Linear regression. Find the estimated parameter through Using 1000 data sets each contains 100 data. get average and standard deviation and density plot. Repeat to use bootstrapping method and compare the results under two different method.

Linear regression. Find the estimated parameter through Using 1000 data sets each contains 100 data. get average and standard deviation and density plot. Repeat to use bootstrapping method and compare the results under two different method..

I need support with this Python question so I can learn better.

Linear regression. Find the estimated parameter through Using 1000 data sets each contains 100 data. get average and standard deviation and density plot. Repeat to use bootstrapping method and compare the results under two different method.

Please use the formula (xTx)^(-1)xTy to calculate the beta, where x and y are matrix and T is the transpose.

Please imitate the code in the txt file.

To generate the 1000 data sets with 100 data in each data set, we need a 1000 by 100 matrix.

Please note the difference between bootstrap method and the generation of 1000 data sets method.

As there are 1000 data sets, by generating each data set using random generator, the final estimated beta_0 and beta_1 should be close to 1 and 2 respectively.

For the bootstrapping part, the final answer is close to 1 and 2 but not as precise as the previous method.

Please read the pdf file called bootstrap.

Linear regression. Find the estimated parameter through Using 1000 data sets each contains 100 data. get average and standard deviation and density plot. Repeat to use bootstrapping method and compare the results under two different method.

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Linear regression. Find the estimated parameter through Using 1000 data sets each contains 100 data. get average and standard deviation and density plot. Repeat to use bootstrapping method and compare the results under two different method. Programming Assignment Help

Linear regression. Find the estimated parameter through Using 1000 data sets each contains 100 data. get average and standard deviation and density plot. Repeat to use bootstrapping method and compare the results under two different method. Programming Assignment Help. Linear regression. Find the estimated parameter through Using 1000 data sets each contains 100 data. get average and standard deviation and density plot. Repeat to use bootstrapping method and compare the results under two different method. Programming Assignment Help.

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Linear regression. Find the estimated parameter through Using 1000 data sets each contains 100 data. get average and standard deviation and density plot. Repeat to use bootstrapping method and compare the results under two different method.

Please use the formula (xTx)^(-1)xTy to calculate the beta, where x and y are matrix and T is the transpose.

Please imitate the code in the txt file.

To generate the 1000 data sets with 100 data in each data set, we need a 1000 by 100 matrix.

Please note the difference between bootstrap method and the generation of 1000 data sets method.

As there are 1000 data sets, by generating each data set using random generator, the final estimated beta_0 and beta_1 should be close to 1 and 2 respectively.

For the bootstrapping part, the final answer is close to 1 and 2 but not as precise as the previous method.

Please read the pdf file called bootstrap.

Linear regression. Find the estimated parameter through Using 1000 data sets each contains 100 data. get average and standard deviation and density plot. Repeat to use bootstrapping method and compare the results under two different method. Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Briefly describe the experimental design, levels of ethnocentrism change over the course , and negative relationship between ethnocentrism and cultural intelligence. Humanities Assignment Help

This study focuses on the relationship between cultural intelligence and ethnocentrism. Researchers have established relationships between certain factors of the Big 5, such as Openness to Experiences, and Cultural Intelligence but have not found a directional relationship between Cultural Intelligence and Ethnocentrism. Researchers in the present experiment attempted to introduce participants to an intervention (interacting with individuals from different cultures) to see how levels of ethnocentrism and cultural intelligence would be affected.

First, read the article excerpts explaining the research design and results. Next, respond to the questions [3-4 sentences minimum for answers 2 & 3]. The peer-reviewed research article is attached but reading in its entirety is not necessary for completing this assignment.

  • Ethnocentrism – People’s preference for their own cultural group over individuals of other groups.
  • Cultural Intelligence – The ability to function effectively in cross-cultural interactions at home or in another culture.

