KU Electrical Stimulation as A Treatment for Athletes Injuries Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

KU Electrical Stimulation as A Treatment for Athletes Injuries Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help. KU Electrical Stimulation as A Treatment for Athletes Injuries Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help.

I’m working on a health & medical case study and need a sample draft to help me study.
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The student will write a literature review (a cohesive summary of the evidence-based medicine) of five articles and a case study, this combined is your research project. Typed, double-spaced, 12-pt Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins. Make sure you spell check. For the case study, the student will use a case study in the literature and review how the modality affected the athlete and the injury status. (The effects of the modality on their particular injury) Consider these questions: My modality is electrical stimulation for pain. The case study has to be within 10 years. Minimum of 8 pages,

Did the modality work?

What patient self-assessment instrument was used to determine if the treatment goal was met?

If none was used, which patient self-report assessment instrument could have been used?

How many treatments were applied? Days/weeks?

Were the treatments consistent?

Was it used wisely?

Should a different modality have been used?

Were the settings/applications/parameters accurate and appropriate?

How did the athlete feel after the treatments?

Apply what you learned from the articles and from the case study into the research project. Discuss if the research conducted in the literature review correlates with the treatment effects for the case study. Provide rationale for this correlation. How would the research provided alter the treatment for this patient?

Use APA format for citation page.

KU Electrical Stimulation as A Treatment for Athletes Injuries Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

IDIS 302 Baltimore Conspicuous Consumption in Advertisements Question Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a public health report and need a sample draft to help me study.

Instructions for short-answer questions: Use complete sentences on all answers. No one or two-word answers will be accepted. Make sure you answer all the questions with substance. Also, no outside materials can be used. Class Exercise 4 can be numbered, must be checked for errors, and have a cover sheet.

Word Requirement: At least 125 words per question.

What does it mean to be a good business person and a “true professional?” Does it mean taking a customer or client for all he/she is worth? Does it mean making the most amount of money possible regardless of who is hurt in the process? Does it mean joining the Culture of Greed? Or does being a good business person or “true professional” mean serving others to the best of our abilities, while enjoying practicing our given skills and providing valuable services to others?

How has advertising and marketing influenced not only what we buy and sell in this country, but what we value as well? In this chapter we will explore the nature of consumerism as both a catalyst for and an effect of what may be called “The American Ethos.”

After watching YouTube Clip-KILLING US SOFTLY: THEN & NOW and reading the required readings; In Defense of Advertising, and What is Conspicuous consumption? Answer the questions below.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utvpiDKYebk&t=352s 16.55

*Make sure clip starts from the beginning

1. What are some stereotypical stories media tell about women? Give an example.

2. What are some stereotypical stories media tell about men? Give an example.

3. What sorts of products are sold using images of women and femininity?

4. How is success usually portrayed in advertisements? Give some specific examples.

5. Are there forms of success that advertisements seem to leave out? What are they? Why do you think they’re not as common in ads as other kinds of success?

6. Give an example of an item that you purchased because of advertisement. What about that advertisement made you purchase the item?

In your own words explain the three negative collective effects that have been attributed to advertising? Give an example of each.




10. In details what are your feelings about “Conspicuous Consumption.”


Walden University Suicide Awareness and Prevention HR4585 Bill Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

First, H.R. 4585 is the Campaign to Prevent Suicide Act. It is a bill introduced on 10/01/2019 to the 116th Congress (2019-2020), sponsored by Rep. Beyer, Donald S., Jr (D-VA-8). This bill, which aims at preventing suicide in the United States, requires the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to develop, implement, and evaluate a national media campaign focused on suicide prevention. In addition, the national suicide prevention hotline must be a three-digit, tollfree number (Congress.gov, n.d.). The latest action on this bill is that it was received in the Senate on 09/22/2020 and Read and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (Congress.gov, n.d.).

According to the CDC fast facts on Violence Prevention, suicide is cited as the 10th leading cause of death in the United States; suicide is responsible for more than 48,000 deaths in 2018 and results in about one death every 11 minutes. Yearly, there is increasing suicide thoughts and attempts by more people. The 2018 data shows that 10.7 million American adults seriously thought about suicide, while 3.3 million made a plan, and 1.4 million actually went on to attempt suicide. (CDC, 2020). These fast facts offer the evidence base to support this proposed H.R. 4585; as noted by CDC, suicide is a serious public health problem that can have lasting harmful effects on individuals, families, and communities (CDC, n.d.).

In order to successfully prevent suicide, it is ideal to adopt a multi-level approach involving the individual, the relationship, the community and the society as a whole (CDC, n.d.). Preventing suicide involved the reduction of risk factors while promoting those factors that help protect from suicide, this is the aim of suicide prevention, as indicated by the CDC. Some of the strategies offered by the CDC to reduce suicide include: Strengthening economic supports, strengthen access and delivery of suicide care, create protective environments, promote connectedness, teaching coping and problem-solving skills, identify and support people at risk, and lessen harm and prevent future risk. (CDC, 2020).


