environment to reduce those occurrences. Provide detailed recommendations.
- Use at least four quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Create recommendations for reducing fraud in health care organizations based on the impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
ACC 599 Strayer University Accounting and Audit Enforcement Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Gender Inequality in the Workplace Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Essay #2 is an argumentative definition paper that requires the use of at least TWO scholarly resources, cited and documented correctly according to MLA format.
For Essay #2, please review all the resources on definition argument posted both on the required reading as well as in the OLR section in the course.
For your Definitional Argument paper:
Introduce the issue and state the claim.
Define key terms.
Present your first criterion and argument that your case meets your definition.
Present your third criterion and argument that your case meets your definition (if necessary).
Anticipate and respond to possible objections/arguments.
Conclude with return to the “big picture,” what is at stake, why your argument is important, etc.
Essay #2 should be at least 750 words and should be in MLA Format including an MLA heading, MLA pagination, a title, and an MLA Works Cited page with corresponding in-text citations (as appropriate). Review the Purdue OWL for details regarding MLA Format. You are expected to quote and/or paraphrase from the TWO sources you’ve chosen to support your argument, and to include a correctly-formatted Works Cited page at the end of the paper.
Review the sample definition argument (see the download). Read the essay in its entirety and open all the dialogue boxes. Comment on the structure and techniques the author employed to compose the essay and assess their usefulness in aiding you to compose your own essay.
Consider the following questions as you craft your post:
1. Did you find the techniques effective? If so, why? If not, what would you have done differently?
2. Which of the techniques resonated with you the most? Did you use it in your essay?
3. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the argument?
4. How did this sample essay aid you in writing your own definition argument? Elaborate.
*Paragraph 1*
Student states their personal, specific career goal and ends paragraph with a clear thesis statement.
Summarize your personal career goal and what it’s going to take to achieve it.
End this paragraph with a thesis statement that captures what you intend to do in the rest of the essay.
MODEL THESIS STATEMENT: The process of deciding to pursue a career as a Registered Nurse was not an easy one, but that process has helped me define my career goal, be realistic about what I want, and plan thoughtfully about how to reach my goals.
*Paragraph 2*
Student discusses research process and cites specific results of research.
Describe the process you undertook to decide on a career goal. What assessments did you complete? How are you interpreting the results of those assessments?
Discuss the research you conducted in the Occupational Outlook Handbook or other sources available to you. Remember, you must mention TWO reliable sources in this section of your essay.
*Paragraph 3*
Student analyzes personal factors related to career choice and challenges any assumptions about career.
Discuss the critical thinking you did in choosing a career goal. Discuss assumptions you checked, reality checks you did, and conclusions you reached that make your career goal REALISTIC and ACHIEVABLE. In other words, what did you learn that caused you to adjust your thinking about what you want to be and do?
Conduct an interview with someone already in the career you are researching. Did this new information change the way you think about your career goal?
*Paragraph 4*
Student provides comprehensive plan for achieving career goal.
Describe a realistic plan that tells how you are going to achieve your career goal.
Academically – What kind of degree does my career require? What school offers my degree?
Financially – did you find any scholarships or student loan forgiveness programs for your career or other financial assistance to achieve your goal? How will you finance your education?
Timeline – How much time will it take you to reach your goal?
*Paragraph 5*
Student provides a sense of closure to essay and reflects on overall experience.
Draw your conclusion and any related outcomes (implications and consequences).
Describe your conclusions about having done this project. Are you more aware of the careers available? Were you able to select a career you’re willing to strive for? Do you have a clearer idea about what will be required to achieve your goal? What else have you learned? How will you be different as a result of having completed this project?
Northcentral Technical College Postmodern Therapy Models Solution Based Models Paper Humanities Assignment Help
In the two videos on solution-focused therapy, you will observe aspects of solution-focused therapy such as complimenting, miracle question, exceptions, scaling questions, and homework. Use your observational skills to identify more about this approach. Address the following topics with brief paragraphs or a bulleted list. The final item asks you to prepare an abbreviated treatment plan for the couple in the video using solution-focused therapy.
