Lonestar College Ten Lessons from the Standard Model Paper Science Assignment Help

Lonestar College Ten Lessons from the Standard Model Paper Science Assignment Help. Lonestar College Ten Lessons from the Standard Model Paper Science Assignment Help.

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Frank Wilczek, one of the world’s most eminent theoretical physicists and co-predictor of gluons, reflected upon the importance of discovery of the Higgs boson in “Ten Lessons from the Standard Model (Links to an external site.).” The article appeared on the NOVA blog addressing “The Nature of Reality” on January 6, 2014, and is linked on this page.

http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/blogs/physics/2014/01/ten-lessons-from-the-standard-model/ (Links to an external site.)

Follow these guidelines to develop an original response:

  • Read Wilczek’s article.
  • Reflect upon his 10 lessons, and select the one you think is most important.
  • Why do you think that lesson is more important than the others?
  • What role can you play in sharing this lesson with others?

Comment on the posts of at least two classmates. APA citations are required only for the original response.

Maximum 500 words writing ..you can choose the lesson 9

And two responds following assignment which is 150-200 words maximum

Sample 1 :

When reading the article, “Ten Lessons from the Standard Model”, it is important to note that all the lessons are important to anyone that studies nuclear physics. And all of the lessons are intertwined but explained in different ways. I chose the one that I believe is most specific because all the others seemed to be vague and all encompassing of concepts. I chose number 7, The Behavior of Matter at High Energy Simplifies and Reveals Its Deep Structure (Wilczek, Frank. 2014). I think that this lesson says it all on its most basic level. The behavior of matter at high energy is simple and can reveal its deep structure. From this concept, all other things can be explained in terms of symmetry, unification, empty space, etc. It explains it in saying that studies at high energy can explain and detect the other particles and their interaction on a atomic level thus proving the theories of other phenomenon that is happening within the atom. In 2005, John Womersley stated in his article, “Beyond the standard model”, how the standard model does not explain the extra mass of an additional predicted particle and that we can only find out more information through experimentation (Womersley, 2005). So it interesting to note that experimentation was later conducted at CERN and that an experiment LHC explored the universe at the smallest scales. Everything learned so far is formulated in the standard model and gives the rules for how the particles behave. At high energy, new discoveries and new rules can be tested. Thus, many new particles were discovered that proved many theories of what is happening within an atom (Hesketh, 2015).

But the main point of why I believe that lesson is the most important is to show that as scientists learn more and more, it becomes more simplified. There are ways to go about explaining what is happening on the smallest level; because if we can explain on the smallest level, we can explain on the largest. One way is to just solve the equations. We can have super computers solving the problems, but there will still be questions without explanations as to why. Another way is to focus instead on models that are simpler to deal with and add either few dimensions or simplified variants. But these might not satisfy physical reality. And another way would be to think of a way to make the equations simpler (Wilczek, 2000). This has been done on many levels with the ongoing discovery of new atomic subparticles and modified theories like string and the theory of everything.

All of this is of particular interest to me because I did work at Fermilab. They were in the midst of learning about all the new subparticles. CERN was being built in Switzerland that promised more experiments and more discoveries. It is also where I learned most about atomic physics and increased my excitement in that field of science. Through my experiences, I can pass on my basic knowledge about all of this and spread my excitement on the topic. I think that by showing an average person that things are really quite simple down to an atomic level that it will show that life isn’t as complicated as we think.

Hesketh, Gavin. (2015, June 5). Explainer: how does an experiment at the Large Hadron Collider work? The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/explainer-how-does-an-experiment-at-the-large-hadron-collider-work-42846 (Links to an external site.)

Wilczek, Frank. (2000, August). QCD made simple. American Institute of Physics: Physics Today. https://frankwilczek.com/Wilczek_Easy_Pieces/298_QCD_Made_Simple.pdf (Links to an external site.)

Wilczek, Frank. (2014, January 6). Ten lessons from the standard model. NOVA PBS WGBH Educational Foundation. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/ten-lessons-from-the-standard-model/ (Links to an external site.)

