LEI 3707 University of Miami The Americans With Disability Act Question Writing Assignment Help

LEI 3707 University of Miami The Americans With Disability Act Question Writing Assignment Help. LEI 3707 University of Miami The Americans With Disability Act Question Writing Assignment Help.

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  1. Select one of the completed surveys (Evelyn Greer Park and Play Area or Raintree Clubhouse and Pool or Temple Terrace Family Complex)
    • Access these components by going to Files>Alternative Accessibility Assignment>Evelyn Greer Park or Raintree Clubhouse or Temple Terrace Family Complex
    • Review the completed ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities, Recreational Checklist, floor plan, and photos provided of your selected site. (Evelyn Greer Park and Play Area or Raintree Clubhouse and Pool or Temple Terrace Family Complex)
  2. Since I am providing your photos and floor plan, you are to select and watch 4 of the videos from the Alternative Accessibility Assignment Supplemental Resources.
    • Provide the title of the animation and 4 facts you learned directly from each video.
    • Example: 4 facts per video (a total of 16 facts)
  3. You are also to watch the following video discussing Accessible Route Design and provide 2 facts about each area that is discussed in the video (Sidewalks, Corners, Signals, Street Crossings).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKYh4Ihp7WQ (Links to an external site.)

The above portion of your assignment will be uploaded to the Accessibility Assignment: Checklist, Map, Photos, Paper, & Letter (Journal)

Instructions for the Accessibility Paper and Letter: (17 points)

Note: For parts b and c (barriers and recommendations to improve upon the barrier), you will need to indicate where in the ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities or Recreational Checklist (i.e. the standard # in the checklist) the barrier/recommendation is discussed.

You must organize your paper using the following headings a-d (APA style):

  1. Advantages:(3 points)Describe those aspects from your survey of the recreation setting (physical), that have been made accessible and would provide opportunities for inclusive recreation participation. Make sure to include the summary of the positive/accessible areas from each priority of your completed ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities and Recreational Checklist.
  2. Barriers: (4 points)Describe the physical and programmatic barriers that are present that would inhibit or limit participation by people with disabilities. Identify people with disabilities who may be influenced by these barriers, and how they would be influenced. Make sure to include the summary of the inaccessible areas and the Standard # in that area from each priority of your completed ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities or Recreational Checklist.
  3. Accessibility Recommendations: (4 points)Provide a list of specific recommendations for how the agency could improve accessibility based on the barriers you found. Again, using the Standard #, designate which of your recommendations should be implemented to be in compliance with the law. Also, indicate which of your recommendations, although not legally required, would be in keeping with the spirit of the law, and would reflect a general commitment to inclusive recreation participation.
  4. Grammar: (1.5 points)
  5. APA Format: (1.5 points)

Professional Letter to Facility Manager: (3 points)

  1. Each student must also write a professional letter (a few paragraphs) to the manager/person in charge of the facility. The purpose of the letter is to thank him/her for assisting you with this learning opportunity. Also, provide and accentuate the positive outcomes that you found as a result of completing the checklist and provide a brief summary of what you found that could be changed. This will be turned in as the last page of your paper after your reference list and is NOT part of your page limit. Do NOT send the letter to the facility. After I grade and provide feedback on your project, you can make changes to the letter and send it to the facility manager if you feel comfortable doing so. Please refer to the following resource in formatting your professional letter: Sample Letters (Links to an external site.)

Please see the Accessibility Assignment Rubric

The above portion of your assignment will be uploaded to the (paper and letter) Accessibility Assignment: Paper & Letter (Turnitin)

LEI 3707 University of Miami The Americans With Disability Act Question Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Southern New Hampshire University Lifespan Development Impact Questions Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

In this module, you will explore the concept of mental schema development.

For your initial post, review Dismantling Hate and answer the following questions:

Where do the schemas we develop during our life span come from? What influences schema development in general?

