MDC Wk 8 Investigation Process of The Outbreak of A Communicable Disease Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help. MDC Wk 8 Investigation Process of The Outbreak of A Communicable Disease Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help.
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Read chapters 14 and 15 of the class textbook and review the PowerPoint presentations located in the PowerPoint folder. Once done answer the following questions.
1.Discuss the process implemented in the investigation of the outbreak of a communicable disease.
2.Discuss the difference between infectious and communicable diseases. Give one example of each one.
3.Identify the factors that influence the emerging and reemerging of infectious diseases
4.Identify and describe a recent emerging and reemerging infectious diseases from the global perspective. (I know every is going to describe COVID 19 for the emerging).
As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document
A minimum of 3 evidence-based references no older than 5 years must be used
A minimum of 900 words without counting the first and last page.
MDC Wk 8 Investigation Process of The Outbreak of A Communicable Disease Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HCA 310 Pima Medical Institute Risk Management Policy in Hospital Research Paper Law Assignment Help
Risk management is a key function for most compliance officers. Risk management includes protecting employees from harm as well as ensuring patient safety.
For this assignment, you are to analyze current risk management policies that are present in health care environments. Pick one policy from your own employer that you feel could be changed or improved. Discuss the policy and your recommendations to change this policy. Include at least three peer reviewed sources to support your point of view.
Examples of Risk Management Policies include employee issues such as smoking policies; mandated overtime practices; dress code policies; sick leave/PTO policies; non-discrimination hiring policies.
Risk Management policies also apply to patient care including hand hygiene policies; falls prevention work; wound care prevention; HIPAA privacy issues; admission requirements; patient rights and informed consent.
Assignment should be minimum of 2-3 pages.
Points Possible: 35
2 points for providing a risk management policy
3 points for an introduction that clearly states the current policy and what you would change.
2 points for a conclusion
5 points for clearly describing the policy
5 points for your critique of the existing policy
5 points for your recommendations
5 points for supporting recommendations with examples and research
8 points for writing level (LEVEL 3)
EKU Protective jurisdiction & paramedics NSW Mental Health Act Worksheet Writing Assignment Help
For this assignment, select a Health Education and Promotion topic (my topic is the wellbeing of paramedics) and locate 30 references. The selected topic will be used throughout the remainder of the course. You may select a topic that you are interested in for dissertation. Complete the Literature Review Matrix Table (please use template provided ). Once you complete the Literature Review Matrix Table, create a list of all of the references in APA and then convert all references to AMA. (pay attention to the rubric)
Infrastructure Development and Funding & Environmental Policy Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Finish some assignment in my Texas Government course, and hopefully we will work together through this course this semester. This assignment will include:
1/ Discussion and response activity. You would need to create a thread in my Blackboard Texas Government Course to discuss the topic in your own words (Minimum 200 words), and respond to a classmate’s thread your thoughts (minimum 100 words). This is discussion topic:
Some states are, or are in the process of, enforcing strict voter ID laws. These are aimed at decreasing voter fraud; however, some have argued that stricter laws will make it much harder for certain groups, such as minorities and the poor, to vote. Do you think that stricter voter ID laws are necessary? If so, why? If not, why not? Do you think they will have an adverse effect on certain groups?
2/ Policy Proposal Paper. You would choose ONE topic and write a paper. It should be one to two pages length and followed the requirements
Choose one of the following topics:
- Infrastructure development and funding
- Disaster management and funding
- Federal oversight of special education in Texas
- Environmental policy and air pollution control permitting
- Environmental policy and deep-water drilling
- Unaccompanied migrant children in state shelters
- Effects of redistricting on minority voter turnout in Texas
- Death penalty and intellectual disabilities
- Security of state elections from foreign interference
BUS 215 Pima Medical Institute MCQ Ratio Analysis of Financial Statement Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
This term you have learned to understand a company’s financial story using the language of accounting. The recording and reporting of information is essential to decision makers and other users of financial information; numbers on the various financial statements are used to help further understand the financial condition of the business. This process is known as financial ratio analysis and allows us to analyze the company’s financial position in relation to other organizations in the industry. In this final assignment, you will apply the concepts you have learned throughout the term to perform financial statement analysis and to offer some recommendations.