Article excerpts:

Intro – Cultural intelligence (CQ) has been presented as a conceptually-differentiated construct from prior conceptualizations of cross-cultural skills. CQ is “culture-free,” meaning it is not culture-specific and represents a person’s capability to adapt effectively in new cultural contexts, no matter what they are. The capacity to adapt to any culture provides a more flexible approach to traditional cross-cultural training given that “in the current global environment it is often difficult to identify the target culture group as there are sometimes many represented.”
Those with greater CQ achieve greater performance, suffer lower burnout, experience greater adjustment and well-being, cope better with conflict, and develop greater trust and cooperation in culturally-diverse contexts (Kim, Kirkman, & Chen, 2009; Rockstuhl & Ng, 2009). While documentation of the positive benefits of CQ accumulate, researchers, however, have yet to uncover its predictors.
Interest in the relationship between CQ and ethnocentrism is relatively new and related evidence is far from clear. While Ang et al. (2007) proposed that ethnocentrism may be a predictor of CQ, the reverse has also been proposed (Triandis, 2006). Harrison (2012) researched the relationship between the two, finding a negative relationship, but did not examine whether one predicted the other. Hence, the nature of the relationship between ethnocentrism and CQ remains unresolved.

Hypothesis 1 (H1): An experiential CQ training approach of four weeks will reduce ethnocentrism in an experimental group relative to a control group.

Hypothesis 2 (H2): Ethnocentrism and CQ will be negatively related.

Hypothesis 3 (H3): CQ will predict the change in ethnocentrism during the measurement period.

Study Design – A quasi-experimental, field design was employed in this study. The treatment group was comprised of students studying business management and enrolled in a hospitality human capital course at a Mountain West university in the U.S. The training intervention consisted of participation in a four-week long formal, diversified mentoring program. Diversified mentoring relationships are those in which the mentor and protégé differ in terms of group membership – such as race, ethnicity, gender, class, disability, national origin, and sexual orientation (Ragins, 1995). Participants were assigned to mentor a refugee from Africa, the Middle East, or South Asia being resettled in the state of Colorado. The refugees participated in a training program focused on preparing them for food service industry jobs; the class, taught at the university, was administered and taught by staff from a local resettlement agency. The student mentors were nearly all White and of above average affluence; each mentored a protégé who differed on almost all major dimensions, including age, class, race/ethnicity, culture, religion, language, and citizenship. Several sections of a lodging management course (n= 96; 26 male and 70 female, ranging from 18 to 22 years old) formed the control group.

Results – Ethnocentrism rose over a nine week period in both the treatment and control groups, though significantly less in the treatment group than the control. This result is important because it points to a slowly growing body of work that indicates that ethnocentrism appears to be more dynamic and contextually influenced than previously conceived.
The results around H2 presented here provide support for an inverse relationship between the two constructs, with higher CQ associated with lower ethnocentrism. Overall CQ was significantly and negatively correlated with ethnocentrism, as were three of the four dimensions of CQ.
The results from the test of H3 indicate that overall CQ, which is more subject to change from a short-term intervention, did not significantly predict the change in ethnocentrism experienced over the 9 weeks that included the four week DMR experience.

Respond to each of the questions below pertaining to the research article above [3-4 sentences minimum for questions 2 & 3].

1. Briefly describe the experimental design.

2. How did levels of ethnocentrism change over the course of the experiment across all groups and how would you explain those findings? [3-4 sentences minimum]

3. Researchers found that there was a negative relationship between ethnocentrism and cultural intelligence. Would you have hypothesized this to be the case and why or why not? [3-4 sentences minimum]


simple question1 Writing Assignment Help

Following the guidelines in our course textbook for addressing the How and Why questions in the Project Plan section, your initial contribution to this week’s discussion will be to create a map that addresses the how question and a table that addresses the why question. The mapping allows you to see the potential (re)solutions, while the table helps you frame your argument. Use pages 79-85 in Writing Proposals to help create your map and table. Then, frame the map and table for your classmates. Where are you struggling to think about your project plan? What questions do you have about organization and structure of the project plan? Where else might your classmates help you think through this section?