How can events in our life-span development impact our perspectives on diversity, equity, and inclusion?

How can we use research in developmental psychology to understand an individual’s level of prejudice?

How have individuals in your life influenced your schema development?

How does the concept of mental schema development apply to any of the following programmatic themes? You may want to review the Programmatic Themes document.


Social justice

Emotional intelligence

Career connections


Remember to respond to two peers while being respectful of and sensitive to their viewpoints. Consider advancing the discussion in the following ways:

Post an article, video, or visual to reinforce a peer’s idea or challenge them to see their point from a different perspective.

Engage in conversation with your peers around the concept of mental schema development in regard to our perspectives of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Consider asking a question or sharing your own personal experience.


Boston University Financial Transfer Infrastructure Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

1.Introduction – identify the organization and briefly describe the challenge.

External Environment

  • Economic, political and social environment within which the organization operates and the problem or challenge has occurred along with any underlying issues.
  • History, evolution and future direction of the problem, issue, challenge or opportunity.
  • Pressures on the organization and the impact of current events on its operation and the maintenance of key relationships.
  • Organizations, companies, sales, distribution patterns, control and regulation, promotional activity, geographic characteristics, profit patterns, strengths, challenges.
  • Industry growth patterns, primary demand curve, per capita consumption, potential.
  • History, technological advances, trends.
  • Impact of the problem, issue, challenge or opportunity on the industry.


  • Organizations, companies, sales, distribution patterns, control and regulation, promotional activity, geographic characteristics, profit patterns, strengths, challenges.
  • Industry growth patterns, primary demand curve, per capita consumption, potential.
  • History, technological advances, trends.
  • Impact of the problem, issue, challenge or opportunity on the industry.

Market Share & Competition

• Share of the market in terms of dollars, units, clients, donors, services, etc.

• Market potential.

• Competitors and their potential.

• Competing attitudes, ideas and lifestyles.

Stakeholder Research

• Stakeholders affected by the problem, issue, challenge or opportunity.

• Current attitudes, opinions and values of stakeholders pertaining to the problem, issue, challenge or opportunity.

• Active or aware publics that may have formed in response to the problem, issue, challenge or opportunity.

• Demographic and psychographic data (beliefs, values, attitudes, lifestyles and decision-making process).

• Relationship quality between stakeholders, publics and the organization.

• Social media conversations about the issue, challenge or opportunity, including hashtags, search terms, key words, volume, sentiment, trends, engagement, macro and micro influencers, content authors and publishers.

  • Motivating self-interests.
  • • Intervening publics and opinion leaders.

    • Information sources and preferred media channels.

    Internal Environment – Organization

    • Purpose: Mission, values, character, history.

    • Management and leadership: Scope of business, corporate governance, senior leaders, size, growth, financial performance, social responsibility, environmental responsibility, ethical standards.

  • Workplace environment: Personnel, structure, culture, employee engagement, diversity and inclusion.
  • • Reputation: Visibility, distinctiveness, authenticity, transparency, consistency, responsiveness.

    • Impact of the problem, issue, challenge or opportunity on the organization

    Products / Services

    • Product or service development, quality, design, packaging, pricing policies and structure, sales and profit history, market share, demand, trends, distribution.

  • Product or service sales features (exclusive, nonexclusive, differentiating qualities, competitive position in public’s mind).
  • Sales force or service providers (size, scope, ability, cost/sale).
  • • Product or service research and planned improvements.


    • Successes and failures of past policy, sales force, advertising, publicity.

    • Expenditures, budget emphasis, relation to trends.

    • Ad/PR/marketing strategies, themes, campaigns.

    • Promotions of competitors and like organizations.


    • Intervening publics and opinion leaders.

    • Attitudes and opinions toward product, issue or organization.

    • Physical facilities, budgets, personnel, client support.

