Managed care impacts on healthcare finance, health and medicine homework help Health Medical Assignment Help

Managed care impacts on healthcare finance, health and medicine homework help Health Medical Assignment Help. Managed care impacts on healthcare finance, health and medicine homework help Health Medical Assignment Help.

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The course project must include at least the following sections; you may want to include others if you deem them


1. Introduction

2. Challenges and Problems (associated with your topic)

3. Review of the Literature

4. Critical Analysis of Challenges/Problems

5. Recommended Solutions

6. Implementation of Solutions

7. Justification of Solutions

8. Conclusion

9. References

Some possible course project topics for your consideration are listed below:

 Managed care impacts on healthcare finance

 The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and healthcare finance

 Hospital ownership types and impacts on healthcare finance

 Presenting hospital financial statements

 Strategic financial planning for healthcare organizations

 Financial management of home health care

 Financial management of ambulatory surgery

BHA 4053, Financial Management in Healthcare Administration 3

 Financial management of clinics

 Financial management of physician practices

 Flexible budgeting for healthcare organizations

 Capital budgeting for healthcare organizations

 Information management for healthcare organizations

 Principles and practices for hospital auditing

The course project must be seven to ten pages, double-spaced, not counting the cover page and the references pages.

You must use at least five outside sources for your course project beyond the course textbook. At least one reference

must come directly from the CSU Online Library. Web resources and professional journal articles will be key sources in

researching your topic.

Managed care impacts on healthcare finance, health and medicine homework help Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Exclusionary Rule, political science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Public Policy Paper Proposal

Please have access to the text ye, T.R. (2010). Understanding public policy (13th ed.) and use in-text citation. Please check grammar and no plagiarism.

Develop a two-page, APA-style paper in which you propose the topic and major elements defining your final Public Policy paper. Your Public Policy Proposal paper will be written in four parts:

  • Identification and explanation of the topic including a problem statement
  • The explanation of the research process; that is, how will the research be conducted
  • A discussion of relevant literature appropriate to the issues at hand
  • An abbreviated reference list (a minimum of three sources, at least one from the ProQuest electronic database).


Dye, T.R. (2010). Understanding public policy (13th ed.). Longman: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN: 9780205757428. Custom ISBN: 9781256054160

Exclusionary rule is too important to be altered or cut. (1995, Mar 16). Austin American Statesman Retrieved from…

Gould, J. B. (2002). Playing with fire: The civil liberties implications of September 11th. Public Administration Review: Special Issue, 62, 74-79. Retrieved from ProQuest database.


International Management, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Pick a theory (in one of the views of what constitutes a theory that you identified in Part 1) of current interest directly related to the topic area of your dissertation. A theory is currently of interest if there are articles published on it in the past five years. Using at least 10 published, peer-reviewed research articles:

1. Explain how the theory adds or may add to our understanding of your field and/or research topic.

2. Discuss and analyze the literature on two areas of controversy or unanswered questions related to the theory.

3-4 pages; APA format


Research Proposal and Final Presentation, communications homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Research Proposal,

Instructions: complete a 10-page research proposal on a topic of your choosing. Based on the readings and course instruction as well as the two documents presented to you at the beginning of the class construct the research proposal as i fyou were actually going to conduct a research study.

Please including the following in your assignment:

• Introduction: Typically one or two paragraphs that describe the proposed study and what topics are to be discussed in the proposal. This section should generate reader interest in your topic. The introduction should be written in past tense as it will be reported in your completed study.

• Statement of the Problem: In research your goal is to state a problem or problematize a social phenomenon such as, what is the impact of student preparedness on educational outcomes in K-12 schools?

• Theoretical Framework: Which theory from ORGC 502 will you apply to your study/research? Choose on theory only, define it and substantiate its use in your research.

• Variable Definitions: Depending upon your topic, there may be terms and concepts associated with your research that may require definition. For instance, if you are conducting research on sports organizations or the medical field, there will be terms and ideas that are familiar to the average reader. These terms should be defined under variable definitions, if applicable.

• Purpose of the Study: What do you hope to accomplish with your study? Which audience of scholars and fellow researchers and policy makers are you seeking to compel with your research and why?

