Marginal Revolution University Week 6 Paying Health Insurance or Taxes Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Marginal Revolution University Week 6 Paying Health Insurance or Taxes Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help. Marginal Revolution University Week 6 Paying Health Insurance or Taxes Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help.

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The United States’ health-related views and laws are shaped by social, political, and historical factors that are often part of the larger debate over individual rights versus the collective good.

Although this debate reaches beyond the focus of this week’s topic, discuss and weigh in  the following issues:

1st paragragh: Should higher insurance rates or taxes be used to punish poor health choices (e.g., cigarettes, “junk” food)? Would this be unfair to individuals, or is this fair since all Americans pay a portion of the healthcare costs to care for these choices?     

2nd: When, if ever, does national security trump state or individual rights? In major health pandemics? In cases of bioterrorism or biologic weapons?

3rd: Should childhood immunizations be mandatory or optional?

Marginal Revolution University Week 6 Paying Health Insurance or Taxes Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BADM 633 University of the Cumberlands Application of Project Planning Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Planning the project is the course. I have the textbook attached with this question. Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


  • Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
  • Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
  • Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
  • Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
  • You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.


Temple University Applying Research to Practice Article and FERPA Act Responses Humanities Assignment Help

1. Read page 313.

Article “Applying Research to Practice”

1. Write a one-page paper response to the content and share how you can apply some of the components to a kindergarten program. Reminder to use the cover page template

Please view the video – and post your answer to these questions:

1. Have you reviewed with your staff the FERPA Act, and how are the data and student records maintained?

2.When and where do discussions of students’ information take place?

3.Have boundaries been drawn as to where discussion can occur in your building?


Rhode Island College Nursing Assessment of The Neurological System Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Hello, the assignment is to respond to these two discussion post. The topic is about nursing assessment of the Neurological system. Please see attached rubric for discussion response requirement. Please type discussion 1 and put your response under it as if you were replying to the writer. Be sure to include references of peer reviewed article used in theresponse. Each discussion should include 3 references. 400 words to each response.

Discussion 1: Karen

A 36 y.o. comes into the hospital with complaints of dizziness. As an Emergency Room RN I see this complaint often. Obtaining a thorough history is essential to determine which medical treatments are proper for this complaint. It can be as simple as an ear infection to something more serious. “Dizziness is a nonspecific term used by patients encompassing several disorders that clinicians must carefully sort out. A detailed history identifies the primary etiology” (Bickley,, 2017).

I would start off my exam with a complete current and past history. Does she have any pain? Where is it located? If she states ‘headache’ I would also like to know if she has been diagnosed with migraine headaches. What, if any, other symptoms does she have? Does she take any medications? “Feeling light-headed, weak in the legs, or about to faints points to pre-syncope from vasovagal stimulation, orthostatic hypotension, arrhythmia, or side effects from blood pressure and other medications” (Bickley, et. al., 2017). Another study wanted to know if there are side effects from medications. Their conclusion was that “general practitioners, otolaryngology, neurology, and audiology specialists should be aware of possible audio-vestibular side effects of drugs such as hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness and vertigo” (Altissimi,, 2020). Another question I would want to ask would be is she pregnant? If she is pregnant, has she been on prolonged bedrest? One of the predisposing factors of orthostatic hypotension is prolonged bedrest (Bickley,, 2017). Does the patient have any substance abuse problems? What is her psychiatric history? “Dizziness caused by vestibular dysfunction involves psychological reactions. These reactions can vary considerably depending on whether or not psychiatric patients are involved. Vertigo may also be a symptom of a psychiatric disorder with no objective symptoms of a disorder of the vestibular system or of other neurological pathologies. This dichotomy in which psychological issues are the cause or the consequence of dizziness represents a possible incomplete view of the disorder, leading to sub-optimal care. Typically, otoneurologic disorders and psychiatric disorders coexist and interact, probably as a result of central-neurologic links between the vestibular and the autonomic systems” (Kanzaki, et. al, 2015).

Assessments of the ears, looking for any signs of infections that could cause vertigo would be necessary to rule out that primary etiology.

I would protect this patient’s safety by assisting the patient when walking, making sure to watch the patient’s gait for unsteadiness. “Dizziness/balance problems are strongly associated with both an increased tendency to fall and increased injury rate from falls among adults” (Lin,, 2014). Since this patient is at an increased risk for falls, extra precaution is of upmost importance.

Discussion 2: Emanuela

When a 36 year old woman would come into the hospital and complain of dizziness the first thing I would do is ask her if she’s able to ambulate or if she needs a wheelchair into a room where I can assess her. Depending on her answer I would help her into a private room, insuring she is safe. If she was ambulatory while helping her into privacy I would begin assessing her walk. In a recent article it also states that “the patient’s gait should be observed and a Romberg test performed. Patients with an unsteady gait should be assessed for peripheral neurophaty. A positive Romber test suggests an abnormality with proprioception receptors or their pathway.” (Herbert L. Muncie et al., 2017) In the room I would begin asking her some simple questions like if she knows where she is, if she can tell me her name and date of birth, and if she can tell me what day it is. From that point forward I would ask her if she has a headache that accompanies her dizziness. If yes, I would ask about location, severity, and duration. After that I would start asking more questions about her dizziness. According to Bickley(2021), “dizziness or vertigo can have many meanings. Is the patient lightheaded or feeling faint (presyncope)? Is there unsteady gait from disequilibrium or ataxia, or true vertigo, a perception that the room is spinning or rotating? Are any medications contributing to dizziness?”(p.412) I would also like to find out from her if she ever fainted and if the dizziness has ever happen before.

