LEG 100 Strayer University Negligence v Strict Product Liability Discussion Paper 4 Business Finance Assignment Help

LEG 100 Strayer University Negligence v Strict Product Liability Discussion Paper 4 Business Finance Assignment Help. LEG 100 Strayer University Negligence v Strict Product Liability Discussion Paper 4 Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Negligence and product liability are two of our main topics for this week. Negligence is an unintentional tort because it happens by accident. Product liability arises when one is injured by a defective product.

Consider the scenarios below. Choose one and determine if it describes negligence or product liability. Explain your answer (in great detail) and be sure to discuss the elements of any claims that may arise.

  • Daisy is driving in her car when her phone chimes. She picks up her phone and sees a text from her friend. While responding to the text, Daisy runs a red light and causes an accident.
  • Janet just moved from Florida to Minnesota and is enjoying the scenery of a beautiful snowfall when she sees a person slip and fall on the ice on the sidewalk in front of her house.
  • Larry is a lumberjack. He decides to purchase a new chainsaw. The first time Larry uses the chainsaw, the product malfunctions and Larry is injured.

LEG 100 Strayer University Negligence v Strict Product Liability Discussion Paper 4 Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Michigan Food History Essay Writing Assignment Help

Word count at least 600


In modern times humans have increasingly become separated from the sources of their food. What factors have caused this transformation, and what have been some of the effects of this “alienation from nature”?

Writing requirement:

1) THESIS STATEMENT. Make sure you address all parts of the prompt/question, and be specific. For example, if you are answering question 1, you must address both parts of the prompt – the factors causing separation from food sources AND the effects of this separation. (“Urbanization and the mass factory production of food during the Industrial Revolution caused humans to be increasingly alienated from nature and their food sources. The most important long term effects have been environmental pollution and cruelty toward animals.”) Your thesis statement needs to state your complete answer, which you will then go on to “prove” with specific examples in your essay.

2) OUTLINE/STRUCTURE. As you set up your outline (see template in midterm essay module) make sure that in addition to a clear thesis statement you’ve written down strong topic sentences and specific examples for each paragraph. In your midterm essays many of you started off with great ideas but did not provide specific examples. For example, if you wrote “Crops from the Americas led to many important changes in Europe,” you should go on to define what crops and what exactly those changes were; did the population increase because of corn and potato consumption? Provide a statistic, tell me where and when this happened. Once you’ve given your specific examples you should explain why and how this helps prove your thesis.

3) CONTEXT. Remember to address the “Five Ws” in your essay – who, what, when, where, and why – especially as you are setting up the historical context.

4) TEXTUAL SOURCES. Some of the readings that will help you most in your final essay prep:

Question 1: Cronon (“Nature’s Metropolis”), Pollan (Botany of Desire), Opey’s (“Chitlin Circuit”)


Columbia Southern University Why Do People Hug Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Understanding and applying psychology in one’s everyday life can have numerous benefits and is often the basis of research that is conducted in this field. In this assignment, you will write an essay requiring you to employ critical thinking as you contemplate the science of psychology.

You will write this essay from the perspective of a potential first-time researcher. Pretend you are pondering conducting research into the psychological aspects of a specific human behavior you have seen demonstrated in your everyday life (may be personal or work-related).

First, you should start with an introduction that allows the readers to fully understand your intent and the main points of the research you are contemplating. Be sure to identify your research question (e.g. Why do we yawn when we see someone else yawn?)

Next, include the following elements of your intended research:

  • describe your vision of the research experiment,
  • explain research methods that could be used to describe the behavior in your research experiment, and
  • indicate the ethical guidelines you must follow while conducting research involving people.

Finally, in your own words, identify the basic ideas behind early approaches in psychology that may influence your research.

Your essay will be a minimum of two pages in length, double-spaced, and in Times New Roman 12 pt. font. Include your name and course at the top of the first page of your essay.

APA Style will not be required for this assignment. However, keep in mind that when directly quoted or paraphrased works of others are used in any manner, the writer is obligated to properly cite the source of the original narrative. You should become familiar with citing sources, as you will be graded on proper APA citation and reference formatting later in this course, and throughout your future academic endeavors.


