Making Interdisciplinary Studies Personal, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

Making Interdisciplinary Studies Personal, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help. Making Interdisciplinary Studies Personal, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help.

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This lloks like a lot but it is definitely not a lot of work.

Your Research Paper Proposal



Making Interdisciplinary Studies Personal

Look around your life to see where there are conflicts or problems that need solving or look around for something that you are interested in that would take on new meaning if it were examined from multiple perspectives. Though it isn’t the habit of most people to approach such issues from multiple perspectives, this is what you will be asked to do in your research paper. The more you can learn about a topic by using multiple perspectives, the easier an issue might be to solve or understand. Solutions or issues will become clearer.The issue you are going to research is one that is immediate to your life, not something large like global warming or health care coverage—though those topics would benefit from an interdisciplinary approach. Find something more immediate such a concern in your neighborhood or at the local PTA/PTO. So instead of global warming you might look at why there is no recycling going on in your community. The attached articles are examples of small issues where a student might learn more about themselves and the world around them by the using an interdisciplinary approach.The two short articles from Newsweek are examples of small issues that might be used as a topic. The article on cab drivers might be viewed from the disciplines (areas of study) of (intercultural) communication, religious studies, and anthropology. What public celebrity isn’t surrounded in controversy. What academic perspectives might you explore to discuss an issue that plagues that celebrity and what would lead you to believe the issue or not? The

discussion of the Spiderman movie is an example of using an interdisciplinary approach to view a topic. You could pick a popular movie, as this author did, for your interdisciplinary analysis, because there are many academic fields besides media communication that apply. You could look at some of the movie reviews to get a multiple personal perspectives on the movie to round out your analysis.

Find a topic or idea in your life that might benefit from some further examination and has some personal importance to you. If you don’t have an investment in the topic you will be less likely to want to do the research. Develop a 1 page paper(abstract) discussing your topic and the multiple (3) academic perspectives you plan on approaching it from.

If these multiple perspectives don’t readily occur to you, look through the GSU catalog at all of

the degree programs we offer—each is a perspective or discipline that might have an opinion or idea about your topic. Select three disciplines that you want to look at concerning your topic.

Do some research, and include at least 4 APA references that you have found that support your position.  So you will have the explanation of a topic, the 3 disciplines you will used to describe it, and the foundational research resources you will use

.When it comes to composing your final research paper you can take your topic and talk to people who you think might know something about it and see what their perspectives are. Then you can compare their perspectives to what you have discovered from the research into the perspectives of the different disciplines, but more about this later.

Each discipline or academic perspective has its own approach; each looks at some aspect of the issue but not how it would look if they didn’t use that perspective. Therefore your research is to stand in each of their perspectives and see the world as they do. Then you can step out of each perspective and see what it has in common with the others and what it focuses on that is different from the others. You can ask yourself what this discipline added to your understanding and how your perspective has changed. The last part of the paper is to review what you have learned from this research paper.


RESEARCH PAPER PROPOSAL….You will first pick a
topic (see Study Guide for the Research Paper subject matter details (POSTED ABOVE),
then create a proposal, with a half page general description (abstract),
and provide a brief (minimum of 4 sources) bibliography (reference
list). and clearly define the 3 academic disciplines that you will use
to describe your topic.

Making Interdisciplinary Studies Personal, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

The aging population, Changing technology, Outline and Presentation 2 project in one, economics homework help Economics Assignment Help

Project 1: JUST a Outline for part 2

Prepare a detailed outline of the Health Care Economic Issues Presentation.

Project 2 

Select a health care issue or situation. Some examples include the following:

  • The aging population
  • Changing technology
  • Health care insurance issues – underinsured, uninsured, and so on
  • Health care spending
  • Health care reform
  • Pharmaceuticals

Complete the Health Care Economic Issues Presentation.

Prepare a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes that includes the following information:

An analysis of the effectiveness of current procedures that are in place for the issue or situation you have selected. You should:

  • Analyze how the evolution of health care has affected the financial decision-making process in your selected issue or situation
  • Analyze how the evolution of health care has affected the financial decision-making process in general
  • Analyze how the financial decision-making process has affected your chosen issue or situation
  • Analyze the effect the policy and regulatory environment has had on the financial decision-making process of your chosen issue or situation
  • Analyze the effect the policy and regulatory environment has had on the financial decision-making process in the health care industry in general

In your presentation, base your analysis on evolutional perspectives on health care economics and economic theories while completing the following:

  • Examine who is involved in financial decision-making.
  • Analyze what are the steps in the financial decision-making process.
  • Examine what some of the specific outcomes that resulted from changes to the financial decision-making process.
  • Analyze what some of the specific outcomes that resulted from changes in the regulatory environment.
  • Analyze how your issue or situation has been affected by the changes.