At that point I if she has previous experiences I would like to talk to her more about the where it happen, what she was doing at the time it happen, were there any warning signs, were there any triggers that lead to the episode, and if she remembers the duration of the episode. Even though this patient is still quite young I would want to make sure she doesn’t have any underlying conditions that could be causing the dizziness. According to Eske(2019) “conditions that affect the cardiovascular system, such as the buildup of plaque in the arteries and congestive heart failure, can cause dizziness. People may experience dizziness or feel lightheaded before or after a heart attack or stroke.” (Eske, 2019) Therefore I would want to ask her if she has any heart issues or anybody in close family that might as well. Along with this I would want to run some basic tests like EKG and labs for tropinin.

Another form of examination I would want to perform would be neurological assessment with attention to the head, eye, ear, nose and throat examination. Checking all of her cranial nerves to make sure nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. The article by Herbert L. Muncie et al. (2017) also talks about a test called HINTS which stands for head-impulse, nystagmus, test of skew. This examination can help to distinguish a possible stroke. (Herbert L. Muncie et al., 2017) If any abnormalities would be found from the assessment I would want to consult neurology. According to Kerber and Baloh (2011) “neurologists play an important role in the evaluation and management of patients with dizziness. The possibility of a serious neurologic disorder is unnerving to front-line physicians who have ranked decision support for identifying central causes of vertigo as a top priority.” (Kerber & Baloh, 2011) Working as a team always leads to better patient care and possibility of finding the solution to the problem quicker and more efficiently. As the say two brains are better than one.

Below is the case study question they responded to:

A 36-year-old woman comes into the hospital with the chief complaint of dizziness. What history questions would be pertinent to ask this patient given her age and gender? What aspects of the neuro exam would you include to evaluate this patient? Would you include assessments of any other system? How would you provide for her safety during the exam?

Dont respond to the case study question. Only respond to the discussion posts.


University of the Cumberlands Waterfall Project Planning Model Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Case Study 11.1: It’s an Agile World

This case illustrates a common problem in software and IT development, where programmers and IT staff are anxious to lock in specifications as early as possible so they can “get to work” without having to worry about invasive or disruptive input from the end users.  Unfortunately, what typically happens is that the finished product is not what the users needed or thought they needed and a long list of fixes and modifications are needed to make it work correctly.  This case is based on a true story in a hospital IT department that routinely struggled with these sorts of user conflicts until they sifted to an Agile methodology.


  1. Why does the classic waterfall project planning model fail in this situation?  What is it about the IT department’s processes that leads to their finished systems being rejected constantly?
  2. How would an Agile methodology correct some of these problems?  What new development cycle would you propose?
  3. Why are “user stories” and system “features” critical components of an effective IT software development process?
  4. Using the terms “Scrum,” “Sprint,” and “User stories,” create an alternative development cycle for a hypothetical software development process at Northwest Regional Hospital.

Case Study 12.2: “First Come, First Served”: Resource Challenges for Sunrise Restoration

This case is intended to highlight the challenges in resource assignment, particularly in the common cases where project managers within the same firm are competing with each other for the use of scarce and valuable human resources to accomplish their tasks.  Without clear guidance from top management and a valid priority system, the ability to acquire resources is often the result of chaotic bargaining and negotiation among equals. This case is based on a real situation and the outcomes were very much in line with the way they are described in the case.  The business owner did not want to simply invest in more resources for fear that they would be underutilized.  He much preferred the system of negotiating among his project managers, even if that led to inefficient utilization of the resources that were available.  Students can be asked to take the side of the owner or Tyler to debate the options that Sunrise can use to manage its resources.


  1. Describe some of the resource constraints that Sunrise and its project managers are facing.
  2. Is Sunrise’s current model of prioritizing resource assignments viable?  Why or why not?
  3. How could technology alleviate some of Sunrise’s resource management issues?
  4. Would Tyler’s suggestion to hire additional technicians and purchase more equipment solve the resource problems at Sunrise?  Why or why not?



RU Nutritional Principles in Nursing Teenager Who Eats No Red Meat Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

  • You are working with a teenager who eats no red meat or fish but likes chicken. She is concerned about her weight and limits her food intake to 1600 kcal/day. List the foods with portion sizes that you would select to reach her iron RDA of 18 mg. When making your selections, consider other factors in the diet that will enhance or impede the absorption of the iron provided. (USDA food patterns for various kcalorie levels that conform to the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans can be accessed at

RU Nutritional Principles in Nursing Teenager Who Eats No Red Meat Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CMST 1320 Saint Cloud Technical College Overview Of Individual Goals Discussion Writing Assignment Help

CMST 1320

Introduction to Communication

Group Analysis Project

(110pts. of each student’s overall grade)

For the next few weeks, you will be w

orking on a thorough analysis of a specific group of your

choosing that you are a member of (or were a former member of).

The project will include a detailed analysis of the chosen group focusing on specific group

elements that have been observed throughout the course of your membership. The finished

product will be an essay that sufficiently presents your analysis.

