Major Philosophies Developing in Greece Exam Practice Humanities Assignment Help. Major Philosophies Developing in Greece Exam Practice Humanities Assignment Help.
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This is only the study guide I’ll give the questions when u are ready
The exam is only 3 hours so when we start u have to be ready to start answering the question ASAP
U will answer 12 questions. 2 question from section II and 10 question from section I
The first 2 questions 200-230 words
The rest 3 to 2 sentences
I’ll give u the book link to be prepared
Study Guide
Section I
Directions: Be able to identify each of the people/objects/places/terms/events below. In a short answer, explain why are they significant and how they influenced Early Western History?
- Socrates
- The Republic
- Aristophanes
- Cimon
- Herodotus
- Hoplite
- Thermopylae
- Mytilene
- Ostraca
- The Troads
- The Pythia
- Doric
- Fertile Crescent
- Marathon
- Arētē
- Helots
- Magnae Graecia
- The Parthenon
- Alcibiades
- Alexandria
Section II
Directions: Be prepared to answer the following questions. Answer the question completely and include some discussion of primary sources, where appropriate, to support your answer.
- How did the geographic landscape of the Greeks influence their society?
- Discuss the importance of Greek drama on our understanding of events and politics during the Golden Age of Athens.
- Discuss the importance of the hoplite.
- Do you think Periclean Athens can be considered a Golden Age?
- Explain the concept of arētē as portrayed in the Iliad and how it shaped Greek culture.?
- How did Alexander the Great’s conquests alter the political and cultural landscape of the Afro-Eurasian world? Was he truly ‘Great’?
- Discuss the major philosophies developing in Greece.
- Describe the development of democracy in Athens and the problems of imperialism.
Major Philosophies Developing in Greece Exam Practice Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Baylor University Ethical Issue Google Data Collection Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
The paper should be 7 pages In APA formart,it research paper Ten sources are required during this paper and appropriate citation.
Google collects Millions of Data from it’s users, but it share the information with Cormercial companies which is unethical.The purpose of this project is to write an assay in APA format. talk about the situation and analyze it under 8 Ethical Theories and make conclusion if it ethical or unethical in each theory.The following are 8 theories.
1 Divine Command Theory
2. Ethical Egoism
3. Utilitarianism
4. Categorical Imperative
5. Contractarianism
6.Rights Theory
7. Virtue Ethics
8.Moral Relativism
Structure of paper
Tittle page
Executive summary ( 1 paragraph)
Introduction about company what they do, where it based , and what they did wrong.
” Big part” Talk about 8 theories and conclusion.
Lastly 10 Sources in reference page
BUS 305 WU Principles of Accounting and Financial Statements Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Describe what the accounting equation represents and which financial statement it represents.
In addition, explain how the income statement, the balance sheet, and the cash flow statement are connected.
Finally, explain what working capital is and how someone can assess financial performance of working capital using the balance sheet and the cash flow statement.
Make sure you include and use a minimum of three peer-reviewed, academic, or business resources, plus the textbook in your paper.
*Please refer to the Grading Criteria for Comprehensive Learning Assessments (CLAs) in the University Policies for specific guidelines and expectations.
I will send you the template of this assignment that you have to use and follow the steps of it.
Ways to Become a US Citizen Essay Humanities Assignment Help
The writers we’ve read so far this semester have all struggled in different ways with feeling like an outsider in the United States, regardless of their citizenship status. In a 4-5 page, thesis-driven essay that analyzes these writers’ experiences, and possibly your own, answer the following question:
In your own words, and going beyond the technical or legal definition, what does it mean to be a citizen? You should come up with a few criteria or main ideas to explore.
Assignment Readings
Brent Staples, “Black Men and Public Space”
Claudia Rankine, “You are in the car, in the dark”
Gloria Anzaldúa, “How To Tame A Wild Tongue”
Amy Tan, “Mother Tongue”
Jose Antonio Vargas, Dear America: Notes From An Undocumented Citizen
Brainstorming Questions
How important is legal documentation to citizenship?
Are there any personal qualities that citizens have? Why or how are they important?
How should citizens contribute to their country? What are their responsibilities? What should they be able to expect from their country in return? (privileges and rights)
How do you think these writers would define citizenship? Does your definition differ from theirs? Why or why not?
What complicating factors influence these writers’ experience of citizenship? (whether legal, racial, linguistic, social, familial, etc.)