    2. Situaltional analysis

    The situation analysis consists of two
    paragraphs. The first paragraph is a statement of the current situation and a
    description of the challenge or opportunity based on research. The second
    paragraph identifies potential difficulties that could impede success.


    The core problem/opportunity is a one-sentence statement of the main difficulty or prospect including likely consequences if not resolved or realized.


    MGT 322 SEU Use of the Lean Thinking on Manufacturing Companies Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

    Read out the research paper carefully (attached PDF THE BENEFITS OF LEAN MANUFACTURING what lean thinking offers the process Industries) and based on your understanding you should answer the following questions.


    1. Define why Manufacturing Companies emphases on lean thinking? Justify your answer with suitable example.

    2. What do you understand by the term overproduction? Why do you think overproduction waste described as the biggest waste while comparing to all other type of waste?

    3. What are the benefits from Suppliers to end users by using lean thinking?

    4. Use APA referencing style

    Note: You can assume any manufacturing company of your choice while answering questions.


    Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.

  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • [supanova_question]

    SDSU Invertebrate Biology Main Characteristics of The Phylum Porifera Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

    answer the following questions in full sentences:

    1. List at least five (5) of the main characteristics of the Phylum Porifera including unique ones.

    2. Briefly describe the major cell types in Porifera and include their function.

    3. List main kinds of asexual reproduction and larval types in the Phylum Porifera.

    4. Briefly describe some unique/additional aspects of sponge biology outside of body design, feeding and reproduction.

    5. Deep-sea sponges are very important to the ecology of the deep oceans and are very common on abyssal plains. In their adaptation to the deep sea, sponges have modified their body design, their feeding and their reproduction. Describe the classes of deep-sea sponges and how their body design and feeding mode are unique even among the already unique Phylum Porifera.



    Capella University SOHO Wireless Network Policy Statement Paper Writing Assignment Help

    You will develop a policy statement and the processes and procedures that can be used to drive the design, implementation, and maintenance of a wireless network in a SOHO (small office, home office) setting.

    With the policy statement in place, you will then outline the key processes and procedures for the same network.

    Generally, we start with the network and user requirements, and from there, develop the supportive security policies, processes, and procedures. In this case, you will outline your own basic requirements that call for a SOHO wireless network. Those requirements can be broad and reasonable for the business setting you select. Some guidance about creating a broad requirements statement shall be provided later in this document.

    Assume your materials will be used in a high-level briefing to the business managers. Therefore, keep your recommendations at an executive and practical level.

    The reason for this paper is to give you some practical experience in developing and exploring the creation of best practices guidelines, which will be used by managers and business owners. Additionally, this paper should be very useful to you personally because you (or some people you know) likely need this type of guidance.

    Capella University SOHO Wireless Network Policy Statement Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    MIT Emerging Technology Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

    3) Read the article: https://www.theparliamentmagazine.eu/news/article/… Analyse the ethical and social issues relating to emerging technologies and employment in the next 15 years.


    1) Word Length of the final essay paper: Approximately 2400 words (+/- 10% excluding reference list)

    2) Ensure to use a font and size that makes it easy to read (For example: Verdana 12-point font)

    3) The format is a traditional Essay: Intro / Body / Conclusion / Reference List

    4) Ensure you use Harvard Style refencing and citations.

    5) The essay should have somewhere between 10 – 18 references (NB. This is a guide and does constitute what grade you get for referencing)

    All the references must be from 2016

    All the work must be original

    Turn it in report is required


    Acacia University Principal Dimensions & Components of Employee Engagement PPT Writing Assignment Help

    hi .. I need help of HR expert oriented tutor to write academic papers for CIPD LVL5 of contain 3900 words .

    points need to follow to fulfill the requirements :

    – answer the assement criteria with heading like 1.1- 2.1 …. …ect.

    – Understand the concept and components of employee engagement and evidence showing its contribution to achieving business outcomes.

    – Understand the importance of employee engagement as a contributor to positive corporate outcomes.