Once you have settled on a group that you would like to analyze, you will explore the

connections between the group communication concepts we have discussed this semester and

your lived experiences within the group. Below is a list of the items that need to be addressed

within your essay.

Your essay should include the following parts (the guideline I offer pertaining to length is such:

provide as much information as it takes for you to clearly articulate how your group is

influenced and affected by the following items):

An introduction that gets the audience’s attention and broadly reveals the group you

have chosen, and previews the topics that will discussed.

Before you begin to analyze the group, an overview of the group and your place within

that group is necessary. Focus on the 5Ws (who-how many people?; what-team, work

group, social?; where?;when- for how long?;why-if not abundantly obvious) to help the

reader better understand how you became a member of this group and how the group

came to be. By providing a solid foundation of understanding at the beginning it makes

your analysis much easier to write.

A thoughtful analysis of the group communication concepts that are in play throughout

your participation within the group. This analysis should overlap several course

concepts (not limited to group communication) simultaneously. This analysis can

describe what is present as well as offer solutions to what would make the group

function better. The numbers in parentheses represent where these items can be found

within the chapter slides; the first numbers the chapter, the second number is the slide.

This analysis should include:


The Goals of the group (13; 8)

An overview of your individual goals (task and social)

An overview of the group goals (task and social)

Hidden agendas that are present that affect group performance


Roles (14; 9-14)

Your formal role

The informal roles you commonly fill (with brief examples that support

your analysis)


Maintenance (aka social/relational)

Negative roles

That is the rubric to follow for the project.


St Thomas University Nursing Question Health Medical Assignment Help

Response to Peers Case 1:

76-year-old Black/African-American male with disabilities living in an urban setting.

What are the barriers to interpersonal communication?

There are various barriers to effective interpersonal communication, including language. Although the patient is African American, English is not their first language thus might become complex and confusing. Psychological barriers to interpersonal communication include embarrassment, cognition issues, and mental disability. The patient may feel uncomfortable in communicating how they feel and low assertiveness and confidence. Besides, considering the psychological barriers, the patient may have stress or anxiety or hearing defects which may significantly hinder effective interpersonal communication (Mitchel et al., 2017). Cultural medical mistrust is also a barrier. African-Americans have a history of unequal health care treatment due to their ethnicity. The patient might thus find it difficult to express how they feel due to the fear of stereotyping. African Americans develop a reluctance to trust most healthcare providers outside their ethnic community due to historical and contemporary racism and oppression experiences (Mitchel et al., 2017). Besides, the cultural beliefs of the patient may differ, affecting interpersonal communication. A misunderstanding of the patient’s cultural beliefs will affect the ability of the patient to give information.

What are the procedures and examination techniques that will be used during the physical exam of your patient?

The procedure for care involves first explaining to the patient what I will be doing and showing him the equipment that I will use and the equipment’s purpose. Demonstration of the procedures to a family member is also essential for understanding if the patient has mental disabilities. Building trust is vital in providing patient-centered care. Besides, identifying accommodations and modifications as appropriate for engaging the patient in complete health history and assessment.

Describe the Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Planning (S.O.A.P.) approach for documenting patient data and explain what they are.

Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Planning (S.O.A.P.) is an approach for healthcare professionals’ documentation. S.O.A.P provides essential information about the patient’s health status and communication between the healthcare providers. The documentation thus serves as a cognitive aid for retrieving information and learning about the patient based on the record (Lenert, 2017). Subjective data is based on personal views, experiences, and patient emotions. The subjective data includes the chief complaint, which can be a condition or the reason the patient presents. Subjective data also includes patient illness history, medical and family history, and system review (Lenert, 2017). Objective data contains information based on the patient encounter. The objective data includes physical examination data, laboratory results, vital signs, and other diagnostic data. On the other hand, assessment involves the synthesis of the subjective and objective data to come up with a diagnosis. The assessment elements include the problem, differential diagnosis, and the pre-existing diagnosis. The plan section entails the testing and consultation with other healthcare providers in addressing the patient’s problem. The plan also entails the steps taken for the treatment of the patient. The treatment plan entails the testing needed and the rationale for each test, therapeutic medication, referrals, patient education, and counseling (Lenert, 2017). The plan section is essential for addressing any future issues. A comprehensive SOAP contains all the subject and objective data and effectively assesses the data to create a patient-centered assessment and care plan.

Response to Peers Case Studies 2

Case Study 2: 55-year-old Asian female; Question 1: Interpersonal communication is vital in health assessment and planning for patient treatment. Interviewing patients from different cultures is associated with barriers that may hinder the interpersonal communication. A great percentage of Asians believe in interpersonal relationships and family ties. Due to their cultural preferences and values, the patient may be unwilling to express her emotions and feelings during examination. The patient may be reluctant in expressing and discussing her problem thus posing a great barrier to interpersonal communication and the interview process (Khosla et al., 2017).

Due to strong believe in family ties, the patient may be unwilling and reluctant in opening up and responding to my interview questions. This can also be caused by fear not to impact negatively on her family. Before providing any information concerning their health and treatment, Asians consult family members (Khosla et al., 2017). Therefore, examining the client in absence of her family members may be a great barrier to our relationship.