In what ways can a citizen fall short of their responsibilities? In other words, are there un-citizen-like behaviors, beliefs or attitudes?
Are these writers treated like citizens? Why or why not?
In the case of Vargas, should he be granted legal US citizenship? Why or why not?
Essay Organization
- In your INTRODUCTION, introduce your topic. Your job here is to provide context and get readers interested in reading more. You might briefly introduce the texts you’ll be using as support (writers’ names, titles, publication dates, jobs, awards, etc.). You might briefly summarize or quote from one or more of them. At the end of the introduction, state your thesis. Your thesis should be the last sentence of the first paragraph and should present your definition of citizenship. It should one sentence only and should not be a question. Your thesis is your central idea and should reflect your interpretation of citizenship. It need not list the essay’s main points.
- I’d like you to incorporate one current event or situation that relates to this topic in the introduction of your essay. The goal is to create context from the world we are all living in and relate it to the topic of your essay in order to show how this topic is relevant. You might, for instance, look at current immigration debate and policies if you’re writing about Jose Antonio Vargas, Gloria Anzaldúa or Amy Tan. You could look police violence or racial profiling if you are writing about Brent Staples or Claudia Rankine. You could look at the representation of your writer’s identity in television, film or in the news and relate that to your discussion of their experience. You could bring in this being a presidential election year and the political climate.
- In two or three BODY PARAGRAPHS, explain what you think defines citizenship. You should have 2-3 main ideas with one paragraph for each. For instance, if you think citizens are people who contribute to society, you could explain what that means in your opinion and then provide examples from the texts we’ve read. As always, develop your ideas with examples, explanations, quotes, compare and contrast, and other methods of development. You can analyze important experiences these writers have had by showing how the person does or does not experience true citizenship in the United States, according to your own definition. You should also introduce some complexity to your analysis by exploring what you don’t see as requirements for citizenship, or bringing in examples of legal citizens who are not treated as such. You might explore unexamined ideas of citizenship, meaning those automatic ideas people carry around in their heads that actually aren’t true upon further consideration, or unconscious bias (for instance, the stigma against accents). Please note: Each paragraph should contain only ONE main idea and its first sentence (topic sentence) should indicate what the paragraph will be about. Every sentence should clearly support, elaborate on, and connect to that topic sentence.
- In your CONCLUSION, briefly summarize your main points in the essay (1-2 sentences). Then explain why your ideas are important for American life today. What are the implications of citizenship, identity, and discrimination? How are these issues important to American culture, politics, or daily life? In other words, why should anyone care about these topics?
Important Considerations
- Use MLA style, including in-text citations, margins, spacing, font and Works Cited page, which will not count towards the page length requirement. You must properly introduce any quotes, paraphrase or summary from your sources.
- You need at least one quote from the assigned texts in each paragraph of your essay, but you do not need to quote from every text in every paragraph.
- You should reference at least two of the texts in your essay.
- You must quote or summarize at least two of the assigned readings in your essay.
University of Missouri Columbia R Questions Lab Report Programming Assignment Help
Lab 2
## v ggplot2
## v tibble
## v tidyr
## v readr
3.3.2 v purrr 0.3.4
3.0.3 v dplyr 1.0.2
1.1.2 v stringr 1.4.0
1.3.1 v forcats 0.5.0
Lab 2
Your Name Here
Date Here
This lab will explore some aspects of the tidyverse library in R. Below are three data sets that have already
been loaded in using the read_csv() function from tidyr!!. NOTE: if you get an error loading in the data
you need to either: 1) make sure your lab_r.Rmd file is in the same folder as the data files, or 2) set the file
paths correctly inside the read_csv() functions.
For this lab, each question has pieces of code that need to be filled in. You will need to read the comments
following the code to determine what you need to do. Because the code below is incomplete, the lab will not
compile (knit) until it is complete. I suggest you work in a separate RStudio script and copy you code into
the lab once it is complete.
