lab12 b Other Assignment Help

lab12 b Other Assignment Help. lab12 b Other Assignment Help.

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This lab will familiarize you with the basic techniques and terminology of groundwater analysis, including the concepts of


This exercise will utilize Activity 12.3 (Floridan Limestone Aquifer) on page 325 of your Physical Geology Lab Manual.You may need to review the Chapter 9 on Topgraphic Maps and Orthoimages, specifically, the section on rules for contour lines (Figure 9.12)


1) Read Laboaratory 12: Groundwater Processes, Resources and Risks in you Physical Geology Laboratory Manual

2) Using the Sulphur Springs, Florida 7.5’ Quad (Figure 12.6), transfer the provided lake elevations (blue italicized numbers on the lakes) onto the blank sketch map on page 326.

3) These lake elevations can be considered points of known topographic elevation of the water table in the Sulphur Springs Quadrangle region.Using methods of interpolation and extrapolation described in Figure 9.12 (Rules for Contour Lines), draw in the contour lines in 5 foot intervals (eg. 30 ft, 35 ft, 40 ft. 45 ft, 50 ft).

4) The direction of groundwater flow (flow lines) in a region can be represented by arrows drawn perpendicular to thecontour lines with the arrows pointing in the direction of lower elevations (see Figure 12.1: Water movement through an unconfined aquifer).The collection of flow lines drawn on a map for a given region is referred to as the flow net.Draw the flow net for the Sulphur Springs Quadrangle sketch map.

5) Submit this completed sketch map to the instructor.You can either scan and attach this map to an e-mail or fax it to the instructor.You may also take a picture and attach it to an e-mail, but make sure the picture is of high enough resolution for the instructor to make out the details of your work.

6) Complete the accompanying Groundwater Lab Exercise.This exercise consists of 16 multiple choice questions based on the information in the “Laboratory 12: Groundwater Processes, Resources and Links” and the work you completed on the Sulphur Springs Quadrangle sketch map.

lab12 b Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Discuss the advantages for the health care industry from a risk management, policy/planning, legal, and strategic planning perspective. Health Medical Assignment Help

Read the article entitled “for New Doctors, 8 Minutes Per Patient” by Pauline Chen, MD (accessed at (Links to an external site.)Links para um site externo.

Refer to information in your textbooks and other resources that are noted by the instructors and in the article.
1. Discuss two advantages for the health care industry from a risk management, policy/planning, legal, and strategic planning perspective.
2. Discuss two disadvantages for the health care industry from a risk management, policy/planning, legal, and strategic planning perspective.
3. How might this issue affect your employer? Explain

Addtional reference is listed:

Reference: Rothaermel, Frank T. (2017). Strategic Management. Third Edition. McGraw-Hill/Irwin: New York.



peer reviw 1 Humanities Assignment Help

My expectation is that a good peer review will be at least 2 or 3 pages long and will include meaningful criticisms of the paper and specific suggestions for how it can be improved and completed.

the assignment is to write review of Julie’s draft, (i will attched julie’s paper , and a sample of how to write peer reviw )

The specific assignment is:

Explain, in your own words, the research question and hypothesis.

Explain in your own words the key independent variable, opportunity structure. What does Julie mean by this? How will she be able to know it when she sees it? (That is, how will she “operationalize” this variable?)

Explain in your own words how Julie measures opportunity structures in her various case studies. Is her approach consistent? Does it make sense?

Does the way Julie chooses different cases here make sense? Do her cases provide enough variation for her to make meaningful comparisons?

Please come up with some specific suggestions about how Julie can best improve the way she defines and measures the key variables in her cause-and-effect argument.

Are there any other suggestions for improvement you can think of?


CJ 520 Module Three 3 – 2 Other Assignment Help

Overview: For this assignment, due in Module Three, you will submit a 1–2 page document introducing the public policy issue that your departmental policy will seek to address. First, review the document A List of Public Policy Issues and select an issue. Next, review the document Examples of Departmental Policies and select a departmental policy that you plan to make improvement recommendations for to address this issue. Discuss related public policies (decisions, actions, laws, and/or positions) of both the state and federal government on the issue that you seek to address with your departmental policy. Describe your selected policy issue and the related state or federal positions or actions on the issue, and explain the connection between the departmental policy and state or federal guidance on the issue.

Prompt: Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction: Describe your selected public policy issue, corresponding departmental policy, and explain the connection between the public policy issue and specific departmental policy. II. Describe related public policies (decisions, actions, laws, and or positions) of both the state and federal government on the issue that you seek to address with your departmental policy.

Guidelines for Submission: Milestone One should follow these formatting guidelines: 1–2 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA style. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.


Class Assignment 2D Business Finance Assignment Help

Signature Assignment: Financial Statement Analysis and Firm Performance

About Your Signature Assignment

Signature/Benchmark Assignments are designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. Signature/Benchmark Assignments are graded with a grading guide or an automated rubric that allows the University to collect data that can be aggregated across a location or college/school and used for course/program improvements.

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to allow students the opportunity to present a business idea supported by strong financial information. The student will be able to identify the possible challenges of doing business in a foreign country and how to approach them.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Signature Assignment: Financial Statement Analysis and Firm Performance Template

Prepare a 16 to 20 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes showing the details of a business you are interested in starting in a foreign country, and for which you need $300,000. The presentation should include the following information:

  • Business name
  • Executive summary
  • Description of the foreign country
  • Business description and structure
  • Market and company analysis
  • Marketing and sales operational plan
  • How you plan to use the $300,000
  • Financial statements forecast (3 years)
  • Business health assessment – using the following ratios:
    • Liquidity ratios
    • Solvency ratios
    • Asset management ratios
    • Profitability ratios
    • Market value ratios

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Please note that Title and Reference slides do not count toward the requirement of 16 to 20 slides. See my Announcement at the beginning of week for help with this area related to APA formatting.

