La Salle University Last Night of the World and The Last Man on Earth Essay Writing Assignment Help

La Salle University Last Night of the World and The Last Man on Earth Essay Writing Assignment Help. La Salle University Last Night of the World and The Last Man on Earth Essay Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a literature Comparative Essay and need support to help me study.
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Compare the last night of the world and the last man on earth texts

Many of our texts in this half of the semester have dealt with similar issues. Your goal in this short response is to conduct a comparison of any two texts we’ve discussed with the goal of comparing and contrasting their approach to shared ideas, themes, situations, premises, characters, plots, and/or symbols. This list is not meant to be restrictive or comprehensive; you are free to choose any points of comparison you’d like, not just the ones listed here. The only restriction on your comparison is that you must be discussing similarities (in other words, you cannot just spend your entire essay discussing how different they are).

Your goal should be to examine how the texts present the same concept in either a similar (comparative) or different (contrasting) way. Think of this as “Similarity within difference” or “difference within similarity.” It is valuable to start at a key difference or similarity and then present the ways they are alike within that difference or different within that similarity

La Salle University Last Night of the World and The Last Man on Earth Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

La Salle University US and France Comparison Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a literature Comparative Essay and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

  • Compare US and France
  • In this section, you will be examining external factors impacting your challenge.
  • How does the UN Charter and other aspects of international law impact the challenge?
  • What intergovernmental organizations (International Monetary Fund, World Bank, EU Commission, EU Parliament, NATO, OPEC, etc) impact the matter in each country? How do they impact the matter at hand?
  • How do non-governmental organizations, such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Greenpeace, etc. Check here for a broader but not all-inclusive list. (Links to an external site.).
  • What outside countries influence or attempt to influence the countries’ responses to the challenge/crisis? How do they attempt to influence the outcome?


University of Maryland University College Law Trust Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a law Discussion and need support to help me study.



Trusts can provide an excellent way for clients to accomplish family financial goals both during their lifetimes and after death. For this assignment, you will review a scenario about a client who approaches your firm about creating a trust for his grandchildren.


Jack Lange schedules an appointment with your firm to create a trust for his grandchildren. Although he is not vastly wealthy, Mr. Lange owns a regional dry cleaning chain that he opened in the 1990s, and he has built a comfortable life for himself and his family. He wants to provide for his six grandchildren. In particular, he wants to encourage them to go to college, live a good moral lifestyle, stay away from drugs and alcohol, and get the funds when they are old enough to make some sound decisions.


1. Review the scenario.

2. Your supervising attorney has asked you to prep the client for meeting with the attorney for estate planning by explaining to the client the following:

  • Briefly put, what is a trust?
  • What type of trust provisions would you suggest that he might wish to think about and discuss with the attorney and why they might apply to his specific concerns?
  • What is the difference between a testamentary trust versus a living trust and which advantages there might be with doing this through a living trust?

Ch. 10

Clients are often very hostile to the need to go through probate. Especially between spouses, they feel that it is just “money-sucking lawyer leaches” over-complicating the process. Often times paralegals are the first line of communication that has to deal with this hostility so it is very important that you be able to briefly explain why a probate consultation is needed with the attorney.

Find someone to interview who has had a family member pass away that they are very familiar with the estate and legal affairs of, such as of a spouse or parent.

In an original post, answer the following:

  1. Did they go through any probate, and if not, why not?
  2. If they did not go through any probate, what reasons can you give them about why they might need to go through probate?
  3. If they did go through probate of any type, summarize what they say their experience was?

Ch. 11

When working with clients who are making a will and thinking about who to name as personal representative, the paralegal can have a great impact by explaining the duties and importance of a personal representative to the client. For this assignment, you will review a story that describes the role an executor played in mishandling an estate. You will discuss the story with your classmates and determine whether or not the executor of the will correctly performed the duties of a personal representative.

When responding to the discussion questions, be sure to reference course materials to support your conclusions and opinions. You should also do the same whenever you respond to another person’s discussion post. By doing so, you not only make a stronger case, but support your own learning. You will be evaluated on how well you support your claims.