Womersley, John. (2005). Beyond the standard model. Symmetry, 2(1), 22-25. https://web.archive.org/web/20071017160238/http://www.symmetrymagazine.org/pdfs/200502/beyond_the_standard_model.pdf (Links to an external site.)

Sample 2:

The Standard Model describes three of the four known fundamental forces: the electromagnetic, weak, and strong forces in the universe. It also helps classify all known elementary particles. According to Yawn (Yawn, 2019), the Standard Model effectively builds a system for the fundamental particles and their interactions.

Frank Wilczek, one of the world’s most renowned theoretical physicists and co-predictors of gluons, reflects upon the importance of discovering the Higgs boson in “Ten Lessons from the Standard Model” (Wilczek, 2014). In the article, Wilczek (Wilczek, 2014) groups ten lessons in four categories: epistemology, natural philosophy, emergent simplicity, and unfinished business. By doing so, Wilczek explains the meaning and the details of the lessons we learn from the Standard Model.

I choose the first lesson listed in the epistemology group. Epistemology is defined as the theory of knowledge. The first lesson is more important than the other lessons because, in my opinion, it covers the most significant characteristics of the Standard Model: The Standard Model is a foundation. According to Wilczek (Wilczek, 2014), the Standard Model is an excellent accomplishment of establishing a fundamental physical law foundation for all physics applications to chemistry, biology, materials science, engineering, and astrophysics.

Lesson one can be summarized as “reductionism works” (Wilczek, 2014). According to Wilczek (Wilczek, 2014), the idea of reductionism is that one can understand how things work by breaking them down into essential parts with specific properties and interactions and then building back up. And reductionism, as a strategy for understanding the physical world, is thriving.

I can share the first lesson with others by acting as a messenger. In this way, I can inspire physics, chemistry, and biology teachers and the students. As a result, they can easily understand how physics works by breaking down physical concepts and laws into essential parts with specific properties and interactions. Moreover, as a curriculum developer in my district, I can suggest the lesson one be included in the physics curricula to help students and physics teachers see the gates opening into the universe.


Wilczek, F. (2014). Ten Lessons from the Standard Model. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/ten-lessons-…

Yawn, K. R. (2019). Why not the Bohr Model? [Lecture notes, Video file]. American College of Education.https://aceedu.s3.amazonaws.com/production-files/p…

Sample 3:

After reading through Wilczek’s Ten lessons from the standard model, it became inherently clear that each lesson has its own important message that must be learned and understood for anyone to truly call themselves a nuclear physicist. The article has a natural flow, starting with reductionism and surface appearance. This describes how things need to be able to be broken down to simple terms and be built upon. Then the natural philosophy section incorporates lessons 3-6. Each of these lessons speaks of the different physical aspects of the standard model. Specifically, lesson six, talking about the empty space within atoms. Then it comes back to simplicity and how the standard model attains better symmetry at high energy. Finally, we get to the last section and it is appropriately labeled unfinished business.

This is where I believe the author teaches his most important lesson. Specifically lesson 10; Unification and Supersymmetry (SUSY.) The ultimate goal in physics is the theory of everything. An underlying theory that would link all physical properties and interactions between matter. Physics has continually progressing, and at times regressing, towards this common goal. This lesson is most important because it lists all four fundamental forces and explains the difficulty that lies ahead. Gravity does not want to be friends with the other three forces…Yet! The standard model and this grand unification might be, using, or pointing towards SUSY as part of the solution. I always tell my students that if you want to solve a problem in physics it is important to have a clear goal in mind. I always make them list their unknowns before that start a problem. This hold true on the most complex level as well.

How can I share this lesson with others? Obviously, the simple answer to this question is to teach the standard model in my AP physics classes. But I will go a bit further than that. I find it interesting to questions students understanding of modern physics throughout the school year. And in doing so I challenge them to research topics themselves. I have even gotten to the point where I have read science books with the students and held little lunch get togethers to discuss what we thought of the topic or even just the author. Some recent books include: Michio Kaku’s Physics of the impossible, Leonard Susskind’s The Black Hole War, and some as light and fun as the Physics of Baseball written by Robert Adair. I have found such an incredible response from students whom I have concurrently read a book with. The best connections I made, were with those students. Two of them even went on to study physics in college and both text/ emailed me this year to tell me they were accepting high school teaching jobs.

