MAT 202 Belhaven University Quantitative Reasoning Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

MAT 202 Belhaven University Quantitative Reasoning Questions Mathematics Assignment Help. MAT 202 Belhaven University Quantitative Reasoning Questions Mathematics Assignment Help.

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Question 1

Excel Assignment 3: Statistics

Microsoft Excel has numerous built-in functions for descriptive statistics as well as probability distributions like the Normal Distribution.

1. Average(value1, value2), Quartile.Inc(value1, value2, value 3), Median(value1, value2), Min(value1, value2), Max(value1, value2), StDev.S(value1, value2)

Many descriptive stats functions work in a similar way to the Count and Sum functions. The Average, Median, Min, Max, and StDev.S functions gives the mean, median, minimum value, maximum value, and sample standard deviation respectively between value1 and value2. The Quartile.Inc function gives the quartile number value3 (with value3 being between 1 and 4) between value1 and value2.

2. To find probabilities (or percentiles) with the Normal Distribution, let us use a for the mean and b for the standard deviation. Then Norm.Dist(k, a, b, True) gives the probability that a randomly selected value, x, is less than (or less than or equal to) k.

That means, using the law of complements, that finding the probability that x is greater than (or greater than or equal to) k is 1 – Norm.Dist(k, a, b, True).

Exercises: Open a new spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel and complete the following.

1. Type the following words in given cells. Cell Word

B1 Value

C1 Stats

C2 Count

C3 Sum

C4 Mean

C5 Min

C6 Q1

Cell Word

C7 Median

C8 Q3

C9 Max

C10 Standard Dev. G1 Normal Dist Q F2 Mean

F3 Standard Dev.

2. In cell A2, type “=RandBetween(1,10)”, and drag this formula from A2 down to A26. You have now created 25 random numbers between 1 and 10.

3. THIS IS IMPORTANT. The problem with RandBetween is that it will generate a new set of values every time the user performs a new calculation. To keep the values we h ave, highlight cells A2 to A26 (hold down the SHIFT key and tap the DOWN button to do so). Copy these values. In cell B2, right click the mouse and select PASTE VALUES. Now the values in the B column will stay the way we want them.

MAT 202 Quantitative Reasoning

4. In cell D2, type “=COUNT(B2:B26)”, and in cell D3, type “=Sum(B2:B26)” to get the count and sum of the values in our data set.

5. In a similar way, in D4, type “=Average(B2:B26)” to calculate the mean. In D5, type “=Min(B2:B26)” and in D9, type “=Max(B2:B26)” to calculate the minimum and maximum values in our data set.

6. To find the median, in D7, type “=Median(B2:B26)”, and in D6 and D8, type “=Quartile.Inc(B2:B26, 1)” and “=Quartile.Inc(B2:B26,3)” to find the first and third quartiles respectively. Note, we could also use “=Quartile.Inc(B2:B26, 2)” to the find the median.

In the future, that may be a faster method, as we could drag the formula down the B column to find our quartiles.

7. In cell D10, find the sample standard deviation by “=StDev.S(B2:B26)”. If you need the population standard deviation (only needed if our sample size is larger than about 30), use “=StDev.P(value1, value2).

Normal Distribution Exercises: Suppose heights of lavender plants are normally distributed with a height of 21” and a standard deviation of 4”. Suppose that you select a lavender plant (randomly) in your garden.

In cells G2 and G3, type “21” and “4” respectively.

1. What’s the probability that your selected lavender plant has a height of 22” or less? In cell F5, type “P(x leq 22)”, and in cel l G5 calculate this probability.

We can calculate this by typing “=Norm.Dist(22, G2, G3, True)” to get the value 0.598706326.

2. What’s the probability that your selected lavender plant has a height greater than 22”? In cell F6, type “P(x > 22)”, and in cell G6 calculate this probability.

We can calculate this by typing “=1 – Norm.Dist(22, G2, G3, True)” to get the value 0.401293674.

3. What’s the probability that your selected lavender plant has a height greater than 14”? In cell F7, type “P(x > 14)”, and in cell G7 calculate this probability.

We can calculate this by typing “=1 – Norm.Dist(14, G2, G3, True)” to get the value 0.959940843.

MAT 202 Quantitative Reasoning

8. Save and submit your spreadsheet in Canvas under Excel Assignment 2

Question 2

  • Prompt: We have talked about the importance of having a representative sample. Explain how it could be misleading and even dangerous to not have a good sample for a statistic test.
  • Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
  • Question 3
  • Prompt: Find an example of descriptive statistics and an example of inferential statistics common to everyday life.
  • Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
  • Question 2

MAT 202 Belhaven University Quantitative Reasoning Questions Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MKTG 430 CNM Community College McDonalds Marketing Strategy Final Project Business Finance Assignment Help


Please download the files down below and follow the instructions.

project related work.

Note: please keep me updated, and post each part as soon as you finish it so I could review it with my Instructor before you finish the whole project,

the project has 4 parts.

for example: you finished part 1 you could post it right away, this way my Instructor could correct it.