Assume that you are a health care consultant hired by the Dependable DME Company. DME is Durable Medical Equipment and includes all equipment that benefits patients who have certain medical conditions. The owner of the company, David Smith, is interested in applying for a loan to expand his business; he desires to open a second location in another city. He is preparing to apply to a local bank for a loan.
WU PPE Protective Equipment Shortage Covid Pandemic Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Identify and describe at least two competing needs impacting your selected healthcare issue/stressor. (which is PPE shortage during COVID-19 pandemic)
Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization that may influence your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
Critique the policy for ethical considerations and explain the policy’s strengths and challenges in promoting ethics
Recommend one or more policy or practice changes designed to balance the competing needs of resources, workers, and patients while addressing any ethical shortcomings of the existing policies. Be specific and provide examples
Cite evidence that informs the healthcare issue/stressor and/or the policies and provide two scholarly resources in support of your policy or practice recommendations.
4-5 references
- Identify and review two evidence-based scholarly resources that focus on proposed policies/practices to apply to your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
WU PPE Protective Equipment Shortage Covid Pandemic Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
NURS 4220 Walden University Wk 4 Quality Care & RCA Team Discussions Replies Health Medical Assignment Help
Diana Johnston
RE: Discussion – Week 4
NURS 4220 Week 4 Discussion Initial Post Johnston, D.
The composition of the RCA team consists of a staff nurse, pharmacy technician, and the risk manager to bring together the current focus to assist in medication errors that have taken place for the eighth time within the month. Nursing can bring forth the current challenges that could have contributed to the errors, the pharmacy can bring their expertise to their role in the process of medication administration, and lastly, the risk manager assisting in providing support to both areas to review the facts within the errors and assist in the development of using the Pareto chart for problem-solving (Yoder-Wise, 2019).
Both nursing and pharmacy came to recognize that no one is to blame, instead, a strong commitment to work through the current details that created the errors. Staffing shortages were part of the initial discussion as real challenges for both nursing and pharmacy, but the risk manager wanted to first look at the current events around the medication errors. Nursing started strong with directing blame to the pharmacy, but then took responsibility for not shifting blame as they work to problem-solve together.
All of the possible root causes were pulled from event reports for medication errors that included the reason for the error. There is a list of 12 most common medication errors and of the 12, there were only 7 that resulted from the event reporting. Interestingly enough, staffing was not one of them. The highest of contributing errors 102 was from defective scanning, 60 from look-alike medication labeling, and 60 from pharmacy/tech stress errors. The inability to communicate with the pharmacy resulted in 15 errors. Nursing had a total of 15 errors that were due to unfamiliarity with medication names and five rights.
The nursing staff can provide a review for the 5 rights for safe medication administration and laminate the 5 rights to each of the workstations on wheels to assist with an easy reference tool for medication administration. With the partnership with the pharmacy, providing the brand and generic name for a drug could assist with unfamiliarity with medication names. When it comes to the support needed from Pharmacy, providing a list of those medications that are not scanning and look-alike medications could reveal trends. It provides a starting point to work from for improvements. One of the more concerning root causes was the 60 errors occurring from pharmacy/tech stress errors.
This would require a deeper dive into those errors to determine if it is a trend with employees, certain times of day, or related to staffing, doing more with less resulting in errors. Starting with a philosophy of a “Just Culture” provides direction that education is first and foremost to provide support to the daily practice (Boysen, 2013). A “Just Culture” suggests that one can learn and grow instead of a culture of penalty or punishment.
Boysen P. G., 2nd (2013). Just culture: a foundation for balanced accountability and patient safety. The
Ochsner Journal, 13(3), 400–406.
Spath, P. (2018). Introduction to healthcare quality management (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health
Administration Press.
Yoder-Wise, P.S. (2019). Leading and managing in nursing (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby
Chapter 18, “Leading Change” (pp. 319-335).
NURS 4220 Week 4 Initial Discussion post Johnston D.docx (16.055 KB)
Paula Miller
RE: Discussion – Week 4
A sentinel event occurred at Downtown Medical as a result of a medication error. A root cause analysis (RCA) team has been assembled consisting of a risk manager, a full-time staff nurse who had the medication error, and a full-time pharmacy technician to determine the medication error (Laureate, 2016b). The risk manager’s role is to motivate the staff nurse and pharmacy tech to contribute their experience and expertise to the processes of discovering the RCA (Spath, 2018). The risk manager re-focused the meeting when staff started to blame each other. She stated the importance of fixing the medication error with an open mind for patient safety. Teamwork is vital to identify all parties’ goals and needs to be involved in producing strategies and outcomes beneficial to the problem under discussion (Yoder-Wise, 2015).