- Therapeutic Relationship: Describe the therapist/client relationship in solution-focused therapies. Describe what you observed about the therapist/client relationship in the videos.
- Assessing Client Strengths: Describe several ways a therapist can identify individual and family strengths. What strengths did you see in this couple?
- Solution-focused Interventions: Describe several solution-focused interventions. Identify examples from the videos.
- Goal Setting: Identify some goals you might have for the couple in the videos. While these would be constructed with the client, use your imagination.
- Solution-Generating Questions: Include two examples of possible solution-generating questions that you might ask this couple. Include a rationale for why you chose this question and how it fits with this model.
- Integration of the Recovery Model: How could concepts from the recovery be applied in solution-focused therapy?
- Treatment Planning: Use what you have written about to develop an abbreviated treatment plan. You can use the treatment plan examples in Harrison (2019) as a guide. Include examples of initial tasks, working phase tasks, and closing phase tasks. Please include your systemic hypothesis.
Length: 4-6 pages, not including title or reference pages
References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources
Ashford University Inventory Control System Paper and Presentation Computer Science Assignment Help
You will.complete the RFP assignment below and then create a correlating PowerPoint presentation to go along with the paper…the presentation needs to be very well designed and not cluttered with a lot of info on one slide…do not just copy and paste info from the paper onto slide…it also needs visuals
You will use what you have learn in PART 1 in PART 2, by developing a RFP solicitation with the critical elements/sections to support a completed RFP suitable for submission to vendors.
The RFP document that you will be creating must be an IT related solicitation. or function, of your choosing or from one identified below.
The procurement document should reflect
- An area of individual or team interest, or
- You may select one of the following RFP procurement cases to develop your RFP solicitation.
Project Selection Options
The procurement document should reflect an IT area of individual or team interest, or you may select one of the procurement cases below as the basis for creating an RFP.
Optional RFP Procurement Cases
You may select one of the following RFP procurement cases to develop your RFP solicitation.
- An Inventory Control System
You sell IT related equipment from a catalog, and business has been blossoming. But your inventory tracking system is inadequate. In high season, supply outages have been frequent, and customer complaints over delays have been increasing. You fear that your business will die on the vine unless something is done to improve things. You want to hire a management consultant to design a new inventory tracking system. This kind of work normally requires about 6 months of effort. It is now May. You need to issue an RFP for this work. The procurement will be for the design stage only—implementation may or may not be handled under a separate contract at a later date. Hint: Creating a project charter and project scope statement will facilitate to identify the procurement-SOW. Use what you have learned in part 1 to develop an RFP solicitation.
- Call Center Hardware Upgrade.
The call center has decided to outsource the work to replace 500 single monitor by dual LED monitors to increase agent productivity, and reduce overall energy expenditure in the building. The increase in productivity will create a more customer friendly experience by reducing customer wait time and decreasing frustrations that the agents face with the current single monitor setup. The lower energy costs will result in lower operating costs for the call center, and the increase in productivity will generate additional revenue. Hint: Creating a project charter and project scope statement will facilitate to identify the procurement-SOW. Use what you have learned in part 1 to develop an RFP solicitation.
Additional information
Here is a example of an RFP Table of Contents and Formatting Options
Grading Rubrics
Part 1: Due Week 3
Cover Page |
Points |
RFP Summary |
Analysis of the procurement statement of work (P-SOW) found in the research RFP |
Analysis on the selection criteria and methodology use |
Determine and discuss the type of contract being use in the RFP |
Professionalism of Format, Grammar, Spelling, Page Count, and so on |
Total Points |
Part 2: Due Weeks 7 and 8
Cover Page |
Header |
Table of Content and References |
Professionalism of Format, Grammar, Spelling, Page Count, and so on |
110 |
Total Points |
Northcentral Technical College The Human Validation Process Signature Essay Humanities Assignment Help
choose one of the classic MFT models that you learned about in this course and demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the model, including how the model approaches treatment planning. To do this, you are expected to describe how the model is based in systems theory, identify the theorist(s) who created the model, the role of the therapist, key assumptions, interventions, goals, course (length) of treatment, and limitations. Here is a general layout of what should be covered in this paper:
I. Introduce the paper (overview of what you will address in the paper, which is to describe your chosen model).
II. Describe your chosen therapy model.
- Be sure to thoroughly articulate the primary theorist(s) of your selected Classic Model, including a specific illustration of why this model can be considered among approaches based on systems-based theories.