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2020, April 21). Preventing Suicide. Retrieved April 13, 2021, from https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/suicide/fastfact.html

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (n.d.). Retrieved April 14, 2021, from https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/suicide/

Congress.gov (n.d.). H.R.4585 – Campaign to Prevent Suicide Act. Retrieved April 12, 2021, from https://www.congress.gov/bill/116thcongress/housebill/4585/history?q=searchhr4585&r=1


RC Dynamite Detergent Customer Sales Tables in Excel Online Sales Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a excel exercise and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

1. Open the data file SC5 Data and save the file to your computer as [name]SC5 Dynamite Customer Sales. (Example: Dobbs SC5 Dynamite Customer Sales)

2. Click the Sales Sheet. Format the data set as a table. Choose a style from the styles gallery.

3. Create the following calculated columns.

a) In I4, and J4, use a VLOOKUP function that will look up the Product Price and Product Cost based on the Product Sold column which lists an ID number. [Hint: The Product Table sheet lists the Price and Cost] If any error messages appear, check the Range Lookup.

b) In K4, use a formula to calculate Profit. Hint: Profit =(Product Price-Product Cost)*Units Sold

4. Format columns I, J, and K as currency with two decimal places.

5. Make a copy of the Sales sheet and rename it Online Sales by Date. Place this sheet to the right of the Sales sheet. Answer the following question by filtering the data accordingly. What was the total Profit for Online Sales? Sort the results by Date Sold (A/Z).

6. Make a copy of the Sales sheet and rename it June Sales by Country. Place this new sheet to the right of the Online Sales by Date sheet. Answer the following question by filtering the data accordingly. In June, for all products sold, what was the total profit earned? Sort the results by Country, then Name both in (A/Z).

7. Make another copy of the Sales sheet and rename it Sales by Product. Place this new sheet to the right of the June Sales by Country sheet. Using a slicer, filter the data accordingly to display the average Product Price, Product Cost, and Profit for DETA100 and DETA200 items. Sort the filtered sheet by Product Sold. [Hint: In the total row make sure to type the word Average in column A.]

8. Make one final copy of the Sales sheet and rename it Subtotals by Sales Type. Place this new sheet to the right of the Sales by Product sheet. Subtotal the sheet by Sales Type, summing the Profit column.

9. Add a 2nd subtotal to the Subtotals by Type sheet that subtotals by Sales Type and averages the Profit column.

10. From the Sales sheet, create the below PivotTable totaling per product type the Product Cost for Online and Retail sales. Insert the PivotTable as a new sheet. Name the sheet ProductPT.

Screenshot of the Product PivotTable
Figure 5.77 ProductPT

11. For each worksheet, add a footer with the worksheet name in the center and your name in the right panel.

12. Preview each worksheet in Print Preview and make any necessary changes for professional printing. (Hint: Orientation, page scaling, and print titles might need to be used.)


BUSI 830 Liberty Cultural Influences on the Performance of a Project Manager Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business discussion question and need support to help me understand better.

The purpose of an explanatory case study is to understand a contemporary phenomenon within a specified context using multiple sources in a predominately qualitative manner to explain the “how” and “why” of the phenomena. For this discussion, the explanatory case study is how the cultural influences of a project manager in the developmental years of life affect the risk strategy applied to an active project. The study focuses on the economic disparities during the developmental years of the project managers to develop theoretical propositions to explain why some project managers are more risk-averse than others. Discuss what tools or methods could supply a framework for the researcher to develop the protocol for the observations of the project managers to find traits. Then articulate an LSS tool the researcher could use to improve the observations of the project managers by looking for other factors which may influence decision concerning risk and then subsequently how economic disparity has or has not directly influenced risk aversion in a project manager.



University of Nairobi Mrs Baumgartner Multiple Sclerosis Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

Mrs. Baumgartner is a 70-year-old female who has had multiple sclerosis (MS) for more than 10 years. She lives at home with her husband of 48 years, who has been her primary caretaker. Upon her last visit to the neurologist, she was prescribed natalizumab (Tysabri).

1. What questions should the nurse ask when assessing Mrs. Baumgartner’s tolerance of the new medication?

2. Mrs. Baumgartner tells the nurse that she has been reading online about complementary and alternative therapies for MS. She asks the nurse, “Should I use some of these?” How should the nurse respond?

3. While speaking with Mr. and Mrs. Baumgartner, the nurse notices that Mr. Baumgartner is often tearful when discussing his wife’s condition and treatment. What symptoms of caregiver fatigue might the nurse observe

University of Nairobi Mrs Baumgartner Multiple Sclerosis Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Impact of Social Psychology on The Practicing School Psychologist Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Cognition, Human Learning, and Development. 

General directions: For all questions, cite relevant legal and ethical codes/issues/case law and address issue of diversity where relevant.



using 12pt font.

I need 3 or more pages to this question 

1. Consider the impact of social psychology on the practicing school psychologist. Provide three examples of how understanding social psychology theories can aid in the practice of a school psychologist. In your response, provide a specific overview of the social psychological theory as well as the link to the daily practice of school psychology.


Clayton State University Protection of Intellectual Property Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Burger King, the national franchise, is banned from opening a restaurant within 20 miles of Mattoon, Illinois. So, there is not a Burger King there; no problem, right? Not so fast! In the late 1950s, Gene and Betty Hoots trademarked the iconic name. Well, they trademarked it in Illinois at least. When the national company decided to open a chain close by, the Hoots sued and won their case. However, the national chain was able to keep the name Burger King, but the Hoots were also able to keep the name in accordance with the stipulation that the national chain could not open a store within a 20-mile radius of the original store in Mattoon, Illinois.

