MBAFPX5008 Capella University Applying Analytic Techniques to Business Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

MBAFPX5008 Capella University Applying Analytic Techniques to Business Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. MBAFPX5008 Capella University Applying Analytic Techniques to Business Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.

I’m working on a data analytics report and need a sample draft to help me study.
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In the last assessment, you were asked to prepare the first part of your analytics report by creating graphs and calculating some descriptive statistics. In this assessment, you will write your 6-8 page analytics report by interpreting those graphs and statistics, and explicitly connecting those interpretations to implications in the practical business context.

The first step in creating meaningful information from raw data is to represent the data effectively in graphical format and to calculate any required statistics. The second step is interpreting and explaining those graphs and statistics in order to apply them in the business context.

In the previous assessment, you were asked to create the first part of your analytics report by preparing graphs and calculating some descriptive statistics. In this assessment, you will complete your analytics report by interpreting those graphs and statistics, and connecting those interpretations explicitly to implications in the business context.

In business and applied analytics, oftentimes you are interested in drawing conclusions about a population of interest. However, it may not be feasible or practical to gather data on the entire population. In those cases, data is gathered from a sample or subset of the population. Analyses done on the sample are then used to draw inferences regarding the overall population; this mathematic process is referred to as inferential statistics. In this assessment, we begin discussing the topics of sampling and drawing inferences.

All the inferential statistical techniques and methods covered in this course are considered parametric techniques and require certain assumptions to be used and for the results to be reliable, many of which are assumptions about an underlying distribution. Nonparametric techniques require no assumption about underlying distributions and are often used when the assumptions of parametric techniques are not met. Although these are beyond the scope of this introductory course, they are a great option for additional reading and research.

Analytics projects often result in two distinct types of reports or summaries: one tailored to the executive level, which takes the form of a presentation, and the other, a detailed analytics report, which documents an analysis so thoroughly that another analyst can reproduce the analysis exactly. Many times, the latter type is referred to by other departments or analysts wishing to conduct a similar analysis on similar data or by the same analyst who wants to repeat the analysis on a new or revised set of data. In this assessment, you will learn the essential elements that should be included in a report at this level of detail and you will create your own analytics report addressing the business problem you have been working on.


Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a report for the quarterly company meeting. The first part of the task was to download the data and create scatterplots and histograms, and to calculate mean, median, and mode of the stock prices that you presented graphically in your report for the last assessment. This time your task is to analyze and interpret those graphical representations of the company stocks and to write a report about your findings for your supervisor.

Your Role

You are an analyst in the same business that you used for the last assessment. Your role is to turn data into meaningful information through the use of descriptive statistics and analysis.


After reviewing and integrating your instructor’s feedback on your previous assessment, complete the report as follows:

  • For each graph you created, write at least one paragraph interpreting the graph.
    • What does that graph represent?
    • What does the shape of the graph tell you about how the data have changed over time?
  • For each statistic you calculated, spend at least one sentence explaining what the statistic represents.
    • What does the mean tell you?
    • What does it imply if the median is different from the mean?
    • What does the standard deviation tell you about the volatility of the data?
  • Write a new conclusions section in which you explain how these interpretations can be used in the company:
    • What are some trends about which company leaders should be aware?
    • How might the information you have provided be used to inform business decisions?
    • How will you connect those interpretations explicitly to implications for the practical business context?
  • Create a 6–8 page report containing:
    • An APA-formatted title page.
    • A one-page introduction of your chosen company that you created in your previous assessment.
    • A section labeled “Graphical Representations of Data” that includes the four graphs you created as well as your interpretations of each graph.
    • A section labeled “Descriptive Statistics” with the statistics you calculated as well as your interpretations of the statistics.
    • A one-page conclusion in which you describe the potential business applications of the data and your interpretations.
    • An APA-formatted references page. Remember to cite the source of your financial data.

Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:

Additional Requirements

  • Include APA-formatted in-text citations where appropriate.
  • Follow the typical double-spaced analytics report format.
  • Make sure your written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.


By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 3: Apply data analytic techniques to make inferences about a business need.
    • Interpret four different graphical representations of data.
    • Interpret descriptive statistics for two different variables.
  • Competency 4: Present the results of data analysis in clear and meaningful ways to multiple stakeholders.
    • Explain the business applications from the interpretations of the data.
    • Correctly format citations and references using current APA style.
    • Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.

MBAFPX5008 Capella University Applying Analytic Techniques to Business Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

FIN 320 University of Miami Risky Fund Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business exercise and need an explanation to help me study.

Suppose you manage a risky fund with an expected return of 13%, and a standard deviation of 23%. Suppose further that there exists a risk-free asset that has an expected return of 4%. Your client wants you to allocate their portfolio between the risky and risk-free assets such that their expected return is 7%. What proportion of the client’s portfolio will you allocate to the risky fund? Please enter your answer in percent rounded to the nearest basis point.


SUNY Old Westbury Risk Management in Information System Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science question and need guidance to help me learn.


For this discussion, review the course syllabus and course outcomes, and then create a post that addresses the following topics..

Assignment Questions:

  1. After reviewing the course outcomes, what do they mean to you? How are these outcomes relevant to your own personal/professional experiences and interests?
  2. After you review the course syllabus and the assignment guidelines for your Module One activities, describe what resources you will need in order to be successful in this course. How can your instructor and classmates help you achieve the course outcomes?


Florida Gulf Coast University Environmental & Citizen Science Discussion Post Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a environmental science discussion question and need support to help me understand better.

Discussion Post You might remember the most recent major American oil spill, the Deepwater Horizon (Links to an external site.), which cost 11 lives and leaked 210 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. There have been dozens of smaller oil spills since then; oil spills are so common they don’t always make the news. The oil companies involved in Deepwater Horizon still have not paid for the damages, and, like the Exxon Valdez spill, the oil is still washing ashore in some places. In many cases, including Deepwater Horizon, the majority of the cleanup is being paid for by you, the taxpayer. (Links to an external site.)

In this week’s discussion, I’d like you to make an initial post of a paragraph or more about pollution control and responsibility. Address one or more of the following questions: When oil spills like this happen, who is responsible for the pollution? Who should pay for the cleanup? How much should they pay? How might this be enforced? How should the spill be cleaned up?

Everyone should address this question at the end of their post: Should we continue to explore and expand offshore drilling operations? Why or why not?

Assignment This week, you will be doing some Citizen Science. Citizen Science is when the general public is invited to be involved in general public in scientific research projects. Conservation Biologists will use citizen scientists when they need a lot of eyes and ears looking out for species. For example, there just aren’t enough scientists out there to count all of the birds, so we have the Christmas Bird Counts (Links to an external site.), where anyone can go out and count the birds in their backyards on Christmas and enter the results into a big database. The more data, the more we can all learn where different species live and which birds are becoming threatened.

We track species in lots of different ways. One way to track land animals is to set up a bunch of motion activated cameras which take pictures when something moves near it. Researchers in Singita Grumeti Game Reserve (Links to an external site.) in Tanzania are using motion-activated trail cameras to track the wildebeast migration. Hundreds of thousands of photos captured by these trail cameras are now available on Snapshot Grumeti, an online citizen science platform that allows the public to identify the animals in these photos. The data recorded will be used directly by scientists to help with their conservation efforts. That’s where you come in! You’ll be looking at some of these pictures and recording for the scientists what you see.

Step 1: Learn about the research project here:…

Step 2: Go to the website here (Links to an external site.). Under “Getting Started” click on “Snapshot Grumeti.