The RCA team began its improvement process by creating a flowchart to establish the steps of administering the medication. Flowcharts allow teams to see the workings of the current process and help the members determine where improvements can be made (Spath, 2018). After the flowcharts were completed, the RCA team members formed a cause and effect diagram to identify why medication errors occurred after CPOE and NDMR processes were implemented. Once the fishbone diagram was complete, and the major causes and subfactors were determined, the RCA team members collected data of medication errors over the last year and constructed a Pareto chart based on the issues identified. Pareto charts help the RCA team to focus on inputs that will have the most significant impact, display data so that it is simple and visually appealing in order of importance, and provides an easy way to compare before and after data to confirm that changes in the process created the desired result (Chartier et al., 2018). The three major causes of medication error were scanner glitches, lack of education regarding generic vs. trade names of medications, and pharmacy technician errors related to stress and burnout. A Pareto chart sorts data from the most frequent to less frequent and places focus on the “vital few” causes an issue that affects eight percent of performance (Spath, 2018).
Identifying these three contributing factors are essential and necessary steps to develop a resolution o eliminate medication errors. Scanners should be repaired or replaced immediately. While nursing staff should always follow the five rights of medication administration. To prevent errors from occurring in the future, the team members need to develop a process improvement plan using a method such as Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) or another model that suits their needs. The team needs to work towards a goal. A team with positive group dynamics tend to trust each other, focus on the issues for improvement, and hold each other accountable to provide quality care and prevent future errors.
Chartier, L. B., Cheng, A. H., Stang, A. S., & Vaillancourt, S. (2018). Quality improvement primer part 1: preparing for a quality improvement project in the emergency department. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 20(1), 104-111.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2016b) RCA dramatization 1 [Video File]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Spath, P. (2018). Introduction of healthcare quality management (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.
Yoder-Wise, P.S. (2015). Leading and managing in nursing (6th ed.) St. Louis, MO: Mosby
Practice Experience
Sohilla Ahmadi
RE: Pointers for Week 4
Quality care is at the heart of every healthcare worker in any capacity. As patients visits the healthcare facility, they are entitled to receive a proper service which is safe and less life well timely. With expectations, nurses and other health workers need to ensure patients safety hospital related infections such CLASBI. Central line- associated bloodstream infection is a major safety concern to every healthcare as it accounts for more death of patients across the globe. Central line-associated bloodstream infection occurs when germs enters the patients’ bloodstream through the central line which later results in a bloodstream infection (Lozano, R. 2020).
In order to improve patient’s safety and improved practice towards minimizing the rate of the infection, there are key measures that needs to implemented in order to achieve the desired outcome towards the infection. The proposed action steps and techniques include; education of the staff about CLASBI rates. In a resource poor environment, the education is of key importance in reducing the rate of CLABSI in hospitals. Basic education concerning the entire phenomena of the infection needs to be made clear to understand the measures needed to reduce the rate of the infection as well as understand the role they play as health care workers in prevention and reduction of the infection.
Another action step in achieving improved practice towards reduction of the rate of infection, involves the enhancement of proper hygiene. Hand hygiene is considered to be the major contributor to the high rates of the infection among the patients majorly in intensive care unit. Maintaining a proper hand hygiene before and after catheter insertion. Also hand hygiene needs to be observed during the dressing of the area used as insertion site of the catheter. Lastly the palpation of the insertion site should be done after the application of the antiseptic or unless otherwise the antiseptic measures and techniques are maintained in order to prevent the occurrence of the infection. Another technique is the application of the antiseptic in the dressing and cleaning of the catheter.
The measures discuss above are faced with many challenges resulting from the cost of the implementation of the measure and also the unwillingness of the health workers to cooperate. For instance, the education of the heath care workers is expensive as well as the purchase of hygienic substances such as antiseptics. Also the implementation of the measures calls for extra personnel in the hospital which is costly.
Lozano, R. J. (2020). Psychological Impact of Restraint Practices on Mental Health Technicians in Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities (Doctoral dissertation, Alliant International University).