Next prepare a paper focused on both scenarios listed below:

Analyze and calculate the following scenarios in 525 words, including which one would you choose and why, and which financing option is best for your business:

  • Investor #1 decided to loan you the $300,000, paying all of the interest (8% per year) and principal in one lump sum at the end of 5 years.
  • Investor #2 offers you the $300,000, paying interest at the rate of 8% per year for 4 years and then a final payment of interest and principal at the end of the 5th year.

Discuss in 525 words the challenges and risks you may face in starting a business in a foreign country including the following:

  • Cultural, business, and political risks.
  • How you plan to avoid operational, transaction, and translation exposure.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Please note that Title Pages and References do not count toward word count requirements.

Please No Plagiarism



Financial/Managerial Accounting for International Executive Case analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Read the case (attached file) and answer base on the requirement below:

(using file Word) 1500 words


1. Prepare a sales budget in good form.

2. Prepare a narrative report
explaining how your sales budget was determined. Use the table above in
your analysis. (Hint: Many companies would develop their budgets using
average sales and average unit costs.)

Whatever budget
determination method you use should be explained. In your explanation,
you should include a discussion of why you believe sales and selling
prices fluctuated last year.

3. Prepare a production budget in units.

Prepare a purchases budget. Remember that you will need to purchase
enough materials to have the required ending inventories shown. You will
also need to purchase enough to manufacture and sell the products on
your sales forecast. Do not forget that you have beginning inventories.

5. Prepare a narrative report
explaining how you prepared the purchases budget. Be as detailed as
necessary to be sure that the president and general manager will
understand the calculations and costs.

6. Prepare a budgeted income statement.

7. Prepare a contribution margin income statement.

8. Prepare a narrative report explaining how the expenses on the income statement were determined.

9. Prepare a cash budget. Be sure that you show all cash inflows and outflows.

10. Prepare a narrative report explaining your cash budget process.

11. If necessary, prepare a capital expenditure budget. Explain your entries. Use only the facts in this case to prepare the budget.


Your finished case will consist of six
or seven budgets (a sales budget, a production budget in units, a
purchases budget, a budgeted income statement, a contribution margin
income statement, a cash budget, and, if necessary, a capital
expenditure budget.)

You will also have
four or five narrative reports (a sales budget report, a purchases
budget report, an income statement report, a cash budget report, and an
explanation of your capital budget, if necessary).

reports are reports that are in the form or a white paper that clearly
explains the numeric entries on your budgets. The length of the
narrative reports will depend on the particular report. In general, you
should be able to prepare the sales budget report on one or two pages,
the purchases budget report on one or two pages, the income statement
report on one page, and the cash budget report on one page. In this
case, the capital budget report would be less than one page. You should
not worry if one of your reports is more or less than the recommendation
given here—just be sure you cover all of the important points and
satisfactorily explain the numeric entries in your budget. Also, be sure
you explain the process of “how” your numbers were determined. In this
regard, it is not necessary or desirable to explain the exact
calculations. Consider your audience and prepare a report that would be
suitable for executives making plans and decisions for the upcoming

1Harvey’s budget is adapted from a published case. (Source and citation are available upon request to faculty only).

Financial/Managerial Accounting for International Executive Case analysis Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Child Abuse Business Finance Assignment Help

Since the after-school conference, Anne has missed 15 of the last 20 days of school. When she does attend, she is very quiet and tends to stay by herself. Anne also claims to be sick every time she has to go to gym class. The teacher has attempted to call her home to find out why Anne is missing so much school. On one occasion, Anne’s father answers the phone and curses at the teacher and hangs up. After this conversation, the teacher is very concerned about Anne’s safety and consults the principal. A decision is made to contact child protective services (CPS). You are the assigned investigator from CPS.

Draft a 3-4 paragraph memo outlining how you will begin your investigation. Be sure to include and discuss the following:

  • Which persons do you need to interview and why? Provide a minimum of three people you must interview.
  • What information would you expect to learn from each person you interview? Provide a minimum of two pieces of information you would expect to collect from these interviews.
  • What allegations do you feel could be present in this case? Provide a minimum of two.
  • When responding to your peers’ postings, consider whether you agree with the allegations they posed as possibilities. Are those the only allegations? What other people might they not have considered interviewing? What other information should be sought?


Latest standard for goodwill accounting and recent developments for both GAAP and IFRS Business Finance Assignment Help

I want you to write about the latest standard for goodwill accounting and recent developments for both GAAP and IFRS and impairment tests under both of them and the details under both of them for the latest standard and impairment test. It is a presentation so I don’t want you to write an essay, I just want you to write it as points is easy words, so I can understand it and explain it. I want you to write a content that fit for ten minutes of talking, I expect depth and recent information. Finally, I want you to list the references that you will use.