Doris Duke, the daughter of the founder of the American Tobacco Company, lived a life of luxury and generosity from the day she inherited her father’s $300 million estate in 1925. When she died in 1993 at 80, her lavishness continued: she left sums between $500,000 and $3 million to her friends, $10 million each to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Duke University, and even a $100,000 trust fund to her dog. She left the bulk of her fortune to establish a charitable foundation.

Her friend and advisor (and ex-butler), Bernard Lafferty, received a lifetime annuity of $500,000 a year. He was also named executor of the will and trustee of the foundation—positions that would potentially generate millions of dollars in fees. However, in 1995, a Manhattan surrogate ruled Lafferty unfit to continue as executor after he used estate funds to finance his own lavish lifestyle.


  1. Review the scenario.
  2. In a discussion post, answer the following questions:
    • What would you say are the 5 basic duties of a personal representative?
    • What factors do you feel a client should consider when deciding whom to select as a personal representative?
    • How can a paralegal help a client in selecting a personal representative?

    Ch. 15Description
    When a party does not perform a contract as expected, he is said to have breached. As a paralegal, you’ll encounter lots of clients who are either suing or being sued as a result of a breached contract, and you will need to do research to help determine what justifications there were for the breach and what remedies are available to the other party. In this assignment, you’ll explore one case where a contract was breached in order to determine what will happen as a result of the failure to perform the contract as planned.Scenario
    Chrysanthemum Cupcakes (CCs) has a contract with the local grocery store for baking and delivering cupcakes. The contract calls for 200 dozen cupcakes to be delivered every Monday and Thursday. CCs makes the first delivery, but the next weekend, one of the staff comes down with COVID-19 and half the crew gets quarantined as a precaution, and so they do not have enough manpower to complete all of their orders. They choose to fill the smaller orders and not to fill the grocery store order for the entire week. CCs manager reports to the grocery store that they used their “best efforts,” but they just did not have the manpower to perform that week.Instructions

    1. Consider the scenario above.
    2. In a discussion post, answer the following questions about the scenario (with separate paragraphs for each part):

    -Do you think CCs gave the grocery store a legally valid excuse? Why or why not? -What excuses might be valid to legally terminate the contract? -What are the potential remedies for the grocery store if CCs’ actions are considered to be a breach of contract?

  1. Ch. 17Drafting a ContractDescriptionThere are many different elements that must be part of a contract for it to be legally valid, and as a paralegal it is your job to help determine whether those elements are present in a contract. In this assignment, you’ll explore the requirements for drafting a contract to get a better grasp of what must go into this legal exchange of promises.ScenarioYour uncle asks for your help in drafting a lease contract with a neighbor who is selling his house and moving into the downstairs apartment in your uncle’s house. He wants to use online contract software, but he’s not sure that it will do everything that is necessary to have a sound contract.Instructions1. Review the required readings.2. As you review the scenario above, write a response to your uncle’s request for help. In your response, be sure to answer the following questions in a new discussion post: • What would you explain to your uncle what risks or limitations of using software when drafting the contract? • Describe the steps a lawyer would take when drafting the contract so that your uncle can verify that the software also took those steps. • While this may have been a situation where you were informally assisting a family member, how will you use this information as a paralegal in a law office? • Explain to your uncle why, as a paralegal, you can’t give him legal advice. of contract?


PSY 353 Singapore University Altruism in humans Essay Questions Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology question and need support to help me learn.

Part 2: Essay Question (70 marks)

Please upload this assignment (Part 2: Essay Question) to by Sunday, 18 April 2021

11:55 pm. Resubmissions are allowed before this cut-off time.

It’s Not All About Me: Motivating Hand Hygiene Among Health Care Professionals by

Focusing on Patients

Diseases often spread in hospitals because health care professionals fail to wash their hands.

