Logistic Regression and Cross Validation Model Justification Lab Report 4 Computer Science Assignment Help

Logistic Regression and Cross Validation Model Justification Lab Report 4 Computer Science Assignment Help. Logistic Regression and Cross Validation Model Justification Lab Report 4 Computer Science Assignment Help.

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Exercise 1

  1. Execute the code above. Based on the results, rank the models from “most underfit” to “most overfit”.
  2. Re-run the code above with 100 folds and a different seed. Does your conclusion change?
    1. Generate four confusion matrices for each of the four models fit in Part 1.
    2. Which is the best model? Write 2 paragraphs justifying your decision. You must mention (a) the overall accuracy of each model; and (b) whether some errors are better or worse than others, and you must use the terms specificity and sensitivity. For (b) think carefully… misclassified email is a pain in the butt for users!

    Exercise 2

    1. Use the bank data and create a train / test split.
    2. Run any logistic regression you like with 10-fold cross-validation in order to predict the yes/no variable (y).
    3. Discuss the interpretation of the coefficients in your model. That is, you must write at least one sentence for each of the coefficients which describes how it is related to the response. You may use transformations of variables if you like. FAKE EXAMPLE: age has a positive coefficient, which means that older individuals are more likely to have y = yes.
    4. Create a confusion matrix of your preferred model, evaluated against your test data.

Logistic Regression and Cross Validation Model Justification Lab Report 4 Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

POLS 5100 Stanford University Founding of the US Constitution Reflection Paper Humanities Assignment Help

This assignment is to write a reflective paper on the assigned readings in the first module of the course, the founding of the United States Constitution. The paper is to be a minimum of three and maximum of five pages in length, double-spaced, with standard margins and no cover page. Make sure you include your name and “Reflection Paper #1” on the first page of the paper.

The main purpose of this assignment is for you to reflect on and express what you learned from the assigned readings, and your opinion as to the validity, strengths, or weaknesses of the arguments presented. It is important that your paper is coherent, uses correct grammar, punctuation and spelling, and expresses your own conclusions and points of view. Your grade will be based on the quality of your writing, and its completeness in considering each of the assigned readings: the Articles of Confederation, Berkin, Lazare, and Rabkin. You should carefully cite any writings that are not your own. Your paper will be scanned for plagiarism.

You should consider and respond to the following questions, however, you are not limited to addressing these questions. You will likely have questions of your own that should be addressed.

What problems had resulted from the Articles of Confederation that the delegates needed to address?

What were the main controversies and issues the delegates faced during the Constitutional Convention and how were they addressed?

Did any of these controversies linger after the Constitution was adopted, and if so, are they still present or have they been entirely resolved?

What are the difficulties Lazare raises with the Constitution as an 18th Century document, and what do you think about the arguments he raises?

What is your take on the analysis by Rabkin, and do you agree or disagree with him, or is there a way to reconcile his point of view with Lazare?


University of the Cumberlands Just In Time Philosophy Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Write a five-page (1,250 – 1,500 words) double-spaced essay (not including cover page and references pages), in which you address the following eight objectives:

– Explain the core beliefs of the just-in-time (JIT) philosophy
– Describe the elements of JIT
– Explain the key elements of JIT manufacturing
– Explain the elements of total quality management (TGM) and their role in JIT
– Describe the role of people in JIT and why respect for people is so important
– Describe the benefits of JIT
– Discuss the implementation process of a successful JIT system
– Describe the impact of JIT on service and manufacturing organizations

The essay must be original. Each objective must have its own section heading (e.g., “Core Beliefs of JIT”). You must incorporate at least five sources, both as references and corresponding in-text citations. APA format is expected.


University of Cumberlands Fintech Finance and Blockchain Homework Computer Science Assignment Help

Please read “R3: Putting the ‘Fin’ Back into Fintech” case study (see HBS Coursepack) and answer the following questions with substantive answers in a cohesive essay. Your paper should be at least 3 pages in length. Use proper grammar, spelling, citations, etc.

1.How does Fintech compare to regular banking?

