lab report for Soil Mechanics Engineering Assignment Help. lab report for Soil Mechanics Engineering Assignment Help.
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I have a lab report for Soil Mechanics
I will attach the lab manual and data for the experiment. Also I will attach the rubric so please follow it exactly.
The lab is called Field Unit Weight of Compaction ( Sand Cone Method)
Please consider the ( Data Sheet ) as your primary results and finish the calculations in it. No graphs needed in this lab.
Please compare your final results with required field compaction dry unit weight of 90lb/ft3
About the Bibliography section Please mention three references:
1- The book : Principles of Geotechnical Engineering” by Braja M. Das and Khaled Shoban, Cengage Learning, 2017, 9th Edition.
2- The lap manual : Soil Mechanics Laboratory Manual” by Braja M. Das, Engineering. Press Inc., 2015
3- Third reference of your choice
if you have further questions just ask
lab report for Soil Mechanics Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]
essay about food waste Humanities Assignment Help
An estimated of 1.3 billion tons of food, about 30 percent of global production, is lost or wasted annually while 800 billion go hungry. Much of this waste happens in the United States.
In San Diego, between one-third and one-half of community college students faced food insecurity.
The numbers are shocking. But there is something we can all do about it. With this assignment, we will address the food waste and food insecurity epidemic by analyzing its core causes and while considering ways that we can advocate for solutions and change.
Reading and Writing Skills
Over the course of this assignment, we will continue to work on developing key academic reading and writing skills, which you will use throughout your career as a student and which constitute the basis of most scholarly writing. We will be annotating and close reading texts, dissecting parts of argument, evaluating different types of sources, taking into consideration the purpose and audience of our writing, and finally creating our own arguments by developing strong thesis statements, incorporating sources into our argument and thoroughly explaining and analyzing evidence to convince our intended audience of our argument and to hopefully make a change.
Focusing Questions
Through our reading and writing over the next few weeks, we will be considering and discussing the following: What are the primary causes of the current food waste and food insecurity crisis? What are the best solutions to this crisis?
anthro questions Science Assignment Help
Part 1
1. The field of anthropology as a whole is best defined as the study of __________.
a. none of these
b. human evolution
c. human cultures and societies
d. humans
e. nonhuman primates
2. The physical anthropology subfield includes the study of: __________(mark all that apply).
a. philosophy
b.human biological variation
c. primatology
d. human evolution
e. human genetics
3. The practical application of anthropological knowledge to real-world concerns is called applied anthropology.
a. true
b. false
4. Primatology, a subfield of physical anthropology, is the study of the biology and behavior of nonhuman primates (prosimians, monkeys, and apes).
a. true
b. false
5. The belief that humans are superior to all other life forms is termed _____________.
a. egocentric
b. geocentric
c. sociocentric
d. ethnocentric
e. anthropocentic
6. “Fixity of species” is the idea that once created species cannot change.
a. true
b. false
7. When pertaining to natural selection, “fitness” is a measure of an individual’s or a group’s physical strength as compared to other groups.
a. true
b. false
8. Charles Darwin is credited with the articulation of the theory known as __________________.
a. evolution by use and and disuse of traits
b. none of these
c. uniformitarianism
d. evolution by natural selection
e. catastrophism
9. According to Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, natural selection _____________.
a. does not apply to plants
b. tends to eliminate those organisms not well adapted to their own environment
c. does not apply to humans
d. none of these
e. always eliminates the physical weakest organisms
10. Which of the following statements best summarizes Jean-Baptise Lamarck’s theory of evolution?
a. offspring inherent traits that their parents acquire through use and disuse
b. all of these
c. The capacity for a population to grow is infinite, but the capacity of the environment to support the population is limited.
d. Variation in the traits that affect survival and reproduction are inherited by offspring.
e. Individuals vary within a population and this variation affects the ability of individuals to survive and reproduce.
movie , discussion , easy Writing Assignment Help
my teacher asked for
lease read the directions carefully and complete ALL parts of the assignment. Paper should be at least 750 words and try to keep it under 1500 words. Your report must offer an analytic study comparing and contrasting the reading assignment(s) as it pertains to the movie. Papers will be submitted in Word Document and should be more than research/report papers; they must reveal your reflection and analysis. You must draw on material from the course readings related to your movie choice as you make the respective connections throughout your paper. Please note that you are not simply summarizing the film. The focus of this paper will be related to particular elements depicted in the film and their relation to concepts encountered throughout the readings.
- Offer a brief sketch (summary/overview) of the movie, including note of topic, major scenes, and underlying themes.
- Specify the primary focus of the movie and how it is addressed. Think about this as the question the movie is trying to answer, problem to be solved, issue to be clarified.
- Identify at least three key terms or concepts related to our study of religion, Christian themes in the movie, note their meaning, and explain how the movie uses them to develop the story.
- Specify the movie’s most important points and explain why they are important.
- Explain what the movie is saying about Christian subjects.
Here are some suggestions and possible inquiries:
How does the film address the Questions of Ultimate Concern in Christianity?
Name five themes discussed in this movie related to the concept(s) located in the Course Material contained in the Course Packet, Ellwood Text, deChant Primer, Documentary, and/ or the Power Point Lectures.
Does this film best represent the myth of history, myth of liberation, or myth of harmony? Why?
Compare and contrast the character (business) of Scrooge versus those ideals in Christianity.
What are some “religious symbols” and particularly Christianity revealed in the scene with Jacob Marley’s Ghost?
What are some religious, Christian ideals displayed by the Spirit guides?
What did you find particularly interesting, as it relates to Christianity with the visits by the Ghosts?
What are the similarities between Scrooge’s “conversion” and Christianity?