Note: Some students have found themselves on the “Empty or Not” page. It will ask you if there’s an animal in the picture instead of guiding you to identify it. I’m not sure why the website directs some people there, but you want to backtrack by clicking on Snapshot Grumeti in the top right and clicking on Snapshot Grumeti.

Step 3: Make your observations. Look at 15 photos with animals and identify the species using the guide on the website. If there are no animals in the picture, record that on the website, but it won’t count towards your 15. There are little icons that will help you classify the species based on shape, coat pattern, horn shape, etc. Use the Field Guide tab on the right side to help you identify the animals. Record your observations on the website. Congratulations, you’re a citizen scientist!

Step 4: In addition to marking your observations on the website, record your observations in a word file and upload it to turn in

This is what you turn in:

Make a list of at least 15 photos that you looked at WITH ANIMALS (skip ones without). For each photo, identify the species in the photo and what they are doing. Also, describe the habitat shown in the photo to the best of your abilities: is it desert? Are there a lot of plants? Does it look lush or barren? Are humans in the picture? What are they doing?

For example, in the picture you might write:

Picture 1: Two adult waterbucks. One is grazing, the other, a large male, is lying down. Surrounding habitat is a lush grassland, with 3 trees in the distance. Partly cloudy skies.

I’ll be looking for a list of 15 photos, each with the species and activities in view, habitat, and any other environmental observations. You don’t have to copy the pictures themselves.


San Diego State University An Impact of Dancing in my Life Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need support to help me study.

Assignment 1

For the extra credit, either print and scan or do digitally. With one color highlighter, I want you to highlight all the areas where you can omit a word, sentence, or even paragraph. With another highlighter, highlight the areas where the word choice can be improved (look for words that are more creative and thoughtful…avoid “basic” phrasing). Lastly, look at the overall structure of your paper: Are there appropriate paragraph breaks (if not, signify where you’d make a break)? Are the paragraphs too short and choppy? Is the paper organized in a way that makes sense? Should you shuffle things up a bit to create a stronger paper?

Also ——————————————————– complete journal 10

Assignment 2

Journal 10

Okay, for this journal, I want you on reflect on this semester (more specifically, this class) and answer the following questions:

Please answer each question with a specific and thoughtful response.

1. What is one thing that you learned about yourself and the writing process?

2. What is something you’ve improved upon?

3. What is something you wish you did differently?

4. What was your favorite part of this course?

5. What is something that you’d like to see differently for this course?

These questions are based on the writing course (RWS305W)



Marymount University Bacterial Unknowns Project Discussion Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a microbiology report and need an explanation to help me learn.

The goal is to write a report on an unknown project did, we got a list of a bunch of bacterias and did a bunch of tests to try to figure out what the bacteria is. My unknown bacteria was Enterbacter aerogenes I found this out by first finding out the gram stain of my bacteria my unknown bacteria was a negative gram stain so I crossed out the ones that were positive. I then went over the shape of the bacterias. My unknown was rod shaped so I crossed out the ones that weren’t. I then did the sheep blood agar experiment , MaConkey experiment , and the TSI experiment . I then found out my bacteria name.

Marymount University Bacterial Unknowns Project Discussion Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Virginia Business Intelligence and Analytic Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Need Help in Business Intelligence Course Discussion

Part 1:Compare and contrast predictive analytics with prescriptive and descriptive analytics. Use examples.

Part 2: we need to respond to 2 of the class mates posts.

Required Text

Title: Business Intelligence and Analytics

ISBN: 9780135192016

Authors: Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, Efraim Turban

Publisher: Pearson

Publication Date: 2019-01-04

Edition: 11th ED.

**Critical ** Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

You must also ensure that you properly, paraphrase, cite and reference your sources following proper APA guidelines.

I recommend you check your work using SafeAssign to ensure the work is your own original work. Papers over 29.9% similarity score in the content of the work is unacceptable and may not be accepted for credit with an academic integrity review sent to the University.

To avoid plagiarism, you must ensure that you do the following:

Use your own words, to include proper use of paraphrasing for all work that you submit.

