Koontz What College Girls Thought About how Media Depicts Love & Romance Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Koontz What College Girls Thought About how Media Depicts Love & Romance Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Koontz What College Girls Thought About how Media Depicts Love & Romance Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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This week’s is the beginning of our new unit, on representation as it relates to love, sex, and intimacy. We will be looking how we form romantic ideals, how media representation shapes our understandings of relationships, and how technology intervenes in ways that can produce and reproduce systemic bias.

This unit is the most sensitive of all the units we have done so far this term. Our readings will cover mature topics and will, at times, cover potentially controversial issues like sexual assault and pornography (see Week 13). For that reason, it is important for you to maintain an open mind, but also communicate openly with me if you run into something you find upsetting.

Please complete the following questions for the week, using your own words and complete sentences.

3/24 – Koontz(In attachment files)

  1. Describe in a few sentences the purpose Koontz’s study, what she did, and what her findings were.
  2. What is “princess culture?” What are a few of its common features?
  3. How does the article define “idealist” and “realist” love? What is the difference between them?
  4. What are some common scripts surrounding love, romance and relationships in popular culture? Identify at least one media example to make your point.

3/26 – O’Neill(in attachment files)

  1. What is the seduction industry and why does it exist?
  2. Why does the seduction industry target straight men, and can you imagine it operating for a group other than straight men? How?
  3. What is an example of seduction in popular culture and/or social media?
  4. O’Neill argues that the seduction industry isn’t an aberration, but rather is an acceleration of society and social norms. What does she mean by that?


  1. What is heteronormativity, and how does it apply to both of this week’s readings?
  2. Both readings suggest that there is a relationship between love/intimacy and the economy—work, entrepreneurship, or “the market.” Explain that link as you see it pertain to each article.

Koontz What College Girls Thought About how Media Depicts Love & Romance Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UNIV 100 Regent University Communication and Conflict Resolution Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

UNIV 100 Discussion

  • What did you learn this week about communication that stood out to you, and what does scripture say about resolving conflict?

side note

“In the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; his spirit was troubled, and his sleep left him. Then the king commanded that the magicians, the enchanters, the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans be summoned to tell the king his dreams” (Daniel 2:1-2, English Standard Version)

The wise men of Babylon were unable to interpret the king’s dreams without first hearing its details. Enraged by this response, the king ordered his captain Arioch to kill all the wise men of Babylon. However, when he heard of this, “Daniel replied [to Arioch] with prudence and discretion” (Daniel 2:14) as to the decree’s nature, after which “Daniel went in and requested the king to appoint him a time, that he might show the interpretation to the king” (Daniel 2:16).

As a godly man in a pagan culture, Daniel had to be wise – using “prudence and discretion” in the way he communicated with the people around him, especially the king.

Jeff Bradford, President and CEO of the Bradford Group, writing for Forbes, made this comment: “Any management consultant will tell you that communication skills are vital to success in business. Business is fundamentally about getting other people to do things — getting employees to be productive, customers to buy your product or service, government to leave you alone — and you can’t make these things happen if you can’t communicate well.”

Excellent communication is a skill that is critically important not just in the academic environment, but in everyday life. To succeed in academics – even in the online environment – proper communication is key. A better understanding of the fundamentals of communication will help us reduce misunderstandings, ensure accuracy in sharing information, and improve relationships. Speech characterized by “prudence and discretion” is a noble goal.

The materials this week provide basic information about the mechanics of interpersonal communication and also explore the motivations for our speech.


BUS 3012 Capella University Good Leadership and Management Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

  • In the 21st century, the study of leadership is multidisciplinary, with contributions from the fields of history, philosophy, psychology, political science, business, and education (Northouse, 2007). There are almost as many definitions of leadership as there are people who have tried to define it. Although we intuitively know what the word means, it has different meaning for different people. Manning and Curtis (2012) explained, “Leadership is social influence. It means leaving a mark. It is initiating and guiding, and the result is change” (p. 2).SHOW LESSBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
    • Competency 1: Evaluate the purpose and relevance of leadership.
      • Develop a definition of leadership.
      • Explain how leadership can positively impact an organization.
    • Competency 2: Evaluate how leadership strengths apply in the workplace and within the community.
      • Explain a strategy to develop leadership skills.
      • Develop a definition of management.
      • Explain the differences between leadership and management.

    Manning, G., & Curtis, K. (2012). The art of leadership (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.Northouse, G. (2007). Leadership theory and practice (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

    Competency Map

    CHECK YOUR PROGRESSUse this online tool to track your performance and progress through your course.

  • Toggle Drawer

    Questions to Consider

    As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

    • How do effective leaders model behavior for others?
    • Is it possible to model leadership outside of the workplace?
  • Toggle Drawer


    Suggested Resources

    The resources provided here are optional. You may use other resources of your choice to prepare for this assessment; however, you will need to ensure that they are appropriate, credible, and valid. The BUS-FP3012 – Fundamentals of Leadership Library Guide can help direct your research, and the Supplemental Resources and Research Resources, both linked from the left navigation menu in your courseroom, provide additional resources to help support you.


    View Three Circles of Effective Leadership, a presentation based on Blanchard and Zigarmi’s Leadership and the One-Minute Manager.

    Capella University Library Resources
    NBC Learn Video
    • NBC News. (2009, September 2). Portraits of leadership [Video]. NBC Learn.
      • This production assembles a collage of iconic leaders, such as Martin Luther King Jr., to illustrate concepts of everyday leadership.
    VitalSource Bookshelf Resources

    This resource is available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link:

      • Rath, T., & Conchie, B. (2008). Strengths based leadership: Great leaders, teams, and why people follow. New York, NY: Gallup Press.

        • “Introduction.”
        • “Part One: Investing in Your Strengths.”
    • Toggle Drawer

      Assessment Instructions

      For this assessment, consider that you are a successful middle manager in an organization that has an executive level position open. The human resources department is leading an internal search for that opening and considers leadership strengths as key to the position. As part of the application process for candidates interested in the opening, they asked each candidate to submit a short paper explaining the candidate’s views of leadership.To complete your paper, research the definition of leadership and consider how the definitions you find match your own ideas of what leadership means. The organization’s HR department indicated the paper should be around 2–3 pages. They also provided the following outline to use in preparing the paper:

      • Create a definition of leadership and support it with examples.
      • Analyze how leadership can positively impact an organization and provide supporting examples.
      • Develop and analyze a personal strategy to develop leadership skills, including why you think it is effective.
      • Explain your personal strategy to develop leadership skills.
      • Create a definition of management and support it with examples.
      • Compare and contrast the differences between leadership and management.

      Based on the intended audience, your summary should be well organized and written in clear, succinct language. Follow APA rules for attributing sources that support your analysis and conclusions.Academic Integrity and APA FormattingAs a reminder related to using APA rules to ensure academic honesty:

      1. When using a direct quote (using exact or nearly exact wording), you must enclose the quoted wording in quotation marks, immediately followed by an in-text citation. The source must then be listed in your references page.
      2. When paraphrasing (using your own words to describe a non-original idea), the paraphrased idea must be immediately followed by an in-text citation and the source must be listed in your references page.


    Palm Beach State College Wk 5 Mental Health & Eating Disorders Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    Section A

    Post the following:

    • Provide at least two websites or other resources you are using to search for the subject you will be interviewing.
    • Briefly explain why you chose those resources (one paragraph total is sufficient).
    • If you have already chosen your interview subject, please share two websites that will be helpful to your classmates as they complete their interviewee searches.

    Section B

    In the previous Module, you created a Self-Care Plan to help you develop and maintain your personal and professional well-being. This plan includes strategies to help you make progress in particular areas of interest without losing site of overall wellness.