I want to give a full month on the project but the system only allows 23 days, so don’t struggle with it I will extend the time.

Thanks for your help


CCSD Boolean Expressions & Functions Combinational Circuit Design Worksheet Programming Assignment Help

I will be submitting an image of what the assignement is its only 7 questions. some are long, also posted instructions.I will be submitting an image of what the assignement is its only 7 questions. some are long, also posted instructions.I will be submitting an image of what the assignement is its only 7 questions. some are long, also posted instructions.I will be submitting an image of what the assignement is its only 7 questions. some are long, also posted instructions. PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS FROM The 2nd image.


UCLA Proteins and Nucleic Acids Questions Science Assignment Help

What are some functions of proteins?

2. Protein shape is critical for the function of proteins. Explain this statement.

3. What is the monomer (building block) of proteins? Describe /draw the general structure.

4. What is the same in the structure of the amino acids and what is different?

5. How many different kinds of amino acids are there?

6. What portion of the structure of the amino acids is important in determining the function of that particular amino acid?

7. What type of bond is used to attach amino acids together? Describe this bond. (what type of reaction is used?)

8. What are the four levels of protein structure? Refer to figure 2.21 and describe/draw the general structure of these levels.

9. What can happen to a protein if it is subject to changes in temperature, pH etc.?

10. Explain denaturation. Is this reversible? Or irreversible? When might this be the case?

11. How does an egg represent denaturation?


12. What is the monomer (building block) for nucleic acids? Describe/Draw the basic structure.

13. What are the two main examples of nucleic acids?

15. What are the three types of RNA molecules?

16. Who were the scientists responsible for discovery of the structure of DNA? What did they discover?

17. Describe the compaction of eukaryotic chromosomes. (refer to figure 9.7) or the animation linked through your textbook: DNA packaging

chart comparing DNA and RNA only one


MIS 690 GCU Calibration and External Validation Capstone Computer Science Assignment Help

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

Review the article, “Validate to Bring Out the Real Value of Visual Analytics,” provided in the study materials, for an in-depth understanding of expert validation, predictive validation, external validation, and cross validation.

Conduct a literature review of similar research to compare the model that you completed in Topic 5.

Create a draft outline with the following items in your literature review.

  1. Complete an external and cross validation.
  2. Explain if your validation method is still sufficient and discuss if the model results are consistent with theories in your field.
  3. What are the next steps for your model? Be specific.
  4. Is there a need for a model revision? If so, describe what shortcomings you encountered. If not, describe why.
  5. What future recommendations would you make to your model if you had another opportunity? What would you do differently?
  6. You are required to include at least three scholarly peer-reviewed sources.

Synthesize the information from the draft outline to complete, in 750-1,000 words, the relevant components of the External Model Verification and Calibration section of the “Capstone Project Thesis Template.”

Submit both the draft outline and the updated “Capstone Project Thesis Template.”

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.



Anoka Ramsey Community College Math Problems Mathematics Assignment Help

  • 1. Room Taxes.A guest at the San Antonio Hilton airport hotel paid $180 for a room plus a 9% city room tax, a 1 ¾% county room tax, and a 6% state room tax. Find the total amount of tax that the guest paid on the room.
  • 2. Ebay . When a student sold a play station 3 on ebay for $195,she was charged a two part final value fee: 8% of the first $ 50 of the selling price plus 5% of the remainder of the selling price over $50. Find the fee to sell the play station 3 on ebay.
  • 3. Tax Table. Use the Schedule X table below to compute the amount of federal income tax to be paid on an income of $ 39909.


If your Income is over-

But not over–

Your income tax is—

Of the amount over–













  • 4. U.S. Life Expectancy. Use the following life expectancy data below for 1900 and 2010 to find the percent of increase for males and females. Round to the nearest percent.

Years of Life expected at birth









Anoka Ramsey Community College Math Problems Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

The Role of Social Construction in Healthcare Scientific Studies Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Need help with my Social Science question – I’m studying for my class.

For this essay of about 3 pages in length, you will write about your personal experiences with topics discussed in Part 2 of the course. Since Part 2 of the course deals with the Human Sciences, I want you to tell me how this course has changed your understanding of health, human differences (race, gender, sexuality, etc.) or psychology. For instance, you could write about how discussions on the social construction of health has changed how you think about health and healthcare consumption. You will want to use specific examples from your experiences and you will want to refer to specific readings and concepts from the class. Your essay should be submitted to Canvas by 2/21 11:59pm.

In your essay, you should answer at least some of the following questions: How does science shape our understanding(s) of ourselves? How does science contribute to equality while also contributing to inequality? How does this human science relate to your personal experiences? How does scientific knowledge (whether produced by scientists or by media and culture) shape our life choices?

Your document should be in 12pt standard font, double-spaced with 1″ margins. Class and outside class readings should be properly cited, like your unpacking a fact assignment. You should include at least 3 class readings and at least 3 lecture concepts discussed in lecture.