Wilczek, Frank. (2014, January 6). Ten lessons from the standard model. NOVA PBS WGBH Educational Foundation. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/ten-lessons-from-the-standard-model/ (Links to an external site.)

Siegel, E. (2019, February 12). Why Supersymmetry May Be The Greatest Failed Prediction In Particle Physics History. Retrieved October 14, 2020, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2019/…

Lonestar College Ten Lessons from the Standard Model Paper Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Post University Behavioral Psychology and Cognitive Psychology Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Imagine that your best friend knows you are taking a psychology course and wonders what psychology is all about. How would you define psychology for your friend?


The requirements of this assignment are:

  • Write an essay on the discipline of psychology.
  • Minimum of 300 words.
  • Use THREE sources.
    • The first source may be your textbook.
    • The second should be the following APA monitor article: http://www.apa.org/monitor/2011/02/stem.aspx
    • The third should be a scholarly source of your choice. Scholarly sources include Psychology journal articles. These may be obtained either from the Post University Library databases and/or other on-line sources. Avoid using non-scholarly sources such as Wikipedia and about.com.
  • Use in-text citations and appropriately place them immediately after a new fact or idea that is not your own. Refer to the example about Alzheimer’s Disease provided above.


PSYC 001 Pasadena City College The Most Amazing Machine Video Lesson Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology question and need a sample draft to help me study.

The Video Lecture, “The Most Amazing Machine” has psychologists discussing various interesting facets of the human brain the the impact the brain has on our experiences.

Please discuss the the section of the video or biology chapter that you found most interesting and applies to your life the most. Please do not copy something that a classmate before you commented on. If a classmate commented on the thing you wanted to mention, just choose something else to discuss. Once you have mentioned the topic of interest, then describe something personal about how you relate to the piece you chose to talk about.

EXAMPLE: I found the section on the use or lose it theory about brain function to be fascinating. I believe that for me personally, the reading section of my brain is probably the most used, since I have spent most of my life with my nose in a book. I have always loved the smell and feel of a book (not a nook, kindle or pad), and the way that your entire life could change for the time you were in the book. I always looked to books for an escape from boredom and chores. I was raised during a time when television was not available 24 hours a day, and so books were my go to entertainment. I worry about children that do not have the time and opportunity to read and wonder how it is impacting our brains. I often see a film after reading the book and am so disappointed because my understanding of the scenes was so different from the directors interpretation. I was raised in a home were books and the library were highly valued, and have tried to impart that on my sons. I see however that they are more interested in reading things online and am interested in the differences in understanding between the two modalities.

Your discussion post should beat least ten full sentences. Your response to me is due by Thursday night.

You should respond to at least two classmates about things you found interesting in their postings, with at least four sentences per response. Your responses to your classmates are due by Sunday night. You must complete the entire assignment in order to receive credit.


ITC 4500 Northeastern University Curtain Ninja Cats Project Management Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

You are the PM for a project to create a new game designed for cat lovers. The business case done for this project revealed that there is a very large segment of the population that love cats, and are also in need of new in-home entertainment, i.e. digital games, for which they would be willing to pay a sufficient fee to fund the game development and marketing. The business case did not develop a detailed description of the rules and visual imagery associated with the game, just that it should include a variety of cats and cat environments. The rest is up to the development team. There is a sponsor, Joe Sponser, in your company who is advocating for this idea, and has the authority to fund it. You have been given the go-ahead to develop a preliminary WBS so that the work can be more accurately estimated for schedule and budget purposes and evaluated for inclusion in the company’s Project Portfolio. Joe wants to see the WBS, properly organized into an MS Project or ProjectLibre file.

You have been provided with a selection of items that are likely to be in your WBS. Below, you can see these in a format you can use to cut out and arrange physically, like you might with refrigerator magnets. Or just use the Excel spreadsheet that accompanies these instructions, which can be imported into your project management tool of choice.