I have attached you a file to look at it, to understand what I am going to talk about, there is nothing to do with this file and I don’t want you to add any information about it, it is just for you to generally understand the topic I am going to present.


critical thinking Business Finance Assignment Help

Please see the file that I have upload. These questions are from “Understanding Business” book, chapter 13. It does not have to be a full page. I just need in a paragraph form, with clear and thorough answers.

only question number 4

Also please response for these two students


For example, I am an avid fisherman that like to shop locally. to fish saltwater But l Like not fresh water. There is a fishing shop in town that sales only freshwater and tackle but I’m looking b one of the only for saltwater bait and tackle and there is nowhere nearby I’m probably people that like to fish salt water over fresh water for miles because where are in the middle of the country in Jefferson City Missouri. And the closest saltwater fishing in hundreds of miles away,


Honestly I am never satisfied here in Jefferson City, mostly because l’ve grown use to how things are back home. For example the fast food places here are awful and extremely sad it is hardly ever fresh and the customer service is terrible. It is the same with the restaurants as well, the Red Lobster here taste as though they are feeing you rubber, but the back home taste as if one went and caught the fish, shrimp a crab legs yourself and cooked them. I believe the locals have grown use to it to the point where they believe it good. In addition to the food the shopping places here are very slim picking you have to travel minutes away to a t decent outfit or rely on online websites. Where as back at home you could find everything your looking for in one place that is less than 15 minutes away from your home. Edited by Josephine Drake Apr 22 at 821pm


George’s King of Falafel Restaurant (Middle East) Science Assignment Help

i chosie George’s King of Falafel Restaurant (Middle East) in Washington dc this restaurants is located in M STREET George town you need to do a resrch to answer what in the requirments . this is what the professor said :

  1. Mapping journal consists of 3-4 pages long walking tour itinerary and map. Throughout the semester you will be asked to take photos and/or videos of examples of diversity (images, language, signs, etc.) in public space, and to annotate these photos and videos. Carry your notebook and camera to the fieldtrip and on your own exploration trips. Let me know if you don’t have access to these tools. For this assignment you will be familiar with these aspects of urban planning and way-finding: explain these things about the place you chose
  • paths, the streets, sidewalks, trails, and other channels in which people travel;
  • landmarks, readily identifiable objects which serve as external reference points.
  • edges, perceived boundaries such as walls, buildings, and shorelines;
  • nodes, focal points, intersections or loci;
  • districts, relatively large sections of the city distinguished by some identity or character;


Refer to information in your textbooks and other resources that are noted by the instructors and in the article.
1. Discuss two advantages for the health care industry from a risk management, policy/planning, legal, and strategic planning perspective.
2. Discuss two disadvantages for the health care industry from a risk management, policy/planning, legal, and strategic planning perspective.
3. How might this issue affect your employer? Explain

Addtional reference is listed:

Reference: Rothaermel, Frank T. (2017). Strategic Management. Third Edition. McGraw-Hill/Irwin: New York.



peer reviw 1 Humanities Assignment Help

My expectation is that a good peer review will be at least 2 or 3 pages long and will include meaningful criticisms of the paper and specific suggestions for how it can be improved and completed.

the assignment is to write review of Julie’s draft, (i will attched julie’s paper , and a sample of how to write peer reviw )

The specific assignment is:

Explain, in your own words, the research question and hypothesis.

Explain in your own words the key independent variable, opportunity structure. What does Julie mean by this? How will she be able to know it when she sees it? (That is, how will she “operationalize” this variable?)

Explain in your own words how Julie measures opportunity structures in her various case studies. Is her approach consistent? Does it make sense?

Does the way Julie chooses different cases here make sense? Do her cases provide enough variation for her to make meaningful comparisons?

Please come up with some specific suggestions about how Julie can best improve the way she defines and measures the key variables in her cause-and-effect argument.

Are there any other suggestions for improvement you can think of?


CJ 520 Module Three 3 – 2 Other Assignment Help

Overview: For this assignment, due in Module Three, you will submit a 1–2 page document introducing the public policy issue that your departmental policy will seek to address. First, review the document A List of Public Policy Issues and select an issue. Next, review the document Examples of Departmental Policies and select a departmental policy that you plan to make improvement recommendations for to address this issue. Discuss related public policies (decisions, actions, laws, and/or positions) of both the state and federal government on the issue that you seek to address with your departmental policy. Describe your selected policy issue and the related state or federal positions or actions on the issue, and explain the connection between the departmental policy and state or federal guidance on the issue.

Prompt: Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction: Describe your selected public policy issue, corresponding departmental policy, and explain the connection between the public policy issue and specific departmental policy. II. Describe related public policies (decisions, actions, laws, and or positions) of both the state and federal government on the issue that you seek to address with your departmental policy.

Guidelines for Submission: Milestone One should follow these formatting guidelines: 1–2 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA style. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.


Class Assignment 2D Business Finance Assignment Help

Signature Assignment: Financial Statement Analysis and Firm Performance

About Your Signature Assignment

Signature/Benchmark Assignments are designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. Signature/Benchmark Assignments are graded with a grading guide or an automated rubric that allows the University to collect data that can be aggregated across a location or college/school and used for course/program improvements.

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to allow students the opportunity to present a business idea supported by strong financial information. The student will be able to identify the possible challenges of doing business in a foreign country and how to approach them.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Signature Assignment: Financial Statement Analysis and Firm Performance Template

Prepare a 16 to 20 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes showing the details of a business you are interested in starting in a foreign country, and for which you need $300,000. The presentation should include the following information:

  • Business name
  • Executive summary
  • Description of the foreign country
  • Business description and structure
  • Market and company analysis
  • Marketing and sales operational plan
  • How you plan to use the $300,000
  • Financial statements forecast (3 years)
  • Business health assessment – using the following ratios:
    • Liquidity ratios
    • Solvency ratios
    • Asset management ratios
    • Profitability ratios
    • Market value ratios

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Please note that Title and Reference slides do not count toward the requirement of 16 to 20 slides. See my Announcement at the beginning of week for help with this area related to APA formatting.

Next prepare a paper focused on both scenarios listed below:

Analyze and calculate the following scenarios in 525 words, including which one would you choose and why, and which financing option is best for your business:

  • Investor #1 decided to loan you the $300,000, paying all of the interest (8% per year) and principal in one lump sum at the end of 5 years.
  • Investor #2 offers you the $300,000, paying interest at the rate of 8% per year for 4 years and then a final payment of interest and principal at the end of the 5th year.

