MCPHS University The Time Value of Money Discussion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

MCPHS University The Time Value of Money Discussion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help. MCPHS University The Time Value of Money Discussion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help.

I’m working on a management multi-part question and need guidance to help me study.
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Unit 4 discusses the concept of The Time Value of Money. Whether we notice it or not, this is something that effects us in our daily lives and personal finances. More specifically, saving for retirement. Not only do we (hopefully) save for our own, but as managers we encourage employees to save as well. The majority of us have available to some sort of a tax-deferred plan such as a 401(k), 403(b) if you’re not-for-profit/education, or a TSP for federal/military and state government employees. Theses plans all function in the same manner for the most part.

The earlier we start saving with today’s dollars the more we should have in the future thanks to things such as compound interest. For this week, think about having an extra $10,000 for whatever reason (lottery, inheritance, gambling, found in a mattress). After a lot of thought you are faced with three decisions

  1. You can either spend the money today
  2. Stuff it in a coffee can and wait for a rainy day
  3. You can invest it in a retirement savings account that has a 6% return (Interest)

Use an on-line retirement calculator, most large brokerage firms will have free ones (Fidelity, Vanguard, T.Rowe Price) or a website such as Personal Capital.

Then answer the following questions:

  • What is the $10,000 worth in 30 years if invested today?
  • What is the $10,000 worth in 30 years BUT you waited 5 years to start investing?
  • What is the $10,000 worth if in 30 years BUT you waited 15 years to start investing?
  • Are you surprised at the results? Did you think the results would be higher or lower?
  • Explain how this relates to the concept of the Time Value of Money
  • Will this change how you save for retirement/make you start saving/save more or less?

MCPHS University The Time Value of Money Discussion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

RELS 201 AMU Human Aid Work Volunteers Appeal Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

develop a creative Travel Power Point slide show Presentation playing the role of a Human Aid Worker who is seeking the involvement of additional voluntary aid workers to accompany you on a special mission to a certain locale throughout the world where your team will study one of the major World Religions in an effort to better serve the needs of the people in that region of the world.

Your Travel Show Slide Presentation should include the following components:

  • The clear identification of (1) one of the World Religions we are studying in this course. (Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism and Confucianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam).
  • A purpose statement and objective for studying this religion.
  • The identification and application of the most effective Method of Religious Studies will be used by your team.
  • The significant role geography plays within this religion and the impact it has on the people in this locale.
  • Your goal is to examine this religion and area of the world in such a way to generate excitement and service opportunities for persuading people to partner with you as members of your Human Aid team.
  • Be sure to always cite your resources according to the MLA Citation format in your slides and through the publication of a Works Cited Page to avoid plagiarism.


American College of Commerce Financial Determinants of Cash Holding Levels HW Writing Assignment Help

In your response to your classmates, consider comparing cash generation techniques at your company versus his or her company. Draw distinctions based on the industry and tell your colleagues why those distinctions are necessary for the management of cash flow. Below are additional suggestions on how to respond to your classmates’ discussions:

Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.

Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.

Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research.

Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.

Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

Expand on postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.

Please use in-text citation and 1 reference for each post

150 words for each attachment.

So Total 450 words.

Let me know for any questions.

Thank you


Harvard University Statistics Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

I need help with 2 statistics questions

Problem 4. Consider two independent discrete random variables:
Define the random variable X as the number rolled on a fair, six-sided die. So, the sample space for X

is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and all of the six outcomes are equally likely.
Define the random variable Y as a binomial random variable with n = 1 trial and success probability

p = 0.75. That is Y ∼ Binom(1, 0.75).

Define a new random variable W = X − Y

(a) Find the sample space and probability mass function for W . Hint: keep in mind there may be more than one path to a single sample space value. For example, W=1 can be achieved through 2 disjoint possibilities for (X, Y ): (1, 0) or (2, 1). (10pts)

(b) Find the expected value of W. (5pts)

Problem 3. Consider the following function: x

 4 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 

f(x)= C 2<x≤3  0 otherwise

(a) Find the value C such that the above function is a valid probability density function. (6pts)


(b) Let X be a continuous random variable characterised by the above probability density function. Find Pr(−1 ≤ X ≤ 1). (4pts)

(c) Suppose we sample 5 random values for X; that is, 5 values for X are drawn from the same probability distribution defined by the PDF above, all independent of each other. What is the probability a majority of these observations are less than 2? (6pts)


Ohio Christian University Week 4 Action Plan on My Leadership Question Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business exercise and need an explanation to help me learn.

