LCC Current Family Planning Policy in The Peoples Republic of China Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

LCC Current Family Planning Policy in The Peoples Republic of China Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. LCC Current Family Planning Policy in The Peoples Republic of China Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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1. What are the two longest rivers in China? What is their overall flow direction (i.e. the same

overall flow direction for both rivers) and what causes this? What are the three tiers with

respect to China’s geographic terrain? How are the three tiers related to the overall flow

direction of the two rivers in question?

2. What is the current family planning policy in the People’s Republic of China? What was the

policy right before the current one? What motivated the change of the policy? If you were

President of the country, would you continue the current policy? If so, why? If not, why not?

LCC Current Family Planning Policy in The Peoples Republic of China Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MKT 316 UNLV Problems With VALS in International Marketing Research Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

The rubuic that I attched

Criteria Grading Scale
VALS Profile Identified

The student identifies their VALS profile according to the results. The student explains if they agree or disagree with their VALS results.


Exceeds Expectations


Meets Expectations


Needs Improvement


Does not Meet Expectations

Option 1 and 2

Option 1: The student views patrons at a supermarket. The student describes how much time they spend selecting products. The student explains why some people spend more time than others selecting products (such as looking at nutritional information, searching for coupons, etc.). The student assumes which VALS result the other patrons would be and explains what made them select that result.
Option 2 Option 2: The student shares the VALS survey link with at least three other people in their life and asks them to complete the survey and share their results with the student. The student describes the results from each person with special attention to how they are alike or how they are different.


Exceeds Expectations


Meets Expectations


Needs Improvement


Does not Meet Expectations

Summarized observation

The student summarizes what they learned about themselves and others from taking the VALS survey. The student details how certain VALS results provide insights into how someone may shop.


Exceeds Expectations


Meets Expectations


Needs Improvement


Does not Meet Expectations

APA format followed

The paper—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page—is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements. Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page.


Exceeds Expectations


Meets Expectations


Needs Improvement


Does not Meet Expectations

CLO #6 – Understand consumer behavior process

Understanding of the stages in the consumer behavior process. Able to identify the major psychological and sociocultural influences on consumer behavior.


Exceeds Expectations


Meets Expectations


Needs Improvement


Does not Meet Expectations

Total pts: 25


University of the Cumberlands Six Sigma Project Writing Assignment Help

  1. Define the Problem by Developing a “Problem Statement” (Friday)
  2. Define the Goal by Developing a “Goal Statement” (Friday)
  3. Define the Process by Developing Process Maps (Saturday)

Case study

You are the new project / quality manager at Health Clinic Quality Improvement Experts LLC, a local company for the past 12 years in the Indianapolis, IN area. Your first assignment will be for the Dr. Donald Snickerbush, Hamilton County, Colonoscopy Clinic. The clinic has five teams performing colonoscopies at their Carmel, IN facility. Each team consist of an Admittance Expert, a Triage and Preparation Nurse, an Anesthesiologist, a Procedure Nurse, a Proctologist, a Post Procedure Nurse Specialist and a Closure Nurse. The clinic has the ability and facilities to run five lines of work at any one point in time and a separate patient arrival area / waiting room. The clinic has some concerns as to its business and increasing revenue as well as the quality of its services.

Our Corporate / Six Sigma Project Objectives in this engagement include:

  • Reduce the number of colonoscopy process errors system wide.
  • Improve documentation of colonoscopy administration.
  • Reduce waste in product and time in colonoscopy administration.
  • Improve patient satisfaction with their colonoscopy experience.
  • Improve bed flow for patients receiving a colonoscopy.

Our overall objective is to increase our patient turn-around per day while at the same time increasing our patient customer satisfaction results, increasing our clientele and decreasing medical errors.

In order to complete the needed objectives we will apply a Six Sigma full DMAIC process. Please see the documents to be created for the project below. As a team, it is extremely important to all of you that you participate in the creation of every document listed below in some way. That you leave this course with the knowledge of what that document is for and what it typically contains. You will need to create all of the documents as a team and you will use those documents to create slides for your project status presentation Sunday morning using Power Point. You will have 21 slides and related notes and documents.


