Literature review Writing Assignment Help. Literature review Writing Assignment Help.
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For this assignment , you will prepare a literature review. The literature review will begin with the introduction. The Introduction topic should be on Ethical leadership and decision making in education.Your literature review must include 15 references. Your introduction is a logical argument for the importance of the topic that you plan to investigate. Conclude your literature review with a summary that synthesizes the research and points to gaps in the literature and to directions that further research might take.Please complete in APA Style with citations,12 font times roman and Reference page.
Length: 14 pages, not including title and reference pages
References: Minimum of fifteen scholarly resources.
15 References:
Baker, E. L., Barton, P. E., Darling-Hammond, L., Haertel, E., Ladd, H. F., Linn, R. L., .. & Shepard, L. A. (2010). Problems with the use of student test scores to evaluate teachers. EPI Briefing Paper# 278. Economic Policy Institute.
Harper, S. R., Patton, L. D., & Wooden, O. S. (2009). Access and equity for African American students in higher education: A critical race historical analysis of policy efforts. The Journal of Higher Education, 80(4), 389-414.
Joubish, M., Kharram, M., Ahmed, A. Tasneem, S. (2011) Paradigms and characteristics of a good qualitative research. World Applied Sciences Journal, 12 (11) 2082-2087.
Kezar, A. & Eckel, P. (2008). Advancing diversity agendas on campus: examining transactional and transformational presidential leadership styles. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 11(4), pp. 379-405.
Mayer, D. M., Aquino, K., Greenbaum, R. L., & Kuenzi, M. (2012). Who displays ethical leadership, and why does it matter? An examination of antecedents and consequences of ethical leadership. Academy of Management Journal, 55(1), 151-171.
Parker, D. & Scott R. (2010). From mentorship to tenureship: A storied inquiry of two academic careers. Education, Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 18 (4) pp. 405-425.
Pazey, B. L., & Cole, H. A. (2013). The role of special education training in the development of socially just leaders: Building an equity consciousness in educational leadership programs. Educational Administration Quarterly, 49(2), 243-271.
Pless, N. M., Maak, T., & Stahl, G. K. (2011). Developing responsible global leaders through international service-learning programs: The Ulysses experience. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 10(2), 237-260.
Rebore, R. W. (2013). The ethics of educational leadership. Pearson Higher Education.
Shapiro, J. P., & Stefkovich, J. A. (2016). Ethical leadership and decision making in education: Applying theoretical perspectives to complex dilemmas. MA: BostonRoutledge.
Stern, R., & Brackett, M. A. (2012). Personal, professional coaching: Transforming professional development for teacher and administrative leaders. Volume 11, Number 1–Winter 2012, 263.
Vogel, L. R. (2012). Leading with hearts and minds: Ethical orientations of educational leadership doctoral students. Values and Ethics in Educational Administration, 10(1), 1-12.
Walumbwa, F. O., Mayer, D. M., Wang, P., Wang, H., Workman, K., & Christensen, A. L. (2011). Linking ethical leadership to employee performance: The roles of leader–member exchange, self-efficacy, and organizational identification. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 115(2), 204-213.
Wiggins, G. (2011). A true test: Toward more authentic and equitable assessment. Phi Delta Kappan, 92(7), 81-93.
Yılmaz, E. (2010). The analysis of organizational creativity in schools regarding principals’ ethical leadership characteristics. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 3949-3953.
Literature review Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
judgement and decision quality Business Finance Assignment Help
Last week you reminded us of Biblical characters that may have suffered negatively from overconfidence. Recent research (Larrick 2004) offers encouragement by showing our ability to overcome bias is improved through education, training, and development.
Larrick proposed that the most successful de-biasing strategies tend to be context-specific, and bias-specific. For example, research on overconfidence bias found that intensive, personalized feedback is effective in improving decision-making (Lichtenstein & Fischhoff, 1980), however, only in the short term. In other words, we have to be reminded! Soll and Klayman (2004) found that a simple prompt of encouragement for the decision-maker to “consider the opposite” of whatever they were deciding reduced overconfidence. Researchers also found a de-biasing affect when using: (a) group decision-making instead of individual, (b) training in statistical reasoning, and (c) making people accountable for their decisions (Lerner & Tetlock, 1990; Larrick, 2004).
