LLD 100WB San Jose State University A Change in the Work Schedule Letter Writing Assignment Help. LLD 100WB San Jose State University A Change in the Work Schedule Letter Writing Assignment Help.
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Word count requirement: Minimum 300 words
You work as an assistant office manager for Diamond Clear, a family-run window installation company. A scheduling issue has arisen in the office.
Write a message to Scott that informs him of the shipment delay. The message should explain that Lucia thinks that Scott should hold off on the corporate job and start the Herbert Street job instead. The message should also tell Scott to confirm that he understands the situation and get back to you right away if he has any concerns about Lucia’s plan.
Note that not all of the facts below may be relevant for your task.
- Diamond Clear is a family business, run by siblings Scott and Lucia Diamond. The company was started over 30 years ago by Scott and Lucia’s father, who built his business slowly by honoring the customer and being true to his word.
- Scott is in charge of the company’s operational matters. Scott typically spends his days visiting the various installation sites, keeping track of deliveries, and making sure that jobs run smoothly and finish on time.
- Lucia runs the financial end of the company. She typically spends her days in the office taking care of such things as financing, bookkeeping, ordering, and scheduling.
- The siblings take turns making estimates for prospective clients. Lucia takes care of most of the large business clients. Scott usually deals with individual homeowner accounts.
- This week, Diamond Clear has two jobs scheduled. The first job is scheduled to start tomorrow, Tuesday, for a family on Herbert Street. It is likely to take 1 to 2 days to complete. The customer is having a wedding on the weekend, and so the job absolutely needs to be done before then.
- The second job is a corporate account that is scheduled to start today (Monday) and is likely to take 2 to 3 weeks.
- Lucia has just learned this morning that the window shipment she was expecting for the corporate job has been delayed. Lucia tried to tell Scott about the delay, but could not get through to him. Lucia then went off to a downtown business meeting and will probably be out of communication until late this afternoon.
- The delay means that Diamond Clear currently has only enough materials to begin one of the two jobs that are scheduled for the week.
- Diamond Clear’s window supplier is quite reliable, and Lucia is fairly confident that the new window shipment will arrive tomorrow. However, there have been a few occasions in the past when shipments were delayed by more than one day.
- Before she left for her meeting, Lucia told you that she thinks the Herbert Street job should be the priority in this situation. Lucia thinks Scott should change the order of the two jobs and start the Herbert Street job first rather than the corporate job.
LLD 100WB San Jose State University A Change in the Work Schedule Letter Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Ashford University JP Morgan Chase Financial Returns and Capital Constraints Writing Assignment Help
high level overview of assignment we talked about. doesn’t have to be more than a page or page 1/2
In this portion of your report you will analyze the business conditions and begin to create the big financial picture of how the chosen company is spending their money and managing their investments in the future value of their organization through purchases and research and development.
Include the following content in this section.
- Formulate the expected financial returns and associated risks by completing the following calculations.
- Calculate the Return on Equity (ROE) using the DuPont system.
- Calculate the Constant Growth Stock Valuation (CGSV) and compare it to the current stock price.
- Research your company’s industry and evaluate what type(s) of capital constraints your company must consider in order to be competitive in the market. Explain the appropriate financial techniques that would be used in this evaluation.
University of California Berkeley The Island President Documentary Essay Humanities Assignment Help
“The Island President” illustrates challenges presented by globalization. Your task is to think critically about the institutions and systems that regulate global interconnection and interdependence presented by the film.
Your response should be 500-750 words in length (about 2pp, double-spaced; 12pt font, 1in margins) and do the following:
(1) Summarize the thematic content (should not take up more than 1/3 of the total paper length.)
(2) Consider how and in what ways the film reveals complex relations of and questions about globalization (offer 1-2 observations with reference to course materials and specific references from the film – this is an expectation for most academic writing, and it shows me that your opinions are rooted in and informed by a close engagement with the course material.)
(3) Offer your own opinion of the film’s contribution/challenge/elucidation of a key issue relating to globalization
Grading will focus on your grasp of the material, the clarity of your writing, the presence/absence of typographical errors, and your adherence to these guidelines.
Here is just a summary of “The Island President”:
The Island President tells the story of former president Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives, a man confronting a problem greater than any other world leader has ever faced—the survival of his country and everyone in it. After bringing democracy to the Maldives after thirty years of despotic rule, Nasheed is now faced with an even greater challenge: As one of the most low-lying countries in the world, a rise of three feet in sea level would submerge the 1200 islands of the Maldives enough to make them uninhabitable.