2. Discuss R3 and its distributed ledger technology mission.

3. What are some of the applications of cords and strategies of growing and expanding?

4. What are some of the emerging markets that Fintech has impacted?

Compose your essay in APA format, including the introduction and conclusion, and in-text citations for all s

ources used. In addition to your 3 page (minimum) essay, you must include an APA-style title page and reference page. Click the assignment link to compare your work to the rubric before submitting it. Click the same link to submit your assignment.


JWU Wk 3 Legal Environment Mr & Mrs Benjamin Hubbard Gas Station Case Study Law Assignment Help

Instructions: Give a full answer. Consider the facts, including what is given and what can be presumed from the facts. Then apply the rules to the facts. Submit your answer as an attached file. Please review the rubric (under the rubric section) before completing any assignment or short paper.

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hubbard own a small gas station in central Missouri. In addition to gasoline, the small store attached provides restroom services, a small coffee shop, and an area with a limited selection of groceries and convenience items. They own just the one store and this is not a chain. The majority of their customers are central Missouri locals, but because the store is located on a main street, they do serve the occasional traveler from outside the area. Those patrons who stop for gasoline only, can either pay in cash inside the store, or use a credit card at the pump without the need to go inside.

The Hubbard’s store does not comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (a federal statute) because the doors leading into and out of the premises are not wide enough to accommodate a wheel chair. Nor does the store entryway have an access ramp–only two steps leading into the main entrance and a back entrance, which leads to a basement storage area. It would cost the Hubbards in excess of $50,000 to widen the entry doors and add a ramp. Otherwise, the station complies with all state and local regulations.

The Hubbards do not believe the Americans with Disabilities Act applies to their establishment because it is just a little local gas station that provides a few sundries and a rest area for those who happen to stop for gas. Moreover, according to a family friend who reads legal fiction for a hobby, the gas station does not impact interstate commerce and therefore federal law does not apply.

Does the Commerce Clause from Article I give the federal government the authority to require the Hubbard’s establishment to comply with the ADA, thus forcing them to add a ramp and widen the doors, or be otherwise subject to fines and/or jail? Why or why not?

Could any other branch of the federal government (Executive or Judicial) use any of their powers to require the establishment to comply with the ADA?

As a friendly reminder, please refer to the Assignment Rubrics in the course, under the Syllabus and Court Info section, for the grading of your written assignments in the course. It is also attached here for your reference.



Texas A & M University Just in Time Philosophy Questions Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help


– Explain the core beliefs of the just-in-time (JIT) philosophy

– Describe the elements of JIT

– Explain the key elements of JIT manufacturing

– Explain the elements of total quality management (TGM) and their role in JIT

– Describe the role of people in JIT and why respect for people is so important

– Describe the benefits of JIT

– Discuss the implementation process of a successful JIT system

– Describe the impact of JIT on service and manufacturing organizations

Each objective must have own section heading (for example: “Core Beliefs of JIT”). At least five sources, both as references and corresponding in-text citations. APA format is required. Plagiarism free.

Texas A & M University Just in Time Philosophy Questions Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Columbia Southern University Fire Prevention Program Essay Science Assignment Help

Utilize the CSU Online Library to research a fire prevention program that is
used to educate grade school children, high school children, young adults, or
older adults. If you are involved in a specific program as an educator, you
can use research from that program. Once you have found information on a
program, include the following in a paper that is a minimum of two pages in

  • Thoroughly explain the potential social impacts the program has on
    the selected audience.
  • Explain how research is used in the program.
  • Explain how community risk has or has not been reduced since the
    program’s inception.
  • Compare and contrast cultural human behaviors that can affect fire

Follow APA formatting and guidelines. Include a title page and a reference
page, but remember that they do not count toward the required two pages.
Include at least three references with in-text citations. Review the rubric
before you submit your research paper.


CRJ 522 Saint Leo University Corrections Issues and Trends Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Research Project :

are four parts to this Project, each of which is worth a quarter of
the Project Paper grade:

  1. Distribution
    of the survey instrument within a correctionsfacility
  2. Research
    of the issues presented based on surveyresults
  3. Creation
    of a research projectpaper
  4. Creation
    of a PowerPointpresentation

Project Goal: The goal is to use the university-approved
survey/questionnaire provided in Doc Sharing to gain data for
academic research and to document current issues and trends in
corrections from corrections professionals. Once the survey is
administered to at least five (5) corrections professionals working
in a county jail, a state or federal correctional institution, or a
probation/parole office, then the data will be collated to compare
and contrast with the textbook (theory) documentation on the topic in
a “best practices” evidence presentation.

