Learning Goal And Performance Orientation Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Learning Goal And Performance Orientation Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help. Learning Goal And Performance Orientation Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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People with a learning orientation are not afraid of challenging themselves and are okay with failing because they know that they can improve with time and persistence. People with a performance orientation are fearful of failing and looking incompetent so they choose easier to accomplish tasks.

Thinking about your experiences at school, or at work or on a team, please read the items below and see which ones you agree with. I am willing to select a challenging work assignment that I can learn a lot from.

  1. I often look for opportunities to develop new skills and knowledge.
  2. I enjoy challenging and difficult tasks at work where I’ll learn new skills.
  3. I prefer to avoid situations at work where I might perform poorly.
  4. Avoiding a show of low ability is more important to me than learning a new skill.
  5. I would avoid taking on a new task if there was a chance that I would appear rather incompetent to others.

If you agree with items 1 and 2 you have a learning orientation. If you agree with items 3-5, you have a performance orientation. For your homework please answer the following questions:

(1) Based on the items above, do you have a learning or performance orientation? Or does your orientation depend on the context. For instance, at work you have a learning orientation and at school you have a performance orientation?

(2) Are you surprised by your answers to question 1? Did you ever think about how your beliefs shape the choices you make?

(3) Do you think being aware of these different ways of viewing the world will influence future decisions you make?

Learning Goal And Performance Orientation Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Securities Act of 1933 discussion Other Assignment Help

Gould, Inc. is preparing for its initial public offering. Approximately one month before Gould plans to file its registration statement with the SEC, it sent a short letter to all of its existing customers (over 5,000 companies and individuals). The letter included:

A description of a revolutionary product Gould is developing that will perform much better than Gould’s current products. The notice indicates that Gould expects the new product to be highly successful and profitable to the company.

Information about Gould’s upcoming public offering, including the planned offering date, the number of shares to be sold, the amount of money to be raised and the basic terms of the common stock to be sold. The letter stated that the funds raised in the offering will allow Gould to have the new product available for sale within six months after completion of the offering.

Explain whether Gould violated the Securities Act of 1933 by sending this letter


Corporate Law Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


Of the following factors, which one, considered by itself, is most likely to be determinative in deciding whether or not a particular investment is a security. Explain.

  1. The investment is in an industry that is very risky, so there is no certainty whether investors will profit.
  2. The investment is being sold to over 1,000 purchasers.
  3. Investors will receive shares of common stock in return for their investment.
  4. The return to investors will depend on how well the business performs over time.

Of the factors listed above, which factor, considered by itself, would be the least important in deciding whether the investment is a security? Explain.


Media Analysis Assignment Lighting In Media Production Writing Assignment Help

For this media analysis, you will analyze how one part affects
the whole media production. Note that you should select only a single piece of
media; you should not be discussing more than one film, for example. You should
choose one1 of the following parts to explore:

· Genre: Explain how the production you
chose fits into its genre.

· Camera: Analyze how the camera’s use
(camera angles, for instance) affects the overall production.

· Lighting: Describe how lighting is used to enhance or
detract from the production.

· Actors/Characters: Analyze how the
actors OR the characters themselves enhance or detract from the

· Symbols: Explain what the symbols are
and how their usage affects the overall production.

· Music: Describe how the music enhances
or detracts from the media production.

· Sound Effects: Analyze how the sound
effects enhance or detract from the production.

· Special Effects: Explain what special
effects are used and how they affect the viewing experience.

· Comparison to a Literary Work: (Note:
This option may only be chosen if the film you chose is also in print form.)
How are the book and film similar? How are they different? Which is better, and

Your purpose in this assignment is to explain how or why
something works; therefore, you should not include a full summary of the media
Instead, you can provide context where needed so the
reader understands what is happening. The body of the essay must focus on
your analysis

As with all college writing, your essay should have a strong
thesis statement in addition to an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Other than your chosen film, television show, and/or book, you
are required to cite at least one other
2 source for this essay. This resource from the course will help
you understand more about evaluating sources. Moreover, if you use specific
information from the media production and/or print source, such as a
quotations, you should include your chosen media source on your Works Cited
page, too. Use proper parenthetical citations or signal phrases, and be sure to
include MLA documentation and a Works Cited page for this assignment.