You may organize your WBS by deliverable, phase or both – just make your organization CLEAR. Some of the elements provided are tasks, others are phases/deliverables or interim products.

You should incorporate most/all of the items into your WBS. You may reuse some of the items IF you add appropriate “discriminators” to the wording. You may find some items do not fit well into the way you have chosen to organize your WBS, and may leave them out. You should also be able to add some of your own items, either further decomposition of tasks that are shown, or additional tasks that were not addressed. Please limit the number of additional items to no more than 5 or so.

Rubric guidance:

Depth of Thought will be based the clarity and detail of your WBS. The organization should be clear, with tasks categorized logically. Additional items added to the WBS list should show that you have thoughtfully considered the needs of the project.

Tools and Techniques will be based on your ability to use your tool of choice (MS Project or ProjectLibre to set up and present your WBS to “Joe”. You are expected to provide a file that can be opened in one of the two applications available to your instructor, as well as a pdf or doc file, with any annotations you feel will help Joe understand your work. It also includes using appropriate naming techniques for all items in your WBS.


CUNY Lehman College Educational Philosophies Writing Question Writing Assignment Help

Philosophy Paper

Everyone has their own philosophy. Teachers are no exception. The purpose of this paper is to afford you the opportunity to discover and explore your own educational philosophy, which reflects your goals, methods and beliefs in regard to education.
Use educational philosophies discussed in class and from the textbook (chapter 6) along with documentation and/or statistics where applicable in this assignment. You must have a minimum of 2 references used and cited in this paper.Your paper should be approximately 3 to 6 pages in length. And although not assigned until later in the semester, chapter 9 in your text has useful information that may aid your writing of this paper.
Use the following statements as a guide in the writing of your reflective paper.
Begin your paper with: The purposes of education are…. This introduces a general thesis statement into your philosophy. Then address the following concepts in your essay. These guided statements will help you sequentially develop your reflective paper.

1 I believe that children learn best when taught under certain conditions and in certain ways. Some of these are …
2 The curriculum in any classroom should include certain basics. These basics are…
3 Children learn best in a good environment. Some of the features of a good learning environment are…
4 All children have certain needs. Some of these needs are….
5 I would meet these needs by…
6 Qualities I think important for teaching are….
7 I believe the most important role of the teacher is…
8 I believe students fail because…
9 I believe students succeed because…
10 I believe my greatest strength in teaching is/will be…. because

Follow APA



HIS 108 SDSU The American Civil War the Abolishment of Slavery in The US Discussion Writing Assignment Help

this is your last discussion in the class and it deals with the French and Indian War, the American Revolution and the War of 1812. You are to read Chapters 14 and 15 in the text, read the lecture on early wars, and watch some of the videos on these early wars. For this assignment you are going to go back in time and live at the time of ONE of these wars. You are going to describe what you feel would be the major causes of that chosen war.

Finally you are going to describe what is the most important battle of the war that you choose and you can comment on at least two students descriptions of their wars and agree or disagree with the major causes of their wars. Good luck with this final discussion assignment in the class.

HIS 108 SDSU The American Civil War the Abolishment of Slavery in The US Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

NUR 513 Grand Canyon University The Changing ARNs Roles Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

please answer each question separately with separate references

1. (250 words) Describe how the role of advanced registered nurse transformed over time. Consider shifts in scope and expectations in the 20th and 21st centuries. In what ways will the advanced registered nurse role and responsibilities continue to evolve and emerge as the American health care system changes?

Please use x1 scholarly source peer reviewed within last 5yrs only.

DQ 2. (250 words )We will discuss how the role of advanced registered nurse transformed over time, considering various shifts in scope and expectations in the 20th and 21st centuries. We will also discuss different ways that will the advanced registered nurse role and responsibilities continue to evolve and emerge as the American health care system changes. Briefly Explore the 4 APRN roles.

X2 scholarly peer reviewed references no later than 5years ago

DQ 3. (250 words) Access The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. Identify the two recommendations for nursing education you believe will be most effective or radical in creating change within the industry. Provide rationale based on your experience in practice. Do you agree or disagree with how the Institute of Medicine (IOM) describes the advanced practice registered nurse role evolving. Why or why not?