Two paragraph Writing Assignment Help

Assignment Goals:

  • To choose and summarize one idea covered in class over the last week
  • To make a meaningful connection between the class idea and some element of your prior understanding and experience


  • Two paragraphs (approx. 250-500 words)
  • Standard written English with appropriate tone for academic writing
  • No style (e.g. APA/AMA/CMOS/MLA) required for this assignment


  1. Choose one concept that we covered in class. It can from lecture, in-class discussion, assigned readings, or your small group discussions.
  2. In your first paragraph, present a summary of the concept as you understand it. Your goal is to demonstrate that you understand the concept you chose.
  3. In your second paragraph, make some meaningful connection between your chosen concept and another idea. This second idea may be some element of your prior knowledge or experience, another concept from this class, or something you learned from another class. Your goal here is to connect what you’re learning in this class to other elements of knowledge and experience.
  4. Upload your composition into the appropriate Blackboard drop box.

For your first paragraph, please choose something we’ve covered in class since your last TWIL.

Note: I will attach two documents of power point so maybe it is gonna help

By the way I am Muslim but I have to take this course


SDSU English Infant sign language and early language development Paper Writing Assignment Help

Help me write this paper:

Topic (Infant Sign): Infant sign language and early language development


For this assignment, you will be conducting a brief analysis and discussion of a selected research area. First you would have to read the initial reading “Impact of Symbolic Gesturing on Early Language Development” by Goodwyn S.W., Acredolo, & Brown that is attached. Then you would have to select THREE articles from the ones that are listed in the bottom under (Infant Sign- Initial Readings). FOLLOW THE SAMPLE PAPER THAT IS ATTACHED!!!


Part 1: (11⁄2 -2 pages) Read the article and briefly summarize the research. Be sure you fully address the following questions: What is the purpose of this research or study? What conclusions or findings does/do the researcher(s) make? What implications are there for future research, inquiry, or analysis in this area?

Part 2: (2-3 pages) Summarize the research and findings of the first additional reading you are using. Compare this research to that of the initial reading you selected (Topic A, B, or C). How does it differ (if at all) from the initial study or research? What additional new findings are addressed in this study?

Part 3: (2-3 pages) Summarize the research and findings of the second additional reading you are using. Compare this research to that of the initial reading you selected (Topic A, B, or C). How does it differ (if at all) from the initial study or research? What additional new findings are addressed in this new study?

Part 4: (11⁄2 -2 pages) What are your own conclusions about this area of research and the readings as a whole? What additional areas do you think could or should be addressed in future studies? What aspects of the research do you think were overlooked or not adequately addressed? Is there any recent controversy concerning the research in this area? Remember to focus on the research and not on your personal feelings. Be objective and analytical!


  • Use discipline-based (i.e., linguistic) terminology. Assume that your reader has a working knowledge of linguistics and language acquisition; this means that you don’t need to define terms common to the discipline and the concepts you are discussing.
  • Refrain from using Wikipedia or other similar non-academic online sources for information as it will adversely affect your grade. Additionally, don’t use your instructor or class lecture notes as sources.
  • Give each of the four sections (Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4) a separate heading, but do not start each section on a new page. The references page, however, will start on a new page. Page numbers should be continuous rather than restarting at page 1 for each part.
  • Use APA format for in-text citations and your references page. If you are unsure about APA citation format, refer to a style manual such as Keys for Writers to see how quotations and paraphrases should be credited. Purdue’s Online Writing Lab ( is also a good resource for information on citing sources. (Note: You will not be writing an APA-style abstract for this paper nor will you be including a cover sheet.)
  • Margins should be set at 1” all around, the text should be double-spaced ,and the pages should be numbered with your last name, the topic letter (A, B, C, or D) and the page number as the running head. Please use an easy-to-read font such as Arial or Times New Roman and insert page breaks to preserve formatting.
  • Check the citation format, spelling, punctuation, and grammar on your paper carefully. A portion of your grade for this paper depends on your ability to write clearly and grammatically as well as on your thoroughness in including all the required information. Remember, this is a public presentation of your work, and you should want it to represent your best effort.

Topic: infant Sign (Initial Reading)

Goodwyn, S. W., Acredolo, L. P., & Brown, C. A. (2000). Impact of symbolic gesturing on early

language development. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 24, 81-103.

Acredolo, L., & Goodwyn, S. (1988). Symbolic gesturing in normal infants. Child development, 450-466.

Brann, E. M. (2013). Relationship Between Young Children’s Gestures and Language Development

(Doctoral dissertation).