- Describe the role of the therapist, key assumptions, interventions, goals, and course (length) of treatment using information from multiple sources and in-text citations. This is one of the most important sections of your paper, so focus your energy here. This section may include some information from the articles you located in Week 10.
- Offer a critique of your chosen model. Discuss any possible limitations from this model, how cultural competency and diversity is addressed in the model, and any shortcomings of the model based on the research articles you located in Week 10.
III. Develop a treatment plan to treat the family.
- Create a brief case example. You can base your family system on a movie that you have seen, a family you know, your own family, or your imagination. Describe the family system, including important information about their context (this will include aspects of their culture, belief systems, etc.) and presenting problem(s). This section will be written up in a paragraph (around 400 words).
- Present a brief general treatment plan that uses goals, tasks, and interventions that are theoretically consistent with the model you chose. Review the treatment plan materials from earlier in the course and format the treatment plan as you would during therapy (with appropriate labels/numbers for goals, etc.) rather than just writing in paragraph format.
V. Conclusion- Summarize the main points of your paper.
To complete this assignment successfully, you are required to demonstrate your knowledge of the selected model and treatment planning.
Length: 7-9 pages, not including title and references pages
References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources. You can include 2 sources from previous weeks.
[supanova_question], perform a search on several publicly traded U.S. health care companies and choose an organization that has been accused of committing health care fraud.
Write a 5–6 page paper in which you:
- Evaluate the level of SOX regulations that applies to for-profit and not-for-profit health care organizations, indicating whether mandating SOX requirements for nonprofits might reduce fraud and increase corporate governance. Provide support for the rationale.
- Determine whether SOX has been effective in regulating ethical behavior of for-profit health care organizations. Defend the position.
- Review the audit report issued by the external auditing firm from the company’s website for the year it was accused of fraud. Then, determine whether the external auditors were negligent in preparing the audit report for the company. Formulate an opinion regarding which internal control was deficient or which GAAP was violated. Defend the position.
- Determine which provision(s) of SOX was/were violated in the health care fraud case in question. Indicate whether SOX adequately provides sanctions to deter the behavior or whether changes are needed to the regulations to remedy the issue(s) and thus ensure compliance.
- Based on the fraudulent activity that occurred, recommend two improvements to the internal control environment to reduce those occurrences. Provide detailed recommendations.
- Use at least four quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Create recommendations for reducing fraud in health care organizations based on the impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
ACC 599 Strayer University Accounting and Audit Enforcement Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Gender Inequality in the Workplace Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Essay #2 is an argumentative definition paper that requires the use of at least TWO scholarly resources, cited and documented correctly according to MLA format.
For Essay #2, please review all the resources on definition argument posted both on the required reading as well as in the OLR section in the course.
For your Definitional Argument paper:
Introduce the issue and state the claim.
Define key terms.
Present your first criterion and argument that your case meets your definition.
Present your third criterion and argument that your case meets your definition (if necessary).
Anticipate and respond to possible objections/arguments.
Conclude with return to the “big picture,” what is at stake, why your argument is important, etc.
Essay #2 should be at least 750 words and should be in MLA Format including an MLA heading, MLA pagination, a title, and an MLA Works Cited page with corresponding in-text citations (as appropriate). Review the Purdue OWL for details regarding MLA Format. You are expected to quote and/or paraphrase from the TWO sources you’ve chosen to support your argument, and to include a correctly-formatted Works Cited page at the end of the paper.
Review the sample definition argument (see the download). Read the essay in its entirety and open all the dialogue boxes. Comment on the structure and techniques the author employed to compose the essay and assess their usefulness in aiding you to compose your own essay.