Chapter 9 Mass Media Products Significant Impact on The Children Discussion HW Humanities Assignment Help

chapter 9

please respond to amiah with 200 words

Topic 1

Children around the world today are consumed by the media. Including television, video games, social media, etc. According to Roberta, “Television and movies have evoked many concerns, especially about their content, their socializing effects on children, and potential public response” (2016, p. 337). The television and movies have a way of convincing vulnerable children and adults that what they see in the pictures is real, that violence is acceptable, that products being advertised should be bought, and that the values, stereotypes, and behaviors seen on TV show the way that one should be (Berns, p.337). American age description, gender distribution, ethnic groups, and occupation are portrayed through satire in the world of television and movies. Research from Cengage shows that, until the 1970s, the majority of the people who appeared on American television programs were Caucasian (white). Being white was presented as normal in all sorts of programs, including news, sports, entertainment, and advertisements (2020). A lot of people began to believe that racism was the source of this problem. The few that did show up in TV programs were often represented as stereotypes. If anyone were paying attention to this, they understood that African Americans were often portrayed as servants, while Native Americans were the warriors. The television color barrier was broken by actress Diahann Carroll who became the first black woman to star in a prime-time TV series. Sadly however, because the character “Julia” lived in an apartment building with both black and white tenants and never faced prejudice or discrimination due to her race, viewers complained that the show did not reflect the realities of the African American experience. Today, there is a wealth of diversity found on TV and in movies, not only to include LGBQT characters, but almost every ethnicity and culture is found on the screen.

We can find it often that children learn to accept the stereotypes represented on TV. Surprisingly, over 45% of all stories about children focus on crime. “Children account for over a quarter of the U.S. population but only 10% of all local news stories. African American children account for more than half of all stories (61%) involving children of color, followed by Latino children (32%). Asian Pacific American and Native American children are virtually invisible on local news” (Kyla Boyse, RN, 2010). As well, we disproportionately portray women and men on TV. The heavier a woman or man is the more comments are made about him/her regarding the way they look. This has a way of teaching us that it’s not okay to look a certain way or feel comfortable in our own bodies.

Ads for household items, usually feature women rather than men. This is stereotypical as it shows that women are the ones who should be staying at home and taking care of in home duties. However, research has shown that in reality there is a higher percentage of stay at home dads than there is moms. TV production companies often hide behind an illusion of what they think reality should be. Additionally, G-rated movies are commonly viewed by younger children because parents believe they are safe for little kids. However, in these movies, whether live action or animated, males are shown more than females, by three to one, they are not often shown in relationships, and do not solve problems peacefully (Kyla Boyse, RN, 2010). In such movies, characters of color are under-represented, and are usually shown as sidekicks, comic relief, or bad guys. As well, male characters are often found more aggressive and isolated.

Another problem presented with television is sexuality. Children think they can learn about sexual relations and sexuality from what they see in the media and on television. In a lot of cases, parents do not inform their children about sex, relationships, birth control, and sexually transmitted diseases. Schools also do not offer complete sex educations, therefore, children lean towards television for information about sex. According to Kyla, “Sexual content is a real presence on TV. Soap operas, music videos, prime time shows and advertisements all contain lots of sexual content, but usually nothing about contraception or safer sex”(RN, 2010). A large number of scenes with sexual intercourse include characters that have just met. Watching sex on TV only increases the chance of a teenager wanting to have sex as well. But, without a proper understanding of sexual activity teens can be put in danger of getting sick, hurt, or just simply not being ready. On the contrary, TV does have the potential to both educate teens, and begin discussion with parents. Parents can use the content as a starting point to talk with their teen and let them know to behave responsibly and be safe.