Cochet, H., & Vauclair, J. (2010). Pointing gesture in young children: Hand preference and language

development. Gesture, 10(2), 129-149.

Cook, S. W., Mitchell, Z., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2008). Gesturing makes learning last. Cognition, 106(2), 1047-1058.

Dayanim, S., & Namy, L. L. (2015). Infants learn baby signs from video. Child development, 86(3), 800- 811.

de Villiers Rader, N., & Zukow-Goldring, P. (2010). How the hands control attention during early word learning. Gesture, 10(2), 202-221.

Gongora X., & Farkas C., (2008) Infant sign language program effects on synchronic mother-infant

interactions, Infant Behavior and Development, 32(2), 216-225

Iverson, J. M., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2005). Gesture paves the way for language development.

Psycho logical Science, 16(5), 367-371.

Iverson, J. M., Capirci, O., Volterra, V., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2008). Learning to talk in a gesture-rich world: Early communication in Italian vs. American children. First Language, 28(2), 164-181.

Kirk, E., Howlett, N., Pine, K. J., & Fletcher, B. (2013). To sign or not to sign? The impact of encouraging infants to gesture on infant language and maternal mind‐mindedness. Child Development, 84(2), 574-590.

Meier, R. P., & Newport, E. L. (1990). Out of the hands of babes: On a possible sign advantage in

language acquisition. Language, 1-23.

Namy, L. L., & Waxman, S. R. (1998). Words and gestures: Infants’ interpretations of different forms of symbolic reference. Child development, 69(2), 295-308.

Normand, M. P., Machado, M. A., Hustyi, K. M., & Morley, A. J. (2011). Infant sign training and func- tional analysis. Journal of applied behavior analysis, 44(2), 305-314.

Özçalışkan, Ş., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2005). Gesture is at the cutting edge of early language develop- ment. Cognition, 96(3), B101-B113.

Thompson, R. H., Cotnoir-Bichelman, N. M., McKerchar, P. M., Tate, T. L., & Dancho, K. A. (2007).

Enhancing early communication through infant sign training. Journal of Applied Behavior

Analysis, 40, 15–23.

Thompson, R. H., Hustyi, K. M., Machado, M. A., & Morley, A. J. (2011). Infant sign training and

functional analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 44, 305-314.

Thompson, R. H., McKerchar, P. M., & Dancho, K. A. (2004). The effects of delayed physical prompts and reinforcement on infant sign language acquisition. Journal of applied behavior analysis, 37(3), 379-383.

Vallotton, C. D. (2010). Support or competition?: Dynamic development of the relationship between manual pointing and symbolic gestures from 6 to 18 months of age. Gesture, 10(2), 150-171.



Project Proposal Programming Assignment Help


Your Final Project Proposal is your chance to clarify your final project. When working with a client, it’s important to reach agreement before development begins. You will also practice chapter 6 styles for this lab. While it’s fine to use a simple design, consider using fonts, colors, and images you would consider for your actual final project site.

The proposal is a formal document, so your writing needs to be professional. Be clear and concise and use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Consider installing the spell-check add-on for Brackets.

You get 2 weeks, but begin right away because you’ll be doing a new chapter and lab that will also be due the same day. You could start by setting up the CSS.

Before you Begin

What to Do

  1. Create a folder named finalproject in your 211website folder. Your proposal should be named proposal.html.
  2. Download and edit the starter file (Links to an external site.) so that it includes all the sections in the table below.
  3. Add styles. Include


Include your topic and a possible title for your site. Briefly explain why you chose this topic.

Example: This site is about a church and the title is “Bob’s Church of the Mountains.” I chose this topic because our church needs a web site.

2. Business GOALS

What do you hope to accomplish with this site? What opportunity, problem or issue does your site address? What could you measure to evaluate whether the goals were met? Business goals are NOT your personal goals.

For a business, goals usually have to do with money. For a non-profit organization, goals could be to save staff time or generate participation. For a hobby site, the goal might be to organize and share information.