The Island President captures Nasheed’s first year of office, culminating in his trip to the Copenhagen Climate Summit in 2009, where the film provides a rare glimpse of the political horse-trading that goes on at such a top-level global assembly. Nasheed is unusually candid about revealing his strategies —leveraging the Maldives’ underdog position as a tiny country, harnessing the power of media, and overcoming deadlocks through an appeal to unity with other developing nations. When hope fades for a written accord to be signed, Nasheed makes a stirring speech, which salvages an agreement. Despite the modest size of his country, Mohamed Nasheed has become one of the leading international voices for urgent action on climate change.
In February 2012, the military and police ousted Mohamed Nasheed as leader of the Maldives. Since the power shake-up that put President Mohammed Waheed Hassan and the Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) in control, Nasheed has led protests and begun campaigning for an election scheduled later in 2013. However, the current government has other plans. They’ve accused Nasheed of illegally arresting a judge during his time in office, and if Nasheed is convicted, he will be ineligible to run. So far, Nasheed refused to appear at his trial. He was arrested briefly for defying the court order, but returned to the campaign trail in the southeastern Meemu Atoll. But in March 2013, a court in the Maldives banned Nasheed from traveling abroad and he was subsequently arrested and imprisoned.
ISM 645 UAGC Mission & Vision Statement and Strategic Horizon for the Acme Company Computer Science Assignment Help
Vision/Mission/Time Horizon Statement: Agreeing on an IT Strategy
Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment, read Chapter 1 from the course text, the Mission Statements (Links to an external site.) article, the Vision Statements (Links to an external site.) article, and review the relevant information from this week’s lecture. This interactive assignment will allow you to practice creating an IT Mission Statement and a Company Vision Statement, as well as develop some of the company’s time horizon, goals, and strategic initiatives. Before developing an IT mission statement and IT vision statement, read through the statement comparisons in the ISM645 Mission Vision and Time Horizon Worksheet to provide a backdrop for your work.
Writing the Mission & Vision Statement, and Strategic Horizon: Read the ISM645 Acme Corporate Strategic Summary Plan. Taking on a role as an IT leader of the Acme Company, you will create the IT Mission Statement and the IT Vision Statement. You will present these statements to the Acme Company executive committee. Additionally, you will create an IT Strategic Time Horizon. The Strategic Time Horizon provides the timing for the implementation of the major elements that support the Vision and Mission. Use the ISM645 Mission Vision and Time Horizon Worksheet
to help you to create these statements and to view how other companies have created these elements.
Create a PowerPoint presentation for delivery to the executive board that includes the following elements:
- An IT Mission Statement for the Acme Company
- An IT Vision Statement for the Acme Company
- An IT Strategic Time Horizon for the Acme Company
Attach your PowerPoint to your initial post. In the body of your initial post, explain how these statements are representative of the company’s qualities, values, and time horizon.
Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words.
A1 Business and Technical College Religious Belief System Philosophy Paper Humanities Assignment Help
To do this you should know about Islam
share your current religious belief system and the philosophical world views that are foundational to it. This last part is super important and should be the focus of your post.For instance, mine is a “spiritual, not religious” concept that sees all life as equally sacred and wondrous. There is no god figure and humans are not intrinsically more valuable than any other organic life on planet Earth. Since I view myself as a part of the whole where we are all on a level playing field, my code of conduct reflects that. Am I 100% stellar in my actions? No! Am I aiming to be? You bet 🙂 For my post on this, I would expound further on my ideas. Also, be SURE to include concepts from the text in your initial posts and discussion. Does your belief system fall under the categories of concepts discussed in the text?
continue to log back in for a bit each day to reply to others and see if they have replied to you. This is a DISCUSSION thread. Minimum of 5 replies to others throughout the rest of the week
Atlantic International University Juvenile Delinquents & Delinquent Behaviors HW Writing Assignment Help
Juvenile Delinquents
Juvenile delinquency is defined by Smith (2008) as a “single or multiple acts of violence that violate the law by persons who are minors, generally under the age of 18” (p.3). The author also described the distinctions between antisocial and delinquent behavior, straining that antisocial behavior relates to a series of pattern behaviors that have “transgressions against the social norm” (Smith, 2008).