In your presentation, recommend improvement strategies based on economic theories on the financial-decision making process and economic concepts.  Include the following:

  • Differentiate key players involved in the issue or situation.
  • Differentiate microeconomic and macroeconomic perspectives and utilization.
  • Examine tools that support best practices.
  • Distinguish how benchmarking has been and can be used in financial-decision making processes and economic concepts.
  • Differentiate economic incentives and competition.
  • Distinguish global implications in financial decision-making processes and economic concepts.

Cite a minimum of four sources.

Format your sources consistent with APA guidelines


Contact and the Proof for God, philosophy homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Watch the Movie Contact

  • Contact often suggests that cultural conflicts between religion and science would be brought to the fore by the apparent contact with aliens that occurs in the film. A point of discussion is the existence of God, with several different positions being portrayed. Contact depicts intense debate occurring as a result of the apparent contact with aliens. Many clips of well-known debate shows such as Crossfire and Larry King Live are shown, with participants discussing the implications of the message, asking whether it is proof of the existence of alien life or of God, and whether science is encroaching upon religious ground by, as one believer puts it, “talking to your god for you.” The head of a religious organization casts doubt on the morality of building the machine, noting: “We don’t even know whether [the aliens] believe in God.” The first machine is ultimately destroyed by a religious extremist, in the belief that building it was detrimental to humankind.
  • At the end of the film, Arroway is put into a position that she had traditionally viewed with skepticism and contempt: that of believing something with complete certainty, despite being unable to prove it in the face of not only widespread incredulity and skepticism (which she admits that as a scientist she would normally share) but also evidence apparently to the contrary. Zemeckis stated that he intended the message of the film to be that science and religion can coexist rather than being opposing camps, as shown by the coupling of scientist Arroway with the religious Joss, as well as his acceptance that the “journey” indeed took place.
  1. What would the wider implications be in the movie if the camera at the end had NOT shown 18 hours of static but actual footage of what really happened? [Please provide a treatment to political, religious and social implications]
  2. Is a PROOF for God necessary for religion to become universal in our world today? Why or why not? 


Creative Arts Portfolio Format. Students will see the Directions for the Projects’ Format, Portfolio Project A Writing Assignment Help

Project Directions:
Click on the link CDEC 1358 Creative Arts Portfolio Format. Students
will see the Directions for the Projects’ Format. This form is a blank
copy for the Creative Arts Portfolio Format. You are required to use
this form for the Cooking Experience Project and Play Dough Project. Be
sure to save it to your computer as a Word doc. rtf (rich text format).
Once you have completed each project, click on the File at the top of
your Micro Soft Word tool bar. Then click on Save As to save each of
your Creative Arts Portfolio Projects. Students should follow the
Creative Arts Portfolio Format “only” for the recipe you are
doing with the children (i.e. recipe name, objectives, ingredients,
procedure, variation, aesthetic experiences, possible changes, summary,
and resource).

addition, I have provided the Creative Arts Portfolio Example
Directions to use as a guideline to show you what information is needed
for both of these projects. Be sure not to use the same
objectives, variations, and aesthetic experiences, etc.… for both
projects. Because each project is different and the age level is
different, your objectives, variation, and aesthetic experiences, etc.…
should reflect those differences. Students will use this format for both
of these projects: Play Dough Project/Cooking Experience Project.

Portfolio Project A: Students will do a Cooking Experience Demonstration with a small group of children.

can do this cooking experience with a friend’s children, neighbor’s
children, or your own children. The children’s ages should be from birth
to age 8. Take pictures of the step by step process. These pictures
should include images of the ingredients along with the children’s
active participation. Complete this assignment by submitting photo
images of the final product and the clean-up process.

: Students will submit five (5) healthy, nutritious kid-friendly
recipes for young children. Recipes should contain: Name of the Recipe,
List of Ingredients, Recipe Directions, and Website for each recipe.
Student should provide more than one website for the five (5) recipes.