  • We hope to increase the number of new members and decrease the number of phone calls with questions. We also hope to reduce the confusion about events and save money by reducing mailings.
  • The client wishes to generate more revenue by marketing and selling products online. They will track sales to see if the Web site makes a difference, and we will also track use of online coupons.
  • I hope to help students get handouts when they miss class, share schedule changes, elaborate on common questions, and even post self-tests. The goal is to reduce the number of times I have to answer the same questions and improve student performance. I’ll track average scores this semester to see if the site makes a difference, and I’ll just have to judge for myself whether it’s easier to handle questions with the site up.


Who will look at this site? Be as specific as possible (age group, educational background, gender, etc.). Saying “this site is for everyone” is NOT acceptable.

Example: This site is primarily for well-educated adult church members who want to know about events and people. Most church members have computers at home and are comfortable using the Web. A secondary audience is prospective church members who will want to know church philosophy, times of services, location, and contact information.


Who are you creating the site for? Are you creating for a business owner? Club? Organization? Yourself? This is generally where you get information and feedback. If you were doing Web design professionally, this is who would approve the content and/or pay you. THE CLIENT IS NOT THE SAME THING AS THE AUDIENCE!

Example: The clients include the church pastor and members of the church board of directors.


Work with your client to brainstorm a list of the content you would like to include in your site. At this point, you don’t have to organize or refine the list — just list everything that comes to mind. Start with the information you want to cover, then describe images, sounds, or video clips if you have any in mind. Make your own list, then look at related sites for ideas. (Links to an external site.)

Example for Bob’s church:

  • pictures of the congregation phone number
  • beliefs/philosophy
  • links to the national conference and related churches
  • information for people who want to get married at the church, pre-marriage counseling
  • times for services
  • address
  • map and directions
  • times and dates of classes and meetings
  • e-mail address and phone number for church
  • form for prayer requests
  • how to get involved (choir, outreach, etc.)


It’s always a good idea to look at other Web sites for inspiration. Link to at least 3 other sites with similar content, audience, and goals. Write a sentence or two for each link explaining why you chose it and what you like/dislike about it.


An outline shows the structure of the site with indenting. Use nested indents when a subpage links to a page. In this example, Home links to 4 pages (bio, videos, music, and shop) and music links to 3 pages.

Band home

  • bio
  • videos
  • music
    • album 1
    • album 2
    • album 3
  • shop

Here’s a simple example (doesn’t look great, but good enough):

Project Proposal Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Gary Gasoline owns a gasoline filling station called “Gary’s Gas.”  Law Assignment Help

1. Gary Gasoline owns a gasoline filling station called “Gary’s Gas.” Gary’s Gas sells gasoline and nothing else. It does not offer services such as oil changes. Gary’s gas tanks are located near the pumps, underneath the concrete, and they have started to leak. Does CERCLA apply to Gary’s Gas?

2. Nancy P. Lovely, in search of a tract of land to build her estate on, finds exactly what she is looking for. Curious why the tract has been abandoned for many years, she contacts the local tax assessor’s office, and is told that the property is on the National Priorities List (NPL) and other potential buyers have been discouraged from buying the property as a result of this. Assuming that the NPL is a list of the most desired properties in the nation, she begins taking steps to purchase the property. What is the NPL? Is there automatic liability under CERCLA and other statutes for owners of the property on the NPL?

*IRAC-style essays are appropriate to answer these questions.*


350 Word Discussion Law Assignment Help

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, listen to the interview with Stephen B. Bright, The Quality of a Legal Defense: Does it Matter if You’re Rich or Poor? (Links to an external site.)

**Your answer should be at least 350 words in length.

Support your claims with examples from the required material and at least one other scholarly resource. Please properly cite in the body of your work and at the end of your work your required references.

Please respond to the following items:

  • What role does geographic location play in the quality of representation provided by the public defender?
  • How does the overburdened public defense system contribute to issues of wrongful conviction?
  • Contrast the legal representation described by Bright to the level of representation available to white-collar, corporate, and environmental crimes.
  • Considering the “war on drugs,” discuss what role the “war on drugs” might play in contributing to an overburdened public defense system?
  • What relationship exists between race, the war on drugs, and the overburdened public defender system?
  • How can we solve the problems of an overburdened public defense system and racial discrimination in the criminal justice system?