MPA 533 UOP Need for Strategic Plan Regarding Citys Water Management Memorandum Business Finance Assignment Help

Resources: City of Kelsey, Stakeholder Power Base, Growth in the City of Kelsey documents, City of Kelsey Profile, and Learning Team Toolkit.

Throughout this course, you have prepared to build a stakeholder power base to implement new policies, such as tax increases and water conservation methods, as part of the water sustainability plan. You have taken on the role of various city leaders, such as acting as the city’s Council members, and provided important leadership considerations for the mayor in preparing to implement the plan.

In the final assignment, you build on your previous experiences. You will create a memo from the mayor to the government stakeholders and the city’s municipal structure to communicate the importance of a strategic plan to implement changes. Once you write the memo, you will create the strategic plan, which will outline how you intend to develop a stakeholder power base. Combine the Memo (first) and the Strategic Plan (second) in one Microsoft Word document.

First- Create a 350- to 700-Mircosoft Word memo from the mayor to the city’s municipal structure, emphasizing the need to have a strategic plan in place to ensure that stakeholders are informed of the changes regarding the city’s water management. Incorporate information from previous assignments.

  1. Address the memo to the city’s municipal structure.
  2. Explain strategic planning and its importance to implement changes for the best interest of all stakeholders.

Second- Create a 750- to 1,050-Microsfot Word strategic plan to develop the stakeholder power base to meet the city’s needs.

  1. Identify the appropriate stakeholders.
  2. Describe potential barriers that may come up when building a stakeholder power base.
  3. Determine which leadership theories should be applied to mitigate issues and develop the stakeholder power base.
  4. Describe techniques to overcome potential group behavior issues that may arise as the plan is implemented.
  5. Describe poor leadership communication behaviors that could reduce the plan’s effectiveness and how to avoid them.
  6. Explain how power and politics may be used to help ensure that everything progresses according to plan.
  7. Include how the mayor may leverage the municipal structure to maximize power and encourage stakeholder buy-in.
  • Format your Strategic Plan using headings as part of organizing and structuring information.
  • Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines using in-text citations and at least 4 peer reviewed sources, one must be one of the course texts.
  • Review the posted Rubric below for additional assignment requirements and expectations.


FIU Settler colonialism and Indigenous Reading Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science question and need support to help me learn.

4 readings:

  • Part 1: Wrestle with the essential question(s) and respond to it/them. Answer the question(s) clearly and concisely, providing evidence or examples for claims, cite the readings/videos/podcasts when appropriate, making connections to your life and/or current events, and being reflexive over how the material has shaped your previous and present understandings of the topic.
  • Part 2: List a SAC that fits within the bounds of this lesson. And briefly explain how you think this SAC is related to this module, what you learned, and make suggestions about how the SAC and module could be used in their future classroom.…


Chapters 2, 4, & 9 of Takaki & Stefoff’s A different mirror for young people: A history of multicultural America (course textbook)

and 2 PDF

please answer the essential questions

Essential Question(s): How do Settler Colonialism and cultural appropriation “show up” in our social studies curriculum and pedagogy? How do we challenge those tendencies?



HSN 376 University of Pheonix Week 2 Health Care Technology Terms Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing exercise and need support to help me learn.

Assignment Content

  1. Complete the Health Care Technology Terms worksheet.
    Select 10 of the 29 terms on the worksheet. Your answers must include the following:

    • A definition or explanation of the term and a description of its purpose in own words
    • An example of the term and a summary of how it is used in a health care setting
    • Two references from scholarly sources, you only need 2 references for the entire worksheet.

    All items on the worksheet are located in the Handbook of Informatics for Nurses & Healthcare Professionals’ glossary. An additional resource is required to verify the information and substantiate the example.
    Submit your worksheet.

HSN 376 University of Pheonix Week 2 Health Care Technology Terms Worksheet Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MAR 3023 University of Miami Why Do Startups Fail Discussion Writing Assignment Help

After reviewing the below video and readings answer these 3 questions.

