LAB 10 Help Programming Assignment Help

LAB 10 Help Programming Assignment Help. LAB 10 Help Programming Assignment Help.

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LAB 10:

Write a method, remove, that takes three parameters: an array of integers, the length of the array, and an integer, say, removeItem. The method should find and delete the first occurrence of removeItem in the array. If the value does not exist or the array is empty, output an appropriate message. (Note that after deleting the element, the array size is reduced by 1.) You may assume that the array is unsorted.

A) ***Here you assume the array is not sorted. Do not sort the array.

B) ***Re-do Exercise the question and name it Exercise2b. This time use a Bubble Sort to sort the array and then remove the item with the array sorted. Create a method for the BubbleSort

C) ***Re-do Exercise the question and name it Exercise 2c. This time use an insertion sort as given in this chapter to sort the array and then remove the item with the array sorted. Create a method for the insertion sort.

Make sure to test your array with a small array of 5 integers and a larger array of at least 25 integers. When testing, test the removal of the first item in the array, somewhere in the middle and the last item in the array.

LAB 10 Help Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Report about 5 Different plants and 5 Different animals Writing Assignment Help

The assignment requires you to go to a local open space area to make observations about the ecosystem and

the organisms that live there. You will use those observations to identify the organisms found in

the community, make a food web, and consider how changes to the climate could alter the

community of organisms that live there. To assess the work you have done, you will need to

write up a report and include all of the information you have gathered (including photos of the

identified organisms). The report must also include all answers for all of the assignment


All steps detailed below must completed to receive full credit. If you skip any steps you will only

receive credit for the work you have completed.

1) Pick a local open space preserve or county/state park. It needs to be a park that has wild

areas with native plants and animals around. Developed community parks with mowed lawns

and cultivated trees won’t work for this assignment. Identify the kind of ecosystem you are

visiting: Desert, chaparral, mountain forest, riparian.…etc

Some options are:

Mission Trails Regional Park

Rose Canyon Open Space Park

Otay Open Space Preserve

San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge (semi-aquatic/coastal ecosystem)

Torrey Pines State Reserve / La Jolla Shores (if you want to do an aquatic ecosystem!)

Point Loma/Cabrillo National Monument

Black Mountain Open Space Park

Anza Borrego State Park

Cuyamaca Rancho State Park

2) Once you get to the park, find a hike or short walk to go on. While on your walk, find 5

different plants/alga to identify & 5 different animals (10 things total).

Take a picture or draw a detailed sketch of the plants/animals. Do your best to include a

good picture of both the leaves, stems and flowers (if they have any). You may need a

series of photos to accomplish this

Take time to observe any animals that are interacting with the plants or near by in the

environment. If possible try to get a photo of these organisms too. The goal is to

observe 5 different animals on or near the plants too.

3) You need to identify the organisms you’ve found. If you are some place with a visitors center,

someone might be able to help you. Otherwise, try using an app like iNaturalist (this is a free


You can download this app to your phone and upload your photos to the app. It can help ID the

organisms you’ve found.

Another app that can help identify leaves (only) is: leafsnap (


Once you have the organisms identified, you need to record both their scientific and common


4) After identifying the organisms, create/illustrate a food web to show how these organisms fit

together in the ecosystem.

5) If you did not see any top level (3/tertiary consumers) come up with 3 more organisms that

could be found in the environment and include them in your food web too.

6) Lastly, imagine that over time the climate changes in this region, and it becomes warmer

with more unpredictable rain (could rain less in winter, more in summer or maybe rain very

infrequently, but when it does is torrential). How would a change in climate affect the food web

you created? What animals and plants would be negatively affected and which ones would be

positively affected?

Remember you need to answer all of the questions included in this assignment with complete

sentences. The more effort you put into the assignment, the better your score will be.


Virginia Community My Papa Waltz Poem Analysis Essay Other Assignment Help

  1. Read the following:
  2. Write a response to each of the following prompts about this essay, creating four separate sections:

    • Write the author’s argumentative thesis statement from this essay. What overall argument about the poem is the author making throughout this essay?
    • List the literary elements of a Close Reading that the author of the essay uses to support his thesis. If you need to review these, see the second link (“New Critical Approach”) in Step 3 of Assignment 3.4
    • Write the central “main idea” or “topic sentence” the author uses to support the thesis in each of the three paragraphs.
    • Copy and paste the sentence that you think is the conclusion.
    • MLA 8 Format: A Works Cited entry is not required for this assignment, and in the place of in text citations, refer to the origin of the quote as the “author.”
  • Poem:
  • Any interpretation of “My Papa’s Waltz” has to take into account the complexity of the
    speaker’s feelings that are brought about by his father’s waltz. A dance should bring two people
    closer together. The dance in this poem acts that way, yet the darker side of this waltz, which is a
    powerfully unsettling emotion under the surface of this poem, dominates the mood, and the love
    and intimacy of the dance do not make a strong impression on the reader.
    Theodore Roethke manipulates our emotional response to the poem through a number of
    literary conventions, some of which play on the conventions of a waltz. Waltzes are not
    technically difficult dances, and they are set to lighthearted, easily accessible music. It is a dance
    in which couples sway back and forth as they go round and round. Our emotions and sympathies
    do the same thing in this poem: The speaker carefully orders his images to juxtapose frightening
    images with comforting images. In the first stanza, for instance, the speaker begins with a
    frightening image: “The whiskey on your breath / Could make a small boy dizzy” (1–2). The
    second stanza begins with the words “We romped,” undercutting the serious tone of the first
    stanza, yet their romping has consequences that remind us again of the seriousness: Pans fall
    from the shelf, and the speaker’s mother frowns in disapproval. This pattern is repeated
    throughout the poem, and the waltz spins fast and out of control until we can only focus on a
    whirling sequence of disturbing emotions rather than a coherent overall feeling.
    Roethke uses meter and rhyme to underscore the fact that there is something “off” about
    this waltz. A waltz is a carefully ordered and technically precise musical form, and this poem
    mimics that form, but it also reveals moments of imperfection. Playing on the fact that a waltz is
    written in 3/4 time, Roethke gives each of his lines either six or seven syllables. Yet there is
    something lurching about the way he strings together these six and seven patterns: The pattern is
    not exact. Nor is the rhyme scheme exact: Slant rhymes like “dizzy”/”easy” (lines 2 and 4) and
    “pans”/”countenance” (5 and 7) demonstrate that something is out of place. The speaker makes
    note of “every step” his father “missed” (11), and we imagine that he wouldn’t make a good dance
    instructor, at least not when he has “whiskey on [his] breath” (1).
    We can only speculate as to whether the father in the poem would make a good worker,
    a good husband, or a good father. In the last case, the poem leads us subtly to a definite
    conclusion. While this is not a poem that screams, “I hate my papa; he was bad to me when I was
    young,” it is a poem that connotes physical control to the point of manipulation and even abuse
    on the father’s part. This waltz is dangerous, ultimately; its imagery contains a disapproving
    mother (lines 7 and 8), a battered knuckle (line 10), a buckle that repeatedly scrapes a young
    boy’s tender ear (12), and finally a dirt-caked hand that strikes the boy’s head repeatedly under
    the guise of keeping time for the waltz. The fact that the speaker says, “You beat time on my
    head” (14), instead of “kept time” reinforces this interpretation. The waltzing ritual is not about
    dancing; it is about a man who asserts and maintains physical control over his son even as he
    loses control over himself


Act in 2012 Other Assignment Help

Prior to 2012, compounding pharmacies were not required by law to follow current good manufacturing practices. Then, in October 2012 there was an outbreak of fungal meningitis reported. The Center for Disease Control traced the outbreak to fungal contamination in an injectable corticosteroid that was compounded by New England Compounding Center. Doses from the lots found to be contaminated had been shipped to 75 medical facilities in 23 states, and doses had been administered to about 14,000 patients.

Following this tragedy, the Drug Quality and Security Act was enacted, a bill that would modify the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and give more authority to regulate and monitor the manufacturing of compounded medication.

For this assignment, research the Drug Quality and Security Act, which was signed into law by President Obama in November 2013.

Answer key question such as:

  • What are some of the changes that were a result of this Act being signed that effect the compounding industry
  • Do you believe this tragedy would have been prevented had this bill already been in place? How?
  • How could it prevent an outbreak like that which occurred in 2012 from happening again?
  • What drawbacks do you see if any and in what ways could this law be improved?


Defining Your Strategy Writing Assignment Help

Based on the analysis you have undertaken during the past several weeks:

  • Restate your vision for the company and your implementation plan.
  • What does the playing field look like? What are the current trends in your industry, and what has the competition been doing?
  • What are your moats (competitive advantages) and barriers (competitive disadvantages), and how does your plan create a sustainable competitive advantage (market leadership) for your organization?
  • How does analysis of the data and the competitive environment support your proposed plan?
  • What are your initial estimates of your market opportunity (revenue and profit) for your plan? Defend your projections.



Final Submission Programming Assignment Help


This week, you will finalize your course project and host it online. To finalize your project, complete the following tasks:

  • Insert keywords, a title, and description to make each page ready to upload.
  • Search the Internet for some commonly-seen interactive elements developed in JavaScript, and download the code. Incorporate at least two of these basic features in your project website to create a dynamic multimedia experience for the user. Be sure to cite the source of the code in your HTML pages.
  • Find a form-processing solution to make your contact page functional. It should send Express Holidays (you) the information submitted in the form by e-mail or store it in a database that you can access.
  • Upload the completed website on the server.
  • Review and test the website for functionality, language, design, programming, and display issues. You should test the website on at least two browsers, such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, to ensure that it does not contain any display or functionality errors.