Discuss in 525 words the challenges and risks you may face in starting a business in a foreign country including the following:

  • Cultural, business, and political risks.
  • How you plan to avoid operational, transaction, and translation exposure.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Please note that Title Pages and References do not count toward word count requirements.

Please No Plagiarism



Financial/Managerial Accounting for International Executive Case analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Read the case (attached file) and answer base on the requirement below:

(using file Word) 1500 words


1. Prepare a sales budget in good form.

2. Prepare a narrative report
explaining how your sales budget was determined. Use the table above in
your analysis. (Hint: Many companies would develop their budgets using
average sales and average unit costs.)

Whatever budget
determination method you use should be explained. In your explanation,
you should include a discussion of why you believe sales and selling
prices fluctuated last year.

3. Prepare a production budget in units.

Prepare a purchases budget. Remember that you will need to purchase
enough materials to have the required ending inventories shown. You will
also need to purchase enough to manufacture and sell the products on
your sales forecast. Do not forget that you have beginning inventories.

5. Prepare a narrative report
explaining how you prepared the purchases budget. Be as detailed as
necessary to be sure that the president and general manager will
understand the calculations and costs.

6. Prepare a budgeted income statement.

7. Prepare a contribution margin income statement.

8. Prepare a narrative report explaining how the expenses on the income statement were determined.

9. Prepare a cash budget. Be sure that you show all cash inflows and outflows.

10. Prepare a narrative report explaining your cash budget process.

11. If necessary, prepare a capital expenditure budget. Explain your entries. Use only the facts in this case to prepare the budget.


Your finished case will consist of six
or seven budgets (a sales budget, a production budget in units, a
purchases budget, a budgeted income statement, a contribution margin
income statement, a cash budget, and, if necessary, a capital
expenditure budget.)

You will also have
four or five narrative reports (a sales budget report, a purchases
budget report, an income statement report, a cash budget report, and an
explanation of your capital budget, if necessary).

reports are reports that are in the form or a white paper that clearly
explains the numeric entries on your budgets. The length of the
narrative reports will depend on the particular report. In general, you
should be able to prepare the sales budget report on one or two pages,
the purchases budget report on one or two pages, the income statement
report on one page, and the cash budget report on one page. In this
case, the capital budget report would be less than one page. You should
not worry if one of your reports is more or less than the recommendation
given here—just be sure you cover all of the important points and
satisfactorily explain the numeric entries in your budget. Also, be sure
you explain the process of “how” your numbers were determined. In this
regard, it is not necessary or desirable to explain the exact
calculations. Consider your audience and prepare a report that would be
suitable for executives making plans and decisions for the upcoming

1Harvey’s budget is adapted from a published case. (Source and citation are available upon request to faculty only).

Financial/Managerial Accounting for International Executive Case analysis Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Child Abuse Business Finance Assignment Help

Since the after-school conference, Anne has missed 15 of the last 20 days of school. When she does attend, she is very quiet and tends to stay by herself. Anne also claims to be sick every time she has to go to gym class. The teacher has attempted to call her home to find out why Anne is missing so much school. On one occasion, Anne’s father answers the phone and curses at the teacher and hangs up. After this conversation, the teacher is very concerned about Anne’s safety and consults the principal. A decision is made to contact child protective services (CPS). You are the assigned investigator from CPS.

Draft a 3-4 paragraph memo outlining how you will begin your investigation. Be sure to include and discuss the following:

  • Which persons do you need to interview and why? Provide a minimum of three people you must interview.
  • What information would you expect to learn from each person you interview? Provide a minimum of two pieces of information you would expect to collect from these interviews.
  • What allegations do you feel could be present in this case? Provide a minimum of two.
  • When responding to your peers’ postings, consider whether you agree with the allegations they posed as possibilities. Are those the only allegations? What other people might they not have considered interviewing? What other information should be sought?


Latest standard for goodwill accounting and recent developments for both GAAP and IFRS Business Finance Assignment Help

I want you to write about the latest standard for goodwill accounting and recent developments for both GAAP and IFRS and impairment tests under both of them and the details under both of them for the latest standard and impairment test. It is a presentation so I don’t want you to write an essay, I just want you to write it as points is easy words, so I can understand it and explain it. I want you to write a content that fit for ten minutes of talking, I expect depth and recent information. Finally, I want you to list the references that you will use.

I have attached you a file to look at it, to understand what I am going to talk about, there is nothing to do with this file and I don’t want you to add any information about it, it is just for you to generally understand the topic I am going to present.


critical thinking Business Finance Assignment Help

Please see the file that I have upload. These questions are from “Understanding Business” book, chapter 13. It does not have to be a full page. I just need in a paragraph form, with clear and thorough answers.

only question number 4

Also please response for these two students


For example, I am an avid fisherman that like to shop locally. to fish saltwater But l Like not fresh water. There is a fishing shop in town that sales only freshwater and tackle but I’m looking b one of the only for saltwater bait and tackle and there is nowhere nearby I’m probably people that like to fish salt water over fresh water for miles because where are in the middle of the country in Jefferson City Missouri. And the closest saltwater fishing in hundreds of miles away,


Honestly I am never satisfied here in Jefferson City, mostly because l’ve grown use to how things are back home. For example the fast food places here are awful and extremely sad it is hardly ever fresh and the customer service is terrible. It is the same with the restaurants as well, the Red Lobster here taste as though they are feeing you rubber, but the back home taste as if one went and caught the fish, shrimp a crab legs yourself and cooked them. I believe the locals have grown use to it to the point where they believe it good. In addition to the food the shopping places here are very slim picking you have to travel minutes away to a t decent outfit or rely on online websites. Where as back at home you could find everything your looking for in one place that is less than 15 minutes away from your home. Edited by Josephine Drake Apr 22 at 821pm