Please use following source provided : Read The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health, by the Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing (2011). Download the free PDF from the National Academy of Sciences website.This resource will be used to answer Topic 1 DQ 3



Pattern of Development for Han Dynasty and Roman Empire Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Two of the most important imperial powers that emerged during 300 BCE and 300 CE were the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire. Compare and contrast the pattern of development for these empires. In particular, what impact did Confucianism have on the Han era and describe the key political features that sustained the Roman Empire.

Your initial post should contain at least 1 paragraph devoted to the comparison and contrast features; another for the impact of Confucius and a final one on the political features of the Roman Empire. For a total of three paragraphs and three cited sources (page number


CUNY Lehman College The Gender Divide in Urban China Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Must use this article: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26350099?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

How Do I Write This Paper?
1. Obtain the article and get it approved
2. Read the article thoroughly. Don’t worry if you don’t understand the statistics and analysis parts. All you have to do for the paper is state what type of statistics appear and what type of analysis was done. Use a sociology dictionary if you don’t understand the words. Always use a sociology dictionary for sociology terms.
3. Format for this paper is: 12 pt. Times font with 1 inch margins. The section headings Introduction, Summation, Theory, Methods, Comparison, and Conclusion should all be in regular font, not bold, and aligned at the left margin with no colons.
4. There should be a separate References at the end with the article and all sources you used in the paper on it. This includes the textbook and any other sources you used for information in the Theory and the Comparison sections.
5. For this type of paper, you must put the article, in correct APA reference format at the top of the first page. DO NOT use a running head. DO NOT use a title page. The first page should only consist of the article in APA format at the top of the page and the beginning of your paper, with the Introduction, next. Explain in your Introduction that you are writing an article review paper, what sections you will cover, and tell why you selected this article.
6. In your Introduction, as it says above, tell the reader what sections (Summation, Theory, Methods, Comparison) you will cover in the paper and why you selected this article to review
7. For the Summation section: Write the summation in your own words; do not use direct quotes too much or paraphrase too closely. You must use APA citations of the article for everything that you mention that comes from the article; that goes for all the sections of your paper. Do not express your opinions in this section. You do that in your Conclusion. See the description of this section previously given for what to include.
8. In the Theory section: describe either – the theory the author/s state that he/she/or they used OR select a sociological theory from Chapter two in the textbook: Structural functional, conflict, symbolic interaction, etc. and apply that to the topic of the research. I am looking for your understanding of these theories. Don’t worry about getting it absolutely correct; you are to try and show an understanding of the sociological theory relevant to the family by applying ONE of those in the text to the topic. You must explain why you selected that theory to apply and provide evidence for that application. Be sure to cite both the text and the article you review. The Lectures in Module 1 contain descriptions of the three basic theoretical perspectives in sociology and of exchange theory. You can use ONE of those theory descriptions in your paper. For Exchange theory and Feminist theory – you can use the textbook descriptions. Remember – only apply ONE theory in this section of your paper.
9. The Methods section is next. As stated above it should include:
• Main method used to get the data – how was the data collected?
• Population studied including the location (country, city, region as applicable)
• The sample of that population studied and how that sample was obtained.
• Hypotheses
• How was the data then analyzed? Were hypotheses refuted or supported?
• What were the results? How did the author/s account for the results?
• The author/s conclusions and suggestions for further research

10. Finally, the last section (aside from the Conclusion) is the Comparison. In this section you select a topic or issue from the article. It can be the main issue studied or a sub-topic. Then you look into your textbook and see if the textbook covers a similar topic that occurs in the US. You might want to do research outside the textbook on a topic. For example, the dowry system is found in many Middle Eastern and Asia countries, especially India. The dowry used to be a part of US marriage customs and in some cases still is. Thus, you could research “dowry in America” and compare that with the dowry system described in the country in which the author/s of your article did their research. In order to get scholarly articles for your comparison, use Google Scholar for your research at: https://scholar.google.com. Make sure that this section, like all the other parts of your paper, is in your own words. You can paraphrase the sources you use, but don’t use too many direct quotes. Remember – every statement of fact must have a citation. Use citations and put the sources you use in the list of References at the end of your paper.
11. Finally, write a Conclusion that explains what you thought about the article. NOT about the topic! (If you have a pressing need to comment on the content, then put that in a short footnote in this paragraph.) Your paper is an objective article review so it should not be about the topic, but rather about the author’s research. Did he/she/they do a good job? Did he/she/they contribute to the knowledge in the field? What are the further implications of this research? Then in a second concluding paragraph, your final remarks should summarize for the reader the basic ideas you covered in each section. Again, DO NOT summarize the topic!
12. Remember – you need a References page with all the sources, in alphabetical order by author, you used in your paper and in APA format. That includes the article itself.