## — Attaching packages ——————————————————————————
## — Conflicts —————————————————————————————
## x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## x dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
Question 1
Let’s assume you need to take data from the GPS Training Data and make a plot comparing the players
average distance, maximum velocity, and total load over the duration of the training session. Decomposing
this into smaller steps, we will need to:
1. Group information by players,
2. Summarize the pieces of information by player,
3. Reorganize the data so it can be plotted, and
4. Plot the data.
Below is a skeleton of the code that follows these four steps. You need to fill in the code with the correct
arguments. Be sure to read the comments, not everything has to be filled in, just pieces.
match <- read_csv(“GPS_Match_Data_deidentified.csv”, col_types = cols())
train <- read_csv(“GPS_Training_Data_deidentified.csv”, col_types = cols())
wellness <- read_csv(“Wellness_Data_deidentified.csv”, col_types = cols())
# this creates a new data frame, player_df, that has average distance, maximum velocity, a
player_df = train %>% # select the data set you wish to pull information from
group_by() %>% # FILL IN, this should choose your grouping variable
summarise(Dist_mean = mean(), Total_load = sum(), Max_Vel = max()) %>% # FILL IN, this s
rename(Player_Name = ) # relabel the Player Name column to a more usable name. This is N
# this reorganized the data frame, player_df, from wide format to long format. We do this
player_df = player_df %>% # select the data set you wish to manipulat
pivot_longer(-Player_Name, names_to = “Measure”, values_to = “Val”) # pivots the df from
# you will need to c
# This plots the data
ggplot(player_df, aes(x = , y = log(), fill = Measure, width = 0.5)) + # FILL IN, this wil
geom_bar(position = ‘dodge’, stat = ‘identity’) +
xlab(”) + # FILL IN, this will label your x axis
ylab(”) + # FILL IN, this will label your y axis
ggtitle(”) + # FILL IN, this will title your plot
scale_fill_manual(name = ‘Measure’, labels = c(‘Mean Distance’, ‘Max Velocity’, ‘Total L
Question 2
For this question, we want to visualize fatigue and stress, from the wellness data, by day when grouping
players by position. As a general outline, we will:
1. Ensure the Timestamp column is properly coded as a date-time variable,
2. Group by date and position,
3. Summarize the fatigue and stress by position and time,
4. Reshape the data from wide to long format (for plotting), and
5. Plot the data, making sure to label everything correctly.
To handle date-time variables with tidyverse, we will need to use the library lubridate. Below are two
lines to install, and load in, the lubriate library. All code to handle date-time variables has been supplied
for this homework – you only need to run and understand what the code does. NOTE: be sure to only run
the install.packages() line once – either comment it out or delete it after you run it.
## Attaching package: 'lubridate'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## date, intersect, setdiff, union
Below is a skeleton of the code that follows these five steps. You need to fill in the code with the correct
arguments. Be sure to read the comments, not everything has to be filled in, just pieces.
nd total load
hould summariz
OT required, b
because ggplot
wide to long
hange ‘Player_
l be the x and
oad'), values
# install.packages(‘lubridate‘)
# create a new df called well with the correct summarized variables
well = wellness %>% # select wellness data
mutate(Timestamp = mdy(str_split(Timestamp, pattern = ” “, simplify = T)[,1])) %>% # jus
group_by(,) %>% # FILL IN, this should choose the two variable to group by
summarise(Fatigue = mean(), Stress = mean()) # FILL IN, this should calculate the summar
# run this to see what well looks like right now
# well
# change from wide to long
well_df = well %>%
pivot_longer(-c(Position, Timestamp), names_to = “Measure”, values_to = “Value”)
- # run this to see what well_df looks like right now
- # well_df
# plot the data
geom_line(aes(color = Position, linetype = Measure), size = 1) + # this makes it a line
scale_x_date(date_breaks = ‘day’, date_labels = “%b %d”) + # this makes the x axis show
ylim(c(2, 5)) + # this sets the limits on the y axis
ylab(”) + # label y if needed
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10))
Question 3
For the last question, we want to create violin plots of the log velocity total distance by position from the
GPS_Match_Data_deidentified.csv data set. We also want to include the 25, 50, and 75 percent quantiles
as horizontal bars within each group. The general outline is:
1. Choose the correct data set,
2. Select the columns Postion Name and Velocity Band 2 Total Distance through Velocity Band 8
Total Distance,
3. Manipulate the data from wide format to long, making sure NOT to pivot the Postion Name column
(i.e., do -Position Name like we did in Q1 adn Q2), and
4. Plot the data, making sure to plot on the log scale.
Below is a skeleton of the code that follows these four steps. You need to fill in the code with the correct
arguments. Be sure to read the comments, not everything has to be filled in, just pieces.
t run this, th
y variables
plot, colors t
up as Month Da
matting, make
on, as well as
# create the data set for plotting
position_velocity = %>% # FILL IN, select the correct data
select() %>% # FILL IN, select the correct columns
pivot_longer(, names_to = , values_to = ) # FILL IN, select the correct column to pivot
ggplot(position_velocity, aes(x = , y = )) + # FILL IN, select the x and y values
geom_violin(draw_quantiles = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)) + # this adds horizontal bars as quanti
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 0.5, size = 10)) # rotates the x ax
is text
Cuyamaca College Self Reflection Tool for Improvement Exercise Business Finance Assignment Help
Please I have this resume and I have to answer these two questions.