    But a plan by itself is just words on a page. Implementing the plan is as critical as developing the plan. This Discussion is meant to help you get started on working your plan.

    For this Discussion, you will implement one strategy in your Self-Care Plan.

    To Prepare:

    • Review your Self-Care Plan and choose one strategy to implement.

    By Day 4

    Post the implementation of your strategy. Include the following:

    • Describe the implementation of your strategy. For example, if your strategy is to walk your dog for 30 minutes a day, identify the time and day of your walks, or post a photo from one of your walks.
    • Describe how the implementation of your strategy went. Please feel free to be creative with how to submit. Some ideas for submission are pictures, audio, video, or text.
    • Have fun with this check-in! Be creative. No citations or extra research are necessary.


    ACI Linear Programming Model Formulation & Computation Exam Practice Business Finance Assignment Help

    There is a total of 100 questions in the basic exam and 10 BONUS questions. Sounds like a lot!

    Here are the tradeoffs!

    a)This is “at home”, open book, open notes.

    b)The 100 basic exam questions DO NOT include extensive formulation or computation!

    c)The 100 basic exam questions are either “Multiple Choice”, “True or False” or “Fill-in-the-Blank questions!

    d)The 10 BONUS questions are the formulation and computation questions as BONUS!

    Put ALL your answers on the below Answer Sheets no exceptions!

    Formulate a Linear Programming Model –

    1) The poultry farmer decided to make his own chicken scratch by combining alfalfa and corn in rail car quantities. A rail car of corn costs $400 and a rail car of alfalfa costs $200. The farmer’s chickens have a minimum daily requirement of vitamin K (500 milligrams) and iron (400 milligrams), but it doesn’t matter whether those elements come from corn, alfalfa, or some other grain. A unit of corn contains 150 milligrams of vitamin K and 75 milligrams of iron. A unit of alfalfa contains 250 milligrams of vitamin K and 50 milligrams of iron. Formulate the linear programming model for this situation including the Optimization equation and 2 constraint equations. [10 points]

    2) The international man of mystery knew the finest haberdashers the world over and constantly sought to expand his dazzling array of fine suits, ties, and cufflinks. Closet space was at a premium however, so purchases were carefully weighed. Each suit provides 23 units of dazzlement, each tie 14, and a set of cufflinks is worth an easy 8. A suit takes up 0.5 cubic feet of closet space and $900 of budget. A tie costs $135 and cufflinks cost $100 per set. Cufflinks are tiny – even in the original box, they take up only .01 cubic feet while ties occupy a lusty .25 cubic feet. He has budgeted $12,000 for clothes on this trip and has 20 cubic feet of closet space left to fill.

    Formulate an objective function and 2 constraints to model this situation. [10 points]



    ITS 83542 UCM Enterprise Risk Management Research & PPT Writing Assignment Help

    Project Instructions – Need a research paper and presentation by tomorrow afternoon (Paper 1500 words -PPT 5 to 10 slides )

    You are Consultants hired to present an ERM solution for an organization. Examples of ERMs are listed below or you can choose one of your own.

    Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan

    Enterprise Risk Management For Government

    Enterprise Risk Management For Financial Institutions

    Information Security Risk Management

    IT Vendor Risk Management

    Event Safety Risk Management

    Student Event Risk Management

    Project Risk Management

    You will provide a writeup and oral presentation of your ERM solution as if you were meeting with the CEO and board members. Your writeup:

    •Must be in APA Style

    •If APA is new to you, search for “APA Style”

    •Paper format: ERM Proposal

    •Must Have at Least 6 Works Cited

    •4 works must be Peer Reviewed Works/Articles

    •Must be at Least 1,500 words

    •Body only

    •Don’t overdo this!!

    •You MUST use APA format

    •Google scholar

    •Proper in-text references

    •Proper end or paper references list

    •Plagiarism is NOT tolerated

    •SafeAssign will analyze each paper

    •Plagiarized work will receive a score of zero

    •Resources you use must be current!

    •Must be published within the last 3 years

    Your written and oral presentation should be:

    No more than 10 minutes

    Explain your ERM solution

    Be creative

    Contain 5-10 slides

    ITS 83542 UCM Enterprise Risk Management Research & PPT Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    MBA6601 Walden University Shared Practice Paper and Cohesive Response Business Finance Assignment Help

    Prepare , a cohesive response to the following, in which you:FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT

    FILLER TEXT1. Describe what you believe are the most critical actions a manager must take to establish constructive relationships with his or her employees.

    ~ How important do you think it is for managers to get to know their employees and why?


    FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT~ Do you think managers should be friends with their employees? Why or why not?

    2. Thinking about a manager you have worked for, and assessing what steps he or she took to build a relationship with you, describe what more the manager might have done. Explain your response.

    3. Describe a time when you received or gave feedback. How did the process go and what were the results?

    ~ How do you think managers should give feedback to their employees and what types of feedback do you think are most important? Do you think it is important to balance positive and negative feedback? Why or why not? Give examples from your own experience.


    FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT~ As a manager, what steps would you take to get to know your employees and ensure they provide appropriate feedback? What types of questions would you ask? What types of questions would you need to avoid?FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT

    Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, as well as other credible resources you have read; or what you have observed and experienced.

    General Guidance: Shared Practice 3–4 paragraphs in length.FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT


    de Valk, P., (2015) How businesses can deal with a bad manager. Strategic HR Review, 14(3), 74–78.FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT


    Mathur, S. (2017). Emulating change through self awareness. Human Capital, 20(9), 48–49.FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT


    Stoneham, D. (2016). Work on yourself first. Talent Development, 70(3), 70–72.


    Saint Leo The Economic Impact of Inmate Programs Article Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    Find an article (2008 or newer) online reporting about women offender or inmate programs which work and discuss treatment outcomes. Discuss your thoughts on the article and its implication to the field of Criminal Justice. Remember to share your URL.

    The content is to be written logically and scholarly with good grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The student is to do an extensive research-based analysis of the information (300 words with a minimum of 2 APA references). Discuss your thoughts on the information that has been posted. Your remarks can be opinion, but it must be based on your experience, research, and/or prior learning. APA has a new edition. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (2020). 7th Edition, Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association. As an FYI, “Running head:” no longer precedes the short title on the Title page. Avoid the 1st person for all formal papers. As per APA standards, use headline caps for Level 1 headings.Please consult the APA style manual regarding the formatting of citations with 2 authors.


    University of the Cumberlands ERM Information Security Risk Management HW Writing Assignment Help

    You are Consultants hired to present an ERM solution for an organization. Examples of ERMs are listed below or you can choose one of your own.

    Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan

    Enterprise Risk Management For Government

    Enterprise Risk Management For Financial Institutions

    Information Security Risk Management

    IT Vendor Risk Management

    Event Safety Risk Management

    Student Event Risk Management

    Project Risk Management

    You will provide a writeup and oral presentation of your ERM solution as if you were meeting with the CEO and board members. Your writeup:

    •Must be in APA Style

    •If APA is new to you, search for “APA Style”

    •Paper format: ERM Proposal

    •Must Have at Least 6 Works Cited

    •4 works must be Peer Reviewed Works/Articles

    •Must be at Least 1,500 words

    •Body only

    •Don’t overdo this!!

    •You MUST use APA format

    •Google scholar

    •Proper in-text references

    •Proper end or paper references list

    •Plagiarism is NOT tolerated

    •SafeAssign will analyze each paper

    •Plagiarized work will receive a score of zero

    •Resources you use must be current!

