MCC Google Acquisitions Benefits Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. MCC Google Acquisitions Benefits Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.
I’m working on a management writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
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1. Find one news article that has direct relevance to specific terms/concepts in our course. The news article:
- Should be published within the current year.
- Can be a written article, podcast/radio story, video, or other relevant media. You must be able to provide a link to the content.
2. In your own words, write a 1-2 double spaced page summary.
- Explain why you chose the article. What is it that interested you (the topic, the company, etc.). Don’t just say, “I chose this article because it talks about a lot of topics from class.” I’m interested in what drew you to the article.
- Communicate your personal thoughts on the article. Do you agree with it? Do you think it made valid arguments/points? Did it make you realize/understand something you hadn’t before?, etc.
- Select 4 to 6 keywords or topics from our course to relate to the article.
MCC Google Acquisitions Benefits Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Purdue University Global Public Relations Strategies Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Public relations (PR) professionals are cautioned to not think of audiences as monolithic, but diverse. This requires research for PR practitioners to create campaigns that can reach a variety of audiences.
In this assignment, you will write an expository essay that includes the following:
- Describe how you think the various changes in demographics (e.g. race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexuality, and other considerations) of the United States will impact the future practice of public relations.
- Explain your position with three specific examples.
- Next, choose two segments of audiences discussed in Chapter 11 and explain which media you would use to reach that audience.
- Explain your choices.
In addition to your textbook, please use at least two other scholarly peer-reviewed references and/or credible articles for a total of at least three references. The Library is the best place to find research articles.
- Please type your expository paper using 12-point Times New Roman font and double-spacing using Standard English.
- Your viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained.
- The writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
- This assignment should be 4 pages in length, not including the title page or reference page.
- Follow college-level writing requirements for an essay, with a proper introduction, thesis statement, and conclusion.
- You must refer to the reading resources and provide a citation using APA format in the form of in-text citations for all sources used.
- Include a title page at the start of, and a reference list at the conclusion of your essay.
Academy of Careers and Technology Front Desk Person Journal Entry Business Finance Assignment Help
I am working the Envision hotel. I am doing front desk position. So you can reach what do we do front desk in the hotel, you just only write one paper it is well. My work place it is 81 S Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02130 US.
Part 1 Weekly Journal Entry Describe some of the key events, decisions, responsibilities, challenges, and issues that occurred during the prior week at your job. You can talk about customer successes, how you may have dealt with a difficult situation, interactions with your co-workers and supervisors, success stories, highs and lows, problems and concerns, and provide at least one example of something you have learned or became better at doing over the course of the week. Part 2 Discussion Questions Write a response to the discussion questions below. Each week, you will be provided with a question. Answer the question for that week only. Save both Part 1 and Part 2 Journal Entries to the appropriate Dropbox folder. Week 1 Journal Entry and Discussion Question Response will go in Journal Entry 1 in Moodle, Week 2 Journal Entry and Discussion Question Response will go in Journal Entry 2 in Moodle, and so on…… IMPORTANT: Please provide as much detail as possible. You will not be given credit if your answers are incomplete. You should make it a point throughout your workweek to take notes so that it will be easier for you to write your journal entries during the three class meetings
Harvard Why Is Evidence Based Practice in Nursing so Important Reflection Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
- Choose one (1) MSN Program Outcome, one (1) MSN Essential, and one (1) NONPF Core Competency from the list below:
- MSN Program Outcome
- Provide high quality, safe, patient-centered care grounded in holistic health principles.
- Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice.
- MSN Program Outcome
- MSN Essential I. Background for Practice from Science and HumanitiesVIII. Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving HealthIX. Master’s Level Nursing Practice
NONPF Core Competencies Scientific Foundation CompetenciesThese competencies ensure that nurse practitioners graduate with a comprehensive background in medical sciences. All nurse practitioner students are required to take foundational pathophysiology and pharmacology, but depending on their specialty, they may take additional courses. Psychiatric nurse practitioners often take courses in neuroscience whereas neonatal nurse practitioners take courses in neonatology. Scientific core competencies also include knowledge and understanding of clinical practice guidelines, evidence-based practice, translational research, and treatment of vulnerable and diverse patient populations.The scientific foundation core competencies defined by the NONPF include the following: - Thinks critically about data and applies this evidence to improving practice.
- Allows knowledge from the humanities and other disciplines to inform one’s work in nursing.
- Incorporates research findings to enhance practice methods and patient outcomes.
- Creates fresh evidence-based approaches and techniques, paying thought to research findings, core theory, and experience from practice.