    – Know how to implement HR strategies and practices to raise levels of employee engagement in a specific organisational context.

    – In Your answer you should relate academic concepts, theories and professional practice to the way organisations operate, in a critical and informed way, and with reference to key texts, articles and other publications and by using organisational examples for illustration.

    – All reference sources must be arrange in alphabitical order should be acknowledged correctly, provided where appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count).

    In the INTERMEDIATE ASSESSMENT sheet, the specifications and information ( guidance ) to be written on should be taken into account in the Comments column in addition take into account the Assessment brief / activity in the required order for more explanation

    1. cover page

    2. table of content .

    3. main body must be 3900 words not less.

    3. make short slides of presentation as require in guidelines and attached with assigment. ( it shows in sampel )/ in appendix

    4.There should be a lot of references Number of references at least 10 ( doesn’t count in words ) and all references must be to the Harvard referencing standard

    5. Please avoid plagiarism and attached report clarify the percentage not to exceed 10%.

    6. At the end of the paper, write reflected statement about this course about 260 words they will not included in word count in research paper .

    7.Use charts or diagrams will help in build my assigment (for explanation but words are don’t count).

    8.Any work of paper instance is considered null.

    9.attached ( 5ENG prompt sheet to guide u with intermediate assesment ).

    links of resources .

    10. ( Human resource ) it doesn’t count as 2 words – use HR instead.

    11. Use ( 5ُENG insert assigment here ) to write the assignment

    resources & presentation for 5ENG ( becuse i couldnt upload it )


    CIPD to watch Videos to explain assignments



    ACC 240 Grand Canyon University Comparing Coca Cola & PepsiCo Financial Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a Accounting report and need a sample draft to help me study.

    The purpose of this assignment is to employ accounting principles and relevant business practices to evaluate a company’s performance and financial position through a comparison to industry data.

    Locate the Critical Thinking CT-4 problem at the end of Chapter 9 in the textbook. This will serve as the structure for your assignment. Begin by choosing two competing publicly traded companies from the list below.

    1. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo
    2. Home Depot and Lowe’s
    3. Walmart and Target
    4. Nike and Adidas

    Review the competing companies’ ratios provided at the MSN Money website http://www.msn.com/en-us/money. For the pair of companies selected, you will need to use each company’s stock symbol to locate the liquidity, solvency, and profitability ratios on the MSN Money website. As part of your research, you will need to identify each company’s stock symbols prior to accessing the website, as this information will not be provided to you.

    Once you know each company’s stock symbol, begin by entering the appropriate company symbol in the “Quote Search” search box on the MSN Money website. Under the “Analysis” heading, use the Growth, Profitability, Price Ratios, Financial Health, Trading Statistics, and Management Effectiveness information to complete a 750-1,000 word comparison addressing the following:

    1. Evaluate each company’s liquidity relative to its competitor, then compare both companies to the industry averages.
    2. Evaluate each company’s solvency relative to its competitor, then compare both companies to the industry averages.
    3. Evaluate each company’s profitability relative to its competitor, then compare both companies to the industry averages.

    Note: You will be assessed on your ability to evaluate each company’s performance based on the information provided at MSN Money. You do not need to calculate the ratios for individual companies or the industry averages.

    Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

    This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


    Georgia Institute of Cosmetology Use of Dragons and Nuclear Weapons Questions Humanities Assignment Help

    Answers for these questions should be based on what you read in the “Nukes” and “Dragons and the Nuclear Weapons Nexus”. Please cite the reading in the construction of your answers. All answers need to be copy and pasted into Canvas no later than 2pm on Wednesday, November 4. This assignment will also prepare you for the in class discussion we will have on that day. So in reality this assignment will impact two components of your grade. Thus, please make sure you do it.

    Please Choose 4 of the 5 numbered questions below to answer.

    1) After reading the two articles, do you believe in the theory of Deterrence? Why or why not?