1. Why do Startups fail?

2. Give 1 example of a startup/company that failed. Why did they fail?

3. What is one marketing tip a startup can use to make sure they succeed?


5 Ways to Ensure Your Startup Makes Something People Actually Want (and Will Pay For) (Links to an external site.)

Common Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make And How To Avoid Them (Links to an external site.)

7 Creative Strategies for Marketing Your Startup on a Tight Budget (Links to an external site.)



UMKC What Is Light Duty or Modified Duty and Why Is It Important Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Once you become involved with the accident reporting system, better know as the OSHA 300 log, you will be inundated by foreign names and conditions. I have listed some of the more common terms used in completing the form. Research each term and give an adequate definition of it’s meaning and where you found your information at, (cite it).

1.What are Work Restrictions?

2.What is Light Duty or Modified Duty and why is it important?

3.Why is getting a witness statement important to filling out the 300 Log, (remember there are three documents that make up the whole thing).

4.Why is it important to make your entries to the log as soon as possible?

5.What is an Aggravation to an injury and why is it important?

6.Why is knowing what the “official” list of First Aid procedures important?

7.What’s the problem with giving over the counter medication at a higher than suggested dose?

8.Why is having a doctor that’s a certified occupational physician important?

9.When do you quit counting the days away from work and why is this important?

10What are the posting dates for the OSHA-A Summary?


MSDF 633 UC Digital Forensics Investigation Plan for XYZ Organization Case Study Computer Science Assignment Help

Create a digital forensics investigation plan that may be applied to solve cyber extortion and Ransomware attacks. Ensure that it is detailed enough to prove your knowledge of the discipline as a tool
to help solve a crime, while being general enough that, perhaps, it could serve as a template for a
law enforcement division.

This is a research and writing assignment. You must conduct scholarly research. That means, generally,
that in order to learn the information necessary to answer the call of the assignment you should focus on
peer-reviewed, scholarly articles.References and citations necessary and APA format required.


Bucks County Computing Annual Net Sales for Front Range Action Sports Excel Task Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a excel project and need an explanation to help me study.




Project Description:


In this project, you will work with multiple worksheets and enter formulas and functions to calculate totals, averages, maximum values, and minimum values. Additionally, you will create a summary sheet, format cells, insert charts, insert sparklines, and create a table in a workbook.


Steps to Perform:




Points Possible


Open the Excel file Student_Excel_Intro_Cap1_Year_End_Report.xlsx downloaded with this project.



On the Net Sales worksheet, calculate totals in the ranges F4:F8 and B9:F9. Apply the Total cell style to the range B9:F9.



Using absolute cell references as necessary, in cell G4, construct a formula to calculate the percent that the Colorado Total is of Total Sales, and then apply Percent Style with zero decimals. Fill the formula down through the range G5:G8.



In the range H4:H8, insert Line sparklines to represent the trend of each state across the four quarters. Do not include the totals. Display Markers.



Select the range A3:E8, and then use the Recommended Charts command to suggest an appropriate chart. Click the first Clustered Column chart that uses the state names as the category axis. Align the upper left corner of the chart inside the upper left corner of cell A11, and then size the chart so that its lower right corner is slightly inside cell H24. Apply chart Style 7. As the chart title, type Quarterly Net Sales by State.



To show the percent that each state contributes to the total sales, select the nonadjacent ranges that represent the state names and state totals. Insert a 3-D Pie chart, and then move the chart to a New sheet. Name the sheet Net Sales by State.



Change the Chart Title to Annual Net Sales by State and then change the chart title Font Size to 36. Remove the Legend from the chart, and then add Data Labels that display only the Category Name and Percentage positioned in the Center. Change the data labels Font Size to 14 and apply Bold and Italic. Change the Font color to White, Background 1.



Select the entire pie and display the Format Data Series pane. From the 3-D Format gallery, modify the 3-D options by changing the Top bevel and Bottom bevel to first bevel in the first row. Set all of the Width and Height boxes to 512 and then change the Material to the third Standard type—Plastic.



