MBA 6999 South University Strategic Development & Corporate Strategies Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

MBA 6999 South University Strategic Development & Corporate Strategies Essay Business Finance Assignment Help. MBA 6999 South University Strategic Development & Corporate Strategies Essay Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Due September 28 at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time

Note: This course has major project assignments that will be due in Weeks 3 and 5. It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete them. Plan time to start the research and other work for those assignments earlier than the week in which they are due.

In the course project, you will analyze the corporate strategies of several organizations. In Weeks 1 and 2, you will be looking at GE. In Weeks 3 and 4, you will be looking at Alibaba. In Week 5, you will be looking at your own organization. Every week, you will analyze particular elements of an organization’s corporate strategy, eventually producing an integrated analysis of your own organization in the final week. Your textbook readings will help you identify the organizations’ corporate strategies. Use the South University Online Library to research the firms, the Hoover’s database is a good place to start.

Begin by downloading the Course Project Guidelines . From the Guidelines, you will gain an understanding of what will be required in the Week 5 paper. For the Week 5 work, you may select your own organization or a different one (with instructor approval) as the subject of the final paper. Be sure to contact your instructor early in the course if you have questions about whether the organization you intend to use in Week 5 is adequate for the project.

For this week, analyze GE’s corporate strategy. GE is moving away from some of its financial services emphasis and strongly into the healthcare field. Focus on GE’s healthcare strategy. Begin your paper with a one or two paragraph background about GE so that anyone picking up the paper would learn something about who the organization is and how they are involved in the healthcare field.

  • Level of diversification: A firm like GE should have a moderate-to-high level of diversification. What are GE’s areas of diversification? Evaluate the potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the diversification approach.
  • International operations: Look at GE’s operations in many countries. Who are their competitors? Evaluate the similarities and differences of GE’s strategy compared to their competitors.
  • Recent events: Look for GE’s engagement in two or more acquisitions or mergers, about which you can collect information. Discuss the corporate strategy and evaluate how it has benefited GE’s acquisition growth and product line.
  • Alliance or joint venture: Select two or more alliances or joint ventures as a meaningful part of one or more of its business units’ business-level strategy. Evaluate the strategy and how well it has worked. Analyze some of the issues encountered. Assess whether the business-level strategy fits their diversification core.

Submission Details:

  • Based on your research, write succinct discussions of each of these items.
  • Present your work as a 4–5-page report in a Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style 7th Edition.
  • Support your responses with examples. Cite any sources in APA format 7th Edition.

MBA 6999 South University Strategic Development & Corporate Strategies Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Irvine Valley College How to Improve Self Esteem & Self Acceptance Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

此标准已链接至学习结果scores are counted and results are explained

What Is Self-Esteem?

Your self-esteem (how highly you regard yourself) affects how you behave. If you do not think well of yourself, you will not trust your opinion or your decisions, and you will be more apt to be influenced by others. “Not marching to the beat of your own drum” may result in your conforming to the behaviors of those with whom you frequently interact. As a matter of fact,poor self-esteem is related to drug abuse, irresponsible sexual behavior, and other unhealthy activities. People with high self-esteem engage in these activities to a significantly lesser extent.

Self-esteem is learned. How people react to us; what we come to believe are acceptable societal standards of beauty, competence, and intelligence; and how our performances are judged by parents, teachers, friends, and bosses affect how we feel about ourselves. It is common sense, then, to expect our successes to improve our self-esteem and our failures to diminish it.

How Is your Self-Esteem?

To evaluate your degree of self-esteem check whether the following statements are like you or unlike you:

  1. I am a lot of fun to be with. (True or False)
  2. I always do the right thing. (True or False)
  3. I get upset easily at home. (True or False)
  4. I am proud of my schoolwork. (True or False)
  5. I never worry about anything. (True or False)
  6. I am easy to like. (True or False)
  7. I like everyone I know. (True or False)
  8. There are many times I would like to leave home. (True or False)
  9. I like to be called on in class. (True or False)
  10. No one pays much attention to me at home. (True or False)
  11. I am pretty sure of myself. (True or False)
  12. I am doing as well at school as I would like to. (True or False)


Place the number 1 to the left of items 1, 4, 6, 9, and 11 of which you checked “True.” Place the number 1 to the left of items 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, and 12 of which you checked “False.”