Asians put a lot of value on group consensus especially when making key decisions concerning their health. The Asian culture prefers that a female patient be examined by a female doctor or practitioner. Therefore, health provider preference depending on gender is a potential barrier to interpersonal communication. Additionally, language barrier is likely to occur when interviewing the Asian patient (Khosla et al., 2017).

Case Study 2: Pre-school age white female; Question 1: When interviewing and examining a pre-school aged patient, the likely barriers to interpersonal communication include fear, lack of confidence, lack of trust, lack of autonomy, lack of knowledge about certain aspects and inability to make decisions. When dealing with a child, the provider must engage her parent or guardian as a key informant to obtain detailed information. A child is less likely to respond to interview questions as expected. Additionally, it may be challenging to establish a good rapport and therapeutic relationship with a child due to fear, lack of trust, and lack of confidence to face the provider.

Procedures and examination techniques used during the physical exam of your patient

The examination techniques that can be applied during the physical examination of both patients are inspection, percussion, palpation, auscultation, manipulation, and mensuration. Inspection is used to check the outward body appearance including shape, skin color, consistency, neck veins, swelling on joints, and abdomen. Palpation enhances the identification of lumps and masses in the body. Percussion is used to determine masses and fluid-filled lumps based on the sound produced on tapping. Auscultation is carried out using a stethoscope and enhances the identification of abnormal sounds in the lungs and heart (Jarvis, 2018).

Describe the Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Planning (S.O.A.P.) approach for documenting patient data and explain what they are.

SOAP note is a one of the highly structured formats used by healthcare providers to document patient data. Subjective data consists of the information provided by the patient concerning his or her problem or intervention. Objective data refers to the providers or therapist’s observations and the implemented treatment interventions. Assessment data consists of the provider analysis of the different components of the patient’s comprehensive health assessment. Planning focuses on the treatment plan to be implemented in relation to the established goals and objectives of care. Planning integrates both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment approaches and interventions that are effective in addressing the patient’s primary problem (Jarvis, 2018).

Submission Instructions

  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible. Bibliography use should be from 2016-2021


Harvard University What Predicts First Date Success Question Humanities Assignment Help

Request: The purpose of this request is to academically evaluate the attached article (Sharabi and Caughlin (2017) “What predicts first date success? A longitudinal study of modality switching in online dating” ) in 1250 word essay ( the number of words is very strict, should not be less, neither more as the professor is very careful regarding this). The following questions MUST be answered in your essay without repeating the question but clearly mention where each answer is (all of them):


  1. Based on the content of the article, what type of claim is the researcher trying to make (frequency, association, or causal)? Explain your answer. What did they write that makes you think so? (8 points)
  2. Was the research method correlational or experimental? Explain your choice. (8 points)
  3. What hypothesis or hypotheses did the study attempt to test? Hint: only consider the variables that we listed at the top of this instruction sheet. (8 points)
  4. What was/were the primary conceptual independent variable(s) of the study? How was/were the primary IV(s) operationalized? (8 points: 4 points for concept, 4 points for operationalization)
  5. What was/were the primary conceptual dependent variable(s)? How was/were the DV(s) operationalized? (8 points: 4 points for concept, 4 points for operationalization)
  6. Describe the participants. If available, provide the total number of participants, their sex, age, ethnicity, and other defining features. How were they recruited? How many were in each group in the end? Hint: This information can be found in the methods section. (6 points)
  7. What did the participants in the study do? For example, did they fill out a survey, receive an intervention, perform a task, or something else? Did all of the participants do the same thing or did they do different things? Hint: This information can often be found in the procedure section. Try to be as specific as possible. (8 points)
  8. Describe the main results; i.e., those bearing on the hypotheses tested. Was each hypothesis supported or not? What did the author(s) conclude? Hint: Re-write each of the hypotheses being tested and summarize the findings for each. (8 points)
  9. Was reliability mentioned in the research (e.g., test-retest, interrater, or internal)? What data were provided for the tests or measures used in the research (if no data were provided, please explain what would be appropriate)? (4 points)
  10. Considering the operational definitions of the variables (IVs as well as DV) and the various ways to assess construct validity (Hint: Ch. 5 & 6), do you think the research variables have strong or weak construct validity? Explain your answers. (8 points)
  11. Do you think the research has strong or weak external validity? Explain your answer. (8 points)
  12. Does the study establish covariance? If so, explain why you reach that conclusion. If not, why not? (6 points)
  13. Does the study establish temporal precedence? If so, explain why you reach that conclusion. If not, why not? (6 points)
  14. Does the study have a third-variable problem? If so, explain why you think so and provide one possible third-variable. If not, why not? (8 points)
  15. Do the conclusions by the author(s) match the research method? Why or why not (we are asking for reasons related to the materials covered in the course rather than your personal opinion)? (8 points)
  16. Considering your answers to the above questions, discuss two things that you would change to improve this research, or include in future research. How would your proposal resolve these issues? (8 points)
  17. Using your ability to search for information, what evidence (empirical) supports the claims made in the assigned research article (e.g., What have other authors found that would support or refute the main claim by the authors?)? Find three relevant sources. All three must be peer-reviewed empirical research articles. Summarize the salient points from each, whether they would support the claim made in the assigned research article, and explain how credible they are and why (based on credibility as explained by the textbook). You should be able to accomplish this in two paragraphs (one for summaries and one for credibility). I


Include in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your paper (APA format). FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, YOU MUST USE ONLY PEER-REVIEWED EMPIRICAL RESEARCH ARTICLES.