    •Must be published within the last 3 years

    Your written and oral presentation should be:

    No more than 10 minutes

    Explain your ERM solution

    Be creative

    Contain 5-10 slides


    ITS 83340 Golden Gate University United Health Care & American Profit PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

    The importance of Information Governance is being realized across all industries. While there are some common aspects of Information Governance that are common to all industries, still information governance cannot be applied in a “cookie-cutter” fashion. That is, there are certain characteristics or aspects of Information Governance that are unique to a given industry or discipline. And even within the same industry, a good information governance program must be tailored to fit the unique needs of each organization.

    The health care industry is no different. It is undergoing comprehensive transformational change. Consequently, health care professionals are faced with new regulations and requirements that make effective information governance essential. Quick access to complete, comprehensive and accurate information is essential to the goal of healthcare services, for today and tomorrow. Healthcare providers are faced with the reality that information is a critical asset that must be managed in a way that optimizes safe, cost-effective and high quality care to the patient, while at the same time meeting the provider’s administrative and financial needs, reducing risk, and increasing availability for business needs such as analytics and for use on the health information exchange. Of course, the health care provider must do all of this while at the same time ensuring that it is operating ethically, will be able to quickly and completely respond to e-discovery requests and holds, and that it is operating within the confines of both federal and state laws in all regards.

    Information Governance initiates in the health care industry have been studied for more than a decade by a number of organizations and associations. A few of these organizations that have become industry leaders in advancing Information Governance in the healthcare industry in the United States over the past decade.

    Assume you are not a doctor and that you do not have “medical training” per se. Rather, you have a Masters’ Degree in Business Administration. In addition, you have a degree in Information Management. By coincidence, upon receiving your MBA you applied for and received a job in the records department at your local hospital. Over the years, you have advanced through the ranks, and have worked in various departments including finance, records management, billing, accounting, marketing, and IT. Your employer, “CITY GENERAL HOSPITAL”, has no “formal” information governance program, although it has been dabbling with the idea of company-wide information governance.

    You have just been named Chief Financial Officer at your organization. You have agreed to chair the information governance committee that will be responsible for designing and implementing a “formal” information governance program for the organization.

    You have put together an Information Governance Committee (or “TEAM”) consists of representatives from health information management, (HIM), human resources, staff from the business office, accounting, risk management, legal, finance, IT, quality and compliance areas, as
    well as representatives from clinical areas including nursing staff as well as physicians, radiology and other diagnostic testing.

    Your team has had only one organizational meeting. At that initial meeting, the team was asked to do two things. One was to identify what each team member perceives as worthy goals of the information governance program, and secondly, to identify areas that are in immediate need of improvement, from their own background and perspective. They team returned the following:

    The goal of the information governance program should include but not be limited to the following:
    1. Developing processes to ensure better coordination of care throughout the entire organization;
    2. Maintain a competitive advantage in the geographical regions served;
    3. Ensuring that the organization is analytics-driven;
    4. Improved performance and outcomes;
    5. Becoming nimble enough to respond quickly and accurately to information requests related to patient care and diagnosis, legal holds, e-discovery and litigation, and for accountability and auditing;
    6. Develop a viable retention and destruction schedule for active and inactive patient information;
    7. Improve security and protect sensitive data while at the same time allowing necessary access to eliminate impediments for staff that make it difficult to accomplish their job duties; and,
    8. Increase the accuracy of information related to outcomes, and financial leadership to ensure the organization will meet or exceed its financial goals.

    At its initial meeting, your newly formed Information Governance Committee, after some brainstorming and collaboration produced the following list, which is by no means complete, but which was identified by your team members as “high” on their list of problems facing the organization which the team members believed could be resolved and/or minimized through effective information governance:

    1. A number of serious errors that adversely affect patient safely resulted from inadequate user training on how to use the system, as well as laziness of staff in documenting and charting;
    2. Inability to capture information necessary for required reporting from the electronic health records (HER);
    3. Inaccurate and incomplete release of information for litigation and business purposes that had resulted from poor systems integration and improper data retention policies;
    4. Issues associated with a high rate of patient matching errors in master patient database;
    5. Need for updating access controls that ensured appropriate security levels for those caring for patients and those having access to patient records for purposes of billing, diagnostics and reporting, and;

    6. Need for better security of protected health information in order to comply with stricter regulatory requirements.

    Ensure to cover the context above on the slides.



    Assessment Instructions

    For this assessment, consider that you are a successful middle manager in an organization that has an executive level position open. The human resources department is leading an internal search for that opening and considers leadership strengths as key to the position. As part of the application process for candidates interested in the opening, they asked each candidate to submit a short paper explaining the candidate’s views of leadership.To complete your paper, research the definition of leadership and consider how the definitions you find match your own ideas of what leadership means. The organization’s HR department indicated the paper should be around 2–3 pages. They also provided the following outline to use in preparing the paper:

    • Create a definition of leadership and support it with examples.
    • Analyze how leadership can positively impact an organization and provide supporting examples.
    • Develop and analyze a personal strategy to develop leadership skills, including why you think it is effective.
    • Explain your personal strategy to develop leadership skills.
    • Create a definition of management and support it with examples.
    • Compare and contrast the differences between leadership and management.

    Based on the intended audience, your summary should be well organized and written in clear, succinct language. Follow APA rules for attributing sources that support your analysis and conclusions.Academic Integrity and APA FormattingAs a reminder related to using APA rules to ensure academic honesty:

    1. When using a direct quote (using exact or nearly exact wording), you must enclose the quoted wording in quotation marks, immediately followed by an in-text citation. The source must then be listed in your references page.
    2. When paraphrasing (using your own words to describe a non-original idea), the paraphrased idea must be immediately followed by an in-text citation and the source must be listed in your references page.


    Palm Beach State College Wk 5 Mental Health & Eating Disorders Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    Section A

    Post the following:

    • Provide at least two websites or other resources you are using to search for the subject you will be interviewing.
    • Briefly explain why you chose those resources (one paragraph total is sufficient).
    • If you have already chosen your interview subject, please share two websites that will be helpful to your classmates as they complete their interviewee searches.

    Section B

    In the previous Module, you created a Self-Care Plan to help you develop and maintain your personal and professional well-being. This plan includes strategies to help you make progress in particular areas of interest without losing site of overall wellness.

    But a plan by itself is just words on a page. Implementing the plan is as critical as developing the plan. This Discussion is meant to help you get started on working your plan.

    For this Discussion, you will implement one strategy in your Self-Care Plan.

    To Prepare:

    • Review your Self-Care Plan and choose one strategy to implement.

    By Day 4

    Post the implementation of your strategy. Include the following:

    • Describe the implementation of your strategy. For example, if your strategy is to walk your dog for 30 minutes a day, identify the time and day of your walks, or post a photo from one of your walks.
    • Describe how the implementation of your strategy went. Please feel free to be creative with how to submit. Some ideas for submission are pictures, audio, video, or text.
    • Have fun with this check-in! Be creative. No citations or extra research are necessary.


    ACI Linear Programming Model Formulation & Computation Exam Practice Business Finance Assignment Help

    There is a total of 100 questions in the basic exam and 10 BONUS questions. Sounds like a lot!

    Here are the tradeoffs!

    a)This is “at home”, open book, open notes.

    b)The 100 basic exam questions DO NOT include extensive formulation or computation!

    c)The 100 basic exam questions are either “Multiple Choice”, “True or False” or “Fill-in-the-Blank questions!

    d)The 10 BONUS questions are the formulation and computation questions as BONUS!

    Put ALL your answers on the below Answer Sheets no exceptions!