In a Microsoft Word document, share the following:

  • The URL of your uploaded website (your domain name) should be included in the first line of the body of your document. Include the host you chose and your FTP program used to upload your site (this may be a tool available from the host, in which case that should be indicated).
  • A maintenance plan for supporting your Website should follow; this should include plans to update content and plans to check functionality periodically. You should accurately plan to maintain this site to use as part of your portfolio for hire, but you can propose updates based upon the fictitious company to match with expectations of a real maintenance plan.
  • As a separate section, the details of the form-processing solution that you found and an example of its results should be documented. (You can complete and submit the form yourself for this.)
  • As a separate section, the application of JavaScript that you found and implemented on your site should be documented.
  • As a final section, the details of the testing you performed on your website, including the browsers chosen and any errors detected and corrected, should be documented.
  • Cite any sources in APA format.

Submit your HTML files along with any images or integrated media from the Implementation section in a Zipped folder (compressed with a .zip extension) to the submission folder. Submit your Word document as a separate file from the Zipped folder. Cite any sources in APA format. You should retain your website files for your portfolio and use later throughout your program.

Final Submission Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Critique a Criminal Justice Policy Humanities Assignment Help

Illegal immigration is currently a hot button issue in America. Develop a position paper for this topic. Be sure your paper addresses ALL OF the following:

1) Explain why your chosen policies/acts are controversial.

2) Discuss the consequences if the policy was discontinued or continuously implemented.

3) Recommend a plan to reduce the controversy and political influence to allow continuous implementation.

4) Assess the impact of continuing or abolishing the policy on the crime rate and safety of the community.

Use examples and evidence to support your position. Support your assignment with at least five scholarly resources.

Length: 7 pages long, not including title and reference pages, which are required.

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing. The assignment should be double spaced, font 14, APA format, and New Times Roman writing style.


Scientific Racism and Vilification Eugenics Propaganda Paper Writing Assignment Help

This is a group writing project, and the group topic is this :

“Our group has chosen to focus on two broad topics, specifically where they intersect. We would like to do our research on how Eugenics was used in Nazi Germany to support ideas of scientific racism that perpetuated the scapegoating of certain populations that were targeted throughout the Holocaust.”

My own writing part is here:

“how propaganda of Eugenics were used during the Nazi era and WWII to promote scientific racism and vilify certain groups of people” !!!!

This is a research paper, need to write 3 full pages, word count at least 1000 words. MLA format, need to be careful make all citation. Thanks a lot. No limits on the number of sources use.


Infographics – Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

This is an infographic presentation in PowerPoint. All the requirements have to be met to complete this question.

This presentation requires knowledge in creating shapes and infographics in PowerPoint.


My topic is :

Global Human Trafficking


Infographics Requirement

Your infographics presentation must have the following:

  1. A solid background color other than white. You are encouraged to study visually appealing color schemes and look at the infographic samples given in class or online. Once you decide on a color scheme, you should keep it throughout all the infographics. Do not use the themes from PowerPoint. Every infographics must include the source of the information at the bottom of it in a small font size.
    1. At least three distinct infographic elements using basic shapes, webdings and buttons. (See activities10.3, 10.4,10.5, 10.6 and additional examples at the end of the chapter)
    2. At least two fillable icons to represent various quantities, amounts or percentages. (See activity 10.7 and additional examples at the end of the chapter)
    3. A simple meter (activity 11.1) or similar. A donut chart with an icon or image in the middle or on the outside (activity 11.4 and additional examples at the end of the chapter). Extra credit for doing a data-drive speedometer as shown at the end of chapter 11.
    4. An excel graph with appropriate customized pictures or icons as fill option (activity 12.2, 12.3).
    5. A pictogram (activity 12.4)
    6. A chart combining data with appropriate objects like those shown in figures12.15 and 12.18 and the several examples at the end of chapter 12.
    7. A completion chart, OR a visually appealing graph like the ones at the end of chapter 12.

    ————-Check attached files for the activities. 10-11-1


Religion Final exam questions. Writing Assignment Help

Answer the following:

  1. Islam believes: a) That God is one, b) That we must put God first, c) That a good Muslim provides for charity, d) all of the above
  2. Augustine explained the human condition as a fall into ____________
  3. For Abelard the death of Jesus saves us: a) by inspiring love in us, b) by paying the devil, c) by dying in our place, d) all of the above
  4. How does Anselm’s view of the death of Jesus differ from Abelard’s?
  5. True or False: most scholars agree that the historical Jesus was a faith healer
  6. The Christian Doctrine of the Trinity claims that: a) There are three gods, b) the one God is made known to us in three primary ways, c) one is the holiest number, d) Jesus is one of the Angels
  7. Which of the following is not one of the three major branches of Christianity: a) Catholicism, b) Orthodoxy, c) Protestantism, d)Reconstructivism
  8. True or False: Muhammad is worshiped by Muslims
  9. The Arabic word for God is: a) Yahweh, b) Ganesha, c) Allah, d) Jehova
  10. The Holy book of Islam is called : a) The Quran, b) The Torah, c) The Gita, d) none of the above
  11. Which of these is part of ancient Judaism: a) temple, b)priests, c) king, d) all of the above
  12. What does Buddhism teach about the nature of change and permanence?
  13. What is the Hindu concept of God?
  14. What is a major difference between Eastern and Western Christianity
  15. Why does Confucian put so much value on the five constant relationships?


LAB 10 Help Programming Assignment Help

LAB 10 Help Programming Assignment Help

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