ENC 1101 Miami Dade College Impact of Computers on Human Life Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Write a detailed outline for Essay 3 and post it here. You may use any of the outline formats provided in the OWL at Purdue website linked in this module. Your outline should include your paper’s thesis statement, supporting points, and evidence.

After you post, reply to at least two of your classmates by offering constructive feedback on their essay outlines. Replies should engage with the original post in a meaningful way and be at least two sentences long (don’t just write “good job!”).

[supanova_question] to Peers Case Studies 2

Case Study 2: 55-year-old Asian female; Question 1: Interpersonal communication is vital in health assessment and planning for patient treatment. Interviewing patients from different cultures is associated with barriers that may hinder the interpersonal communication. A great percentage of Asians believe in interpersonal relationships and family ties. Due to their cultural preferences and values, the patient may be unwilling to express her emotions and feelings during examination. The patient may be reluctant in expressing and discussing her problem thus posing a great barrier to interpersonal communication and the interview process (Khosla et al., 2017).

Due to strong believe in family ties, the patient may be unwilling and reluctant in opening up and responding to my interview questions. This can also be caused by fear not to impact negatively on her family. Before providing any information concerning their health and treatment, Asians consult family members (Khosla et al., 2017). Therefore, examining the client in absence of her family members may be a great barrier to our relationship.

Asians put a lot of value on group consensus especially when making key decisions concerning their health. The Asian culture prefers that a female patient be examined by a female doctor or practitioner. Therefore, health provider preference depending on gender is a potential barrier to interpersonal communication. Additionally, language barrier is likely to occur when interviewing the Asian patient (Khosla et al., 2017).

Case Study 2: Pre-school age white female; Question 1: When interviewing and examining a pre-school aged patient, the likely barriers to interpersonal communication include fear, lack of confidence, lack of trust, lack of autonomy, lack of knowledge about certain aspects and inability to make decisions. When dealing with a child, the provider must engage her parent or guardian as a key informant to obtain detailed information. A child is less likely to respond to interview questions as expected. Additionally, it may be challenging to establish a good rapport and therapeutic relationship with a child due to fear, lack of trust, and lack of confidence to face the provider.

Procedures and examination techniques used during the physical exam of your patient

The examination techniques that can be applied during the physical examination of both patients are inspection, percussion, palpation, auscultation, manipulation, and mensuration. Inspection is used to check the outward body appearance including shape, skin color, consistency, neck veins, swelling on joints, and abdomen. Palpation enhances the identification of lumps and masses in the body. Percussion is used to determine masses and fluid-filled lumps based on the sound produced on tapping. Auscultation is carried out using a stethoscope and enhances the identification of abnormal sounds in the lungs and heart (Jarvis, 2018).

Describe the Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Planning (S.O.A.P.) approach for documenting patient data and explain what they are.

SOAP note is a one of the highly structured formats used by healthcare providers to document patient data. Subjective data consists of the information provided by the patient concerning his or her problem or intervention. Objective data refers to the providers or therapist’s observations and the implemented treatment interventions. Assessment data consists of the provider analysis of the different components of the patient’s comprehensive health assessment. Planning focuses on the treatment plan to be implemented in relation to the established goals and objectives of care. Planning integrates both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment approaches and interventions that are effective in addressing the patient’s primary problem (Jarvis, 2018).

Submission Instructions

  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible. Bibliography use should be from 2016-2021


Harvard University What Predicts First Date Success Question Humanities Assignment Help

Request: The purpose of this request is to academically evaluate the attached article (Sharabi and Caughlin (2017) “What predicts first date success? A longitudinal study of modality switching in online dating” ) in 1250 word essay ( the number of words is very strict, should not be less, neither more as the professor is very careful regarding this). The following questions MUST be answered in your essay without repeating the question but clearly mention where each answer is (all of them):