Statistically speaking, Henggeler and Sohoenwald (2011) report a shocking 1,000,000 American adolescents are processed through the juvenile courts annually. Following the statistical data provided by the National Center for Juvenile Justice (2020), an estimated 744,451 juveniles were evaluated through the juvenile court system between ages 12 and 17. Furthermore, Sickmund et al. (2020) analyzed the demographics to be represented primarily by white (326,900), male (541,700), individuals between then ages 13 to 15, in 2018. Interestingly, an estimated 417,500 were considered as “minority” out of N= 744,500, approximately 57% of the sample. Important to admit, the data represents the lowest rates of juvenile delinquency since 1985. The highest rate was reported in 1997, with a total of 1,858,700 case representations with a minority sample of 603,000 individuals, with the same representative group of ages between 13 to 15 (Sickmund et al., 2020).
These statistical reports support the theoretical research stand of Tremblay and LeMarquand (2001) stated that the risk factor of aggression, initially present at age 13, is an indicator of delinquent behavior to be present in later ages. As described by Shader (n.d), risk factors and risk factor assessment determine the impact of an individual in a society based on three main areas individual, social, and community. These can be subdivided into life events, experiences, mental and medical issues, institutional influences, and resources available to mitigate harm.
Scenario Application
The scenario provided in the course is as follows:
“You have been asked to conduct an interview with a juvenile who has threatened a school community. The authorities are unfamiliar with the juvenile in question and have little to offer on his background or family.”
Juvenile interviewing
In the process of interviewing the juvenile, as suggested by Dr. Westlake on the Laureate Education (2016) video, it’s imperative to discuss informed consent. Additionally, it is crucial to understand the local status, laws, ethical guidelines, and mandatory requirements when working with juveniles, applicable in the state where the service is being provided. Dr. Westlake
Other practicable considerations based on Dr. Westlake’s practices that can be applied in an interview setting include:
- Nonverbal language
- Language (simplified)
- Understand court needs (professionals involved)
- Read reports
- Psychoeducation testing results
- School reports
- Safety assessment and precautions appropriate to knowledge known (safety plan of working with juvenile)
- Understand the environment and placement of youth versus clinician (door accessibility, body positioning, tools available in the room, limit items)
- Assess rules and facility to be performing the interview
In the application of the specified scenario, I would also consider contacting friends, family members, or acquaintances of the juvenile to receive information that could help in navigating rapport with the individual. Additionally, I would assess the presence of police on site, not necessarily around the juvenile, in case an emergency requires immediate intervention. As a forensic psychology professional, I would attempt to seek tools to measure risks and identify indicators of possible violent outcomes. Halikas (2004) suggests the school-based risk assessment (SBRA) as a tool that allows for inductive and deductive risk evaluation in school communities. Dr. Frazer (2017) indicates eight different warning behaviors that offer a structured guide to explore the juvenile’s motivations and possible outcomes associated with the behavior. (Please refer to attached image).
Image: (Frazer, 2017)
Techniques for rapport and interviewing
According to the American Bar Association Juvenile Justice Center (2000), training curriculum professionals working with juveniles in the judicial system are to be trained and aware of the differences between adult and juvenile delinquency. In this scenario, an event has not occurred indicative of crime; therefore, the professional role in pursuing is one of prevention and assessment.
Some suggestions that could aid the process of interviewing and implementing strategies to establish rapport may include (American Bar Association Juvenile Justice Center, 2000):
- Motivational interviewing
- Demonstrate a genuine interest in juvenile’s experience
- Initiate a non-threatening conversation
- Recognize strengths
- Identify common interests that could sustain a conversation with the juvenile
- Utilize “pacing” as a reciprocal exchange
- Allow juvenile to ask questions
- How can you describe your frustration with school today?
- If you could control today’s outcome, what could you wish to see happen?
- What do you consider to be your strengths?
- Do you have a person who you trust?
- What is the emotion that you experience the most at home and school?
- When you feel scared or angry, what do you usually do to feel better?
- What is your opinion on violence?
Implementing the following questions could allow us to explore emotional regulation skills, safety planning, patterns of behavior when experiencing stressful events and abilities that could aid in the process of profiling the juvenile’s motivations and risk factors associated with the threat.