    2) From what you read which of the following policies would you advocate and why?

    a. The development and maintenance of a nuclear arsenal designed around large scale weapons.

    b. The development and sanctioned use of tactical nuclear weapons

    c. All weapons should always be on the table.

    3) In “Nukes” the author highlights the distinction of being saved by “science” or “Salvation”. What does this refer to and which argument would say is the correct one?

    4) Do you believe dragons are indeed a good metaphor for nuclear weapons? Why or why not?

    5) “Dragons do not require precise accuracy to hit targets, but dragon lords are only dragon loads if they keep a firm hold on their command and control systems.” Please related this quote to nuclear weapons and tell me if you believe such a statement is accurate or not.


    https://anyessayhelp.com/ This assignment will also prepare you for the in class discussion we will have on that day. So in reality this assignment will impact two components of your grade. Thus, please make sure you do it.

    Please Choose 4 of the 5 numbered questions below to answer.

    1) After reading the two articles, do you believe in the theory of Deterrence? Why or why not?

    2) From what you read which of the following policies would you advocate and why?

    a. The development and maintenance of a nuclear arsenal designed around large scale weapons.

    b. The development and sanctioned use of tactical nuclear weapons

    c. All weapons should always be on the table.

    3) In “Nukes” the author highlights the distinction of being saved by “science” or “Salvation”. What does this refer to and which argument would say is the correct one?

    4) Do you believe dragons are indeed a good metaphor for nuclear weapons? Why or why not?

    5) “Dragons do not require precise accuracy to hit targets, but dragon lords are only dragon loads if they keep a firm hold on their command and control systems.” Please related this quote to nuclear weapons and tell me if you believe such a statement is accurate or not.


    https://anyessayhelp.com/ This assignment will also prepare you for the in class discussion we will have on that day. So in reality this assignment will impact two components of your grade. Thus, please make sure you do it.

    Please Choose 4 of the 5 numbered questions below to answer.

    1) After reading the two articles, do you believe in the theory of Deterrence? Why or why not?

    2) From what you read which of the following policies would you advocate and why?

    a. The development and maintenance of a nuclear arsenal designed around large scale weapons.

    b. The development and sanctioned use of tactical nuclear weapons

    c. All weapons should always be on the table.

    3) In “Nukes” the author highlights the distinction of being saved by “science” or “Salvation”. What does this refer to and which argument would say is the correct one?

    4) Do you believe dragons are indeed a good metaphor for nuclear weapons? Why or why not?

    5) “Dragons do not require precise accuracy to hit targets, but dragon lords are only dragon loads if they keep a firm hold on their command and control systems.” Please related this quote to nuclear weapons and tell me if you believe such a statement is accurate or not.


    https://anyessayhelp.com/ This assignment will also prepare you for the in class discussion we will have on that day. So in reality this assignment will impact two components of your grade. Thus, please make sure you do it.

    Please Choose 4 of the 5 numbered questions below to answer.

    1) After reading the two articles, do you believe in the theory of Deterrence? Why or why not?

    2) From what you read which of the following policies would you advocate and why?

    a. The development and maintenance of a nuclear arsenal designed around large scale weapons.

    b. The development and sanctioned use of tactical nuclear weapons

    c. All weapons should always be on the table.

    3) In “Nukes” the author highlights the distinction of being saved by “science” or “Salvation”. What does this refer to and which argument would say is the correct one?

    4) Do you believe dragons are indeed a good metaphor for nuclear weapons? Why or why not?

    5) “Dragons do not require precise accuracy to hit targets, but dragon lords are only dragon loads if they keep a firm hold on their command and control systems.” Please related this quote to nuclear weapons and tell me if you believe such a statement is accurate or not.


    LEI 3707 University of Miami The Americans With Disability Act Question Writing Assignment Help

    LEI 3707 University of Miami The Americans With Disability Act Question Writing Assignment Help

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