Your assignment must be at least two pages in length and explain the methods for protecting intellectual property, the reasons why this decision was made, and the significance of this case in U.S. trademark law jurisprudence. Define the limitations of business ownership and protecting property. Include an introduction in your paper.

For this assignment, please find one article from the CSU Online Library that discusses intellectual property; elaborate on how the article relates to the Burger King case to support your answer. Identify the main issues with copyright and trademark in the article, and explain how these issues were either upheld or overturned.

Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment APA formatting, however, is not necessary.


Left Behind America Globalization Commentary Essay Writing Assignment Help

Using the documentary Left behind America as a starting point, write a 3-page commentary, double-spaced on the topic of globalization. Your commentary should be written as an essay and include at least one reference for each of your class readings, one for the documentary Left behind America and 3 additional references. Include a list of references at the end.

Be sure to address the following questions:

  • What are the main elements that define the concept of globalization?
  • What are the main challenges of globalization for companies from a PR viewpoint?
  • What are the pros and cons of globalization from an American perspective? And from a world perspective?
  • How has the COVID19 crisis affected the process of globalization in terms of perceptions and general terms?


UI Language and Respect when Working in The Alzheimer Ward Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Writing Project #2: Advanced Genre Theories: Observing Genres DUE: Draft #1 – 9/29
Revised – 10/6


“One way to get a handle on these complicated concepts is to try to apply them. In 7 pages, you
will choose an advanced concept or concepts regarding genre (e.g., genre uptake, meta-genre,
genre sets and genre systems) to apply to and analyze a genre or genres of your choosing.”

That’s the syllabus language. But, as always, it’s widely open to your interpretation. I’m going to
lay out two options, but of course, you can hybridize them, or you can develop your own
approach to writing this text.

Option 1:

Follow the ‘metagenre,’ or, language above. Take the main concepts that we’ve been working on
since reading Bawarshi & Reiff (2010) and Paré & Smart (1995) and apply those of your
choosing to a genre or genres. That is, “observe” those genres “in action” and analyze what you
see. “Genre or genres” here can be interpreted in different ways. You can choose to take a single
assignment from another class and analyze it as a genre (or metagenre), paying close attention to
the sorts of “uptakes” it might work to secure based on what it asks you to do — this would be a
sort of “genre-as-text-artifact approach.” You could trace how a genre is related to, follows from,
and leads to other genres (which is another way to think about uptake). But you’re not limited to
conventional texts by any means. The key here is to think about what these sorts of concepts
we’ve looked at in this unit can tell you, or help you explain about, something from your
everyday life, work, etc.

In the past I’ve had students:

  • – Analyze a course syllabus, or sections of one, from this or another class
  • – Analyze an assignment prompt from another class
  • – Analyze genred language practices they used as they worked in an Alzheimer’s ward
  • – Analyze a set of plays from their football team; this could probably work for any sports
  • – Analyze protocols from work in a warehouse (work orders, etc.) as genres, genre sets,
    and genre system
  • – Analyze protocols from work as a barista as genres, genre sets, and genre system
  • – Analyze our classroom practices, genres, documents, etc.
    I can’t possibly imagine all the examples you might be interested in. Choose something you
    know that you can readily apply genre to and choose something you don’t have to chase
    right now; by that, I mean that you will want to have ready access to whatever it is you choose
    to apply these concepts to.

  1. I can’t possibly imagine all the examples you might be interested in. Choose something you
    know that you can readily apply genre to and choose something you don’t have to chase
    right now; by that, I mean that you will want to have ready access to whatever it is you choose
    to apply these concepts to

Writing Project #2 should demonstrate conventions of academic discourse:

  1. Are the writer’s ideas adequately situated in relation to sources?
  2. Are important names and terms adequately defined?
  3. Are controlling purposes apparent?
  4. Are lines of inquiry adequately revealed and followed by such strategies as pursuing lines of reasoning,
    substantiating arguments, extending examples, paraphrasing, synthesizing, and summarizing?
  5. Are documentable claims supporting these inquiries adequately and consistently cited in text and accompanied
    by appropriate reference pages




RC Dynamite Detergent Customer Sales Tables in Excel Online Sales Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a excel exercise and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

1. Open the data file SC5 Data and save the file to your computer as [name]SC5 Dynamite Customer Sales. (Example: Dobbs SC5 Dynamite Customer Sales)

2. Click the Sales Sheet. Format the data set as a table. Choose a style from the styles gallery.

3. Create the following calculated columns.

a) In I4, and J4, use a VLOOKUP function that will look up the Product Price and Product Cost based on the Product Sold column which lists an ID number. [Hint: The Product Table sheet lists the Price and Cost] If any error messages appear, check the Range Lookup.

b) In K4, use a formula to calculate Profit. Hint: Profit =(Product Price-Product Cost)*Units Sold

4. Format columns I, J, and K as currency with two decimal places.

5. Make a copy of the Sales sheet and rename it Online Sales by Date. Place this sheet to the right of the Sales sheet. Answer the following question by filtering the data accordingly. What was the total Profit for Online Sales? Sort the results by Date Sold (A/Z).

6. Make a copy of the Sales sheet and rename it June Sales by Country. Place this new sheet to the right of the Online Sales by Date sheet. Answer the following question by filtering the data accordingly. In June, for all products sold, what was the total profit earned? Sort the results by Country, then Name both in (A/Z).