Topic 2

Reading is an important aspect of a child’s cognitive development as it expands the mind and advances further language skills. Specifically, fairy tales are important in that they aid a child’s consciousness. “These best-sellers are stimulating children’s imaginations through their blend of fantasy, magic, mystery, and reality”, says Berns, (2016, p. 358). That being said, it is my belief that fairy tales can create new realities for children. According to Anna Klim, “When listening to fairy tales, children are often deeply affected by their contents and, at the same time, their imagination develops and takes on new shapes. Thus, fairy tales affect a child’s emotional, physical and mental development” (2015, p.3700). Multiple lessons can be learned from watching and/or reading fairy tales. For example, the famous Disney princess Mulan teaches children that heroes come in all shapes and sizes. She never waited for someone to come to her aid, or let others face aggressors in her stead. In the same way we can take from the popular Disney movies Snow white or Beauty in the Beast to never judge a book by it’s cover. We learn that things are not always what they appear to be as people who look harmless can be dangerous and those who appear dangerous can be harmless. One idea that is portrayed in many fairy tales is the feminine beauty ideal. It is represented through the notion that beauty is an important asset that a woman can possess and is something that one should aim to achieve. For instance, in Cinderella, beauty is imperative for the young princess in order to attract the prince. However, Cinderella’s beauty is not confined to just the way she looks. Rather, it’s portrayed through the heart of the princess as she gets what she really deserves in the end. It’s her unique beauty that attracts the prince and sweeps him off his feet. “There is also a clear link between beauty and goodness and between ugliness and evil in fairy tales. Lori Baker-Sperry and Liz Grauerholz have written in “The Pervasiveness and Persistence of the Feminine Beauty Ideal in Children’s Fairy Tales Author(s)” that 31 percent of all stories associate beauty with goodness and 17 percent associate ugliness with evil personified in the semblance of witches, wicked stepmothers and conniving queens” (Adak, Anita, 2018, Fairytales & The Beauty Ideal). The mothers, step mothers and women in fairy tales are often greedy and willing to do vicious things to achieve wealth. Many stories will begin in the state of poverty and progress to a successful ending of wealth and a higher social standing. In most cases, the antagonist of a story or the “bad character”, is the one chasing wealth and is often selfish. Although this can bring up ideas about violence, this can also teach children that money does not mean happiness. Fairy tales have both positive and negative effects on children. They teach valuable lessons such as, overcoming fear and being rewarded for courageous efforts, making wise decisions, and to always have hope that everything will be okay in the end. However, these fairy tales do have hidden messages as we know which may influence children in negative ways, lower their self esteem and impact the way they think, defectively.


Berns, Roberta. (2016) Child, Family, School, Community/Socialization and Support, 10th edition). Thomas Wadsworth publishing.

https://library.iated.org/view/KLIMKLIMASZEWSKA2015EFF (Links to an external site.)

https://www.indianfolk.com/fairytales-beauty-ideal-edited/ (Links to an external site.)



University of Phoenix At Home Environment Presentation for Families PPT Writing Assignment Help

At-Home Environment Presentation for Families

Create a 12- to 16-slide presentation for the families of your primary classroom students, in which you emphasize principles of language acquisition and reading by describing an exceptional at-home environment for primary readers and writers.

Focus your presentation’s content, tone, and style on the needs of the families of primary readers and writers.

Describe materials, objects, and props, such as environmental print, storybooks, and toys, you would use in your presentation to families.

Create visual aids to use in your presentation that illustrate key points or complex ideas.

Describe the following elements of the environment in your presentation:

  • Physical description and layout of one child- and family-centered room in a home (e.g., kitchen, play room, child’s bedroom)
  • Toys, technology, texts, resources, and materials
  • Routines, traditions, and expectations
  • Daily schedule
  • Meaningful at-home activities and interactions

Include the following principles in your presentation:

  • Evidence of current language acquisition and literacy theories, standards, and research
  • Support for primary readers’ experiential, cognitive, social, emotional, cultural, and linguistic development
  • Meaningful at-home activities and interactions that influence children’s language acquisition and reading
  • The roles that sight words, the alphabet, and phonological awareness play in children’s transition from oral to written language
  • Support for the conversational and academic language development of English language learners.

Please use APA format to include reference slide for all references used.



Sex Dependent Effects in Any Aspect of Any Psychological Disorder Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Reply me 3 ideas for term paper : Hypothesis (what are you investigating), species, design, IVs/DVs in five hours. After approved by professor I would reply the topic of the paper back to you as soon as possible. If you need more pages in order to complete a high quality paper. I can raise the budget. Quality is everything.

The paper involves proposing an experiment that examines sex- or endocrine dependent effects in any aspect (development, symptomology, neurocircuitry, etc.) of any psychological disorder (does not have to be mood or substance use disorders). Experiments may be behaviorally and/or molecularly focused but must examine key components of biological sex (the experiment has to be a between-subjects design).

PAPER FORMAT ¡ Title page (no Abstract) ¡ Introduction ¡ Methods ¡ (Anticipated) Results ¡ Statistical analyses used ¡ What was significant/not significant? ¡ Directionality ¡ Visual aids ¡ Discussion ¡ Significance ¡ Implications for the field ¡ Future directions ¡ [need at least 4 references total]

Use 12-point font ¡ Arial, One-inch margins on all sides ¡ Double-spaced APA format

Sex Dependent Effects in Any Aspect of Any Psychological Disorder Research Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Ashford University Make a Difference Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Make a Difference

[WLO: 1] [CLOs: 1, 3]

These reflective journals are required opportunities to reflect on your own leadership skills and knowledge, as well as identify opportunities for development. Because of the personal nature of journals, these are not going to be viewable by your classmates. Like most journals, this journal is your opportunity to be honest with yourself and immediately apply course learning. Prior to completing this journal read Antonacopoulou, Dehliin, & Zundel (2011) and watch Reynolds & Reynolds (n.d.).