1- Please provide comments (min 50 words) for how this student could further benefit from this self-reflection exercise (i.e., ways to improve this self-reflection).
2- Please point out what you enjoyed the most in the student’s self-reflection (min 50 words):
Cuyamaca College Self Reflection Tool for Improvement Exercise Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Temple Cross Cultural Negotiation Simulation Mushroom Negotation Action Plan Business Finance Assignment Help
Before you start, please know:
1. This is a group project and you only need to do part A and B. The length of the paper does not really matter, as long as you make sure to include all of the required details.
2. The country that we chose is Australia.
3. so basically we can say we are negotiating for mushroom being in Australia because our customers want fresh local food and we hold fresh ingredients near and dear to us, and then go more in-depth with the price and all that. In the info, it does say we don’t have a problem with frozen food and because of distances in Australia we have to have frozen food realistically but Australian people like wines, spices, and oils from different places.
4. Please Read all of the instructions to understand what the assignment is about. I will attach another file called ” Mushroom A Cross Cultural Negotiation Simulation” to help you to have a better understanding of it.
5. As for terms that you might not know like “BATNA” or “Zopa”, try to google them in terms of NEGOTIATION.
Overall instructions: This is a group paper that sets out your Negotiating Action Plan for the Mushroom negotiation.
Please follow the format given below.In answering, remember that this is your plan for the actual negotiation that will take place, not some real-world or ideal one.Remember, you have a role to play and it is situated in a culture. If your Real Self wants to negotiate one way, but your Role Self would likely do something different, be sure to note that either here or in Section B (above).You are free to be yourself in these negotiations, but you can’t shed your assigned culture anymore than in real life you can just ignore your cultural influences.
Repeat the questions as your headings in the paper, please.Submit the document file (in MS Word) in Canvas.Only 1 submission per team is necessary.
In preparing this paper, do not discuss your role information outside your negotiating team.With your team members, you may discuss info that you choose to, but remember to do so within your assigned role (i.e., not as a student but as a business person).
You may find some of the information you need to answer the questions in the Mushroom Simulation documents.Other information will have to be researched.Some answers will require using concepts and frameworks that you have learned from our readings and lectures.
Citing Sources:
- When citing to the readings or the videos, cite them briefly in the text (e.g., Schmidt, PNO 5; Graham & Lam 4-6; Hochner Video #10, etc.).
- When citing to outside sources, cite them briefly in the text (e.g. Author, year) and include them on a References page at the end.You may either cite them in full APA format on the References sheet OR you may cite them by Author (last name, first name), title, year, hyperlink to the source.
Assignment Rubric:
- Complete Written Product –10% for following instructions, answering all questions, using the readings, formatting & tone, proofreading, grammar, and timeliness.
- Analysis –40% for clarity and direction of plan, conceptual understanding of negotiation topics, and application of facts to relevant concepts from the text and lectures to craft a negotiating strategy
- Culture Research (Yours) – 25% for substantial description and application of relevant cultural characteristics of your role’s negotiating culture with sources
- Culture Research (Others) – 25% for substantial description of relevant cultural characteristics of other three cultures and comparisons/contrasts
A. Statement of Context: The Starting Picture:
Open with a statement that describes the context in which YOUR TEAM is negotiating generally.Do not include information about the other teams’ contexts – this is focused on your context for your proposed location and operations.
o Country demographics
o Cultural issues relating to consumers (location, food, farm-to-table, etc.)
o Relevant industry data
o Geographical information
o Any other relevant demographics or information you feel that informs YOUR country’s position.
o Feel free to include infographics, data images (tables, figures) and anything you think helps strengthen your Statement of Context
B. Team Goals
o What are your team’s goals, underlying interests, and priorities in this negotiation? Answer questions such as these for each of your goals:
o What is your best alternative (BATNA) to this deal? Would you immediately be able to implement it if you were unable to reach agreement with the other side? Describe your BATNA in detail, including how desirable it is to you.
o What, if anything, would make you decide to walk away without a deal?