7. Make another copy of the Sales sheet and rename it Sales by Product. Place this new sheet to the right of the June Sales by Country sheet. Using a slicer, filter the data accordingly to display the average Product Price, Product Cost, and Profit for DETA100 and DETA200 items. Sort the filtered sheet by Product Sold. [Hint: In the total row make sure to type the word Average in column A.]

8. Make one final copy of the Sales sheet and rename it Subtotals by Sales Type. Place this new sheet to the right of the Sales by Product sheet. Subtotal the sheet by Sales Type, summing the Profit column.

9. Add a 2nd subtotal to the Subtotals by Type sheet that subtotals by Sales Type and averages the Profit column.

10. From the Sales sheet, create the below PivotTable totaling per product type the Product Cost for Online and Retail sales. Insert the PivotTable as a new sheet. Name the sheet ProductPT.

Screenshot of the Product PivotTable
Figure 5.77 ProductPT

11. For each worksheet, add a footer with the worksheet name in the center and your name in the right panel.

12. Preview each worksheet in Print Preview and make any necessary changes for professional printing. (Hint: Orientation, page scaling, and print titles might need to be used.)


BUSI 830 Liberty Cultural Influences on the Performance of a Project Manager Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business discussion question and need support to help me understand better.

The purpose of an explanatory case study is to understand a contemporary phenomenon within a specified context using multiple sources in a predominately qualitative manner to explain the “how” and “why” of the phenomena. For this discussion, the explanatory case study is how the cultural influences of a project manager in the developmental years of life affect the risk strategy applied to an active project. The study focuses on the economic disparities during the developmental years of the project managers to develop theoretical propositions to explain why some project managers are more risk-averse than others. Discuss what tools or methods could supply a framework for the researcher to develop the protocol for the observations of the project managers to find traits. Then articulate an LSS tool the researcher could use to improve the observations of the project managers by looking for other factors which may influence decision concerning risk and then subsequently how economic disparity has or has not directly influenced risk aversion in a project manager.



University of Nairobi Mrs Baumgartner Multiple Sclerosis Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

Mrs. Baumgartner is a 70-year-old female who has had multiple sclerosis (MS) for more than 10 years. She lives at home with her husband of 48 years, who has been her primary caretaker. Upon her last visit to the neurologist, she was prescribed natalizumab (Tysabri).

1. What questions should the nurse ask when assessing Mrs. Baumgartner’s tolerance of the new medication?

2. Mrs. Baumgartner tells the nurse that she has been reading online about complementary and alternative therapies for MS. She asks the nurse, “Should I use some of these?” How should the nurse respond?

3. While speaking with Mr. and Mrs. Baumgartner, the nurse notices that Mr. Baumgartner is often tearful when discussing his wife’s condition and treatment. What symptoms of caregiver fatigue might the nurse observe

University of Nairobi Mrs Baumgartner Multiple Sclerosis Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Impact of Social Psychology on The Practicing School Psychologist Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Cognition, Human Learning, and Development. 

General directions: For all questions, cite relevant legal and ethical codes/issues/case law and address issue of diversity where relevant.



using 12pt font.

I need 3 or more pages to this question 

1. Consider the impact of social psychology on the practicing school psychologist. Provide three examples of how understanding social psychology theories can aid in the practice of a school psychologist. In your response, provide a specific overview of the social psychological theory as well as the link to the daily practice of school psychology.


Clayton State University Protection of Intellectual Property Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Burger King, the national franchise, is banned from opening a restaurant within 20 miles of Mattoon, Illinois. So, there is not a Burger King there; no problem, right? Not so fast! In the late 1950s, Gene and Betty Hoots trademarked the iconic name. Well, they trademarked it in Illinois at least. When the national company decided to open a chain close by, the Hoots sued and won their case. However, the national chain was able to keep the name Burger King, but the Hoots were also able to keep the name in accordance with the stipulation that the national chain could not open a store within a 20-mile radius of the original store in Mattoon, Illinois.

Your assignment must be at least two pages in length and explain the methods for protecting intellectual property, the reasons why this decision was made, and the significance of this case in U.S. trademark law jurisprudence. Define the limitations of business ownership and protecting property. Include an introduction in your paper.

For this assignment, please find one article from the CSU Online Library that discusses intellectual property; elaborate on how the article relates to the Burger King case to support your answer. Identify the main issues with copyright and trademark in the article, and explain how these issues were either upheld or overturned.

Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment APA formatting, however, is not necessary.


Left Behind America Globalization Commentary Essay Writing Assignment Help

Using the documentary Left behind America as a starting point, write a 3-page commentary, double-spaced on the topic of globalization. Your commentary should be written as an essay and include at least one reference for each of your class readings, one for the documentary Left behind America and 3 additional references. Include a list of references at the end.

Be sure to address the following questions:

  • What are the main elements that define the concept of globalization?
  • What are the main challenges of globalization for companies from a PR viewpoint?
  • What are the pros and cons of globalization from an American perspective? And from a world perspective?
  • How has the COVID19 crisis affected the process of globalization in terms of perceptions and general terms?


UI Language and Respect when Working in The Alzheimer Ward Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Writing Project #2: Advanced Genre Theories: Observing Genres DUE: Draft #1 – 9/29
Revised – 10/6


“One way to get a handle on these complicated concepts is to try to apply them. In 7 pages, you
will choose an advanced concept or concepts regarding genre (e.g., genre uptake, meta-genre,
genre sets and genre systems) to apply to and analyze a genre or genres of your choosing.”