Paula Miller
RE: Group B Practice Experience Discussion – Week 4
A fall prevention project is currently underway at a mental health facility. The project’s mission is to strive for excellence in confronting frequent fall incidents among admitted patients and prevent negative physical and psychological consequences such as fractures, pain, infection, and depression. The quality improvement plan consists of a complicated process, including conducting a root cause analysis in post-fall huddles. The proposed action steps for implementing an improved practice by preventing falls on the mental health units may be a challenge, and there may be impediments in implementing a quality improvement plan.
The nursing staff assumes a vital role in fall prevention. Although continuing education is vital for all professionals, it is equally important that nurses provide patients with detailed information about preventative measures related to falls. A primary concern in the mental health unit is inadequate staff engagement in fall prevention. According to one article, it is crucial to educate everyone involved in the patient’s care, even if it is outside the unit, including teaching families about fall prevention strategies. A team effort and communication appear to be needed to impact fall rates (Howard, 2018). Ongoing, continued education of healthcare workers, patients, and family members has been one measure shown by evidence -based practice that decreases falls within a mental health facility. Staff can learn fall prevention strategies through monthly required e-learning education.
Patient rounding is one of the most critical actions health care workers can take to improve patient safety and reduce falls up to 50% (Hicks, 2015). It would be feasible for nursing management to redesign the nursing workload to increase direct patient care contact opportunities. Intentional rounding on every patient, including assessing for falls, identifying environment safety concerns, and attending to patient needs, will increase patient satisfaction and decrease falls (Sun et al., 2020). It has been observed that unlicensed team members do not always perform rounding duties every fifteen minutes as directed—the checklist states where the patient is located and if they are involved in activity or sleeping. Nurses would need a decrease in workloads to monitor patients and direct patient care. Redundant charting is time-consuming. An intervention of modifying and condensing electronic patient records would allow nurses more time on the floors.
Possible difficulties that can compromise these proposed improvements are the compliance of the healthcare providers. Some team members do not like change, getting them to abide by new implementations can be challenging. Some nurses may take shortcuts to save time by not providing detailed information on preventing falls. Staff members may skip a rounding responsibility and initial that the rounding was completed. The project outcome’s success will depend on the team’s ability to address patient falls systematically and largely depend on the cooperation of team members and the department’s organization in implementing change. The project cannot be solved individually and would need a project improvement team that is coordinated by the efforts of different professionals with varying knowledge, skills, and perspectives (Spath, 2018).The resources needed to implement change are managerial support, educational material, incentives, and new computer programming. These interventions are cost-effective and less expensive than the cost involved with patient falls. Less charting for nurses will provide more patient care and fewer falls. Incentives such as pizza parties monthly or quarterly celebrates reduced falls within the facility. It is believed these interventions are the first steps and will positively impact the facility in decreasing patient falls.
Hicks, D. (2015). Can rounding reduce patient falls in acute care? An integrative literature review. Medsurg Nursing, 24(1), 51.
Howard, K. (2018). Improving Fall Rates Using Bedside Debriefings and Reflective Emails: One Unit’s Success Story. MEDSURG Nursing, 27(6), 388–391.Retrieved from:
Spath, P. (2018). Introduction of healthcare quality management (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.
Sun, C., Fu, C. J., OʼBrien, J., Cato, K. D., Stoerger, L., & Levin, A. (2020). Exploring practices of bedside shift report and hourly rounding. Is there an impact on patient falls? The Journal of Nursing Administration, 50(6), 355–362.…
Grand Canyon University Implementation of Ethics in Law Enforcement PPT Humanities Assignment Help
In this final assignment, you will explain future ethical challenges that may rise and development in criminal justice.
Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, with complete speaker notes, that addresses the following questions:
- What role does ethics play in the enforcement of laws? Provide examples.
- How does ethical enforcement relate to the role of investigating and combating terrorism?
- What role does ethics have in creating and guiding policy around technology in the criminal justice system? Provide an example.
- Should there be mandatory ethics training in all law enforcement agencies? Why or why not? If so, how often should they be attended? Should there be public involvement or oversight?