You do not have to do this part, I am including it just in case you needed to understand the full idea of the assignment
C. Your Team’s Cultural Issues that Affect Negotiation: In Depth
o Describe the characteristics of your negotiating team’s culture, using evidence (sources) to support your conclusion.
o Explain how these characteristics you’ve identified about your culture apply to your negotiation practices in your assigned roles.
D. Cultural Issues that Affect Negotiation: Other Teams
o Use Salacuse’s dimensions (2004) (found in Ch.10 of PNO) generally, to structure your discussion.
o Use outside sources to talk about what the other negotiating parties’ cultures are like. You do not need to go as in depth as you did with your culture, but do cite support for your position.
o By doing this, you can see who is likely to support you in certain of your approaches, and who is not
o Feel free to make a table or other visual if it helps you make your points here – this is your team’s negotiation plan, so it is important that it be usable and thorough for your negotiation team to use before and during negotiations
E. The Other Side – Goals & BATNA — Trying to Get in their Head
F. Negotiating Dynamics
o Use this section to show off your understanding of strategy concepts in depth! Your book and videos will be a great help with this.
Friendly tip: This last section is your Big Question — this is your BIG FINISH – – the whole point of the paper! Don’t make this too brief, as it’s your Negotiating Plan and worth most of the Analysis (40%) section of the Rubric.
Northern Arizona University Roots of Development Economic Development Summary Economics Assignment Help
For each article selected, prepare in 350 words or less a brief review of the major points of the article. These should be produced in a Word document, single-spaced and in 12 pt font. The due dates for your article summaries are listed after each article. No late assignments will be accepted.
How well did you identify and summarize important points
of economics from the article? (50 pts)________
How well did you use your own words and own organization
to write your review? (20pts)________
Did you provide a good thesis sentence early in your review?
(15 pts)________
How good is your spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc.?
TCA 110 UNLV Exhibitor Magazine Contractor Confusion Article Questions Humanities Assignment Help
Submit an original post (~300 words) in the discussion forum and comment/post to at least two of your peers’ postings by the due date. In addition, please adhere to the standards outlined in the attached rubric.
Read the following article from Exhibitor Magazine: Contractor Confusion (Links to an external site.) and answer the following questions:
- What types of services do specialty contractors provide?
- What is an RFP?
- What are some of the questions that should be asked in an RFP?
- Describe the differences between a general (official service contractor) and an exhibition-appointed contractor?
- Discuss how the General Service Contractor (GSC) can assist the show organizers as they both prepare for the exhibition/event/conference?
You are expected to:
1) Respond (identify a current trend associated with the topic)/ react to each discussion topic posted before the specified deadline(s)
2) Read all postings by members of the class
3) Reflect/respond to at least two of your peers’ posts by the specified deadline. By doing so, this will help our class engage is a richer more in-depth discussion.
On the discussion board each student will be able to view the other student responses. All discussion board posts will be graded based on the above criteria and articulated through the posted discussion rubric.
SCC Serial Dilution vs Independent Concentration Worksheet Science Assignment Help
complete the following activity based on a video and by making two graph
instructions: Calculate the concentrations for all the samples in the Serial Dilution. Using the graphing program of your choice (Vernier Graphical Analysis, Excel, Google Sheets) make a data table – concentration in Column 1 (x) and Absorbance in Column 2 (y). Make a graph of Abs vs Concentration (scatter plot). Add a title, trend line, axes labels, and correlation.
Instructions: Calculate the concentrations for all the samples in the Independent Concentration. Using the graphing program of your choice (Vernier Graphical Analysis, Excel, Google Sheets) make a data table – concentration in Column 1 (x) and Absorbance in Column 2 (y). Make a graph of Abs vs Concentration (scatter plot). Add a title, trend line, axes labels, and correlation
instructions: Calculate the concentrations for all the samples in the Serial Dilution. Using the graphing program of your choice (Vernier Graphical Analysis, Excel, Google Sheets) make a data table – concentration in Column 1 (x) and Absorbance in Column 2 (y). Make a graph of Abs vs Concentration (scatter plot). Add a title, trend line, axes labels, and correlation.
Instructions: Calculate the concentrations for all the samples in the Independent Concentration. Using the graphing program of your choice (Vernier Graphical Analysis, Excel, Google Sheets) make a data table – concentration in Column 1 (x) and Absorbance in Column 2 (y). Make a graph of Abs vs Concentration (scatter plot). Add a title, trend line, axes labels, and correlation