LAW 102 Belhaven University Unit 1 US Department of Health and Law Discussion Writing Assignment Help

LAW 102 Belhaven University Unit 1 US Department of Health and Law Discussion Writing Assignment Help. LAW 102 Belhaven University Unit 1 US Department of Health and Law Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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1. People for Change, a Mississippi nonprofit organization (fictitious), files suit against the U.S. Department of Health. The suit alleges that a regulation
adopted by the U.S. Department of Health violates the Mississippi Constitution.
Identify the various sources of law and explain how each ranks in order of
controlling authority. Based upon your discussion, explain whether People for
Change or the U.S. Department of Health is likely to win the lawsuit and why.

2. Explain what “common law” is and how it developed (i.e., who “makes”
the law). What is “stare decisis” and what role does it play with respect to
common law?

o Requirements: 250 words minimum for each question

LAW 102 Belhaven University Unit 1 US Department of Health and Law Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Gannon How World Leaders Were Duped Over Global Warming Data Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Read Activity 1.2 Identifying Misleading Statistics on page 30 of the text. Find an example of a current (within the last five years) graph with misrepresentations of data. Present the graph and explain how it misrepresents the data.

Read the following directions and guidelines:

  • Respond to all discussion questions and prompts below indicated in blue font.
  • Your discussion thread and responses should be thorough, thoughtful and substantive.
  • Support your statements with examples, experiences, and/or references where applicable.
  • Use APA format.
  • Your weekly discussion response is due by Friday at 11:30 p.m.
  • You must respond to one of your peers’ threads by Sunday at 11:30 p.m.
  • A rubric will be used to assess your responses.


BCJ 3601 CSU Definition Laws and Cases of Euthanasia Paper Law Assignment Help


This case study assignment explores euthanasia. Using the CSU Online Library
and additional scholarly resources, research euthanasia in your state, and
address the items below.

  • What is euthanasia?
  • Identify and describe laws regarding euthanasia in your state.
  • Explain a recent case about euthanasia and its outcome.
  • Based upon what you have read, give your opinion on euthanasia, and
    support your argument.

Your case study will be at least two pages in length, not counting the title
and reference pages. It should present an insightful and thorough analysis with
strong arguments and evidence.

While you may use your textbook to complete this assignment, you are
required to use at least two outside resources, one of which must be from the
CSU Online Library. All resources used, including the textbook, must be
referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
Your case study, including all references, will be formatted in APA style.


HR Staff at Transnational Electronics Employment Seniority Distribution Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

You are the newest member of an international HR staff at Transnational Electronics (TE). Your manager wants to improve productivity in the Delhi, India factory, where two hundred (200) are employed. Your boss has proposed rank ordering (top to bottom) each department’s employees based on their demonstrated performance and laying off the bottom 15% within 30 days from today. The employment seniority distribution is:

25- yrs 101

10-24 yrs 40

5-9 yrs 16

4 yrs 8

3 yrs 3

2 yrs 12

1 yrs 8

1-11 months 6

  • What are the major issues faced by the firm in regards to this proposal based on Indian labor laws?
  • Assuming that the potentially affected employees’ daily compensation is the equivalent of $35.00 USD, what is the cost of implementing this reduction? In order to complete this portion of the assignment, include a spreadsheet which, using the service data and number of employees in each category, will determine the total cost to the company. Please note that Indian law, unlike US laws, determines the amount of severance due an employee based on their years of service with that company.
  • What should be the human resource strategy and response be on this topic?

requirements 400-500 words, 2 internet source


Dark Mode for Whatsapp Cross Platform Messaging and VoIp Solution Powerpoint Business Finance Assignment Help


  • Upload the best draft of your System Change Proposal.
  • You can create a single PDF by combining PDF files using an online tool, PDFSAM (Links to an external site.) or Adobe Acrobat.