George’s King of Falafel Restaurant (Middle East) Science Assignment Help

i chosie George’s King of Falafel Restaurant (Middle East) in Washington dc this restaurants is located in M STREET George town you need to do a resrch to answer what in the requirments . this is what the professor said :

  1. Mapping journal consists of 3-4 pages long walking tour itinerary and map. Throughout the semester you will be asked to take photos and/or videos of examples of diversity (images, language, signs, etc.) in public space, and to annotate these photos and videos. Carry your notebook and camera to the fieldtrip and on your own exploration trips. Let me know if you don’t have access to these tools. For this assignment you will be familiar with these aspects of urban planning and way-finding: explain these things about the place you chose
  • paths, the streets, sidewalks, trails, and other channels in which people travel;
  • landmarks, readily identifiable objects which serve as external reference points.
  • edges, perceived boundaries such as walls, buildings, and shorelines;
  • nodes, focal points, intersections or loci;
  • districts, relatively large sections of the city distinguished by some identity or character;


Refer to information in your textbooks and other resources that are noted by the instructors and in the article.
1. Discuss two advantages for the health care industry from a risk management, policy/planning, legal, and strategic planning perspective.
2. Discuss two disadvantages for the health care industry from a risk management, policy/planning, legal, and strategic planning perspective.
3. How might this issue affect your employer? Explain

Addtional reference is listed:

Reference: Rothaermel, Frank T. (2017). Strategic Management. Third Edition. McGraw-Hill/Irwin: New York.



peer reviw 1 Humanities Assignment Help

My expectation is that a good peer review will be at least 2 or 3 pages long and will include meaningful criticisms of the paper and specific suggestions for how it can be improved and completed.

the assignment is to write review of Julie’s draft, (i will attched julie’s paper , and a sample of how to write peer reviw )

The specific assignment is:

Explain, in your own words, the research question and hypothesis.

Explain in your own words the key independent variable, opportunity structure. What does Julie mean by this? How will she be able to know it when she sees it? (That is, how will she “operationalize” this variable?)

Explain in your own words how Julie measures opportunity structures in her various case studies. Is her approach consistent? Does it make sense?

Does the way Julie chooses different cases here make sense? Do her cases provide enough variation for her to make meaningful comparisons?

Please come up with some specific suggestions about how Julie can best improve the way she defines and measures the key variables in her cause-and-effect argument.

Are there any other suggestions for improvement you can think of?


CJ 520 Module Three 3 – 2 Other Assignment Help

Overview: For this assignment, due in Module Three, you will submit a 1–2 page document introducing the public policy issue that your departmental policy will seek to address. First, review the document A List of Public Policy Issues and select an issue. Next, review the document Examples of Departmental Policies and select a departmental policy that you plan to make improvement recommendations for to address this issue. Discuss related public policies (decisions, actions, laws, and/or positions) of both the state and federal government on the issue that you seek to address with your departmental policy. Describe your selected policy issue and the related state or federal positions or actions on the issue, and explain the connection between the departmental policy and state or federal guidance on the issue.

Prompt: Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction: Describe your selected public policy issue, corresponding departmental policy, and explain the connection between the public policy issue and specific departmental policy. II. Describe related public policies (decisions, actions, laws, and or positions) of both the state and federal government on the issue that you seek to address with your departmental policy.

Guidelines for Submission: Milestone One should follow these formatting guidelines: 1–2 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA style. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.


Class Assignment 2D Business Finance Assignment Help

Signature Assignment: Financial Statement Analysis and Firm Performance

About Your Signature Assignment

Signature/Benchmark Assignments are designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. Signature/Benchmark Assignments are graded with a grading guide or an automated rubric that allows the University to collect data that can be aggregated across a location or college/school and used for course/program improvements.

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to allow students the opportunity to present a business idea supported by strong financial information. The student will be able to identify the possible challenges of doing business in a foreign country and how to approach them.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Signature Assignment: Financial Statement Analysis and Firm Performance Template

Prepare a 16 to 20 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes showing the details of a business you are interested in starting in a foreign country, and for which you need $300,000. The presentation should include the following information:

  • Business name
  • Executive summary
  • Description of the foreign country
  • Business description and structure
  • Market and company analysis
  • Marketing and sales operational plan
  • How you plan to use the $300,000
  • Financial statements forecast (3 years)
  • Business health assessment – using the following ratios:
    • Liquidity ratios
    • Solvency ratios
    • Asset management ratios
    • Profitability ratios
    • Market value ratios

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Please note that Title and Reference slides do not count toward the requirement of 16 to 20 slides. See my Announcement at the beginning of week for help with this area related to APA formatting.

Next prepare a paper focused on both scenarios listed below:

Analyze and calculate the following scenarios in 525 words, including which one would you choose and why, and which financing option is best for your business:

  • Investor #1 decided to loan you the $300,000, paying all of the interest (8% per year) and principal in one lump sum at the end of 5 years.
  • Investor #2 offers you the $300,000, paying interest at the rate of 8% per year for 4 years and then a final payment of interest and principal at the end of the 5th year.

Discuss in 525 words the challenges and risks you may face in starting a business in a foreign country including the following:

  • Cultural, business, and political risks.
  • How you plan to avoid operational, transaction, and translation exposure.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Please note that Title Pages and References do not count toward word count requirements.

Please No Plagiarism



Financial/Managerial Accounting for International Executive Case analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Read the case (attached file) and answer base on the requirement below:

(using file Word) 1500 words


1. Prepare a sales budget in good form.

2. Prepare a narrative report
explaining how your sales budget was determined. Use the table above in
your analysis. (Hint: Many companies would develop their budgets using
average sales and average unit costs.)