American Bar Association Juvenile Justice Center. (2000). TALKING TO TEENS IN THE JUSTICE SYSTEM: Strategies for Interviewing Adolescent Defendants, Witnesses, and Victims. Retrieved from: https://www.sog.unc.edu/sites/www.sog.unc.edu/files/course_materials/maca2.pdf
Frazer, E. (2017). School Threat Assessment-Research Informed Procedures. ConnCASE Leadership Conference. Retrieved from: http://www.conncase.org/Customer-Content/WWW/CMS/files/School_Threat_Assessment_ConnCase_OCT_2017.pdf
Halikias, W. (2004). School-Based Risk Assessments: A Conceptual Framework and Model for Professional Practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 35(6), 598–607. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1037/073…
Henggeler, S. W., & Sohoenwald, S. K. (2011). Evidence-Based Interventions for Juvenile Offenders and Juvenile Justice Policies that Support Them. Social Policy Report, 25(1), 1–20. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1037/e63…
Lambie, I., & Randell, I. (2013). The impact of incarceration on juvenile offenders. Clinical Psychology Review, 33(3), 448–459. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1016/j.c…
Laureate Education (Producer). (2016i). Visiting lecturer: Laurie Westlake [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
National Center for Juvenile Justice. (2020). National Juvenile Court Data Archive: Juvenile court case records 1985-2018 [machine-readable data files]. Pittsburgh, PA: NCJJ [producer].
OJJDP Statistical Briefing Book. ().Juvenile Online. Available:
http://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/crime/JAR_Display.asp?ID=qa05200&selOffenses=1. October 31, 2019.
Shader, M. (n.d). Risk factor for delinquency: An overview. Retrieved from: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/frd030127.pdf
Sickmund, M., Sladky, A., and Kang, W. (2020). “Easy Access to Juvenile Court Statistics: 1985-2018” Online. Available: https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/ezajcs/
Smith, C. A. (2008). Juvenile Delinquency: An Introduction. Prevention Researcher, 15(1), 3–7.
Tremblay, R.E., and LeMarquand, D. (2001). Individual risk and protective factors. In Child Delinquents: Development, Intervention, and Service Needs edited by R. Loeber and D.P. Farrington. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, pp. 137–164.
Juvenile Delinquents
Juvenile delinquency is defined by Smith (2008) as a “single or multiple acts of violence that violate the law by persons who are minors, generally under the age of 18” (p.3). The author also described the distinctions between antisocial and delinquent behavior, straining that antisocial behavior relates to a series of pattern behaviors that have “transgressions against the social norm” (Smith, 2008).
Statistically speaking, Henggeler and Sohoenwald (2011) report a shocking 1,000,000 American adolescents are processed through the juvenile courts annually. Following the statistical data provided by the National Center for Juvenile Justice (2020), an estimated 744,451 juveniles were evaluated through the juvenile court system between ages 12 and 17. Furthermore, Sickmund et al. (2020) analyzed the demographics to be represented primarily by white (326,900), male (541,700), individuals between then ages 13 to 15, in 2018. Interestingly, an estimated 417,500 were considered as “minority” out of N= 744,500, approximately 57% of the sample. Important to admit, the data represents the lowest rates of juvenile delinquency since 1985. The highest rate was reported in 1997, with a total of 1,858,700 case representations with a minority sample of 603,000 individuals, with the same representative group of ages between 13 to 15 (Sickmund et al., 2020).
These statistical reports support the theoretical research stand of Tremblay and LeMarquand (2001) stated that the risk factor of aggression, initially present at age 13, is an indicator of delinquent behavior to be present in later ages. As described by Shader (n.d), risk factors and risk factor assessment determine the impact of an individual in a society based on three main areas individual, social, and community. These can be subdivided into life events, experiences, mental and medical issues, institutional influences, and resources available to mitigate harm.
Scenario Application
The scenario provided in the course is as follows:
“You have been asked to conduct an interview with a juvenile who has threatened a school community. The authorities are unfamiliar with the juvenile in question and have little to offer on his background or family.”