That’s the syllabus language. But, as always, it’s widely open to your interpretation. I’m going to
lay out two options, but of course, you can hybridize them, or you can develop your own
approach to writing this text.

Option 1:

Follow the ‘metagenre,’ or, language above. Take the main concepts that we’ve been working on
since reading Bawarshi & Reiff (2010) and Paré & Smart (1995) and apply those of your
choosing to a genre or genres. That is, “observe” those genres “in action” and analyze what you
see. “Genre or genres” here can be interpreted in different ways. You can choose to take a single
assignment from another class and analyze it as a genre (or metagenre), paying close attention to
the sorts of “uptakes” it might work to secure based on what it asks you to do — this would be a
sort of “genre-as-text-artifact approach.” You could trace how a genre is related to, follows from,
and leads to other genres (which is another way to think about uptake). But you’re not limited to
conventional texts by any means. The key here is to think about what these sorts of concepts
we’ve looked at in this unit can tell you, or help you explain about, something from your
everyday life, work, etc.

In the past I’ve had students:

  • – Analyze a course syllabus, or sections of one, from this or another class
  • – Analyze an assignment prompt from another class
  • – Analyze genred language practices they used as they worked in an Alzheimer’s ward
  • – Analyze a set of plays from their football team; this could probably work for any sports
  • – Analyze protocols from work in a warehouse (work orders, etc.) as genres, genre sets,
    and genre system
  • – Analyze protocols from work as a barista as genres, genre sets, and genre system
  • – Analyze our classroom practices, genres, documents, etc.
    I can’t possibly imagine all the examples you might be interested in. Choose something you
    know that you can readily apply genre to and choose something you don’t have to chase
    right now; by that, I mean that you will want to have ready access to whatever it is you choose
    to apply these concepts to.

  1. I can’t possibly imagine all the examples you might be interested in. Choose something you
    know that you can readily apply genre to and choose something you don’t have to chase
    right now; by that, I mean that you will want to have ready access to whatever it is you choose
    to apply these concepts to

Writing Project #2 should demonstrate conventions of academic discourse:

  1. Are the writer’s ideas adequately situated in relation to sources?
  2. Are important names and terms adequately defined?
  3. Are controlling purposes apparent?
  4. Are lines of inquiry adequately revealed and followed by such strategies as pursuing lines of reasoning,
    substantiating arguments, extending examples, paraphrasing, synthesizing, and summarizing?
  5. Are documentable claims supporting these inquiries adequately and consistently cited in text and accompanied
    by appropriate reference pages




RC Dynamite Detergent Customer Sales Tables in Excel Online Sales Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a excel exercise and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

1. Open the data file SC5 Data and save the file to your computer as [name]SC5 Dynamite Customer Sales. (Example: Dobbs SC5 Dynamite Customer Sales)

2. Click the Sales Sheet. Format the data set as a table. Choose a style from the styles gallery.

3. Create the following calculated columns.

a) In I4, and J4, use a VLOOKUP function that will look up the Product Price and Product Cost based on the Product Sold column which lists an ID number. [Hint: The Product Table sheet lists the Price and Cost] If any error messages appear, check the Range Lookup.

b) In K4, use a formula to calculate Profit. Hint: Profit =(Product Price-Product Cost)*Units Sold

4. Format columns I, J, and K as currency with two decimal places.

5. Make a copy of the Sales sheet and rename it Online Sales by Date. Place this sheet to the right of the Sales sheet. Answer the following question by filtering the data accordingly. What was the total Profit for Online Sales? Sort the results by Date Sold (A/Z).

6. Make a copy of the Sales sheet and rename it June Sales by Country. Place this new sheet to the right of the Online Sales by Date sheet. Answer the following question by filtering the data accordingly. In June, for all products sold, what was the total profit earned? Sort the results by Country, then Name both in (A/Z).

7. Make another copy of the Sales sheet and rename it Sales by Product. Place this new sheet to the right of the June Sales by Country sheet. Using a slicer, filter the data accordingly to display the average Product Price, Product Cost, and Profit for DETA100 and DETA200 items. Sort the filtered sheet by Product Sold. [Hint: In the total row make sure to type the word Average in column A.]

8. Make one final copy of the Sales sheet and rename it Subtotals by Sales Type. Place this new sheet to the right of the Sales by Product sheet. Subtotal the sheet by Sales Type, summing the Profit column.

9. Add a 2nd subtotal to the Subtotals by Type sheet that subtotals by Sales Type and averages the Profit column.

10. From the Sales sheet, create the below PivotTable totaling per product type the Product Cost for Online and Retail sales. Insert the PivotTable as a new sheet. Name the sheet ProductPT.

Screenshot of the Product PivotTable
Figure 5.77 ProductPT

11. For each worksheet, add a footer with the worksheet name in the center and your name in the right panel.

12. Preview each worksheet in Print Preview and make any necessary changes for professional printing. (Hint: Orientation, page scaling, and print titles might need to be used.)


BUSI 830 Liberty Cultural Influences on the Performance of a Project Manager Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business discussion question and need support to help me understand better.