Whatever budget
determination method you use should be explained. In your explanation,
you should include a discussion of why you believe sales and selling
prices fluctuated last year.

3. Prepare a production budget in units.

Prepare a purchases budget. Remember that you will need to purchase
enough materials to have the required ending inventories shown. You will
also need to purchase enough to manufacture and sell the products on
your sales forecast. Do not forget that you have beginning inventories.

5. Prepare a narrative report
explaining how you prepared the purchases budget. Be as detailed as
necessary to be sure that the president and general manager will
understand the calculations and costs.

6. Prepare a budgeted income statement.

7. Prepare a contribution margin income statement.

8. Prepare a narrative report explaining how the expenses on the income statement were determined.

9. Prepare a cash budget. Be sure that you show all cash inflows and outflows.

10. Prepare a narrative report explaining your cash budget process.

11. If necessary, prepare a capital expenditure budget. Explain your entries. Use only the facts in this case to prepare the budget.


Your finished case will consist of six
or seven budgets (a sales budget, a production budget in units, a
purchases budget, a budgeted income statement, a contribution margin
income statement, a cash budget, and, if necessary, a capital
expenditure budget.)

You will also have
four or five narrative reports (a sales budget report, a purchases
budget report, an income statement report, a cash budget report, and an
explanation of your capital budget, if necessary).

reports are reports that are in the form or a white paper that clearly
explains the numeric entries on your budgets. The length of the
narrative reports will depend on the particular report. In general, you
should be able to prepare the sales budget report on one or two pages,
the purchases budget report on one or two pages, the income statement
report on one page, and the cash budget report on one page. In this
case, the capital budget report would be less than one page. You should
not worry if one of your reports is more or less than the recommendation
given here—just be sure you cover all of the important points and
satisfactorily explain the numeric entries in your budget. Also, be sure
you explain the process of “how” your numbers were determined. In this
regard, it is not necessary or desirable to explain the exact
calculations. Consider your audience and prepare a report that would be
suitable for executives making plans and decisions for the upcoming

1Harvey’s budget is adapted from a published case. (Source and citation are available upon request to faculty only).

Financial/Managerial Accounting for International Executive Case analysis Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Child Abuse Business Finance Assignment Help

Since the after-school conference, Anne has missed 15 of the last 20 days of school. When she does attend, she is very quiet and tends to stay by herself. Anne also claims to be sick every time she has to go to gym class. The teacher has attempted to call her home to find out why Anne is missing so much school. On one occasion, Anne’s father answers the phone and curses at the teacher and hangs up. After this conversation, the teacher is very concerned about Anne’s safety and consults the principal. A decision is made to contact child protective services (CPS). You are the assigned investigator from CPS.

Draft a 3-4 paragraph memo outlining how you will begin your investigation. Be sure to include and discuss the following:

  • Which persons do you need to interview and why? Provide a minimum of three people you must interview.
  • What information would you expect to learn from each person you interview? Provide a minimum of two pieces of information you would expect to collect from these interviews.
  • What allegations do you feel could be present in this case? Provide a minimum of two.
  • When responding to your peers’ postings, consider whether you agree with the allegations they posed as possibilities. Are those the only allegations? What other people might they not have considered interviewing? What other information should be sought?


Latest standard for goodwill accounting and recent developments for both GAAP and IFRS Business Finance Assignment Help

I want you to write about the latest standard for goodwill accounting and recent developments for both GAAP and IFRS and impairment tests under both of them and the details under both of them for the latest standard and impairment test. It is a presentation so I don’t want you to write an essay, I just want you to write it as points is easy words, so I can understand it and explain it. I want you to write a content that fit for ten minutes of talking, I expect depth and recent information. Finally, I want you to list the references that you will use.

I have attached you a file to look at it, to understand what I am going to talk about, there is nothing to do with this file and I don’t want you to add any information about it, it is just for you to generally understand the topic I am going to present.


critical thinking Business Finance Assignment Help

Please see the file that I have upload. These questions are from “Understanding Business” book, chapter 13. It does not have to be a full page. I just need in a paragraph form, with clear and thorough answers.

only question number 4

Also please response for these two students


For example, I am an avid fisherman that like to shop locally. to fish saltwater But l Like not fresh water. There is a fishing shop in town that sales only freshwater and tackle but I’m looking b one of the only for saltwater bait and tackle and there is nowhere nearby I’m probably people that like to fish salt water over fresh water for miles because where are in the middle of the country in Jefferson City Missouri. And the closest saltwater fishing in hundreds of miles away,


Honestly I am never satisfied here in Jefferson City, mostly because l’ve grown use to how things are back home. For example the fast food places here are awful and extremely sad it is hardly ever fresh and the customer service is terrible. It is the same with the restaurants as well, the Red Lobster here taste as though they are feeing you rubber, but the back home taste as if one went and caught the fish, shrimp a crab legs yourself and cooked them. I believe the locals have grown use to it to the point where they believe it good. In addition to the food the shopping places here are very slim picking you have to travel minutes away to a t decent outfit or rely on online websites. Where as back at home you could find everything your looking for in one place that is less than 15 minutes away from your home. Edited by Josephine Drake Apr 22 at 821pm


George’s King of Falafel Restaurant (Middle East) Science Assignment Help

i chosie George’s King of Falafel Restaurant (Middle East) in Washington dc this restaurants is located in M STREET George town you need to do a resrch to answer what in the requirments . this is what the professor said :

