Los Angeles Pierce College The American Constitution Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help. Los Angeles Pierce College The American Constitution Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help.
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For maximum points (20 points), each answer should be about half a page single spaced ( which is about 2-3 substantial paragraphs ). Each answer should also include citations from the online text. For example, after the sentence/point you use from the book, you can cite your quotes as: (OpenStax section 4.1)Chapter 2
Question 1) With an ocean between them, it was inevitable that the new world colonies would break away from their King and British rule. Now with the task of creating a new government, explain the political foundation that the Founding Fathers wanted to institute. What kind of government did they want to have? What kind of leader did they want to have? These and other questions are helpful as you think over this.
Question 2) The Founding Fathers experienced great tension since there were many point of contention ; each group fighting tooth and nail to institute their own particular viewpoint into the Constitution. Choose 2 issues and explain in detail. For example, The Virginia Plan verses The New Jersey Plan can be one of these issues. When describing these different plans, think about how this effects America as a whole. In other words, what the big idea about it? What difference does it make?
Chapter 3
Question 3) Federalism is defined as a national government delegating specific powers to state governments so that both can work efficiently. However, since the creation of our country, the national government’s powers have greatly increased. Pick 2 examples of these such powers and go into detail with them.
Chapter 4
Question 4) Our country is known for its rights. Each new generation experiences new growth in achieving certain rights, from doing away with child labor, to the fight for equal pay. Discuss what the text says about Civil Liberties, and choose 2 Amendments that interest you and provide some examples of what they entail in terms of rights.
Los Angeles Pierce College The American Constitution Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Prince Georges Community College Health Expenditures Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
In situations of legal but potentially unhealthy individual behavioral choices, should public funding be used to treat any complications or morbidity associated with those behavioral choices? Is providing publicly funded healthcare a deterrent or an enabler of unhealthy behavior choices (Medicare, Medicaid, universal health coverage)? Support your statements with evidence-based research and literature from appropriately-vetted sources. Incorporate discussion of global health inequity and disparities in your response. Consider vaccine refusal, refusal of malaria treatment, overeating and/or sedentary behavior to the point of obesity, complications of genital mutilation, complications of tobacco use, complications of diabetes, complications due to vaccine-preventable illness in those who chose not to vaccinate, treatment and rehabilitation costs from vehicular accidents due to the injured individual driving drunk or not wearing a seat belt.
In response to your peers, choose a position other than your own on a topic and professionally debate the issue. We encourage you to disagree with others on the discussion board as long as it is done so professionally and respectfully.
For this discussion:
- You must make your initial post before you can see the posts of your classmates.
- Initial post: 300-350 words
- References required: minimum of 2
MGMT 659 CTU Week 3 Employee Resistance Due to Corporate Driven Changes Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Assignment Details- 1000-2000 words- Please review document attached and add to it in Week 3 section. Please critique previous sections. The instructor added notes and suggestions on where to critique. Please use the attached document and read assignment thoroughly to asses the assignment.
The document should explain how the data are to be used, how they support addressing the issue, and the end condition of the issue once it is resolved. The document should include an analysis and synthesis of the data found in your secondary sources from the database. In addition, you will need to discuss the findings in detail.
The design of your research should now be completed, and you are ready to identify the data that were collected in support of the issue. This is a key step in the research process and should result in meaningful, measurable, and useful information that you will use for the purpose of synthesizing your data to align with your research outcomes. Proper execution of your research plan will play a large role in the success of your project.
For this assignment, you will continue your work on the project with the data analysis phase. You will also discuss the research findings in detail.
The project deliverables are as follows:
- Update the management research document title page with the new date and project name.
- Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
- New content (Week 3)
- Research analysis and synthesis methods
- Discuss analysis and synthesis as findings relate to the topic.
- Discuss the findings by drafting an initial list of recommendations.
- Research analysis and synthesis methods
- Name the document Your name_MGMT659_IP3.doc.
- Submit the document for grading.