Consider the following questions as you craft your post:
1. Did you find the techniques effective? If so, why? If not, what would you have done differently?
2. Which of the techniques resonated with you the most? Did you use it in your essay?
3. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the argument?
4. How did this sample essay aid you in writing your own definition argument? Elaborate.
*Paragraph 1*
Student states their personal, specific career goal and ends paragraph with a clear thesis statement.
Summarize your personal career goal and what it’s going to take to achieve it.
End this paragraph with a thesis statement that captures what you intend to do in the rest of the essay.
MODEL THESIS STATEMENT: The process of deciding to pursue a career as a Registered Nurse was not an easy one, but that process has helped me define my career goal, be realistic about what I want, and plan thoughtfully about how to reach my goals.
*Paragraph 2*
Student discusses research process and cites specific results of research.
Describe the process you undertook to decide on a career goal. What assessments did you complete? How are you interpreting the results of those assessments?
Discuss the research you conducted in the Occupational Outlook Handbook or other sources available to you. Remember, you must mention TWO reliable sources in this section of your essay.
*Paragraph 3*
Student analyzes personal factors related to career choice and challenges any assumptions about career.
Discuss the critical thinking you did in choosing a career goal. Discuss assumptions you checked, reality checks you did, and conclusions you reached that make your career goal REALISTIC and ACHIEVABLE. In other words, what did you learn that caused you to adjust your thinking about what you want to be and do?
Conduct an interview with someone already in the career you are researching. Did this new information change the way you think about your career goal?
*Paragraph 4*
Student provides comprehensive plan for achieving career goal.
Describe a realistic plan that tells how you are going to achieve your career goal.
Academically – What kind of degree does my career require? What school offers my degree?
Financially – did you find any scholarships or student loan forgiveness programs for your career or other financial assistance to achieve your goal? How will you finance your education?
Timeline – How much time will it take you to reach your goal?
*Paragraph 5*
Student provides a sense of closure to essay and reflects on overall experience.
Draw your conclusion and any related outcomes (implications and consequences).
Describe your conclusions about having done this project. Are you more aware of the careers available? Were you able to select a career you’re willing to strive for? Do you have a clearer idea about what will be required to achieve your goal? What else have you learned? How will you be different as a result of having completed this project?
Northcentral Technical College Postmodern Therapy Models Solution Based Models Paper Humanities Assignment Help
In the two videos on solution-focused therapy, you will observe aspects of solution-focused therapy such as complimenting, miracle question, exceptions, scaling questions, and homework. Use your observational skills to identify more about this approach. Address the following topics with brief paragraphs or a bulleted list. The final item asks you to prepare an abbreviated treatment plan for the couple in the video using solution-focused therapy.
- Therapeutic Relationship: Describe the therapist/client relationship in solution-focused therapies. Describe what you observed about the therapist/client relationship in the videos.
- Assessing Client Strengths: Describe several ways a therapist can identify individual and family strengths. What strengths did you see in this couple?
- Solution-focused Interventions: Describe several solution-focused interventions. Identify examples from the videos.
- Goal Setting: Identify some goals you might have for the couple in the videos. While these would be constructed with the client, use your imagination.
- Solution-Generating Questions: Include two examples of possible solution-generating questions that you might ask this couple. Include a rationale for why you chose this question and how it fits with this model.
- Integration of the Recovery Model: How could concepts from the recovery be applied in solution-focused therapy?
- Treatment Planning: Use what you have written about to develop an abbreviated treatment plan. You can use the treatment plan examples in Harrison (2019) as a guide. Include examples of initial tasks, working phase tasks, and closing phase tasks. Please include your systemic hypothesis.
Length: 4-6 pages, not including title or reference pages
References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources
Ashford University Inventory Control System Paper and Presentation Computer Science Assignment Help
You will.complete the RFP assignment below and then create a correlating PowerPoint presentation to go along with the paper…the presentation needs to be very well designed and not cluttered with a lot of info on one slide…do not just copy and paste info from the paper onto slide…it also needs visuals
You will use what you have learn in PART 1 in PART 2, by developing a RFP solicitation with the critical elements/sections to support a completed RFP suitable for submission to vendors.