Look over the Bible characters described by your classmates in last week’s Discussion Board and select two or three. Tell us what you would say to this Biblical character, if you were there, that would meet the “intensive, personalized” standard to potentially de-bias this character’s decision-making.
300-400 words apa format
Live Music Report Outline, assignment help Writing Assignment Help
This assignment is a 1125 word live music report. 1125 words (1500 words maximum)
Live Music Report Outline –>>> see attachment
I also attached 11 second movie to listen. and picture so you see the club and people and environment.
GRade rules!!
1. Student is required to listen to 1 hour of a totally live performance where the music is the focus of the event with exception in regards to musicals, ballets or religious services. 10 pts.
2. Paper and all documentation are to be submitted on time. 10 pts.
3. Paper is to be 1125 words in length, double-spaced, twelve point font. 10 pts.
4. Paper uses all of these musical terms correctly – Dynamics, timbre, texture, consonance, dissonance, piece, melody, harmony, rhythm, meter, tempo, instrumentation, syncopation 10 pts.
5. Pieces are to be described accurately in terms of stylistic period. 10 pts.
6. Pieces are to be described accurately in terms of Form (repetition, variation, contrast) and Content (qualitative, quantitative). 10 pts.
7. Paper is devoid of any English usage and syntax errors. Please Note: Musical thinking supersedes all English usage and syntax errors. 10 pts. 8. Paper is to be in your own words, no cutting or pasting from other sources (Introduction-Body –Conclusion) and makes use of the Live Music Report Outline. 10 pts.
9. Paper has been carefully proof read prior to handing it in. 10 pts.
10.Student’s proof of attendance is to be clearly documented.10 pts
1 day ago
Risk management Computer Science Assignment Help
Question 1
Complete the last section of your RMP, the Risk Treatment plan
Using the RMP template that you have been using for the last two weeks, work with your supervisor and complete the final section – the Risk Treatment.
Details of fields in the RMP Risk Treatment plan are described in this week’s seminar.
Question 2
Perform a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) analysis of your project
To perform a CSR analysis of your project, simply answer the series of questions.
The principles:
Principle of institutional legitimacy
Would the technology I develop be welcomed by society?
Principle of public responsibility
Is the benefit greater than the risk?
Principle of managerial discretion
Is my work and behaviour ethical and socially responsible?
The processes:
Environmental assessment
Have I asked the right questions?
Stakeholder management
Have I asked the right questions of the right people?
Issues management
Have I been thorough in thinking this through and prepared as well as I can?
The outcomes:
Social Impacts
Will the software/services I provide work to benefit the company and society?
Social programs
Does the software/services take into account all relevant legislation and compliance requirements?
Social policies
Can I take my knowledge into the community to enhance the reputation of my company and support the community in which my company operates?
How is todays world politically organized and why? How can this type of political organization lead Science Assignment Help
Must post first.
Please read the chapter on political geography in your textbook and then watch at least three
of the following short videos from PBS Frontline World. If you have
difficulties accessing any of the films simply go to the PBS Frontline
World site ( and select an alternative film. For this week’s DB assignment you should discuss one or all of the following questions:
is today’s world politically organized and why? How can this type of
political organization lead to conflict (over issues such as boundaries,
ethnic diversity, etc.)? How do forces such as ethno-nationalism,
devolution, supranationalism and/or the rise of extremist non-state
actors (such as international terrorist groups) increasingly challenge
this system?
You should select from the videos carefully after
you have read the chapter and thought about the questions. You may use
any relevant film from the PBS Frontline World site. Here are a few
suggested links:
– Somalia: A reporter’s search of Al-Qaeda.
– Egypt: Extraordinary rendition
– Iraq: the fight of Kirkuk’s oil
– Iran: Going Nuclear
– Occupied Minds: an Israeli and Palestinian on the road
– Afghanistan: the other war
Is Nato winning the battle?