    Formulate a Linear Programming Model –

    1) The poultry farmer decided to make his own chicken scratch by combining alfalfa and corn in rail car quantities. A rail car of corn costs $400 and a rail car of alfalfa costs $200. The farmer’s chickens have a minimum daily requirement of vitamin K (500 milligrams) and iron (400 milligrams), but it doesn’t matter whether those elements come from corn, alfalfa, or some other grain. A unit of corn contains 150 milligrams of vitamin K and 75 milligrams of iron. A unit of alfalfa contains 250 milligrams of vitamin K and 50 milligrams of iron. Formulate the linear programming model for this situation including the Optimization equation and 2 constraint equations. [10 points]

    2) The international man of mystery knew the finest haberdashers the world over and constantly sought to expand his dazzling array of fine suits, ties, and cufflinks. Closet space was at a premium however, so purchases were carefully weighed. Each suit provides 23 units of dazzlement, each tie 14, and a set of cufflinks is worth an easy 8. A suit takes up 0.5 cubic feet of closet space and $900 of budget. A tie costs $135 and cufflinks cost $100 per set. Cufflinks are tiny – even in the original box, they take up only .01 cubic feet while ties occupy a lusty .25 cubic feet. He has budgeted $12,000 for clothes on this trip and has 20 cubic feet of closet space left to fill.

    Formulate an objective function and 2 constraints to model this situation. [10 points]



    ITS 83542 UCM Enterprise Risk Management Research & PPT Writing Assignment Help

    Project Instructions – Need a research paper and presentation by tomorrow afternoon (Paper 1500 words -PPT 5 to 10 slides )

    You are Consultants hired to present an ERM solution for an organization. Examples of ERMs are listed below or you can choose one of your own.

    Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan

    Enterprise Risk Management For Government

    Enterprise Risk Management For Financial Institutions

    Information Security Risk Management

    IT Vendor Risk Management

    Event Safety Risk Management

    Student Event Risk Management

    Project Risk Management

    You will provide a writeup and oral presentation of your ERM solution as if you were meeting with the CEO and board members. Your writeup:

    •Must be in APA Style

    •If APA is new to you, search for “APA Style”

    •Paper format: ERM Proposal

    •Must Have at Least 6 Works Cited

    •4 works must be Peer Reviewed Works/Articles

    •Must be at Least 1,500 words

    •Body only

    •Don’t overdo this!!

    •You MUST use APA format

    •Google scholar

    •Proper in-text references

    •Proper end or paper references list

    •Plagiarism is NOT tolerated

    •SafeAssign will analyze each paper

    •Plagiarized work will receive a score of zero

    •Resources you use must be current!

    •Must be published within the last 3 years

    Your written and oral presentation should be:

    No more than 10 minutes

    Explain your ERM solution

    Be creative

    Contain 5-10 slides

    ITS 83542 UCM Enterprise Risk Management Research & PPT Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    MBA6601 Walden University Shared Practice Paper and Cohesive Response Business Finance Assignment Help

    Prepare , a cohesive response to the following, in which you:FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT

    FILLER TEXT1. Describe what you believe are the most critical actions a manager must take to establish constructive relationships with his or her employees.

    ~ How important do you think it is for managers to get to know their employees and why?


    FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT~ Do you think managers should be friends with their employees? Why or why not?

    2. Thinking about a manager you have worked for, and assessing what steps he or she took to build a relationship with you, describe what more the manager might have done. Explain your response.

    3. Describe a time when you received or gave feedback. How did the process go and what were the results?

    ~ How do you think managers should give feedback to their employees and what types of feedback do you think are most important? Do you think it is important to balance positive and negative feedback? Why or why not? Give examples from your own experience.


    FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT~ As a manager, what steps would you take to get to know your employees and ensure they provide appropriate feedback? What types of questions would you ask? What types of questions would you need to avoid?FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT

    Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, as well as other credible resources you have read; or what you have observed and experienced.

    General Guidance: Shared Practice 3–4 paragraphs in length.FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT


    de Valk, P., (2015) How businesses can deal with a bad manager. Strategic HR Review, 14(3), 74–78.FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT


    Mathur, S. (2017). Emulating change through self awareness. Human Capital, 20(9), 48–49.FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT


    Stoneham, D. (2016). Work on yourself first. Talent Development, 70(3), 70–72.


    Saint Leo The Economic Impact of Inmate Programs Article Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    Find an article (2008 or newer) online reporting about women offender or inmate programs which work and discuss treatment outcomes. Discuss your thoughts on the article and its implication to the field of Criminal Justice. Remember to share your URL.

    The content is to be written logically and scholarly with good grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The student is to do an extensive research-based analysis of the information (300 words with a minimum of 2 APA references). Discuss your thoughts on the information that has been posted. Your remarks can be opinion, but it must be based on your experience, research, and/or prior learning. APA has a new edition. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (2020). 7th Edition, Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association. As an FYI, “Running head:” no longer precedes the short title on the Title page. Avoid the 1st person for all formal papers. As per APA standards, use headline caps for Level 1 headings.Please consult the APA style manual regarding the formatting of citations with 2 authors.


    University of the Cumberlands ERM Information Security Risk Management HW Writing Assignment Help

    You are Consultants hired to present an ERM solution for an organization. Examples of ERMs are listed below or you can choose one of your own.

    Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan

    Enterprise Risk Management For Government

    Enterprise Risk Management For Financial Institutions

    Information Security Risk Management

    IT Vendor Risk Management

    Event Safety Risk Management

    Student Event Risk Management

    Project Risk Management

    You will provide a writeup and oral presentation of your ERM solution as if you were meeting with the CEO and board members. Your writeup:

    •Must be in APA Style

    •If APA is new to you, search for “APA Style”

    •Paper format: ERM Proposal

    •Must Have at Least 6 Works Cited

    •4 works must be Peer Reviewed Works/Articles

    •Must be at Least 1,500 words

    •Body only

    •Don’t overdo this!!

    •You MUST use APA format

    •Google scholar

    •Proper in-text references

    •Proper end or paper references list

    •Plagiarism is NOT tolerated

    •SafeAssign will analyze each paper

    •Plagiarized work will receive a score of zero

    •Resources you use must be current!

    •Must be published within the last 3 years

    Your written and oral presentation should be:

    No more than 10 minutes

    Explain your ERM solution

    Be creative

    Contain 5-10 slides


    ITS 83340 Golden Gate University United Health Care & American Profit PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

    The importance of Information Governance is being realized across all industries. While there are some common aspects of Information Governance that are common to all industries, still information governance cannot be applied in a “cookie-cutter” fashion. That is, there are certain characteristics or aspects of Information Governance that are unique to a given industry or discipline. And even within the same industry, a good information governance program must be tailored to fit the unique needs of each organization.

    The health care industry is no different. It is undergoing comprehensive transformational change. Consequently, health care professionals are faced with new regulations and requirements that make effective information governance essential. Quick access to complete, comprehensive and accurate information is essential to the goal of healthcare services, for today and tomorrow. Healthcare providers are faced with the reality that information is a critical asset that must be managed in a way that optimizes safe, cost-effective and high quality care to the patient, while at the same time meeting the provider’s administrative and financial needs, reducing risk, and increasing availability for business needs such as analytics and for use on the health information exchange. Of course, the health care provider must do all of this while at the same time ensuring that it is operating ethically, will be able to quickly and completely respond to e-discovery requests and holds, and that it is operating within the confines of both federal and state laws in all regards.

    Information Governance initiates in the health care industry have been studied for more than a decade by a number of organizations and associations. A few of these organizations that have become industry leaders in advancing Information Governance in the healthcare industry in the United States over the past decade.