Thesis hints: You might use these guidelines in crafting your

If you are analyzing elements in a production: In (add your one
chosen production), (add character 1), (add character 2), and (add character 3)
were used to (add how they enhanced the production or explained the
production’s message).


If you are comparing/contrasting a book and film: (Add book)
contained (add one aspect that made the book better than the film), but (add
film) used (add one aspect that made the film better than the book) and (add a
second aspect that made the film better than the book) to better capture the
reader’s imagination.

Here are more specific thesis guidelines:

If you are analyzing elements in a production: In the movie The
Lorax, the characters Lorax, Once-ler, and Alocius O’Hare were used to show how
environmentalists are fighting against profit-driven industries that are
harming the environment and depleting natural resources.


If you
are comparing/contrasting a book and film: Even though the characters were
portrayed mostly the same across the book and the movie in Stephanie Meyer’s
Twilight, the setting in the movie was much more detailed, which made the movie
a much better overall experience compared to the book.

The guidelines for this assignment are as

Length: This assignment should
be at least 500 words.

Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing
assignment with the following information:

· Your first and last name

· Course Title (Composition II)

· Assignment name (Media Analysis)

· Current Date Format:

· MLA-style source
documentation and Works Cited3

· Your last name and page number
in the upper-right corner of each page

· Double-spacing throughout · Standard font (TimesNewRoman,

· Title, centered after heading

· 1” margins on all sides

· Save the file using one of the
following extensions: .docx, .doc, .rtf, or .txt Underline your thesis
statement in the introductory paragraph.

Underline your thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.


Getting Started Database Item Code Field Other Assignment Help

The objective is to create a
Microsoft Access file as mentioned in the attachment. The instructions
are attached below and pasted below too.

Part 1 – Getting Started / Database

  • Create a blank database and name it LASTNAMEINITIAL_2AC.accdb.

  • tblItems
    • Import
      the Item information from the Items tab within the Excel file
      Access2_Data_F18.xlsx into an Access table.Name the table tblItems.
    • The primary key should be the Item Code.
    • Use
      data validation to ensure no one can enter a Selling Price greater than
      $100 or less than 0.Display an error message if either situation
      occurs.Test this by trying to enter an invalid Selling Price into table.
    • Use
      data validation to make Item Name a required field.This means the Item
      Name cannot be left blank when a new item is entered into the table.
  • tblSales
    • Import
      the sales info from the Sales tab within the Excel file
      Access2_Data_F18.xlsxinto an Access table.Name the table tblSales.
    • The primary key should be a combination of Month, Store ID, and Item Code (a multiple field primary key).
  • All tables
    • Be
      sure the field sizes are appropriate (don’t use the default sizes), the
      data types are appropriate, and there is a data description for each
    • No additional fields/tables should be added to the project.

  • Make
    the Item Code field (in tblSales) a lookup field.This will join your
    two tables, so don’t join them before creating the lookup field.
  • When
    you set up the lookup field, start in the tblSales table and use the
    lookup wizard and let the users see both the Item Code and Item Name
    (sort by Item Code) in the drop down menu (do not ‘hide the key
  • When a new record is entered into tblSales, the Item
    Code should reference the tblItems table and give users a drop down menu
    showing the Item Code and Item Name (full or partial display is ok)
    & let them click on the one they want.
  • The Item Code should be the field that is stored and the label for the lookup column should also be Item Code.
  • Test
    your lookup field by adding 2 new records to the tblSales table.Use a
    valid Item Code & Store ID and make up the rest of the data.