– Pakistan: State of emergency
– Kashmir: a troubled paradise
– Turkey: A family erased
DB #4 is associated with SLO 4.
Unit 4 Discussion and Assignment, Toxic Leadership in the army, political science homework help Humanities Assignment Help
Toxic Leadership in the army
Unit 4
Topic Selection and Development of a Qualitative Research Question
Choosing a research topic is not as easy as it might seem. It is unacceptable for the researcher to study something simply because it is personally interesting or because it is something he or she has witnessed in the workplace. A research topic, especially a dissertation research topic, must be firmly situated within the existent body of knowledge in a particular discipline, or it must contain interrelated knowledge from several disciplines. Therefore, the researcher must have a thorough grounding in the relevant literature.TOGGLE DRAWERHIDE FULL INTRODUCTIONBecause of how intimately a topic is tied to current literature in the field, some excellent places to look for potential topics are in recent dissertations (within the past 5 years) and recently published journal articles. All dissertations must have a section delineating suggestions for future research. In addition, many journal articles address the next logical steps for future researchers. If you are in need of a topic, these are two places to start looking.Qualitative studies are guided by one open-ended question. This open-ended question provides an initial framework that directs the qualitative study and maintains its focus on the topic under inquiry. The question that leads the qualitative study must match the research methodology that will be used to conduct the qualitative investigation. When designing a qualitative study, the research question is focused on before selecting a methodology.Once the researcher has selected a research topic, question, and methodology, the next step is to identify the need for the study supported by the psychological literature. These initial steps will assist the researcher in developing an appropriate research design.
Writing a Good Question for Qualitative Research
You should keep the following in mind while writing a good question for qualitative research:
- The research question must be a question. Qualitative studies are guided by one open-ended question.
- The question that leads the qualitative study must match the research methodology to be used to conduct the qualitative investigation.
- The question should name the phenomena that you want to investigate.
- The question should be written in such a way that it can be turned into a title using same or similar words, which makes it useful as keywords for someone else’s search.
The following table offers examples of the type of questions that can be used for each of the five methodologies.
Types of Questions for Each Methodology Type of Question Methodology Descriptive questions about values, beliefs, and practices of members of a cultural group under inquiry. - What are the behavioral patterns of . . .?
- What is the culture of . . .?
Example questions:
- What is the culture of an all-girl public school?
- What is the culture of street corner life?
Ethnography. Case study questions involve an intense study of an individual or an organization. The case to be studied is often chosen due to its uniqueness. The case is a single research subject—a person, a program, an event, an activity.Example questions: - What are the dimensions of job burnout for community college professors?
- What is the experience of parents that are raising a child that has an emotional behavior disorder?
- What are the issues that impact family traditions for Latino individuals living in a culture in which they are the minority? (This question could also be ethnographic).
- What is the impact of 360-degree feedback on U.S. Air Force personnel?
- What is the experience of military families during the deployment of the husband or father to a combat zone?
- What are the characteristics of the parent-teacher programs in the Wayne County school district?
Case study. Process questions about changing experience over time or its stages and phases: - What is the process of becoming . . .?
Understanding questions:
- What are the dimensions of this experience . . . ?
In grounded theory, the researcher may ask understanding questions to elicit the understanding of the participants about their experiences:
- How do college students describe the process of persisting academically?
- How do adolescents that have completed an intensive outpatient treatment program describe the experience of recovery?
- What is the process of falling in love?
Grounded theory. Questions about meaning, experience, lived experience, and about the core or essence of phenomena or experiences: - What is the meaning of . . .?
- What is the experience of . . .?
- What is the lived experience of . . .?
- How do people experience and describe . . .?
- What is the essence of . . .?
Example questions:
- What is the meaning of anxiety?
- How do people experience and describe romantic love?
- What is the essence of loneliness?
- What is the mature woman’s lived experience of divorce?
- What is it like to experience betrayal?
Phenomenology. Focus of our attention outwardly on experiences: - What was experienced?
- What happened?