    Assume you are not a doctor and that you do not have “medical training” per se. Rather, you have a Masters’ Degree in Business Administration. In addition, you have a degree in Information Management. By coincidence, upon receiving your MBA you applied for and received a job in the records department at your local hospital. Over the years, you have advanced through the ranks, and have worked in various departments including finance, records management, billing, accounting, marketing, and IT. Your employer, “CITY GENERAL HOSPITAL”, has no “formal” information governance program, although it has been dabbling with the idea of company-wide information governance.

    You have just been named Chief Financial Officer at your organization. You have agreed to chair the information governance committee that will be responsible for designing and implementing a “formal” information governance program for the organization.

    You have put together an Information Governance Committee (or “TEAM”) consists of representatives from health information management, (HIM), human resources, staff from the business office, accounting, risk management, legal, finance, IT, quality and compliance areas, as
    well as representatives from clinical areas including nursing staff as well as physicians, radiology and other diagnostic testing.

    Your team has had only one organizational meeting. At that initial meeting, the team was asked to do two things. One was to identify what each team member perceives as worthy goals of the information governance program, and secondly, to identify areas that are in immediate need of improvement, from their own background and perspective. They team returned the following:

    The goal of the information governance program should include but not be limited to the following:
    1. Developing processes to ensure better coordination of care throughout the entire organization;
    2. Maintain a competitive advantage in the geographical regions served;
    3. Ensuring that the organization is analytics-driven;
    4. Improved performance and outcomes;
    5. Becoming nimble enough to respond quickly and accurately to information requests related to patient care and diagnosis, legal holds, e-discovery and litigation, and for accountability and auditing;
    6. Develop a viable retention and destruction schedule for active and inactive patient information;
    7. Improve security and protect sensitive data while at the same time allowing necessary access to eliminate impediments for staff that make it difficult to accomplish their job duties; and,
    8. Increase the accuracy of information related to outcomes, and financial leadership to ensure the organization will meet or exceed its financial goals.

    At its initial meeting, your newly formed Information Governance Committee, after some brainstorming and collaboration produced the following list, which is by no means complete, but which was identified by your team members as “high” on their list of problems facing the organization which the team members believed could be resolved and/or minimized through effective information governance:

    1. A number of serious errors that adversely affect patient safely resulted from inadequate user training on how to use the system, as well as laziness of staff in documenting and charting;
    2. Inability to capture information necessary for required reporting from the electronic health records (HER);
    3. Inaccurate and incomplete release of information for litigation and business purposes that had resulted from poor systems integration and improper data retention policies;
    4. Issues associated with a high rate of patient matching errors in master patient database;
    5. Need for updating access controls that ensured appropriate security levels for those caring for patients and those having access to patient records for purposes of billing, diagnostics and reporting, and;

    6. Need for better security of protected health information in order to comply with stricter regulatory requirements.

    Ensure to cover the context above on the slides.



    Assessment Instructions

    For this assessment, consider that you are a successful middle manager in an organization that has an executive level position open. The human resources department is leading an internal search for that opening and considers leadership strengths as key to the position. As part of the application process for candidates interested in the opening, they asked each candidate to submit a short paper explaining the candidate’s views of leadership.To complete your paper, research the definition of leadership and consider how the definitions you find match your own ideas of what leadership means. The organization’s HR department indicated the paper should be around 2–3 pages. They also provided the following outline to use in preparing the paper:

    • Create a definition of leadership and support it with examples.
    • Analyze how leadership can positively impact an organization and provide supporting examples.
    • Develop and analyze a personal strategy to develop leadership skills, including why you think it is effective.
    • Explain your personal strategy to develop leadership skills.
    • Create a definition of management and support it with examples.
    • Compare and contrast the differences between leadership and management.

    Based on the intended audience, your summary should be well organized and written in clear, succinct language. Follow APA rules for attributing sources that support your analysis and conclusions.Academic Integrity and APA FormattingAs a reminder related to using APA rules to ensure academic honesty:

    1. When using a direct quote (using exact or nearly exact wording), you must enclose the quoted wording in quotation marks, immediately followed by an in-text citation. The source must then be listed in your references page.
    2. When paraphrasing (using your own words to describe a non-original idea), the paraphrased idea must be immediately followed by an in-text citation and the source must be listed in your references page.


    Palm Beach State College Wk 5 Mental Health & Eating Disorders Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    Section A

    Post the following:

    • Provide at least two websites or other resources you are using to search for the subject you will be interviewing.
    • Briefly explain why you chose those resources (one paragraph total is sufficient).
    • If you have already chosen your interview subject, please share two websites that will be helpful to your classmates as they complete their interviewee searches.

    Section B

    In the previous Module, you created a Self-Care Plan to help you develop and maintain your personal and professional well-being. This plan includes strategies to help you make progress in particular areas of interest without losing site of overall wellness.

    But a plan by itself is just words on a page. Implementing the plan is as critical as developing the plan. This Discussion is meant to help you get started on working your plan.

    For this Discussion, you will implement one strategy in your Self-Care Plan.

    To Prepare:

    • Review your Self-Care Plan and choose one strategy to implement.

    By Day 4

    Post the implementation of your strategy. Include the following:

    • Describe the implementation of your strategy. For example, if your strategy is to walk your dog for 30 minutes a day, identify the time and day of your walks, or post a photo from one of your walks.
    • Describe how the implementation of your strategy went. Please feel free to be creative with how to submit. Some ideas for submission are pictures, audio, video, or text.
    • Have fun with this check-in! Be creative. No citations or extra research are necessary.


    ACI Linear Programming Model Formulation & Computation Exam Practice Business Finance Assignment Help

    There is a total of 100 questions in the basic exam and 10 BONUS questions. Sounds like a lot!

    Here are the tradeoffs!

    a)This is “at home”, open book, open notes.

    b)The 100 basic exam questions DO NOT include extensive formulation or computation!

    c)The 100 basic exam questions are either “Multiple Choice”, “True or False” or “Fill-in-the-Blank questions!

    d)The 10 BONUS questions are the formulation and computation questions as BONUS!

    Put ALL your answers on the below Answer Sheets no exceptions!

    Formulate a Linear Programming Model –

    1) The poultry farmer decided to make his own chicken scratch by combining alfalfa and corn in rail car quantities. A rail car of corn costs $400 and a rail car of alfalfa costs $200. The farmer’s chickens have a minimum daily requirement of vitamin K (500 milligrams) and iron (400 milligrams), but it doesn’t matter whether those elements come from corn, alfalfa, or some other grain. A unit of corn contains 150 milligrams of vitamin K and 75 milligrams of iron. A unit of alfalfa contains 250 milligrams of vitamin K and 50 milligrams of iron. Formulate the linear programming model for this situation including the Optimization equation and 2 constraint equations. [10 points]

    2) The international man of mystery knew the finest haberdashers the world over and constantly sought to expand his dazzling array of fine suits, ties, and cufflinks. Closet space was at a premium however, so purchases were carefully weighed. Each suit provides 23 units of dazzlement, each tie 14, and a set of cufflinks is worth an easy 8. A suit takes up 0.5 cubic feet of closet space and $900 of budget. A tie costs $135 and cufflinks cost $100 per set. Cufflinks are tiny – even in the original box, they take up only .01 cubic feet while ties occupy a lusty .25 cubic feet. He has budgeted $12,000 for clothes on this trip and has 20 cubic feet of closet space left to fill.

    Formulate an objective function and 2 constraints to model this situation. [10 points]



    ITS 83542 UCM Enterprise Risk Management Research & PPT Writing Assignment Help

    Project Instructions – Need a research paper and presentation by tomorrow afternoon (Paper 1500 words -PPT 5 to 10 slides )

    You are Consultants hired to present an ERM solution for an organization. Examples of ERMs are listed below or you can choose one of your own.

    Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan

    Enterprise Risk Management For Government

    Enterprise Risk Management For Financial Institutions

    Information Security Risk Management

    IT Vendor Risk Management

    Event Safety Risk Management

    Student Event Risk Management

    Project Risk Management

    You will provide a writeup and oral presentation of your ERM solution as if you were meeting with the CEO and board members. Your writeup:

    •Must be in APA Style

    •If APA is new to you, search for “APA Style”

    •Paper format: ERM Proposal

    •Must Have at Least 6 Works Cited

    •4 works must be Peer Reviewed Works/Articles

    •Must be at Least 1,500 words

    •Body only

    •Don’t overdo this!!

    •You MUST use APA format

    •Google scholar

    •Proper in-text references

    •Proper end or paper references list

    •Plagiarism is NOT tolerated

    •SafeAssign will analyze each paper

    •Plagiarized work will receive a score of zero

    •Resources you use must be current!

    •Must be published within the last 3 years

    Your written and oral presentation should be:

    No more than 10 minutes

    Explain your ERM solution

    Be creative

    Contain 5-10 slides

    ITS 83542 UCM Enterprise Risk Management Research & PPT Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    MBA6601 Walden University Shared Practice Paper and Cohesive Response Business Finance Assignment Help

    Prepare , a cohesive response to the following, in which you:FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT

    FILLER TEXT1. Describe what you believe are the most critical actions a manager must take to establish constructive relationships with his or her employees.

    ~ How important do you think it is for managers to get to know their employees and why?


    FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT~ Do you think managers should be friends with their employees? Why or why not?

    2. Thinking about a manager you have worked for, and assessing what steps he or she took to build a relationship with you, describe what more the manager might have done. Explain your response.

    3. Describe a time when you received or gave feedback. How did the process go and what were the results?

    ~ How do you think managers should give feedback to their employees and what types of feedback do you think are most important? Do you think it is important to balance positive and negative feedback? Why or why not? Give examples from your own experience.


    FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT~ As a manager, what steps would you take to get to know your employees and ensure they provide appropriate feedback? What types of questions would you ask? What types of questions would you need to avoid?FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT

    Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, as well as other credible resources you have read; or what you have observed and experienced.

    General Guidance: Shared Practice 3–4 paragraphs in length.FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT


    de Valk, P., (2015) How businesses can deal with a bad manager. Strategic HR Review, 14(3), 74–78.FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT


    Mathur, S. (2017). Emulating change through self awareness. Human Capital, 20(9), 48–49.FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT


    Stoneham, D. (2016). Work on yourself first. Talent Development, 70(3), 70–72.


    Saint Leo The Economic Impact of Inmate Programs Article Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    Find an article (2008 or newer) online reporting about women offender or inmate programs which work and discuss treatment outcomes. Discuss your thoughts on the article and its implication to the field of Criminal Justice. Remember to share your URL.

    The content is to be written logically and scholarly with good grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The student is to do an extensive research-based analysis of the information (300 words with a minimum of 2 APA references). Discuss your thoughts on the information that has been posted. Your remarks can be opinion, but it must be based on your experience, research, and/or prior learning. APA has a new edition. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (2020). 7th Edition, Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association. As an FYI, “Running head:” no longer precedes the short title on the Title page. Avoid the 1st person for all formal papers. As per APA standards, use headline caps for Level 1 headings.Please consult the APA style manual regarding the formatting of citations with 2 authors.


    University of the Cumberlands ERM Information Security Risk Management HW Writing Assignment Help

    You are Consultants hired to present an ERM solution for an organization. Examples of ERMs are listed below or you can choose one of your own.

    Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan

    Enterprise Risk Management For Government

    Enterprise Risk Management For Financial Institutions

    Information Security Risk Management

    IT Vendor Risk Management

    Event Safety Risk Management

    Student Event Risk Management

    Project Risk Management

    You will provide a writeup and oral presentation of your ERM solution as if you were meeting with the CEO and board members. Your writeup:

    •Must be in APA Style

    •If APA is new to you, search for “APA Style”

    •Paper format: ERM Proposal

    •Must Have at Least 6 Works Cited

    •4 works must be Peer Reviewed Works/Articles

    •Must be at Least 1,500 words

    •Body only

    •Don’t overdo this!!

    •You MUST use APA format

    •Google scholar

    •Proper in-text references

    •Proper end or paper references list

    •Plagiarism is NOT tolerated

    •SafeAssign will analyze each paper

    •Plagiarized work will receive a score of zero

    •Resources you use must be current!

    •Must be published within the last 3 years

    Your written and oral presentation should be:

    No more than 10 minutes

    Explain your ERM solution

    Be creative

    Contain 5-10 slides


    ITS 83340 Golden Gate University United Health Care & American Profit PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

    The importance of Information Governance is being realized across all industries. While there are some common aspects of Information Governance that are common to all industries, still information governance cannot be applied in a “cookie-cutter” fashion. That is, there are certain characteristics or aspects of Information Governance that are unique to a given industry or discipline. And even within the same industry, a good information governance program must be tailored to fit the unique needs of each organization.

    The health care industry is no different. It is undergoing comprehensive transformational change. Consequently, health care professionals are faced with new regulations and requirements that make effective information governance essential. Quick access to complete, comprehensive and accurate information is essential to the goal of healthcare services, for today and tomorrow. Healthcare providers are faced with the reality that information is a critical asset that must be managed in a way that optimizes safe, cost-effective and high quality care to the patient, while at the same time meeting the provider’s administrative and financial needs, reducing risk, and increasing availability for business needs such as analytics and for use on the health information exchange. Of course, the health care provider must do all of this while at the same time ensuring that it is operating ethically, will be able to quickly and completely respond to e-discovery requests and holds, and that it is operating within the confines of both federal and state laws in all regards.

    Information Governance initiates in the health care industry have been studied for more than a decade by a number of organizations and associations. A few of these organizations that have become industry leaders in advancing Information Governance in the healthcare industry in the United States over the past decade.

    Assume you are not a doctor and that you do not have “medical training” per se. Rather, you have a Masters’ Degree in Business Administration. In addition, you have a degree in Information Management. By coincidence, upon receiving your MBA you applied for and received a job in the records department at your local hospital. Over the years, you have advanced through the ranks, and have worked in various departments including finance, records management, billing, accounting, marketing, and IT. Your employer, “CITY GENERAL HOSPITAL”, has no “formal” information governance program, although it has been dabbling with the idea of company-wide information governance.

    You have just been named Chief Financial Officer at your organization. You have agreed to chair the information governance committee that will be responsible for designing and implementing a “formal” information governance program for the organization.

    You have put together an Information Governance Committee (or “TEAM”) consists of representatives from health information management, (HIM), human resources, staff from the business office, accounting, risk management, legal, finance, IT, quality and compliance areas, as
    well as representatives from clinical areas including nursing staff as well as physicians, radiology and other diagnostic testing.

    Your team has had only one organizational meeting. At that initial meeting, the team was asked to do two things. One was to identify what each team member perceives as worthy goals of the information governance program, and secondly, to identify areas that are in immediate need of improvement, from their own background and perspective. They team returned the following:

    The goal of the information governance program should include but not be limited to the following:
    1. Developing processes to ensure better coordination of care throughout the entire organization;
    2. Maintain a competitive advantage in the geographical regions served;
    3. Ensuring that the organization is analytics-driven;
    4. Improved performance and outcomes;
    5. Becoming nimble enough to respond quickly and accurately to information requests related to patient care and diagnosis, legal holds, e-discovery and litigation, and for accountability and auditing;
    6. Develop a viable retention and destruction schedule for active and inactive patient information;
    7. Improve security and protect sensitive data while at the same time allowing necessary access to eliminate impediments for staff that make it difficult to accomplish their job duties; and,
    8. Increase the accuracy of information related to outcomes, and financial leadership to ensure the organization will meet or exceed its financial goals.