The purpose of an explanatory case study is to understand a contemporary phenomenon within a specified context using multiple sources in a predominately qualitative manner to explain the “how” and “why” of the phenomena. For this discussion, the explanatory case study is how the cultural influences of a project manager in the developmental years of life affect the risk strategy applied to an active project. The study focuses on the economic disparities during the developmental years of the project managers to develop theoretical propositions to explain why some project managers are more risk-averse than others. Discuss what tools or methods could supply a framework for the researcher to develop the protocol for the observations of the project managers to find traits. Then articulate an LSS tool the researcher could use to improve the observations of the project managers by looking for other factors which may influence decision concerning risk and then subsequently how economic disparity has or has not directly influenced risk aversion in a project manager.



University of Nairobi Mrs Baumgartner Multiple Sclerosis Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

Mrs. Baumgartner is a 70-year-old female who has had multiple sclerosis (MS) for more than 10 years. She lives at home with her husband of 48 years, who has been her primary caretaker. Upon her last visit to the neurologist, she was prescribed natalizumab (Tysabri).

1. What questions should the nurse ask when assessing Mrs. Baumgartner’s tolerance of the new medication?

2. Mrs. Baumgartner tells the nurse that she has been reading online about complementary and alternative therapies for MS. She asks the nurse, “Should I use some of these?” How should the nurse respond?

3. While speaking with Mr. and Mrs. Baumgartner, the nurse notices that Mr. Baumgartner is often tearful when discussing his wife’s condition and treatment. What symptoms of caregiver fatigue might the nurse observe

University of Nairobi Mrs Baumgartner Multiple Sclerosis Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Impact of Social Psychology on The Practicing School Psychologist Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Cognition, Human Learning, and Development. 

General directions: For all questions, cite relevant legal and ethical codes/issues/case law and address issue of diversity where relevant.



using 12pt font.

I need 3 or more pages to this question 

1. Consider the impact of social psychology on the practicing school psychologist. Provide three examples of how understanding social psychology theories can aid in the practice of a school psychologist. In your response, provide a specific overview of the social psychological theory as well as the link to the daily practice of school psychology.


Clayton State University Protection of Intellectual Property Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Burger King, the national franchise, is banned from opening a restaurant within 20 miles of Mattoon, Illinois. So, there is not a Burger King there; no problem, right? Not so fast! In the late 1950s, Gene and Betty Hoots trademarked the iconic name. Well, they trademarked it in Illinois at least. When the national company decided to open a chain close by, the Hoots sued and won their case. However, the national chain was able to keep the name Burger King, but the Hoots were also able to keep the name in accordance with the stipulation that the national chain could not open a store within a 20-mile radius of the original store in Mattoon, Illinois.

Your assignment must be at least two pages in length and explain the methods for protecting intellectual property, the reasons why this decision was made, and the significance of this case in U.S. trademark law jurisprudence. Define the limitations of business ownership and protecting property. Include an introduction in your paper.

For this assignment, please find one article from the CSU Online Library that discusses intellectual property; elaborate on how the article relates to the Burger King case to support your answer. Identify the main issues with copyright and trademark in the article, and explain how these issues were either upheld or overturned.

Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment APA formatting, however, is not necessary.


Left Behind America Globalization Commentary Essay Writing Assignment Help

Using the documentary Left behind America as a starting point, write a 3-page commentary, double-spaced on the topic of globalization. Your commentary should be written as an essay and include at least one reference for each of your class readings, one for the documentary Left behind America and 3 additional references. Include a list of references at the end.

Be sure to address the following questions:

  • What are the main elements that define the concept of globalization?
  • What are the main challenges of globalization for companies from a PR viewpoint?
  • What are the pros and cons of globalization from an American perspective? And from a world perspective?
  • How has the COVID19 crisis affected the process of globalization in terms of perceptions and general terms?


UI Language and Respect when Working in The Alzheimer Ward Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Writing Project #2: Advanced Genre Theories: Observing Genres DUE: Draft #1 – 9/29
Revised – 10/6


“One way to get a handle on these complicated concepts is to try to apply them. In 7 pages, you
will choose an advanced concept or concepts regarding genre (e.g., genre uptake, meta-genre,
genre sets and genre systems) to apply to and analyze a genre or genres of your choosing.”

That’s the syllabus language. But, as always, it’s widely open to your interpretation. I’m going to
lay out two options, but of course, you can hybridize them, or you can develop your own
approach to writing this text.

Option 1:

Follow the ‘metagenre,’ or, language above. Take the main concepts that we’ve been working on
since reading Bawarshi & Reiff (2010) and Paré & Smart (1995) and apply those of your
choosing to a genre or genres. That is, “observe” those genres “in action” and analyze what you
see. “Genre or genres” here can be interpreted in different ways. You can choose to take a single
assignment from another class and analyze it as a genre (or metagenre), paying close attention to
the sorts of “uptakes” it might work to secure based on what it asks you to do — this would be a
sort of “genre-as-text-artifact approach.” You could trace how a genre is related to, follows from,
and leads to other genres (which is another way to think about uptake). But you’re not limited to
conventional texts by any means. The key here is to think about what these sorts of concepts
we’ve looked at in this unit can tell you, or help you explain about, something from your
everyday life, work, etc.