- Are there any agencies currently requiring mandatory ethics training on an annual basis? Provide examples
Include at least 1 academic source
Los Angeles Valley College The Right to Universal Healthcare Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
-Hello everyone, thank you for coming to our session today. Although some people may believe that basic Healthcare is a natural human right, it is not enforceable right until it has been created as one and written into law. To make it enforceable requires more than a simple declaration. Rational theory of justice must underpin the claim to such a right. If this theory exists, and if we can pass the legislation, then we can establish an enforceable right. Considerable changes have brought us closer to these established rights, such as the emergency medical treatment and Active Labor Act in 1986 and the Affordable Care Act in 2010. Our speakers today are Doctor Jonathan Miller and Doctor Juan Garcia. Let’s begin with Doctor Miller.
-Thank you, there is a consensus in our society that we are ethically required to provide a minimum of basic health care to all people. Even though the specifics of these rights are often points of contention, we could all see that this is true even prior to the Affordable Care Act. For example, for many years, the emergency medical treatment and active Labor Act of 1986 have required us to treat people in the emergency room regardless of their ability to pay. In other words, we recognize that it is unethical to leave people to die or fail to provide emergency care when they need it. We also know that providing little or no preventative care to a large portion of the population is more costly in the long run than making such care available, so we have good financial reasons to provide that care to people. Even if we didn’t have an ethical obligation to do so.
-It may be more costly in the long run, but it’s important to determine to whom it is costly. The cost shift drastically if you’re proposing a single payer system, and that burden rests directly on the taxpayer. If the government is footing the bill. Furthermore, we may want to look more closely at our definition of health care. For instance, we have drastically dropped morbidity rates through better sanitation practices and widespread inoculations. If people live longer and are less likely to become sick, as is certainly the case, aren’t we already providing a basic minimum of health care, particularly in combination with the aforementioned? Act that requires hospitals to take in all patients in need.
– It looks like we have a follow up question on that statement from the audience. Would Universal Healthcare really improve Americans health?
-Universal Healthcare could actually lower the quality and availability of disease screening and treatment. In countries with universal healthcare, some treatment outcomes are worse than in the United States. The five year survival rate for all cancers in America is 64.6%, compared to 51.6% in Europe. The taxpayer is already footing the bill. When patients use emergency rooms in place of doctor visits, they are more likely to have serious and expensive problems that could have been prevented or cured at a lower cost. If the patients had seen doctors sooner. Those using emergency room services will also pay exorbitant prices for their care, many times more than they would expect to pay for an office visit. And if they can’t pay, then the hospital eats the bill, passes it on to other patients in the form of increased costs for medicine and services.
-But those are still costs that are passed on to patients, not the general population, or specifically taxpayers. In any case, does our concept of social justice extend rationally to the point that we feel we must provide such health care? What if a patient is using crack? Who eats the bill for the many health problems of the addicts ravaged body? And at what point do we Stop trying to provide the same care to everyone? If our health costs have become a drag on other industries?
-Doctor Miller? What do you say to people who argue that we can’t afford to provide health care to every American?
-Many European countries with universal healthcare, such as Germany, France and the United Kingdom have a lower our gross domestic product. GDP per capita turn. the United States, yet they are able to provide health care for all their citizens. United States spent $8508.00 per person on healthcare in 2011. At that level of spending, we should be able to provide health care to everyone. Thank you. Now it’s your turn to participate in this discussion. Consider the following responses and choose the one you believe to be the most ethical.
ENC Central Texas College Sharp Program Essay Writing Assignment Help
SHARP(Sexual Harassment Assault Response Prevention) Essay
Two-page (maximum) essay addressing actual SHARP
issues from your environment – unit, organization, or Army – and making
recommendations on how all leaders at all levels can implement potential solutions.
Title: “Why does the number of sexual assaults continue to increase throughout the
I. Introduction (1-2 paragraphs)
A. Opening statement
B. Background information
C. Purpose statement
II. Body (2-4 paragraphs)
A. (Point A) Why does sexual assault occur? Include supporting evidence.
B. (Point B) Does our current approach to training reduce (or not reduce) the risk
of sexual assault and harassment? (Could be tied to point A)
C. (Point C) Supporting topic & evidence to support your thesis.
D. (Point D) How do we end sexual violence in the military?
III. Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs)
A. Summarize the main points.
B. Make a strong, memorable final statement.
– Essay must be 1-2 pages in length (title page does not count as a page).
– Essay must contain two references (ARs, personal interviews, peer review
articles, etc.).
– APA Format, Arial, 12
– Essay must contain an outline page
– Essay must contain a reference/source page