  • View
    your database relationships; be sure both tables are displayed.The
    tblSales and tblItems table should have been joined for you when you
    created the lookup field.
  • qry1-DepartSearch– Create a query that accepts a user input for a department name and displays relevant data
    • Use the parameter feature – 1 prompts only for the department name.
    • Display only the following fields (any order that works): Department, Store ID, Month, Item Name, Units Sold
    • In the design view, sort by Month (ascending) and by Units Sold (descending)
  • qry2-PriceSearch – Create a query that accepts a user input for both a minimum Selling Price and a maximum Selling Price and displays all Items within that range (including maximum and minimum prices).
    • Use the parameter feature – 2 prompts only.
    • Display only the following fields (any order that works): Item Name, Item Code, Selling Price
    • In the design view, sort by Selling Price (ascending)
    • You can use >, <, = operators or the BETWEEN operator
  • qry3-HairSelect– Create a query that selects Items based on Department and Selling Price.
    • Displays all Items in the Hair Care department or have a Selling Price less than $10.00.Don’t use a parameter.
    • Display only the following fields (any order that works): Item Name, Item Code, Department, Selling Price
    • Sort first by Selling Price in descending order and then by Department (ascending order).
  • qry4-Top10– Create a query that shows the top 10 Items based on Profit per unit(calculated field)
    • Use the top values function in Access.
    • Include fields (any order that works): Item Name, Item Code, Selling Price, Cost, Profit (create this calculated field)
    • Sort in the design view by Item Code and Profit, both in descending order
    • Your fields can be displayed in any order, as long as the sorting works correctly and the results are correct.
    • In the design view, format Profit as currency with 2 decimal places.
  • qry5-TotalSales – Create a query that displays the total units sold for each Department
    • Display only the following fields (any order that works): Departmentand the sum of the Units Sold
    • In the design view, sort by the Units Sold (descending order).
  • qry6-UnitsCheck
    – Create a query that lists each record in the tblSales table and notes
    all those with units sold quantity less than or equal to 50 units .
    • Display only the following fields (any order that works): Store ID, Month, Department, Item Name, Units Sold
    • In
      the design view, sort by Department (ascending order), then by Item
      Name (ascending) and within that by Units Sold (descending order).
    • Create
      a new field called UnitsCheck.For each record, if the Units Sold is
      less than or equal to 50, this field should display a message “**Small
      Sale”.If the Units Sold is greater than 50, don’t display anything.Use
      the IIF operator to display the appropriate message.
  • qry7-Wildcards:Your manager found a ripped report and can only see part of the printed information.
    • Create a query that displays all Item Names with an Item Code containing a 0 (zero) as the 4th character and the Department Code has an ‘i’ as the 3rd character.
    • Display only the following fields (any order that works): Item Code, Item Name, Department
    • In the design view, sort by Item Codein ascending order
    • Use
      at least 2 different types of wildcards – see the Access 1 project,
      tips or class on different types of wildcards.Note: You may have to add
      the required quotes yourself instead of letting Access add them for you.
  • qry8-SearchTerm:Create a query that lets you enter a search term and find all item names that contain that term.
    • Use a parameter and wildcards
    • Display only the following fields (any order that works): Item Code, Item Name, Department, Selling Price and Cost
    • In the design view, sort by Item Name in ascending order
  • Check all queries for reasonable/accurate results.
  • Only
    use the tables you need in each query.If you aren’t displaying/using
    any fields from a particular table, don’t include it in a
    query.Including unnecessary tables can lead to unexpected results
    (missing records, duplicated records displayed).

Part 2 Tables

Part 3Lookup Field /Relationships between tables

Part 4 – Create the following queries:
are going to create a few queries.Remember – queries take some time to
play with and figure out how they work.You may not get the right results
for each one the first time you try it – keep at it!
Your fields can be displayed in any order, as long as the sorting works
correctly and the results are correct.Name the queries as listed below.

Part 5 – Navigation Form

  • Create a report for each query.Give them a name similar to the query, just replace the ‘qry’ with ‘rpt’.
  • **When you run the reports, the sorting may be different than when you run the query.For our purposes, this is ok.
  • Create a navigation form that runs all of the reports.
  • Adjust the report Title Names (within the report) to be more descriptive.
  • Feel free to add different background colors.
  • Modify your navigation tabs to make them a different shape and color than the default tabs.
  • If
    your first tab is to a report with prompts (parameters), that will
    prompt you whenever you open the database / navigation form.If this
    isn’t what you want, you can put a non-prompting report first or even
    create a form that is just a Item Name and put that first.See the
    overview for more on this.
  • The navigation form should open automatically when your database opens.