- To what does the belief point to in the outer world?
Example questions:
- What are common post-graduate experiences in becoming a licensed psychologist?
- What are the attitudes and opinions of teachers toward the No Child Left Behind Act?
- What experiences lead to the development of trust in interpersonal relationships?
- What experiences of support are most important to women that are undergoing treatment for breast cancer?
Generic qualitative inquiry. OBJECTIVES
To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:
- Distinguish among a research problem, the purpose of the research, and research questions.
- Describe a topic suitable for qualitative methodology.
- Draft a research project statement that fully describes the problem or need being addressed.
- Toggle Drawer
[u04s1] Unit 4 Study 1
Research Questions and Research Designs
Qualitative Research Proposal
Use your Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design text to read Chapter 6, “Introducing and Focusing the Study,” pages 129–138. Focus on the subsection “Research Problem.”Use the Capella library to read Moerrer-Urdahl and Creswell’s 2004 article, “Using Transcendental Phenomenology to Explore the ‘Ripple Effect’ in a Leadership Mentoring Program,” from International Journal of Qualitative Methods, volume 3, issue 2, pages 1–28.
Complete the following:
- Click Research Questions and Research Designs to listen to the presentation.
- Click Qualitative Research Proposal to launch the illustration. This illustration appears throughout the course to help guide you as you develop the various components of your course project. Boxcars will continue to be added to the train as you progress through the course. Each boxcar provides information regarding the development of individual components of a research proposal.
Sample Research questions
Following are examples of research questions for PSY learners
- Heuristics.
- What is the essence of the mother-daughter relationship?
- What is the experience of growing up in a fatherless home?
- What is the nature and meaning of self-doubt?
- What is the experience of being sensitive?
- What is the experience of feeling unconditionally loved?
Following are examples of research questions for COUN learners:
- Ethnography.
- What are the cultural values of women in a networking for success group?
- What is the culture of a professional addictions counselor support group?
- What is the culture of an all-girl high school?
- What is the culture of colloquia?
- Phenomenology.
- What is the meaning of anxiety?
- What is the experience of expressing will?
- How do people experience and describe romantic love?
- What is the essence of loneliness?
- What is the mature woman’s lived experience of divorce?
- What is it like to experience betrayal?
- Case study.
- What are strategies used by counselors who integrate spirituality in their therapeutic work?
- What are the shared features of successful addictions counselors?
- How do parents of children with disabilities think about and practice discipline?
- Grounded theory.
- How can object relations theory be re-conceptualized when working with clients who have had long-term sobriety?
- How can Erickson’s stage of generativity versus stagnation be redefined to reflect today’s middle-age professionals?
- What best practices do clinicians rely on for self-care? (This could also be a generic qualitative question.)
- What are the developmental stages of parenting daughters among African-American adult males who experienced domestic violence as adolescents?
- Generic qualitative approach.
- What are the reasons for human behavior professionals pursuing doctoral studies?
- What are the treatment experiences of adults who engaged in hypnotherapy for smoking cessation?
- Toggle Drawer
[u04s2] Unit 4 Study 2
Your Research Overview assignment is due in Unit 5. Take some time in this unit to begin work on this assignment.To learn more about the requirements of the assignment, refer to the assignment description as well as the Research Overview Scoring Guide (given in the resources).
- Toggle Drawer
[u04a1] Unit 4 Assignment 1
Note: You are required to complete the unit discussion before this assignment. After receiving feedback from your fellow learners in the discussion, complete Section 1 of the Qualitative Research Plan Template (given in the resources), which includes:
- A description of the specific topic you propose to study.
- An explanation regarding the significance of this topic to your program or field.
- A brief statement regarding the need for the study that fully describes the problem or need being addressed, often referred to as the research problem.
You will continue to fill out the Qualitative Research Plan Template as you progress through the course. Be sure to follow current APA guidelines while filling out the template.
- Toggle Drawer
[u04d1] Unit 4 Discussion 1
Note: You are required to complete this discussion before submitting the unit assignment.For this discussion, complete the following:
- Choose a research topic that is appropriate for qualitative research.