ASU Behavioral Dispensation The Stanford Prison Experiment Movie Reflection Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a communications report and need a sample draft to help me study.
Read Chapter 5 (Roles in Groups) in In Mixed Company.
Watch The Experiment (2010); Drama; R. (Look in movies module)
Mostly(ish) faithful dramatic recreation of the Stanford Prison Study.
Analyze formal and informal roles played by all of the characters. Explore the impact of each role on their behavior.
Would you prefer to be a prisoner or a guard? Why? Discuss how the prisoner–guard roles are analogous to any role relationships where there is a power imbalance—teacher–student, doctor–patient, parent–child. Discuss the potential for abuse.
Response should be well thought out and should include concepts discussed in Chapter 5. 250-500 words.
Here’s a link to a documentary that will give you a little insight into the actual experiment:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_LKzEqlPto&list=PLCzYfylTYJiFFOCglFI53apjQAUvmGiIH&index=4 (Links to an external site.)
BUS 189 Stanford University Electric Vehicle and Tesla Industry Report Writing Assignment Help
This assignment is a group assignment, I’ll send you the requirements and other group member’s work, you just need to finish my part.
Team member’s work is attached below, there are total 6 parts, all you need to do is finish the Part #4 ( make recommendation and conclusions linked to analysis). write 350-400 word is enough.
Assignment requirements:
Each team will submit an analysis of an industry of the class’s choosing.This analysis should use the appropriate frameworks and models to analyze firms’ external environments.
- Do not emphasize a specific firm; emphasize the whole industry.
- Maximum of 5 double-spaced pages of text (Times New Roman, 12 pt. font)
- Follow all the guidelines of proper writing and reports including the use of introductions, conclusions, and references for your research sources.
- The team is permitted an unlimited number of supporting exhibits and appendices.
New York Institute of Technology Role of IT Governance in Organizations Paper & PPT Business Finance Assignment Help
Article Review:
This is the second article review following with the project that was chosen. Select one of the articles you intend to use as a reference for the final project (Reference documents attached). Write a 2-3 page paper that describes the article’s main point and its value – or lack thereof – to your research. Describe what you learned from the article and how it relates to your case study. Compose your paper in APA 7 format with a title page, headings, introduction and conclusion. Include a reference section.
Article Review:
This is the third article review. Select one of the articles you intend to use as a reference for the final project (Reference documents attached). Write a 2-3 page paper that describes the article’s main point and its value – or lack thereof – to your research. Describe what you learned from the article and how it relates to your case study. Compose your paper in APA 7 format with a title page, headings, introduction and conclusion. Include a reference section.
Please create minimum of 13-15 slides of power point
presentation based on the entire project. Please also include presentation
talking points in the notes for each slide.
Project continuation documents are attached.
New York Institute of Technology Role of IT Governance in Organizations Paper & PPT Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PHI 1600 Utica College Ethical Principles Questions Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Most often we encounter ethical dilemmas related to end-of-life issues.The purpose of this forum is to practice applying the 6.0 Model of Ethical Reasoning PHI 1600 Applied Ethics Dr. Dave Monroe (linked here). This decision framework was introduced in Week 1. You will apply it to an ethical dilemma you encountered, or have personal knowledge of, in a work setting.
Confidentiality is important!Do not disclose names of patients, staff, or agencies as you describe an ethical dilemma witnessed. Remember, an ethical dilemma is a problem that has multiple & often opposite but ethically justifiable solutions. Most of the time there is no “perfect” solution, but a reason-based decision must be made.
Reflect on your situation & respond to the following questions for your original post (please note the instructions at the bottom about peer responses in this forum):
- 1. Briefly describe the ethical dilemma with necessary background information. Include a description of the major stake-holders. Who held the “power” or control over the final decision?
- 2. What were the options considered for resolving this issue? Were there specific regulations or agency policies applicable in the issue?
- 3. Which provision or specific interpretive statement of the ANA Code of Ethics for Nursing is relevant to the situation you described?