Project Submission Instructions / Notes:

  • The
    only way we can fairly grade the projects is if we check for each
    requirement.Please go through the instructions before you submit &
    be sure you have done each one correctly, so you don’t miss out on
    points.Compare your solution to the project overview.
  • Submitting:
    • Remember
      to leave all of the internal file properties intact for the project, if
      they are modified or deleted, the project won’t be accepted.



Advocacy Project Composition Business Finance Assignment Help

I want to point out some details that our group decided to do of this assignment. We were decided to be volunteers in a place which name is ‘souls harbour rescue mission’ in the City Halifax, NS. The website can be found from https://www.shrm.ca/. During the weekdays, this place will serve food to homeless people. The content of volunteer is just being a waiter to serve meals and clean tables something like that. I was volunteering there on Tuesday Feb. 26th of this year. This assignment need 3-4 pages with double space, please take care do not write too many words. Please read carefully the “Key Elements” mentioned in the PDF file.

Advocacy Project Composition Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Functions and Universality of Management Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

individual written assignments that you will need to submit on Bb.Each of these should be no more than two pages of text, double-spaced, times new roman 12-point font.You need to follow APA format (cite the source both in the text as well as on a separate reference page), check thoroughly for grammar and punctuation, and most importantly, make sure you answer the entire question.Avoid “brain dumping” – if there is a specific question on a topic, don’t spit out everything you know on the topic; keep it limited to information that answers the question


Information Silos Problems and Information Systems Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help


Please post two things you learn in chapter 1 and two things you learn in chapter 2 that you did not know before. Expand on the two things by giving examples or more detail explanation


Workgroups often develop information systems solely for their own needs. However, over time, the existence of these separate systems can result in information silos that can cause numerous problems.

In an essay, describe the problems that information silos can create. Then explain how information systems can overcome these problems.



British Paralympic Association Disability Sport Paper Writing Assignment Help

My organization is British Paralympic Association

Disability Sport Organization Paper – The purpose of this paper is to become familiar with organizations that help persons with disabilities to become involved with recreation and sport that other wise would not have the opportunity to. A list of organizations will be provided and only 1 person per organization. Papers should be 3 – 5 pages in length. The paper should include the following:

1. Name of organization and why you chose that organization.

2. The mission statement of the organization.

3. History of the organization.

4. Overview of what the organization does and any future plans the organization has.

5. Any other information that would deemed important about the organization.

Organization Paper Rubric

  • _____ (20) Correct sentence structure, grammar, subheadings, etc. Deductions 1-20 points.
  • _____ (10) Typed, 12-point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced throughout. (A/N)
  • _____ (10) Use of APA style for quotes, running headers, page margins, page numbers, subheadings, and reference page. (A/N)
  • _____ (10) Length requirement (3-5 pages). (A/N)
  • _____ (50) Content.

_____ (100 points) TOTAL


Ashford University Strategic Plan Project and SOWT Analysis Assignment Other Assignment Help

Select an organization and prepare a strategic plan to grow the business over the next three years. Your strategic plan must include the following:

  • Describe your organization’s history, products, and major competitors.
  • Explain the current situation of the organization in the market.
  • Conduct a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and trends) to determine areas that offer opportunities for change.
  • Choose at least three areas from your SWOT analysis and explain why the areas you have chosen are essential to your strategic plan. Use theories and examples from your text and additional sources to support your rationale.
  • Explain your method to measure the success of your strategic plan.

Your paper must be eight pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. In addition, you must use at least three scholarly source


https://anyessayhelp.com/. During the weekdays, this place will serve food to homeless people. The content of volunteer is just being a waiter to serve meals and clean tables something like that. I was volunteering there on Tuesday Feb. 26th of this year. This assignment need 3-4 pages with double space, please take care do not write too many words. Please read carefully the “Key Elements” mentioned in the PDF file.