The measure consists of three subscales that are specific to various components of self-esteem. The subscales include:

  1. Social self: items 1, 6, 11
  2. Family self: items 3, 8, 10
  3. School/work self: items 4, 9, 12

Read the Results

To determine in how much esteem you hold yourself in social settings and interactions, add up the 1’s by those three items. Do likewise to see how much regard you hold for yourself in your family interactions and in school or work settings. The closer to 3 score, the higher is your self-esteem for that particular subscale.


Are you satisfies with where you think your self-esteem is today? What can you do to improve it?

How is your self esteem?questionnaire is completed

scores are counted and results are explained

conclusionwhat is the status with self-esteem? how can it be improved?

Self-AcceptanceHow can you develop self-acceptance? How can self-acceptance help you make wise choices?

MindsetIdentify your Mindset (victim vs. creator) with examples and explanations


Ohio University Monopolist Discussion Economics Assignment Help

It is generally assumed that “a monopolist can always make a profit because with no competition it can charge any price it likes.” Do you think this statement is true?

Suppose your family owns the only movie theater in your home town, and there is no other movie theater within 40 miles of your town. It happens that your uncle is the town’s zoning board chairperson, you feel confident that no competitors will be allowed into the market. What factors might limit your ability to “charge any price you like, and still make a profit?”


Irvine Valley College Locus of Control Reflection Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Locus of Control

Locus of control is a scientific term that describes the degree to which you believe that your outcomes and experiences are the result of your choices or forces outside your control, such as luck or powerful others. People with an external locus of control believe they have little control of life events. People with an internal locus of control believe they have a good deal of control of those events. Studies show that “externals” are less likely to take actions to control their lives, since they believe such actions to be fruitless.

What is your locus of control?

1- To determine your locus of control, think of your role in different life events. Do things happen to you randomly, or do you shape the events intentionally? Provide examples and reasoning.

2- If you had to guess which gambling games externals and internals prefer, what would you guess? Explain why.


  • Post by Wednesday evening at 11:59 pm Pacific Time
  • Respond to at least 2 classmates by Saturday 11:59PM Pacific Time
  • All the replies should have academic contents and provide reasoning. Comments like “I agree with you” or “I like your post” do not get any points!
  • Read the rubric.
  • Be honest: As you write, tell yourself the absolute truth. Honesty leads to your most significant discoveries about yourself and your success.
  • Be creative: Add favorite quotation, sayings, and poem. Use color, drawing, clip art, and pictures.
  • Dive deep: When you think you have exhausted a topic, write more. Your most valuable thoughts will often take the longest to surface. So most of all- DIVE DEEP!
  • Use proper grammar and punctuation – not using text language


University of Washington HTML, CSS & Java Script to Create a Website Programming Assignment Help

For this assignment, your task is to take an XD design and develop the site to match it.

This will be a relatively simple, single-page web app about the UNC-Duke rivalry (note: we’ll be calling them web apps, not websites, from now on, because that’s what they really are). You do not need interior pages or working links to any external sites. You do, however, need to build the app to exact specifications. It should be responsive, using Flex and the layout shown in the prototype and XD file. Your finished app should look like the two designs in the XD prototype (desktop and mobile). Use Chrome dev tools (cmd + option + I on a Mac) to check that your app looks right on both screen sizes.

The design specs are available here:

Please use the assets included in the design specs (the UNC and Duke logos, the icons, and the timeline photo). Just download them to the images subfolder in your project folder and link to them in the usual fashion.

Please zip your folder and submit it to Sakai as: firstname_lastname_assignment5


The goal of this assignment is to make sure you truly understand responsive web development and are ready for Project 2. As such, I’m concerned more about effort than adherence to a rigid scale. The grading will be as follows:

A+ (110 points): – You complete the assignment before class on Monday, September 28, and it matches the XD design exactly, using clean and efficient code. Extra credit.

A: If you are unable to match the design, try creating your own responsive design using the same assets. You can arrange the layout however you’d like, as long as it works, looks good, and uses Flex correctly. Submit this option before class on Tuesday, along with a note in Sakai to let me know where you ran into trouble. That’s an A.



Auburn University The Things They Carried Book Discussion Writing Assignment Help

after reading Tim O’Brien’s classic war story “The Things They Carried,” post responses and discussions to some of these questions about the story:

Why do most students say that they like this story?

What is the importance of the title? Does the title work for you as a reader? Does the title have a different meaning after you have read the story?