If you choose to use another’s words, you MUST place it within quotes and properly cite it and reference it.

Rule of thumb – 80% of the submission MUST be in your own words. No more than 20% of the submission should be copied and pasted from another source and it must be properly quoted, cited, and referenced.

Understand, plagiarism is a serious offense that could lead to earning a 0 for the assignment, a 0 for the course, or expulsion from the University. **Critical ** if it is plagiarized will ask for refund.



N 494 Grand Canyon University MOD1 Qualitative Research Infection Precautions Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Write a fully developed and detailed APA essay addressing each of the following points/questions. There is no required word count; be sure to completely answer all the questions for each question in detail. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least one (1) source using citations in your essay. Make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page are required.

Conduct a literature search to select a qualitative research study on the topic identified in Module 1. Conduct an initial critical appraisal of the study.

Respond to the overview questions for the critical appraisal of qualitative studies, including:

  • What type of qualitative research design was utilized to conduct the study?
  • Are the results valid/trustworthy and credible?
  • How were the participants chosen?
  • How were accuracy and completeness of data assured?
  • How plausible/believable are the results?
  • Are implications of the research stated?
  • May new insights increase sensitivity to others’ needs?
  • May understandings enhance situational competence?
  • What is the effect on the reader?
  • Are the results plausible and believable?
  • Is the reader imaginatively drawn to the experience?
  • What are the results of the study?
  • Does the research approach fit the purpose of the study?
  • How does the researcher identify the study approach?
  • Are the data collection and analysis techniques appropriate?
  • Is the significance/importance of the study explicit?
  • Does the literature support a need for the study?
  • What is the study’s potential contribution?
  • Is the sampling clear and guided by study needs?
  • Does the researcher control selection of the sample?
  • Do sample size and composition reflect the study needs?
  • Is the phenomenon (human experience) clearly identified?
  • Are data collection procedures clear?
  • Are sources and means of verifying data explicit?
  • Are researcher roles and activities explained?
  • Are data analysis procedures described?
  • Does analysis guide directions of sampling when it ends?
  • Are data management processes described?
  • What are the reported results (descriptive or interpretation)?
  • How are specific findings presented?
  • Are the data meanings derived from data described in context?
  • Does the writing effectively promote understanding?
  • Will the results help me care for my patients?
  • Are the results relevant to persons in similar situations?
  • Are the results relevant to patient values and/or circumstances?
  • How may the results be applied to clinical practice?

Please be sure to answer the questions thoroughly using complete sentences and APA format. Explain responses to yes/no questions in detail by presenting information found in the study to support your response.


University of Houston Benefits of Tools for Project Risk Management Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management exercise and need an explanation to help me understand better.

See syllabus for assignment instructions. Use the questions in the Course Content tab as follows:

1) What project management concepts does the video illustrate? Be clear and support your statements with an article from a project management related journal. Do NOT use Wikkipedia! You should access the UHD library databases (ABI Informs, Business Source Complete and/or Google Scholar); do not just Google for a URL. This must be scholarly peer-reviewed in content.

2) What does your textbook state regarding this concept? Be specific! Cite the textbook correctly.

3) How good do you think this video is in relationship to PM concepts and theory?

Include a References page and use APA for citations. (See APA guidelines at this website and/or the library.


BUS 270 Delegation Activity Using Ex Cons to Teach Business Ethics Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a management writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

For this one(project) it stated that

Read the case study lined here



“Using Ex-Cons to Teach Business Ethics.” Then, answer the four

questions at the end. Similar to your weekly homework assignments,

follow the Homework Grading Guide for length and detail in answering

these questions.

Which mean we will use this pdf doc to works it. I hope this helps?


MBAFPX5008 Capella University Applying Analytic Techniques to Business Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

MBAFPX5008 Capella University Applying Analytic Techniques to Business Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

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