Advocacy Project Composition Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Functions and Universality of Management Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

individual written assignments that you will need to submit on Bb.Each of these should be no more than two pages of text, double-spaced, times new roman 12-point font.You need to follow APA format (cite the source both in the text as well as on a separate reference page), check thoroughly for grammar and punctuation, and most importantly, make sure you answer the entire question.Avoid “brain dumping” – if there is a specific question on a topic, don’t spit out everything you know on the topic; keep it limited to information that answers the question


Information Silos Problems and Information Systems Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help


Please post two things you learn in chapter 1 and two things you learn in chapter 2 that you did not know before. Expand on the two things by giving examples or more detail explanation


Workgroups often develop information systems solely for their own needs. However, over time, the existence of these separate systems can result in information silos that can cause numerous problems.

In an essay, describe the problems that information silos can create. Then explain how information systems can overcome these problems.



British Paralympic Association Disability Sport Paper Writing Assignment Help

My organization is British Paralympic Association

Disability Sport Organization Paper – The purpose of this paper is to become familiar with organizations that help persons with disabilities to become involved with recreation and sport that other wise would not have the opportunity to. A list of organizations will be provided and only 1 person per organization. Papers should be 3 – 5 pages in length. The paper should include the following:

1. Name of organization and why you chose that organization.

2. The mission statement of the organization.

3. History of the organization.

4. Overview of what the organization does and any future plans the organization has.

5. Any other information that would deemed important about the organization.

Organization Paper Rubric

  • _____ (20) Correct sentence structure, grammar, subheadings, etc. Deductions 1-20 points.
  • _____ (10) Typed, 12-point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced throughout. (A/N)
  • _____ (10) Use of APA style for quotes, running headers, page margins, page numbers, subheadings, and reference page. (A/N)
  • _____ (10) Length requirement (3-5 pages). (A/N)
  • _____ (50) Content.

_____ (100 points) TOTAL


Ashford University Strategic Plan Project and SOWT Analysis Assignment Other Assignment Help

Select an organization and prepare a strategic plan to grow the business over the next three years. Your strategic plan must include the following:

  • Describe your organization’s history, products, and major competitors.
  • Explain the current situation of the organization in the market.
  • Conduct a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and trends) to determine areas that offer opportunities for change.
  • Choose at least three areas from your SWOT analysis and explain why the areas you have chosen are essential to your strategic plan. Use theories and examples from your text and additional sources to support your rationale.
  • Explain your method to measure the success of your strategic plan.

Your paper must be eight pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. In addition, you must use at least three scholarly source


https://anyessayhelp.com/. During the weekdays, this place will serve food to homeless people. The content of volunteer is just being a waiter to serve meals and clean tables something like that. I was volunteering there on Tuesday Feb. 26th of this year. This assignment need 3-4 pages with double space, please take care do not write too many words. Please read carefully the “Key Elements” mentioned in the PDF file.

Advocacy Project Composition Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Functions and Universality of Management Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

individual written assignments that you will need to submit on Bb.Each of these should be no more than two pages of text, double-spaced, times new roman 12-point font.You need to follow APA format (cite the source both in the text as well as on a separate reference page), check thoroughly for grammar and punctuation, and most importantly, make sure you answer the entire question.Avoid “brain dumping” – if there is a specific question on a topic, don’t spit out everything you know on the topic; keep it limited to information that answers the question


Information Silos Problems and Information Systems Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help


Please post two things you learn in chapter 1 and two things you learn in chapter 2 that you did not know before. Expand on the two things by giving examples or more detail explanation


Workgroups often develop information systems solely for their own needs. However, over time, the existence of these separate systems can result in information silos that can cause numerous problems.

In an essay, describe the problems that information silos can create. Then explain how information systems can overcome these problems.



British Paralympic Association Disability Sport Paper Writing Assignment Help

My organization is British Paralympic Association

Disability Sport Organization Paper – The purpose of this paper is to become familiar with organizations that help persons with disabilities to become involved with recreation and sport that other wise would not have the opportunity to. A list of organizations will be provided and only 1 person per organization. Papers should be 3 – 5 pages in length. The paper should include the following:

1. Name of organization and why you chose that organization.

2. The mission statement of the organization.

3. History of the organization.

4. Overview of what the organization does and any future plans the organization has.

5. Any other information that would deemed important about the organization.

Organization Paper Rubric

  • _____ (20) Correct sentence structure, grammar, subheadings, etc. Deductions 1-20 points.
  • _____ (10) Typed, 12-point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced throughout. (A/N)
  • _____ (10) Use of APA style for quotes, running headers, page margins, page numbers, subheadings, and reference page. (A/N)
  • _____ (10) Length requirement (3-5 pages). (A/N)
  • _____ (50) Content.