• Review of Literature: The review of literature can be adapted from your annotated bibliography and should be shortened for your proposal. The information contained in your literature review should establish the road map of previous research that your proposal stands upon.

• Methodology: Which methodology will you employ for your research proposal? Will you use a survey focus group, comparative analysis, literacy analysis, a meta-analysis or other method? Will the method be qualitative or quantitative in nature? Which ever method you choose, it should be defined based upon existing methods and its use also justified in your methodology section.

• Data Analysis: How will you analyze the data you have collected? This must also be outlined in your methods section.

• Proposed Timetable: How will you conduct your proposed study and what is the time frame from start to completion?

• References: Your references are to be adopted from your annotated bibliography, minus the annotation and should be listed alphabetically and in APA style at the end of your proposal.

Grade Composition:

• Cohesion of Proposal/Idea and Feasibility: 25 Points

• Use of APA Style: 25 Points

• Quality of Writing: 25 Points

• Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation: 25 Points

Total Points: 100

Final Presentation

Instructions: For a Final presentation, which is required to accompany your Final Research Proposal, prepare a discussion of your final paper for the course. In addition to following the standard presentation format, please add the following talking points to your presentation:

Per APA style, include the following components to your presentation:

1. Introduction of topic

2. Theory

3. Research Questions

4. Review of Literature

5. Methodology

6. References

7. Graphic Representation (chart, graph or other form of illustration)

Add the Following Components to your presentation:

8. Title of paper 9. Rationale for topic choice 10. What (text & journal articles) inspired topic choice? 11. What did you find most intriguing about the topic of your paper? 12. If you actually conduct the study, what do you believe you will actually find? 13. How would you suggest that this research be expanded either into a larger paper, conference panel or book chapter?

Presentation Grading

Total presentation score: 100 Points

25 Points Presentation Format:

25 Points Presentation Flow:

Is the presentation in APA Style? Does the presenter follow the appropriate format in PowerPoint presentation? Does he/she introduce self, title of article/chapter, and determine how the work fuses with week’s readings and course themes?

Is the presentation well organized? Does the presentation begin and end on time? Is the presenter(s) and the presentation compelling and engaging operating in “presentation mode”?

25 Points Study Arguments:

25 Points Q & A Session

Does the presentation address the theory, method, related literature,? Do presenters offer opinions about the research, i.e., what was missing? What was resonant?

Is the Q&A lively and active? Questions should be both compelling and directly related to the material. Peer members of the audience should be readily willing to participate in this portion of the class keeping in mind they will be presenting as well.


The Fair Labor Standards Act, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is one of the complex laws governing employment relationships. The FLSA determines how employees are paid, whether they are eligible for overtime pay, at what age an individual can work and in which environments, and how these issues should be documented. Aside from the laws relating to discrimination, the FLSA is one of the most frequently violated employment acts. The biggest challenge with the FLSA is that many definitions are vague and with no clearly set precedents. Whenever a law is open to this much interpretation, the employer is likely to encounter significant challenges.


Using the Argosy University online library resources or the Internet, research an instance when the FLSA was violated by either the misclassification of employees as exempt when they should have been nonexempt or the incorrect calculation and payment of overtime. Write a 3–5-page paper analyzing the situation. Include the following in your analysis:

  • Describe the circumstances surrounding the issue, including the job titles and primary duties in question.
  • Analyze how the issue occurred. Compare the facts to the law. Was a mistake made? Is there evidence of an intentional violation?
  • What was the outcome of the case?
  • How can employers avoid making the same mistake in the future?

Use reference to the FLSA as well as other scholarly resources to support your analysis. Include all citations in the APA format.

Assignment 3 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Submitted a well-written paper analyzing the violation of the FLSA, including all assigned questions.


Gave all citations in the APA format.


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.






health ACHE Future scan 2015 , health and medicine homework help Health Medical Assignment Help

Read and analyze then answer the following questions for each of the four chapters.

Please answer each question by the chapter in one page. ( single space ).

In the attachment, you will find the reading materials.

Q1 Identify what are the key themes of the chapter and why are so critical?

Q2 How do these themes impact professional positions in health care administration?