Note: Recipes should be inexpensive Cooking Experiences for young children.

Remember ingredients must be healthy and nutritious. No sugary snacks, chocolate, or any type of junk food.

Confidentiality— Remember not to photograph the children’s faces for
the purpose of confidentiality, unless you have written permission from
the parents or legal guardians. The photo images should only
consist of the children’s hands as they are actively participating in
these projects. As far as taking pictures of your own children, that is
your decision as the parent or legal guardian. Please remember these
pictures are online and worldwide.

completion, students will submit two (2) Word docs as attachments in
rtf (rich text format).  One attachment is the completed Creative Arts Portfolio Format
and the five (5) healthy/nutritious recipes. The other attachment is
the Photo Images from start to finish of this project of the children
actively participating in this learning experience. 

Textbook reference:

Isenberg, J. P. & Jalongo, M. R. (2010). Creative Thinking and
Arts-Based Learning Preschool through Fourth Grade (5th Ed.). Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.


What is the benefit to Ideal Manufacturing, accounting homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

What is the benefit to Ideal Manufacturing of applying activity-based
costing to its R&D activity for both in-house and outside charging
purposes?    200 word Thanks

Use this scenario


Ideal Manufacturing Company of Sycamore, Illinois, has
supported a research and development (R&D) department that has for many
years been the sole contributor to the company’s new farm machinery products.
The R&D activity is an overhead cost center that provides services only to
in-house manufacturing departments (four different product lines), all of which
produce agricultural/farm/ranch related machinery products.

The department has never sold its services outside, but
because of its long history of success, larger manufacturers of agricultural
products have approached Ideal to hire its R&D department for special
projects. Because the costs of operating the R&D department have been
spiraling uncontrollably, Ideal’s management is considering entertaining these
outside approaches to absorb the increasing costs. But, (1) management doesn’t
have any cost basis for charging R&D services to outsiders, and (2) it
needs to gain control of its R&D costs. Management decides to implement an
activity-based costing system in order to determine the charges for both
outsiders and the in-house users of the department’s services.

R&D activities fall into four pools with the following
annual costs.

Market analysis


Product design


Product development


Prototype testing


Activity analysis determines that the appropriate cost
drivers and their usage for the four activities are:


Cost Drivers

Total Estimated Drivers

Market analysis

Hours of analysis



Product design

Number of designs



Product development

Number of products



Prototype testing

Number of tests





Service Blueprint Assignment, marketing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help


To develop a thorough understanding of service blueprinting by analyzing the service process for a given service company and graphically capturing the process on paper.


This assignment is to seek out a service provider and develop a service blueprint. The project should focus on a business, school, or nonprofit—just one small division/department of one.  The intent of the project is to construct a thorough, detailed service blueprint for the chosen service provider. In order to ensure we do not have teams blueprinting firms from the same industry, and in order to receive full credit for this assignment, topics must be approved by the instructor.  (Approvals will be made on a first-come, first-serve basis.) You must also confirm that the provider will allow them to take pictures of the service process and/or physical evidence by this date.


Graphical Portion of Service Blueprint. This assignment is expected to allow students to demonstrate (a) an understanding of the blueprint concepts from class and (b) an ability to apply them in looking at a specific service provider. Each blueprint should include the components listed in Chapter 9. Blueprints should have all lines clearly labeled, and arrows should be included in your blueprint to indicate the order of activities. Potential bottlenecks or failpoints in the service delivery process should also be identified. 

Visual/Pictorial Portion of the Service Blueprint. To complement the graphical portion of the service blueprint, each student is expected to visit the business/university office/department chosen and to visually capture the different steps (customer or employee actions) of the service delivery process and the various components of physical evidence that customers experience. Perhaps the easiest way to do this is to take pictures with a digital camera.  Students should secure permission to take pictures of the service process from management of this service provider prior to constructing the blueprint. Hyperlinks should be included in the graphical portion of the service blueprint to each digital image. There is no fixed number of images required, but a minimum of 5 images (in jpeg format) would seem reasonable for most service blueprints; a larger number of images would certainly be encouraged. 