For the purpose of this project, each student will be an
investigator. It is important to ask participants about current
issues and trends in corrections and specifically their work
location. The second part of the investigation will be researching
the topics presented by the corrections professionals based on the
survey results.

Paper Requirements:
The survey results, research documentation,
and analysis will be presented in the form of a research paper. The
location of the survey will be identified and the participants will
be identified by job classification only (not name). The paper length
is dictated by the topic, but should be not less than 2000 words,
including a cover page, and reference page (not counted as part of
the 2000 words).

The paper must conform to the requirements of APA formatting, to
include (1) cover page (running head, page number, title, author,
university), (2) abstract, (3) discussion (only facts are to be
included in this section and must be listed as in-text citations; all
opinions, personal experiences, and personal thoughts are not
permitted in this area), (4) conclusion (opinions, personal
experiences, and personal thoughts are permitted in this area), and
(5) references.

Presentation (PowerPoint) Requirements
: Once the student has
completed the research and paper, he or she must develop a PowerPoint
Presentation of 10 – 20 slides based on the Research Project Paper
findings. The presentation should be created as if presenting to the
class and the faculty. The presentation must include examples of
issues and trends that face this profession, solutions or remedies
that are in place, and challenges a criminal justice manager should
be aware of in dealing with similar issues. The presentation must
include presentation notes with the slides.

Please use a Prison in South Carolina since that the state I live in. I have attached the Survey you must use.

Please make sure you discuss your thoughts on the information that has been posted. Discuss its relevance and implications to the field of Corrections. Some postings may require the student to find an article online in reference to a timely topic. Write a brief summary of the article and post the full URL. Your remarks can be opinion, but they must be based on experience, research and/or prior learning. The paper must be in APA format and include a title page, abstract, discussion, conclusion, and references. Wikipedia is not an appropriate source for any scholarly writing and is not permitted for any assignment in this program. Your paper should go beyond the obvious and must be at least 2000 words in length. You must use at least three resources to support your position. Remember, all resources including, but not limited to, journals, magazines, and/or books must be properly cited using APA style and published within the last 5 years. APA has a new edition. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (2020). 7th Edition, Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association. Avoid using gender his/her, use they/theirs. The assignments within this class are to be the student’s original work. The student is permitted to use no more than 15% of other’s quoted work. As an FYI, “Running head:” no longer precedes the short title on the Title page. Avoid the 1st person for all formal papers. As per APA standards, use headline caps for Level 1 headings. Please consult the APA style manual regarding the formatting of citations with 3+ authors.


FIR 3306 Columbia Southern Local Sports Bar Risk Reduction Discussion Science Assignment Help


For this assignment, you will seek out and interview an owner or manager of
a local bar, pub, or nightclub in your community to discuss risk reduction
methods. The interview can be done in person or over the phone.

Use the six questions below for your interview because they are related to
community risk reduction methods including occupancy, egress, fire detection,
suppression systems, storage, and lighting.

  • Do you feel all occupants of your establishment can evacuate
    quickly in the event of an emergency? Why, or why not?
  • What training or education have you had that ensures you are
    providing a safe environment for your guests?
  • What are your procedures for evacuating the establishment, and are
    employees familiar with how to assist in the process?
  • What types of fire detection, fire suppression systems, emergency
    exit signs, and lighting are in your establishment?
  • How do you maintain an acceptable level of stored supplies that
    does not violate local fire codes?
  • What is your biggest fear regarding the safety of the public while
    they are in your establishment?

Ensure that you ask these questions about the establishment the interviewee
owns or manages. These questions should associate the establishment with the
standards necessary to minimize community risks.

After you collect your answers, you will compile your findings in a
two-page essay that synthesizes the community reduction risks of the
establishment. Ensure that your paper follows the requirements below.