WK4 Change Action Plan Peer Review Discussion

Objective: Assess an action plan for change that will positively affect leadership.


Now is the time to seek out healthy, external review of your action plan. In other words, what do your peers think of your action plan? Do they see that you have followed the criteria set forth in the previous learning activity?

It is one thing to think we are creating a viable action plan and quite another to allow a fresh pair of eyes to review that plan. Some of your best teachers in this program will be your fellow students. Allow them to teach you and be willing to learn.

  • Post your action list to the discussion forum.
  • Respond to at least two other learners’ action plans and address the similarities and differences of each peer’s action plan to your own action plan.



University of The Cumberlands Technology Based Leadership Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

The key focus of the article was how technology-based leadership has driven the digital age. Also, that the role of technology leadership incorporates with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

In this paper, address the following key concepts:

  1. Define TAM and the components.
  2. Note how TAM is impacting educational settings.
  3. Give an overview of the case study presented and the findings.

Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.

The submission should meet the following requirements:

  • 2 pages in length (not including title page or references)
  • APA guidelines must be followed. The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • A referenced to a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed journal articles (not blogs and Wikipedia)
  • The writing should be clear and concise. Headings should be used to transition thoughts.

University of The Cumberlands Technology Based Leadership Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

How Has the COVID 19 2020 Pandemic Impacted Me Reflective Paper Writing Assignment Help

I need 2-3 paragraph write up on how COVID has impacted me and the world.

Academically- my school moved completely online in march. it was hard to adjust. My grades for the coursework were affected. An admission test was delayed. I lost ability to interact with professors and my advisor.

Professionally- I lost my work study Job at the payroll office on campus. My financial responsibilities increased as I was living by myself in student housing off campus.

Personal- I helped family members who were affected by covid. I moved out of my apartment and moved home with my parents. I was on a vacation in the Dominican republic when I had to come back to the States abruptly. I connected with a woman who worked on the covid testing bench at my local hospital to learn more on how the tests are ran, and see how the tests show negative or positive.


Strayer University Lithonia Campus Guilty of Business Crimes Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Discuss the following(must be at least 500 words):

  • Refer to the Chapter 8 textbook reading. Who can be found guilty of business crime and what is the key to establishing criminal liability? Using the Internet, research and post an example of a business crime committed in the last two years and any and all who were held criminally liable. (See the examples of types of business crimes in the chapter reading.) Include your source for information in your answer.
  • When it comes to crime and privacy protection in the workplace, do private employees have a reasonable expectation of privacy? What about public employees? Why or why not? What is the test for the tort of invasion of privacy? If management’s interest is to make sure its employees are productive, can management monitor computers, workstations, phones, et cetera? Why or why not?

Respond to the following peer posting:

Those that can be found guilty of a business crime are those that participate in the crime such as the employeeand/or those managers/executives that authorize the employee to commit the crime, failed to prevent or stop the crime from being performed and/or simply knowing about the crime and taking no action. Showing personal knowledge of wrongdoing is the key to establishing criminal liability.

An example of a business crime occurred when a Peruvian call center attempted telemarketing fraud against U.S customers. Peruvian representatives attempted to extort money via telemarketing scams by advising customers of harsh penalties if they didn’t pay. The organizer of the crime, along with two co-conspirators were found guilty.

Peruvian Call Center Operator Pleads Guilty to Fraud and Attempted Extortion in Telemarketing Scam

United States v. Francesco Guerra
Press release
Docket Number: 15-cr-20471 (S.D. Fla.)

