Louisiana State University Shreveport Electronic Health Records PPT Health Medical Assignment Help

Louisiana State University Shreveport Electronic Health Records PPT Health Medical Assignment Help. Louisiana State University Shreveport Electronic Health Records PPT Health Medical Assignment Help.

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develop a powerpoint presentation that outlines a plan for the development of an informatics system project. The powerpoint presentation should address the following components:

  • Describe the benefits and value of the proposed project and how it supports strategic initiatives or solves a problem.
  • Discuss the pros and cons of implementation of the proposed project.
  • Describe the culture of the organization where the project will be implemented,.
  • Describe associated costs including, but not limited to, ownership costs, software costs, training costs, and/or support costs of the project.
  • As professionals, do you recommend the proposed project and why? Include your rationale and provide other experts and stakeholders in this opinion.

The powerpoint must contain the following:

  • 15 – 20 slides, including a title slide and references
  • 5 pictures
  • Notes on a minimum of three slides
  • Verbal recording of presentation with voice-over powerpoint

Louisiana State University Shreveport Electronic Health Records PPT Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

TLMT 313 American Public University System Cross Functional Team Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

W2: Cross Functional Team

Discuss the individual contributions that could be made by a cross-functional team to the following list of activities. Assume the team consists of engineering, manufacturing, and supply management personnel.

a. Specifications Development
b. Market Analysis
c. Productivity/cost improvements
d. Make or buy analysis
e. Determination of inventory levels

To kick this off let me say that being able to effectively participate and lead cross functional teams is critical to effectively implementing supply chain management. Cross functional equates to diversity meaning that you have individuals with different skill sets and motivations (based on their respective organizations). Harnessing this expertise and working through the natural barriers that exist is truly a challenge that requires effort to achieve the desired end state…that is to resolve issues and problems and/or to deliver viable alternative solutions.

The discussion question reflects this diversity placing it in the context of specific teams and actions.

250 Words


List sources


Thomas More College Quantitative Reasoning Skyhigh Airlines Case Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

I am attempting to complete the below assignment; I’ve put together what I think is a nice looking Excel outline; with objective, probability distribution, etc. What simulation columns do I include other than flight number? What calculations do I need to make to fill them in? I don’t know what to do next.

Skyhigh Airlines flight 708 from New York to Los Angeles is a popular flight that is usually sold out. Unfortunately, some ticketed passengers change their plans at the last minute and cancel or re-book on another flight. Subsequently, the airline loses the $450 for every empty seat that the plane flies.

To limit their losses from no-shows, the airline routinely overbooks flight 708, and hopes that the number of no-shows will equal the number of seats oversold. However, things seldom work out that well. Sometimes flight 708 has empty seats, and other times there are more passengers than the airplane has seats. When the latter happens, the airline must “bump” pre-ticketed passengers; they estimate that this will cost them $275 in later accommodations to bumped passengers.

Fortunately for the airline, hopeful passengers usually show up at flight time without tickets and want to get on the flight. The airline classifies these passengers as standbys while it waits to determine how many seats, if any will be available. Standby passengers can help offset the loss associated with flying an empty seat, but the airline suffers no penalty when a standby passenger is not able to receive a seat.

Airline records indicate that the number of No-shows and Standbys will vary according to the probability tables below:

Number of Relative Number of Relative

No-shows Frequency Standbys Frequency

0 0.04 0 0.26

1 0.08 1 0.34

2 0.14 2 0.24

3 0.25 3 0.11

4 0.30 4 0.05

5 0.13

6 0.06

Simulate 25 flights with each of several different overbooking decisions (assume that the best overbooking number will be between 1 and 6) to determine the optimal number of seats to overbook this flight, to minimize the airline’s losses. Tabulate your results and use them to justify your recommendations. You should report, for each scenario, the average loss per flight, and the percentage of flights that suffer a loss.


Keiser University WK 3 Synovial Joints in Osteoarthritis Management Discussion Science Assignment Help

First question: What was your favorite topic this week? Synovial Joints What did you enjoy? Find a video that relates to this topic.

You will create 4 short paragraphs. Please organize your post to earn points. APA Format


  1. Research: Students will briefly summarize a video that relates to their favorite topic this week. Locate and give the full page of the URL to a video in APA formatting (cite in text and reference) that pertains to your favorite topic this week. It is not unlike a main discussion post. Summarize the video in 50 words. Cite in the text. Reference at the end. If the URL is not given and cannot be verified, points will not be earned for this section. Documentation of sources is necessary. /25 Words:
  1. System Check: Relate your topic from this week to another system in the body. Demonstrate and show how this information is connected to other functions in the body. Please illustrate how this system is interrelated to another system in the body. Compare and contrast structure. Provide examples from the text. Cite and reference the text. /75 Words.
  1. Apply the importance of this information at different levels (individual/career, society, world). What was the most significant connection you made with the material this week? How is your topic showing up in the news these days? Explain why this video is important. Tell me why this topic may be important to your future career. How can you apply this topic of anatomy to your career or your community? Society? Give a detailed example. Be specific about this; Do not only say it is important but explain why it is important. /100 Words.
  2. Weekly Self Reflection: What resources do you think helped you most this week to help you understand? What challenges did you have with the material? What improvements can you make this week to implement for next week? /50 Words.