Research suggests that to increase health and safety behaviours, it is important to highlight the

personal consequences for the actor. However, because people (and health care professionals

in particular) tend to be overconfident about personal immunity, the most effective messages

about hand hygiene may be those that highlight its consequences for other people. In two field

experiments in a hospital, we compared the effectiveness of signs about hand hygiene that

emphasized personal safety (“Hand hygiene prevents you from catching diseases”) or patient

safety (“Hand hygiene prevents patients from catching diseases”). We assessed hand hygiene

by measuring the amount of soap and hand-sanitizing gel used from dispensers (Experiment 1)

and conducting covert, independent observations of health care professionals’ hand-hygiene

behaviours (Experiment 2). Results showed that changing a single word in messages motivated

meaningful changes in behaviour: The hand hygiene of health care professionals increased

significantly when they were reminded of the implications for patients but not when they were

reminded of the implications for themselves.

Source: Grant, A. M., & Hofmann, D. A. (2011). It’s Not All About Me: Motivating Hand

Hygiene Among Health Care Professionals by Focusing on Patients. Psychological

Science, 22(12), 1494–1499.

Altruistic acts are guided by assumptions about the well-being of others. Evolutionary

psychology suggests that cooperative behaviours helped our ancestors survive under harsh

conditions. Author David Rakoff (2001) famously said, “Altruism is innate, but it’s not

instinctual. Everybody’s wired for it, but a switch has to be flipped.”

Analyse the extent to which you would agree that altruism signifies the desire to ensure the

good of others. Apply relevant positive psychological theories and findings to support your


Your discussion should address the following points:

1. The importance of altruism in our lives.

2. Whether recent research findings support Rakoff’s comment that altruism is something

innate but not instinctual.

3. Two ways in which we can “turn on” our “switch” to be more altruistic.

4. The relevance of altruism during a pandemic such as COVID-19.

(Word limit: 1000 words)

TMA Formatting Requirements

Margins: 1 inch (2.54 cm) margins on all sides (top, bottom, left, and right) of the page

Line spacing: Double-space the entire paper

Paragraph alignment: Align the text to the left and leave the right margin uneven

Paragraph indentation: Indent the first line of every paragraph 0.5 inch

Font: Use 12-point Times New Roman

Spelling: English (Singapore)

Word Limit

Please observe the word limit as writing succinctly is an important skill to acquire in academic

writing. All text (including in-text citations) is included in the word count except the reference

list, tables, figures, and appendices. Note that anything written beyond 10% of the word limit

will not be marked.

English Competency

English competency is an assessable component of all TMAs and 5% of the total marks for

each TMA have been allocated to this component. It is important that you write clearly and

accurately, using correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.


Follow the APA7 format as described in the “PSY Referencing Guide”. Appropriate in-text

citations and an accurately formatted Reference section are expected. FIVE (5) marks have

been allocated for this component. More information about formatting in APA7 can be found

in the APA website:

Referencing Formatting Requirements (APA7)

  • Start the References on a new page (bold and centred).
  • Present the reference list in alphabetical order by first author surname.
  • Do not number the reference items/entries.
  • Each entry should observe hanging indentation (i.e., if the reference goes on to a second
  • line, the second line onwards must be indented).

  • Provide the doi if available.
  • Books:
  • – Title in italics (apply Sentence Case – only the first letter of the first word is

    capitalised and the first letter of the first word after a colon is capitalised)

    – Publisher name (no need to provide place of publication)

  • Journals:
  • – Article title not in italics (apply Sentence Case)

    – Journal name in italics (apply Title Case – the first letter of most words are


    – Volume number in italics

    – Issue number within brackets not in italics (provide if available)

    – Page range not in italics (provide full page range, e.g., 100-123, not 100 or 100-23)

    Additional guidance:

  • In order to answer the question, you will have to use information from the
  • recommended reading, Textbook Chapter 6 (Altruism) and Study Guide Chapter 10

    (Compassion, Altruism and Volunteering).