On May 1, 2020, Francesco Guerra pleaded guilty to conspiracy, mail fraud, wire fraud, and attempted extortion in connection with his supervision of call centers in Peru that threatened consumers across the United States into paying fraudulent settlements for nonexistent debts. As part of his guilty plea, Guerra admitted that he and others at the call centers falsely claimed to be attorneys or government representatives. The callers falsely claimed that victims owed thousands of dollars after failing to pay for or receive a delivery of products. The callers threatened victims with negative credit scores, imprisonment, deportation, or seized property if they refused to immediately pay “settlement fees.” Guerra and two co-defendants were arrested in Peru and extradited in 2019. U.S. District Judge Robert N. Scola sentenced one of Guerra’s co-defendants to 88 months’ imprisonment in March.

No Author.Deceptive Trade Practices and Telemarketing Fraud.

2. When it comes to privacy protection in the workplace, I believe all employees (public or private) have a reasonable expectation of privacy because the employees expect the employer to any personal details about them private (ie. confidential information housed within HR) or their personal possessions they would have at the workplace. For instance, my expectation would be that my purse which contains my personal belongings and I carry to work would be considered apart of my expectation of privacy.

On the flip side of things, any use of employer property like computers, copiers, phones, etc do not hold an expectation of privacy by the employee. Typically, most employers will outline in the employee agreement (which is signed by both parties at hiring) that they have the right to access your usage on company property. Also because of this agreement, managers do have the right to monitor employees’ computers, phones, etc. Ways to test for the tort of invasion of privacy is to ask: is it an invasion into the person’s private information, is it unauthorized and being used for some other benefit and is it a disclosure of a person’s private information.


FIN 615 Colorado Technical University Apex printing Financial Statements PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

Respond to the following scenario with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use research to reinforce your ideas.

Mary Francis comes into your office later that morning.

“Good news! I think we’ve got strong potential investors!” Mary announces.
“That’s great!” you reply.
“And now, they are asking for financial information” Mary states.
“Ok, I could provide a 50-page analysis for them!” you say.
“That’s exactly what they don’t want. I’m beginning to notice that some of the investors don’t have a strong finance background, and the last thing we want to do is scare them off with too many financial figures” Mary explains. I would like for you to complete a presentation. However, I want you to keep it simple and clear. Using all 3 Financial Statements, please provide an analysis on Apix’s assets, liabilities, cash, and profit. As well, choose 2 additional components on each of the sheets, and provide your initial impression on the company financial situation. Do you think you could handle this?”
“Of course! I’ll get started on this right away.”

Mary also indicates that she would like between 10–15 slides with 150–200 words in the notes page.


CPSC 3220 University of Tennessee Chattanooga File and Database Processing HW Programming Assignment Help

Part 1 – Create Your Tables

Your first step will be to create a database with a set of tables. You will need to start your SQL Server. (For windows users simply click the Start button from the control panel). (For Linux Users type the command: sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start). At the end of this section of the homework you should have a single file called schema.sql that contains all the scripts needed to create your schema ( Just to be clear there is NO PHP for this part. You will create tables using DBeaver or similar, then paste the proper commands into a script schema.sql.

You will need to create a database to hold your tables. You can right click “Databases” on your connection in DBeaver and select “Create New Database”. Name your database “SuperStore”

You will then right click the new database and “Edit Database” to add tables. The list of tables you need to create is as follows. The Primary Keys are underlined bold, foreign keys are italics.

customer(customer_id, first_name, last_name, email, phone, address_id)

order(order_id, customer_id, address_id)

product(product_id, product_name, description, weight, base_cost)

order_item (order_id, product_id, quantity, price)

address(address_id, street, city, state, zip)

warehouse(warehouse_id, name, address_id)

product_warehouse(product_id, warehouse_id)

Part 2 – Create a PDF Document with Screenshots

Create and submit a PDF document that documents the correctness of your scripts. You should post a picture of your overall ER Diagram (right click your database from the listing on the left side of DBeaver, and select “Edit Database”. From there you can click the “ER Diagram” tab that opens on the right.

You should see something similar to this:

You also need to add pictures of your tables. Right click the table name on the menu to the left, and click edit. Then look at the “Properties” tab.

Here is a sample of what your ER Diagram should look like:


MCPHS University The Time Value of Money Discussion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

MCPHS University The Time Value of Money Discussion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

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