MCPHS David Gilmore how To Approach Monsters Character Behavior & Threats Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. MCPHS David Gilmore how To Approach Monsters Character Behavior & Threats Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
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In “How to Approach Monsters,” David Gilmore says that “for most Western observers the monster is a metaphor for all that must be repudiated by the human spirit” (12). So, monsters show us behaviors or traits that we humans have to reject. Based on your interpretation of Grendel and Gredel’s mother and the course module pages, answer the following questions:
1.) What behaviors or traits do these two characters demonstrate that needs to be rejected?Here, too, be specific and cite the pages/line numbers.
2.) Do you think that Grendel and his mother are both completely awful or do they have some traits that make them more sympathetic? Here, too, be specific and cite the pages/line numbers.
MCPHS David Gilmore how To Approach Monsters Character Behavior & Threats Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Silicon Valley University Application Security Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Practical Connection Assignment.
It is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.
Assignment: Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.
Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.
Los Angeles City College Formation of the Presidency & Its Powers Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
American Government by OpenStax (Link to download free textbook)
Read chapter 9-11
Answer the following questions.
Each answer should be about half a page single spaced (which is about 2-3 substantial paragraphs).Each answer should also include citations from the online text. You can cite your quotes as: ” OpenStax section 4.1″
Chapter 12 – The Presidency
1) With so much tension with the Presidency today, it’s fascinating to see what exactly is the role of this executive branch and… what the president can and can not actually do. Discuss the formation of the presidency and also include the powers relegated to this branch.
Chapter 13 – The Federal Courts
2) What is the power of judicial review? And also, from section 13.4, discuss the structure of the Supreme Court.
Chapter 14 – State & Local Government
3) There’s so much to cover here, but give a summary as to the main roles the state government has and also, what powers are given to local governments. Give examples for each.
Chapter 16 & 17 Domestic & Foreign Policy
4) In the Domestic Policy chapter, very broad themes that help us understand the history of the US economic perspective are laissee-faire, Keynesian economics, mandatory spending vs. discretionary spending. Define each of these terms but also discuss and paint a picture of what these terms actually meant for our country.
Last chapter – 17
5) In the Foreign Policy chapter, pick any examples that are interesting to you pertaining to different foreign affairs the US became involved with; or if you prefer a more technical approach, different structures within foreign policy.
UG 128 College of Banking and Financial Studies Taxation Accounting Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
All the requirement in the word file .
Total word is 1400 . Also Noted that each question they Mentioned how many word required
There is three type of questions :
type 1 : in red color which mean the answer should be written link to the scenario in the question it self .
type 2 : green color the answer in general .
type 3 : yellow color the answer should be link to the calculation answer which i attached in the question .
Also i will attached for you my Handout whit the Dr explanation to know exactly the way which our Mr need in the thury part
The similarity should be zero %
turnitin report needed
HRM 355 Grantham University Labor Relations Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
Question 1
- “My employer monitors my e-mail and internet usage at work and tracks my location through the GPS feature of my cell phone. I receive work-related text messages or voice mails almost every day of the week and often after normal scheduled work hours. These messages are often seeking information or making comments that could easily have waited until the next business day. I am frustrated that I always seem connected to work with little private time to pursue my own interests. What advice could you give me on how to manage the job stress of working in a technologically connected work environment? Is there any way I can capture some private time without making it appear to my employer that I’m not motivated to constantly improve my job performance? Also, under what conditions does my employer have to pay me overtime for such work?”
- Nature of its service.
- Relationship between its budget and collective bargaining processes.
- Bargaining structure and decision-making processes.
- Negotiable issues and bargaining tactics.
- The right to strike.
Question 2
- Think of a public organization with which you are familiar. Explain how it differs from a private company in terms of the following:
Question 3
- Explain the contract bar doctrine. How would it influence the negotiation of the first labor agreement?
Question 4
- Are current legal remedies for bad faith bargaining adequate to promote compliance with the LMRA’s goal of good faith bargaining? Why or why not? What recommendations would you suggest for improving compliance with the goal of promoting good faith bargaining?
Question 5
- Which type of pension plan would you prefer to be covered under (i.e., defined benefit, defined contribution, or cash balance) and why, if you were an employee? An employer?
Question 6
- How did World War II and the National War Labor Board greatly expand the use of arbitration?
Please provide original work. No plagiarizing.
Fundacao Getulio Vargas Mod 7 Media Arts and Its Production Discussion Questions Humanities Assignment Help
Discussion Board Posts and Unit Summary
(Responses to screened films and lecture pods and related topics)
1500 words equivalent
Blogging is to take place weekly and will be reviewed periodically by your tutor.