  1. Based on the content of the article, what type of claim is the researcher trying to make (frequency, association, or causal)? Explain your answer. What did they write that makes you think so? (8 points)
  2. Was the research method correlational or experimental? Explain your choice. (8 points)
  3. What hypothesis or hypotheses did the study attempt to test? Hint: only consider the variables that we listed at the top of this instruction sheet. (8 points)
  4. What was/were the primary conceptual independent variable(s) of the study? How was/were the primary IV(s) operationalized? (8 points: 4 points for concept, 4 points for operationalization)
  5. What was/were the primary conceptual dependent variable(s)? How was/were the DV(s) operationalized? (8 points: 4 points for concept, 4 points for operationalization)
  6. Describe the participants. If available, provide the total number of participants, their sex, age, ethnicity, and other defining features. How were they recruited? How many were in each group in the end? Hint: This information can be found in the methods section. (6 points)
  7. What did the participants in the study do? For example, did they fill out a survey, receive an intervention, perform a task, or something else? Did all of the participants do the same thing or did they do different things? Hint: This information can often be found in the procedure section. Try to be as specific as possible. (8 points)
  8. Describe the main results; i.e., those bearing on the hypotheses tested. Was each hypothesis supported or not? What did the author(s) conclude? Hint: Re-write each of the hypotheses being tested and summarize the findings for each. (8 points)
  9. Was reliability mentioned in the research (e.g., test-retest, interrater, or internal)? What data were provided for the tests or measures used in the research (if no data were provided, please explain what would be appropriate)? (4 points)
  10. Considering the operational definitions of the variables (IVs as well as DV) and the various ways to assess construct validity (Hint: Ch. 5 & 6), do you think the research variables have strong or weak construct validity? Explain your answers. (8 points)
  11. Do you think the research has strong or weak external validity? Explain your answer. (8 points)
  12. Does the study establish covariance? If so, explain why you reach that conclusion. If not, why not? (6 points)
  13. Does the study establish temporal precedence? If so, explain why you reach that conclusion. If not, why not? (6 points)
  14. Does the study have a third-variable problem? If so, explain why you think so and provide one possible third-variable. If not, why not? (8 points)
  15. Do the conclusions by the author(s) match the research method? Why or why not (we are asking for reasons related to the materials covered in the course rather than your personal opinion)? (8 points)
  16. Considering your answers to the above questions, discuss two things that you would change to improve this research, or include in future research. How would your proposal resolve these issues? (8 points)
  17. Using your ability to search for information, what evidence (empirical) supports the claims made in the assigned research article (e.g., What have other authors found that would support or refute the main claim by the authors?)? Find three relevant sources. All three must be peer-reviewed empirical research articles. Summarize the salient points from each, whether they would support the claim made in the assigned research article, and explain how credible they are and why (based on credibility as explained by the textbook). You should be able to accomplish this in two paragraphs (one for summaries and one for credibility). I


Include in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your paper (APA format). FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, YOU MUST USE ONLY PEER-REVIEWED EMPIRICAL RESEARCH ARTICLES.


ENC 1101 Miami Dade College Impact of Computers on Human Life Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Write a detailed outline for Essay 3 and post it here. You may use any of the outline formats provided in the OWL at Purdue website linked in this module. Your outline should include your paper’s thesis statement, supporting points, and evidence.

After you post, reply to at least two of your classmates by offering constructive feedback on their essay outlines. Replies should engage with the original post in a meaningful way and be at least two sentences long (don’t just write “good job!”).

[supanova_question] to Peers Case Studies 2

Case Study 2: 55-year-old Asian female; Question 1: Interpersonal communication is vital in health assessment and planning for patient treatment. Interviewing patients from different cultures is associated with barriers that may hinder the interpersonal communication. A great percentage of Asians believe in interpersonal relationships and family ties. Due to their cultural preferences and values, the patient may be unwilling to express her emotions and feelings during examination. The patient may be reluctant in expressing and discussing her problem thus posing a great barrier to interpersonal communication and the interview process (Khosla et al., 2017).

Due to strong believe in family ties, the patient may be unwilling and reluctant in opening up and responding to my interview questions. This can also be caused by fear not to impact negatively on her family. Before providing any information concerning their health and treatment, Asians consult family members (Khosla et al., 2017). Therefore, examining the client in absence of her family members may be a great barrier to our relationship.

Asians put a lot of value on group consensus especially when making key decisions concerning their health. The Asian culture prefers that a female patient be examined by a female doctor or practitioner. Therefore, health provider preference depending on gender is a potential barrier to interpersonal communication. Additionally, language barrier is likely to occur when interviewing the Asian patient (Khosla et al., 2017).

Case Study 2: Pre-school age white female; Question 1: When interviewing and examining a pre-school aged patient, the likely barriers to interpersonal communication include fear, lack of confidence, lack of trust, lack of autonomy, lack of knowledge about certain aspects and inability to make decisions. When dealing with a child, the provider must engage her parent or guardian as a key informant to obtain detailed information. A child is less likely to respond to interview questions as expected. Additionally, it may be challenging to establish a good rapport and therapeutic relationship with a child due to fear, lack of trust, and lack of confidence to face the provider.

Procedures and examination techniques used during the physical exam of your patient

The examination techniques that can be applied during the physical examination of both patients are inspection, percussion, palpation, auscultation, manipulation, and mensuration. Inspection is used to check the outward body appearance including shape, skin color, consistency, neck veins, swelling on joints, and abdomen. Palpation enhances the identification of lumps and masses in the body. Percussion is used to determine masses and fluid-filled lumps based on the sound produced on tapping. Auscultation is carried out using a stethoscope and enhances the identification of abnormal sounds in the lungs and heart (Jarvis, 2018).

Describe the Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Planning (S.O.A.P.) approach for documenting patient data and explain what they are.

SOAP note is a one of the highly structured formats used by healthcare providers to document patient data. Subjective data consists of the information provided by the patient concerning his or her problem or intervention. Objective data refers to the providers or therapist’s observations and the implemented treatment interventions. Assessment data consists of the provider analysis of the different components of the patient’s comprehensive health assessment. Planning focuses on the treatment plan to be implemented in relation to the established goals and objectives of care. Planning integrates both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment approaches and interventions that are effective in addressing the patient’s primary problem (Jarvis, 2018).