Quality CompetenciesQuality care, as defined by the NONPF, refers to the degree to which health services increase the desired health outcomes consistent with professional knowledge and standards. Quality competencies focus on understanding how to access and use information databases and how to critically evaluate research findings.The quality core competencies include the following:
- Applies the best and most contemporary research findings to clinical practice.
- Considers the complex relationships between cost, safety, access, and quality in healthcare delivery.
- Assesses the effects of organizational structures, financial management, policy, and other factors on healthcare.
- Offers feedback in peer reviews to “promote a culture of excellence.”
- Tailors care to each practice situation and uses interventions as necessary.
Practice Inquiry CompetenciesPractice inquiry competencies focus on translational research, i.e., taking academic research and applying it to the clinical setting. These competencies ensure that nurse practitioner students understand how to apply research to improve their patients’ health outcomes.The practice inquiry core competencies include the following:
- Translates new knowledge into practice through leadership.
- Uses clinical experiences to inform practice and improve patient outcomes.
- Applies investigative abilities in a clinical setting to improve healthcare.
- Facilitates practice inquiry, both individually and in partnerships.
- Transmits knowledge from inquiry to others.
- Thinks critically about the individual applications of clinical guidelines.
2. Reflect over the past eight weeks and describe how achieving the course outcomes have prepared you to meet 1 program outcome, 1 MSN essential and 1 NONPF competency.
3. Provide a specific example for each category.
Preparing the paper
- The written portion of this assignment is to be completed in a WORD document (.doc) and submitted to the course.
- Grammar, punctuation, spelling should be observed. In-text citations and reference page should follow APA format.
APA,Times New Roman, 12 ,Double Spaced, around 2 pages (which would be around 600 words) – excluding cover and reference page.
ART 101 UM Week 4 Art As a Joke Reading Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Each entry write 200-300 words, total two entries, so word count total at least 400 words.
Your task is two-part: first read each entry, and then writing a 200-300 word response based on your personal interpretations of its content (Note: the word count should not include in-text citations if you use them – the body of your writing should be counted and noted on the assignment template for each entry).
Please make sure you discuss at least two specific references to content from the readings in your responses. We need to see evidence that you have read/viewed all materials and engaged with the core messages/themes of each reading. For example, if one entry asks you to both read an interview with an artist and look at their project website, please make sure you discuss things present in both those sources.
Please focus your attention on the core messages or themes in the reading, as they relate to some aspect of artistic process and materiality, creativity, the dynamics of the art world, ideas about art, themes in art, etc. Essentially, I’m asking you to avoid writing about mental tangents that take you away from a focus on art, which is of course the topic of this class, and central to each of the assigned readings. Many of the artists/artworks you read about will deal with broader topics not directly related to art – please make sure you are responding not just to the topics addressed by the artists/artworks, but how their art or the themes about art present in the reading relate to the broader topics.
Please do not use your writing to simply summarize or restate what the reading was about without giving any personalized response or interpretation (this will disqualify you from full points!). Please instead foreground your own original thinking, questions and reflections about the content. Take your initial or superficial reactions always one step further in complexity. For example, if something surprises you, spend the time reflecting on and explaining why it is surprising – what previous assumptions of yours did the passage shake up, WHY? Always be specific and relate your reflections back to the content of the reading!
Here are some sample prompts if you could use help focusing your interpretation:
- What are your overall impressions of the reading, and what particular passages or details stood out to you most? WHY???
- In what specific ways does the content of the reading challenge/expand/complicate/frustrate your understandings about art and how art functions in the world? Cite specific passages in the reading to support your thoughts.
- How do your personal experiences or background relate to the content of the reading? Where do you see yourself or your own experiences reflected or not reflected in the material? Be specific and explain these connections or disconnections as clearly as possible.
- How does the reading as a whole and specific parts of the reading make you FEEL? Explain why and cite specific passages in the reading to support your reactions.
- What questions do you have about the reading? What passages or ideas challenged you? WHY???
- What are you critical or skeptical about in the reading? WHY? Be specific!
Your Task – Week 4:
Note: this is a mulit-part entry which requires reading and exploring multiple web links, all of which center around the Guggenheim’s 2015 exhibition “Storylines.” Please ensure that you have read and looked at all the links below and discuss aspects from both the article and the exhibition website in your written response.
Part 1:
Title: “The Guggenheim’s ‘Storylines’ Creates New Narratives for Famed Visual Art” (Links to an external site.), in Vice
Author: Michael Barron (this article is a news review of the Storylines exhibition)
Part 2:
Visit the Storylines Exhibition archive (Links to an external site.) on the Guggenheim’s website. Please read the exhibition description and watch the linked introductory video about it.