How does the story move from the physical things the men carry to the more intangible? Does this movement or back and forth analysis of “the things they carry” work for you as a reader? How? Why?

Which of the two types of things they carry is the heavier burden? Why?

Which of the men carries the most? Why is this so?

Does Lt. Cross’s name have any significance? Explain.

Does Lt. Cross think he will go back home and marry Martha?

How are the letters like the pebble? What do both mean to Lt. Cross?

Is there a common denominator for what the men collectively think about? What would that be?

Lt. Cross is about 25 years old. When he is 50 will he still remember any of these experiences, in other words, carry them? Why? How does this relate to the poem by Thomas Hardy that we write about this week?

What is it that frustrates the soldier about the letter he mailed to his dead friend’s family? How can this be related to adjusting to a “normal” life after a combat tour?

These men were in Viet Nam. Is there a chance that something like this happened in Iraq? In Afghanistan? at Gettysburg?

Auburn University The Things They Carried Book Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

AMU Wk 4 Police Management Principles & Analysis of The Costs of Policing Discussion Law Assignment Help

please write a paragraph on each of the following:

1.) 1.) In PROACTIVE POLICE MANAGEMENT there is an ANALYSIS OF THE COSTS OF POLICING. Please discuss this SECTION and your opinion in relation to a current theme to defund the police in America.

2.) 2.) From the section in PROACTIVE POLICE MANAGEMENT on MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES identify and review the concepts of aggressive law enforcement management.

3.) 3.) In the fourth chapter of PROACTIVE POLICE MANAGEMENT elaborate upon the influence of German sociologist Max Weber and conclude your paragraph with what constitutes an ideal police structure.

3 response posts the whole summary


Araby and Young Goodman Brown Argumentative Essay Humanities Assignment Help

A comparative-analysis argument essay about some aspect of two short stories. It will contain: 1) an analytical claim; 2) reasons for that claim; 3) textual evidence to support the reasons and claim; 4) analysis of the evidence; 5) explanation of the significance of the claim. 1500-1700 words. Follow MLA guidelines and cite all sources.

the purpose is to demonstrate your understanding of evidence-based analytical argumentation.

all i

there will be 5 files attached for what exactly the professor wants. check them and follow them exactly.

also there is 2 files of the two stories that you will need to write about.

story 1 : Araby

story 2 : Young Goodman Brown.

make sure you follow the instruction because this long essay worth lots of points .


Healthcare Ethics Community Discussions Responses Writing Assignment Help

125 each with at least 1reference

One: An ethics committee is designed to provide assistance and guidance in addressing ethical issues that develop in patient care. The committee should help drive decision-making that respects participants’ values, concerns, and interests (AMA, 2020). The committee is typically comprised of a multidisciplinary team. In a hospital setting, this would include doctors, nurses, social workers, administrators, chaplains, and other employees (URMC, 2020). A diverse group provides a broad spectrum of expertise and opinion, helping to ensure all factors are considered and stakeholders represented.

While it is easy to understand why providers, healthcare professionals, and administrators are included on the committee, and the argument can be made that each of these roles has a duty to patient advocacy, they each also have other vested interests. Other vested interests can include/involve such things as union contracts and the profitability of the hospital – which can conflict with the best interests of the patient. Because of this scenario, it is important to include at least one member of the committee that represents the patient – without other (potentially conflicting) interests.

Having a committee member that solely represents the interests of the patient is recommended. This ensures a well-rounded panel in which all parties and interests are represented. I believe it also keeps the discussion patient-centered, as discussion/debate can easily be shifted to other areas of impact and at the core of all healthcare must be the patient. While no one voice should carry more weight than the others, it is imperative that all voices – including a representative of the patient – be included.

Some ethics committees do include outside community members (or guests) as well – and often include members with expertise and experience in the law or theology (UW, 2020). It is important to create a group that is large enough to be diverse but not so large that decisions cannot be agreed upon. Community members that are included should have some area of experience or expertise that brings value to the discussions and the group.

AMA. (2020). Ethics Committees in Health Care Institutions. AMA. Retrieved from,valuesconcernsandinterests.&text=(a)Serveasadvisorsandeducatorsratherthandecisionmakers.

URMC. (2020). Ethics Consultation. URMC. Retrieved from,Committeehasthreemainpurposes.