  • You are required to conduct additional research and cite at least FIVE journal articles
  • or book chapters of published books (the study guide and course textbook do not count).

  • Reading widely and beyond the textbook will add depth to your essay, and references
  • to relevant research studies and examples will attract more marks. There is an

    abundance of credible resources that you can access from the library and Library


  • Note that blog entries, online student papers or theses, and websites such as Wikipedia
  • and Psychblog, are not considered credible sources of information. Such sources do not

    count towards the minimum number of FIVE credible citations.

  • Answers should begin with an introduction that outlines the materials covered and what
  • the basic argument will be.

  • Students will need to demonstrate the skill of being concise, so as to fit the material
  • within the 1000-word limit.

  • Please note that any in-text citations must appear in the reference list, and vice versa.
  • As this section is to examine your understanding and application of APA7 referencing,

    students must not use any software to assist with the referencing process.

  • When planning and writing the essay, do remember that an analytical argument and
  • critical evaluation will gain more marks than a descriptive essay.

    Recommended reading:

  • Grant, A. M., & Hofmann, D. A. (2011). It’s Not All About Me: Motivating Hand
  • Hygiene Among Health Care Professionals by Focusing on Patients. Psychological

    Science, 22(12), 1494–1499.


    GEB 4220 CBE Rasmussen College Managing a Diverse Workforce Discussion Other Assignment Help

    I’m working on a other report and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

    1. Competency

      Design a plan for conducting business and managing employees in a global society.


      You have been hired as the Human Resources Director for a global organization that is headquartered in the United States. Your job is to evaluate and make recommendations in the area of diversity for your company. Each section will contain specific areas within diversity for you to focus on. You will be tasked with choosing from one of the diverse areas that are provided to you. Be sure to conduct research using the university library and other relevant sources.
      Diversity Areas (You have already selected Race, continue to use for all modules)


      Now that you have selected Race as your area of diverse concentration, you are now tasked with designing a plan to aid your selected group in the organization’s workforce. Your CEO has asked you to develop a diversity plan for your diversity area. The following questions should be included in your 3-5 page report. The report should be in proper APA format.

      1. Introduce your diversity area and importance for diversity planning.
      2. What are some of the steps you would include in your diversity plan?
      3. What would be some of the challenges in the implementation of your plan in the US workforce, and in a global workforce?
      4. What would be some of your control measures used to ensure your plan’s success? Remember this should go beyond being legally compliant.
      5. Conclude your diversity plan.



    Auburn University Technology and Nature Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    I’m working on a social science discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

    This week you have learned how, in contemporary times, we do not spend as much time in nature. Technology has often been blamed as the reason for this disconnect. Discuss one example of how technology is the reason for our reduced time in nature. Additionally, discuss one way in which you believe technology has enhanced how we engage with nature.

    The best submissions will be full of detail and introspection. They will make reference to what Louv says in this chapter. They will also have paragraphs separating the main ideas. Have fun! Though I am not requiring additional posts, I highly recommend commenting on other student’s posts. Let’s create a dialog.

    How to succeed in your discussion postings:

    1. Read and do all of the on-line material in the learning module (as well as review the in-class material) before you answer.
    2. Think about your answer and how it links to the material in the learning module.
    3. Title your post with your last name and topic. Example: Budruk_Nature Deficit Disorder
    4. Write a brief introduction.
    5. Use paragraphs.

    Assignments must be well-written and free of grammar, spelling, and capitalization errors. (You MUST capitalize “I,” for example.) You should run a spell and grammar check. Although this format seems similar to instant messaging, it is actually a college assignment for credit.

    Any postings that have spelling or grammar errors that could be caught by spell/grammar check will receive zero points.

    Full credit will be given to thoughtful, detailed, in-depth answers that show you have understood and incorporated what we are learning that week. Especially valuable are subtlety, nuance, reflection, and insight.

    Auburn University Technology and Nature Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Bergen Community College Program Solution Phyton Programming Solved Practice Computer Science Assignment Help

    The complete program below and upload to Moodle under assignment named “Python Lab 1″. 