Plagiarism will NOT be accepted.


dysrhythmia case study Health Medical Assignment Help

Question 1 dysrhythmia case study

A 78-year old woman is admitted to a Medical unit directly from her physician’s office for evaluation and management of congestive heart failure. She has a history of systemic hypertension.

The initial assessment completed by the RN of the assigned patient reveals a pulse rate that is rapid and very irregular. The patient is restless, her skin is pale and cool, she states she is dizzy when she stands up and she is slightly short of breath and anxious. Her BP is 106/88. Her ECG monitor pattern shows uncontrolled atrial fibrillation with a heart rate ranging from 150 -170 beats/min. Her respirations are 20/min and her O2 saturation is 90%.

  1. Given the findings, what should be the first action of the practical nurse?
  2. What additional data would the practical nurse collect?
  3. Discuss the potential complications of cardioversion and patient preparation for an elective cardioversion. Because the length of time the patient has been in atrial fibrillation is unknown, what adverse reaction may occur?

Later that evening the patient calls the nurse because she feels “like something terrible is going to happen.” She reports chest pain, has increased shortness of breath, and has coughed up blood-tinged sputum.

  1. Based on these symptoms, what might you suspect is happening?
  2. What is the first thing the practical nurse should do and what further information would you expect to be collected?

You should include a minimum of 3 references. Include a title page, in-text citations, and a reference page in APA format.

Scoring Rubric: For the above assignment Dysrhythmia Case Study



Discuss the first actions the nurse should perform based on the assessment findings and what additional physical assessment techniques should be performed.

  • 5

Discuss the potential complications of cardioversion and patient preparation for an elective cardioversion

  • 5

What is the probable reason for the patient’s worsening condition and what action should the nurse take immediately to assist the patient and what further assessments should the nurse complete?

  • 5

Grammar, APA, Organization

  • 5



Question 2

Choose one of the congenital disorders discussed in your text book and create a concept map. You may use the template on ATI as a sample to follow. You can easily create a concept map using the insert tab in Microsoft Word. Click on Shapes, and drag the shape you choose to your paper. Then right click to add text to your shape. You can go to the format tab by right clicking on your shape to add color, depth, and other special effects. Be sure to cite your concept map in APA format.

Be sure to cover these topics:

  1. Pathophysiology
  2. Assessment findings
  3. Diagnostic tests – labs, x-rays etc.
  4. Focused assessment
  5. Medications, surgical procedures and other treatments
  6. Preventative measures, risk factors, or at risk groups
  7. What client teaching might a practical nurse reinforce under the guidance of the RN?
  8. Prognosis and long term outlook for the patient
  9. Support groups
  10. Resources (cited in APA format)


Create a paper, power point, or Prezi presentation to demonstrate your knowledge of this week’s learning objectives. Your presentation should cover the following topic fully, and be correctly cited in APA format. Minimum 1 – 2 page paper or 10 slide presentation, not including your cover sheet/ slide and reference page/ slide.

You are approached by a neighbor and her 16 year old daughter who just found out she is pregnant. The neighbor and her daughter want to know what to expect during the pregnancy. Outline for this mother and daughter what to expect during each of the trimesters.


ENG 111 College Composition Writing Assignment Help

This week you will write a current day news article
using the main points from a childhood fairytale.

First, to
understand the elements of a news article, be sure to watch the video posted
under Lesson 2.

Lesson 2!

First, study the following materials.


Journalist’s Questions

Focus on the first column in the

Reading news articles

Writing under a deadline

Second, select a fairy tale from the linked options:

Fairy Tales, Gutenberg Project

Worldwide Fairy Tales

is recommended that you read several of these stories and select one that is
either familiar to you or that you find new and appealing.

Then, select the fairytale or children’s story you would
like to spin into a modern news article (many options are provided in the

consider the main points of the story you selected. Decide on the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the story, and then decide
whether there is any additional information your reader might need to know. For
example, if there is any magic in the fairytale you have chosen, decide how it
might be explained in the real world.

