MAN 3301 Miami Dade College Human Resource Management Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help

MAN 3301 Miami Dade College Human Resource Management Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help. MAN 3301 Miami Dade College Human Resource Management Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a management discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
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A secretary worked for a vice president of an insurance company for six years. While her work was adequate, it was not exceptional. The vice president was responsible for signing the secretary’s time sheets, and he had full authority to hire and fire his secretary. As a rule, the secretary filled out her own time sheets for the vice president to sign, which he normally did without specifically reviewing them.

One day, however, the vice president was contacted by a representative of the Human Resources Department, who inquired whether the vice president had authorized the large amount of overtime his secretary had included on her time sheets. The overtime amounted to more than $5,000 in pay. The vice president had not authorized the overtime, and in fact, doubted whether the secretary even worked the overtime.

When confronted by the vice president, the secretary admitted that she had not in fact worked the overtime but put down the overtime on her time sheets because she had severe financial problems and needed the money.


The company had paid out $5,000 in overtime that was not actually worked. The secretary could be terminated for falsifying the time sheets, but another secretary would have to be hired and trained.

1. Question: As the HR Manager, which option below would you choose.

  • Fire the secretary.
  • Provide the option for the secretary to resign and not be required to pay the money back.
  • Place the secretary on strict probation and sign a promissory note to repay the company the $5,000.

2. Describe the option you would choose and explain why. What other considerations should be discussed?


  • The original discussion should be a minimum of 250 words in length.
  • Respond to two classmates’ post with your thoughts. Each reply should be at least 100 words in length.
  • Reference any sources used to answer discussions. Course textbook should be referenced in all discussions (in-text included). Examples are listed below.

Reference using course textbook

Format:  Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of book (edition). Location: Publisher. 

Here is the reference for the textbook:

Valentine, S., Meglich, P.A., Mathis, R.L., & Jackson, J.H. (2019). Human Resource Management (16th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

MAN 3301 Miami Dade College Human Resource Management Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Georgia College and State University Denial Of Service Attack Report Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business writing question and need support to help me learn.

For this assignment, imagine that your supervisor has asked you to identify a security issue you see in your current position and offer a solution. Research potential solutions and make a recommendation to your supervisor, formulating a plan, with a justification supporting your decision.

Some things to think about when creating your written recommendation:

  • Research a potential issue:
  • Can be physical, network, software, user. 
  • Computer hardening
  • Paid vs. free security support.

Your written work should be a minimum of 5 pages, not including the title page and reference page. Support your conclusions with concepts from our course material and other research. Provide real-world examples, including those from your own professional experience. Include an APA-style cover page and reference page. 

You will also prepare a presentation for your security solution to your company management. Discuss the security issue and solutions you identified in above assignment. You must be technical, but understand that business professionals need to understand the issue and solution.

Requirements for your presentation & PowerPoint file:

You must include at least 14 slides, not including title and reference slides. Cite any sources in APA format.

Your slides should be eye-pleasing, professional, and concise. Make sure to include detailed notes for each slide. Provide citations in APA format for any references used.


Montana State University Bozeman Environmental Impact Evidence Paper Economics Assignment Help

I’m working on a international economics project and need a reference to help me study.

1. I need a Word document containing an annotated bibliography of three sources that address labor conditions in Colombia for coffee. At least one source should be from a scholarly journal. The annotation should include a summary of the key points made in the articles.

2. In a Word file, i need an annotated bibliography with at least three sources, at least one of which is from a scholarly journal, that give evidence of the environmental impact of international trade on Colombia for coffee.


Northern Virginia Community College Online Platforms Business Question Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a business Discussion and need support to help me study.

Your Online Image

One of the basic principles of netiquette is recognizing that everything we do today, regarding electronic communications, adds to our online image or reputation.

Have you checked to see if you have an online image?

For this discussion, do a simple online search of your name. In other words, “Google yourself.”

Post your comments on what you found online about yourself.

Anything you didn’t expect to find?

Are there other people with your same name that a prospective employer could mistake as you?

For example, all of these people are Stewart Edwards, but none of them are ME.

What can you do about incorrect or misleading information about yourself online?


MGT 324 Saudi Electronic University Personal Code of Ethics Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management writing question and need guidance to help me study.

Write an essay in about 1000-1200 words on the following topic.


Provide a statement explaining your own personal code of ethics. Include at least 4 codes in your answer with enough explanation and examples. Refer to concepts learned in class or in the textbook and link them to your justification.


In addition, discuss whether personal code of ethics could clash with organizational ethics. Some people believe, that personal ethics and organization’s ethics are two different and unrelated concepts. Others, believe that personal ethics should be applied to organization’s ethics. Is it possible that our personal beliefs and ethics are applicable to our work? Discuss.