- 4. Discuss whether you think the “best” moral decision was selected.Is this an instance that contributes to ‘moral debris’ because of what was not done or could have been handled better
Use at least one scholarly resource other than your textbook to support your remarks
All scholarly sources cited in-text and as references must be APA compliant, including direct quotations.
HUMN 8821 WU Week 7 Characteristics of Sustainable Communities Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
There are various characteristics used to describe sustainable communities, many of which you explore in this week’s readings. As you do so, it is important to keep in mind that no community exemplifies every characteristic. Generally speaking, sustainable communities minimize environmental impact, increase economic flow, and increase cultural awareness; however, they differ in a variety of other ways. Geographic location, demographics, economy, and culture distinguish one community from the next and contribute to unique needs and problems. Some sustainable communities may focus on using wind and solar power to reduce dependency on thermal and nuclear energy and other communities may focus on increasing local employment opportunities to reduce urban sprawl. Similarly, there are different factors (e.g., funding, community commitment, leadership, etc.) that ultimately affect the success of sustainable development in communities.
To prepare for this Discussion:
Review the articles “Characteristics of a Sustainable City,” “Leaders of the Pack: An Analysis of the Canadian ‘Sustainable Communities’ 2000 Municipal Competition,” “Nature-Driven Economy Through Sustainable Communities,” and “Local Initiatives Support Corporation: Characteristics of Sustainable Communities.”
Think about characteristics of sustainable communities and consider factors that may positively or negatively affect sustainable development.
Reflect on your community and the practice or intervention you selected in Week 7.
Select two characteristics you hope your community would exemplify following the implementation of the practice or intervention.
Identify one factor that may positively or negatively affect sustainable development in your community and consider how and why.
By Day 3
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 3 a brief description of your community. Then describe at least two characteristics you hope your community would exemplify following the implementation of the practice or intervention you selected in Week 7. Finally, describe one factor that might affect sustainable development in your community and explain how and why. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your explanation.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.
South University Online Emotional Intelligence in Policing Article Reviews Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Emotional Intelligence in Policing
Article reviews enable you to practice thinking critically and to synthesize information. Do not quote from the article. Instead, summarize and paraphrase. For purposes of promoting originality, citations should be limited to about 1-2 per paragraph in most instances. Paragraphs should ideally consist of between 5-7 sentences each. Your review must be written in your words and include Biblical integration and at least three scholarly citations, one of which can be your textbook, in APA format. In addition to 5-7 pages of content, make sure to include a title and reference page. You do not need to produce an abstract for this assignment.
The essence of graduate work is your ability to synthesize the works of multiple authors and present a coherent paper that shows you fully understand the concepts under discussion. This assignment requires you to compare two articles, read them, and discuss how they are related to the overall topic of law enforcement leadership and civil liberties. One article is part of the weekly reading and each student will find another article on the same subject. Please ensure your finished product reflects how the articles relate to the discipline of law enforcement. In addition to an introduction and conclusion, make sure to cover the following pertinent questions as you prepare your Critical Review assignment. Please write in a narrative format and do not simply answer the questions.
What is the article’s title and purpose?
What are the authors’ theoretical assumptions?
What are the major similarities and differences in the authors’ views?
Do the articles advance the work in the field of law enforcement?
Does your research indicate the need for improved leadership training in law enforcement?
Suffolk County Community College Module 7 CH15 Discussion Query Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
For the Module 7 Discussion Thread, discuss four key concepts or ideas that were examined in the Module 7 reading (Counseling the Culturally Diverse – Chapter 15) and explore how these concepts relate to cultural perspectives of counseling with Native American, Alaska Native, and Indigenous communities. You can choose to write about any key concepts that you find relevant in responding to this question. Be sure to develop a well-substantiated written response for this assignment. Make sure that you bring in core concepts and provide detail from the reading to illustrate your points. Your response should be approximately 250 words.
Los Angeles Pierce College The American Constitution Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help
Los Angeles Pierce College The American Constitution Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help