  • Discuss the establishment, the interviewee, and the importance of
    community risk programs.
  • Discuss each of the responses you received during the interview to explain
    the establishment’s risk reduction methods.
  • Identify any potential or obvious risks associated with the establishment.
  • Compare your findings to a historical fire from your textbook by
    explaining how codes developed from that historical fire compare to the codes
    followed by the establishment your interviewee discussed. Also, explain
    how previous investigations help to prevent future fires.

You will write a minimum of two pages for this project. Ensure you follow
APA formatting and guidelines, including in-text citations for your personal
communications with interviewees (proper APA format for personal communication
can be found below). Be sure to include a cover page and a reference page.
The cover page and reference page do not count toward the final page count.
Please review the rubric before you submit your original paper.


Los Angeles Community College District Vaccines Argumentative Essay Humanities Assignment Help


For this assignment you are to convince me of the validity of both sides of an argument. You are to use one of the claims from the Topics list as your thesis (see Topics For Argumentation Paper in Canvas). This assignment is in two parts. In one paper you are to affirm the proposition using convincing, logically sound arguments. In the second paper you are to negate the same proposition using convincing, logically sound arguments.

Overall things your paper should contain:

  1. A clear explanation of your issue.
  2. A clear identification of the arguments used.
  3. Clear, strong support for both sides of the issue.
  4. Appropriate use of outside source material. Arguments that do not contain direct references to supporting material will not be considered strong arguments.


Paper #1 (Affirm the proposition)

Due Date: See Course Schedule

  1. This paper is to be 4-5 pages, typed, double-spaced, 1 inch margins.
  2. At least five (5) sources used to support your arguments. These sources should be appropriate for a college level paper on this topic. These must be formatted in MLA style and cited both in the text of the paper and a bibliography at the end of the paper. The bibliography does not count toward the total page number.
  3. You are welcome to write more than 4-5 pages. I am more interested in quality arguments than specific page length. Papers that are considerably longer (or shorter) than this page range may have their grade affected as a result. For example, I generally stop reading past page 6 and anything less than 3 pages indicates a lack of development.

Paper #2 (Negate the proposition)

Due Date: See Course Schedule

  1. This paper is to be 4-5 pages, typed, double-spaced, 1 inch margins.
  2. At least (5) sources used to support your arguments. These sources should be appropriate for a college level paper on this topic. These must be formatted in MLA style and cited both in the text of the paper and a bibliography at the end of the paper. The bibliography does not count toward the total page number.
  3. You are welcome to write more than 4-5 pages. I am more interested in quality arguments than specific page length. Papers that are considerably longer (or shorter) than this page range may have their grade affected as a result. For example, I generally stop reading past page 6 and anything less than 3 pages indicates a lack of development.

Helpful Advice:

  1. Use strong language. Assert yourself. Be confident in your opinion. Arguments with too many qualifying statements will not be regarded highly.
  2. Be clear and concise. The more specific you are the better. Use concrete examples. Vague or broadly worded statements will negatively impact your paper.
  3. Use the Writing Center. My students have shown a dramatic increase in the quality of the papers by getting help from the writing center. See: LAVC Writing Center
  1. Use Clear Organization. Identify what your main arguments are. Make it clear how many you plan to make in support of your position. Use an introduction and conclusion to preview and review your main points. The organization should be clear.
  2. Use your source material properly. All information should be clearly linked to a source. These sources must be cited in the paper.

The strength of your paper is based on the following:

  1. Overall clarity and organization of paper. The easier the paper is to follow along the better your grade. There should be an introduction, clear main points, and a conclusion.
  2. A clear position taken on the proposition. Papers that do make their position clear will have an influence on grade.
  3. Quality of arguments. The clearer and more specific your arguments the better. The more valid your arguments, the better your grade.
  4. Use of supporting materials. There should be references throughout the paper to supporting evidence to back up your points.
  5. Your use of MLA format—both in citations within the paper and in a bibliography included at the end of the paper. All sources referenced in the paper should be included in a works cited page at the end.


Logistic Regression and Cross Validation Model Justification Lab Report 4 Computer Science Assignment Help

Logistic Regression and Cross Validation Model Justification Lab Report 4 Computer Science Assignment Help

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