Please also explore the Storylines Exhibition Website (Links to an external site.) (also linked at the bottom of the above page) to look at some of the artworks included in the show and their written descriptions. (note: you can navigate by clicking on the moving photos of artworks, or for a list-based navigation of this website, you can click the “View Artists & Writers” link in the top left for a list of artists’ names)
You can explore further by listening to some of the linked Exhibition Audio: Writers Respond further down the Storylines Exhibition archive page to hear excerpts of some of the writers’ responses to specific artworks (you can find the related artwork by searching the artist’s name in the Storylines Exhibition Website linked above)
Title: “Art as Joke,” (See attached file) Chapter 6 from Ways of Looking (pp. 108-125)
Author: Ossian Ward
South University Online Using Intelligence Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
post a thread of 500 words or more. Two additional sources beyond the course material (i.e. textbook, readings, and presentations), and one Biblical reference are required for your initial thread.
Then, you must reply to at least 2 peers’ threads in 200 words or more. One additional source beyond the course material, and one Biblical reference are required for each reply.
Topic: Using Intelligence
As you have learned, strategic intelligence can be an essential tool for the development of modern law enforcement policies, plans, and programs. There is also a popular believe that the primary role for intelligence should be to support tactical and operational objectives. Is this a correct assertion for the purpose of intelligence? Or can the use of strategic intelligence have a far deeper influence to illuminate threats, risks, and opportunities? Please expand upon the material in the textbooks by using scholarly research to support your position. Finally, integrate a Biblical worldview or perspective to the purposes of strategic.
South University Online Using Intelligence Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Purdue University Mary Kay Building a Brand in India Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Mary Kay: Building a Brand in India
This case describes the market entry into India by Mary Kay, Inc. At the time of the case, Mary Kay, Inc. was one of the largest direct sellers of skin care and color cosmetics in the world. The company’s brands are sold in more than 35 markets on five continents. The video supplement provides you with an opportunity to explore different aspects of its global operations in the context of the entry into India. Specifically, you are asked to: (1) define what type of global company it is; (2) describe the global market-entry strategy used by the company to enter India; and (3) decide whether or not Mary Kay is a global brand.
This case addresses global marketing organizations, global market entry strategies, and global branding. You should consider the company’s expansion plans not only into India, but the entire region of Asia and other international markets.
- Read pages 199-202 (attached below)
- Watch Mary Kay video:
- Read the following online websites and articles:
This case describes the market entry into India by Mary Kay, Inc. At the time of the case, Mary Kay, Inc. was one of the largest direct sellers of skin care and color cosmetics in the world. The company’s brands are sold in more than 35 markets on five continents.
This case addresses global marketing organizations, global market entry strategies, and global branding. The video supplement provides you with an opportunity to explore different aspects of its global operations in the context of the entry into India.
Based on the information provided above as well as your research, put yourself in the position of a marketing consultant brought in to Mary Kay to formulate a set of well-developed and supported recommendations for expanding the brand into a specific international market other than India (specify which country you are focusing on). You will be presenting your recommendations to the company’s senior leadership team. Your recommendations should be based on a critical evaluation of the effectiveness of its prior marketing strategies. The recommendations should be logically presented, well-supported, and thoroughly vetted.
Consider the environmental forces that shape global marketing efforts for this country. Include COVID-19’s impact on Mary Kay’s business model.
Differentiate between standardization and customization when companies craft global marketing programs for this country.
Assess how marketing managers position products in the marketplace and the impact of these decisions for this country.
1 page Single spaced
Attached reading must be referenced in APA format (external sources as welcome, the more the better)
Park University Unit 3 Experience Minority Status Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Unit 3: Discussion
Experience Minority Status
Given the right social conditions, anyone can be either part of the majority or the minority. Your task this unit is to experience what it is like to be a minority. Think of all the different visible social groups to which you belong: gender, race and lifestyle are the most obvious categories, but there are others (such as “hippy” versus “biker” versus “preppy”).
Identify a place or situation in which you are a visible minority; for example a man in a lingerie store or day spa, or a woman at a classic car show or free weight room of the gym. Use your imagination! Identify a situation in which you are definitely out of place and everyone will know it. Once you have selected a situation, spend at least 30 minutes as a minority in that environment. Unless you feel you regularly experience being a minority and can clearly explain one of those experiences, please don’t just imagine one from the past but actually seek out a new situation where you will have the full experience of being treated like and responded to as a minority. If you’ve had the unfairness of experiencing that a lot in your life then please describe that in detail to help educate the rest of your classmates who have not had that experience.