- Present the need for this research in relation to the field.
- Support your conclusions with relevant sources from the academic literature.
- Develop a research question.
- Define the terms of the question citing the academic literature.
Once you have received feedback from other learners, complete the unit’s assignment based on your revised discussion post. Remember, the earlier in the week you post, the more time other learners have to give feedback.
Response Guidelines
Respond to the post of at least one other learner. Addressing the following questions in your response:
- How appropriate is the research topic to qualitative research?
- How appropriate is the research question for a qualitative methodology?
- What thoughts do you have on the research topic’s significance to the learner’s specialization?
- Has the learner used relevant references from the academic literature within his or her specialization to support the conclusions?
- Toggle Drawer
Unit 4 Discussion and Assignment, Toxic Leadership in the army, political science homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Business Case, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
Answer the question in Business Case Problem 6-7 on page 139 of the text. After you have written your answer based on your readings in the text, you may look up the actual case and add any insights you gained from it.
Answer problem 8-6 on page 182 of the text. After you have written your answer based on your readings in the text, check out the sample answer in Appendix F. Add any insights you gained from the sample answer at the end of your assignment.
The assignment normally should be about to full page in length for each case or question. If you each have a different perspective on a question and can’t agree on the strongest argument then each of you can insert your rationale on the problem and include why you differ from each other. Actually that itself can be a great higher level critical thinking exercise!
text: Cross, F. B., & Miller, R. L. (2015). The legal environment of business: Text and cases (9th
ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage.
Fake news paper, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help
Listen to the radio program and read the articles related to fake news.
Then write a short paper (2 – 3 pages, double-spaced, no larger than 12-point font) in which you address the following topics:
- What had you known or heard about fake news before this?
- What new information did you learn from the radio program and articles?
- Do you think fake news represents a danger?
- To you specifically or to the country in general?
- Have you ever been fooled by fake news or personally know someone who was?
- Regarding the PewResearch survey, why do you think so many people are worried about fake news?
- Why do you think those same people are confident in their own ability to spot fake news?
- Do you thing it’s valuable to teach students about fake news?
Management Advisory Report-Assignment, computer science homework help Writing Assignment Help
Requirements for the Management Advisory Report – Enterprise Systems Analysis and Design
As you now know, systems analysis and design is a challenging task in today’s global business environment. Thorough planning, in-depth analysis, and effective design as reflected in successful implementation all present complex problems for systems analysts and project teams to solve during a systems analysis and design project. Recall that it is an absolute requirement to meet the constraints of scope, time, budget, and quality in the finished project in order for an information systems project to be deemed as a success.
You have been asked by the management of your consulting company to prepare and write a Management Advisory Report that will effectively guide organizational decision makers in understanding both the requirements of a successful systems analysis and design project and key strategies and recommendations that can be followed in order to deliver a successful information systems project.
Organize your report in the following order with the indicated content:
- Introduction – a clear/concise description of the report’s purpose (this is an opportunity to convince the reader that his or her time will be well spent in reading the report)
- Background – a thorough discussion of why it is so difficult to achieve overall success in an information system project (you recall that research has indicated that the majority of information systems projects are deemed to be unsuccessful in one or more respects)
- Recommendations – a minimum of ten clearly stated and well supported recommendations (“best practices”) for systems analysis and design strategies and project team activities that should contribute to the achievement of a successful information systems project effort (this will involve a concise explanation of the recommended strategy and a clear justification of its inclusion by discussing why it should contribute to success).
o You are to form these recommendations based on your experiences in this course: in other words, what did you learn from working with the course content and with the individual and team project assignments in this course?
o You are also welcome to form your own ideas on topics that were not specifically addressed through these means but that you believe would be important considerations.
- Conclusion – a restatement of the purpose of the report and a high-level summary of the major recommendations identified in the report
Format Requirements: your Management Advisory Report must
1. be composed in a Microsoft Word document in 12-point Arial font and with one-inch top, bottom, left, and right margins,
2. contain a descriptive title and date completed at the top of the first page in bold text,
3. contain a left-justified section heading in bolded text for each of the four sections as detailed above,
4. have a centered page number at the bottom of each page, and
5. be written in complete sentences.