Then, write the news article about
your fairytale or childhood story. Have fun and remember to include all of your
key story elements. Some of the questions might not be specified in the story,
but they must be answered in your article, even if you must create the
answer. For example, most versions of “Red Riding Hood” specify no time
frame other than “once upon a time,” and many specify no location other than
some unnamed woods. You must fill in such gaps from your own

Remember that news articles are meant
to be complete yet brief. Therefore, this assignment has a strict word count of
between 150 to 200 words – no more,
no less. Think about the story, and use strong vocabulary to convey your
message so you can use as few words as possible.

Double check your news article for
the following:

Does your article answer the
questions who, what, when, where, why,
and how?

Did you include an image to
supplement your news story?

Did you include a creative headline?


is recommended that you read several of these stories and select one that is
either familiar to you or that you find new and appealing.

Then, select the fairytale or children’s story you would
like to spin into a modern news article (many options are provided in the

consider the main points of the story you selected. Decide on the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the story, and then decide
whether there is any additional information your reader might need to know. For
example, if there is any magic in the fairytale you have chosen, decide how it
might be explained in the real world.

Then, write the news article about
your fairytale or childhood story. Have fun and remember to include all of your
key story elements. Some of the questions might not be specified in the story,
but they must be answered in your article, even if you must create the
answer. For example, most versions of “Red Riding Hood” specify no time
frame other than “once upon a time,” and many specify no location other than
some unnamed woods. You must fill in such gaps from your own

Remember that news articles are meant
to be complete yet brief. Therefore, this assignment has a strict word count of
between 150 to 200 words – no more,
no less. Think about the story, and use strong vocabulary to convey your
message so you can use as few words as possible.

Double check your news article for
the following:

Does your article answer the
questions who, what, when, where, why,
and how?

Did you include an image to
supplement your news story?

Did you include a creative headline?


is recommended that you read several of these stories and select one that is
either familiar to you or that you find new and appealing.

Then, select the fairytale or children’s story you would
like to spin into a modern news article (many options are provided in the

consider the main points of the story you selected. Decide on the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the story, and then decide
whether there is any additional information your reader might need to know. For
example, if there is any magic in the fairytale you have chosen, decide how it
might be explained in the real world.

Then, write the news article about
your fairytale or childhood story. Have fun and remember to include all of your
key story elements. Some of the questions might not be specified in the story,
but they must be answered in your article, even if you must create the
answer. For example, most versions of “Red Riding Hood” specify no time
frame other than “once upon a time,” and many specify no location other than
some unnamed woods. You must fill in such gaps from your own

Remember that news articles are meant
to be complete yet brief. Therefore, this assignment has a strict word count of
between 150 to 200 words – no more,
no less. Think about the story, and use strong vocabulary to convey your
message so you can use as few words as possible.

Double check your news article for
the following:

Does your article answer the
questions who, what, when, where, why,
and how?

Did you include an image to
supplement your news story?

Did you include a creative headline?


is recommended that you read several of these stories and select one that is
either familiar to you or that you find new and appealing.

Then, select the fairytale or children’s story you would
like to spin into a modern news article (many options are provided in the

consider the main points of the story you selected. Decide on the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the story, and then decide
whether there is any additional information your reader might need to know. For
example, if there is any magic in the fairytale you have chosen, decide how it
might be explained in the real world.

Then, write the news article about
your fairytale or childhood story. Have fun and remember to include all of your
key story elements. Some of the questions might not be specified in the story,
but they must be answered in your article, even if you must create the
answer. For example, most versions of “Red Riding Hood” specify no time
frame other than “once upon a time,” and many specify no location other than
some unnamed woods. You must fill in such gaps from your own

Remember that news articles are meant
to be complete yet brief. Therefore, this assignment has a strict word count of
between 150 to 200 words – no more,
no less. Think about the story, and use strong vocabulary to convey your
message so you can use as few words as possible.

Double check your news article for
the following:

Does your article answer the
questions who, what, when, where, why,
and how?

Did you include an image to
supplement your news story?

Did you include a creative headline?


Linear regression. Find the estimated parameter through Using 1000 data sets each contains 100 data. get average and standard deviation and density plot. Repeat to use bootstrapping method and compare the results under two different method. Programming Assignment Help

Linear regression. Find the estimated parameter through Using 1000 data sets each contains 100 data. get average and standard deviation and density plot. Repeat to use bootstrapping method and compare the results under two different method. Programming Assignment Help

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