In the past I’ve had students:

  • – Analyze a course syllabus, or sections of one, from this or another class
  • – Analyze an assignment prompt from another class
  • – Analyze genred language practices they used as they worked in an Alzheimer’s ward
  • – Analyze a set of plays from their football team; this could probably work for any sports
  • – Analyze protocols from work in a warehouse (work orders, etc.) as genres, genre sets,
    and genre system
  • – Analyze protocols from work as a barista as genres, genre sets, and genre system
  • – Analyze our classroom practices, genres, documents, etc.
    I can’t possibly imagine all the examples you might be interested in. Choose something you
    know that you can readily apply genre to and choose something you don’t have to chase
    right now; by that, I mean that you will want to have ready access to whatever it is you choose
    to apply these concepts to.

  1. I can’t possibly imagine all the examples you might be interested in. Choose something you
    know that you can readily apply genre to and choose something you don’t have to chase
    right now; by that, I mean that you will want to have ready access to whatever it is you choose
    to apply these concepts to

Writing Project #2 should demonstrate conventions of academic discourse:

  1. Are the writer’s ideas adequately situated in relation to sources?
  2. Are important names and terms adequately defined?
  3. Are controlling purposes apparent?
  4. Are lines of inquiry adequately revealed and followed by such strategies as pursuing lines of reasoning,
    substantiating arguments, extending examples, paraphrasing, synthesizing, and summarizing?
  5. Are documentable claims supporting these inquiries adequately and consistently cited in text and accompanied
    by appropriate reference pages




RC Dynamite Detergent Customer Sales Tables in Excel Online Sales Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a excel exercise and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

1. Open the data file SC5 Data and save the file to your computer as [name]SC5 Dynamite Customer Sales. (Example: Dobbs SC5 Dynamite Customer Sales)

2. Click the Sales Sheet. Format the data set as a table. Choose a style from the styles gallery.

3. Create the following calculated columns.

a) In I4, and J4, use a VLOOKUP function that will look up the Product Price and Product Cost based on the Product Sold column which lists an ID number. [Hint: The Product Table sheet lists the Price and Cost] If any error messages appear, check the Range Lookup.

b) In K4, use a formula to calculate Profit. Hint: Profit =(Product Price-Product Cost)*Units Sold

4. Format columns I, J, and K as currency with two decimal places.

5. Make a copy of the Sales sheet and rename it Online Sales by Date. Place this sheet to the right of the Sales sheet. Answer the following question by filtering the data accordingly. What was the total Profit for Online Sales? Sort the results by Date Sold (A/Z).

6. Make a copy of the Sales sheet and rename it June Sales by Country. Place this new sheet to the right of the Online Sales by Date sheet. Answer the following question by filtering the data accordingly. In June, for all products sold, what was the total profit earned? Sort the results by Country, then Name both in (A/Z).

7. Make another copy of the Sales sheet and rename it Sales by Product. Place this new sheet to the right of the June Sales by Country sheet. Using a slicer, filter the data accordingly to display the average Product Price, Product Cost, and Profit for DETA100 and DETA200 items. Sort the filtered sheet by Product Sold. [Hint: In the total row make sure to type the word Average in column A.]

8. Make one final copy of the Sales sheet and rename it Subtotals by Sales Type. Place this new sheet to the right of the Sales by Product sheet. Subtotal the sheet by Sales Type, summing the Profit column.

9. Add a 2nd subtotal to the Subtotals by Type sheet that subtotals by Sales Type and averages the Profit column.

10. From the Sales sheet, create the below PivotTable totaling per product type the Product Cost for Online and Retail sales. Insert the PivotTable as a new sheet. Name the sheet ProductPT.

Screenshot of the Product PivotTable
Figure 5.77 ProductPT

11. For each worksheet, add a footer with the worksheet name in the center and your name in the right panel.

12. Preview each worksheet in Print Preview and make any necessary changes for professional printing. (Hint: Orientation, page scaling, and print titles might need to be used.)


BUSI 830 Liberty Cultural Influences on the Performance of a Project Manager Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business discussion question and need support to help me understand better.

The purpose of an explanatory case study is to understand a contemporary phenomenon within a specified context using multiple sources in a predominately qualitative manner to explain the “how” and “why” of the phenomena. For this discussion, the explanatory case study is how the cultural influences of a project manager in the developmental years of life affect the risk strategy applied to an active project. The study focuses on the economic disparities during the developmental years of the project managers to develop theoretical propositions to explain why some project managers are more risk-averse than others. Discuss what tools or methods could supply a framework for the researcher to develop the protocol for the observations of the project managers to find traits. Then articulate an LSS tool the researcher could use to improve the observations of the project managers by looking for other factors which may influence decision concerning risk and then subsequently how economic disparity has or has not directly influenced risk aversion in a project manager.



University of Nairobi Mrs Baumgartner Multiple Sclerosis Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

Mrs. Baumgartner is a 70-year-old female who has had multiple sclerosis (MS) for more than 10 years. She lives at home with her husband of 48 years, who has been her primary caretaker. Upon her last visit to the neurologist, she was prescribed natalizumab (Tysabri).

1. What questions should the nurse ask when assessing Mrs. Baumgartner’s tolerance of the new medication?

2. Mrs. Baumgartner tells the nurse that she has been reading online about complementary and alternative therapies for MS. She asks the nurse, “Should I use some of these?” How should the nurse respond?

3. While speaking with Mr. and Mrs. Baumgartner, the nurse notices that Mr. Baumgartner is often tearful when discussing his wife’s condition and treatment. What symptoms of caregiver fatigue might the nurse observe

University of Nairobi Mrs Baumgartner Multiple Sclerosis Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Impact of Social Psychology on The Practicing School Psychologist Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Cognition, Human Learning, and Development. 