Insert a Custom Footer with the File name in the left section and then save your workbook.



On the Seattle Inventory worksheet, in cell B5, enter a function that will display the average retail price. In cell B6, enter a function that will display the median retail price. In cell B7, enter a function that will calculate the lowest retail price. In cell B8, enter a function that will calculate the highest retail price. Format the range B5:B8 with Accounting Number Format.



In cell B10, insert a COUNTIF function that counts the number of Skiing items in the Sport column.



On the Seattle Inventory worksheet, in cell G14, enter an IF function to determine the items to be ordered. If the Quantity in Stock is less than 50, then the cell should display Order. If not, then the cell should display OK. Copy the function down through cell G19.



Format the range A13:G19 as a table with headers. Filter the table on the Sport column to display only the Skiing types. Display a Total Row in the table, and then sum the Quantity in Stock for Skiing items. Type the result in cell B11. Remove the total row from the table and then clear the Sport filter.



Add Gradient Fill Blue Data Bars to the range A14:A19. Add conditional formatting to the range G14:G19 so that the cells with text that contain the word Order are formatted with Bold and Italic. Sort the table by Item # from Smallest to Largest.



Display the Inventory Summary sheet. In cell B4, enter a formula that references cell B4 in the Seattle Inventory sheet so that the Seattle Total Items in Stock displays in cell B4. In cell B5, enter a formula that references cell B5 in the Seattle Inventory sheet so that the Seattle Average Price displays in cell B5. In cells B6, B7, and B8, enter similar formulas to reference the Median Price, Lowest Price, and Highest price in the Seattle Inventory sheet.



In cell C4, enter a formula that references cell B4 in the Denver Inventory sheet so that the Denver Total Items in Stock displays in cell C4. In cells C5, C6, C7, and C8, enter similar formulas to reference the Average Price, Median Price, Lowest Price, and Highest price in the Denver Inventory sheet. Apply Accounting Number format to the range B5:C8.



On the Annual Expenses sheet, construct formulas to calculate Totals by Quarter in the range B10:E10 and the Annual Totals in the range F5:F10. Apply the Total cell style to the Totals by Quarter (B10:F10), and then center the column headings (B4:G4) and apply the Heading 4 cell style.



Using absolute cell references as necessary, in cell G5, construct a formula to calculate the % of Total by dividing the Sales Expense Annual Total by the Annual Totals by Quarter. Fill the formula down through the range G6:G9.



Using the data in the nonadjacent ranges B4:E4 and B10:E10, insert a Line with Markers chart. Position the upper left corner of the chart slightly inside the upper left corner of cell A12. Change the height of the chart to 1.75 inches and the width of the chart to 8 inches.

Note, Mac users, change the height of the chart to 1.5 inches.



Apply chart Style 7. Change the chart title to Direct Expenses. Edit the Vertical (Value) Axis so that the Minimum is 8000000 and the Major unit is 1000000.



Use Format Painter to copy the formatting from cell A2 to A20. In cell B23, enter a formula that references the value in cell F10.



Using absolute cell references as necessary, in cell C23, construct a formula to calculate the projected expenses for 2020 after the Forecasted increase in cell B21 is applied. Fill the formula through cell F23.



Display the Sales Reps sheet. By using Flash Fill and deleting columns as necessary, place the last names in column A and the first names in column B. Widen both columns to 100 pixels, and then merge and center the title Sales Reps across the two columns. Apply the Heading 1 cell style to the title.



With any sheet except the chart sheet active, group the worksheets. Change the Orientation to Landscape, center the worksheets Horizontally, and insert a footer in the left section with the file name. (Mac users, click the Net Sales sheet, hold down SHIFT, and then click the Sales Reps sheet. Then apply the Page Layout options.)



Save and close the file and submit for grading.



Total Points



LCC Current Family Planning Policy in The Peoples Republic of China Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

LCC Current Family Planning Policy in The Peoples Republic of China Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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