Chapter 2 (Transparency) P.10

Chapter 4 (Volume to Value) P.23

Chapter 5 (Innovation in Primary Care) p.33

Chapter 8 (Innovations in iMED) p.43


Answer this question in one single space page by reading Chapter 2 (Transparency) P.10

Q1 Identify what are the key themes of the chapter and why are so critical?

Then in another single space page answer the same question by reading Chapter 4 (Volume to Value) P.23

Then in another single space page answer the same question by reading Chapter 5 (Innovation in Primary Care) p.33

Then in another single space page answer the same question by reading Chapter 8 (Innovations in iMED) p.43

Do the same for question 2 How do these themes impact professional positions in health care administration?

health ACHE Future scan 2015 , health and medicine homework help Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

How would you try to balance an increasing need for food , environmental science homework help Science Assignment Help

Please add at least 2 meaningful poststhat contain facts from peer reviewed journals (not the textbook). You need to posts you own materials and respond to others.

So far we have talked about basic environmental issues, human values and interactions with our environment, and what resources we use and need to harness in the coming decades as fossil fuel reserves diminish. Our last topic will cover our most basic of need: food, or more specifically agriculture. Agricultural success starts with good soils and a basic understanding about how the soil ecosystems, structure and underlying minerals affect yield for an ever growing mass of people. Remember not just food, but agriculture in various forms derives fiber as well, which is needed for everything from wood for houses and fuel, to clothing and cardboard.

Given that we all need to eat, HOW would you try to balance an increasing need for food and fiber worldwide against environmental protection of the air we breath, the water we drink and soil where we grow our food to eat?


Phase 4 Write the Paper, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

Phase 4 Write the Paper

  • Description

    Your Paper should be 3-5 Pages long, not including a cover page, abstract page, or bibliography page.’Assignment In this phase you will complete your paper and submit it for a plagiarism check. Be sure to give credit to your sources throughout your paper using the Word reference features.The body of your paper should include:A. A brief explanation of your choice of careers. The body should tell why you weighted the criteria as you did for each career. The paper should explain any high or low scores you gave any of the careers and discuss how the careers compared to each other with respect to the criteria. Support the ratings (scores) you assigned each career with details from your research. It is not necessary to explain each score in great detail, but you should help your reader understand how you arrived at your scores by presenting specific details about the career. Did you get the results you were expecting? Why or why not?B. Include the evaluation matrix chart and table into your Word document in an appropriate place (APA requires each figure be at the top of the page).C. Identify emerging technologies in each career. Explain the benefits and limitations of emerging technology on decision making and problem solving for each career. Details about these emerging technologies should be supported by your research.D. Evaluate ethical principle(s) for each career related to the identified emerging technologies (B. above). In your evaluation discuss how an individual in that career should deal with the ethical issues. Support your opinion on how one should deal with the issues by citing facts learned in your research.Submit a copy of your paper to the SafeAssign assignment in Blackboard. SafeAssign will check your paper for plagiarism. Read through this web page about how SafeAssign works: through the originality report you receive and make the appropriate edits to your paper.


necessary changes based on the originality report and your evaluation matrix, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

  • Phase 5 Format Final Paper

    After you make any necessary changes based on the originality report and your evaluation matrix, format your paper according to APA formatting style (see example paper in Blackboard for illustration of this format). It should include: Title page Abstract Body of paper with sources credited parenthetically The evaluation matrix and chart pasted into the body of the paper at an appropriate place References page (not the annotated bibliography)Submit this final draft document (one Word file) and the evaluation matrix (one Excel file) into the Blackboard assignment for this phase.

  • Example APA Format

    Attached Files:

  • Model Sample Paper in APA Format

    Click on the link above to access. This paper, from a different subject area, serves as a general guideline to formatting a research paper in APA style. You do not need to do any further research about APA format, because you will find slight differences. Also, be aware that you are to use Word to manage your sources (you will learn how to do this). Therefore, you will be able to generate your references page automatically in proper format. So you don’t need to worry about formatting there. Another resource you may find useful about APA format is at: Again, please use MS Word reference feature to manage your sources and citations and specify APA format so you don’t have to be concerned about all the rules.