  • Each student will be assigned and will receive 4 peer reviews after the submission window is closed.
  • You will have 2-days to complete your assigned peer-reviews.
  • To complete the peer review, completely fill-out the Rubric for each student you are assigned. Be sure to answer each question.
  • Make sure your comments are “helpful,” ie. a balance of positive & constructive (suggestions for improvements) feedback.



College of San Mateo Mind and Brain Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

hen share with the class your thoughts about the debate by answering the prompts below. Please note that this a discussion and your responses are public.

The Purpose: To think critically about the mind-body debate, to personalize information learned in class by supporting your opinion with personal experience, and to gain experience finding and reading scholarly publications.

The Criteria: At the top of the page to the right of the Edit button you will see three dots. Click on them and drop down to Show Rubric. Click on the Show Rubric link to see specific grading criteria.


A fundamental debate in philosophy and psychology is based on the question “is the mind separate from the body?” In this longstanding debate, there are those who have asserted that the mind and brain are the same (monism), and those believe the mind and brain are different (dualism).

Monism is the belief that there is only one reality in the universe, that being physical reality. Those who support this position believe that our psychological experience of the world is based solely on the physiological functioning of the brain. Therefore, monists reject the idea that the mind and body are separate.

Dualism is the belief that the mind is something separate and different from the brain. Those supporting this position often divide the world into the physical and the non-physical (or spiritual).

Assignment Prompt:

What do you think? Is the mind separate from the brain? Please use at least one personal experience/ example to support your opinion, as well as information from at least one scholarly publication dated no earlier than 2009. (A scholarly publication is one in which the content is written by experts in a particular field of study – generally for the purpose of sharing original research or analyzing others’ findings. Scholarly work will thoroughly cite all source materials used and is usually subject to “peer review” prior to publication. Please click here for more information (链接到外部网站。)).

Please be sure to cite your source.

Your response should be between 150-200 words.

Assignment taken from:…

College of San Mateo Mind and Brain Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HIST 115 GCCCD NACLA Report on the Americas The Trump Cuba Policy Essay Humanities Assignment Help


1.8 NACLA Report on the Americas Review #1 (ASSIGNMENT)

  • Due Sep 25 by 11:59pm
  • Points 100
  • Submitting a file upload
  • File Types doc, docx, and pdf

History 115—section 4154
Fall semester 2020
Professor Oscar Cañedo
Guidelines for NACLA assignment #1

For this assignment, you are to read current news articles about Latin America from the website for the North American Congress of Latin America (NACLA) and submit three short reviews during the semester. Please submit one review per due date. Each review is to be at least 3-4 pages and each due date corresponds to a regional topic in Latin America. The due dates for these reports are September 25 and October 23. Here are the regional topics corresponding to each due date:

  • September 25: Mexico, the Caribbean(Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, etc.), and Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, and Belize).

  • October 23: South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Venezuela)

Please submit your reports through Canvas in either of the following formats: doc, docx or PDF (if you are using Google Docs or Apple Pages to compose your review, please be sure to convert your paper to docx or PDF before submitting it). Late papers will be accepted for each submission, but only for one week after the assigned due dates and will be assessed a full grade deduction. Please use both a title page and a works cited page (neither of these pages count toward your 3-4 pages of text). These 2 reports will count as a combined 15% toward your final grade. In your works cited page, compose your article entry in a format like this:

Nidia Bautista, “Justice for Lesvy: Indifference and Outrage in Response to Gender Violence in Mexico City,” NACLA Report on the Americas website (July 31, 2017).

In terms of the content of each report, I am looking for two main points of discussion. First, you should devote the first half of the report to a summary of the main points in the article that you selected. To help you to address this issue, consider some of these questions: What is the main issue being discussed? (i.e. immigration, elections, education, environment, women’s issues, crime, etc.) Who are the main personalities mentioned in the article? (i.e. Enrique Peña Nieto, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, President Trump, etc.) How does the issue affect the people of the country mentioned in the article? Does the issue have any connection with United States interests? What do you think could be the best solution to resolve this problem?