The RFP document that you will be creating must be an IT related solicitation. or function, of your choosing or from one identified below.
The procurement document should reflect
- An area of individual or team interest, or
- You may select one of the following RFP procurement cases to develop your RFP solicitation.
Project Selection Options
The procurement document should reflect an IT area of individual or team interest, or you may select one of the procurement cases below as the basis for creating an RFP.
Optional RFP Procurement Cases
You may select one of the following RFP procurement cases to develop your RFP solicitation.
- An Inventory Control System
You sell IT related equipment from a catalog, and business has been blossoming. But your inventory tracking system is inadequate. In high season, supply outages have been frequent, and customer complaints over delays have been increasing. You fear that your business will die on the vine unless something is done to improve things. You want to hire a management consultant to design a new inventory tracking system. This kind of work normally requires about 6 months of effort. It is now May. You need to issue an RFP for this work. The procurement will be for the design stage only—implementation may or may not be handled under a separate contract at a later date. Hint: Creating a project charter and project scope statement will facilitate to identify the procurement-SOW. Use what you have learned in part 1 to develop an RFP solicitation.
- Call Center Hardware Upgrade.
The call center has decided to outsource the work to replace 500 single monitor by dual LED monitors to increase agent productivity, and reduce overall energy expenditure in the building. The increase in productivity will create a more customer friendly experience by reducing customer wait time and decreasing frustrations that the agents face with the current single monitor setup. The lower energy costs will result in lower operating costs for the call center, and the increase in productivity will generate additional revenue. Hint: Creating a project charter and project scope statement will facilitate to identify the procurement-SOW. Use what you have learned in part 1 to develop an RFP solicitation.
Additional information
Here is a example of an RFP Table of Contents and Formatting Options
Grading Rubrics
Part 1: Due Week 3
Cover Page |
Points |
RFP Summary |
Analysis of the procurement statement of work (P-SOW) found in the research RFP |
Analysis on the selection criteria and methodology use |
Determine and discuss the type of contract being use in the RFP |
Professionalism of Format, Grammar, Spelling, Page Count, and so on |
Total Points |
Part 2: Due Weeks 7 and 8
Cover Page |
Header |
Table of Content and References |
Professionalism of Format, Grammar, Spelling, Page Count, and so on |
110 |
Total Points |
Northcentral Technical College The Human Validation Process Signature Essay Humanities Assignment Help
choose one of the classic MFT models that you learned about in this course and demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the model, including how the model approaches treatment planning. To do this, you are expected to describe how the model is based in systems theory, identify the theorist(s) who created the model, the role of the therapist, key assumptions, interventions, goals, course (length) of treatment, and limitations. Here is a general layout of what should be covered in this paper:
I. Introduce the paper (overview of what you will address in the paper, which is to describe your chosen model).
II. Describe your chosen therapy model.
- Be sure to thoroughly articulate the primary theorist(s) of your selected Classic Model, including a specific illustration of why this model can be considered among approaches based on systems-based theories.
- Describe the role of the therapist, key assumptions, interventions, goals, and course (length) of treatment using information from multiple sources and in-text citations. This is one of the most important sections of your paper, so focus your energy here. This section may include some information from the articles you located in Week 10.
- Offer a critique of your chosen model. Discuss any possible limitations from this model, how cultural competency and diversity is addressed in the model, and any shortcomings of the model based on the research articles you located in Week 10.
III. Develop a treatment plan to treat the family.
- Create a brief case example. You can base your family system on a movie that you have seen, a family you know, your own family, or your imagination. Describe the family system, including important information about their context (this will include aspects of their culture, belief systems, etc.) and presenting problem(s). This section will be written up in a paragraph (around 400 words).
- Present a brief general treatment plan that uses goals, tasks, and interventions that are theoretically consistent with the model you chose. Review the treatment plan materials from earlier in the course and format the treatment plan as you would during therapy (with appropriate labels/numbers for goals, etc.) rather than just writing in paragraph format.