  1. Mapping journal consists of 3-4 pages long walking tour itinerary and map. Throughout the semester you will be asked to take photos and/or videos of examples of diversity (images, language, signs, etc.) in public space, and to annotate these photos and videos. Carry your notebook and camera to the fieldtrip and on your own exploration trips. Let me know if you don’t have access to these tools. For this assignment you will be familiar with these aspects of urban planning and way-finding: explain these things about the place you chose
  • paths, the streets, sidewalks, trails, and other channels in which people travel;
  • landmarks, readily identifiable objects which serve as external reference points.
  • edges, perceived boundaries such as walls, buildings, and shorelines;
  • nodes, focal points, intersections or loci;
  • districts, relatively large sections of the city distinguished by some identity or character;


Refer to information in your textbooks and other resources that are noted by the instructors and in the article.
1. Discuss two advantages for the health care industry from a risk management, policy/planning, legal, and strategic planning perspective.
2. Discuss two disadvantages for the health care industry from a risk management, policy/planning, legal, and strategic planning perspective.
3. How might this issue affect your employer? Explain

Addtional reference is listed:

Reference: Rothaermel, Frank T. (2017). Strategic Management. Third Edition. McGraw-Hill/Irwin: New York.



peer reviw 1 Humanities Assignment Help

My expectation is that a good peer review will be at least 2 or 3 pages long and will include meaningful criticisms of the paper and specific suggestions for how it can be improved and completed.

the assignment is to write review of Julie’s draft, (i will attched julie’s paper , and a sample of how to write peer reviw )

The specific assignment is:

Explain, in your own words, the research question and hypothesis.

Explain in your own words the key independent variable, opportunity structure. What does Julie mean by this? How will she be able to know it when she sees it? (That is, how will she “operationalize” this variable?)

Explain in your own words how Julie measures opportunity structures in her various case studies. Is her approach consistent? Does it make sense?

Does the way Julie chooses different cases here make sense? Do her cases provide enough variation for her to make meaningful comparisons?

Please come up with some specific suggestions about how Julie can best improve the way she defines and measures the key variables in her cause-and-effect argument.

Are there any other suggestions for improvement you can think of?


CJ 520 Module Three 3 – 2 Other Assignment Help

Overview: For this assignment, due in Module Three, you will submit a 1–2 page document introducing the public policy issue that your departmental policy will seek to address. First, review the document A List of Public Policy Issues and select an issue. Next, review the document Examples of Departmental Policies and select a departmental policy that you plan to make improvement recommendations for to address this issue. Discuss related public policies (decisions, actions, laws, and/or positions) of both the state and federal government on the issue that you seek to address with your departmental policy. Describe your selected policy issue and the related state or federal positions or actions on the issue, and explain the connection between the departmental policy and state or federal guidance on the issue.

Prompt: Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction: Describe your selected public policy issue, corresponding departmental policy, and explain the connection between the public policy issue and specific departmental policy. II. Describe related public policies (decisions, actions, laws, and or positions) of both the state and federal government on the issue that you seek to address with your departmental policy.

Guidelines for Submission: Milestone One should follow these formatting guidelines: 1–2 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA style. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.


Class Assignment 2D Business Finance Assignment Help

Signature Assignment: Financial Statement Analysis and Firm Performance

About Your Signature Assignment

Signature/Benchmark Assignments are designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. Signature/Benchmark Assignments are graded with a grading guide or an automated rubric that allows the University to collect data that can be aggregated across a location or college/school and used for course/program improvements.

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to allow students the opportunity to present a business idea supported by strong financial information. The student will be able to identify the possible challenges of doing business in a foreign country and how to approach them.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Signature Assignment: Financial Statement Analysis and Firm Performance Template

Prepare a 16 to 20 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes showing the details of a business you are interested in starting in a foreign country, and for which you need $300,000. The presentation should include the following information:

  • Business name
  • Executive summary
  • Description of the foreign country
  • Business description and structure
  • Market and company analysis
  • Marketing and sales operational plan
  • How you plan to use the $300,000
  • Financial statements forecast (3 years)
  • Business health assessment – using the following ratios:
    • Liquidity ratios
    • Solvency ratios
    • Asset management ratios
    • Profitability ratios
    • Market value ratios

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Please note that Title and Reference slides do not count toward the requirement of 16 to 20 slides. See my Announcement at the beginning of week for help with this area related to APA formatting.

Next prepare a paper focused on both scenarios listed below:

Analyze and calculate the following scenarios in 525 words, including which one would you choose and why, and which financing option is best for your business:

  • Investor #1 decided to loan you the $300,000, paying all of the interest (8% per year) and principal in one lump sum at the end of 5 years.
  • Investor #2 offers you the $300,000, paying interest at the rate of 8% per year for 4 years and then a final payment of interest and principal at the end of the 5th year.

Discuss in 525 words the challenges and risks you may face in starting a business in a foreign country including the following:

  • Cultural, business, and political risks.
  • How you plan to avoid operational, transaction, and translation exposure.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Please note that Title Pages and References do not count toward word count requirements.

Please No Plagiarism



Financial/Managerial Accounting for International Executive Case analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Read the case (attached file) and answer base on the requirement below:

(using file Word) 1500 words


1. Prepare a sales budget in good form.

2. Prepare a narrative report
explaining how your sales budget was determined. Use the table above in
your analysis. (Hint: Many companies would develop their budgets using
average sales and average unit costs.)

Whatever budget
determination method you use should be explained. In your explanation,
you should include a discussion of why you believe sales and selling
prices fluctuated last year.

3. Prepare a production budget in units.

Prepare a purchases budget. Remember that you will need to purchase
enough materials to have the required ending inventories shown. You will
also need to purchase enough to manufacture and sell the products on
your sales forecast. Do not forget that you have beginning inventories.

5. Prepare a narrative report
explaining how you prepared the purchases budget. Be as detailed as
necessary to be sure that the president and general manager will
understand the calculations and costs.