And for the second point of discussion, please analyze the article that you selected and present your point of view on the story. For example, how do you feel about the story? How did this article contribute to your understanding about modern Latin America? And what do you think about the author’s perspective on the article? How does this topic relate to contemporary political, economic or cultural themes in the United States today?

Here is a list of articles from the NACLA website pertaining to regions for the September 25 due date. Everybody, just pick any one article from this list for your September 25 review. You will repeat the same process for your review on a South American nation. These articles range in date from February 2019 to August 2020. For this list, I’m going in alphabetical order by nation:



Border Issues/Latinx Communities:


Dominican Republic:

El Salvador:





Mexico/the Border/US Immigration:


Puerto Rico:



Passaic County Community College Everything Bad Is Good for You Games Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Five body paragraph Esasy

Introduction, Three body paragraph, and conclusion.

in the introduction, author name, article, thesis, your position( agree or disagree), and three main points.

On the body paragraphs. start with strong topic sentence, three reasons, Explanation and supporting points. In text citation /quote. For each body paragraph either one quote or paraphrase, don’t have to put both in one body paragraph.

In conclusion, according to the professor, he don want us to completely summarize or repeat same idea insted “Don’t merely repeat your thesis and key ideas. Wrap-up your essay with a concluding strategy and leave your reader with some important idea that will keep resonating.”

Prompt: As long as the new popular forms [of media] continue to offer their own cognitive rewards, we’re not likely to descend into a culture of mental atrophy anytime soon(Johnson 5).

Do you agree or disagree with Johnson’s view of the future?

thank you.


John F Kennedy University US Government and Constitution Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

People who are applying for U.S. citizenship have to undergo an intensive process
surrounding their knowledge of the U.S. Constitution and civil liberties.
In order to help them understand the importance surrounding this topic, you have been
contracted by the U.S. Department of Immigration and Citizenship to create a presentation
about the U.S. Government and Constitution. This presentation is intended to be delivered to
people who are applying for U.S. citizenship.

Using what you have learned in this course, you will create a 15-slide PowerPoint
presentation for people who are applying for U.S. Citizenship.
The slides need to cover the following areas and topics:
• Identify, describe, and differentiate between the branches of U.S. government and their
specific powers. How do the branches operate? How do they interact? How do they
relate to one another?
• Describe three rights that are afforded to U.S. citizens and explain how each right has
evolved over time.
• Evaluate the influence of the U.S. Supreme Court on the rights you have selected
o Identify three cases since 1950 that have greatly impacted the rights of American
Citizens. These cases should help illuminate the evolution of the rights you
Course Project
American Government
© 2016. Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is prohibited without express
written permission. Students are expected to maintain the integrity of the assignment by refraining from
reproducing or posting the assignment or their completed work where it can be viewed by current or
future students.
• Your presentation must have a title slide and a references slide, formatted according to
APA guidelines. These pages are not included in the total slide count.
• Include speaker notes of 200-250 words for each slide. Be sure to create the notes as if
you were presenting each slide to an audience, and any key points you would like to add
or discuss.
• Incorporate appropriate graphics that support the content being presented. Each slide
should include sufficient detail, but should not bombard the audience with information.
Include the relevant information.
• Illustrate correct research documentation per APA standards. Be sure to include a
references page at the end of your presentation.


Columbia Southern University Mass Casualty Terror Attack Response Essay Writing Assignment Help


For this second phase of the essay project, you will create an outline to
demonstrate the structure of your final essay paper. You will ultimately
answer the 10 questions posed in the assignment, but can do so in any order
that makes sense to you. Include a section for a thesis statement at the
beginning with a section for a summary or concluding thoughts at the end.

Your outline must be at least 475 words in length. All sources used,
including the textbook, must be referenced. Paraphrased and/or quoted
materials must have accompanying citations in APA style.


LAW 102 Belhaven University Unit 1 US Department of Health and Law Discussion Writing Assignment Help

LAW 102 Belhaven University Unit 1 US Department of Health and Law Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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