  • Research Paper Grading Rubric


Information System Assignment help Computer Science Assignment Help

Lucy sells tomatoes. On May 1st, Lucy owns 8 million tons of tomatoes and has $15000 on hand. On the second day of every month starting from May, Lucy could purchase tomatoes. On the other hand, on the 28th day of every month, Lucy could sell the tomatoes she owns. Lucy has a warehouse and the warehouse can hold up to 15.2 million tons of tomatoes. When Lucy purchases tomatoes, she needs to pay cash. She doesn’t want to borrow any money at any moment.

The selling price and buying price of tomatoes in each month are shown below:





Buying price (per million tons of tomatoes)





Selling price (per million tons of tomatoes)





Build an Excel model and use Solver to help Lucy maximize the cash she has on August 29th. Your model should be robust enough, so that when numbers (e.g., buying and selling prices) are changed, Solver can still produce correct results.

[supanova_question] Again, please use MS Word reference feature to manage your sources and citations and specify APA format so you don’t have to be concerned about all the rules.

  • Research Paper Grading Rubric

  • [supanova_question]

    Information System Assignment help Computer Science Assignment Help

    Lucy sells tomatoes. On May 1st, Lucy owns 8 million tons of tomatoes and has $15000 on hand. On the second day of every month starting from May, Lucy could purchase tomatoes. On the other hand, on the 28th day of every month, Lucy could sell the tomatoes she owns. Lucy has a warehouse and the warehouse can hold up to 15.2 million tons of tomatoes. When Lucy purchases tomatoes, she needs to pay cash. She doesn’t want to borrow any money at any moment.

    The selling price and buying price of tomatoes in each month are shown below:





    Buying price (per million tons of tomatoes)





    Selling price (per million tons of tomatoes)





    Build an Excel model and use Solver to help Lucy maximize the cash she has on August 29th. Your model should be robust enough, so that when numbers (e.g., buying and selling prices) are changed, Solver can still produce correct results.

    [supanova_question] Again, please use MS Word reference feature to manage your sources and citations and specify APA format so you don’t have to be concerned about all the rules.

  • Research Paper Grading Rubric

  • [supanova_question]

    Information System Assignment help Computer Science Assignment Help

    Lucy sells tomatoes. On May 1st, Lucy owns 8 million tons of tomatoes and has $15000 on hand. On the second day of every month starting from May, Lucy could purchase tomatoes. On the other hand, on the 28th day of every month, Lucy could sell the tomatoes she owns. Lucy has a warehouse and the warehouse can hold up to 15.2 million tons of tomatoes. When Lucy purchases tomatoes, she needs to pay cash. She doesn’t want to borrow any money at any moment.

    The selling price and buying price of tomatoes in each month are shown below:





    Buying price (per million tons of tomatoes)





    Selling price (per million tons of tomatoes)





    Build an Excel model and use Solver to help Lucy maximize the cash she has on August 29th. Your model should be robust enough, so that when numbers (e.g., buying and selling prices) are changed, Solver can still produce correct results.

    [supanova_question] Again, please use MS Word reference feature to manage your sources and citations and specify APA format so you don’t have to be concerned about all the rules.

  • Research Paper Grading Rubric

  • [supanova_question]

    Information System Assignment help Computer Science Assignment Help

    Lucy sells tomatoes. On May 1st, Lucy owns 8 million tons of tomatoes and has $15000 on hand. On the second day of every month starting from May, Lucy could purchase tomatoes. On the other hand, on the 28th day of every month, Lucy could sell the tomatoes she owns. Lucy has a warehouse and the warehouse can hold up to 15.2 million tons of tomatoes. When Lucy purchases tomatoes, she needs to pay cash. She doesn’t want to borrow any money at any moment.

    The selling price and buying price of tomatoes in each month are shown below:





    Buying price (per million tons of tomatoes)





    Selling price (per million tons of tomatoes)





    Build an Excel model and use Solver to help Lucy maximize the cash she has on August 29th. Your model should be robust enough, so that when numbers (e.g., buying and selling prices) are changed, Solver can still produce correct results.


    Managed care impacts on healthcare finance, health and medicine homework help Health Medical Assignment Help

    Managed care impacts on healthcare finance, health and medicine homework help Health Medical Assignment Help

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