6. Prepare a budgeted income statement.

7. Prepare a contribution margin income statement.

8. Prepare a narrative report explaining how the expenses on the income statement were determined.

9. Prepare a cash budget. Be sure that you show all cash inflows and outflows.

10. Prepare a narrative report explaining your cash budget process.

11. If necessary, prepare a capital expenditure budget. Explain your entries. Use only the facts in this case to prepare the budget.


Your finished case will consist of six
or seven budgets (a sales budget, a production budget in units, a
purchases budget, a budgeted income statement, a contribution margin
income statement, a cash budget, and, if necessary, a capital
expenditure budget.)

You will also have
four or five narrative reports (a sales budget report, a purchases
budget report, an income statement report, a cash budget report, and an
explanation of your capital budget, if necessary).

reports are reports that are in the form or a white paper that clearly
explains the numeric entries on your budgets. The length of the
narrative reports will depend on the particular report. In general, you
should be able to prepare the sales budget report on one or two pages,
the purchases budget report on one or two pages, the income statement
report on one page, and the cash budget report on one page. In this
case, the capital budget report would be less than one page. You should
not worry if one of your reports is more or less than the recommendation
given here—just be sure you cover all of the important points and
satisfactorily explain the numeric entries in your budget. Also, be sure
you explain the process of “how” your numbers were determined. In this
regard, it is not necessary or desirable to explain the exact
calculations. Consider your audience and prepare a report that would be
suitable for executives making plans and decisions for the upcoming

1Harvey’s budget is adapted from a published case. (Source and citation are available upon request to faculty only).

Financial/Managerial Accounting for International Executive Case analysis Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Child Abuse Business Finance Assignment Help

Since the after-school conference, Anne has missed 15 of the last 20 days of school. When she does attend, she is very quiet and tends to stay by herself. Anne also claims to be sick every time she has to go to gym class. The teacher has attempted to call her home to find out why Anne is missing so much school. On one occasion, Anne’s father answers the phone and curses at the teacher and hangs up. After this conversation, the teacher is very concerned about Anne’s safety and consults the principal. A decision is made to contact child protective services (CPS). You are the assigned investigator from CPS.

Draft a 3-4 paragraph memo outlining how you will begin your investigation. Be sure to include and discuss the following:

  • Which persons do you need to interview and why? Provide a minimum of three people you must interview.
  • What information would you expect to learn from each person you interview? Provide a minimum of two pieces of information you would expect to collect from these interviews.
  • What allegations do you feel could be present in this case? Provide a minimum of two.
  • When responding to your peers’ postings, consider whether you agree with the allegations they posed as possibilities. Are those the only allegations? What other people might they not have considered interviewing? What other information should be sought?


Latest standard for goodwill accounting and recent developments for both GAAP and IFRS Business Finance Assignment Help

I want you to write about the latest standard for goodwill accounting and recent developments for both GAAP and IFRS and impairment tests under both of them and the details under both of them for the latest standard and impairment test. It is a presentation so I don’t want you to write an essay, I just want you to write it as points is easy words, so I can understand it and explain it. I want you to write a content that fit for ten minutes of talking, I expect depth and recent information. Finally, I want you to list the references that you will use.

I have attached you a file to look at it, to understand what I am going to talk about, there is nothing to do with this file and I don’t want you to add any information about it, it is just for you to generally understand the topic I am going to present.


critical thinking Business Finance Assignment Help

Please see the file that I have upload. These questions are from “Understanding Business” book, chapter 13. It does not have to be a full page. I just need in a paragraph form, with clear and thorough answers.

only question number 4

Also please response for these two students


For example, I am an avid fisherman that like to shop locally. to fish saltwater But l Like not fresh water. There is a fishing shop in town that sales only freshwater and tackle but I’m looking b one of the only for saltwater bait and tackle and there is nowhere nearby I’m probably people that like to fish salt water over fresh water for miles because where are in the middle of the country in Jefferson City Missouri. And the closest saltwater fishing in hundreds of miles away,


Honestly I am never satisfied here in Jefferson City, mostly because l’ve grown use to how things are back home. For example the fast food places here are awful and extremely sad it is hardly ever fresh and the customer service is terrible. It is the same with the restaurants as well, the Red Lobster here taste as though they are feeing you rubber, but the back home taste as if one went and caught the fish, shrimp a crab legs yourself and cooked them. I believe the locals have grown use to it to the point where they believe it good. In addition to the food the shopping places here are very slim picking you have to travel minutes away to a t decent outfit or rely on online websites. Where as back at home you could find everything your looking for in one place that is less than 15 minutes away from your home. Edited by Josephine Drake Apr 22 at 821pm


George’s King of Falafel Restaurant (Middle East) Science Assignment Help

i chosie George’s King of Falafel Restaurant (Middle East) in Washington dc this restaurants is located in M STREET George town you need to do a resrch to answer what in the requirments . this is what the professor said :

  1. Mapping journal consists of 3-4 pages long walking tour itinerary and map. Throughout the semester you will be asked to take photos and/or videos of examples of diversity (images, language, signs, etc.) in public space, and to annotate these photos and videos. Carry your notebook and camera to the fieldtrip and on your own exploration trips. Let me know if you don’t have access to these tools. For this assignment you will be familiar with these aspects of urban planning and way-finding: explain these things about the place you chose
  • paths, the streets, sidewalks, trails, and other channels in which people travel;
  • landmarks, readily identifiable objects which serve as external reference points.
  • edges, perceived boundaries such as walls, buildings, and shorelines;
  • nodes, focal points, intersections or loci;
  • districts, relatively large sections of the city distinguished by some identity or character;


lab12 b Other Assignment Help

lab12 b Other Assignment Help

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