V. Conclusion- Summarize the main points of your paper.
To complete this assignment successfully, you are required to demonstrate your knowledge of the selected model and treatment planning.
Length: 7-9 pages, not including title and references pages
References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources. You can include 2 sources from previous weeks.
[supanova_question], perform a search on several publicly traded U.S. health care companies and choose an organization that has been accused of committing health care fraud.
Write a 5–6 page paper in which you:
- Evaluate the level of SOX regulations that applies to for-profit and not-for-profit health care organizations, indicating whether mandating SOX requirements for nonprofits might reduce fraud and increase corporate governance. Provide support for the rationale.
- Determine whether SOX has been effective in regulating ethical behavior of for-profit health care organizations. Defend the position.
- Review the audit report issued by the external auditing firm from the company’s website for the year it was accused of fraud. Then, determine whether the external auditors were negligent in preparing the audit report for the company. Formulate an opinion regarding which internal control was deficient or which GAAP was violated. Defend the position.
- Determine which provision(s) of SOX was/were violated in the health care fraud case in question. Indicate whether SOX adequately provides sanctions to deter the behavior or whether changes are needed to the regulations to remedy the issue(s) and thus ensure compliance.
- Based on the fraudulent activity that occurred, recommend two improvements to the internal control environment to reduce those occurrences. Provide detailed recommendations.
- Use at least four quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Create recommendations for reducing fraud in health care organizations based on the impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
ACC 599 Strayer University Accounting and Audit Enforcement Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Gender Inequality in the Workplace Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Essay #2 is an argumentative definition paper that requires the use of at least TWO scholarly resources, cited and documented correctly according to MLA format.
For Essay #2, please review all the resources on definition argument posted both on the required reading as well as in the OLR section in the course.
For your Definitional Argument paper:
Introduce the issue and state the claim.
Define key terms.
Present your first criterion and argument that your case meets your definition.
Present your third criterion and argument that your case meets your definition (if necessary).
Anticipate and respond to possible objections/arguments.
Conclude with return to the “big picture,” what is at stake, why your argument is important, etc.
Essay #2 should be at least 750 words and should be in MLA Format including an MLA heading, MLA pagination, a title, and an MLA Works Cited page with corresponding in-text citations (as appropriate). Review the Purdue OWL for details regarding MLA Format. You are expected to quote and/or paraphrase from the TWO sources you’ve chosen to support your argument, and to include a correctly-formatted Works Cited page at the end of the paper.
Review the sample definition argument (see the download). Read the essay in its entirety and open all the dialogue boxes. Comment on the structure and techniques the author employed to compose the essay and assess their usefulness in aiding you to compose your own essay.
Consider the following questions as you craft your post:
1. Did you find the techniques effective? If so, why? If not, what would you have done differently?
2. Which of the techniques resonated with you the most? Did you use it in your essay?
3. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the argument?
4. How did this sample essay aid you in writing your own definition argument? Elaborate.
*Paragraph 1*
Student states their personal, specific career goal and ends paragraph with a clear thesis statement.
Summarize your personal career goal and what it’s going to take to achieve it.
End this paragraph with a thesis statement that captures what you intend to do in the rest of the essay.
MODEL THESIS STATEMENT: The process of deciding to pursue a career as a Registered Nurse was not an easy one, but that process has helped me define my career goal, be realistic about what I want, and plan thoughtfully about how to reach my goals.
*Paragraph 2*
Student discusses research process and cites specific results of research.
Describe the process you undertook to decide on a career goal. What assessments did you complete? How are you interpreting the results of those assessments?
Discuss the research you conducted in the Occupational Outlook Handbook or other sources available to you. Remember, you must mention TWO reliable sources in this section of your essay.
*Paragraph 3*
Student analyzes personal factors related to career choice and challenges any assumptions about career.
Discuss the critical thinking you did in choosing a career goal. Discuss assumptions you checked, reality checks you did, and conclusions you reached that make your career goal REALISTIC and ACHIEVABLE. In other words, what did you learn that caused you to adjust your thinking about what you want to be and do?