A papers will be ones that take their insightful analysis of at least one Part 2 topic into a properly formatted document that successfully and thoroughly answers at least some of the prompt questions while connecting to at least two examples of relevant personal experiences. A papers will also have clearly connected their answers to at least three relevant class readings and at least three references to lecture concepts or terms.

B papers will be ones that take their general analysis of at least one Part 2 topic into a properly formatted document that makes a serious attempt to answer at least a couple of the prompt questions with at least two examples of relevant personal experiences. B papers will also have connected their answers to at least a couple relevant class readings and at least a couple references to lecture concepts or terms.

C papers will be ones that attempt an analysis and some connection to personal experiences. C papers will also be ones that have some formatting and proper citing and at least one connection to class readings and/or lecture.

D/F papers will be ones with little to no analysis, and will be an unformatted document with little attempt to answer the prompt questions or connect to the readings or lecture.


The Novel Snow Who Murdered the Poet Ka Essay Writing Assignment Help

Need help with my Writing question – I’m studying for my class.

Who killed Ka, an analysis of the novel Snow by Orhan Pamuk

Textbook: Snow by Orhan Pamuk

In Orhan Pamuk’s postmodern novel, Snow, the protagonist, Ka, goes to Kars to “get the girl,” but then he winds up dead. The reader does not know who killed Ka, but you can play detective: Who do you think killed Ka, and based on what evidence?

Be sure to include direct quotations from the novel in your paper. Place the page number in parentheses after the quote; or if you have the Kindle edition, it’s okay refer to the chapter number the quote is from, in parentheses.

Format: 4 pages, 1.5 spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, no spaces between paragraphs, quotes over 3 lines should be indented and single-spaced. add your own TITLE for your paper.


1. Choose your topic and narrow it down by asking a question you have about it. The answer to this question will be your thesis. Your thesis may change as a result of your writing process.

2. Create a file with quotes from the text that you have selected in accordance with your topic. You may not use all of the quotes you select but it helps to isolate them from the text.

No external resources!!!

3. Make an outline: What are the points you want to make in support of your central thesis? – You do not have to stick to this outline but it helps to organize your thoughts.

Writing Your Draft:

1. Your introduction tells your reader what you will be writing about. State which books you are discussing and what your thesis is; as well as relevant background information (biographical info about the author; historical facts, etc.). Your introduction is like a roadmap.

2. Be sure to keep your introduction separate from the body of your paper. The body of the paper will go into detail. Sometimes it is helpful to write the introduction after the body.

3. It isn’t enough to state your thesis in the beginning and hope that your reader will remember it. You need to reiterate your thesis throughout the paper.

4. Make sure that your statements about the quotes are at least as long as the quotes. If you give a long quote, do not expect that it will speak for itself – it is your task to explain it.

5. Your main task is to furnish proof that your interpretation of the text makes sense. If a passage you want to quote does not work for what you want to say, take it out. If you want to say something, but do not have an example from the text to back it up with, find an example. This is the hard, nitty-gritty work that will make your paper successful.

6. Your style of writing should be scholarly, not casual. Do not write the way you think or speak. Write for an educated, intelligent audience. Do not assume that people know what you mean – it is your task as a writer to communicate. Do not be afraid to say what you think – you are the expert and you can speak with authority.

7. Do not shy away from contradictions and paradoxes, they can be productive. Use “However,” and “on the one hand; on the other.” “It is unclear to the reader,” or “it remains ambiguous” are perfectly acceptable – you do not have to have all the answers. It is best to show that you are working through the different angles of the problem you are addressing.


University of Washington Seattle Campus Multiple Linear Regression Questions Economics Assignment Help

I’ve attached the models I just need help answering and solving these two questions below:

Question 1 : Using the parameter estimates based on the model with interaction terms, what is the premium for a bachelor’s degree relative to an associate’s degree for a black worker? (write in 3 decimals. e.g write 0.235 for 23.5% )

Question 2 : Using the parameter estimates based on the subsample of black workers, what is the premium for a bachelor’s degree relative to an associate’s degree? (write in 3 decimals. e.g write 0.235 for 23.5% )


The bolded sentences below is describing the attached models.

Consider the following results based on the American Community Survey data used for your Labor Market Analysis. The dependent variable is log(earnings).

Model 1 uses the full sample with interaction terms. Model 2 and 3 use separate subsample. The reference category for education attainment is Associate Degree.
The reference category for race is White.


HU Professional Board of Examination Career Readiness Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objects

  • Describe the impact of the P.R.I.C.E. of Success elements on career readiness skills.
  • Develop career exploration skills and documents.
  • Identify financial literacy concepts.

Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.

  1. For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.
  2. Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to the professional application.

Provide evidence (citations and references) to support your statements and opinions. Responses to these questions are due by Tuesday at noon.

All references and citations should in APA format.


MAT 202 Belhaven University Quantitative Reasoning Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

MAT 202 Belhaven University Quantitative Reasoning Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

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