– Demonstrate an awareness of the processes and practices of screen media arts production and the interdisciplinary
and multi-platform nature of screen media arts production.
– Demonstrate an ability to critically review a screen media work
– Demonstrate an exchange of ideas and engagement with others within the group.
We want to see evidence of students interacting online. Throughout the semester, you are asked to interact with
each other via the discussion board. The discussion board is there for you to post your ideas, to discuss and share
information and to debate a range of viewpoints. This activity will form an important part of your learning and
research process. This is part of peer learning.
Students are required to commence this assessment in the first week and continue to do so on an ongoing basis
throughout the semester. You are required to respond to at least 10 of the films and topics screened throughout
the unit. At the end of the semester students are required to submit ten of their own posts relating to different films
and related topics from the course. It is suggested that students write their work up in word docs before submitting
them on vUWS and keep these saved in a folder on your computer. The 10 selected posts, are to be collated into
one document and submitted on vUWS. The selected posts should demonstrate a depth of knowledge and learning
about relevant course topics and display evidence of research.
(minimum 1000 words)
Students are also required to write a summary of their thoughts and observations about what they have learned
throughout the semester making references to the films screened and topics covered, in particular topics relevant to
your major or area of interest. (minimum 500 words)
– Ideas for Discussion
Discussion in class is a starting point. Questions relating to each of the films will be posted on vUWS each week.
These will be discussed during class in groups. From that point it is up to you to do further research and reading
on films/topics or aspects that have motivated or inspired you. Students are advised to take notes in class and use
these points for further research, thinking and writing outside of class.
Along with these, you are also asked to consider other topics or points of interest that are raised in class and posted
on the discussion board. You may want to know more about camera, editing, sound or a particular issue raised
throughout the semester in the films. You may wish to conduct further research on a particular topic that interests
you. You might want to know more about films of a particular genre. You might want to know more about a film
screened in the course, why it was considered worth watching, and more about its background.
You might hear about an interesting show on TV, or an online documentary, or a way of shooting video on mobile
devices, or a link to an interesting video sequence and want to share it with others and ask questions about it. You
might hear about a film festival coming up in Sydney, or reviews of films.
There may be links to discussions on media debates that you find interesting and wish to share with other students.
You may start a discussion thread asking such questions, or you may want to enter a post outlining a topic that
interests you and asking for responses. You might post a link to an online article or web video, explaining why you
chose it and ask for responses. Then follow up the discussion that ensues.
You are also asked to consider how topics relate to your major or main area of study.
Fundacao Getulio Vargas Mod 7 Media Arts and Its Production Discussion Questions Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Pennsylvania Christ in the Garden by Rosner and Nostalgia on Repeat by Chuck Klostermann Humanities Assignment Help
“Christ in the Garden”, by Rosner
“Nostalgia on Repeat,” by Chuck Klostermann
In his essay, “Nostalgia on Repeat,” Chuck Klostermann makes a distinction between
“real nostalgia,” and “accidental repetition. “Real nostalgia,” he argues, “actively
reminds you of your past… and… exists only for this purpose.” Alternatively, he asserts
that, “accidental repetition,” is “nostalgia without memory,” and is more connected with
the object itself. In, “Christ in the Garden of Endless Breadsticks,” Rosner calls the Olive
Garden a “machine for memory,” which is a “non-place,” but also has a residual
attachment to their food and their decor.
Is Rosner’s nostalgia “Real nostalgia” or is it a case of accidental repetition? Is it some
combination of the two? Defend your answer, using the texts.
University of Phoenix Impact of Technology in Education and Sport Paper Writing Assignment Help
Assignment Content
Education, sports and technology
PS430 Purdue Global Unit 1 Program Design and Evaluation Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Today is your orientation for your behavior consulting internship with Acme Behavior Consulting Inc. You have a strong foundation in the principles of behavior analysis and are excited you landed an internship where you can expand your knowledge and apply these concepts to the world of organizations using Organization Behavior Management (OBM). Your supervisor wants you to get comfortable explaining OBM to individuals in organizations. Your first assignment is to familiarize yourself with the basics of OBM and prepare yourself for interactions with clients by fluently describing how OBM compares to more typical management practices.
- Define OBM in your own words including the role of behavior analytic principles.
- Discuss PM and how it can be used to improve performance in organizations.
- Include a discussion of common business practices and why the behavior analytic approach should be used instead.
- Include a discussion of each of the points above. Your discussion should be informative and convincing, as if you were “selling” the OBM approach to stakeholders in organizations.
Guided Response Posts Instructions
Students will review two of their classmates’ posts and address the following:
- If you were a stakeholder in an organization, would the applications of performance management (PM) be clear? If you were stakeholder in an organization would you want to employ behavior analytic methods based on this description? Why or why not?