UWM The Lives of Women & Children in Ancient Egypt and Greece Comparative Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Follow the instructions carefully.

Answer one of the following questions as completely as you can in the space allotted:

  1. Compare and contrast the lives of women and children in ancient Egypt and Greece.
  2. Compare and contrast the two Greek city states – Sparta and Athens.(You may choose to find precedents for both in Uruk and Babylon.)
  3. Compare and contrast the female mythical figures of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, and the Tanakh (Old Testament).
  • Your paper should be at least three pages (that means to the bottom of the third page).It should not be more than four pages. It must be double spaced and typed in 12 point Times New Roman font.
  • Provide a cover page.Start your essay at the top of the next page.The cover page is not included in the three page minimum.
  • Begin with a strong thesis statement followed by relevant evidence from the readings and lecture.Cite Cole as (Cole pg.#); cite the articles by the first significant two words in the title of the document for example (“Speciating Sea” 454 or “Egypt – Beginning” 557); and cite the presentations/lectures as Colling + lecture/slide #, e.g. (Colling 5/42). Cite often.Document each claim that you make, but use only the assigned sources, i.e. readings and lectures.
  • The only outside sources you may use are videos or web pages that have been assigned.Do not be tempted to use outside sources. The purpose of the exam is to assess your understanding of the readings.
  • Do not plagiarize.



NYU w6 Sudan Conflict Zones Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help


Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.

Ethiopia’s Tigray region for Sudan humanitarian crisis resulting in the civilian displacement

A current situation or story found on Global Health Now focuses on Ethiopia’s Tigray region for Sudan. According to the article, approximately 600,00+ individuals have fled the area due to months of conflict resulting in a massacre of civilians, and the destruction of their health facilities by Eritrean forces. The destruction and looting of these clinics have caused the health system in the area to collapse leaving civilians with no access to healthcare and doctors taking over other facilities and treating their own instead of the civilians. The humanitarian crisis has left the civilians mentally traumatized because of sexual assaults and violence and witnessing the killings of their people and families (Global Health Now, 2021).

The international organization that is serving the people physically and mentally are the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugee. They are erecting tents to house the displaced civilians, providing resources, and health care services near the Sudanese-Ethiopian borders. These resources include a hot meal, thousands of tents that are hosting up to 5,000 civilians and the organization is working on improving water, security, and sanitation conditions (United Nation, 2021).

The gaps that the churches and faith-based communities can fill to provide help during the humanitarian crisis is providing resources and shelter to the refugees. Also, the churches can be used as a spiritual healing entity to help relieve mental stress from the refugees. However, providing relief is only alleviating the situation temporarily. There needs to be a development put in place as a solution to the crisis. For example, the United Nation investigation resulted in findings that stated the Eritrean forces are behind the mass killings and they should be charged with a war crime. Getting to the root of the issue by eliminating the threat will be the first step to building back the communities these refugees were displaced from (Global Health Now, 2021).

Suggestions for sustainable health promotion and development among the displaced population

My suggestions for sustainable health promotion and development among the displaced population is for the refugee camps to have an appropriate water supply that is clean and the location of the tent sanitary conditions must be taken into consideration. Once sanitation is focused on, the prevention of diseases outbreak during the crisis will be minimized and controlled. Furthermore, regarding development factors for the crisis, those who are responsible for the war must be charged for their crimes, and a plan to build back the communities must be the new focus. Lastly, laws must be implemented to prevent this situation from ever occurring again in the future.


Global Health Now Organization. (2021, March 8). Thousands flee escalating crisis in Tigray. Global Health Now. https://www.globalhealthnow.org/2021-03/thousands-flee-escalating-crisis-tigray

United Nation Organization. (2021, January 5). UNHCR relocates victims of Ethiopia’s Tigray conflict to new site in Sudan. United Nation News. https://news.un.org/en/story/2021/01/1081422#:~:text=UNHCRrelocatesvictimsofEthiopia’sTigrayconflicttonewsiteinSudan,-WFPLeni&text=Tensofthousandsofrefugees,conflictinEthiopia’sTigrayregion.

Respond to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below… in APA format with At least two references and a minimum of 200 words….. .(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism.

  • Ask a probing question.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.

  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class

To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.




American Psychological Association. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

NYU w6 Sudan Conflict Zones Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HMR 400 Ashford University Week 4 Technology to Advertise Vacant Positions Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Directions: You are a recruiter for an organization that is planning on expanding one of its departments. You are tasked with finding a highly skilled knowledge worker. The type of industry and the position are your choice. Create a job description for the position detailing the tasks, tools, technology, knowledge, skills, abilities, and education requirements for the position. Then, conduct a competitive analysis of at least five different internet job boards. Identify the different services and career focuses they each have. Do they target executives, general laborers, IT, HR, education, state owned, or something different? Create a table of information displaying the different services offered. Explain which job board is the best fit to advertise the position. Provide an explanation why you chose that board and the benefits it offers over the others.