Juvenile interviewing
In the process of interviewing the juvenile, as suggested by Dr. Westlake on the Laureate Education (2016) video, it’s imperative to discuss informed consent. Additionally, it is crucial to understand the local status, laws, ethical guidelines, and mandatory requirements when working with juveniles, applicable in the state where the service is being provided. Dr. Westlake
Other practicable considerations based on Dr. Westlake’s practices that can be applied in an interview setting include:
- Nonverbal language
- Language (simplified)
- Understand court needs (professionals involved)
- Read reports
- Psychoeducation testing results
- School reports
- Safety assessment and precautions appropriate to knowledge known (safety plan of working with juvenile)
- Understand the environment and placement of youth versus clinician (door accessibility, body positioning, tools available in the room, limit items)
- Assess rules and facility to be performing the interview
In the application of the specified scenario, I would also consider contacting friends, family members, or acquaintances of the juvenile to receive information that could help in navigating rapport with the individual. Additionally, I would assess the presence of police on site, not necessarily around the juvenile, in case an emergency requires immediate intervention. As a forensic psychology professional, I would attempt to seek tools to measure risks and identify indicators of possible violent outcomes. Halikas (2004) suggests the school-based risk assessment (SBRA) as a tool that allows for inductive and deductive risk evaluation in school communities. Dr. Frazer (2017) indicates eight different warning behaviors that offer a structured guide to explore the juvenile’s motivations and possible outcomes associated with the behavior. (Please refer to attached image).
Image: (Frazer, 2017)
Techniques for rapport and interviewing
According to the American Bar Association Juvenile Justice Center (2000), training curriculum professionals working with juveniles in the judicial system are to be trained and aware of the differences between adult and juvenile delinquency. In this scenario, an event has not occurred indicative of crime; therefore, the professional role in pursuing is one of prevention and assessment.
Some suggestions that could aid the process of interviewing and implementing strategies to establish rapport may include (American Bar Association Juvenile Justice Center, 2000):
- Motivational interviewing
- Demonstrate a genuine interest in juvenile’s experience
- Initiate a non-threatening conversation
- Recognize strengths
- Identify common interests that could sustain a conversation with the juvenile
- Utilize “pacing” as a reciprocal exchange
- Allow juvenile to ask questions
- How can you describe your frustration with school today?
- If you could control today’s outcome, what could you wish to see happen?
- What do you consider to be your strengths?
- Do you have a person who you trust?
- What is the emotion that you experience the most at home and school?
- When you feel scared or angry, what do you usually do to feel better?
- What is your opinion on violence?
Implementing the following questions could allow us to explore emotional regulation skills, safety planning, patterns of behavior when experiencing stressful events and abilities that could aid in the process of profiling the juvenile’s motivations and risk factors associated with the threat.
American Bar Association Juvenile Justice Center. (2000). TALKING TO TEENS IN THE JUSTICE SYSTEM: Strategies for Interviewing Adolescent Defendants, Witnesses, and Victims. Retrieved from: https://www.sog.unc.edu/sites/www.sog.unc.edu/files/course_materials/maca2.pdf
Frazer, E. (2017). School Threat Assessment-Research Informed Procedures. ConnCASE Leadership Conference. Retrieved from: http://www.conncase.org/Customer-Content/WWW/CMS/files/School_Threat_Assessment_ConnCase_OCT_2017.pdf
Halikias, W. (2004). School-Based Risk Assessments: A Conceptual Framework and Model for Professional Practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 35(6), 598–607. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1037/073…
Henggeler, S. W., & Sohoenwald, S. K. (2011). Evidence-Based Interventions for Juvenile Offenders and Juvenile Justice Policies that Support Them. Social Policy Report, 25(1), 1–20. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1037/e63…
Lambie, I., & Randell, I. (2013). The impact of incarceration on juvenile offenders. Clinical Psychology Review, 33(3), 448–459. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1016/j.c…
Laureate Education (Producer). (2016i). Visiting lecturer: Laurie Westlake [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
National Center for Juvenile Justice. (2020). National Juvenile Court Data Archive: Juvenile court case records 1985-2018 [machine-readable data files]. Pittsburgh, PA: NCJJ [producer].
OJJDP Statistical Briefing Book. ().Juvenile Online. Available:
http://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/crime/JAR_Display.asp?ID=qa05200&selOffenses=1. October 31, 2019.
Shader, M. (n.d). Risk factor for delinquency: An overview. Retrieved from: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/frd030127.pdf
Sickmund, M., Sladky, A., and Kang, W. (2020). “Easy Access to Juvenile Court Statistics: 1985-2018” Online. Available: https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/ezajcs/
Smith, C. A. (2008). Juvenile Delinquency: An Introduction. Prevention Researcher, 15(1), 3–7.
Tremblay, R.E., and LeMarquand, D. (2001). Individual risk and protective factors. In Child Delinquents: Development, Intervention, and Service Needs edited by R. Loeber and D.P. Farrington. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, pp. 137–164.