    At its initial meeting, your newly formed Information Governance Committee, after some brainstorming and collaboration produced the following list, which is by no means complete, but which was identified by your team members as “high” on their list of problems facing the organization which the team members believed could be resolved and/or minimized through effective information governance:

    1. A number of serious errors that adversely affect patient safely resulted from inadequate user training on how to use the system, as well as laziness of staff in documenting and charting;
    2. Inability to capture information necessary for required reporting from the electronic health records (HER);
    3. Inaccurate and incomplete release of information for litigation and business purposes that had resulted from poor systems integration and improper data retention policies;
    4. Issues associated with a high rate of patient matching errors in master patient database;
    5. Need for updating access controls that ensured appropriate security levels for those caring for patients and those having access to patient records for purposes of billing, diagnostics and reporting, and;

    6. Need for better security of protected health information in order to comply with stricter regulatory requirements.

    Ensure to cover the context above on the slides.



    Assessment Instructions

    For this assessment, consider that you are a successful middle manager in an organization that has an executive level position open. The human resources department is leading an internal search for that opening and considers leadership strengths as key to the position. As part of the application process for candidates interested in the opening, they asked each candidate to submit a short paper explaining the candidate’s views of leadership.To complete your paper, research the definition of leadership and consider how the definitions you find match your own ideas of what leadership means. The organization’s HR department indicated the paper should be around 2–3 pages. They also provided the following outline to use in preparing the paper:

    • Create a definition of leadership and support it with examples.
    • Analyze how leadership can positively impact an organization and provide supporting examples.
    • Develop and analyze a personal strategy to develop leadership skills, including why you think it is effective.
    • Explain your personal strategy to develop leadership skills.
    • Create a definition of management and support it with examples.
    • Compare and contrast the differences between leadership and management.

    Based on the intended audience, your summary should be well organized and written in clear, succinct language. Follow APA rules for attributing sources that support your analysis and conclusions.Academic Integrity and APA FormattingAs a reminder related to using APA rules to ensure academic honesty:

    1. When using a direct quote (using exact or nearly exact wording), you must enclose the quoted wording in quotation marks, immediately followed by an in-text citation. The source must then be listed in your references page.
    2. When paraphrasing (using your own words to describe a non-original idea), the paraphrased idea must be immediately followed by an in-text citation and the source must be listed in your references page.


    Palm Beach State College Wk 5 Mental Health & Eating Disorders Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    Section A

    Post the following:

    • Provide at least two websites or other resources you are using to search for the subject you will be interviewing.
    • Briefly explain why you chose those resources (one paragraph total is sufficient).
    • If you have already chosen your interview subject, please share two websites that will be helpful to your classmates as they complete their interviewee searches.

    Section B

    In the previous Module, you created a Self-Care Plan to help you develop and maintain your personal and professional well-being. This plan includes strategies to help you make progress in particular areas of interest without losing site of overall wellness.

    But a plan by itself is just words on a page. Implementing the plan is as critical as developing the plan. This Discussion is meant to help you get started on working your plan.

    For this Discussion, you will implement one strategy in your Self-Care Plan.

    To Prepare:

    • Review your Self-Care Plan and choose one strategy to implement.

    By Day 4

    Post the implementation of your strategy. Include the following:

    • Describe the implementation of your strategy. For example, if your strategy is to walk your dog for 30 minutes a day, identify the time and day of your walks, or post a photo from one of your walks.
    • Describe how the implementation of your strategy went. Please feel free to be creative with how to submit. Some ideas for submission are pictures, audio, video, or text.
    • Have fun with this check-in! Be creative. No citations or extra research are necessary.


    ACI Linear Programming Model Formulation & Computation Exam Practice Business Finance Assignment Help

    There is a total of 100 questions in the basic exam and 10 BONUS questions. Sounds like a lot!

    Here are the tradeoffs!

    a)This is “at home”, open book, open notes.

    b)The 100 basic exam questions DO NOT include extensive formulation or computation!

    c)The 100 basic exam questions are either “Multiple Choice”, “True or False” or “Fill-in-the-Blank questions!

    d)The 10 BONUS questions are the formulation and computation questions as BONUS!

    Put ALL your answers on the below Answer Sheets no exceptions!

    Formulate a Linear Programming Model –

    1) The poultry farmer decided to make his own chicken scratch by combining alfalfa and corn in rail car quantities. A rail car of corn costs $400 and a rail car of alfalfa costs $200. The farmer’s chickens have a minimum daily requirement of vitamin K (500 milligrams) and iron (400 milligrams), but it doesn’t matter whether those elements come from corn, alfalfa, or some other grain. A unit of corn contains 150 milligrams of vitamin K and 75 milligrams of iron. A unit of alfalfa contains 250 milligrams of vitamin K and 50 milligrams of iron. Formulate the linear programming model for this situation including the Optimization equation and 2 constraint equations. [10 points]

    2) The international man of mystery knew the finest haberdashers the world over and constantly sought to expand his dazzling array of fine suits, ties, and cufflinks. Closet space was at a premium however, so purchases were carefully weighed. Each suit provides 23 units of dazzlement, each tie 14, and a set of cufflinks is worth an easy 8. A suit takes up 0.5 cubic feet of closet space and $900 of budget. A tie costs $135 and cufflinks cost $100 per set. Cufflinks are tiny – even in the original box, they take up only .01 cubic feet while ties occupy a lusty .25 cubic feet. He has budgeted $12,000 for clothes on this trip and has 20 cubic feet of closet space left to fill.

    Formulate an objective function and 2 constraints to model this situation. [10 points]



    ITS 83542 UCM Enterprise Risk Management Research & PPT Writing Assignment Help

    Project Instructions – Need a research paper and presentation by tomorrow afternoon (Paper 1500 words -PPT 5 to 10 slides )

    You are Consultants hired to present an ERM solution for an organization. Examples of ERMs are listed below or you can choose one of your own.

    Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan

    Enterprise Risk Management For Government

    Enterprise Risk Management For Financial Institutions

    Information Security Risk Management

    IT Vendor Risk Management

    Event Safety Risk Management

    Student Event Risk Management

    Project Risk Management

    You will provide a writeup and oral presentation of your ERM solution as if you were meeting with the CEO and board members. Your writeup:

    •Must be in APA Style

    •If APA is new to you, search for “APA Style”

    •Paper format: ERM Proposal

    •Must Have at Least 6 Works Cited

    •4 works must be Peer Reviewed Works/Articles

    •Must be at Least 1,500 words

    •Body only

    •Don’t overdo this!!

    •You MUST use APA format

    •Google scholar

    •Proper in-text references

    •Proper end or paper references list

    •Plagiarism is NOT tolerated

    •SafeAssign will analyze each paper

    •Plagiarized work will receive a score of zero

    •Resources you use must be current!

    •Must be published within the last 3 years

    Your written and oral presentation should be:

    No more than 10 minutes

    Explain your ERM solution

    Be creative

    Contain 5-10 slides

    ITS 83542 UCM Enterprise Risk Management Research & PPT Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    MBA6601 Walden University Shared Practice Paper and Cohesive Response Business Finance Assignment Help

    Prepare , a cohesive response to the following, in which you:FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT

    FILLER TEXT1. Describe what you believe are the most critical actions a manager must take to establish constructive relationships with his or her employees.