Important: You are required to present at least three scholarly journals to support your answers

answered must be in same attach word format and typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font.



University of South Carolina Columbia Speed of Sound Lab Report Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a physics report and need support to help me understand better.

Graphs and Diagrams

1. Plot the frequency versus 1/wavelength (calculation 1).

Questions and Calculations

1. Knowing what fraction of a wavelength that fits inside the air column, the wavelength can be computed for each of your measurements. To find the correct wavelength from your measurements you will need to make a small adjustment because the center of the anti-node is not exactly at the end of the tube but slightly beyond it. A good approximation to use is to add six-tenths of the radius of the tube to your measurements. compute the corrected wavelength for each measurement.

2. From the graph, find the speed of sound. The speed of sound in dry air at 0C is 331.5 m/s and increases 0.6 m/s for each C rise in temperature, thus v(T)=(331.5+0.6T)m/s. Compare your value of the speed of sound and the value calculated using this formula.

3. If the room temperature were lowered how would this effect the experiment? How would your measurements change?

4. If you were underwater and had a trapped column of air, you could repeat this experiment. Except, this time the sound waves would be traveling through water and not air. How would the results be affected, if at all? Explain.

5. Suppose you performed this experiment on the Moon. How would your results differ?

University of South Carolina Columbia Speed of Sound Lab Report Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Abubakar Tafawa Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics on Human Labor Ques Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need support to help me study.


Please answer each question with a minimum of 62 words for each question, totaling 248 in all. Please utilize at least four peer-reviewed journal articles, one for each question. In addition, give credit with in-text citations and in the reference listing seventh edition APA format.

References with the articles attached:

Kamenou, N., & Fearfull, A. (2006). Ethnic minority women: a lost voice in HRM. Human Resource Management Journal, 16(2), 154–172.

Benschop, Y. (2001). Pride, prejudice, and performance: relations between HRM, diversity, and performance. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 12(7), 1166–1181.

Fanafuthi, M. M., Nyawo, J., & Mashau, P. (2019). Analysis of the impact of artificial intelligence and robotics on human labor. Gender & Behaviour, 17(3), 13877–13891.

Streeter, B. (2007). Welcome to the new workplace. ABA Banking Journal, 99(12), 7–15.

Discussion Question below:

How will the increasing change in the number of ethnic people and women in the workforce affect HRM?

How will Diversity and Inclusion affect HRM?

How will technological issues such as robotics, changing evolution of technology replacing human labor, and Artificial intelligence

How will Baby Boomers leaving the workplace and being replaced by Millennials and Gen Z employees affect HRM


MAN 3065 Miami Dade College Management Questions Business Ethics Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a management multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

  • What is your definition of Integrity?How can we develop greater integrity?Use specific details and examples from your readings, what you’ve heard in discussions and experienced.Use examples and evidence to support your ideas and communicates your message.(Min. 350 words).
  • Why is it important to study business ethics?Why are ethics important in managerial decision making?Explain the benefits of having an ethical culture in your organization.(Min. 250 words)
  • Explain Kohlberg’s Ethical and Moral development theory and how it is to be used.For each stage, give a brief example of how it may be used in a business setting. (Min. 250 words)
  • Why was the Sarbanes-Oxley Act created and how has it changed the legal aspects of business ethics?What was the role of the Enron case in its creation? Indicate some of the most important protections it has created.(Min. 250 words)
  • Research and Answer–What is corporate culture and what role does business ethics play an important part in it?Give an example of company which has a strong corporate culture, and after researching the culture, explain how business ethics plays an important part in that culture.Reference at least three resources you used in your resource. (Min. 350 words)
  • For your own company, design a 5-7 point code of ethics indicating the important aspects of serving your customer.
  • Describe how you would perform an ethics audit and social audit for your company.(Min. 250 Words)
  • Which would you focus on more in your company, a compliance orientation or a value orientation?Why and how would you implement it? (Min. 250 words)
  • Describe ethical leadership and why it is an advantageous and important leadership style.Give an example of a dilemma where ethical leadership can play a part. (Min. 250 words).
  • Should social responsibility be a requirement of companies?Explain how it is a benefit when money is used from company profits to fund those projects.Why should companies focus on social responsibility in their practices? (Min. 250 words).


FIU BMW Auto Repair Shop Brand Definition & Local Target Market Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a marketing project and need a sample draft to help me study.