_____ (100 points) TOTAL


Ashford University Strategic Plan Project and SOWT Analysis Assignment Other Assignment Help

Select an organization and prepare a strategic plan to grow the business over the next three years. Your strategic plan must include the following:

  • Describe your organization’s history, products, and major competitors.
  • Explain the current situation of the organization in the market.
  • Conduct a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and trends) to determine areas that offer opportunities for change.
  • Choose at least three areas from your SWOT analysis and explain why the areas you have chosen are essential to your strategic plan. Use theories and examples from your text and additional sources to support your rationale.
  • Explain your method to measure the success of your strategic plan.

Your paper must be eight pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. In addition, you must use at least three scholarly source


https://anyessayhelp.com/. During the weekdays, this place will serve food to homeless people. The content of volunteer is just being a waiter to serve meals and clean tables something like that. I was volunteering there on Tuesday Feb. 26th of this year. This assignment need 3-4 pages with double space, please take care do not write too many words. Please read carefully the “Key Elements” mentioned in the PDF file.

Advocacy Project Composition Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Functions and Universality of Management Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

individual written assignments that you will need to submit on Bb.Each of these should be no more than two pages of text, double-spaced, times new roman 12-point font.You need to follow APA format (cite the source both in the text as well as on a separate reference page), check thoroughly for grammar and punctuation, and most importantly, make sure you answer the entire question.Avoid “brain dumping” – if there is a specific question on a topic, don’t spit out everything you know on the topic; keep it limited to information that answers the question


Information Silos Problems and Information Systems Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help


Please post two things you learn in chapter 1 and two things you learn in chapter 2 that you did not know before. Expand on the two things by giving examples or more detail explanation


Workgroups often develop information systems solely for their own needs. However, over time, the existence of these separate systems can result in information silos that can cause numerous problems.

In an essay, describe the problems that information silos can create. Then explain how information systems can overcome these problems.



British Paralympic Association Disability Sport Paper Writing Assignment Help

My organization is British Paralympic Association

Disability Sport Organization Paper – The purpose of this paper is to become familiar with organizations that help persons with disabilities to become involved with recreation and sport that other wise would not have the opportunity to. A list of organizations will be provided and only 1 person per organization. Papers should be 3 – 5 pages in length. The paper should include the following:

1. Name of organization and why you chose that organization.

2. The mission statement of the organization.

3. History of the organization.

4. Overview of what the organization does and any future plans the organization has.

5. Any other information that would deemed important about the organization.

Organization Paper Rubric

  • _____ (20) Correct sentence structure, grammar, subheadings, etc. Deductions 1-20 points.
  • _____ (10) Typed, 12-point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced throughout. (A/N)
  • _____ (10) Use of APA style for quotes, running headers, page margins, page numbers, subheadings, and reference page. (A/N)
  • _____ (10) Length requirement (3-5 pages). (A/N)
  • _____ (50) Content.

_____ (100 points) TOTAL


Ashford University Strategic Plan Project and SOWT Analysis Assignment Other Assignment Help

Select an organization and prepare a strategic plan to grow the business over the next three years. Your strategic plan must include the following:

  • Describe your organization’s history, products, and major competitors.
  • Explain the current situation of the organization in the market.
  • Conduct a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and trends) to determine areas that offer opportunities for change.
  • Choose at least three areas from your SWOT analysis and explain why the areas you have chosen are essential to your strategic plan. Use theories and examples from your text and additional sources to support your rationale.
  • Explain your method to measure the success of your strategic plan.

Your paper must be eight pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. In addition, you must use at least three scholarly source


Learning Goal And Performance Orientation Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Learning Goal And Performance Orientation Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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