UW. (2020). Ethics Committees and Consultation. UW Medicine. Retrieved from…

Two: With the vast amount of possible ethical problems that can arise in the healthcare setting, it would be prudent to have knowledgeable persons from various backgrounds that can contribute to the decision and policy making performed by healthcare ethics committees. Morrison & Furlong (2019) discuss the importance of having patient advocates or community members on the healthcare ethics committee. They state, “The importance of considering the patient in making ethics decisions requires a member or members who understand the patient’s view of the situation” (p. 112). Many healthcare organizations choose to have social workers on their healthcare ethics committee to have the patient’s point of view. Allen (2020) discusses how social workers can be instrumental in resolving complex ethical cases in a variety of settings such as hospitals, nursing homes, and home care agencies. She states, “The extensive training social work students receive in social work values and ethics in accredited programs prepare us to make valuable contributions to our organizations and clients when ethical dilemmas arise…and the strength and clarity of the NASW Code of Ethics provide an important framework for helping determine the best course of action in these situations” (para. 12). She discusses how a social worker’s knowledge of the patient’s family and support system help inform ethic committees who should be included in the process, as well as how a social worker’s assessment skills are useful in determining if the patient or family is capable of fully understanding the issues and whether they should participate in the decision making. Social workers also have an understanding of social justice issues that can provide insight and guidance to ethics committees in cases involving poor and underinsured patients, and be an active voice to prevent discrimination against minorities and the poor.

As for other types of community members being included on healthcare ethics committees, Geppert & Shelton (2016) advocate for diversity in membership. They state for mediation to be effective and balanced, “Healthcare ethics committees’ membership needs to be representative of not only the health care community, but also patient populations – both those who serve and those who are served” (p. 536). They argue for the inclusion of community members who are chaplains, social workers, attorneys who can provide an ethical perspective in relation to law, and administrators who are proficient in policy development. Morrison and Furlong (2019) explain that because the ethics board represents the community it is important that members on the committee be knowledgeable about the larger community’s concerns regarding the demographic area that the hospital serves. Having a community representative who understands the impact that decisions can have on the community can be a beneficial voice on a healthcare ethics committee.

Allen, K.N. (2020). Health care social workers and ethics committees. Retrieved from

Geppert, C.M.A., & Shelton, W. (2016). Health care ethics committees as mediators of social values and the culture of medicine. AMA Journal of Ethics, 18(5), 534-539. Retrieved from

Morrison, E.E. & Furlong, B. (2019). Health care ethics: Critical issues for the 21st century. 4th ed. Burlington, MA. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.


UHD On Social Media Influencers Put the COVID 19 in Spotlight Health News Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Health News Report

The health news report is an independent assignment. Students are expected to become the content expert of the article and provided a written presentation of the article; Discussing what was contained in the article, why they chose it, and how they see it related to health communication. The objectives for the assignment are to: (a) gather information on current events in health (published in the last six months), (b) apply theories of health communication, (c) organize ideas in writing.

For this assignment students will explore reputable news sources for current events, ideas, discoveries, etc. related to some aspect of health communication. Some examples of news outlets one might choose are: The Washington Post, The New York Times, Associated Press, Centers for Disease Control, NPR. It is important to assess your news outlet before choosing the article a few tips on evaluating your source (Librarian Resources, 2016):


  • Who wrote it?
  • What are his/her qualifications?
  • Who published it?
  • Does the publisher have a commercial or ideological motive?


  • Is the information factual research or based on opinion?
  • Is it biased? Would the author benefit from convincing you he/she is right?


  • Is the information true as far as you can tell? Have other authors come to the same conclusion?
  • Is it based on good research?


  • When was the information published? (should be within six months)

Grading Criteria:

  • 2 – 3 pages, double-spaced
  • Should use class specific terms
  • Absence of spelling and grammar errors
  • Clear citation of sources in-text and reference list (using APA style) – including the book, and chosen article


  • (Paragraph 1): Introduction paragraph with fully developed thesis statement
  • (Paragraphs 2 – 3): Summary of article content include hyperlink to article selection
  • (Paragraph 4): Discussion of how the article is related to course content, link to at least one course concepts and cite—further, does it extend what is included in the text?
  • (Paragraph 5): Explain why this is important and what it means to the field of health communication
  • (Paragraph 6): Conclusion which includes a summary


MBA 6999 South University Strategic Development & Corporate Strategies Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

MBA 6999 South University Strategic Development & Corporate Strategies Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

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