Instructions: Complete the following:

After reading Leadership: Making Waves and watching the accompanying Make a Difference video, reflect on and then answer the questions that Antonacopoulou posed:

  • When was the last time you stopped and had a good look around you and noticed things that you were compelled to do something about?
  • When was the last time someone reached out to recognize you for what you do and made you feel valued for being who you are?
  • Why wait to figure out the answer in both these questions and not act on both accounts now?

Be sure to connect your responses to the provided resources to get the most out of this assignment.

Your journal entry should be at least 350 words (one page) in length.


Contract Law Legal Claim and Damages Perspective Analysis Discussion Law Assignment Help

You own a manufacturing company that has a very profitable contract with a large retail chain. One of your competitors learns of your agreement and contacts the retail chain, telling them that your products are poorly manufactured and that the retail chain should refrain from buying your products. Instead, the competitor suggests that the retail chain enter into a contract with them to manufacture the products they seek. After this conversation, the retail chain cancels the contract with your manufacturing company, essentially breaching the contract, and begins buying their required merchandise from your competitor.

The products manufactured by your company are in fact very high quality products. There have never been complaints in the industry relative to the service or products that you provide. And, you have longstanding contractors with other retailers to support the quality of your product.

Under the law, you can sue both the manufacturing competitor and the retail chain for losses suffered. What legal claim would you make against the retail chain in this situation? What legal claim would you make against your competitor manufacturing company, with particular regard to the tort issues covered in this week’s materials.

From a damages perspective, what types of damages are recoverable and are you permitted to recover twice under the law?

Fully explain your answer.

Rubric and the assignment sample in the files.


MUS 102 CUNY BMCC The Banjo by Gottschalk Essay Humanities Assignment Help

This discussion board will examine the relationship between The Banjo, Op. 15, by Gottschalk (Connect) and the sound of an actual banjo.

This is a recording of an actual banjo : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3qbB4Kq3Y0 and

The Banjo, Op. 15: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sdGjQLBzKc

The Banjo, Op. 15, by Louis Moreau Gottschalk is a piano piece written to imitate the sounds of a banjo. What has Gottschalk done in this composition to achieve this? Discuss the elements of this music (rhythm, texture, timbre, pitch, etc) and the ways the composer used them to write this character piece. After you have exhausted the terms from class you can also use non-musical terms to describe what you hear.

Do you think this work is successful in creating a banjo sound on the piano? Why or why not? Do you like this piece?

Is there anything about this work that strikes you as particularly American in any way?


UofM How Food Was Used in 20 Th Century to Further Goals of War and Peace Paper Writing Assignment Help

Word count at least 600


Examine how food was used during the twentieth century by various nations to further goals of war or peace. Were these campaigns successful? Why/why not?  

Writing requirement:

1) THESIS STATEMENT. Make sure you address all parts of the prompt/question, and be specific. For example, if you are answering question 1, you must address both parts of the prompt – the factors causing separation from food sources AND the effects of this separation. (“Urbanization and the mass factory production of food during the Industrial Revolution caused humans to be increasingly alienated from nature and their food sources. The most important long term effects have been environmental pollution and cruelty toward animals.”) Your thesis statement needs to state your complete answer, which you will then go on to “prove” with specific examples in your essay.

2) OUTLINE/STRUCTURE. As you set up your outline (see template in midterm essay module) make sure that in addition to a clear thesis statement you’ve written down strong topic sentences and specific examples for each paragraph. In your midterm essays many of you started off with great ideas but did not provide specific examples. For example, if you wrote “Crops from the Americas led to many important changes in Europe,” you should go on to define what crops and what exactly those changes were; did the population increase because of corn and potato consumption? Provide a statistic, tell me where and when this happened. Once you’ve given your specific examples you should explain why and how this helps prove your thesis. 

3) CONTEXT. Remember to address the “Five Ws” in your essay – who, what, when, where, and why – especially as you are setting up the historical context. 

4) TEXTUAL SOURCES. Some of the readings that will help you most in your final essay prep: 

Warner (Pandora’s Lunchbox), Collingham (Taste of War), Kitchen Debate, White Bread article


LEG 100 Strayer University Negligence v Strict Product Liability Discussion Paper 4 Business Finance Assignment Help

LEG 100 Strayer University Negligence v Strict Product Liability Discussion Paper 4 Business Finance Assignment Help

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