Written Assignment. In addition to the actual blueprint, each student is to write a short paper (1-2 pages, double-spaced) that addresses the following issues:

(1) describe why this business/school/nonprofit was selected to blueprint;

(2) describe three key elements of physical evidence revealed in the blueprint (photos/images of these elements should be included in the visual portion of the blueprint) and discuss how they influence the customer’s experience;

(3) identify, number, and describe three potential failpoints (points in the process where problems may occur) and/or bottlenecks (points in the process where backups or slow delivery may occur);

(4) suggest possible solutions/alternatives to address these (potential) problem areas;

(5) discuss how a service blueprint might be used in each of the following areas in this organization:  marketing, human resource management, and operations;

(6) discuss what was learned in doing this assignment and how it could be applied in the business world.

Electronic Submission of Assignment. Both the blueprint and the paper should be submitted in electronic format by attaching to the assignment link in Blackboard. Blueprints can be (and have been) created using a variety of software products. The most commonly used tools include PowerPoint, MicroSoft Word, and MicroSoft Excel. (The final version of any files submitted must be in PC format only; no Mac files will be accepted, as the instructor has no easy way to open and read such files).

Formatting Guidelines for paper:

1” margins

12 pt. Ariel font

Double spaced

Use headings as appropriate

Cite Sources

Use APA style

My service provider is about a university, you can choose any one small division/department as you like, then I can change the name.

Service Blueprint Assignment, marketing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

detect managed earnings when reviewing the firm’s balance sheet, income statement, and cash-flow statement Business Finance Assignment Help

  • In today’s business environment where publicly traded companies feel pressure to meet short-term earnings expectations, management may be tempted to “manage earnings”. Assess how a financial statement user may be able to detect managed earnings when reviewing the firm’s balance sheet, income statement, and cash-flow statement. Indicate how a potential investor might interpret these “red-flags”. Provide support for your rationale.
  • Assess how the Sarbanes-Oxley Act addresses the concern of corporate “managed earnings”, indicating whether or not you believe the requirements within the Act are sufficient to minimize these concerns. Provide support for your rationale


evaluate how economics, government, and law affect value creation, business and finance help Business Finance Assignment Help

After 7 weeks in the program you have developed a keen sense of how the internship/externship business for which you are working should be operating. You are also engaging in conversations with your peers in the business about how you can make the business better and stronger. Now is the time to put that brainpower to work

In this Assignment, you will evaluate how economics, government, and law affect value creation in a global context based on your experiences working for your intern/externship employer.( third creek dental) collection manager!

From a visionary leadership perspective, you will formulate an innovative strategy and devise specific solutions that result in global expansion of the business. Requirements Write a five-page (including additional title and reference pages) APA formatted and citation styled research paper in Standard English, addressing the following topics: 1. Analyze how economics, government and law would impact the global expansion of the business for which you are doing an intern/externship. 2. Use various research resources on the topics of economics, government, and law and evaluate the factors that will have positive and negative influences on value creation during a global expansion initiative. 3. Formulate a strategy, proposing innovative ideas on how the business could expand into the global marketplace from a leadership perspective. 4. Develop a vision statement that proposes the global expansion of your business based on the research you conduct. 5. Use a minimum of five academic references. 6. Submit to the Unit 7: Assignment Dropbox. MT490 Unit 7 Global View Assignment grading rubric Percent possible Points possible Points Earned Comments Content per Checklists 100% 50 1. Analyze how economics would impact the global expansion of the business for which you are doing intern/externship. 5 2. Analyze how government would impact the global expansion of the business for which you are doing intern/externship. 5 3. Analyze how law, would impact the global expansion of the business for which you are doing intern/externship. 5 [MT490 Career Engagement] 4. Evaluate the legal, economic and governmental factors that will have positive and negative influences on value creation during a global expansion initiative. 5 5. Formulate a strategy, proposing innovative ideas on how the business could expand into the global marketplace from a leadership perspective. 5 6. Develop a vision statement that proposes the global expansion of your business based on the research you conduct. 5 Subtotal: 60% 30 Writing Mechanics Spelling, grammar, and punctuation 5 Usage and Organization of Professional Business language 5 APA Formatting 5 APA style referencing and structure 5 Subtotal: 40% 20 Total 100% 50


Service Blueprint, marketing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help


develop a thorough understanding of service blueprinting by analyzing
the service process for a given service company and graphically
capturing the process on paper.