The Job Descriptions paper

  • Must be a minimum of four double-spaced pages in length (not including the title and reference pages) and be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least three scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library, one of which must be peer reviewed, in addition to the textbook.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


SPM 4604 Florida State University Sport Governance Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a sports management case study and need a sample draft to help me learn.



Assume that you work for one of the professional sport leagues listed below. Over the last few weeks, a group of big-name professional athletes in the league has been calling for changes to the league’s current approach to regulating athlete cannabis-use. This week, the group has been threatening legal action and their demands have garnered substantial support from fans (especially those who are between 18-35 years old and from states where cannabis is legal).

In efforts towards a resolution, your boss has tasked you with the responsibility of evaluating the situation and making a rational and ethical (and don’t forget legal!) decision on the matter. On one hand, you are aware of the changing views around cannabis in American society, as well as some of the recent research about how cannabis-use might have some positive impacts on the physical and mental well-being of athletes and you are concerned that denying these to athletes might yield some ethical concerns. However, on the other hand, you are also aware that your league has a large conservative fanbase that you don’t want to risk losing, and there are also major legal concerns, especially in regards to differences in the state-level laws around cannabis.

To make a rational and ethical (and don’t forget legal!) decision in response to the athletes’ demands and concerns, you will apply The Rational Decision Model and The SLEEPE Principle.


The purpose of this assignment to think critically and creatively to make the best possible decision to deal with the situation outlined in the question prompt. To do this, in this assignment, students will complete the following steps:

1.) First, pick one of the following professional sport organizations that you will be hypothetically employed at for this assignment:


2.) Focusing on this professional sport league, research what (if any) policies are currently in place to deal with cannabis-use (by, for example, athletes, coaches, sponsors, and other relevant personnel and stakeholders) and where the gaps are in existing policy (i.e., Does the policy reflect the current science on cannabis-use and sport participation? Does the policy consider athletes’ current needs and opinions on the matter? Is the policy in line with society’s or fans’ current views on the matter?).

3.) Provide a comparison explaining some of the similarities and differences between this cannabis-use policy that of one other professional sport league’s cannabis-use policy. For this step, you must sufficiently discuss at least THREE similarities and THREE differences between the two leagues’ cannabis-use policies.

3.) Apply the Rational Decision-Making Model to make the best possible decision on the matter at hand. PLEASE SEE THE TEXTBOOK FOR AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO SEE FROM YOU IN THIS REGARD.

4.) Apply the SLEEPE Principle to compare the various implications (i.e., Social, Legal, Economic, Ethical, Political, Educational etc.) of your decision in step 3 vs. another option you could have gone with (i.e., if you decided to side with the athletes in your decision, then you must compare the various implications for that side of the decision to those of another option that you could have gone with, for example, keeping the cannabis-use policy as is in a time when society’s views on the matter are changing). PLEASE SEE THE TEXTBOOK FOR AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO SEE FROM YOU IN THIS REGARD.

Responses should be between 1000 and 1200 words in length, adhere to APA format (see the APA Publication Manual for more information), and include Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced, and 1-inch margins along with in-text citations and a bibliography page. Students should use bullet point form but must still write in full sentences.


Archimedes the Story of Heureka & the Hydrostatic Principle Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

1. One of the most famous events in the study of geometry involved Archimedes and a bath tub. Research this story. Find at least 2-3 different sources of information. To properly complete this assignment, you will need to do the following:

  • Explain the story in your own words, citing your sources of information.
  • Describe how the story relates to the study of geometry.

2. Create a new Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) document on your computer, and write 1-2 pages (please see formatting information below) explaining the story and relating it to the study of geometry in your own words. Please cite 2-3 references from websites that are reputable (they have a “.edu” extension). Note: headings, titles, references, blank lines etc. do not count towards the more than one page requirement.

Please follow MLA formatting (Purdue Owl MLA Style Guide):

  • Double spaced
  • 12pt font
  • 1″ margins
  • Indent paragraphs
  • Include a Works Cited page (separate page, not included in the 1-2 page requirement)


UC San Diego Diode Modeling DC Simulation and Rectifier Circuits Question Engineering Assignment Help

1. choose a diode model available in LTSPICE and DigiKey which will satisfy all project requirements.Explain why this diode model will meet the design requirements.State the diode manufacturer, forward voltage specification, packaging optionand price per unitfrom the Digikey(https://www.digikey.com/)website. If you are ambitious, you may try to import additional diode model besides sticking to the default diode library.However, the new diode model has to be available for purchase in Digikey.Include a snapshot of the datasheet front page (which shows diode key specifications such as forward voltage drop, etc.).

complete the chart. easy chart that needs to be completed. Its about basic engineering


Louisiana State University Shreveport Electronic Health Records PPT Health Medical Assignment Help

Louisiana State University Shreveport Electronic Health Records PPT Health Medical Assignment Help

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