Submission Instructions

  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible. Bibliography use should be from 2016-2021


Harvard University What Predicts First Date Success Question Humanities Assignment Help

Request: The purpose of this request is to academically evaluate the attached article (Sharabi and Caughlin (2017) “What predicts first date success? A longitudinal study of modality switching in online dating” ) in 1250 word essay ( the number of words is very strict, should not be less, neither more as the professor is very careful regarding this). The following questions MUST be answered in your essay without repeating the question but clearly mention where each answer is (all of them):


  1. Based on the content of the article, what type of claim is the researcher trying to make (frequency, association, or causal)? Explain your answer. What did they write that makes you think so? (8 points)
  2. Was the research method correlational or experimental? Explain your choice. (8 points)
  3. What hypothesis or hypotheses did the study attempt to test? Hint: only consider the variables that we listed at the top of this instruction sheet. (8 points)
  4. What was/were the primary conceptual independent variable(s) of the study? How was/were the primary IV(s) operationalized? (8 points: 4 points for concept, 4 points for operationalization)
  5. What was/were the primary conceptual dependent variable(s)? How was/were the DV(s) operationalized? (8 points: 4 points for concept, 4 points for operationalization)
  6. Describe the participants. If available, provide the total number of participants, their sex, age, ethnicity, and other defining features. How were they recruited? How many were in each group in the end? Hint: This information can be found in the methods section. (6 points)
  7. What did the participants in the study do? For example, did they fill out a survey, receive an intervention, perform a task, or something else? Did all of the participants do the same thing or did they do different things? Hint: This information can often be found in the procedure section. Try to be as specific as possible. (8 points)
  8. Describe the main results; i.e., those bearing on the hypotheses tested. Was each hypothesis supported or not? What did the author(s) conclude? Hint: Re-write each of the hypotheses being tested and summarize the findings for each. (8 points)
  9. Was reliability mentioned in the research (e.g., test-retest, interrater, or internal)? What data were provided for the tests or measures used in the research (if no data were provided, please explain what would be appropriate)? (4 points)
  10. Considering the operational definitions of the variables (IVs as well as DV) and the various ways to assess construct validity (Hint: Ch. 5 & 6), do you think the research variables have strong or weak construct validity? Explain your answers. (8 points)
  11. Do you think the research has strong or weak external validity? Explain your answer. (8 points)
  12. Does the study establish covariance? If so, explain why you reach that conclusion. If not, why not? (6 points)
  13. Does the study establish temporal precedence? If so, explain why you reach that conclusion. If not, why not? (6 points)
  14. Does the study have a third-variable problem? If so, explain why you think so and provide one possible third-variable. If not, why not? (8 points)
  15. Do the conclusions by the author(s) match the research method? Why or why not (we are asking for reasons related to the materials covered in the course rather than your personal opinion)? (8 points)
  16. Considering your answers to the above questions, discuss two things that you would change to improve this research, or include in future research. How would your proposal resolve these issues? (8 points)
  17. Using your ability to search for information, what evidence (empirical) supports the claims made in the assigned research article (e.g., What have other authors found that would support or refute the main claim by the authors?)? Find three relevant sources. All three must be peer-reviewed empirical research articles. Summarize the salient points from each, whether they would support the claim made in the assigned research article, and explain how credible they are and why (based on credibility as explained by the textbook). You should be able to accomplish this in two paragraphs (one for summaries and one for credibility). I


Include in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your paper (APA format). FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, YOU MUST USE ONLY PEER-REVIEWED EMPIRICAL RESEARCH ARTICLES.


ENC 1101 Miami Dade College Impact of Computers on Human Life Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Write a detailed outline for Essay 3 and post it here. You may use any of the outline formats provided in the OWL at Purdue website linked in this module. Your outline should include your paper’s thesis statement, supporting points, and evidence.

After you post, reply to at least two of your classmates by offering constructive feedback on their essay outlines. Replies should engage with the original post in a meaningful way and be at least two sentences long (don’t just write “good job!”).

[supanova_question] to Peers Case Studies 2

Case Study 2: 55-year-old Asian female; Question 1: Interpersonal communication is vital in health assessment and planning for patient treatment. Interviewing patients from different cultures is associated with barriers that may hinder the interpersonal communication. A great percentage of Asians believe in interpersonal relationships and family ties. Due to their cultural preferences and values, the patient may be unwilling to express her emotions and feelings during examination. The patient may be reluctant in expressing and discussing her problem thus posing a great barrier to interpersonal communication and the interview process (Khosla et al., 2017).

Due to strong believe in family ties, the patient may be unwilling and reluctant in opening up and responding to my interview questions. This can also be caused by fear not to impact negatively on her family. Before providing any information concerning their health and treatment, Asians consult family members (Khosla et al., 2017). Therefore, examining the client in absence of her family members may be a great barrier to our relationship.

Asians put a lot of value on group consensus especially when making key decisions concerning their health. The Asian culture prefers that a female patient be examined by a female doctor or practitioner. Therefore, health provider preference depending on gender is a potential barrier to interpersonal communication. Additionally, language barrier is likely to occur when interviewing the Asian patient (Khosla et al., 2017).

Case Study 2: Pre-school age white female; Question 1: When interviewing and examining a pre-school aged patient, the likely barriers to interpersonal communication include fear, lack of confidence, lack of trust, lack of autonomy, lack of knowledge about certain aspects and inability to make decisions. When dealing with a child, the provider must engage her parent or guardian as a key informant to obtain detailed information. A child is less likely to respond to interview questions as expected. Additionally, it may be challenging to establish a good rapport and therapeutic relationship with a child due to fear, lack of trust, and lack of confidence to face the provider.

