Liberty University Similarities & Differences in Research About Team Leadership Essay Business Finance Assignment Help. Liberty University Similarities & Differences in Research About Team Leadership Essay Business Finance Assignment Help.
I’m working on a business report and need guidance to help me learn.
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Write a 900 – 1000 word paper on Team Leadership. The paper will have 5 scholarly articles, which have been published within the previous 4 years; you may use articles used in the original DB, however, each of the articles must be a narrative on the results of a study/research. The paper is not a restatement of the original DB post, but is a review of all 5 of the scholarly articles. Some of the questions that must be addressed in the paper are:
What are the common themes among the findings all 5 of the research articles?
What are the differences among the findings of all 5 of the research articles?
What is unique in each article regarding the author’s approach to the concept?
Liberty University Similarities & Differences in Research About Team Leadership Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CC The EIS 12 Lab 1018 Steel & 6061 Aluminum Tensile Testing Lab Report Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a engineering Lab Report and need a sample draft to help me study.
Answer All the questions in the file ( Lab 6 Assignment.docx)
please no plagiarism or copying.
I used Matlab to plot everything needed. you will find the graphs ready for you to use.
Lab 6 Assignment: Tensile Testing1.
The data provided on the excel sheets were measured using the tensile testing machine in the EIS 12 lab. The materials tested were 1018 steel and 6061 Aluminum. The initial lengths and final lengths were also measured to calculate the % elongation. Using the data provided, plot the stress vs. strain curves for steel and aluminum. (Please submit this assignment as a PDF. It is not a formal lab report, just answer the following questions.)
a) 1 point Write the equations (3 separate equations) for stress, strain, and Young’s modulus. Explain what each variable is.
b) 1 point Write the formula for % Elongation. What material property does this represent?
c) 2 points Define the following:
a.yield strength
b.ultimate strength
c.elastic deformation
d .plastic deformation e.proportional limit
f.Young’s modulus)
d. 1 point Describe the fracture behavior of the steel and compare it to the Aluminum. Explain what “necking” means and compare the different types of fractures we might observe from tensile testing. Explain why we might want to do tensile testing.
e) 1 point Using the formula for % elongation (%EL), calculate the %EL for the steel and the aluminum. How do they compare? Does this make sense based on what you know about steel and aluminum from previous labs? What material property explains this?
f). 3 points Make stress vs. strain diagrams using the data on excel. a.If you use Matlab you get one extra point.
g)1 point Draw the 0.002 offset line to determine the yield strength of both samples.Why do we use the 0.002 offset rule? You can hand draw the line or create the line using excel/Matlab.
h) 1 point Compare the differences in the stress vs. strain curves for steel and Al. What do you notice about the steel curve? What is this difference called?
i) 3 points Use the internet or textbooks to find the empirical values for yield strength and ultimate strength of 1018 steel and Aluminum.
a.1 point State where you found the empirical values.
here is all the file need provided on a zip folder
Miami Dade College CNA Training Program Flyer Notes Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing project and need support to help me learn.
Flyer portion:
– Create a 1 page flyer advertising a training program on
your identified role (RN or LPN or CNA or Charge RN)
– Include 1-2 scholarly references (APA format)
– Include the details on the role, places to work, and the
functions of the role that you will be able to perform as
an RN or LPN or CNA or Charge RN.
– 3 pages total: Title page, Flyer page, and references
example of flyer attached
Grand Canyon University Health Disparities Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
***Comment this***
Health disparities becoming serious threat to the health and wellbeing of some population groups like Hispanic, African American, Asian American, American Indian and Alaskan native with low income. Population that I will likely serve as an advanced registered nurse that is particularly vulnerable to issues of health disparities and inequity are low income population under any ethnic group. American health system is complex, and multitude of providers are involved in the deliver of health in promotion, prevention and cure. One of the components of health care delivery system in US is insurance which is provider by employers. But low-income population employer does not have facility to provide insurance, these population faced the health disparities.
As an informatic nurse, I will not directly involve with the patient care, but data that can be obtained from the these population can be analyzed and obtained the health issues and health problems, root cause of the health issues and health problems. Based upon root cause, required necessary preventive and promotive of health information can be disperse to the target population. Different information technology tools can be use that make easier than ever before to capture, compare and analyze data to better manage the need of patient. Population can use different health application and tools that can spread promotive and preventive information that’s make helps to easy to reach out health information that will be cost effective. Similarly, as Informatic nurse I would help to other health care provider emphasis on importance of HIPPA policy and data confidentiality.
Research and evidence-based nursing care are crucial to improving health care for all patients. Evidence-based nursing practice directed at how to effectively manage and treat diseases related to ethnic and racial minorities is imperative in overcoming current disparities in health care. (Denisco & Barker,2016) So the nurse must understand cultural, ethnic, racial, language and religious diversity important and provide health care accordingly then only these population can able to accessible quality health care.
FIU Community Psychology Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology question and need an explanation to help me learn.
- What does “Community Psychology” mean to you? How do you think this course will help you in your professional journey.
- Replay to the following posts 200 words each reply.
My name is Kamila Maldonado. I am 23 years-old. This is my 7th semester in the Mental Health Counseling track. A little bit about me is I come from a Colombian family. I was raised by a wonderful mother and lived with my twin sister and younger sister. Even though I was born in Florida I have always been more in touch with my Colombian side. Being bilingual has also given me the opportunity to reach more indivudals and in the future I will be able to help the hispanic community. I have been married to my wonderful husband for 2 years now. He is from Venezuela with Colombian decent. Seeing through his point of view of what is happening in his country has also given me an opportunity to see how other people cope with traumatic events. We have 3 cats which we recused and adopted. In my free time I love anything outdoors such as kayaking and going to the beach.