    NB/ You require to use IDLE and to download it,

    (Select either for Windows (you can install any version from 3.8.2)  or Mac (the latest version)

    Problem to Solve:

    BCC is a company situated in Paramus and has determined that its Annual Profits is typically 32.5% of the Total Sales. Write a program that asks the user to enter the projected amount of total sales, then display s the profit that will be made from that amount. (Hint: Use the value 0.325 to represent 32.5 percent).



                            Enter Sales Person Name: Peter John

                            Enter Projected Total Sales Amount: 50000



                            Sales Person Name  : Peter John

                            Total sales Amount  : $50,000.00

                            Annual Profits           :  $16,250.00




    1. Your information

    2. Inputs and helpful messages to the user

    3. Process is specified

    4. Maintain Sequence

    5. Calculations/Output relates to the program solution

    6. Program is running to give desired results

    8. Using descriptive variables

    7. Uploading the .py file


    Boston College Philosophy Virtue Ethics Questions Humanities Assignment Help

    I’m working on a philosophy writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

    answer each question in essay form with 250-500 words max

    1. In their piece ‘Moral Saints’ Susan Wolf argues that there are two kinds of Saints. What are they and do they apply to virtue ethics (in your view) given our class discussion on the piece?

    2. What does Susan Wolf say about Utilitarianism and Kantianism with regards to moral saintliness? Please be as specific as possible.

    3. What is Neil Levy’s argument regarding addiction and disease? What are the main reasons he gives to support his thesis?

    5. What is Sandel’s argument against genetic enhancement?


    City of Philadelphia Arguments on Case Decisions and Religion Law Paper Law Assignment Help

    I’m working on a law writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

    7-8 pages . 12 point font, double spaced, 1 inch marginsUse footnote style of citation.

    The Supreme Court will decide this term the case Fulton v. City of Philadelphia. Read the case briefs and peruse the amicus briefs here: What is (are) the argument(s) for the view that Philadelphia has violated the Free Exercise Clause (under Smith)? What is (are) the counterargument(s), for the view that it does not violate the Free Exercise Clause (under Smith)? What is (are) the arguments and counterarguments regarding whether Smith ought to be overturned? Draw upon other relevant sources of constitutional meaning in your discussion. Which view is more persuasive? How would you decide this case if it were up to you? Whichever view you take, you should strive to refute the strongest version of the opposing argument in your analysis. You must cite at least 3 court cases and at least 2 outside academic sources (books, legal journal articles, amicus briefs).


    SWE 400 Colorado Technical University Week 3 Atom Software Reengineering Project Engineering Assignment Help

    I’m working on a engineering project and need an explanation to help me learn.

    The application programming interface (API) in your application was evaluated in the previous assignment, and now you can turn your attention to the efficiency, reliability, and maintainability of the API. The strengths and weaknesses of an API are typically measured in these terms, and these areas are where an API can be improved to provide better functionality for an application.

    For this assignment, you will continue your work on the Software Reengineering Project with an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your application’s APIs. The analysis will include recommendations for improvements in the efficiency, reliability, and maintainability of the APIs.

    The project deliverables are as follows:

    • Update the Software Reengineering Project document title page with the new date.
    • Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
    • API Efficiency, Reliability, and Maintainability
      • Strengths and weaknesses
        • For each category (efficiency, reliability, and maintainability), develop a list of strengths and weaknesses in your application’s APIs.
        • Include sufficient details to identify the specific part of the API design or implementation that contributes to the strength or weakness.
      • Recommendations for improvement
        • For each of the weaknesses that were identified in the first part of the assignment, provide recommendations for improvements.
    • Be sure to update your Table of Contents before submission.
    • Name the document “yourname_SWE400_IP3.doc.”
    • Submit the document for grading.


    La Salle University Last Night of the World and The Last Man on Earth Essay Writing Assignment Help

    La Salle University Last Night of the World and The Last Man on Earth Essay Writing Assignment Help

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