- Check the peer’s post for accuracy – were OBM and PM, as well as their relationship to behavior analytic principles, described appropriately? If not provide examples or areas of clarification.
- Watch the Unit 1 Lecture. (transcripts)
Reading and Resources
This week’s readings will provide an overview of Organizational Behavior Management. In addition, common management practices will be compared to performance management. Recurring themes in research, as well as applications of behavior analytic principles, are discussed. In your textbook, Bringing Out the Best in People: How to Apply the Astonishing Power of Positive Reinforcement, read:
Chapter 1: “Fads, Fantasy, and Fixes”
Chapter 2: “Management by Common Sense Is Not Management at All”
Chapter 3: “Louder, Longer, Meaner”
Read the following article located in the Purdue Global Library:
Wilder, D. A., Austin, J., & Casella, S. (2009). Applying behavior analysis in organizations:
Organizational behavior management. Psychological Services, 6(3), 202–211.
Daniels A.(2016). Bringing out the best in people: how to apply the astonishing power of positive reinforcement
CIS500 University of the Cumberlands Enterprise Risk Management Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
1)you are to use the Strategic Document for the City of Edmonton link found in the link. From this document, select two categories for this discussion. You will note the tabs at the top of the online site as these are the categories (e.g., Attractions & Events, City Government, etc.). refer the video
2) For the categories you have selected, discern at least two strategic risks for each category. Develop a value map for one category and apply a different tool for the other category.
Your are only required to post one response post. In the response post respond by developing one additional strategic risk for each of the categories posted by another student and explain why this risk is applicable.
Give response to below discussion:
Shravani Akula
The city of Edmonton is a well-developed and elegant city that has advanced in its way the risk management are moderated and it is well-strategized to manage its development that is very important to be considered in the situation of risk. The enterprise risk management program administrator was appointed with the view to direct and to regulate a process of gesturing forward on the events. The city administrator will be accountable for enlightening city association, inspection board, and other commissions, straight forward and in well-instructed way of firms notify that will have huge impact in the commercial city enterprise and planned requirements, which will include the problems that will be raising on the topics lies within the city administrator’s vision and constitutional expert. The categories that can be selected from online websites in the city of Edmonton are activities and attractions, urban government, and professionalism and economy. Many attractions and events that can be selected are Churchill-square, Clare-stadium and other information are provided.
The administrator will be providing a loyal exposure calculation to assembly units and board reports if it needs a selection and all the significant alternations will be done to regulations, rules, and procedures for the assembly in receiving organization records on advanced problems. The city of Edmonton management of risk methods will give us knowledge only on the failed manageable factors than on the irrepressible factors. The calculation of risk will be providing an unchanging method to treat various assets and compares one to one. So this approach forecasts the influence of various investment situations for the infrastructure necessities so that it will allow the city to control the funds are available and it is beneficial. This has helped the city to have an impartial measure on the assets and capability to invest in the prioritized critical circumstances. And to make sure the city of Edmonton and its public will have the most safety measures and the employees who are more in number has to be maintaining the infrastructure and other services of the city.
Give another response to below discussion
Harish kurra
ERM risk strategy and value mapping tool
Looking at the City of Edmond as a government entity, there are strategies needed to run the government in a required way. And the normal function processes of the government are grouped into various categories including; Attractions & Events, revenue collection and City Government infrastructure projects. All these processes fall under different government business entities hence it is important to consider the implementation of Enterprise Risk Management policies. The implementation of these policies is affected by the ERM strategy when considering factors like the assessment of benefits of attraction & event or the process of monitoring the influx of government revenue from tax collection. By implementing these ERM strategies the government may face operational risks that help to handle their services, change is a risk to the governance of the city and economic risk when considering their infrastructural projects.
For the local government of Edmond City to perform well they need to incorporate the value map tool into their ERM strategy when handling their risks. The government of Edmond City needs to know the financial risk they are incorporating in their categories like attraction & event and revenue collection by involving the necessary members in this strategy considering their value hence sporting opportunities to solve their issues. And these issues may be solved by revisiting the purpose of the existence of the category in the government’s agenda. Also, by studying all the major risks involved in their operation of various categories of the government’s agenda, there is a possibility of protecting themselves from the shocks of the risks involved.
Other risks like change and economical risk are greatly involved in the government’s business considering they must fulfil these categories that are worked on based on the ERM strategies formulated earlier.
25% on identification and explanation of the strategic risks you selected (main post)
30% on the application of tools: value map, and selected tool. (main post)
15% on the development of strategic risks with explanation (response post)
10% on the use of research
20% on good collegiate level writing and application of APA format. (Note: for the discussion, the only required APA format will be with citations.)