CCC Amnesty against Illegal Immigrants Rebuttal Argument Essay Writing Assignment Help

I need someone to finish writing the essay I’ve already. The essay is on illegal immigration. I am writing an essay amnesty for illegal immigration is bad. You job is to take the author’s opposition and argue against their position using the sources. For example, the author argue that illegal immigrants boost the economy and do jobs that American are not willing to do for low pay. I want you to argue that illegal immigrants help the owner class but hurt working class American especially African Americans. I addition, they also keep the wages low, which provide incentive companies to not increase the minimum wage

You’re are rebutting against an author by the name of Ed Krayewski who wrote an article called, ” 5 Reasons to Grant Amnesty to Illegal Immigrants”. YOU MUST READ THE ARTICLE. Here is the link of the article https://reason.com/2013/02/07/5-reasons-for-amnest…

I uploaded my introduction to hello you get started. My introduction word count is 388 and must be 1,200 word count ( excluding name, date, professor’s name). I also uploded my firend’s essay to provide you with an example on how its supposed to be done,

Here are his five points. Your are to argue against his five reasons for amnesty using the creditable sources.

1.Immigration is good for the economy
2.Illegal Immigrants already pay taxes
3.Most illegal immigrants are otherwise law-abiding
4.Immigration is a natural right
5.There are too many illegal immigrants to do anything else.

Below are sources to help you get started.

  • You should use 3-5 sources for this essay. At least two of your sources must be academic sources. Feel fre to use other sources but as long as they are academic sources.

. https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/100940/1/w…5 Reasons to Grant Amnesty to Illegal Immigrants



I will provided you with the sources you’ll need for assignment, The sources must all be academic sources. There must be no palalgrism nor can there can ANY grammatical errors. PLEASE proofread the essay at least 4 times before submitting it to me. Here are the instructions!

  1. Write a letter to your opposition. Craft a letter to your specific person or organization, and refute their arguments.
    • Introduction: Directly address your audience (your opposition). Explain the controversy, as you understand it. Establish common ground between your perspectives. End with a thesis that states your position.
    • Counterargument: Examine your opposition’s main arguments one at a time, and refute them. Directly address their claims and positions on the issue, and then argue against those claims. Give direct support for your rebuttal arguments. Use evidence to support your arguments against the author’s points.
    • Conclusion: Synthesize your main arguments. Re-establish common ground, and let your reader know what you want them to do, think, or feel after reading your essay. What are your reader’s next steps?

  2. Tips for Success:
    • Create a correctly formatted Works Cited page with an entry for each source you cite within your essay.
    • Be sure to tailor your arguments and support to your specific audience (your opposition), and address that audience directly. Incorporate their specific arguments, and refute them directly.
    • Be sure your rebuttal arguments are supported by clear reasons and relevant evidence.
    • Your essay should be approximately 1,200 words.
    • You should use 3-5 sources for this essay. At least two of your sources must be academic sources.
    • Remember to arrange your information placing what you think is the most important information last.
    • Your essay should contain 2-3 quotations from your sources, and should paraphrase other main ideas. Use your sources effectively, and stay in control of your argument. Be sure to use quotation marks and in-text citations appropriately and responsibly.
    • Please be sure to use correct MLA Style for your essay and to create an MLA Worked cited page


Lonestar College Ten Lessons from the Standard Model Paper Science Assignment Help

Lonestar College Ten Lessons from the Standard Model Paper Science Assignment Help

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