Atlantic International University Juvenile Delinquents & Delinquent Behaviors HW Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CHEM 2322 Navarro College Organic Chemical Reactions Mechanism Science Assignment Help
Isoprene undergoes electrophilic addition of HBr to give several products – identify these products and draw a mechanism which accounts for ALL of these adducts. If this reaction were conducted under kinetic conditions, which adduct would be favored?
Anisole undergoes electrophilic aromatic substitution with chlorine and ferric chloride to afford a mixture rich in o- and p-chloroanisoles. Write a mechanism that accounts for the formation of these products – include electrophile formation as well as any steps involving the aromatic ring. Indicate, which is the major product and explain why.
Using the spectroscopic data provided below, determine the structure of the unknown compound. Fully justify your answer with supporting information from each piece of spectroscopic data – just writing a structure is insufficient.
The Importance of Business Ethics in Business Today Essay Writing Assignment Help
Can business ethics be taught?
500 words
Be very careful to avoid plagiarism. You must cite your sources everywhere in your paper where you use their ideas, and not only when you quote them directly but also where you paraphrase their points in your own words. In general, you should only use direct quotes when you find the authors’ wording to be especially effective. But your paraphrasing or summaries of authors’ points should be thorough: it’s not fair to an author to change only a couple of words in a paragraph of his/hers and then imply (by not using direct quotes) that the paragraph is entirely your own prose.
ADM 634 Grand Canyon University United States Politics of Global Conflicts Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Choose a current conflict in the world where the United States is involved because of its foreign policy. In 1,000-1,250 words, describe the following:
- Explain the role of the legislative branch while involved in this conflict. Should the legislative branch be more or less involved than it has been?
- Explain the role of the executive branch while involved in this conflict. Should the executive branch be more or less involved than it has been?
- Describe how involved the United Nations and other international organizations have been in the conflict. Have these organizations influenced the United States foreign or defense policy in relation to this conflict? How important is it that the United Nations and other international organizations are involved in situations similar to this.
Use three to five scholarly resources to support your explanations.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Capella University Unreliability of Waterfall Tactics Presentation Writing Assignment Help
We already had the presentation. However, we need to revise to meet the grading rubric below. Thank you
Congratulations, you have been hired as an agile coaching consultant. You regularly coach customers attempting to move in an agile direction. Your sales manager for your consulting company brings you into the office and tells you: “We have an amazing opportunity to move Acme Inc to an agile process.” He further tells you that the CEO Acme is a Fortune 100 multi-national manufacturer and that we have 10 minutes to present to the CEO. The CEO, John McVeto is skeptical of agile. He’s a former project manager accustomed to waterfall processes such as project plans, etc.
The organization has 3 software teams building their website, software to run their factory machines, and third team building a mobile application.
Please present and record yourself giving a 10-20 minute presentation about why that company should adopt agile and how you’re going to do it. In your presentation, you need to cover:
- How waterfall tactics sometimes lead to failure
- Why would agile be beneficial to his company
- How agile works to drive those benefits
- What your approach is to help him adopt agile
You learn that the CEO is bringing in some of his developers and team leads to take part in the meeting. You are going to have to talk tactics as well as well as strategy.
Deliverables and Dates and Feedback
Your presentation should be made professionally as you’d expect to present to someone in a corporate setting. The following schedule should be considered:.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAble to compare and contrast waterfall and agile effectivelyEffectiveness for making a case for agile demonstrating a grasp of the materials in the course. |
12.5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAble to leverage knowledge of both lean and agile to justify agile. |
12.5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAble to describe organizational structure most beneficial to agile adoption |
12.5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAble to describe the Scrum meetings and ceremonies used after adoption |
12.5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAble to tie back agile adoption with business benefits (revenue, cost, or margin)You can make up any numbers you like in this part, but please justify/base them in “your” reality of the situation. |
12.5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAble to describe tactical strategies used for team building in this environment. |
12.5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation professionalism and persuasiveness in verbal and written portions. |
10.0 pts |
Total Points: 85.0 |
Smith, C. A. (2008). Juvenile Delinquency: An Introduction. Prevention Researcher, 15(1), 3–7.
Tremblay, R.E., and LeMarquand, D. (2001). Individual risk and protective factors. In Child Delinquents: Development, Intervention, and Service Needs edited by R. Loeber and D.P. Farrington. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, pp. 137–164.