This assignment
is to seek out a service provider and develop a service blueprint. The
project should focus on a business, school, or nonprofit—just one small
division/department of one.  The intent of the project is to construct a
thorough, detailed service blueprint for the chosen service provider.
In order to ensure we do not have teams blueprinting firms from the same
industry, and in order to receive full credit for this assignment,
topics must be approved by the instructor.  (Approvals will be made on a
first-come, first-serve basis.) You must also confirm that the provider
will allow them to take pictures of the service process and/or physical
evidence by this date.


Graphical Portion of
Service Blueprint. This assignment is expected to allow students to
demonstrate (a) an understanding of the blueprint concepts from class
and (b) an ability to apply them in looking at a specific service
provider. Each blueprint should include the components listed in Chapter
9. Blueprints should have all lines clearly labeled, and arrows should
be included in your blueprint to indicate the order of activities.
Potential bottlenecks or failpoints in the service delivery process
should also be identified. 

Visual/Pictorial Portion of the
Service Blueprint. To complement the graphical portion of the service
blueprint, each student is expected to visit the business/university
office/department chosen and to visually capture the different steps
(customer or employee actions) of the service delivery process and the
various components of physical evidence that customers experience.
Perhaps the easiest way to do this is to take pictures with a digital
camera.  Students should secure permission to take pictures of the
service process from management of this service provider prior to
constructing the blueprint. Hyperlinks should be included in the
graphical portion of the service blueprint to each digital image. There
is no fixed number of images required, but a minimum of 5 images (in
jpeg format) would seem reasonable for most service blueprints; a larger
number of images would certainly be encouraged. 

Assignment. In addition to the actual blueprint, each student is to
write a short paper (1-2 pages, double-spaced) that addresses the
following issues:

(1) describe why this business/school/nonprofit was selected to blueprint;

describe three key elements of physical evidence revealed in the
blueprint (photos/images of these elements should be included in the
visual portion of the blueprint) and discuss how they influence the
customer’s experience;

(3) identify, number, and describe three
potential failpoints (points in the process where problems may occur)
and/or bottlenecks (points in the process where backups or slow delivery
may occur);

(4) suggest possible solutions/alternatives to address these (potential) problem areas;

discuss how a service blueprint might be used in each of the following
areas in this organization:  marketing, human resource management, and

(6) discuss what was learned in doing this assignment and how it could be applied in the business world.

Submission of Assignment. Both the blueprint and the paper should be
submitted in electronic format by attaching to the assignment link in
Blackboard. Blueprints can be (and have been) created using a variety of
software products. The most commonly used tools include PowerPoint,
MicroSoft Word, and MicroSoft Excel. (The final version of any files
submitted must be in PC format only; no Mac files will be accepted, as
the instructor has no easy way to open and read such files).

Formatting Guidelines for paper:

1” margins

12 pt. Ariel font

Double spaced

Use headings as appropriate

Cite Sources

Use APA style

service provider is about a university, you can choose any one small
division/department as you like, then I can change the name.


Memorable Speech, communications homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Memorable Speech

I want to have some fun with this next assignment. Now that we’ve broken the ice with introductions, we can let down our guard just a bit and ease into conversational, extemporaneous delivery.

No matter where your life takes you, at some point you’ll engage in conversation with a stranger, a business partner, or a customer about a previous job, an unusual experience or even your family. It will be your opportunity to “wow” them with a good story.

For this assignment, let’s pretend that you’re in that situation, and you want to WOW us with a good story! This speech is simply a well told memoir from your life. It should be interesting, it can be entertaining – but ultimately, I want it to be a story that you’re familiar with and enjoy telling. Treat us as if we were friends at a round-table discussion, and you want to tell us something that you know we’ll enjoy.

NOTE: Please note that this speech will be used in part for Week 3 peer review assignment, so you will be asked to post your speech to this discussion forum, and you will be asked to return to this discussion forum in week three to select two of your classmates’ speeches to peer review.

A few parameters:

  1. Your speech should be 3-5 mins in length.
  2. Your speech should have a beginning, middle and an end. Introduce us to your situation, elaborate within the body, and conclude your tale
  3. Show enthusiasm and have fun with this assignment! Choose a story about an event that you have told before, one that was TRULY memorable.
  4. Be prepared. You may certainly write out your speech, but rehearse it so that you’re not reading your speech. Your eyes will indicate whether you’re talking to us or reading to us.


Making Interdisciplinary Studies Personal, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

Making Interdisciplinary Studies Personal, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

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