Note: A Turnitin analysis (see (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for information on this product) will be automatically applied to your assignment submission to indicate the potential degree of “originality,” which means that you have interpreted and are discussing your research results “in your own words” (paraphrasing, but with APA in-text source citations) or are using proper APA citation methods for exact quotations to include the words of others. A Turnitin analysis percentage of 15% or higher will result in your having to repeat this assignment with a single attempt to achieve a percentage less than 15% in order to receive any credit for it.
- You are to form these recommendations based on your experiences in this course: in other words, what did you learn from working with the course content and with the individual and team project assignments in this course?
- You are also welcome to form your own ideas on topics that were not specifically addressed through these means but that you believe would be important considerations.
In other words, the purpose of this task is not to do a literature and external source search to repeat the ideas of others. Rather, you should carefully consider the course content as addressed through the assignment sequences to form and discuss your own ideas.
Here are the Course Subject that you should write what you have learned from:
- System analysts job rule.
- Information System Methodologies.
- Project management in information system projects.
- sources on conflict in teams for information systems projects.
- Information system projects failures, doesn’t meet the planned scope, budget, completion deadline or quality goals.
- Inventory management Report, Ad-hoc reports, templates, and
- DFD Diagram, Level-0 DFD, Level-1 DFD.
- Use case Diagram.
- Stopping rule, IRD, data flow diagraming, designing a decision table.
- Normalization, third normal form, Logical design database, Entities, attributes, Primary key, Foreign key, and relationships between entities.
- ERD Design.
** Link For downloading the Book (Free):
System Management Business Finance Assignment Help
A prestigious university has recently implemented a consolidation strategy that will require it to centralize their student records. In order to move forward, the local university will need to develop a data model that will retain student records and perform various data extract transform and load (ETL) processes. Imagine that you have been hired as a database consultant to assist in the development of a data design strategy for the student records.
You met with various university subject matter experts and have determined the following after performing various business analysis processes:
- Faculty groups are divided by core competencies that the university offers. For example, there are groups such as the Art Faculty, Computer Technology Faculty, Language Faculty, and Science Faculty. Each faculty member has an assigned Dean and is designated to teach at one particular campus and school. They are able to teach as many courses as required.
- Courses are categorized by course code and title. Certain courses have prerequisites and the university has asked for this to be cataloged as well.
- There are various schools within each campus. For example, the Los Angeles campus holds the following schools: School of Science, School of Law, and School of Computer Technology. Additionally, each school offers different professional study programs such as Forensic Computer Science, Marine Biology, Business Management, and Civil Engineering to name a few.
- The study path for students requires that they be enrolled in a specific professional study program. The professional study program requires the students to complete a specific set of core courses. The university also requires that an online grade book be available. The online grade book should show grades awarded to students for specific courses and the term they completed the course.
- The university identifies each student by his or her name, date of birth, social, and professional study program.
Using these findings, write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:
- Analyze the university’s requirements and provide a proposal to organize all the required data elements. The proposal should include the following:
- Provide an Entity Relationship Model (ERM) that will describe the data structure that will store all data elements. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
- Describe any assumptions or limitations for each relationship. For example, professors are able to teach more than one course or students can only be enrolled in one program.
- Create the primary key and foreign keys using a UML Class diagram for each table.
- Suggest at least four (4) types of business intelligence reports that could help the university in course management, student enrollment, or historical tracking. Support your answer by providing specific business functions that these reports could assist executives of the university.
- As an alternative for development of the database, you are considering outsourcing the functions above. Research the Internet and other media sources for vendors who develop registrar and school management database systems.
- Suggest three (3) vendors that developed and are employing efficient registrar and school management database systems and support your reasons to choose from one (1) of these three (3) vendors.
- Compare and contrast the key aspects that each system offers. Examples of system aspects include but not limited to cloud based, pricing model, open source, etc.
- Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.