Conduct an interview with someone already in the career you are researching. Did this new information change the way you think about your career goal?
*Paragraph 4*
Student provides comprehensive plan for achieving career goal.
Describe a realistic plan that tells how you are going to achieve your career goal.
Academically – What kind of degree does my career require? What school offers my degree?
Financially – did you find any scholarships or student loan forgiveness programs for your career or other financial assistance to achieve your goal? How will you finance your education?
Timeline – How much time will it take you to reach your goal?
*Paragraph 5*
Student provides a sense of closure to essay and reflects on overall experience.
Draw your conclusion and any related outcomes (implications and consequences).
Describe your conclusions about having done this project. Are you more aware of the careers available? Were you able to select a career you’re willing to strive for? Do you have a clearer idea about what will be required to achieve your goal? What else have you learned? How will you be different as a result of having completed this project?
Northcentral Technical College Postmodern Therapy Models Solution Based Models Paper Humanities Assignment Help
In the two videos on solution-focused therapy, you will observe aspects of solution-focused therapy such as complimenting, miracle question, exceptions, scaling questions, and homework. Use your observational skills to identify more about this approach. Address the following topics with brief paragraphs or a bulleted list. The final item asks you to prepare an abbreviated treatment plan for the couple in the video using solution-focused therapy.
- Therapeutic Relationship: Describe the therapist/client relationship in solution-focused therapies. Describe what you observed about the therapist/client relationship in the videos.
- Assessing Client Strengths: Describe several ways a therapist can identify individual and family strengths. What strengths did you see in this couple?
- Solution-focused Interventions: Describe several solution-focused interventions. Identify examples from the videos.
- Goal Setting: Identify some goals you might have for the couple in the videos. While these would be constructed with the client, use your imagination.
- Solution-Generating Questions: Include two examples of possible solution-generating questions that you might ask this couple. Include a rationale for why you chose this question and how it fits with this model.
- Integration of the Recovery Model: How could concepts from the recovery be applied in solution-focused therapy?
- Treatment Planning: Use what you have written about to develop an abbreviated treatment plan. You can use the treatment plan examples in Harrison (2019) as a guide. Include examples of initial tasks, working phase tasks, and closing phase tasks. Please include your systemic hypothesis.
Length: 4-6 pages, not including title or reference pages
References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources
Ashford University Inventory Control System Paper and Presentation Computer Science Assignment Help
You will.complete the RFP assignment below and then create a correlating PowerPoint presentation to go along with the paper…the presentation needs to be very well designed and not cluttered with a lot of info on one slide…do not just copy and paste info from the paper onto slide…it also needs visuals
You will use what you have learn in PART 1 in PART 2, by developing a RFP solicitation with the critical elements/sections to support a completed RFP suitable for submission to vendors.
The RFP document that you will be creating must be an IT related solicitation. or function, of your choosing or from one identified below.
The procurement document should reflect
- An area of individual or team interest, or
- You may select one of the following RFP procurement cases to develop your RFP solicitation.
Project Selection Options
The procurement document should reflect an IT area of individual or team interest, or you may select one of the procurement cases below as the basis for creating an RFP.
Optional RFP Procurement Cases
You may select one of the following RFP procurement cases to develop your RFP solicitation.
- An Inventory Control System
You sell IT related equipment from a catalog, and business has been blossoming. But your inventory tracking system is inadequate. In high season, supply outages have been frequent, and customer complaints over delays have been increasing. You fear that your business will die on the vine unless something is done to improve things. You want to hire a management consultant to design a new inventory tracking system. This kind of work normally requires about 6 months of effort. It is now May. You need to issue an RFP for this work. The procurement will be for the design stage only—implementation may or may not be handled under a separate contract at a later date. Hint: Creating a project charter and project scope statement will facilitate to identify the procurement-SOW. Use what you have learned in part 1 to develop an RFP solicitation.
- Call Center Hardware Upgrade.