Procedures and examination techniques used during the physical exam of your patient

The examination techniques that can be applied during the physical examination of both patients are inspection, percussion, palpation, auscultation, manipulation, and mensuration. Inspection is used to check the outward body appearance including shape, skin color, consistency, neck veins, swelling on joints, and abdomen. Palpation enhances the identification of lumps and masses in the body. Percussion is used to determine masses and fluid-filled lumps based on the sound produced on tapping. Auscultation is carried out using a stethoscope and enhances the identification of abnormal sounds in the lungs and heart (Jarvis, 2018).

Describe the Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Planning (S.O.A.P.) approach for documenting patient data and explain what they are.

SOAP note is a one of the highly structured formats used by healthcare providers to document patient data. Subjective data consists of the information provided by the patient concerning his or her problem or intervention. Objective data refers to the providers or therapist’s observations and the implemented treatment interventions. Assessment data consists of the provider analysis of the different components of the patient’s comprehensive health assessment. Planning focuses on the treatment plan to be implemented in relation to the established goals and objectives of care. Planning integrates both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment approaches and interventions that are effective in addressing the patient’s primary problem (Jarvis, 2018).

Submission Instructions

  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible. Bibliography use should be from 2016-2021


Harvard University What Predicts First Date Success Question Humanities Assignment Help

Request: The purpose of this request is to academically evaluate the attached article (Sharabi and Caughlin (2017) “What predicts first date success? A longitudinal study of modality switching in online dating” ) in 1250 word essay ( the number of words is very strict, should not be less, neither more as the professor is very careful regarding this). The following questions MUST be answered in your essay without repeating the question but clearly mention where each answer is (all of them):


  1. Based on the content of the article, what type of claim is the researcher trying to make (frequency, association, or causal)? Explain your answer. What did they write that makes you think so? (8 points)
  2. Was the research method correlational or experimental? Explain your choice. (8 points)
  3. What hypothesis or hypotheses did the study attempt to test? Hint: only consider the variables that we listed at the top of this instruction sheet. (8 points)
  4. What was/were the primary conceptual independent variable(s) of the study? How was/were the primary IV(s) operationalized? (8 points: 4 points for concept, 4 points for operationalization)
  5. What was/were the primary conceptual dependent variable(s)? How was/were the DV(s) operationalized? (8 points: 4 points for concept, 4 points for operationalization)
  6. Describe the participants. If available, provide the total number of participants, their sex, age, ethnicity, and other defining features. How were they recruited? How many were in each group in the end? Hint: This information can be found in the methods section. (6 points)
  7. What did the participants in the study do? For example, did they fill out a survey, receive an intervention, perform a task, or something else? Did all of the participants do the same thing or did they do different things? Hint: This information can often be found in the procedure section. Try to be as specific as possible. (8 points)
  8. Describe the main results; i.e., those bearing on the hypotheses tested. Was each hypothesis supported or not? What did the author(s) conclude? Hint: Re-write each of the hypotheses being tested and summarize the findings for each. (8 points)
  9. Was reliability mentioned in the research (e.g., test-retest, interrater, or internal)? What data were provided for the tests or measures used in the research (if no data were provided, please explain what would be appropriate)? (4 points)
  10. Considering the operational definitions of the variables (IVs as well as DV) and the various ways to assess construct validity (Hint: Ch. 5 & 6), do you think the research variables have strong or weak construct validity? Explain your answers. (8 points)
  11. Do you think the research has strong or weak external validity? Explain your answer. (8 points)
  12. Does the study establish covariance? If so, explain why you reach that conclusion. If not, why not? (6 points)
  13. Does the study establish temporal precedence? If so, explain why you reach that conclusion. If not, why not? (6 points)
  14. Does the study have a third-variable problem? If so, explain why you think so and provide one possible third-variable. If not, why not? (8 points)
  15. Do the conclusions by the author(s) match the research method? Why or why not (we are asking for reasons related to the materials covered in the course rather than your personal opinion)? (8 points)
  16. Considering your answers to the above questions, discuss two things that you would change to improve this research, or include in future research. How would your proposal resolve these issues? (8 points)
  17. Using your ability to search for information, what evidence (empirical) supports the claims made in the assigned research article (e.g., What have other authors found that would support or refute the main claim by the authors?)? Find three relevant sources. All three must be peer-reviewed empirical research articles. Summarize the salient points from each, whether they would support the claim made in the assigned research article, and explain how credible they are and why (based on credibility as explained by the textbook). You should be able to accomplish this in two paragraphs (one for summaries and one for credibility). I


Include in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your paper (APA format). FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, YOU MUST USE ONLY PEER-REVIEWED EMPIRICAL RESEARCH ARTICLES.


ENC 1101 Miami Dade College Impact of Computers on Human Life Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Write a detailed outline for Essay 3 and post it here. You may use any of the outline formats provided in the OWL at Purdue website linked in this module. Your outline should include your paper’s thesis statement, supporting points, and evidence.

After you post, reply to at least two of your classmates by offering constructive feedback on their essay outlines. Replies should engage with the original post in a meaningful way and be at least two sentences long (don’t just write “good job!”).


Marginal Revolution University Week 6 Paying Health Insurance or Taxes Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Marginal Revolution University Week 6 Paying Health Insurance or Taxes Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

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