    ~ How important do you think it is for managers to get to know their employees and why?


    FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT~ Do you think managers should be friends with their employees? Why or why not?

    2. Thinking about a manager you have worked for, and assessing what steps he or she took to build a relationship with you, describe what more the manager might have done. Explain your response.

    3. Describe a time when you received or gave feedback. How did the process go and what were the results?

    ~ How do you think managers should give feedback to their employees and what types of feedback do you think are most important? Do you think it is important to balance positive and negative feedback? Why or why not? Give examples from your own experience.


    FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT~ As a manager, what steps would you take to get to know your employees and ensure they provide appropriate feedback? What types of questions would you ask? What types of questions would you need to avoid?FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT

    Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, as well as other credible resources you have read; or what you have observed and experienced.

    General Guidance: Shared Practice 3–4 paragraphs in length.FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT


    de Valk, P., (2015) How businesses can deal with a bad manager. Strategic HR Review, 14(3), 74–78.FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT


    Mathur, S. (2017). Emulating change through self awareness. Human Capital, 20(9), 48–49.FILLER TEXTFILLER TEXT


    Stoneham, D. (2016). Work on yourself first. Talent Development, 70(3), 70–72.


    Saint Leo The Economic Impact of Inmate Programs Article Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    Find an article (2008 or newer) online reporting about women offender or inmate programs which work and discuss treatment outcomes. Discuss your thoughts on the article and its implication to the field of Criminal Justice. Remember to share your URL.

    The content is to be written logically and scholarly with good grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The student is to do an extensive research-based analysis of the information (300 words with a minimum of 2 APA references). Discuss your thoughts on the information that has been posted. Your remarks can be opinion, but it must be based on your experience, research, and/or prior learning. APA has a new edition. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (2020). 7th Edition, Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association. As an FYI, “Running head:” no longer precedes the short title on the Title page. Avoid the 1st person for all formal papers. As per APA standards, use headline caps for Level 1 headings.Please consult the APA style manual regarding the formatting of citations with 2 authors.


    University of the Cumberlands ERM Information Security Risk Management HW Writing Assignment Help

    You are Consultants hired to present an ERM solution for an organization. Examples of ERMs are listed below or you can choose one of your own.

    Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan

    Enterprise Risk Management For Government

    Enterprise Risk Management For Financial Institutions

    Information Security Risk Management

    IT Vendor Risk Management

    Event Safety Risk Management

    Student Event Risk Management

    Project Risk Management

    You will provide a writeup and oral presentation of your ERM solution as if you were meeting with the CEO and board members. Your writeup:

    •Must be in APA Style

    •If APA is new to you, search for “APA Style”

    •Paper format: ERM Proposal

    •Must Have at Least 6 Works Cited

    •4 works must be Peer Reviewed Works/Articles

    •Must be at Least 1,500 words

    •Body only

    •Don’t overdo this!!

    •You MUST use APA format

    •Google scholar

    •Proper in-text references

    •Proper end or paper references list

    •Plagiarism is NOT tolerated

    •SafeAssign will analyze each paper

    •Plagiarized work will receive a score of zero

    •Resources you use must be current!

    •Must be published within the last 3 years

    Your written and oral presentation should be:

    No more than 10 minutes

    Explain your ERM solution

    Be creative

    Contain 5-10 slides


    ITS 83340 Golden Gate University United Health Care & American Profit PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

    The importance of Information Governance is being realized across all industries. While there are some common aspects of Information Governance that are common to all industries, still information governance cannot be applied in a “cookie-cutter” fashion. That is, there are certain characteristics or aspects of Information Governance that are unique to a given industry or discipline. And even within the same industry, a good information governance program must be tailored to fit the unique needs of each organization.

    The health care industry is no different. It is undergoing comprehensive transformational change. Consequently, health care professionals are faced with new regulations and requirements that make effective information governance essential. Quick access to complete, comprehensive and accurate information is essential to the goal of healthcare services, for today and tomorrow. Healthcare providers are faced with the reality that information is a critical asset that must be managed in a way that optimizes safe, cost-effective and high quality care to the patient, while at the same time meeting the provider’s administrative and financial needs, reducing risk, and increasing availability for business needs such as analytics and for use on the health information exchange. Of course, the health care provider must do all of this while at the same time ensuring that it is operating ethically, will be able to quickly and completely respond to e-discovery requests and holds, and that it is operating within the confines of both federal and state laws in all regards.

    Information Governance initiates in the health care industry have been studied for more than a decade by a number of organizations and associations. A few of these organizations that have become industry leaders in advancing Information Governance in the healthcare industry in the United States over the past decade.

    Assume you are not a doctor and that you do not have “medical training” per se. Rather, you have a Masters’ Degree in Business Administration. In addition, you have a degree in Information Management. By coincidence, upon receiving your MBA you applied for and received a job in the records department at your local hospital. Over the years, you have advanced through the ranks, and have worked in various departments including finance, records management, billing, accounting, marketing, and IT. Your employer, “CITY GENERAL HOSPITAL”, has no “formal” information governance program, although it has been dabbling with the idea of company-wide information governance.

    You have just been named Chief Financial Officer at your organization. You have agreed to chair the information governance committee that will be responsible for designing and implementing a “formal” information governance program for the organization.

    You have put together an Information Governance Committee (or “TEAM”) consists of representatives from health information management, (HIM), human resources, staff from the business office, accounting, risk management, legal, finance, IT, quality and compliance areas, as
    well as representatives from clinical areas including nursing staff as well as physicians, radiology and other diagnostic testing.

    Your team has had only one organizational meeting. At that initial meeting, the team was asked to do two things. One was to identify what each team member perceives as worthy goals of the information governance program, and secondly, to identify areas that are in immediate need of improvement, from their own background and perspective. They team returned the following:

    The goal of the information governance program should include but not be limited to the following:
    1. Developing processes to ensure better coordination of care throughout the entire organization;
    2. Maintain a competitive advantage in the geographical regions served;
    3. Ensuring that the organization is analytics-driven;
    4. Improved performance and outcomes;
    5. Becoming nimble enough to respond quickly and accurately to information requests related to patient care and diagnosis, legal holds, e-discovery and litigation, and for accountability and auditing;
    6. Develop a viable retention and destruction schedule for active and inactive patient information;
    7. Improve security and protect sensitive data while at the same time allowing necessary access to eliminate impediments for staff that make it difficult to accomplish their job duties; and,
    8. Increase the accuracy of information related to outcomes, and financial leadership to ensure the organization will meet or exceed its financial goals.

    At its initial meeting, your newly formed Information Governance Committee, after some brainstorming and collaboration produced the following list, which is by no means complete, but which was identified by your team members as “high” on their list of problems facing the organization which the team members believed could be resolved and/or minimized through effective information governance:

    1. A number of serious errors that adversely affect patient safely resulted from inadequate user training on how to use the system, as well as laziness of staff in documenting and charting;
    2. Inability to capture information necessary for required reporting from the electronic health records (HER);
    3. Inaccurate and incomplete release of information for litigation and business purposes that had resulted from poor systems integration and improper data retention policies;
    4. Issues associated with a high rate of patient matching errors in master patient database;
    5. Need for updating access controls that ensured appropriate security levels for those caring for patients and those having access to patient records for purposes of billing, diagnostics and reporting, and;

    6. Need for better security of protected health information in order to comply with stricter regulatory requirements.

    Ensure to cover the context above on the slides.


    Koontz What College Girls Thought About how Media Depicts Love & Romance Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    Koontz What College Girls Thought About how Media Depicts Love & Romance Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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