I am currently in my second semeter of practicum at Milestones in Recovery. We specailize in eating disorder with other co-occuring disorders and addictions. My experience taking online courses has been excellent. I have taken online courses since high school and never experienced any issues. I find online courses are flexible and allow students to complete course work throughout the week at their own pace. Especially now during this past year with the pandemic these online courses have allowed us to contnue our education. I am taking this course in order to learn what community counselor is and how I can be an advocate for the community for my client’s to have better resources and understanding of what is at their disposal. I also am interested in the grant process for clinicans who work in non-profit agencies.
Post 2
Hello everyone! My name is Danet and I am a mental health counselor student intern finishing my last semester and practicum. I started my Master’s degree at Albizu in 2019 and used to work full-time at a retail store until last year. I am currently working from home for another company, as well as doing my practicum internship at Regis House via Telehealth. I am originally from Puerto Rico and moved to Miami about 10 years ago. My interests and hobbies have changed a lot during the years, but I do still love and enjoy traveling and bike riding, as well as getting together with friends and having meaningful conversations. I also have 2 kitties who I love and help me cope with stress and anxiety.
My experience with online courses so far has been good. I enjoy more in-person classes as I feel I am more engaged, but I have to say online classes are very convenient, especially when I was working full-time at a retail store. The reason I am taking this course is, in all honesty, because it is mandatory to finish my master’s degree and graduate. But, I do have to say I have taken classes with Dr. Medina in the past and learned a lot from her, so I expect the same with this course and will be happy to learn much more from her. “Community Psychology” to me means the relationship of individuals with their communities and society. As far as how this course would help me professionally, I believe it will help me understand more the quality of life and role that individuals play in their communities as well as learning how to write a grant proposal. I think learning to write a grant proposal will help me greatly in my future career to apply for any type of grant properly and have better chances of accomplishing my goals.
the assignment is due tomorrow at 11:59 pm but I cannot choose more than 23 hours.
End of Slavery Freedom After Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
write a 500 to 600 words discussion. In this last discussion, I would like to allow you to take the lead. I always make the discussions and I try to provide options I think you will want, but I realize being told what to write about even with options can sometimes limit creativity. So, please take this opportunity to use the lecture and the Jim Crow documentary to reflect on issues of race and racism in the United States. It is up to you how you do this. You can reflect on how religion impacted conversations about slavery, how limited freed people were after the Civil War and why, you can talk about how religion in African America communities helped African Americans (just harbors, sermons about liberty and equality…) I’d love if you wanted to bring the modern era into the conversation. Make this yours.
End of Slavery Freedom After Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Including Private Equity Real Estate in An Institutional Investor Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Why should private equity real estate be included in an institutional investor portfolio?
answer the question, take the perspective of an institutional investor,
i.e., pension fund, sovereign wealth fund, etc. Please note that there
are typically 5 common arguments for including private equity real
estate in an institutional investor portfolio. Industry and academic
journal articles & trade organizations may be good informational
sources to find the answer.
answer must list the 5 common arguments; each argument should be
numbered. Thus, the response can simply be five lines long with each
argument on a separate line and the arguments numbered from 1 to 5.
name and the full question must be included in the header & at
least 1 source/citation must be included in the footer of the document
that you submit. Your document must be submitted as a pdf file.
San Diego Mesa College How the Novel Reflects Modern Society Narrative Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Length: 6 pages, MLA format, size 12, Times New Roman, double–spacedPrompt Choices (CHOOSE ONE):
1.You finished reading the novel, and you would like to add or modify a scene. You can make up a new character, rewrite an existing character’s scene, or write the scene with you as the character. Write a 4–6–page scene. You should include a description of where this scene would fall in the book and how this would impact the ending of the novel.
2.In what ways does the novel reflect modern society?
3.Choose 1 of our characters. Ask a critical question about your character’s journey and answer it in a 4–6–page essay.
4.What is Alderman’s argument in her book? Does she succeed in convincing her reader of her argument? Why or why not?5.Why does Alderman choose to end her novel the way she does? What is your interpretation of the ending?
6.What do you think happens after the ending?
7.What is the significance of what Darrel did to Roxy?
8.What is the nature of Roxy and Tunde’s relationship? Why does Alderman choose to portray their relationship inway? Will they last after the ending?
9.In your opinion, is Allie/Mother Eve a morally–sound character? Discuss some of her actions and explain your reasoning.
10.What is the voice?
11.Are religious paradigms still relevant post–cataclysm?
12.How are the non–gender–conforming people affected by the power? Who has the skein in these scenarios?
13.Why does Alderman use sexual violence in the novel?
14.Create your own prompt!
HIS 110 Strayer University The American Civil War Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Answer the following in 3-4 Typed Pages (1000
word minimum). Include in your essay a well formed introduction with
your main idea (hypothesis), a body of evidence to support your
interpretation and a conclusion which summarizes the main points of your
essay and explains your overall argument. You can use material from any
of the sections of the course. Be specific in your facts and explain
how they fit with an overall interpretation based upon what the question
1. Who started the Civil War and Why? Use the important
political context in the decade before the beginning of the American
Civil War to develop an argument as to the real issues of the conflict
between North and South.
HIST 151 SUNY Morrisville The history of Europe before 1600 Paper Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a global studies writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Discuss the general history of one world region before 1600: Choose from: East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the Americas, and Europe. The essay should discuss an early civilization in the region, the role of religion as uniting and dividing force, and the impact of global trade routes on the region. Be sure to use specific names, events, or ideas where necessary.
Single Spaced.
1-3 pages
You can pick the world region that you’re more familiar with and can create the best possible answer 🙂