General directions: For all questions, cite relevant legal and ethical codes/issues/case law and address issue of diversity where relevant.



using 12pt font.

I need 3 or more pages to this question 

1. Consider the impact of social psychology on the practicing school psychologist. Provide three examples of how understanding social psychology theories can aid in the practice of a school psychologist. In your response, provide a specific overview of the social psychological theory as well as the link to the daily practice of school psychology.


Clayton State University Protection of Intellectual Property Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Burger King, the national franchise, is banned from opening a restaurant within 20 miles of Mattoon, Illinois. So, there is not a Burger King there; no problem, right? Not so fast! In the late 1950s, Gene and Betty Hoots trademarked the iconic name. Well, they trademarked it in Illinois at least. When the national company decided to open a chain close by, the Hoots sued and won their case. However, the national chain was able to keep the name Burger King, but the Hoots were also able to keep the name in accordance with the stipulation that the national chain could not open a store within a 20-mile radius of the original store in Mattoon, Illinois.

Your assignment must be at least two pages in length and explain the methods for protecting intellectual property, the reasons why this decision was made, and the significance of this case in U.S. trademark law jurisprudence. Define the limitations of business ownership and protecting property. Include an introduction in your paper.

For this assignment, please find one article from the CSU Online Library that discusses intellectual property; elaborate on how the article relates to the Burger King case to support your answer. Identify the main issues with copyright and trademark in the article, and explain how these issues were either upheld or overturned.

Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment APA formatting, however, is not necessary.


Left Behind America Globalization Commentary Essay Writing Assignment Help

Using the documentary Left behind America as a starting point, write a 3-page commentary, double-spaced on the topic of globalization. Your commentary should be written as an essay and include at least one reference for each of your class readings, one for the documentary Left behind America and 3 additional references. Include a list of references at the end.

Be sure to address the following questions:

  • What are the main elements that define the concept of globalization?
  • What are the main challenges of globalization for companies from a PR viewpoint?
  • What are the pros and cons of globalization from an American perspective? And from a world perspective?
  • How has the COVID19 crisis affected the process of globalization in terms of perceptions and general terms?


UI Language and Respect when Working in The Alzheimer Ward Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Writing Project #2: Advanced Genre Theories: Observing Genres DUE: Draft #1 – 9/29
Revised – 10/6


“One way to get a handle on these complicated concepts is to try to apply them. In 7 pages, you
will choose an advanced concept or concepts regarding genre (e.g., genre uptake, meta-genre,
genre sets and genre systems) to apply to and analyze a genre or genres of your choosing.”

That’s the syllabus language. But, as always, it’s widely open to your interpretation. I’m going to
lay out two options, but of course, you can hybridize them, or you can develop your own
approach to writing this text.

Option 1:

Follow the ‘metagenre,’ or, language above. Take the main concepts that we’ve been working on
since reading Bawarshi & Reiff (2010) and Paré & Smart (1995) and apply those of your
choosing to a genre or genres. That is, “observe” those genres “in action” and analyze what you
see. “Genre or genres” here can be interpreted in different ways. You can choose to take a single
assignment from another class and analyze it as a genre (or metagenre), paying close attention to
the sorts of “uptakes” it might work to secure based on what it asks you to do — this would be a
sort of “genre-as-text-artifact approach.” You could trace how a genre is related to, follows from,
and leads to other genres (which is another way to think about uptake). But you’re not limited to
conventional texts by any means. The key here is to think about what these sorts of concepts
we’ve looked at in this unit can tell you, or help you explain about, something from your
everyday life, work, etc.

In the past I’ve had students:

  • – Analyze a course syllabus, or sections of one, from this or another class
  • – Analyze an assignment prompt from another class
  • – Analyze genred language practices they used as they worked in an Alzheimer’s ward
  • – Analyze a set of plays from their football team; this could probably work for any sports
  • – Analyze protocols from work in a warehouse (work orders, etc.) as genres, genre sets,
    and genre system
  • – Analyze protocols from work as a barista as genres, genre sets, and genre system
  • – Analyze our classroom practices, genres, documents, etc.
    I can’t possibly imagine all the examples you might be interested in. Choose something you
    know that you can readily apply genre to and choose something you don’t have to chase
    right now; by that, I mean that you will want to have ready access to whatever it is you choose
    to apply these concepts to.

  1. I can’t possibly imagine all the examples you might be interested in. Choose something you
    know that you can readily apply genre to and choose something you don’t have to chase
    right now; by that, I mean that you will want to have ready access to whatever it is you choose
    to apply these concepts to

Writing Project #2 should demonstrate conventions of academic discourse:

  1. Are the writer’s ideas adequately situated in relation to sources?
  2. Are important names and terms adequately defined?
  3. Are controlling purposes apparent?
  4. Are lines of inquiry adequately revealed and followed by such strategies as pursuing lines of reasoning,
    substantiating arguments, extending examples, paraphrasing, synthesizing, and summarizing?
  5. Are documentable claims supporting these inquiries adequately and consistently cited in text and accompanied
    by appropriate reference pages


KU Electrical Stimulation as A Treatment for Athletes Injuries Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

KU Electrical Stimulation as A Treatment for Athletes Injuries Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

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