Develop a complete social strategy for the brand you have been working with all semester. This

can be one of the three companies, or one political candidate, that I have you at the beginning of
the semester OR a brand you chose to use for the prior assignments.
In your social strategy I expect to find:

  1. A brand definition that sums up what you WANT people to think of when they think of
    your brand.
    o For example: Target is a reasonably priced outlet for cutting edge design, fashion
    and housewares. (In truth they NEVER use reasonably priced in their outwardly
    facing material, but it is what they believe internally)
  2. A customer/voter/client persona, which is WHO exactly you think is your target
    audience for the strategy (message) you are developing. This must be narrowly defined. You must include an audience persona.
    o For example Jet Blue (from Blogspot) JetBlue’s buyer persona is the low budget
    traveler that wants a comfortable yet affordable solution to flying. They are
    typically a younger audience that likes to be reached through social media
    channels and expects quick responses from the company. That audience comes
    through in their marketing in the medium they use (Twitter, in this instance), the
    words they use (flying like a boss), and even the name of the Twitter handle
  3. Further develop this persona into your local target market using the information from
    your target market assignment. Please attach any SimpliAnalytics or ESRI data as a
    supporting document). Tell me if you have found your target where you expect them to be.
  4. Discuss your competition. Take the competitive analysis you performed and summarize what you learned in a series of slides. You can break it up by channel or by message or however you think it is most useful. The point is to tell me what you learned about your competition that effects your own strategic choices on social media.
  5. Discuss the opportunities and threats (half of a SWOT analysis) that are afforded by social media for your brand.
  6. At least two SMART Social Media Objectives, one communication objective and one business
    objective. Use the form from the SMART Objective assignment, BUT only put the actual objectives in
    your write up (attach the form as a supporting document). These goals can be put into the
    perspective of a campaign if you wish, but do not have to. The goals must BOTH be
    social media goals OR the KPI that you are working with must be a social media KPI. For instance if my business objective is to increase net profit by 10% in FYE 2020, I can work with “Increase use of coupons from Instagram by 50% in FYE 2020.” Or, “Increase website visits from Instagram by 50% in FYE 2020.”
    o Use social specific communication language to define your communication goals
    such as reach, engagement, sentiment, impact/conversion and advocacy.
  7. Identify a social channel that will help you achieve your SMART goals. Tell me
    why. Go back to your audience persona and determine which channels are most effective
    for your brand. (Again there are reference links in the module)
    • There are two important questions I want answered:
      • Is my audience here? (answer needs to be yes, or at least they will be after I’m done)
      • If so, how are they using this platform?
    • Using this information define the tactics that will be effective in reaching your social media goals.
  8. Create an editorial or content marketing plan for one business quarter. (Choose a specific
    quarter if you plan on using holiday based content. If you wish to use a longer time frame
    let me know.) This plan must outline the theme, campaign, or defining idea behind your social media for that quarter. This is your “BIG IDEA,” the creative backbone of your campaign. It will define your message/messages and show how you will push that message out over the quarter. It must be a cohesive strategy, not just a list of the things you want to do. There must be a common central theme. Your plan must also address these questions.
    o What types of content do you intend to post and promote on social media?
    o How often will you post content?
    o How will you promote the content?
  9. Create a social media calendar for one week in that quarter. It should include the channel, content, day,
    time, goal it is related to, and how it’s success or value will be measured. There is a
    template for this calendar in this module. This template is designed to be used professionally, so there is more than one week and room for more than one channel.
    1. Definitions for the calendar:
      1. Time – Time of day, which is important in reaching your target audience
      2. Content Type – Ad, photo, text with photo, text, quiz, survey, etc
      3. Topic – How is this related to your content marketing plan?
      4. Goal – Which objective is it related to?
      5. Content / Copy – A summary (example: photo of cute puppy chewing on widget with slogan “better get a Marsh Media Widget”)
      6. Notes – Anything you need me to know, or want me to know. Usually used to communicate with other collaborators on your project.

All this information must be included in a presentation. (PowerPoint exported to .pdf, Prezi, Keynote exported to a .pdf – Use a .pdf so that the layout isn’t changed when I open it.) Please use as many slides as you need to to explain your idea. You may voice it if you wish, otherwise the information in the presentation must be self-explanatory. It should also look decent. The presentation does not need to include the calendar. The calendar should be added an an additional attachment.


CM 516 ASU Assessment in Counseling Myers Briggs Type Indicator Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me understand better.

Assessment Critique Assignment

This assignment is somewhat of a research assignment. You will be responsible for researching an assessment and reporting what you have learned about that assessment. Please be sure to use empirically supported and professional articles and sources for your research. Choose one of the assessments that are discussed in the course textbook (Stanford-Binet, Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Myers Brigg Type Indicator, etc.). Address the following items regarding the assessment. Include a title page and a reference page that adheres to APA style and include each of the following areas, as well as your responses. When describing the assessment, it is important that you cite the material properly.


MAN 3301 Miami Dade College Human Resource Management Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help

MAN 3301 Miami Dade College Human Resource Management Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help

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