The movie is A christmas carol (1999) link below:
all the answers should be from the movie
Market Failure and Transactions Cost Economics Assignment Help
Market Failure and Transactions Cost
Complete the following:
- Find an article published within 60 days prior to the term that deals with a government action intended to alleviate a market failure.
- Evaluate this decision in light of the potential or realized unintended consequences and the role that transactions cost plays in the market failure.
- Create a demand-supply graph that illustrates this market failure and very briefly explain the graph. Please note, that you need to create the graph and not copy it from any source. Any copied and pasted graphs will not earn any points.
- Strong Introduction and Conclusion
- Your paper should be at least 2 pages in length and must conform to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements (Links to an external site.).
- Include the supply-demand graph you created based on the requirements established, as well as follow up description of the graphs used. well integrated theoretical concepts and relate that to practical application from your research and integration of graphical representations to illustrate validated trends in the analysis of the cannabis industry.
- Incorporate at least three scholarly references that are not required readings for this module. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.
Any topic from Emerging Threats and Countermeasures need research paper of 1000 words in APA WITH PEER reviewed references Engineering Assignment Help
Emerging Threats and CountermeasuresAssignment: Research Paper II
Length: Minimum of 1000 words
After writing your literature review in last assignments you are required to write a “Problem Statement”. This problem statement will help you in your disseratation phase, and will require some research effort.
A good problem statement should answer the following questions:
- What is occurring?
- Where is the problem?
- When did the problem start? (or when did you notice it)
- Extent (Gap) of the problem or opportunity
- Show why a change is neededMake sure to check other published dissertations to build an idea about problem statements, you will be able to find plenty of them.
Any topic from Emerging Threats and Countermeasures need research paper of 1000 words in APA WITH PEER reviewed references Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Making and Keeping Friends Writing Assignment Help
Finding and Getting People to Like You(1).jpg
Making and Keeping Friends Mindfulness of Others(1).jpg
Use two suggestions total from the pages below for the next two weeks. Then write up the use of these suggestions and the results.
1. What’s your level of social support at ASU/Arizona/other environment? Could you use an extra friend?
2. Do you have a relationship that could use a tune-up?
3. Which of these suggestions were harder and which were easier for you?
4. Write about how you have used these suggestions in the last two weeks to make connections. Results?
See images below
Grossmont Cuyamaca Photoshopping Reaction Paper Writing Assignment Help
Faith Hill Airbrushing magazine cover:…
After viewing the website posted (Redbook: Faith Hill Touch Up and both YouTube videos 1 and 2 Photoshop), write a 3 page reaction paper.
- Describe in detail what you saw on the website & videos and share your opinion about what you experienced. This way I know you viewed all 3 items.
- How did it make you feel? What did it make you think?
- What is the effect on you and others in our society?
- Is it ethical?
- Were you aware of how prevalent photoshop actually is?
- Have you ever photoshopped a picture of yourself or someone else? Why did you do it?
- I want to hear what you think!
equifax security breach in 2017, redemptions, how handled when occured…. Computer Science Assignment Help
Equifax is one of the three major credit bureau that stores personal and business credit profile information1. Organizations rely on Equifax credit data in order to make pertinent financial lending decisions. In 2017, Equifax revealed that a data breach exposed the sensitive personal information of 143 million Americans2.
In 2018, Equifax budgeted to spend $200 million on security and technology projects for the year3.
In this case study, assume that you work for an Information Technology Security firm in Atlanta and your company has been hired to provide a threat model of Equifax consumer and business data and provide remediation to address the security issue.
Create 20 pages written paper and 25 pages PowerPoint presentation document to address the following area. Key Deliverables Your Company Information
▪ Company profile
▪ Leadership profile and expertise
▪ Equifax company background and history
▪ Discuss Equifax 2017 data breach
o Discuss the impact of the security incident
o Discuss the scope of consumers and businesses affected?
o Discuss how Equifax handled the security incident.
o Discuss how the government handled the security incident
Threat Model Proposal
▪ Propose strategies and discuss a threat model for managing Equifax consumer and business data.
Identify Threats
▪ Find and discuss at least three threats to Equifax information systems using one of the threat model strategies. *NOT threat types!
One for data flow, one for data store, one for a process.
Manage and Address Threats
▪ Discuss and recommend at least two remediations per threat identified in the earlier section.
Closing Section
▪ Discuss the likelihood of another data breach and recommend what Equifax needs to do to be prepared and possibly avoid it.
**The Written paper must comply to APA guidelines. Provide references and citations for source.
Newscast DB 11 Business Finance Assignment Help
This week as you are reading in your text about the news I’d like you to watch a 1/2 hour local newscast, a 1/2 hour national newscast, and a 1/2 hour of cable news. That’s a total of 90 min of news. I’d like you to analyze the newscast. In addition please answer the following questions about each newscast. Please give the name of the newscast, channel, time and date you watched. Please name the anchors as well. Then proceed to answer each of the following questions about each newscast. Title and number your newscast and answers. This is due Sunday by 9pm.
1. Was there a bias or opinion in the reporting or was it strictly factual? Explain and give specific examples.
2. Were there obvious questions a viewer might have about a story that went unanswered.
3. Were any stories sensationalized (media hype)?
4. Did you see any examples of fear tactics being used to entice viewership or scare the viewer unnecessarily? Meaning the information is not necessarily factual. Think back to the article you read called”The Media Scares Us and We Like It.”
5. What newscast did you enjoy most (local, national, or cable)
Just in case you need help knowing the difference local news is something like NBC 7 San Diego. National news is like CBS World News Tonight. Cable news would include FOX, MSNBC, CNN etc…