The call center has decided to outsource the work to replace 500 single monitor by dual LED monitors to increase agent productivity, and reduce overall energy expenditure in the building. The increase in productivity will create a more customer friendly experience by reducing customer wait time and decreasing frustrations that the agents face with the current single monitor setup. The lower energy costs will result in lower operating costs for the call center, and the increase in productivity will generate additional revenue. Hint: Creating a project charter and project scope statement will facilitate to identify the procurement-SOW. Use what you have learned in part 1 to develop an RFP solicitation.
Additional information
Here is a example of an RFP Table of Contents and Formatting Options
Grading Rubrics
Part 1: Due Week 3
Cover Page |
Points |
RFP Summary |
Analysis of the procurement statement of work (P-SOW) found in the research RFP |
Analysis on the selection criteria and methodology use |
Determine and discuss the type of contract being use in the RFP |
Professionalism of Format, Grammar, Spelling, Page Count, and so on |
Total Points |
Part 2: Due Weeks 7 and 8
Cover Page |
Header |
Table of Content and References |
Professionalism of Format, Grammar, Spelling, Page Count, and so on |
110 |
Total Points |
Northcentral Technical College The Human Validation Process Signature Essay Humanities Assignment Help
choose one of the classic MFT models that you learned about in this course and demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the model, including how the model approaches treatment planning. To do this, you are expected to describe how the model is based in systems theory, identify the theorist(s) who created the model, the role of the therapist, key assumptions, interventions, goals, course (length) of treatment, and limitations. Here is a general layout of what should be covered in this paper:
I. Introduce the paper (overview of what you will address in the paper, which is to describe your chosen model).
II. Describe your chosen therapy model.
- Be sure to thoroughly articulate the primary theorist(s) of your selected Classic Model, including a specific illustration of why this model can be considered among approaches based on systems-based theories.
- Describe the role of the therapist, key assumptions, interventions, goals, and course (length) of treatment using information from multiple sources and in-text citations. This is one of the most important sections of your paper, so focus your energy here. This section may include some information from the articles you located in Week 10.
- Offer a critique of your chosen model. Discuss any possible limitations from this model, how cultural competency and diversity is addressed in the model, and any shortcomings of the model based on the research articles you located in Week 10.
III. Develop a treatment plan to treat the family.
- Create a brief case example. You can base your family system on a movie that you have seen, a family you know, your own family, or your imagination. Describe the family system, including important information about their context (this will include aspects of their culture, belief systems, etc.) and presenting problem(s). This section will be written up in a paragraph (around 400 words).
- Present a brief general treatment plan that uses goals, tasks, and interventions that are theoretically consistent with the model you chose. Review the treatment plan materials from earlier in the course and format the treatment plan as you would during therapy (with appropriate labels/numbers for goals, etc.) rather than just writing in paragraph format.
V. Conclusion- Summarize the main points of your paper.
To complete this assignment successfully, you are required to demonstrate your knowledge of the selected model and treatment planning.
Length: 7-9 pages, not including title and references pages
References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources. You can include 2 sources from previous weeks.
[supanova_question], perform a search on several publicly traded U.S. health care companies and choose an organization that has been accused of committing health care fraud.
Write a 5–6 page paper in which you:
- Evaluate the level of SOX regulations that applies to for-profit and not-for-profit health care organizations, indicating whether mandating SOX requirements for nonprofits might reduce fraud and increase corporate governance. Provide support for the rationale.
- Determine whether SOX has been effective in regulating ethical behavior of for-profit health care organizations. Defend the position.
- Review the audit report issued by the external auditing firm from the company’s website for the year it was accused of fraud. Then, determine whether the external auditors were negligent in preparing the audit report for the company. Formulate an opinion regarding which internal control was deficient or which GAAP was violated. Defend the position.
- Determine which provision(s) of SOX was/were violated in the health care fraud case in question. Indicate whether SOX adequately provides sanctions to deter the behavior or whether changes are needed to the regulations to remedy the issue(s) and thus ensure compliance.
- Based on the fraudulent activity that occurred, recommend two improvements to the internal control environment to reduce those occurrences. Provide detailed recommendations.
- Use at least four quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Create recommendations for reducing fraud in health care organizations based on the impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.