Reflect on your experience. How did you feel? How did others react to you? What stereotypes exist concerning your minority group? Did you experience prejudice or discrimination? To what extent did your experience reflect the research concerning stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination?
To earn the full 15 points, you must complete three important parts in a timely manner and the high quality work must consist of clear, complete, and insightful responses. Originality and creativity in your responses are encouraged.
In both your own example and your response posts cite and reference at least one empirical source to support your opinion. The kinds of principles you might highlight are virtually endless, but for example you might point out the “us and them” mentality, stereotyping, discrimination, attribution biases, belief confirmation, etc. The purpose of the discussion thread is to deepen your understanding of the theoretical principles covered in this course and how they play out in real-life human interactions so we can become more self-aware.
Due Dates
Initial original post due by 11:59 p.m., Thursday, CT. Respond to two or more classmates by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT.
Colorado State Stage Gate Vs Scrum New Product Development Process Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Describe two processes: the stage-gate process for new product development and the use of Scrum for new product development process. Include the following:
- Evaluate the pros and cons of each process.
- Which process would you recommend for use?
- Give the rationale for the process you selected.
- Write a Five-page paper not including the title and reference page which are required.
- At least six scholarly, peer-reviewed references that provide information and guidance for your assignment.
- Outside sources include academic and research other than the textbook, course materials, or other information provided as part of the course materials.
- Strictly follow APA-7 format
Note: Appended tables can be used to save space.
BUS 318 Ashford University Week 1 Changing Organizational Culture Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
BUS318: Organizational Behavior
Contains 4 separate questions. Please answer each one individually and cite individually. There is no word count for either question.
Required Resources: Wk 1
Uhl-Bien, M., Piccolo, R. F., & Schermerhorn Jr., J.R. (2020). Organizational behavior (2nd ed.). Wiley.
- Chapter 1: Introducing Organizational Behavior
- Chapter 2: OB in Context
Duffus, L.R. (2004). The personal strategic plan: A tool for career planning and advancement. International Journal of Management, 21(2), 144-148.
Kotter International (2012, September 27). The key to changing organizational culture (Links to an external site.). Forbes.…
Week 1 – Discussion Forum 1
Changing Organizational Culture |
Based upon a review of the article presented by Kotter International titled The Key to Changing Organizational Culture (Links to an external site.), how is organizational culture usually formed? Who’s ultimately responsible for how or if it changes? Why do change attempts typically fail? Use and cite the course textbook in your initial post.
Week 1 – Discussion Forum 2
Career Planning |
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read The Personal Strategic Plan: A Tool for Career Planning and Advancement article.
Describe how career planning is useful throughout one’s career and is not just carried out during initial entry. Use and cite the course textbook in your initial post.
Required Resources: Wk 2
Uhl-Bien, M., Piccolo, R. F., & Schermerhorn Jr., J.R. (2020). Organizational behavior (2nd ed.). Wiley.
- Chapter 3: Individual Differences
- Chapter 4: Perception and Emotion
- Chapter 5: Motivation
- Give an example of how the ERG theory could be used to explain your motivation to work in a job you have had. Be specific.
Week 2 – Discussion Forum 1
ERG Theory |
Week 2 – Discussion Forum 2
Attribution Theory |
Your boss has recently heard a little about attribution theory and has asked you to explain it to him in more detail, focusing on its possible usefulness in managing your department. How do you address his request? Please make sure you indicate your department. Use and cite the course textbook in your initial post.
Required Resources: Wk 3
Uhl-Bien, M., Piccolo, R. F., & Schermerhorn Jr., J.R. (2020). Organizational behavior (2nd e Week 3 – Discussion Forum 1
d.). Wiley.
- Chapter 6: Work Well in Teams
- Chapter 7: Be an Effective Leader and Follower
- Why is it important to view leadership in a relational process and what traits have you found to be the associated with effective leadership? What has been your experience in leadership positions? What worked well and what was not as effective?
Week 3 – Discussion Forum 2
Leadership Traits and Effectiveness |
[supanova_question] Wiley.
- Chapter 6: Work Well in Teams
- Chapter 7: Be an Effective Leader and Follower
- Why is it important to view leadership in a relational process and what traits have you found to be the associated with effective leadership? What has been your experience in leadership positions? What worked well and what was not as effective?
Week 3 – Discussion Forum 2
Leadership Traits and Effectiveness |